We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw

This project series was produced and shot by Charlie sutcliffe, Michael Mcdonnell , Brian Wilson and Daniel Marsh. Charlie - https://www.instagram.com/grooveling/... Michael - https://www.instagram.com/iiitsmichae... Brian - https://www.instagram.com/wiiiilsoooo... Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/danielcmars... Email: danielcmarsh22@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielmarsho... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielcmarsh/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielCMarsh

We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Raww fishing 7 years ago 75,392 views

This project series was produced and shot by Charlie sutcliffe, Michael Mcdonnell , Brian Wilson and Daniel Marsh. Charlie - https://www.instagram.com/grooveling/... Michael - https://www.instagram.com/iiitsmichae... Brian - https://www.instagram.com/wiiiilsoooo... Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/danielcmars... Email: danielcmarsh22@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielmarsho... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielcmarsh/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielCMarsh

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Most popular comments
for We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw

Marietta Gapasin
Marietta Gapasin - 5 years ago
I am glad again TO see your vlog together nice video appreciated Daniel marsh,Michael McDonnell,Henry Edwards,Brain Wilson, Charlie Sutcliffe
Lhenz - 6 years ago
Nxt time use sukang pinakirat taste so yummy.
Lhenz - 6 years ago
Woow mingaw ko anang kinilaw. dalhi ko ana dri San Diego.
Sonny Joel Macasling
Sonny Joel Macasling - 6 years ago
Sama ako sa inyo mukhang masaya hahaha
Vanmir Adeed
Vanmir Adeed - 6 years ago
Fresh sea fish is the best for kinilaw nyam nyam nyam
Samea Lumbos
Samea Lumbos - 6 years ago
@5:17 this a perfect pollutant? What the fuck translation HAHAHAH it's polutan is different from Pollutant. Haha
What's Up Iligan! VLOG
What's Up Iligan! VLOG - 6 years ago
You have poor descriptions/narrations though. Should have been a narrative vlog though, not a magic mike full of english men though
Jeff CD
Jeff CD - 6 years ago
I think garlic shouldn't be included. Unless ginger was mistakenly identified as garlic. Nonetheless, great recipe and awesome bonding mate.
kim boo
kim boo - 6 years ago
Bring back juan direction please

10. comment for We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw

lordwelhim esaga
lordwelhim esaga - 6 years ago
bitsin = msg if im not mistaken
Rosalinda Williams
Rosalinda Williams - 6 years ago
I am addicted to your videos. I live in California now but my hometown Dipolog City , Philippines . .Even I am tired I watch your videos to cheer me up. I love you with the fighter boys too..
carlouxes - 6 years ago
Kumpleto ang Juan Direction!
The Jane Colletions
The Jane Colletions - 6 years ago
Michelle Goyo
Michelle Goyo - 6 years ago
yong vlog ng juan direction ang pinaka gusto ko...
Gurl Turreda
Gurl Turreda - 6 years ago
Hahaha you are all so Filipino the only difference you speak that cute English accent. ❤️
mie Pendon
mie Pendon - 6 years ago
lami fud na kong naa poy mangga ug maning gidokdok
Gek Nares
Gek Nares - 6 years ago
add some peanut, it taste good
Aurora Lakatos
Aurora Lakatos - 6 years ago
Oh my gosh he put to much bits in kaya pala ang sarap
Eb2x Blee
Eb2x Blee - 6 years ago
Sibog dawng lamesa ana si nanay. Hahaha

20. comment for We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw

marissa Takahashi
marissa Takahashi - 6 years ago
hey,next time when you do kinilaw,add a little bit of ginger juice and peper.it will taste much better...
mark anthony rosanegro
mark anthony rosanegro - 6 years ago
add tabon-tabon and lemon...to enhance the flavor
German Suplex
German Suplex - 6 years ago
You forgot to add ginger on kinilaw
Just Mikoy
Just Mikoy - 6 years ago
that Bryan, isn't he in TANODS?
KAMEZANE Gaming - 6 years ago
I live in tarlac but thats my fave food
Kris1981 Quezon
Kris1981 Quezon - 6 years ago
Tagay pa more....
D - 6 years ago
that looks gross lol
Anne Of Greengables
Anne Of Greengables - 6 years ago
Gikumot kumot ni kua hahahaha
Chester Angelo Ruiz
Chester Angelo Ruiz - 7 years ago
Great guys!!
michael dev
michael dev - 7 years ago
Vinegar will kill any bad stuffs on the pulotan

30. comment for We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw

abdula mactan
abdula mactan - 7 years ago
I feel my mouth watering guys. share me that bro.
so amazing
so amazing - 7 years ago
Bruh who sings that "time after time" intro please?
lino torreblanca
lino torreblanca - 7 years ago
its a fisherman's rush way of making kinilaw. but i dont why you use betsin and didnt feel anything like LBM or any stomachache. betsin is only used for cooking not on fresh dish. . . the white kinilaw your saying is the one main thing your missing, and its gata (coconut milk).
Alek Zanda
Alek Zanda - 7 years ago
Para sa demonyo!! Lol
mark lucino
mark lucino - 7 years ago
This is the philippines one moment it is summer 1 second later here comes a damn typhoon.. then its sunny again
mclinthon salvestre
mclinthon salvestre - 7 years ago
What happen 2u guys out there when get drunk, i think it little more funnier after u had alcohol shot...
blackpoison Blueberry
blackpoison Blueberry - 7 years ago
Its good if the fish is fresh. Thankz guys go0d video...
Bok Choi Toc Wah
Bok Choi Toc Wah - 7 years ago
That’s fun! I’m homesick!
lol terms
lol terms - 7 years ago
NnAyram Levalc
NnAyram Levalc - 7 years ago
It's good with GINGER :)
Albert Noble
Albert Noble - 7 years ago
if you don't like spices.dont put silis. just genjer only.
Albert Noble
Albert Noble - 7 years ago
is nice, you to know how to prepare how kinilaw and plus add coconut pure .and small heat .just mix.its totally yummy.
Margarette Corpuz
Margarette Corpuz - 7 years ago
what's that song againnnn? " time after somee time.."
Anime Entertaiment
Anime Entertaiment - 7 years ago
hope this guys group up again!
Jeshyang Travels
Jeshyang Travels - 7 years ago
Mga cowboy haha
Tess Smith
Tess Smith - 7 years ago
You are all down to earth, young handsome men, and the camaraderie you have for each other are awesome. Admiring you all for the real adventure showcasing the life in the Philippines, May God bless you all.
Jasper Mina
Jasper Mina - 7 years ago
Too much hands bruh. Just add all at once then mash.
Vhic Buan
Vhic Buan - 7 years ago
Nice vlog.. more pls.. I'm a fan, my boredom here in china come to an end because of your vlog! Thanx...
Ms Naida Co21
Ms Naida Co21 - 7 years ago
Chef ba talaga si mike? Hi Brian
Johart's Playlist
Johart's Playlist - 7 years ago
Intro is Nice. Very Casual Filipino Chill'n. : )

