Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2

This is the scariest creature ever. New information about the tongue eating isopod is finally here after years of mystery about what the hell this thing is. And it's much more dangerous than we ever thought!

Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 78

Raww fishing 12 years ago 202,994 views

This is the scariest creature ever. New information about the tongue eating isopod is finally here after years of mystery about what the hell this thing is. And it's much more dangerous than we ever thought!

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Most popular comments
for Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2

Deego - 7 years ago
Maurice Edson... Woow dude
that guy who comments on everything
that guy who comments on everything - 7 years ago
It's isopod hour everybody!
Sketchworthless - 7 years ago
Isopods be like

Pigeon - 7 years ago
PFFFFT If you're scared by this then watch The Bay. It'll scare the icopod living inside you right now.
Paul Centoplex
Paul Centoplex - 7 years ago
<3 I want one and i want to spray paint him gloss black and name him murder kiss. <3
parker144 - 7 years ago
One swing of my fingers one flick of my dick one zap from me you be dead so quick now get on your knees to suck and blow but not right now I have to gooo!!
Caillou's Dad
Caillou's Dad - 7 years ago
Giant Isopods are f*king delicious! If you happen to catch one, boil it up and enjoy :D
Auto Gaggins
Auto Gaggins - 7 years ago
all this drama, then we see isopods eat Doritos
Komni - 7 years ago

10. comment for Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2

This guy said
This guy said - 7 years ago
Cute.. I want one
Phoebe shirasawa
Phoebe shirasawa - 7 years ago
anyone else freaked out when the guy stab the baby isopod?
Roman Ortiz
Roman Ortiz - 7 years ago
There's a video on YouTube of a old lady boiling his and eating it with her son they said it taste like crab
• RubyTheMasterOfRandomness •
• RubyTheMasterOfRandomness • - 7 years ago
Trueno AE86
Trueno AE86 - 7 years ago
battle field 1
OzzieTheFox - 8 years ago
So... This is what 'The Bay' was about... >.> That movie gave me nightmares to this day.
LiquidRush - 8 years ago
m8 thats pretty fucked up
twilight princess
twilight princess - 8 years ago
what the fuuuuuuuuuck
Michael MikeG Wade
Michael MikeG Wade - 8 years ago
reminds me of this movie called "the bay" killed a whole damn town shit krazy !
mysticalesta - 8 years ago

20. comment for Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2

Conan. Chapa
Conan. Chapa - 8 years ago
Could you eat those after killing them and cook them?
Here Comes A New Challenger!
Here Comes A New Challenger! - 8 years ago
Probably could.. We eat shrimp and catfish which are bottom feeders. I imagine Isopods will taste like a mixture between crab and shrimp.
Cactus Sauce
Cactus Sauce - 8 years ago
The guy that stabbed that one is a right cunt, Isopods are awesome.
defiatron - 8 years ago
Jenson Hall
Jenson Hall - 8 years ago
Nobody watch the fucking bay on Netflix these thing kill a whole fucking town by eating them from the inside.
Sage Gaming
Sage Gaming - 8 years ago
I watched that when I was young this brings back terrible memories
Suicide is Painless
Suicide is Painless - 8 years ago
+Savior Savior nice profile pic
c za
c za - 8 years ago
Lmao I remember where I knew these from now. Fuck that movie
Cat - 8 years ago
Deo Serra
Deo Serra - 8 years ago
fucking disgusting
Alejandro Gonzalez
Alejandro Gonzalez - 8 years ago
You are what you eat
Hannes Olsson
Hannes Olsson - 9 years ago
Sensationalist bullcrap
Ymir Fritz Queen Of The Dancing Titan
Ymir Fritz Queen Of The Dancing Titan - 9 years ago
I don't know if anyone watched something about these isopods on Netflix which is called the bay
ufallout23 - 9 years ago
There's a movie based on this isopod called The Bay.
Doomsday - 9 years ago
doesn't it make people go crazy when the isopod is inside them?
Doomsday - 9 years ago

