We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank

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Most popular comments
for We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank

Paul Nguyen
Paul Nguyen - 7 years ago
why do you keep saying that you need to make sure your hands are wet before grabbing a fish?? you are literally dipping your hand into the water to grab it. what does wetting your hand before dipping it into water achieve? lol
Spencer Ridge
Spencer Ridge - 7 years ago
I get a fishing Logic vibe from RAWWFishing
Lonell Gallegos
Lonell Gallegos - 7 years ago
did you try to steal zak catchems prize bass shamu????
Ray Lottriet
Ray Lottriet - 7 years ago
That fish that you caught is a grass carp not a carp
KingEmirZ _RBLX
KingEmirZ _RBLX - 7 years ago
I Just Got Back From School N The 1st Thing I Do Is Open My Pc N Watch Your Vids
Jancarlos Coimbre
Jancarlos Coimbre - 7 years ago
Mmmmmm thats my favorite bread lol
Joshua Rudy
Joshua Rudy - 7 years ago
I have a platinum koi too keep up the good work like your videos
Romeothegr81 - 7 years ago
Love your vids , ignore the haters & keep up the grind
Noe Lopez
Noe Lopez - 7 years ago

10. comment for We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank

Amanda Jose
Amanda Jose - 7 years ago
Your awesome
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
Don’t do clickbaits dude seriously like you have nice videos and they are interesting no need for the stupid clickbait keep up the good work
0 subs with 1000 Videos
0 subs with 1000 Videos - 7 years ago
Alejandro marquez did you watch the whole video?
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
What are you talking about I brought the koi over to a tank with an arowana lol you have to make an engaging title or else no one will click on it would you rather I brought small Koi over to A arowana tank orrrrr lol I brought my beautiful baby KoI over to a giant 150 tank with an arowana is lurking
Zyani Zavala
Zyani Zavala - 7 years ago
If u were a good utuber u would put a carp in the pond anyways
JTVDailyGamingz - Vlogz - Challengez - & MORE
JTVDailyGamingz - Vlogz - Challengez - & MORE - 7 years ago
Zyani Zavala I believe that the koi is only there for a limited amount of time until he could build an actual pond.
Zyani Zavala
Zyani Zavala - 7 years ago
Yes u are but will u put a carp in the pool
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
I am a good YouTuber
R.J. Tabert
R.J. Tabert - 7 years ago
Treated that second carp like shamu. Watching your video is makeing me stupider.
209Control - 7 years ago
R.J. Tabert
R.J. Tabert - 7 years ago
Spellcheck much
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
You wana act like a little baby they you get treated like a little baby bye
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
They leave never watch another video bye
Brodie Taylor
Brodie Taylor - 7 years ago
Add a carp to your pond it would be so cool eventually having a whale swimming around
MK films
MK films - 7 years ago
How much was the are the arowanas at pet supermaaarket???
Jucie Ftm
Jucie Ftm - 7 years ago
It’s wasn’t UR KOI it was there to heal but u didn’t have an heater so the Responsible thing to do was to take it back from u or it would die stop trying to say it was taking and throw shade there’s a reason y
Rene Gonzalez
Rene Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Why you try to mess with shamu.... catch em all was mad ....
Anthony Jimenez
Anthony Jimenez - 7 years ago
Did you try to steal catch em all fishings fish shamu?
Brian Eisenberg
Brian Eisenberg - 7 years ago
what part of florida does he live in? i’ve fallen in love with florida and i’m thinking of moving there and the area seems perfect

20. comment for We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank

lee Kebum
lee Kebum - 7 years ago
you should get a wolf fish
Jamison Walker
Jamison Walker - 7 years ago
its good that koi wasn't the bass you tried to steal from catch em all
funny memes
funny memes - 7 years ago
you do not lip a carp its not a bass there supposed to be handled with care
Victor Lopez
Victor Lopez - 7 years ago
You lied you said you gave the koi to catch em all
Pho enix
Pho enix - 7 years ago
Love the vids brotha !!
b fly
b fly - 7 years ago
Carp in pond
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
I think that you should make or get a smaller pond or pool pond for a griw out tank amd to keep fresh live food on as well. Then get yourself a bunch of minnows and rosy red or just regular feeder goldfish amd then provide them hiding spits and they do the rest honestly. I used to keep Oscars for awhile and I had two seperate other smaller tanks. one was for guppies ( for the baby Oscars ) and then a larger tank for the goldfish and such for my adult Oscars and you get a bunch and they just keep breeding so you usually don't have to buy anymore. it's the best thing plus it saves you a lot of money! After watching you, Paul and Zak, it's rekindled my passion for fish and fishing so as much as I would love a pool pond or pond, I live in Connecticut and winter gets pretty frigid like right now lol so I would need a good set up or a setup indoors and so right now it's a dream. but I'm thinking of getting fish again, thanks to you guys! So keep up the great work!
Jeowasnt HERE
Jeowasnt HERE - 7 years ago
Get a baby tiger Oscar
Sher Yang
Sher Yang - 7 years ago
Common carp looks more like koi than grass carp
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the new video and I'm glad you found a good home for the Koi. It's really nice to see that you're starting to research and learn about the fish you are getting and making them pets. And then sharing that info with your followers. I am resubbed to your channel now and hope that you keep up the great work and keep learning new things about the fish.