50. comment for We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw

Nar Cruz
Nar Cruz - 7 years ago
ayos kayo.... kayo na ang mga tunay na Barako..astig.
Teryo Tolibas
Teryo Tolibas - 7 years ago
Vetsin is MSG yo! carcinogenic if not taken moderately
Dexter Torillo
Dexter Torillo - 7 years ago
New subscriber. Sushi taste like shit, kinilaw kills it! Mouth is watering here in Sydney. Tabon- tabon is the critical(missing) ingredient, it's like looking for gold here
angeline aventino
angeline aventino - 7 years ago
not too much vetsin or msg guys. haha. nainggit ako miss ko na magkamay habang kumakain ng isda. kinilaw for the win! :D
AJ Martin
AJ Martin - 7 years ago
Ewww naman yung kinilaw. It should be called kinamay.
Lang Chauvin
Lang Chauvin - 7 years ago
I like these guys, they are game no frills, no hangups they can do, eat what the locals do, and they don't criticize or give negative comments on what they've been seeing compare to their lifestyle where they came from.
Gleford Opolentisima
Gleford Opolentisima - 7 years ago
sinong artist sa intro music?
Ang Payag Ni Kulas
Ang Payag Ni Kulas - 7 years ago
Asa man na dapit bai Daniel? Cebu or Bohol?
Sherwel Libertad
Sherwel Libertad - 7 years ago
Hahaha grab naman maglagay ng bitsin ubos Ang isang pak
samuel cruz
samuel cruz - 7 years ago
Nice job, love your video. I was laughing while watching it.
Nathanjohn Reacts
Nathanjohn Reacts - 7 years ago
Damn Youre so hot guys
Fiest Mickey
Fiest Mickey - 7 years ago
Kailangan daghanon ang suka. nya pataudtaori sa kanang mahumol na ang isda sa suka , aron lami kau nya butangi og Daghang SILI
kah Lua
kah Lua - 7 years ago
Disgusting preparation. And vetsin/msg makes u bald thats chemical.
Beelee de Guzman
Beelee de Guzman - 7 years ago
Love this vlog, raw and fun... No arte! Relatable.
Arnold Anicas
Arnold Anicas - 7 years ago
I love ds guys....no drama no OA...walang kartehan
Jazanna Anderson
Jazanna Anderson - 7 years ago
kalami ana uy! tulo laway nako ana
jhayzc wafu
jhayzc wafu - 7 years ago
Yay vetsin. Mono sodium glutomate. Dont use dat
Mama Joy Series
Mama Joy Series - 7 years ago
Good to see you again Mico!!! More videos with the guys Daniel!
edward dejano
edward dejano - 7 years ago
So simple. No Arte! (Y)
yutomaria Nakano
yutomaria Nakano - 7 years ago
Yummy kinilaw…
Paul weynahm Sarapao
Paul weynahm Sarapao - 7 years ago
Try the jumping salad!!
BlueJeans Journal
BlueJeans Journal - 7 years ago
MSG + Iodized salt = sakit sa bato lol ✌
baludoyz - 7 years ago
kinilaw is the equivalent of ceviche internationally pinoy style. you guys made me want to get some! nice to see you guys back together!
Ha bn
Ha bn - 7 years ago
You should squeeze the raw fish with vinegar to let the sour taste gets through the fish...
ER - 7 years ago
isibog lagi nang lamisa haha
Dan Morgan
Dan Morgan - 7 years ago
PLEASE CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHO'S VERSION IS THAT.. ( time after time at the beginning of the vlog )
Leu Yparraguirre
Leu Yparraguirre - 7 years ago
hope they will try to eat the liver nor heart of a fresh slaughtered pig..its so delicious and more tastier than any raw food..from mindanao with love
Stacey Ann De León
Stacey Ann De León - 7 years ago
um that does not look good lol ... anything with msg tastes good! haha hope u guys didnt get sick!
Yan Nix
Yan Nix - 7 years ago
luya nlng kulang paps.. hehe
jack xian
jack xian - 7 years ago
honestly this guy are more filipinos than most filipino hats off
Maria Igoy
Maria Igoy - 7 years ago
Kinilaw taste better if you add some coconut milk so many kinds of kinilaw bisaya version we make prawn kinilaw squid kinilaw fish kinilaw Jack fruit kinilaw and banana flower kinilaw try its awsome
WatchMoto - 7 years ago
kinilaw and red horse is everything
Florencio Pacay
Florencio Pacay - 7 years ago
Your doing the wrong way
febelinda barikit
febelinda barikit - 7 years ago
I love kinilaw miss ko na nga eh
Aina Anig Vlogs
Aina Anig Vlogs - 7 years ago
wow fantastic favorite nila Yong kinilaw I'm also favorite kinilaw
North Yippie
North Yippie - 7 years ago
No, no, no Vetsin! That is VERY bad for you! Very, very bad for you! This will get you sick. And if you use it, it is not meant to be used like one would use teaspoons of sugar.
Philippine Islands Adventure Milo Filipina Expat
Philippine Islands Adventure Milo Filipina Expat - 7 years ago
Wow! That’s cool...and you didn’t get sick..,that’s awesome...
Siakoy mo Diha 22
Siakoy mo Diha 22 - 7 years ago
who sings that time after time acoustic version
Antonio Jr Penaflor
Antonio Jr Penaflor - 7 years ago
Hahahaha nice.
kuyacarlo vlogs
kuyacarlo vlogs - 7 years ago
Subbed n liked bro.
Anunnaki Nephilim
Anunnaki Nephilim - 7 years ago
emz Gem
emz Gem - 7 years ago
nice kinilaw... lovin ur video guys
Mayette Isham
Mayette Isham - 7 years ago
Fish is good for you. Your skin will stay young looking if you eat fish regularly.
Somer Posadas
Somer Posadas - 7 years ago
haha too much MSG i think! LOL! But thanks nice video!
jhean 18
jhean 18 - 7 years ago
Hello our new bie here..i subscribe your channel..daniel..back to back my channel thank you.ihope you like it..and more vilog..godbless u
Emmanuel Patriarca patriarca
Emmanuel Patriarca patriarca - 7 years ago
Cherry Leuterio
Cherry Leuterio - 7 years ago
Wow!sarap kinilaw!and wow too coz Juan direction is back?
Shesyd Jimlani
Shesyd Jimlani - 7 years ago
omg ang hot hahahaha
The Seeker
The Seeker - 7 years ago
its better with coke or beer dont drink water while eating it or after eating it it should be with coke or beer or you'll go back and forth to the bathroom lmao.
lomi saw
lomi saw - 7 years ago
wat title song