30. comment for Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2

Raven - 9 years ago
I just got dejavu
TheKirklandGamer - 9 years ago
i had a nightmare where i was exploring an underwater cave and about a thousand of them fell on me from the celing and ate me. couldn't sleep properly for 3 days after that.
Waimea Rock
Waimea Rock - 8 years ago
it was a nightmare
Waimea Rock
Waimea Rock - 8 years ago
TheKirklandGamer lol I had a dream in summer I had school the next day
Logan Nix
Logan Nix - 9 years ago
+jonny t This deserves more likes!
Elnino09uk - 9 years ago
And some people don't believe in aliens
Vincent Pham
Vincent Pham - 9 years ago
Gabriella Aiken
Gabriella Aiken - 9 years ago
I'm so fuckin scared the end of the world is coming haha lol
Rune Kristensen
Rune Kristensen - 9 years ago
nightmare fuel! good damn
Razvan Gabor
Razvan Gabor - 9 years ago
Reminds me of the Alien movie.
Aziz Schröder
Aziz Schröder - 9 years ago
How the fuck did I get here?..
X Gallium
X Gallium - 9 years ago
i feel werid when watching this...i feel like they are with me
NATHANIEL THOMAS - 9 years ago
what if they come on land and start attacking us
Here Comes A New Challenger!
Here Comes A New Challenger! - 8 years ago
I'll have my pot ready with some old bay seasoning and garlic butter. Lol
NATHANIEL THOMAS - 9 years ago
Eww lol
DontHurtMe111 - 9 years ago
+lunatiy what about the moon o_o Were in house so we're Safe.
DontHurtMe111 - 9 years ago
Then People would make them food.
ordinary 9gager
ordinary 9gager - 9 years ago
+calderon721 sounds like the best option here.
Vomit Thunder
Vomit Thunder - 9 years ago
or wear a sunglasses
NATHANIEL THOMAS - 9 years ago
Charlie Thegreat
Charlie Thegreat - 9 years ago
Then you acquire a steel toed boot and stomp THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF IT
lunatiy - 9 years ago
+NATHANIEL THOMAS their eyes are ruined as soon as they see sun, so no worries :)
Mr. Pie B0
Mr. Pie B0 - 9 years ago
eats it then replace it..
Takami Chika
Takami Chika - 9 years ago
fuck u creature why do you have to be so curel
Lizren Arts
Lizren Arts - 9 years ago
Even a Payara... Well shit.
Shroud Rehab
Shroud Rehab - 9 years ago
Lol gay haha
Reginald Finley
Reginald Finley - 9 years ago
They are actually mixing species here. The "tongue eating species" doesn't get any larger than an inch. Its larger cousins however have been seen attacking and killing sea creatures, such as sharks, in the wild. Very capable organisms.
Reginald Finley
Reginald Finley - 9 years ago
+Stephen Widger Exactly Stephen, the "tongue eating" is quite a misnomer. It pinches off the blood supply to the tongue until it falls off... then, as you stated, feeds off mucus. Still, yuck!! lol
Stephen Widger
Stephen Widger - 9 years ago
AND C. Exigua functions as a real tongue too. the only known example of a parasite functionally replacing an organ. studies show that it doesn't do any other damage to the fish other than replacing it's tongue and feeding off fish mucus.
Reginald Finley
Reginald Finley - 9 years ago
Ha ha! Thanks. Gorgeous picture btw.
BunnytheStrange - 9 years ago
+Reginald Finley <--for president!
Reginald Finley
Reginald Finley - 9 years ago
+Charlie Pride , do you have an issue with accuracy or just intelligent black people? I'm sorry I don't live up to your negative expectations and apparently your want of submissive silence and ignorance.
Cuqueman - 9 years ago
+Charlie Pride The funny thing is your comment probably the least racist thing ever. The stereotype would be if he said something dumb, but he actually said something educated.
ssgss bardock
ssgss bardock - 9 years ago
I don't wanna be racist or any thing but why is it always the black man that tells shit like this? not being racist just saying dude but thx for the info
Boris Chan
Boris Chan - 9 years ago
penis eating isopod, it becomes part of you
Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson - 9 years ago
1:14 .... ill tell you what it's not for. ...
Dr Philosophous
Dr Philosophous - 9 years ago
fucking goosebumps, man...
You Don't Say?
You Don't Say? - 9 years ago
hello - 9 years ago
I clenched my butt cheeks so hard :O
gsamalot - 9 years ago
They made a movie about these guys going so big they started going into humans but these guys are sorta harmless nothing scary about them just don't put it in your mouth.