30. comment for We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank

wills fish tanks
wills fish tanks - 7 years ago
Get a fire eel man they are badass
Darcy Dixon
Darcy Dixon - 7 years ago
The goats are like mmm what is this bread you speak of
Matthew Kuhn
Matthew Kuhn - 7 years ago
get a pet carp in the pond
Daniel Miller-irl
Daniel Miller-irl - 7 years ago
Did you really pick up shamo
Darcy Dixon
Darcy Dixon - 7 years ago
Daniel Kim
Daniel Kim - 7 years ago
“I usually dont ask for likes” except for the past three videos
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Well the RawwFam is going crazy if you got 2000 like on your past two videos would you ask for 2000 again of course you would
No Walls In Hop-Hop! Entertaiment
No Walls In Hop-Hop! Entertaiment - 7 years ago
Why this guy look like the Mexican soccer player Chicharito Hernandez
MxOxB_ BROKR - 7 years ago
No Walls In Hop-Hop! Entertaiment for reals
Tom Sedor
Tom Sedor - 7 years ago
koi are common carp that was a grass carp
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Come on you obviously know what I’m saying
GZMJ SQUAD - 7 years ago
Should get some mollys
Zachary Lucido
Zachary Lucido - 7 years ago
Raww please acclimate your fish to the tanks before you put them straight into the water, and use a small net when moving fish from tank to tank it reduces stress and keeps the fish happy. Otherwise great vid
Zachary Lucido
Zachary Lucido - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing Just wanted to make sure you knew bc a lot of fishing you tubers have been keeping fish lately and don’t know how to properly care for them but you seem to know what you’re doing! :) good luck with your koi!
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Thanks man but we actually checked the water temp in the bucket and the tank it was only 3 degrees off or else I have zip lock bags in my truck to acclimate them
Henry McCann
Henry McCann - 7 years ago
Plz put a carp in the pond
Wet Pets
Wet Pets - 7 years ago
Was that a platinum arawana
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
love the intro
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
I listen to it all the time with the volume up and jam out hahah
Mighy Man
Mighy Man - 7 years ago
You should get 3 giants and tilapia
Barry Allen
Barry Allen - 7 years ago
Not tryna be a hater but u say the word beautiful too much man
Elmo Elmo
Elmo Elmo - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing New Years resolution 2019
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Alright guys so I think we have a situation here lol
Elmo Elmo
Elmo Elmo - 7 years ago
Barry Allen he says little guy to much lol I hate when people say little guy
Bluegill & Bass Slayer
Bluegill & Bass Slayer - 7 years ago
you caught a grass carp which comes from japan and it the american carp looks like a koi more then a grass carp
Lucy Ngo
Lucy Ngo - 7 years ago
Why not keep the carp? Basically and uglier koi lol
Crazy Prankster TV
Crazy Prankster TV - 7 years ago
Sub to me I’m awesome
Cleanest Tomb
Cleanest Tomb - 7 years ago
You should also put a silver arowanna in the pond
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
I plan on it
618 outdoors
618 outdoors - 7 years ago
Catch a carp and put in your pond