100. comment for We ate raw fish in the Philippines - Kinilaw

Kin D
Kin D - 7 years ago
hows ur stomach after eating the kinilaw?
Larry Katil Channel
Larry Katil Channel - 7 years ago
Hi cute boys..
Exploring with DJ Manny
Exploring with DJ Manny - 7 years ago
Hello Daniel Marsh, you can watch my youtube about GlobeSinulog. hope you can comment thanks https://youtu.be/gAU7qiJ8UW8
Cyber Craymer
Cyber Craymer - 7 years ago
Vetsin or M S G is not healthy but it is what makes it tasty. :-)
Richard Juan
Richard Juan - 7 years ago
Pami LeonQueen
Pami LeonQueen - 7 years ago
I like your choice of background songs ❤️
Living in the Pacific
Living in the Pacific - 7 years ago
The best kinilaw comes out of the Eastern Visayas and made with "Tanigue" (fish). Also, you could have softened up the taste with a little coconut milk. Love me some kinilaw palutin!
I really like kinilaw... Mas masarap Kung kalamansi nilagay Nila instead of vinegar... Taz may konting luya... Yummyyyyy... (well... That's only my opinion based on my experienced)..✌️✌️..
Appelle Moi Paul
Appelle Moi Paul - 7 years ago
well the one your talking about is the original called ceviche from peru. they put lemon not venigar. it does taste better because thats the original.
jacklyn mae salcedo
jacklyn mae salcedo - 7 years ago
Goooosh kinilaw iz imal ipares sa sinugba❤️❤️❤️
Oruen Elmshade
Oruen Elmshade - 7 years ago
Ahahaha, that is not how prepare Kinilaw.
Nette's public channel
Nette's public channel - 7 years ago
who's version of time after time is this?
wonderodd - 7 years ago
pleasee make video tips or editing tutorial
Jimventures - 7 years ago
Sergio Sarsonas
Sergio Sarsonas - 7 years ago
Daniel, who are those hunks? I'm sure a friend of yours and they have different dictions.
I recall my days at same your age eating kinilaw drinking spree or what ever that I missed so much. My kids never experienced what life back home.
Mark Batalla
Mark Batalla - 7 years ago
“Para sa demonyo” hahahha tagay
Karen - 7 years ago
I've never seen kinilaw made like that..
Delta Gan
Delta Gan - 7 years ago
Oh I thought Michael is in Canada?
komentarista - 7 years ago
The location you chose is amazing!
komentarista - 7 years ago
C J - 7 years ago
Omg i love kinilaw...
Cutipie - 7 years ago
You should try going to Ilocos region like Baguio, Isabela, Cagayan, Pangasinan and many other places in Ilocos region. You can find nice people, different culture, good foods and amazing natures and views!
Arvalej - 7 years ago
kinilaw is the best! nice video
len dolosa
len dolosa - 7 years ago
love the friendship.. <3
Dianne Twinkle Carpio
Dianne Twinkle Carpio - 7 years ago
is Juan Direction back? i miss the series!
dahlia rabuyo
dahlia rabuyo - 7 years ago
Hahaha,ka lingaw ninyo tan awon oi..kinilaw pa more!,
JeronjeeBJD - 7 years ago
oh my ... Its been a while since I last saw them on TV..... they used to be my friend on FB and chat with them....... hope to see you guys in person... hope you can visit San Pablo city Laguna..... :D
Grace L
Grace L - 7 years ago
When Charlie said "pulutan", I thought he said "pollutant". :p
Kristel Fabro
Kristel Fabro - 7 years ago
bitsin i think is msg
Kenjie natividad
Kenjie natividad - 7 years ago
i saw charlie,i hit the like button ... <3
Primo Pilapil
Primo Pilapil - 7 years ago
I saw you and Bret M last day @ mactan airport, i think you just arrived and im on my way back to manila, you are in a hurry that's why i din't have a time to great you guys...Take care...
Cath Hudfron
Cath Hudfron - 7 years ago
wow...i kinda miss those guyz....i really enjoy your show before....
Erik Stronghold
Erik Stronghold - 7 years ago
in a few days you all be shittin tapeworms! lol....hahahahaha..
Armaine Arlante
Armaine Arlante - 7 years ago
is this very recent? :P
Alicia Custer
Alicia Custer - 7 years ago
Pulutan na kinilaw at tuba.
Lynn Salazar
Lynn Salazar - 7 years ago
oh oh oh MSG is bad dude!
jose Dolly
jose Dolly - 7 years ago
When you said "Para Sa Demonyo" you should throw it and not drink it...Filipino drinking 101
Raoul Tax
Raoul Tax - 7 years ago
You, guys, keep impressing me because of the stuffs that you do in the Philippines. I guess not all Filipinos do what you are doing in the Philippines. I live in America and the things that you do on the Philippines are not done or seldom done in america. Keep spreading the good vibes, guys.
grgprincipe - 7 years ago
I thought this was an exercise with barbells channel. lol.
Zooeynicole Tura
Zooeynicole Tura - 7 years ago
kinilaw is sarappp when the fish is all fresh....but I love kinilaw is dilis
Arthur Abrea
Arthur Abrea - 7 years ago
Hope to see you guys in Cebu this Sunday for Sinulog!
Arthur Abrea
Arthur Abrea - 7 years ago
Is this in Cebu or Bohol?
loreta garcia
loreta garcia - 7 years ago
No need to put MSG in the kinilaw,tam es na basta fresh ang isda..
Mark Anthony Villazorda
Mark Anthony Villazorda - 7 years ago