50. comment for Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2

Madam Fakename
Madam Fakename - 9 years ago
Yup, fuck the ocean.
Espy Cervantes
Espy Cervantes - 9 years ago
I think there cute
Senor Infinity
Senor Infinity - 9 years ago
It's actually called the tongue eating louse
Nightmare - 9 years ago
There REAL!!!!
Ramy Govan
Ramy Govan - 9 years ago
Hermann Göring
Hermann Göring - 9 years ago
+Ramy Broderick xDDDDD
Johnny Katana
Johnny Katana - 9 years ago
Thank God we are not fish.
PeanutButterChocolate CakeWithKoolaid
PeanutButterChocolate CakeWithKoolaid - 7 years ago
Younes Haffadi yeah but if you just don't pee in the river then it won't try to get in your penis tho. It thinks your a fish because fish emit ammonia from their gills.
Younes Haffadi
Younes Haffadi - 7 years ago
_boy it's actually true, there's a fish parasite living in rivers of brazil that slips through the penis hole wgen people take a leak there. It's name is the candiru fish. Watch at your own risk
_boy - 7 years ago
Whitest kid you know you're fucking lying .... name the parasite then
Whitest kid you know
Whitest kid you know - 8 years ago
Sure thing, man.

Instead we get parasites that like to do the same thing with our dicks.
Gunsol Videos
Gunsol Videos - 9 years ago
what if I swim in the ocean and it goes inside my penis...
Charlie Thegreat
Charlie Thegreat - 9 years ago
Ever wanted your penis to have a tounge?
TheDONUTMAN61 - 9 years ago
The bay sucked
Joseph Hitchcock
Joseph Hitchcock - 9 years ago
Couldn't finish the video. Oh my
Emile Crossix
Emile Crossix - 9 years ago
Am I the only one who finds these things to be the cutest ever?

The horror music in the background is a little overkill when it's just Isopods
Daftly - 7 years ago
Same here if I ever had one as a pet I would name it mudcrab
Exophobias - 9 years ago
Creepy motherfuckers!
I'd shoot that with a shotgun if I saw it! xD
Fucking scary!
Anthony Hufford
Anthony Hufford - 9 years ago
godzilla691138MW3 - 10 years ago
They're great creatures. Harmless if your holding one. Just dont touch the mouth because its hard to see when out of water and might accidentally bite whatever is in its mouth. They are peaceful creatures though. Since they are Isopods, they are very very similar to your average Rolli Polli.
Ralph - 10 years ago
at 1:25 the fish has human teeth O.O
Richard Summers
Richard Summers - 10 years ago
look up the movie "the bay"
DayQuilAssLeak29 - 9 years ago
Thought it was a good movie
Campaign Lupo
Campaign Lupo - 10 years ago
sean middlebrooks
sean middlebrooks - 10 years ago
looks its a wild magikarp! with a  kabuto tagging along!
[D]estiny - 10 years ago
lol it looks like a seed
XCESSIVEFATFAN91 - 10 years ago
I want to stick one on your tongue
Keith Kogane
Keith Kogane - 10 years ago
Yeah, uhm... No thanks.
Norg1 - 10 years ago
I need to show a christan this this is GOD creation Yup   a TOUNGE SUcking  Bug  that kills its host 
Harrison Zhu
Harrison Zhu - 10 years ago
4q2g o
4q2g o - 10 years ago
A fish with dentures and not one person notices, Goodbye humanity, farewell common sense.
carlos jaramillo
carlos jaramillo - 10 years ago
my fucking god
Sinister Shrink
Sinister Shrink - 10 years ago
NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE! Headed on the nope train to NOPE town. All aboard! I seem to have a fear of anything with lots of legs. Insects are okay, spiders gross me out, centipedes/millipedes can screw off because they are horrifyingly gross, isopods need to die as fast as possible in an area of the earth that nobody can access.
Thug Pug
Thug Pug - 8 years ago
Best EDM Drops
Best EDM Drops - 10 years ago
Is he a midget.
cornelius brown
cornelius brown - 10 years ago
How to cook Isopod ?
Matt Bloggs
Matt Bloggs - 7 years ago
cornelius brown probably like a crab
Argedon - 10 years ago
The big isopods are scavengers only, not parasites. But I suppose you knew that, you little attention whore.

Cymothoa exigua is the parasite you're talking about. While extremely repulsive, I don't think it's worth the hassle. You're way too hyped about it for no goddamn reason.

oooooh YEARS of mysteryyyyyy. Yeah, we know about that thing for 30 years....
jayjay86443 - 9 years ago
+Argedon To be fair, this is the kind of guy who'd use a car accident in order to garner views.

I know these giant rolli-pollies are only feasting on the dead in the water, essentially playing aqua-vultures. They're cool! But alas, they need to be in water to live.