50. comment for We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank

Poke-lockes :v
Poke-lockes :v - 7 years ago
Hey raww did you grab or tryied to steal shamu ? I dont think you did i just ask
wills fish tanks
wills fish tanks - 7 years ago
Poke-lockes :v he's said like 500 times on other comments that he didn't lmfao
Cleanest Tomb
Cleanest Tomb - 7 years ago
Put a carp in the pond koi and carp
Tashwin SANDRA SEGERAN - 7 years ago
roger humphrey
roger humphrey - 7 years ago
I didn’t think they made crocs anymore
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Lol I dooooo
wills fish tanks
wills fish tanks - 7 years ago
roger humphrey I didn't think people still bought them lol
Collin Loughner
Collin Loughner - 7 years ago
Love your videos man
ricky w.
ricky w. - 7 years ago
Sar Agorn
Sar Agorn - 7 years ago
ricky w. + lmfao bruuh
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
ricky w. Nope
TinyBoxTim - 7 years ago
Woah nice Arowana
Prekaey Saeboe
Prekaey Saeboe - 7 years ago
Put a carp in the pond
ethan Yang
ethan Yang - 7 years ago
i was studying and when this showed up guessed what i did....... i watched it.
Jayden Productions
Jayden Productions - 7 years ago
One of my favorite youtube channels. This is the best notification i got today.
Brock Barrows
Brock Barrows - 7 years ago
I was in the first 1000 views
Kstylez - 7 years ago
Hi I'm apart of Raww gang oh and PET SUMMMAAA
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
Kstylez who is pet suma?
Miles Workman
Miles Workman - 7 years ago
you said you were gonna build a pond not put it in your friends tank
Barramundi BrawlerZ
Barramundi BrawlerZ - 7 years ago
Arowana gotten bigger too
Barramundi BrawlerZ
Barramundi BrawlerZ - 7 years ago
Wow beautiful koi buddy
Kolt Strickland
Kolt Strickland - 7 years ago
put the carp in the pond please
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
Your hand gets wet when you put it in the water. You dont have to wet you hand take it out and the put your hand back in the water again to grab the fish all the dam time. Just put your hand in and grab the fish.
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
Miguel Hernandez Uribe Honestly he shouldn't be handling the fish at all unless absolutely necessary. it's horrible for the fish and it stresses then out. I honestly cringe when I see people constantly handling fish, unless while fishing. pet fish shouldn't be handled rather they should use a net. It's not like owning a cat or dog.
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
Cody Donath thats funny it made me laugh for real
Cody Donath
Cody Donath - 7 years ago
Don't you know you don't get wet until air touches. other wise how do you know it's wet? sarcasm
Ty Woodard
Ty Woodard - 7 years ago
They actually have black braid
Ty Woodard
Ty Woodard - 7 years ago
Just copped godline
Fishlife 101
Fishlife 101 - 7 years ago
Hi raww fishing
Dishdude 33
Dishdude 33 - 7 years ago
They got huge fast!
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
You tried to steel catch em all's bass shamoo?
Chris T
Chris T - 7 years ago
You need to stop using those grabbers cause you’re just injuring all those fish
Maria Carias
Maria Carias - 7 years ago
Get a albino alligator gar
Vincent Buttofuco
Vincent Buttofuco - 7 years ago
Put a carp in your pond
Alex Herr
Alex Herr - 7 years ago
For a second when he said he but a baby koi in the big pond I was like yeah he died than I saw the trap
Vincent Buttofuco
Vincent Buttofuco - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Vincent Buttofuco
Vincent Buttofuco - 7 years ago
Hey raw fishing
Trevor Burton
Trevor Burton - 7 years ago
thank you for good vids
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
WOOHOO HE POSTED. RAWW you should do a native tank. (Like an actual fishtank like 40 Gallons) with like sunfish
Jovani Bustamante
Jovani Bustamante - 7 years ago
Love your videos
Owen G
Owen G - 7 years ago
You should get a smaller pool pond to raise the smaller fish like the koi then when there big enough put them in the big pond?
Jacob Dowler
Jacob Dowler - 7 years ago
why did you steal catchem alll fish
Reece Rigby
Reece Rigby - 7 years ago
Did you pick up the mighty shamo
Julian Semenuk
Julian Semenuk - 7 years ago
Who tried to steal shamu?
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
Did u really take Zack's fish
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing I SAID PLZ!!!!!!!!
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing can you give me a shout-out plz
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
TamerOfTheCats of what
TamerOfTheCats - 7 years ago
He tried
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Ezekiel Gomez no
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
Big booger
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
Shabba Ranks
Shabba Ranks - 7 years ago
Don’t use boga grips for any carp!
Jeremy Cuevas
Jeremy Cuevas - 7 years ago
Shabba Ranks why?
I Don't Know
I Don't Know - 7 years ago
You got it the wrong way around, a kio is a carp.
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
I Don't Know He didn't mix it up. if you listen to him, he says it that a koi is a carp and also he said a koi is a type of carp, which they are. Even though he said other things, he does acknowledge that a koi is a carp. And when he's talking about the grass carp, he's just talking about the difference between between the two different varieties. But he wasn't wrong send he does realize that the koi is a carp. He's atleast trying to learn about the kois and other varieties of carp.
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago
I hope the arowana doesn’t attack the butterfly koi, shouldn’t do right?
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago
CA RedFox yeah I guess so
CA RedFox
CA RedFox - 7 years ago
xXBluntMacheteXx no it's to small to XD
Trevor Burton
Trevor Burton - 7 years ago
how do you get your murch
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Trevor Burton it will be up soon buddy
Dilan Rodriguezz.
Dilan Rodriguezz. - 7 years ago
Christian Edwards
Christian Edwards - 7 years ago
U should do a catch and cook carp I eat one before and it was goood
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
Christian Edwards it's illegal in Florida to catch and eat a grass carp. Florida fish and game actually releases them to clear out and eat the weeds and algae. They are also sterile so they can't breed and become a nuisance or become an invasive species. There are certain times that Florida fish and game ( which I think is called or rather abbreviated FWC) will announce tat it is ok to take a few and just outright kill or take to eat them if they realize that they are becoming overpopulated in areas. But otherwise they are illegal to catch and eat.