Tuba is the best ingredient in making kinilaw instead of vinegar and add "Tabon2X". You will be eating the best kinilaw ever. Kulas have tuba and fighter wine.
Bert Lacatan
Bert Lacatan - 7 years ago
Did you add kalamansi?
elnora koopman
elnora koopman - 7 years ago
ren pinero
ren pinero - 7 years ago
Love your kinilaw. I'm going to eat a lot when I go to Dumaguete in April
Ken Chiu
Ken Chiu - 7 years ago
Hi Daniel! Are you going back to CDO? Flying there tomorrow from England.
DRU SANTIAGO - 7 years ago
What a cool set of fellas
Being ju
Being ju - 7 years ago
i really love miko and brian
Andres Buehlero
Andres Buehlero - 7 years ago
Ay BOHOL dito sa Dauis :D regards from Switzerland, balik ko soon. Ingat Pare!
yingma latsiv
yingma latsiv - 7 years ago
kaya familiar ko yung isa nyung kasama ... baka schoolmate kami sa mansasa
yingma latsiv
yingma latsiv - 7 years ago
sa bohol yan isa sa problema talaga yung rain..
yingma latsiv
yingma latsiv - 7 years ago
ky tapad sa new bridge ang old bridge na guba .. dha mi tig kaligu sa udtu mo cutting classes mi dha aa mansasa highschool
yingma latsiv
yingma latsiv - 7 years ago
sa dauis-tagbilaran bridge mn gyud nih... bah.. familiar kaayu
yingma latsiv
yingma latsiv - 7 years ago
yung bridge familiar sa akin.... parang sa dauis bridge sa bohol
Vilma Parilla
Vilma Parilla - 7 years ago
Good looking guys..walang kaarte Arte. Impressive!
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
2:06 Niko,,vetsin or ajinomoto is a brand name,,this food flavoring is ''monosodium glutamate'' correct me if i'm wrong,,
J G - 7 years ago
I wonder how the high socialites girls think about this raw fish eating boys?
Frestell Mae
Frestell Mae - 7 years ago
Ugggghh juan direction feels
Julia Heart
Julia Heart - 7 years ago
nindot itulak s kinilaw tuba hahaahaha
Dennis Dow
Dennis Dow - 7 years ago
I love Kinilaw!!
Reygie Reyes
Reygie Reyes - 7 years ago
Kinsay nahubog?
dranreb zeravla
dranreb zeravla - 7 years ago
Kinilaw in Quezon consists of fresh tiny fish (bolinao), vinegar, onions, garlic, ginger, chili and coconut milk.
JANIKA OINAL - 7 years ago
charlie needs to vlog ! hes very entertaining
David Pardo
David Pardo - 7 years ago
Anthony Butler
Anthony Butler - 7 years ago
You are making a pretty ordinary version; the Magic Sarap is totally unnecessary... Ginger really goes well and citrus, as well as, the vinegar works well. Anyway the fish is not raw as the vinegar/citrus cooks it through. I had it two days in a row on the beach in Mindanao and it was excellent. Fresh fish is important but you can make with Salmon or other oily fish... Cut finely, rinse with the vinegar and add chilli, ginger, onion and lime.. Season and serve after about 30 minutes if you can wait...
Steve Paulin
Steve Paulin - 7 years ago
Bitsin in English msg
v. hbfl
v. hbfl - 7 years ago
Charlie: "i lost a slipper" XD hilarious
teddy cabucos
teddy cabucos - 7 years ago
I saw you earlier today at the mactan airport.
Ray Navarre
Ray Navarre - 7 years ago
Mga koboy ang mga to, walang kiyeme.
EMPOT FILMS - 7 years ago
wow... my fave food and drink! Haha! :) <3
bantoldude - 7 years ago
Vitsin is MSG.. lol
miz ann
miz ann - 7 years ago
You're suppose to leave that fish in vinegar for 5 minutes before put those condiments.. Means wash the fish with vinegar first then put new vinegar.
Yuuki Cross
Yuuki Cross - 7 years ago
One of my favorite group of people. Handsome, fun-loving, not "maarte", humble with an adventurous spirit! You know we Filipinos appreciate the most those who never forget to look back to their roots. Love y'all, and keep the good vibes up! Take care and have fun in your journeys! Thank you.
Juan Alejandro Sotto
Juan Alejandro Sotto - 7 years ago
Guys, make it 10 minutes long so you can have mid roll ads
Romz Dawn Jr
Romz Dawn Jr - 7 years ago
the first tagay is called para sa dili ingon nato
charwin aloya
charwin aloya - 7 years ago
sino ang artist sa intro music ang ganda kasi
Krissy Martin
Krissy Martin - 7 years ago
You guys should travel vlog again with the island guys crew
Tom Taw
Tom Taw - 7 years ago
Tambay sa kanto hahaaha kinilaw i like to eat with rice too
Michael Borja
Michael Borja - 7 years ago
pinoy n pinoy talaga
Mel Alvarez
Mel Alvarez - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is more like Caviche which is a dish made of raw fish or seafood marinated in citrus juice such as lime or lemon juice.
Lucid Spark
Lucid Spark - 7 years ago
Mum calls from the kitchen
'What do you want for dinner?'
Me while watching this
Mom: What?
AryaWinter - 7 years ago
I love these type of vlogs where friends pitch in to vlog too
Jedidiah Belciña
Jedidiah Belciña - 7 years ago
You guys are missing the ginger juice
jen salvatore
jen salvatore - 7 years ago
More videos of juan direction pls!
Jana DQN
Jana DQN - 7 years ago
I miss juan direction!
PJ SanRe
PJ SanRe - 7 years ago
Bitsin = Seasoning
