The Richmond River, from the sea to the source.
Raww fishing 9 years ago 1,955 views
This is not my usual short and funny upload - it may not be for all of you (no need to un-sub... just wait for the next one). I decided to find the source of a local river - rode my bike from one end to the other and made discoveries along the way. This is simply something I wanted to do, for myself. Perhaps one or two of you will enjoy it too :)
Really, really enjoyed this with the editing, the down-home feel, and the sights & bits of information.
Many, many thumbs up...just very well-done. And, of course, the music...did you write this? Loved it!
Glad you didn't drop it, too. ;)
I would love to do a trip like this by myself; the solitude is what I think would be awesome.
I'm guessing you've returned safely from your latest tour and can't wait to see it :)
Maybe I can work out this dirt bike riding one day? LOL!!
Luckily I picked uo all the cameras on my way back down at the end ;-)
Cheers buddy, thank you :)
One day, I would love to make it down to your neck of the woods. If anything, to see those amazing talking pelicans! :-) Thanks again brother. (I might've missed this, but did you mention how long it took to make this journey?)
I edited out the bit where the Pelican said "but where's Soopabee??"
You would love it here, and you would find friends and places to stay here I can guarantee mate, just let us know and we'll tidy the place up a little... I would love to show you around here :)
I filmed most of what you see here in one day, sea to source, but then, over a period of 6 weeks, I re-rode the route to get additional footage and information. I could so have done more on it, and I really should have scripted it (so much I wanted to say and forgot, lol) and the continuity is funny as I had different gloves on and even a different exhaust for parts of it ;-) but I was quite happy with the result and really enjoyed the whole process.
Thanks again mate, ride safe.
10. comment for The Richmond River, from the sea to the source.
Lovin' all the water crossing. Such a calm day too.
Have you ever thought of being a tour guide full time mate? That was a cracking vid mate, spot on stuff!
That shot of you riding over the first wooden bridge reminded me of Ewan and Charlie's Long Way Round.
The varied shots and music interludes really make your vids stand out mate. Great stuff. And cracking guitar playing mate.
Nice one.
I'm a little surprised you did it in a day!
It flows well because I got most of this in a day but - TBH - I went back over parts of the route over 5 days in the following 6 weeks to get additional footage ;-)
Uki pub has now reopened too as Mount Warning Hotel so a good round trip.
You just get used to it round here :P and most roads seem pretty good in comparison to how much I drive Rock Valley Road
go on.... *grabs popcorn
we need moooaaaaaarrr details!! ;)
That's it, just past Gay's Hill :) Your vid is TV broadcast worthy I think.. :) And you too!!
20. comment for The Richmond River, from the sea to the source.
Ha ha - yes Johnny Morris indeed - brought a smile to me, that memory. Thank you - ride safe.
yeah we are thanks mate - about to go for a Sunday ride. Hope all is hgoing well in the job nd on 2 wheels for ya :)
So THAT"S what it is... docovlog... hmmm I like!!
I really enjoyed making this - 6 days riding and filming (over about a 6 week period) and - after viewing footage which must have taken days, 60 hours+ of editing! I had concerns about it losing me subs and no-one being interested but it was something I just got passionate about. Thanks again brother - hope you enjoy the weekend too - must wake Wifey with coffee and that VTR sound... ;-)
I wish I could have found out more history, I mean that abandoned ferry site... there's NO info about it anywhere, I would have loved to include photos of that. Cheers mate, RSMF.
I am really surprised that so many have even watched this - really did it completely for myself, in spite of concerns that it might lose me subs and gain no interest. Thanks mate, really incredible feedback and so glad you cranked up the big screen :-)
The Pelican, who's beak can hold more than his belly can :)
"Would I have been inclined to make the same journey on four wheels?"
Probably not.. Isn't it interesting how two wheels just seem to lead to more adventure? :-)
30. comment for The Richmond River, from the sea to the source.
'Tis a long river, I got possessed with the whole idea and really enjoyed it :-)
Thank you mate, ride safe.
It was cheeky, and some very weird surfer type had a right go at me when I got to the end, even though I crept up there on idle and no-one (except him) was around. Told me I was "what is wrong with Australia" :/
The more gently I tried to reason with him the more agro he got, but he also got weirdly frightened... was very odd, in the end I just worked on his fear so he would piss off, lol!!