But as a side note it is legal to catch and eat the Asian Carp which is a crazy invasive species or the other 2 varieties of carp are ok as well as catching and eating koi. And I hear that the Asian carp isn't the best fish to eat, but not too bad. I guess the cheek meat is a delicacy. It's not common to eat them so much in the US but overseas, they love em. And the bigger the head, the more valuable they are. Now, I believe the other 2 varieties are not tasty at all ( from what I hear, we font have koi and carp in Connecticut thank God ) amd I hear eating Koi I'd just plain nasty to most or like an ok meat but not desirable at all. Again, this is what I've heard, not personal experience.

Hope that helps you a little bit to more understand about the carps and kois and eating them.
Shabba Ranks
Shabba Ranks - 7 years ago
That’s a grass carp! Koi are inbred common carp cyprinis rubrofuscus not the same as European carp cyprinus carpio so they are a subspecies baby please (?) — namsayin?
Miickhail - 7 years ago
good idea
Gingerplayz1234 HD
Gingerplayz1234 HD - 7 years ago
That carp is a grass carp and it's relative the common carp gets the whiskers. Also koi are carp, carp are not koi
Jaxon Brannon
Jaxon Brannon - 7 years ago
First like
Gene Graham
Gene Graham - 7 years ago
Raw fishing will u breed them
JJ Lai
JJ Lai - 7 years ago
Hey good vid

100. comment for We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank

Angel Romero
Angel Romero - 7 years ago
Nice vid
Aidan Lafferty
Aidan Lafferty - 7 years ago
Epic video
Shamaren Johnson
Shamaren Johnson - 7 years ago
Hey you should get a blue gill fish with the Arawana or a bikerfish just saying
Nicholas Cabal
Nicholas Cabal - 7 years ago
Shamaren Johnson its more like a Goby than an eel, Eels dont have Fins
Shamaren Johnson
Shamaren Johnson - 7 years ago
Nicholas Cabal like an eel
Shamaren Johnson
Shamaren Johnson - 7 years ago
Lucy Ngo yea thx
Nicholas Cabal
Nicholas Cabal - 7 years ago
Lucy Ngo thats what i thought but wasnt sure thank you
Perri HuntLey
Perri HuntLey - 7 years ago
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
Lucy Ngo what kind of fish is that?
Lucy Ngo
Lucy Ngo - 7 years ago
He means Bichir lol
Nicholas Cabal
Nicholas Cabal - 7 years ago
Shamaren Johnson whats a Bikerfish??
Owen G
Owen G - 7 years ago
Jenna Summers
Jenna Summers - 7 years ago
21st century
Gene Graham
Gene Graham - 7 years ago
Good video
Noah Browning
Noah Browning - 7 years ago
Sweet vid!!!!
Terriance Frink
Terriance Frink - 7 years ago
Yo rawww Fam you should get salt water fishes
Monster Fish Aquatics
Monster Fish Aquatics - 7 years ago
Koi looks sick bro
Fernando Love Vlogs
Fernando Love Vlogs - 7 years ago
firsttttttt lol nope
Noah Cheek
Noah Cheek - 7 years ago
Tyler Tomlin
Tyler Tomlin - 7 years ago
Jameson Reams
Jameson Reams - 7 years ago
Very cool. Name the koi Monarch as in the butterfly have a nice day
Macon Patterson vlogs
Macon Patterson vlogs - 7 years ago
Anthony Marchese
Anthony Marchese - 7 years ago
Love the vids
Javian Tucker
Javian Tucker - 7 years ago
You are the best bro
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago
Your title says arawana
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing oh lol
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
I Changed it LOL
Animal lover For life
Animal lover For life - 7 years ago
You are so lucky to have all these beautiful fish
Animal lover For life
Animal lover For life - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing no you are blessed with a great life keep doing what you love
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Jake Schnorr
Jake Schnorr - 7 years ago
Water 2 Woods
Water 2 Woods - 7 years ago
Demonking - 7 years ago
Donnie Daniello The pet kid
Donnie Daniello The pet kid - 7 years ago
Early were you at
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago

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The "We brought My KOI To HIS New Arowana Infested Tank" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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