We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

The LINE I USE CLICK RIGHT HERE https://fsir.co/RAWWFishing What I Use For Everything @STARBRIGHT
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Most popular comments
for We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

Ultimate ricer crusher 101
Ultimate ricer crusher 101 - 7 years ago
Your koi fish, pond and channel is amazing and awesome. I also have a pond with koi and I have that same fin problem I’m going to need to get one of those nets may I ask where did you get that from and if so can you order them online.
Lisa Alvarez
Lisa Alvarez - 7 years ago
. Those are some expensive fish and absolutely gorgeous their my favorite I love your Goldie
Ben Meldrum
Ben Meldrum - 7 years ago
Name it sushi
Jeremy Cuevas
Jeremy Cuevas - 7 years ago
Clean the ponddd
Marquas Smith
Marquas Smith - 7 years ago
Name her lavagirl
Piranha Fish
Piranha Fish - 7 years ago
Rare and low grade are different things
TooThPasTe - 7 years ago
He commented on every one except for mine...
Bluegill & Bass Slayer
Bluegill & Bass Slayer - 7 years ago
might as say Raww Koi!
Zebedee madness
Zebedee madness - 7 years ago
When the smaller Koi are big enough to go in the to go in the big pond. You should stock the little pond with loads of minnows, and put the Gar in there to pig out and grow.

10. comment for We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

Jeowasnt HERE
Jeowasnt HERE - 7 years ago
I hate this music so much it’s like he’s trying to be a kids toy review channel
Lucaa - 7 years ago
Oh yeah theyre so rare....
safe space destroyer
safe space destroyer - 7 years ago
If anyone is trying to copy this guy don’t . He just killed all those fish by putting them in that shitty little pond I can’t believe someone actually gave him these fish. Talk about animal abuse.
GWP GreatWhitProductions
GWP GreatWhitProductions - 7 years ago
1 like this comment: 9 views
3 like this comment: 30 views
10 like this comment: 107 views
Jose Flores
Jose Flores - 7 years ago
Fair gun
Goyak1105 - 7 years ago
Omg they are beautiful
timothy bunker
timothy bunker - 7 years ago
you should name her Firebella
ganja mc. weed
ganja mc. weed - 7 years ago
The red one should be named velvet
ohad goldfarb
ohad goldfarb - 7 years ago
i want snowball♥
finely you got a butterfly koi in the pool pond and goldie is butterfly too
Kyle Welsh
Kyle Welsh - 7 years ago
He’s named no name after the Jellyfish in Spongebob

20. comment for We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

Christy Giovannini
Christy Giovannini - 7 years ago
Georgejohnston - 7 years ago
You need to do something with that “pond” it’s disgusting
dan the fish man boss
dan the fish man boss - 7 years ago
Well done 40k nice one man
Hanging out with James Post
Hanging out with James Post - 7 years ago
Steelers suck
Carey Kerley
Carey Kerley - 7 years ago
Get huge flathead catfish
Javian Tucker
Javian Tucker - 7 years ago
My favorite is tigger
Barbara Howard
Barbara Howard - 7 years ago
Name her big birtha
Collin Hamilton
Collin Hamilton - 7 years ago
But love the pond
Collin Hamilton
Collin Hamilton - 7 years ago
Is it just me or dose this audio crack
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 7 years ago
Doistu kohaku gin chagoi ki ustrai platinum ogon butterfly sanke goshki gin rin chagoi hi asagi there all the type of koi u got there

