What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p

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What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p sentiment_very_dissatisfied 98

Raww fishing 5 years ago 43,986 views

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Most popular comments
for What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p

Jose Torres
Jose Torres - 5 years ago
I hate haters people who like to mess up good people dreams sorry for your loss.
Arion Buckler
Arion Buckler - 5 years ago
Just dab on them haters
Caden Helfrick
Caden Helfrick - 5 years ago
R.I.P fish...I forgot there names but sorry for the loss
yoush gamer
yoush gamer - 5 years ago
Not again rip
Melanie Ortiz
Melanie Ortiz - 5 years ago
R.i.p jaws
1 like
The Spotted Dog
The Spotted Dog - 5 years ago
I wonder if it was the same kids! Wonder where they are now. I think you should get a camera system for outside since you’ve had two disasters too soon from each other. I’m so sorry for your loss man.
Haley Zablan
Haley Zablan - 5 years ago
What about if you put a cctv around your house?

Sorry for your loss men
FOOTBALL _ GOD75 - 5 years ago
I feel bad man sorry bro
Melanie Ortiz
Melanie Ortiz - 5 years ago
R.i.p jaws
FOOTBALL _ GOD75 - 5 years ago
Did jaws die

10. comment for What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p

Ashlyn Playz
Ashlyn Playz - 5 years ago
Modern Gaming
Modern Gaming - 5 years ago
Text me if you can RAWW FAM my phone number is 9562808982
Bighoss J
Bighoss J - 5 years ago
Why how many fish have to die for people to realize that others are trying to live there dreams
The Creativity of Art
The Creativity of Art - 5 years ago
Is this what happened LAST TIME!!!!! Whoever is doing this please stop if you had pets and they died how would you feel. So DON'T DO THAT TO OTHER PEOPLES PETS OR INNOCENT ANIMALS!!!!!!
Modern Gaming
Modern Gaming - 5 years ago
RAWW FAM I got a question can you eat the tuna fish raw?
jakemadness games and more
jakemadness games and more - 5 years ago
Sorry you half to go through that
darius king dookeran
darius king dookeran - 5 years ago
Its sad for the fish that die
Matthew Dorn
Matthew Dorn - 5 years ago
Who ever poisoned them are jerks sorry for your loss
Kids Ochoa
Kids Ochoa - 5 years ago
Sry this is my favorite you tuber don't let this effect your career
Vanessa Newman
Vanessa Newman - 5 years ago
Hmmmm there us a fish killer in the loose

20. comment for What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p

Arion Buckler
Arion Buckler - 5 years ago
They might be here so just dab on them
Lawrence Cerbå
Lawrence Cerbå - 5 years ago
Nate Camiolo
Nate Camiolo - 5 years ago
Srry man, that rlly sucks.
Bryan Black
Bryan Black - 5 years ago
1 of the saddest videos ever
Bigdog 00
Bigdog 00 - 5 years ago
I'm sorry for your loss but that happened before to me I was sad for my fish so god bless your fish who died and prey
Nathan TDS
Nathan TDS - 5 years ago
Why would anyone do this
L8knight 'er
L8knight 'er - 5 years ago
Who would do such a thing Like if you agree
Andrew Winstead
Andrew Winstead - 5 years ago
Every fish that died rest in peace
Kam Monster
Kam Monster - 5 years ago
I'm glad jaws is ok
Tim Wayco
Tim Wayco - 5 years ago
Didn’t this happen last year?

30. comment for What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p

Kam Monster
Kam Monster - 5 years ago
I started crying
SlimShadysv2121 S
SlimShadysv2121 S - 5 years ago
I really hope all your fish are ok and I think your right about someone putting chemicals in your pond
Alisson Portillo
Alisson Portillo - 5 years ago
Isaac Smith
Isaac Smith - 5 years ago
50 cent in da club Juarez
50 cent in da club Juarez - 5 years ago
I'm so sorry about your fish I will buy you a new fish because those were my favorite fish's I hate the haters to
Ashleyplaysroblox817 :D
Ashleyplaysroblox817 :D - 5 years ago
Its probably the person who killed your fish last time...
Zsolt Kallai
Zsolt Kallai - 5 years ago
That is sad r i P JOULS SO SAD Wait is JOULS still alive can you tell me pic out raw fishing
ReptilianX Lol
ReptilianX Lol - 5 years ago
It happened again, btw baby jaws seemed a little pale when he put him in with the koi’s
JustCruzinn - 5 years ago
Get a gun & some cameras, exercise your 2nd amendment
Emma Knepp
Emma Knepp - 5 years ago
I feel sad
Mahi Construction
Mahi Construction - 5 years ago
You need a camera so you can know who it is
darrel martin
darrel martin - 5 years ago
Ok he needs guard dogs as in 5
Glen Campasas
Glen Campasas - 5 years ago
rip you are a best owner for fhem
Robert Koski
Robert Koski - 5 years ago
I think that over night a fish got sick due to a bacteria in the air and ruined the new water
Andy - 5 years ago
That stinks that happens maybe its time to get camera installed
Zsolt Kallai
Zsolt Kallai - 5 years ago
How do you know about fish ?
seth corbera
seth corbera - 5 years ago
did jaws die
Steven Lee
Steven Lee - 5 years ago
Bro I’m so sorry for that horrible thing that happened to your fish I been watching your channel for about a year now love everything you do. Your positive attitude is what keeps me watching so seeing you blue and sad sucks. Stay positive and just keep your head up. Rip fishies.......
Erika Domonkos
Erika Domonkos - 5 years ago
Who would do that to animals?! it makes me mad.
L.S Marcus
L.S Marcus - 5 years ago
I hope jaws keeps pushing and he stays alive