Faye Galope Gayla
Faye Galope Gayla - 7 years ago
I miss kinilaw for years *sighs how sad ):
J0ck Jac0b
J0ck Jac0b - 7 years ago
damn! I'm kinda loving this squad man... you have to give this squad a name now. :-)
Prevaricatous - 6 years ago
J0ck Jac0b LOL “Juan” stands for the ordinary Pinoy, because that’s what they usually do at that time, to experience the life of an ordinary filipino. So don’t call it a stupid name.
John Michael Cañares
John Michael Cañares - 7 years ago
It is, I think the idea was from TV5. They usually call themselves Islanders from their youtube channel Island Media Asia.
J0ck Jac0b
J0ck Jac0b - 7 years ago
I know "Juan Direction", it's a stupid name.
John Michael Cañares
John Michael Cañares - 7 years ago
Check Island Media Asia then Juan Direction in youtube. Before Daniel started vlogging personally, he was part of that group.
Eden Mabalot
Eden Mabalot - 7 years ago
Gina Lisa Ramos watch Juan Direction that's use to be their group channels
Carlito Lebosada
Carlito Lebosada - 7 years ago
wuuu love it, i miss that kinilaw with tuba (coconut wine)
inday kulit
inday kulit - 7 years ago
It is nice to see you with your OG pals!
rosana cortez
rosana cortez - 7 years ago
I missed juan direction.
EVA GAYLE - 7 years ago
Vetsin or MSG its not good for Health
Dahlia Binoya
Dahlia Binoya - 7 years ago
Am surprise why there is garlic in kinilaw.
gina ochinang
gina ochinang - 7 years ago
Nice to see you again together. D ksi kau maarte .
bea santos
bea santos - 7 years ago
luv the british accent !
Lourence Rex Traya
Lourence Rex Traya - 7 years ago
You should let the fish cook a little while on the vinegar to kill the some organism.
Prevaricatous - 7 years ago
House Stark! Instead of Brandon, it is Brian Stark haha.
emery love
emery love - 7 years ago
Ang sarap nyo panuorin.
Gecko - 7 years ago
hahahaha its sunny then raining. That' s Tropical atmosphere.
Shaider - 7 years ago
MSG power
FRISC Support For Christ
FRISC Support For Christ - 7 years ago
Yummy Kinilaw Recipe
Edsel Fajardo
Edsel Fajardo - 7 years ago
Ayaw vetsini ang kinilaw boss! Asin lng ok na
lan lanie New Zealand
lan lanie New Zealand - 7 years ago
I subscribe because I come from Cebu I love kinilaw
Excelsior Cafe
Excelsior Cafe - 7 years ago
I missed Inihaw na Bangus...wrap it with banana leaves when grilling it...
Excelsior Cafe
Excelsior Cafe - 7 years ago
I want kinilaw with slice cucumber and tomatoes on the side, and i never use hands making a raw foods...not right...delikado your hands or under nail maybe a bulate is hiding...lol...
Kai and Get
Kai and Get - 7 years ago
@Daniel Marsh bro can i know if where did you got your intro music?
David Haller
David Haller - 7 years ago
LOL @ Brian: "Para sa dihmownyow..." and then drinks the shot. AFAIK, the first shot, which is "for the demons", is spilled onto the ground to prevent someone from being violent after getting drunk.
Ricky Richard Anaque
Ricky Richard Anaque - 7 years ago
Hard core nice
Zee - 7 years ago
kinikilig talaga ako kasi almost complete na naman JD boys.
i think kinilaw is more like a ceviche...
Rosie - 7 years ago
Kinilaw should have vinegar to cook the meat and then coconut milk, ginger,onions onion spring and other spices.
Pataka Lang
Pataka Lang - 7 years ago
imbis coconut milk, subokan mo bear brand powder milk sa isang kilo mga isang kutsarita. o kaya evap. oily kc yung gata
Appelle Moi Paul
Appelle Moi Paul - 7 years ago
haha kinilaw is pulutan, kilawin na sinasabi mo ay ulam. although pwede rin gawing ulam ang kinilaw
Ronnel Dagumo
Ronnel Dagumo - 7 years ago
RoseC i think that is “kilawin”... kinilaw has no coconut milk, purely vinegar and spices..
Micz D. Silva
Micz D. Silva - 7 years ago
Idol, can you tell who sing the time after time song? Kinda bob marley.
Je Repelente
Je Repelente - 7 years ago
Kinilaw ❤️
Tanting Tagamolila
Tanting Tagamolila - 7 years ago
you could have added shredded green mangoes and coconut milk to it!
Mikhael Brent Dela Cruz
Mikhael Brent Dela Cruz - 7 years ago
There's something missing, minced ginger. Try to make it again with ginger. And let it sit for a couple of minutes after mixing in the ingredients.
benie bermejo
benie bermejo - 7 years ago
Wooooow’ the juans’ is back mate’
Rollyn TheGreat
Rollyn TheGreat - 7 years ago
No peanut? Kinilaw must have peanut
Ronnel Dagumo
Ronnel Dagumo - 7 years ago
Rollyn TheGreat I never heard there is a peanut in kinilaw...
lyn24 pagobo
lyn24 pagobo - 7 years ago
Try swaki sea urchin super lami jud
gina gocong
gina gocong - 7 years ago
Before your blog not like this so called in Tagalog jologs but when the time you colaborate with kulas nagiging jologs na rin ang mag blogs mo.
John Michael Cañares
John Michael Cañares - 7 years ago
And Island Media Asia before Juan Direction.
josephus626 - 7 years ago
He used to these kinds of vlogs with Juan Direction.
paolo perez
paolo perez - 7 years ago