30. comment for We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 7 years ago
They are not super rare I can get at my local koi dealer
Leonardo Cruz
Leonardo Cruz - 7 years ago
You should name her Phoenix
Ryan Ford
Ryan Ford - 7 years ago
It's not a pool pond it's just a pond
Talha Ghaznavi
Talha Ghaznavi - 7 years ago
What’s the point of making a koi pond when most of them are in the big pool
Timmy Turner
Timmy Turner - 7 years ago
Name one comet
Johnny Cooper
Johnny Cooper - 7 years ago
Foxie is definitely my favorite
Kenneth Macarayo
Kenneth Macarayo - 7 years ago
Name one shark boy pls and you need a 5m suscribers
Giacomo Paliza
Giacomo Paliza - 7 years ago
Name her da queen
Nicholas Vanacker
Nicholas Vanacker - 7 years ago
You should name her sunny or pumpkin
Daniel Kim
Daniel Kim - 7 years ago
Do you cry when you see Paul Cuffaro just merkin you at 100k
JTsquad Boi
JTsquad Boi - 7 years ago
Blue Ant
Blue Ant - 7 years ago
The little brown one name him mud
Turah Bagus
Turah Bagus - 7 years ago
Name the red koi spot
ross wilson
ross wilson - 7 years ago
Great videos but please don't put the koi in that pond of Yours. It's way too small
XxDEADLY GAMERxX - 7 years ago
Darren  Gorney
Darren Gorney - 7 years ago
Man they are so pretty
Joshuah Coliflores
Joshuah Coliflores - 7 years ago
did you buy all of it
Manohar Rakshitha
Manohar Rakshitha - 7 years ago
evan i love koifish
Enrico James Torbela
Enrico James Torbela - 7 years ago
Name the second enrico plsss
Compton Balls & Monitors
Compton Balls & Monitors - 7 years ago
Name no name “ Saint ⚜️ for the saints fans like me

50. comment for We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

Pacu and predator fish Lover
Pacu and predator fish Lover - 7 years ago
That is not rare, I have twenty in my home
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
btw plecos arent realy effective for algae,plants do better since they compete with algae so you should get some pond plants or just stick a pothos plant
jyotsna chauhan
jyotsna chauhan - 7 years ago
What happened to your butterfly Platinum koi
K0b3 P0di0tan
K0b3 P0di0tan - 7 years ago
Clean your pond
Derry Melia
Derry Melia - 7 years ago
You should call no name Norman it sounds like no name
Blue Doctor
Blue Doctor - 7 years ago
Call her blaze
Theo Oliver
Theo Oliver - 7 years ago
Hey could u show us the alligator gar again
Johnderick Ebora
Johnderick Ebora - 7 years ago
Jancarlos Coimbre
Jancarlos Coimbre - 7 years ago
Come on raww dont be like catch em...clear up that pond lol
Zaid Farooq
Zaid Farooq - 7 years ago
Name her lava head and no name, name is nemo
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 7 years ago
name it the magistik koi
Chris T
Chris T - 7 years ago
Getting in with socks lol
Elmo Elmo
Elmo Elmo - 7 years ago
Lol put that speed to 2 its so funny
Sena Yang
Sena Yang - 7 years ago
You should name the second one bhurgress
Fishin' With TinyBassN
Fishin' With TinyBassN - 7 years ago
Name The One "Cali"
Jon Starwert
Jon Starwert - 7 years ago
Koi is sucks man
lilmoney 470
lilmoney 470 - 7 years ago
you should name the other red one Blaze
Timothy Archuleta
Timothy Archuleta - 7 years ago
I like the white one
Ali Qureshi
Ali Qureshi - 7 years ago