(I wish we had land dwelling pillbugs. I just want to roll them around like I did as a kid ;_;)
Argedon - 10 years ago
+Eric Fulton  more like tired and frustrated.
Eric Fulton
Eric Fulton - 10 years ago
You seem unhappy lol
Star Seed
Star Seed - 10 years ago
These things have been known to kill a town town. I think they cast some of what happened in the movue the bay. These things can harm people. I would NOT want to be anywhere near these things. No wonder it got out as fast as it did. Look at all the people touching these things! All you need is one little bite. Then within hours your bleeding from your mouth as they eat away at your the movie The bay....
Star Seed
Star Seed - 10 years ago
+Olivia Kuligowski thanks girl
Olivia Kuligowski
Star Seed
Star Seed - 10 years ago
+Olivia Kuligowski cool!! Can you?! But its eazy to get at right? The link or paper i so shity at working my smartphone...but ive been trying. I learn as i go but if you have information about this topic i would LOVE to see it. I did reseach but now im starting to think it might have been full of shit... ;*)
Olivia Kuligowski
Olivia Kuligowski - 10 years ago
+Liz Dermody I literally just wrote a paper on the movie and their relation to real isopods, and the infection causing bacteria vibrio vulnificus. The isopods are in the bay are way too small to effect humans, and they dont travel in schools. I can pm the paper to you 
Star Seed
Star Seed - 10 years ago
+Olivia Kuligowski ;*) the way you said that was to cute.
Star Seed
Star Seed - 10 years ago
+Laurine Janssen yup, the movie was bullshit. Your right there. I thought it was but i looked it up. Theses bugs are real. And there were alot of people that had dead because of infection. These bugs are real. Although they are very rare. Its eazy to contain. With just chlorine you can get rid of them. They were here on earth way befor the dinosaurs were even on earth when dragonflies were the size of owls and centipedes were the size of trees can you imagine a mosquito the size of your head?! Yuck! If we were ufos and we wanted to land on earth befor the dinosaurs, we would have thought it was a world full of monsters. But back on the topic of ice-o-pods(i spell it that way because theres a very long name to it & to tell you the truth, i cant remember how to spell it) they cant crawl through your neck,like what you see in the movie but if bites you or you jump in the water, into a sworm of them,holy cow, yah,they bite and when they do, thats going to hurt. With the person in the water, panic will rise and will most likely start swollowing a little water..thats even worse..humans can be infected by these things...but like i said, you are right when you say its not like the movie. It does not happen that way.
They had me fooled. But when i did the research for myself, all my questions were answered...well, all but one question.
Olivia Kuligowski
Olivia Kuligowski - 10 years ago
At their biggest Cymothoa exigua which is the tongue eating parasite is 1.1 cm. In the movie the bay, they werent what caused the flesh eating virus and oral bleeding. That part was caused by the Vibrio family of bacteria which live every where in brackish waters. Google Vibrio Vulnificus. Cymothoa Exigua is not going to hurt you but the vibrio family will
Laurine Janssen
Laurine Janssen - 10 years ago
Uhm... the Movie is fiction.
they can't harm people in the way that is depicted there.
Chimera - 10 years ago
Go! Kabuto!!
Haruhiko_audios_ - 10 years ago
NuclearNun - 10 years ago
are they in any way related to horseshoe crabs? 
Muscledriver 7
Muscledriver 7 - 10 years ago
kutkuknight - 10 years ago
How do they "becom the tounge" ?? Its all I could find on wikipedia too, do they suddenly start FUNCTIONING as a new tounge or what??
WIZZOH - 10 years ago