Time is not gold; not money. Time is more valuable than both. When you lose gold & money you can earn them back but when you waste time, it is irredeemable. So here is the deal. Do not invest time on activities & stuff that would not add value to your success goals. Reassess your many activities, eliminate those that are merely time wasters & use productively only on those what would help you attain success and growth. - Francis Kong #PassionPurposeProductivity
Maryjean Erese
Maryjean Erese - 7 years ago
Saya saya nyo naman guys..eating kinilaw with beer.pilipino habits hehehe..chilll..
viviyanah diaries
viviyanah diaries - 7 years ago
nice to watch this euro guys all hubad baro hahah! i like kuya miko hes cute and charlie!! charot
jake valencia
jake valencia - 7 years ago
Miles Samontina
Miles Samontina - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is much lami when you put some lemonsito/lime juice on it..and no garlic, dapat ginger...
calforga - 7 years ago
Christopher Aiken Ronquillo
Christopher Aiken Ronquillo - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is Ceviche
martin colar
martin colar - 7 years ago
Whos the singer of the time after time cover?
Mr. Mow
Mr. Mow - 7 years ago
whose "time after time" cover was that? :)
MeLvn - 7 years ago
Who's cover was that?? Time after time. Hehe
Rhanz Xavier
Rhanz Xavier - 7 years ago
That's the reason men's vlog is great .. No drama ,,walang OA ..just eat what you supposed to eat.. Walang Arte..
Beau Massachusetts Satanist
Beau Massachusetts Satanist - 7 years ago
Bogs Vlogs
Bogs Vlogs - 7 years ago
Shot na pare! Tagay mo na!
tiki abs
tiki abs - 7 years ago
Wtf! Garlic in kinilaw.
Beau Massachusetts Satanist
Beau Massachusetts Satanist - 7 years ago
Salamat kaayo kay naganahan mo!
Beau Massachusetts Satanist
Beau Massachusetts Satanist - 7 years ago
Kinilaw yeheyyy!
Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 7 years ago
After this video,I’m gonna book a flight to Philippine.
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
Like what Luke Bowers said,,Philippine climate is bipolar''lol
Raina Munoz
Raina Munoz - 7 years ago
I love how you showcase the Philippine culture every time you're with the boys. Juan Direction/IMA feels ;)
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is my favorite ,,generally visayan & mindanawan people love this kind of stuff,,kinilaw fish, shrimp,squid, some people in luzon area says ''we will die eating these kinilaw ''but since i was a teenager until now i'm 56 i'm still alive & kicking,,kinilaw is best w/ strong beer,,
Angelina Sajulan
Angelina Sajulan - 6 years ago
olifous abelo d
Appelle Moi Paul
Appelle Moi Paul - 6 years ago
Ray Sala; wrong! Kinilaw originated in Peru and its called ceviche. Its not visayan or filipino at all!
Ray Sala
Ray Sala - 7 years ago
Kinilaw originate from maranaw fishermen from northern mindanao
Leu Yparraguirre
Leu Yparraguirre - 7 years ago
i encourage my friends to eat kinilaw and they like it so much now..
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
My info? from my personal experience,,i did not say all people from luzon,,i said ''some people''
Appelle Moi Paul
Appelle Moi Paul - 7 years ago
lol where did you got that info? we do eat that shit and especially when drinking
Mark Rosquta
Mark Rosquta - 7 years ago
Love charlie and all u guys.cowboy tlgs
Franklin Diputado
Franklin Diputado - 7 years ago
That is no where close to sushi...
Mimic Mic.
Mimic Mic. - 7 years ago
Juan Direction back in Action!!!!
Rizalyn Bersabal
Rizalyn Bersabal - 7 years ago
Charlie “ I’m Filipino and doesn’t own tsinelas” hahhaa laughtrip.
Jamm McThrow
Jamm McThrow - 7 years ago
Vetsin is MSG guys. Haha
Sissy Dd
Sissy Dd - 7 years ago
That’s MSG or vetsin or magic sarap. You guys doesn’t need that
westox1149 - 7 years ago
What a great day drinking beer and eating kinilaw sarap talagang mabuhay lalo na pag may beer at pulutan Lol tagay pa more cheers.
tweety carmona
tweety carmona - 7 years ago
cevichi lng yan kinilaw eh
Nneka May Belano
Nneka May Belano - 7 years ago
Are you gonna ba here in cebu for sinulog?
mhemz montecillo
mhemz montecillo - 7 years ago
Lami jud ng kinilaw labaw na kung halang kaau..
Rubi Concepcion
Rubi Concepcion - 7 years ago
kinilaw is actually our version of ceviche
The Ahern Family
The Ahern Family - 7 years ago
ahhh shoot man i love kinilaw gaw Master Chef Mike, YES BRIAN HOUSE STARK u got it mate! Hell yah man i have to pass up so many shots going down my street Brian SHOT! salamat gaw if i don't have a shot i usually just say i'm taking medicine lol. Fun vlog guys, oh and yah the weather has been super unpredictable lately.
Ed Mark
Ed Mark - 7 years ago
Aheezy Tribe [The Ahern Family] sir can u accept me through hangout
Samantha Scharfetter
Samantha Scharfetter - 7 years ago
What's the first song in the video?
Nica Spade
Nica Spade - 7 years ago