You can put in your pool pond cristel clear blue water
Ali Qureshi
Ali Qureshi - 7 years ago
You can put the cristel blue water in your pool pond
Pranav Singh
Pranav Singh - 7 years ago
Snowball supposed to be named snowflake
Noe Lopez
Noe Lopez - 7 years ago
Hi raww fam
Nikolas Christodoulou
Nikolas Christodoulou - 7 years ago
Name her big red
RL387 - 7 years ago
RL387 - 7 years ago
one of your videos is on pewdiepie last video
Malinda Young
Malinda Young - 7 years ago
Problem the worst names I’ve ever heard of for fish but I love your vids
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 7 years ago
Those are some big water doggos
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 7 years ago
For the one with no name should actually be named no name
Garrison Smith
Garrison Smith - 7 years ago
Ok first off don’t click bait about something you know nothing about, your koi aren’t even that nice. The patterns for the type of koi you have are so bad, there almost considered trash in the koi community.
MAXXL - 7 years ago
Garrison Smith Yeah even though their colours are kinda Splashed in Its still nice for him
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Vuise - 7 years ago
Is that the net you stole shamu in
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 7 years ago
Name one of them sliver
Blue savege reddins
Blue savege reddins - 7 years ago
I would've named the white one frost bite
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
STOP SAYING "SUPER RARE" just to get views!!!
Master Chief
Master Chief - 7 years ago
Why do you always gotta pick the fish up with your hands when your letting them out the net or bag when you can easily let them out without having to grab them and pick them up. No matter how "wet your hands are" grabbing them like that will always take off some of their slime coat not as much as if they were dry but still will remove some especially on the small fish you did it to like the gar and arowana and not only that but it stresses them out so much more then just letting them out the bag would. It's annoying to see you always unnecessarily grabbing and holding the fish, their not fish you just caught on rod and reel their aquarium fish that you should try and handle as little as possible just let them out of the bag or net freely instead of always having to grab them and hold them to let them go. Other then that though I enjoy your channel
ThePacovTv - 7 years ago
Call one bubbles
Jackson Grand
Jackson Grand - 7 years ago
Name her Lavawisp
Luis Mendoza
Luis Mendoza - 7 years ago
His mom is pretty hot. Nice milf...
MICHAEL MAASEN - 7 years ago
Good job you were seen by almost 2 million people on YouTube congrats
209Control - 7 years ago
Do you cycle your tanks??
theturtle 45x x
theturtle 45x x - 7 years ago
Name her miss piggy
sports yt
sports yt - 7 years ago
Bill White
Bill White - 7 years ago
we know they're beautiful because you said "beautiful"at least 35 times
Sandeep Ho
Sandeep Ho - 7 years ago
I wanna show my koi to you lamo if you know what I mean
Gavin Canale
Gavin Canale - 7 years ago
Put the platinum koi in the pond
truly1676 - 7 years ago
Amanda Davis
Amanda Davis - 7 years ago
deserthairyscorpion - 7 years ago
How to steal koi from someones house
TooThPasTe - 7 years ago