They sit where the tongue is and suck blood and body juices from the inside of the fishes mouth.  The fish just carries on living the dream whilst the isopod sucks away.  It doesn't kill the fish as far as i know.
Byron Fredlee
Byron Fredlee - 10 years ago
kutkuknight - 10 years ago
It chews its way even further???
Wow, thats fucked up... Has there been any horror film with this concept?
John Conrad
John Conrad - 10 years ago
The Isopod doesn't block the full mouth of the fish, it just filters some of the smaller stuff and continuously chews it's way through the fish as well.  When the fish dies, it finds a new one
kutkuknight - 10 years ago
But they dont act as the tounge for the fish, doesnt the fish starve in the process? Usually parasites try to get the most use from their hosts instead of killing them
John Conrad
John Conrad - 10 years ago
I think it means that it eats the tongue, and then parks itself where the tongue was and eats incoming food the fish tries to bring in
Tobbit - 10 years ago
ArockTheRed - 10 years ago
is there any way to get these out of an aquarium fish without hurting/killing it?
Kreed Rueda
Kreed Rueda - 10 years ago
Jaime Lucas
Jaime Lucas - 10 years ago
But... for what the scary song? I hated it, it scared me lol.
O Senhor
O Senhor - 10 years ago
F*ck this music...
botol - 10 years ago
their eyes r fuckin crazy  looks like they bred with aliens lol
Meteorite's sound
Meteorite's sound - 10 years ago
1:13 somebody said that its the size of a thum but here its enormous
Gildo Cravo
Gildo Cravo - 10 years ago
the video show many spices of Isopod, just the small ones eat the blood vessels and replace the tongue.
CancelParryAttack - 10 years ago
Cthulhu why must you play god in the water...
john eric santiago
john eric santiago - 10 years ago
Wow. Cell is to many. Goku should kill them all. I though cell was a bettle but a sea bettle monster :/
leesa vee
leesa vee - 10 years ago
i feel like getting one
leesa vee
leesa vee - 10 years ago
you mixed the tongue eating isopod and  the giant isopod  there not the same the giant isopod is a insect the tongue eating isopod is a parasite
Blanca Sanchez
Blanca Sanchez - 10 years ago
I want all isopods extinct Now
the voice of doom
the voice of doom - 11 years ago
and the isopod was like: OMG is that what a human looks like? it has hands and it makes some noise like...oh dear fucking god...stay away from me you gross rotten flesh walkers.
Eiren Kjell
Eiren Kjell - 11 years ago
Paul Centoplex
Paul Centoplex - 7 years ago
Eric jiang
Eric jiang - 10 years ago
+Tyler Mounsey so kawaii :3
Eric jiang
Eric jiang - 11 years ago
purdoy25 - 11 years ago
Wow I actually found some of these inside fishes we bought from the market. o_o
Dhruv Thakkar
Dhruv Thakkar - 11 years ago
Dhruv Thakkar
Dhruv Thakkar - 10 years ago
Ya I was just joking.
Avidi Dmitri
Avidi Dmitri - 10 years ago
+Eric Fulton Calling me an idiot really doesn't get your point across "I think he was joking" was the perfect reply, no need to throw an insult in.
Eric Fulton
Eric Fulton - 10 years ago
+Epicfacorz Dispentry I think he was joking idiot lol
Avidi Dmitri
Avidi Dmitri - 10 years ago
+Dhruv Thakkar  You apparently dont know that a single nuke is enough to offset the entire planets climate, 5 can destroy it entirely........Good job. Very slow clapping
Dhruv Thakkar
Dhruv Thakkar - 11 years ago
+CoDFanatic666 I guess not lol
Space Marine
Space Marine - 11 years ago
I....I want one
Lefa - 7 years ago
This guy was ahead of his time. Only now, on the lords year of 2018, are we appreciating these wonderful creatures like you did so many years before us. Respect.
Paul Centoplex
Paul Centoplex - 7 years ago
We should go with our hearts.
Paul Centoplex
Paul Centoplex - 7 years ago
I do to but so far everyones saying fuck that.
Aloïs Bertin
Aloïs Bertin - 11 years ago
Zeeerg ! The Swaarm is comiiing ! 