I miss you guys.. Si Henry na lang ang kulang..
jason flores
jason flores - 7 years ago
poor man's ceviche :)
Kev Mercado
Kev Mercado - 7 years ago
Sarap sa red horse niyan. Perfect match. Para sa demonyo! Hahaha.
Allen Muana
Allen Muana - 7 years ago
galaway ko ninyo mga dodong
kalami sa kinilaw ui
Anthony Tribucio
Anthony Tribucio - 7 years ago
Malapit na sinulog. Sana makavlog po kayo sa Sinulog 2018 sa Cebu. Thank you
slaszherflip - 7 years ago
How come he doesn’t put the name of the songs and the artist in his vlogs? I really like the song from the previous vlog to here. Can anyone tell me who sang this song?
Bob Smoke
Bob Smoke - 7 years ago
Daniel what's up with the sausage fest. When is it going to end.
dustin lee
dustin lee - 7 years ago
si wil nalang kulang ,Juan Direction na hehe
vlog vlog
vlog vlog - 7 years ago
Hmm... when my uncle prepares it he usually soaks the fish first with vinegar for a few minutes then tip out the vinegar. Add ginger,onions, tomatoes etc... then add vinegar again and cocomilk
Benben Baguio
Benben Baguio - 7 years ago
Lame kaayo na mga agaw.
Kuwait Daddy
Kuwait Daddy - 7 years ago
Mga Visdak palahubog Jud...... sarappppppp ng pulutan nyo hehehe
Page Maandig
Page Maandig - 7 years ago
I love kinilaw!!!
John Jay
John Jay - 7 years ago
kinilaw..... yummmy
Yam May
Yam May - 7 years ago
Monosodium glutimate, haha someone talking korean language, kinilaw the fish must be fresh from the sea☺
Lin Bob
Lin Bob - 7 years ago
Kinilaw and toma, pare!
kprpearl - 7 years ago
You guys are the best!:) Mommas kinilaw looks so much better, tho (sorry, Mico):). And u can drop the msg, trust me. It would still be good! What i would recommend doing before making kinilaw is washing the fish in sea water one last time. Just in case the flies did some damage while the fish was being cut and all.
TitaMariam Loves food and travel
TitaMariam Loves food and travel - 7 years ago
No need vetsin in the kinilaw bcoz it’s already taste like have vetsin on it...
dnatskfy - 7 years ago
also vetsin is not healthy....a neurotoxin...makes you sluggish mentally.
itsMicdb Travels & Vlogs
itsMicdb Travels & Vlogs - 7 years ago
I miss the OG!!! Bring back IMA or JD. :)
Jopay Alnas
Jopay Alnas - 7 years ago
hala naglasingan sila. Mga Pogi Can i get an Interview from you guys From Filipino Portal In Canada
Tess Carampatan
Tess Carampatan - 7 years ago
Kristie Salera
Kristie Salera - 7 years ago
All four of you are great! It is so much fun to watch you guys.
Annie Soucek
Annie Soucek - 7 years ago
You guys look like you don't know how to make Kinilaw. Cut up the fish. Wash and squeeze it good. Wash and squeeze it again with vinegar. Then pour the vinegar, salt, onions, Kalamanzi, Ginger and hot peppers. Do not use vetcin for uncooked food.
Supremo - 7 years ago
Vetsin is MSG! lol
Louise Leyes Ruaya
Louise Leyes Ruaya - 7 years ago
I find it really fun haha. You guyz are not maarte. ❤ foreigners with Filipino attitudes
Max Paul
Max Paul - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is a form of preparing/"cooking" a dish... thats why its different from 1 household to another...
emeixac - 7 years ago
my husband uses his insicor to open the bottle.. during a drinking session his friends competes who opens the bottles best.. some uses hands in opening..others uses rings..
kc square
kc square - 7 years ago
Be careful u might get tape worm
Lexine Kaye
Lexine Kaye - 7 years ago
its good when you eat kinilaw on the beach.
Maricel Paspie
Maricel Paspie - 7 years ago
Wow kalami sa Red Horse
tabs tabs
tabs tabs - 7 years ago
It's good with tuba
Annie Soucek
Annie Soucek - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is the Filipino version of Sushi. Oh how I missed it. Specially the Kinilaw Squid. Lucky for you guys to be able to eat this type of food. Because we Filipinos in United States can't afford to eat our native food here. Americans told me that our food is only serve at the five star restaurant in the USA. I'm proud.
Appelle Moi Paul
Appelle Moi Paul - 7 years ago
yeah i agree it is ceviche from Peru. filipinos adopt it and call it kinilaw
Deym Kewl
Deym Kewl - 7 years ago
actually it is ceviche not sushi, sushi is completely raw, while kinilaw is doused and cured in vinegar or citrus juices.
diegong tabak
diegong tabak - 7 years ago
you got to leave it like 30mins to soak in vinegar same like ginamos
Ed Pal
Ed Pal - 7 years ago
I still eat kinilaw even if my stomach aches after.
iffandra indrafa
iffandra indrafa - 7 years ago
you forgot to add ginger:-),tip: it is best to rub with salt first to get the "lansa" off..then rinse with water before preparing..and best eaten with "siyanglag" or "piyuto"..
Mave Rick Tena
Mave Rick Tena - 7 years ago
hahaha wash your hand first in sea water,, :D nice
jerson medina
jerson medina - 7 years ago