100. comment for We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

Sting Rey
Sting Rey - 7 years ago
Name her sunshine
Ash em tall savage Murray
Ash em tall savage Murray - 7 years ago
Put some in the small pond
Ashton Pals
Ashton Pals - 7 years ago
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
Hey just to let you know that your kohaku isn't a platinum, it's a Gin Rin Kohaku. Gin Rin refers to that shiny metallic sheen to the kohaku, but it isnt a platinum. Your white koi is a platinum koi. Platinum is an all white fish and the only other platinum that I know of is the platinum ogon which is more yellowish but a kohaku can't be a platinum. I don't want you to miscategorize your fish. Koi varieties get really confusing so I just want you to be well informed. Not trying to be a jerk but don't want you to look bad my friend. They are beautiful fish though and you should keep researching because there are a lot of ways to enhance their colors thru food and nutrients as well especially in Japanese koi because their natural waters differ greatly from ours here in the US. Love to see more vids tho.

Also, you always look really "tired" in the videos. you could see it in your eyes.
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
also the kohaku looks like he's a Doitsu as well. no scales
Chloe Logan
Chloe Logan - 7 years ago
Alicia Lord10
Alicia Lord10 - 7 years ago
Oh sorry raw fishing my bad! I am a fan of you.
Fishing with Dougray
Fishing with Dougray - 7 years ago
name the big girl tiger like if you agree
THE LIFE OF GEESEE - 7 years ago
Raww hold their belly they dont flop around as much
Lil L
Lil L - 7 years ago
The Red One has to be a cherry
minecraft pvp
minecraft pvp - 7 years ago
name the big one big mama
RSDWX {BootyEater9000}
RSDWX {BootyEater9000} - 7 years ago
Ant Fox
Ant Fox - 7 years ago
Name one lava girl
Lindsay Ann
Lindsay Ann - 7 years ago
Awsum fish that pond u took them from wow so pretty.pond goals.think ur pond is too small for all those koi. Apart from that nice video
Eric Fish
Eric Fish - 7 years ago
This guy needs 1Million subs
AquinoBound - 7 years ago
chill, no he doesn't.
Carey Kerley
Carey Kerley - 7 years ago
Eric Fish 10
Pranav Singh
Pranav Singh - 7 years ago
Eric Fish that's true
pete mathews
pete mathews - 7 years ago
So there stealing people's koi lmao
Jeremy Cuevas
Jeremy Cuevas - 7 years ago
Dcity Cash out thats true
Dcity Cash out
Dcity Cash out - 7 years ago
Yeah like he tryed to Steal shamoo
Vuise - 7 years ago
Joseph Martinez omg I'm dying
Joseph Martinez
Joseph Martinez - 7 years ago
@catchemall ^
Clarke Road Trojans
Clarke Road Trojans - 7 years ago
caiden bolin
caiden bolin - 7 years ago
the blue and red one should be named fire and ice
Shane Jonseck
Shane Jonseck - 7 years ago
If you're going to acclimate fish you should've did a drip or put them in bags
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Shane Jonseck or just wait till the water warms up in the cooler and put them right in
Dibyendu Saha
Dibyendu Saha - 7 years ago
You can make a Betta pond
caiden bolin
caiden bolin - 7 years ago
she should be named flipper
Crown taken
Crown taken - 7 years ago
Name it red head
Cam Aquatics
Cam Aquatics - 7 years ago
Raww your starting out great keep it up man maybe I can have a channel good as you one day
Jeovany Hernandez
Jeovany Hernandez - 7 years ago
I have 2 kois i can let you have their getting to big for my tank but i live in los angeles. Their like 6in each
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 7 years ago
Raww fishing go and get them
Jeovany Hernandez
Jeovany Hernandez - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing i wish im only 17
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Jeovany Hernandez haha yeah just drive over hahaha
pitbull fan!! Herrera
pitbull fan!! Herrera - 7 years ago
Carey Kerley
Carey Kerley - 7 years ago
pitbull fan!! Herrera
RC MAN 23 - 7 years ago
Tigger and foxie are my favorite
AllDayJKfishing - 7 years ago
name her big red
duncan daps
duncan daps - 7 years ago
Should of named steelers bumblebee
Alicia Lord10
Alicia Lord10 - 7 years ago
No hate I’m just saying I think you should clean the big pond
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Alicia Lord10 it is clean the bottom is stained I got some placos going crazy on it now
Payton Sheppard
Payton Sheppard - 7 years ago
y they come up with the worst names like the tigger one could've been something dope
like tiger but instead they made the name a disney character that died especially the goldie one the names are so basic
Mitch 846
Mitch 846 - 7 years ago
U really need plecos!
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Mitch 846 I have 7 I got them a couple of days ago we good
Sharon G
Sharon G - 7 years ago
RAWW, Your aswome and your content is amazing! I love everything that you do! But can you can pick another song for your videos instead of the whistling sound? You can look at Bensound and Sound Bible! They both have free noncopyrighted music and sounds. "I them both on my other channle btw". Your a big inspiration to us all! Keep up the amazing videos!!!