100. comment for Tongue Eating Isopod Attacks Fish!!! Pt. 2

HELLKNIGHT167434 - 11 years ago
One sick fucking creature! Reminds me the movie the bay! So anybody still wanna eat fish?
Syed Islam
Syed Islam - 11 years ago
Allow the spiders,crabs and lobsters by Allah this is the most grusome invertibrate I am staying away from!!
Marcus Django Whitaker
Marcus Django Whitaker - 11 years ago
Exterminate the big ones
Jeff Quincy
Jeff Quincy - 11 years ago
what i hear only giant isopod eating fish . and normal isopod eat fish tongue and  it pretending to  be fish tongue so when fish eat isopod can get a food to but it still a paresite
Jeff Quincy
Jeff Quincy - 11 years ago
i hear it at natgeo wild
Bryan Ortiz
Bryan Ortiz - 11 years ago
oh fuck, I got itchy just watching this!
Dane Hoffman
Dane Hoffman - 11 years ago
These are different kinds of isopods. 1:09 shows the deep-sea GIANT isopod. Not the tongue eating isopod.
Johann Karpp
Johann Karpp - 11 years ago
Actually, these videos show DIFFERENT kinds of isopods. There's only one species that does the tongue thing (ladies), it's the whitish small one. The big pink ones just feeds off dead carcasses and lives on the bottom of the sea. It's only dangerous to fish, basically screw aquaman.
Eveless - 11 years ago
Bim Bims
Bim Bims - 11 years ago
kaiju's parasite
Dhika Wikibi
Dhika Wikibi - 11 years ago
We need ultraman, before it turns into giant
johanazhari - 11 years ago
NOPE!! nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.. HELL NO!
Hussen Januar
Hussen Januar - 11 years ago
damn nature,,
kung fuhrer
kung fuhrer - 11 years ago
kaiju's bugs
Chromefileeditview - 11 years ago
This is doritos not isopod
zhain0 - 11 years ago
i want one of the giant ones that live at the bottom of the sea, would be the best pet ever
SardonicRespite - 11 years ago
And I still think these fuckers are cute as all hell
naum sumanski
naum sumanski - 11 years ago
is there room for one more
Chance Oviedo
Chance Oviedo - 11 years ago
As impossible as it is, I'm still going to try to burn the ocean now.
Christian 726
Christian 726 - 11 years ago
Please nuke it.
Jams - 11 years ago
Burn it.
Ravey Hart
Ravey Hart - 11 years ago
Omg ima throw up this is like a sea roach
Deanna Iverson
Deanna Iverson - 11 years ago
This video has fowl language!!! Do not show to children! Better videos are available.
12ock - 11 years ago
i seen this on pacific rim
JJJM6 - 11 years ago
Stay out of the water
Libertine DeSade
Libertine DeSade - 11 years ago
This is NOT okay!!!!
Superjayjaysaiyn - 11 years ago
Everyone search up sonic shorts vol 8 help is here
tocaia  ­
tocaia  ­ - 11 years ago
your daddy YT
your daddy YT - 11 years ago
Look up horseshoe crab study
TB Tabby
TB Tabby - 11 years ago
You seem to have confused the giant isopod with cyomothoa exigua. They're related, but they're different species. Giant isopods are bottom-feeding scavengers that don't take any interest in a fish until it's already dead.
Jorgel - 11 years ago
timothy hill
timothy hill - 11 years ago
welp im having nightmares tonight
Randel Biggums
Randel Biggums - 11 years ago
PlormPloop - 11 years ago
what the literal fuck am I doing here? Gotta watch Disney movies to get this out of my head.
DarkSith1980 - 11 years ago
i really dont like isopods
Bella Mckeever
Bella Mckeever - 11 years ago
thecharlessmith (instagram)
thecharlessmith (instagram) - 11 years ago
Fuck that, get back to your calibrations. Fuck this shit
maxushero - 11 years ago
Sure ill go aboard!
Garrus Vakarian
Garrus Vakarian - 11 years ago
It isnt dangerous at all, it destroys the fish's tongue and it attaches itself to the stub that the tongue left behind and it replaces the tongue. The fish can use the isopod as a tongue. It causes no other harm!
Garrus Vakarian
Garrus Vakarian - 11 years ago
I think its kabutops you're thinking of. but he was based on the horseshoe crab.
y3nnK - 11 years ago
Just boil them in salt and water and dip in butter..yum
Sam Belt
Sam Belt - 11 years ago
jake rod
jake rod - 11 years ago
hahahahahaha the guy at the beginning
PapaFett - 11 years ago
Isn't there a Pokemon that was made from this animal?
vampcute - 11 years ago
that's huge~♥
eric inthiphab
eric inthiphab - 11 years ago
The bay
jabba the hutt
jabba the hutt - 11 years ago
David Attenborough makes them sound so silly and trite. "the sea dwelling isopods, which can grow to 1/3 of a meter, are like wood lice of the ocean. devouring the carcass." thanks David for just another reason to never go swimming in the ocean. ever.