sea foods are cooked easily most specially if marinated with vinegar, the acid in the vinegar will slowly cook the sea food, and kill the bacteria that are present on it.
hilyn kreuning
hilyn kreuning - 7 years ago
yeah perfect pulutan the alcohol will kill all the bacteria of that thing been mushy with someone bare hands
Kamioshi Mori
Kamioshi Mori - 7 years ago
ayos! sunod sunod na vlogs. Alodia si Will sunod si Christian tapos ngayon si Daniel. wow!
Annicholouis Pre
Annicholouis Pre - 7 years ago
Cryo Jon tapos si Bret
hilyn kreuning
hilyn kreuning - 7 years ago
what is that is mushy type thing!?
Ian Starky
Ian Starky - 7 years ago
Kilawen <3
MIKETV ETC - 7 years ago
dont eat kinilaw with an empty stomach.. The acid has bad effect to your body eheh
mukhasim001 - 7 years ago
This series is officially my favorite. Numerous input from you lot. Depicts how a simple picnic by the beach turn into a beer session real quick. Love it fam.
USA Pinoy
USA Pinoy - 7 years ago
Wish you guys doing vlog everyday, watching from Los Angeles California. Thumbs up.
USA Pinoy
USA Pinoy - 7 years ago
Nano man gi twist jud na sya ni manong sa vinegar, para Wala smell ba.
Argee Kent Garcia
Argee Kent Garcia - 7 years ago
Mabuhay mga taga Cebu! Haha
Chel 0006
Chel 0006 - 7 years ago
astig!! tagay tau!!! :)
Alfredo Lopez
Alfredo Lopez - 7 years ago
Good job, that's very simple and very traditional. You can't get more basic than, filleting live fish and squeezing kalamansi or dipping the flesh in vinegar.
Chef Rafi's Awesome World
Chef Rafi's Awesome World - 7 years ago
Have you tried kinilaw with gata? That’s the way my Visayan Grandma makes it. I made a video of how to make it on the beach.
kwangol ka
kwangol ka - 7 years ago
Tagay erp.
claire rhynne
claire rhynne - 7 years ago
#vlogsquad marathon :)
sabaysabay kayo nag upload
#notiffsquad #likecommentbeforewatching
Anthony Francis Malabanan
Anthony Francis Malabanan - 7 years ago
I think it's a bad idea to eat kinilaw as your first meal. Atleast eat something before diving into the kinilaw.
Edwin Gallardo
Edwin Gallardo - 7 years ago
Kalami ma.na kinilaw uy"esda uy"polotan"mana DONG uy????
Edwin Gallardo
Edwin Gallardo - 7 years ago
cecil Simitara perty daghanang kinilaw uy"
Edwin Gallardo
Edwin Gallardo - 7 years ago
President duterte by lame"mana kenilaw popotan "
Edwin Gallardo
Edwin Gallardo - 7 years ago
cecil Simitara perty daghanang kinilaw popotan mana by????
B X - 7 years ago
Please vote for Wil Dasovich as Vlogger of the Year at the Shorty Awards: http://shortyawards.com/10th/wil_dasovich
You can vote once a day but you can power it up with an extra vote by sharing the link on Twitter and/or Facebook!
Lou Hazza
Lou Hazza - 7 years ago
sarap nyan pulutan ..
jam 101
jam 101 - 7 years ago
Lou Hazza kaw sa ba
Lou Hazza
Lou Hazza - 7 years ago
San vha ?
jam 101
jam 101 - 7 years ago
Tara na
jam 101
jam 101 - 7 years ago
Tagay na...
Gecko - 7 years ago
inom tayo.
Maryjean Macabenta
Maryjean Macabenta - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is the best.. thank u guy's
Marvin Labalan
Marvin Labalan - 7 years ago
Mas masarap pag lagyan ng tabon tabon and tuba
Ynnah Von te Verde
Ynnah Von te Verde - 7 years ago
Leah joy Umalay
Leah joy Umalay - 7 years ago
Kami kaayo na.kinilaw nga tuna with mangga ug pipino tpos daghan sili.hmmmm makalaway.
M3R14M B. 4LMON14
M3R14M B. 4LMON14 - 7 years ago
Reggie Bayawa , kinilaw is not really 100% raw food because of the vinegar & some spices, unlike sushi .... when you say raw, fresh from the sea and alive like squid, you can eat it alive, fresh catch lol.... peace
Neda Gehan
Neda Gehan - 7 years ago
I’m glad guys you’re ok some they stomach got sick you’re cow Boy guys and you got used to it the weather that the way i‘twas ❤️❤️❤️
Mae Ann Liwagon
Mae Ann Liwagon - 7 years ago
ibalik ang juan direction please
Charles Lamces
Charles Lamces - 7 years ago
I think Kinilaw is more of a ceviche than a sushi hahahaha.
Ian Wong
Ian Wong - 7 years ago
yes it is similar to ceviche. in comparison, you eat sashimi the way it is, either put spices or even the most common wasabi or consume by itself alone. Sushi is different, sushi is meat wrapped in rice. sashimi is pure meat slices
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
We cebuanos are kinilaw eater,,the vinegar itself will slowly cook the fishmeat togehter w/ some other stuff,,calamnsi(small citrus fruit) ,sili,ginger,unions,
Val Patrick Collier
Val Patrick Collier - 7 years ago
true :)
Lyn & Anthony life in the Philippines
Lyn & Anthony life in the Philippines - 7 years ago
It reminds me of ceviche
PAT RABAGO - 7 years ago
StyxTechiesWeird _
StyxTechiesWeird _ - 7 years ago
Kinilaw is Lami Kaayo!
Ed Pal
Ed Pal - 7 years ago
StyxTechiesWeird _ 100 percent agreed!
Andrea Lorenzo
Andrea Lorenzo - 7 years ago
notif squad hehehhe
Vincent Gallagher
Vincent Gallagher - 7 years ago
Andrea Lorenzo first

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