I loved that you acknowledged the indigenous people and gave some of their history.
Wow! That old ferry landing that you found was interesting. It would be cool to hunt down old photos of it in action. Did you Google it?
Luckily the cows didn't steal your camera while you rode over the bridge! :-p
That crossing at Wiangaree is pretty cool. Is it far off the main road?
This is an awesome video. I really mean that. I know how much work you put into it and I think it turned out really, really well. :-)
Even without me in it! :-p
Swan Bay Ferry - nope, I searched for pics but found none.
The crossing is just as you leave Wiangaree - turn right at the crossroads after the one we came out of from the Ranges, and it's about 1/2 a click down there.
Thanks mate, I had to "go it alone" for this one ;-)
But I will concede the point about the amount of time though...that's a serious commitment
I would have invited you to come and do this with me but it took 6 weeks and if you stayed that long Wifey would get suspicious... not to mention Bill... ;-)
Some great footage there, I hope you keep it up and make more, I never tire of long interesting videos.
I will look into that audiotone, thanks for the link. Yeah I think I do this more for myself than anyone else - as I found with music, it's only when you do that that you can really enjoy it - and then that flows through to the people watching or listening. RSMF.
It only costs £1 per track for personal use, but at least the producer is getting something, if the music is used for commercial advertising then the download price is about £250 for the license. Worth looking into.
I have read all the comments and replies and realise that this took some time to film and edit, it reminded me when my son was doing film and TV at college and was making a documentary for his assignment and I was his roadie. He had a script all composed, that's when I realised it's not just a case of point and shoot.
I used to stick with the 10 minute rule, but that has gone out the window, I no longer care if I am grabbing the viewers attention and just upload as a record of my travels. I couldn't believe that I watched one of Ray's videos (En Dos Ruedas UK) which was in Spanish and one hour and a half long, more like a movie. LOL
Look forward to learning more about the lovely part of Australia that you live in. RSMF
That's interesting about the Renfrew Ferry - I had only ever been on free-sailing ferries before coming here.
I guess I have been here more than half my life now, this does feel like home, although I still just stop and look around me often and think "Wow" as it is such a paradise. I miss the old country a lot, miss what's left of family but would not really like to live back there permanently.
I find your vids far from boring, they are what they are, a riders view of lovely rides and places and I know many enjoy them. Feel free to use any of my music you like on vids mate, I can always write stuff specifically too (just can take a bit of time). I was actually thinking it's about time I put my music up somewhere as I've had a few requests to download some of it from people who enjoy listening to it. I am more than happy to let people within this community use my music, as we all are basically friends, but if others want to use it maybe I should upload it somewhere. I think you suggested somewhere I should do that once to me?
Thanks mate for watching and commenting, so glad you enjoyed :)
i also noticed the waves going in reverse - were there any other hidden secrets? i have often put little gems in my vids that will only be seen by people who really watch, or watch till the end. again, well done. i have not unsubscribed :P
Yeah that footbridge... I rode down a path looking for a view and next thing there was no weay back but to go across it, lol.
That is very observant!! 4 seconds out of a 36 minute video and you noticed, LOL!!!
Actually there are a couple more secrets... as this was filmed over 6 weeks the bike had 2 different exhausts on it and there were a few bits when suddenly my gloves change from winter to summer ones :-)
Yeah, before I moved up here from Sydney I thought the same. Apparently the industry here was timber until that was gone and then Dairy and Cane took over - there are 1000's of acres of flat land perfect for the cane. Thanks very much for taking the time to watch mate, really appreciate it. RSM8.
Mission accomplished.
So much awesome. Always best to act like you meant it. The dirt looks fun, only a little bit of 'oh shit' moments.
It;s really funny how different I think what you're saying is compared to the location text.
You should've trespassed! Oh, and it is a drain.
As you can see I'm pretty timid on the dirt - really enjoy it but like to go at an old persons speed ;-)
Hmmm, yes Wifey suggested the text... apparently everyone else has a weird accent!!
I was so tempted to trespass, but was a long way from home and help should the locals have come at me!!
Thanks for watching mate, ride safe.
Ha ha!