Martin Kennedy
Martin Kennedy - 11 years ago
Fish have no tongues. BOOOOOM. XD (... yes, I get it.)
Hoi-HλVoC - 11 years ago
Time to eliminate any people like you, so that your possibility of breeding doesn't continue to poison our world with stupidity.
Hoi-HλVoC - 11 years ago
If a comment ever deserved the spot known as "Top Comment" it would be yours. Good day sir. XD
justchickenstrips - 11 years ago
the musics so suspenseful
Salvador Martinez
Salvador Martinez - 11 years ago
Some Doritos just want to watch the world burn
Kos or some say Kosm
Kos or some say Kosm - 11 years ago
Daniel Esbenshade
Daniel Esbenshade - 11 years ago
I didn't need to sleep any way...
Tron Samparo
Tron Samparo - 11 years ago
Like if the Bay brought u here:D
ThePredator - 11 years ago
that eats fish tongues
Issa GOAT - 11 years ago
The Bay brought me here.
Hubert Cumberdale
Hubert Cumberdale - 11 years ago
Grossgrossgross WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT
flandersrobby - 11 years ago
Time to put chlorine in the oceans
Greeen_Moon - 11 years ago
It's like a giant roach. crazy
Dani Montoya
Dani Montoya - 11 years ago
0:13 I laugh really hard with guy saying WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!
Kyle Bushor
Kyle Bushor - 11 years ago
leland rivera
leland rivera - 11 years ago
Lol its nothin but a sea dwelling rolly polly
leland rivera
leland rivera - 11 years ago
Arden S
Arden S - 11 years ago
All aboard the NOPE train to Fuckthatville!
Bony Woods
Bony Woods - 11 years ago
That's why I like rolly Polly only
Sheepy - 11 years ago
It eats fish tongue, then it becomes own tongue.
ProgramR1012 - 11 years ago
Lots of people say its scary but I think its kind of cute ;)
Cube Seal
Cube Seal - 11 years ago
They're so cute :3
Kyle Dolor
Kyle Dolor - 11 years ago
I think humans are more scarier if I were them and can think.
CinderBlockRecording - 11 years ago
No no no no No No NO NO NOOOOOOOOO!
Matias Faint
Matias Faint - 11 years ago
"What that fuck is that!!?.." hahaha does somebody know the original video of that guy?
DaMasta388 - 11 years ago
what in the name of fuck did i just watch...
Bitskoemer - 11 years ago
The last picture is a very happy laughing Isopod, smiling for the picture :)
N9olan - 11 years ago
They have acid for blood!
CJ Dewsbury
CJ Dewsbury - 11 years ago
Marvin Awesomeness
Marvin Awesomeness - 11 years ago
I thought these guys were cute when I first saw them. Now, not so much.
Heise - 11 years ago
The Bay
Anton Hernandez
Anton Hernandez - 11 years ago
I can't live anymore
austin proulx
austin proulx - 11 years ago
how dangerous are these to humans?
brian - 11 years ago
im so scared of water now
Jaybenson Odad
Jaybenson Odad - 11 years ago
1:15 Surrender now humans!
FightTheJoker - 11 years ago
Fuck you nature!!!!!!!!!!!
Operation Sarcastic Hamster
Operation Sarcastic Hamster - 11 years ago
Maybe wiping out an entire species isn't always a bad thing
stan smith
stan smith - 11 years ago
yeah they are quite friendly,i have a couple for pets.besides having to let them out in the middle of the night they are kinda cute.
Teresa Monsees
Teresa Monsees - 11 years ago
they're actually very friendly to humans and like to be held like human babies, I kid you not. they're very smart and can play. makes me sad to see people freaking out over them in a bad way:(
Emmet Murphy
Emmet Murphy - 11 years ago
watch the bay and then tell me these things arent scary
smelliotfull - 11 years ago
Daniel E Eis
Daniel E Eis - 11 years ago
One of my favorite movies ever;-)
Kenny Poelmans
Kenny Poelmans - 11 years ago
Watch the horror movie"the bay".. it involves these kind of creatures but then they evolved into something more.
Marreh - 11 years ago
And i now i wont be able to sleep for 3 days :) Thank you!
Wirmire - 11 years ago
morfius93638 - 12 years ago
somwone quick write a stfi lame ass movie where they get in a human oh no
filiecs3 - 12 years ago
This is actually quite fascinating. I wonder what the biology behind the attachment is and why the fish's body does not reject the new muscle. Also, technically it's not a parasite as it does not really affect the fish's health. The relationship between the two organisms would actually be classified as a commensial relationship.
Zepa Sj
Zepa Sj - 12 years ago
YostoneTV - 12 years ago
I don't think they get bigger than 1 meter so probly not :P
Broockle - 12 years ago
how friggin big do they get?! could the replace a whale tongue? xD