max the gamer
max the gamer - 7 years ago
Love your koi fish and your koi pond is awesome
Laura xx slime
Laura xx slime - 7 years ago
name her burst and no name bronzer
Cody Donath
Cody Donath - 7 years ago
Enough of playing so much music. please.
Melanie Villalobos
Melanie Villalobos - 7 years ago
Ahh am i late
Jennifer Steen
Jennifer Steen - 7 years ago
Hey man
king jenesis
king jenesis - 7 years ago
Love you
Crypt Curse
Crypt Curse - 7 years ago
Koi Army
Dilan Rodriguezz.
Dilan Rodriguezz. - 7 years ago
Mick Lawson
Mick Lawson - 7 years ago
Brown one I'd a chagoi
Mick Lawson
Mick Lawson - 7 years ago
Big in big pond is a sanke
Mick Lawson
Mick Lawson - 7 years ago
hi Bro there all to big for the new pond but they are all amazing
lee Kebum
lee Kebum - 7 years ago
beautiful fish!
Vincent Buttofuco
Vincent Buttofuco - 7 years ago
Nolan Wysong
Nolan Wysong - 7 years ago
A to the L to the I Hernandez
A to the L to the I Hernandez - 7 years ago
Nolan Wysong
Nolan Wysong - 7 years ago
Name her bulldog
DALLAS ROLLINS - 7 years ago
Love ur vids
DALLAS ROLLINS - 7 years ago
79 liked
Animal lover For life
Animal lover For life - 7 years ago
We should name her flurry
Nolan Wysong
Nolan Wysong - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Adam Tucker
Adam Tucker - 7 years ago
Name it THRASHER!!!
kristi soars
kristi soars - 7 years ago
Why were you holding a flosser in the beginning
kristi soars
kristi soars - 7 years ago
You my fav youtuber
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
kristi soars always godda floss
Japan Koi Trips
Japan Koi Trips - 7 years ago
Living in japan there not so rare but I guess in America they are rare! Also being a koi hobbyist I guess there also not rare, But still great vid!
Bass Destruction
Bass Destruction - 7 years ago
I watched pewdiepies vid of you
TinyBoxTim - 7 years ago
Those are really beautiful koi!
Aidan Lafferty
Aidan Lafferty - 7 years ago
Great video
B-RADZZ RAD - 7 years ago
Oscar for fish tank
Omar Turner
Omar Turner - 7 years ago
Nice koi
Ray Willimiams
Ray Willimiams - 7 years ago
No name should be magi carp!!! Love ur vids and so exited for the future of the ponds.
Shamaren Johnson
Shamaren Johnson - 7 years ago
You should name her Joyce
Farrell Lagrange
Farrell Lagrange - 7 years ago
raww fam with the largest pool pond on YouTube...........plz pin
Jahsia - 7 years ago
Shout out plz Jahsia Murphy
Annie Leonhardt
Annie Leonhardt - 7 years ago
Namw the orange, black, and white one Calico. Like a calico cat!
The SOS Squad
The SOS Squad - 7 years ago
Brayden Cruz
Brayden Cruz - 7 years ago
Name the big one Dottie
ChrisDaFish - 7 years ago
Love your videos! Hey RAWWFishing, can you give me a shout out! I'm trying to make a channel like yours and I have fish tanks and fish tank vlogs! If you could in your next video, thanks!
TooThPasTe - 7 years ago
ChrisDaFish I said before all of his fish were gonna die and catch em all would not let his injured koi in his pond because all of his fish die.
ChrisDaFish - 7 years ago
TooThPasTe Why
TooThPasTe - 7 years ago
ChrisDaFish do not like his vids
ChrisDaFish - 7 years ago
Thanks! I'm trying to become a youtube sensation, but its harder than I thought
gavin to fly
gavin to fly - 7 years ago
ChrisDaFish I'll check you out
Sealgamez YT
Sealgamez YT - 7 years ago
Beautiful koi and hello
Shamaren Johnson
Shamaren Johnson - 7 years ago
Those koi are too beautifully
Brayden Cruz
Brayden Cruz - 7 years ago
Name the other gold one SunShine
Brayden Cruz
Brayden Cruz - 7 years ago
The one that said No Name
Evan Goldie
Evan Goldie - 7 years ago
Aye my last name is goldie
AngryBeetle118 - 7 years ago
Love you buddy
AngryBeetle118 - 7 years ago
RAWW content at it its finest
Jack Guio
Jack Guio - 7 years ago
Best koisss
Patricia Pina
Patricia Pina - 7 years ago
Their sooo pretty
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
Big booger
Miickhail - 7 years ago
Niceeeee broo
Eduardo Gonzalez
Eduardo Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Plz heart
Pengu - 7 years ago
so beautiful, also u should get cichilds
Cristan Manrquez
Cristan Manrquez - 7 years ago
Trash Can
Trash Can - 7 years ago
To many koi. But you should have put the tank fish in the small pond
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
You inspired me to get an arowana
Jameson Aquatics
Jameson Aquatics - 7 years ago
You earned a subscriber
Jameson Aquatics
Jameson Aquatics - 7 years ago
Tanks with Tad awsome
Brock Gleason
Brock Gleason - 7 years ago
The Fishee
The Fishee - 7 years ago
Awesome koi
Cade Norman
Cade Norman - 7 years ago
Baylen Vlogs
Baylen Vlogs - 7 years ago
Dishdude 33
Dishdude 33 - 7 years ago
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Bass Destruction
Bass Destruction - 7 years ago

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About We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi

The "We Stocked The Pool Pond with SUPER RARE Koi" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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