We Took ALL of My Fish out of The TANK {WATER CHANGE}
Raww fishing 6 years ago 12,680 views
The LINE I USE CLICK RIGHT HERE https://fsir.co/RAWWFishing What I Use For Everything @STARBRIGHT
Raww fishing 6 years ago 12,680 views
The LINE I USE CLICK RIGHT HERE https://fsir.co/RAWWFishing What I Use For Everything @STARBRIGHT
The "We Took ALL of My Fish out of The TANK {WATER CHANGE}" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for We Took ALL of My Fish out of The TANK {WATER CHANGE}
2: Shouldnt do 100% water changes unless you are treating your fish for heath problems you should do 25% 50% or 75% max........... siphon the rocks an fill back up......
3. When you use hose water the temp is not controlled use sink/shower/bathtub water an make it room temp while filling this way ur heater can quickly heat your tank up to temp therfore less stress on your fish beacuse you can get them in the tank asap........
4: While doing cleaning its bad to take your fish out do 25-50% water changes monthly or weekly depending on your filtration system an keep your fish in the tank ur fish will have alot less stress I noticed the color changes in all ur fish there is no reason to handle your fish they have a slime coat made to protect themselves evertime you handle them you are reducing there slime coat look at it like humans with there immune system same thing with your albinos they even more prone to things to happen an prone to heath problems................
5: do not i mean do not rinse your filter cartridges in regular tap water you where 100% correct by talking about the beneficial bacteria what i do is siphon my tank an use the water i siphoned out an use that water to clean my cartridges same thing when you replace an get new ones use water from your tank siphon some out an use that to rinse off any factory chemicals off before putting new cartridge into your filter all the beneficial bacteria is gone due to using your hose kinda like washing your fish tank with bleach.... dont!!!!!!
not tryin to sound like a asshat but do some research an be knowledgeable you do realize people watch your videos an think that what your doing is the perfect way to do things an its not ive been doing this for a long time an took alot of time to learn just do some research an you will look back an see how many mistakes you made
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PS : I'm reaching and need friends! Lol