Coribec - 12 years ago
Wilton Vivas
Wilton Vivas - 12 years ago
They make great pets, I play fetch with it every summer!
Jacob Martin
Jacob Martin - 12 years ago
Watched it last night, freaked me out......
squito94 - 12 years ago
This video is mixing up deep sea isopods with tongue eating isopods which are two different species.
uzimakiking - 12 years ago
welp...nothing to do here anymore on this planet....
Edward Richtofen
Edward Richtofen - 12 years ago
0:11 Look, Look at this WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, I MEAN IT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT...........pissed my pants
TypicalZebra - 12 years ago
And they said Pokemon were fake...
Ali Varela
Ali Varela - 12 years ago
THE BAY movie is 80% similar to thiz and how steroids make them grom and eat a human baody from inside out
TheJuganator - 12 years ago
I was afraid of shit touching me during this video!!!!
Mr Lenny
Mr Lenny - 12 years ago
so true
Ryan Tanimoto
Ryan Tanimoto - 12 years ago
Oh god.... Anyone watched the bay? Movie
Matt de Olive
Matt de Olive - 12 years ago
Martin - 12 years ago
1:16 he is like STOP STARING AT ME JERKS
Martin - 12 years ago
I checked my tongue after this video :Dgod!!!!
Justin Richardson
Justin Richardson - 12 years ago
nightmare's For the rest of the week Thanks a lot :)
PACIFICBboy - 12 years ago
people say "Nature is beautiful!"...yea but its also creepy as fuck!
Vbbv22 - 12 years ago
Vince Beltran
Vince Beltran - 12 years ago
Now I'm going to have nightmares!
SuperReachfreak - 12 years ago
i find these things every time i go fishing
j46 - 12 years ago
1:14 is freakin creepy
Niko Bellic
Niko Bellic - 12 years ago
Now I know how Dead Space got it's ideas from...
Green Dragon
Green Dragon - 12 years ago
Check half your facts before uploading these video. f you're intention is just to blow something into any kind of an issue, then not a bad try, but even the voice in the video said the ones you were mainly showing were seas 'wood lice', not the tounge eating isopod. Tounge eating isopod's dont eat the fish, they dont swarm up and eat a fish stripping it to the skeleton, they drain the blood from the tounge until its asphyxiated and then take the place of the tounge
MinecraftPrankInTheHoodAlmostGotShotGONESEXUAL - 12 years ago
Well...I'm never going fishing again..
honoriscustos040695 - 12 years ago
Jesus Jones
Jesus Jones - 12 years ago
Down by the Bay.
Ronaldo Santos
Ronaldo Santos - 12 years ago
we get a believer
Ripper TheEntertainer
Ripper TheEntertainer - 12 years ago
I use to see these in fishes mouths when I use to fish. Never thought it was THIS serious. dam!
Yutthachai Wadsumrong
Yutthachai Wadsumrong - 12 years ago
Ah ah ah ah!!!! Who is that?! What da fack is that! Hilarious!
BLOCKED - 12 years ago
the one at 1:25 seems to be smiling......
John Locke
John Locke - 12 years ago
MsPootch - 12 years ago
Hahahahaha, best comment ever!
Marc Santos
Marc Santos - 12 years ago
greenmonster2044 - 12 years ago
PlacidCat89 - 12 years ago
this video shows both the Cymothoa exigua and the Bathynomus giganteus, not the same species
LetsMakeThings - 12 years ago
what in the actual fuck
huhhhhhhhhhhhh09 - 12 years ago
Welp, I suppose the Zerg have to start somewhere!
Chanelle kitty
Chanelle kitty - 12 years ago
OMFG i remember one time my mom bought fish to cook n we were cleaning it I opened the mouth.. n it literally scared the shit out of me I WAS LIKE WTFFFFF!!!. n there were multiple fish with them. then i waS like mommy look n she was like wth is that n my grandpa said they were probaly the fish's food. n all of a sudden here on youtube i find this video n now i know what we found omg SO DISGUSTED..
al t
al t - 12 years ago
How much to put one on your tongue? Or your.....
JasonBrazen - 12 years ago
okay, its bedtime here and I'm going to have nightmares now...
Roth Dog
Roth Dog - 12 years ago
damn that guy is surprised
Cesar avila
Cesar avila - 12 years ago
lol jussmsaw the movie its fucking insane
Curtis Smith
Curtis Smith - 12 years ago
the one at the end looks happy :3
KeepanOpenMind - 12 years ago
This is what the movie the Bay is based on.
Elliot - 12 years ago
isopods are cute BC
fatalityhawk - 12 years ago
Adamo Fiscella
Adamo Fiscella - 12 years ago
vsvdamarlo - 12 years ago
Its the clip from the Bay
Devon S
Devon S - 12 years ago
It's a viral video for The Bay movie.
baki puma
baki puma - 12 years ago
its like a alien

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