50. comment for What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p

lol xd
lol xd - 5 years ago
Feel bad I’m sorry
Dany Torres
Dany Torres - 5 years ago
Wait jaws died no
maggie redman
maggie redman - 5 years ago
Omg im so sry for your losd
Lexi Flynn
Lexi Flynn - 5 years ago
I feel so bad for him, he was crying
Tyler Biegel
Tyler Biegel - 5 years ago
sorry for your loss r.i.p. dead fish
JX Wes Cabansag
JX Wes Cabansag - 5 years ago
R. I. P Koi
NwSFHunter - 5 years ago
Sorry for your lost bro .. haters hating on your success
Mike Medina
Mike Medina - 5 years ago
Oh my gosh how could have that happened? Do you think it was those other dip shits that broke into your backyard the last time and maybe they just dosed the water with poison? I just want to say way to jump into action right away and you did good under pressure but however it happened and whoever did it man that sucks but you did a good job keeping most of them I live. Sorry to see that man.
Premium TNF
Premium TNF - 5 years ago
You should get cameras in your backyard
Paula Ipina
Paula Ipina - 5 years ago
Oh I didn’t see you there I was just blocking out the haters
(Quote by Brandon Bowen)
NwSFHunter - 5 years ago
Sorry for your lost bro
Jamie Dove
Jamie Dove - 5 years ago
You should have cameras to waa stitch and record everything
Gabriel mekkail Jimenez
Gabriel mekkail Jimenez - 5 years ago
What happened to jaws
I will kill that killer of your innocnet fishes
whitney and clarissa gatcha
whitney and clarissa gatcha - 5 years ago
Tainur Rahman
Tainur Rahman - 5 years ago
It doesn’t look like the fish is R.i.p
birb freak
birb freak - 5 years ago
So are you getting a new pond then getting the fish back from the pond and I am very sorry for tour loss
I am ________________ __________
I am ________________ __________ - 5 years ago
A fish might have had a chemical
Andrew Kelm
Andrew Kelm - 5 years ago
Rest in piece all the fish that died.......this was a sad video.....
Blaze Blitz
Blaze Blitz - 5 years ago
JAW BL4Z3R - 5 years ago
My iridescent broke its arm skl
did jaws died
Zach Reis
Zach Reis - 5 years ago
I can't believe this happened AGAIN

I feel very bad for you Franklin, my mom accidentally spilled some of her hand sanitizer in my beta fish tank when I was little and it died... I hate people who destroy things that you work so hard on.
Graham Girgenti
Graham Girgenti - 5 years ago
This dudes fish always die lol
Travin Wyatt
Travin Wyatt - 5 years ago
Put up a secearidy camera up
Tori Hathaway
Tori Hathaway - 5 years ago
i am sorry for you
get your gacha girl love
get your gacha girl love - 5 years ago
Wasn't jaws in that pond aswell

Also you should probley install a security camera. So if the person who tried to kill those beautiful fish gets caught if they true to do it again.
Johnathan Szatko
Johnathan Szatko - 5 years ago
F*** the person doing this to these fish and Franklin
Mildo Nolasco
Mildo Nolasco - 5 years ago
Oh it can be a buffo toad that caused this they extract poison from there sides and Maybe one of the fish ate the toad
Dale Dela Cruz
Dale Dela Cruz - 5 years ago
How about somebody trow a sigaret
Roblox Boy
Roblox Boy - 5 years ago
Rip your bass and koi hope those haters stop soon :(
Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee - 5 years ago
Good thing they aren't radiated
Tori Hathaway
Tori Hathaway - 5 years ago
i am really sorry for you
anitha reddy
anitha reddy - 5 years ago
Where is jaws though?
If I ever find that person, who did that I WILL chock them. RIP PERSON WHo DID THAT.
Jordan Neece
Jordan Neece - 5 years ago
Bro don’t let the haters ruin your dreams just continue your dreams and get to 2 mill
Dragonslayer2016 - 5 years ago
Yo you probably need to get cameras this is the second time people are so f*cked nowadays
Santiago Razo
Santiago Razo - 5 years ago
ronald bundalian
ronald bundalian - 5 years ago
Franklin its the same killer last time
Gwendolyn Pyne
Gwendolyn Pyne - 5 years ago
can you get a new 5,000 koi please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeffy naught
Jeffy naught - 5 years ago
Did JAWS die
Amaya Hill
Amaya Hill - 5 years ago
Have the water tested for any diseases or parasites. Those are what can cause the fish's deaths and the swollen lips. May your fish rest in peace and hopefully they will have fun in fish heaven
cat clann
cat clann - 5 years ago
Sorry dude and Wat happens to jaws
geovanni rodriguez
geovanni rodriguez - 5 years ago
I hate heaters they just don’t care about other
sathiya seelan
sathiya seelan - 5 years ago
RIP.....sorry for ur loss bro.....u r such amazing.... keep the good job bro
sathiya seelan
sathiya seelan - 5 years ago
U have such a amazing friends who helps each another when u guys r in trouble
sathiya seelan
sathiya seelan - 5 years ago
Feels like The fishes are happy with u more then they in wild
sathiya seelan
sathiya seelan - 5 years ago
RIP.....sorry for ur loss bro.....u r such amazing.... keep the good job bro
nahomy Ayala
nahomy Ayala - 5 years ago
I feel very sad for you
Jennifer Montgomery
Jennifer Montgomery - 5 years ago
Is jaws still alive
Elijah Hernandez
Elijah Hernandez - 5 years ago
Where's big jaws
Mat Demaz
Mat Demaz - 5 years ago
As a fish keeper, this really pisses me off. You need to put up some more cameras to catch these bastards, or move house or something. You do such good work preserving/conserving animals, It just pains me everything this happens.

Be careful, bro. Peace.
Mildo Nolasco
Mildo Nolasco - 5 years ago
I think it's the same person that killed your fish last year that did this
Timothy LaBrucherie
Timothy LaBrucherie - 5 years ago
Why is the water green
LeoLurker - 5 years ago
What would make somebody do that?

100. comment for What HAPPENED to my PET Fish. . .R.i.p

Cj Jane
Cj Jane - 5 years ago
This happened a day before my birthday which is today
TrueInsaneAssassin - 5 years ago
Hey where did Jaws go? Not baby jaws, big jaws. And here's a theory, what if it was the well water and the water that was in the pool. It's a theory
luffy monkey
luffy monkey - 5 years ago
Clarissa Krinock
Clarissa Krinock - 5 years ago
So sorry man and you have my support
Lizzy Hudson
Lizzy Hudson - 5 years ago
I feel sooooo bad... but that was so cute when baby jaws knew he was ok (0:53)
Johnathan Taylor
Johnathan Taylor - 5 years ago
Hater just mad you have better fish than them so they get jealous and do some thing bad to you valuable thing
Raiya Bandhu
Raiya Bandhu - 5 years ago
Jaws will be with us for the rest of our journey in life so I'm sorry Franklin but this is our little funeral I'm sorry I'm crying right now just for Jaws in the rest r i p r i p Jaws I'm so sorry
Lhiam Aniban
Lhiam Aniban - 5 years ago
Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage - 5 years ago
Uh sorry, uh, I hate you and uh. Your fish is uh, dead lol.
Typhoon challenger
Typhoon challenger - 5 years ago
Why are people so terrible and kill your fish ;(
Clarissa Krinock
Clarissa Krinock - 5 years ago
Wait where is jaws the psycho bass??
Clarissa Krinock
Clarissa Krinock - 5 years ago
People are so cruel to animals and whoever did it owes you big time man
Dillan Boy
Dillan Boy - 5 years ago
Is jaws alive
KingKiller Tv
KingKiller Tv - 5 years ago
It was me haha
Raiya Bandhu
Raiya Bandhu - 5 years ago
5 likes for Jaws let's have a little funeral right now I'm sorry Franklin I'm really sorry love you Jaws I'm really sorry Franklin I'm so sorry I just can't stop saying sorry find flights for Jaws 5 lights for jars
Gericho jehonathan TV
Gericho jehonathan TV - 5 years ago
Stay Strong Buddy!
themarine0341 vlogs and gaming
themarine0341 vlogs and gaming - 5 years ago
put some plants in the pond to help reduce the nitrates
Will it Burn
Will it Burn - 5 years ago
Invest in some security cameras
Aaditya Dahal
Aaditya Dahal - 5 years ago
Don't get stressed be cool if can affect your health
Melissa Ray
Melissa Ray - 5 years ago
It was me
Aaditya Dahal
Aaditya Dahal - 5 years ago
If you have a cctv then check the cctv futtage
Raiya Bandhu
Raiya Bandhu - 5 years ago
Who would do this
me - 5 years ago
Aww I’m so sorry that happens
me - 5 years ago
Aaditya Dahal
Aaditya Dahal - 5 years ago
I think the one who did before have done this time too I think who it is is jealous of you
Kate Kult
Kate Kult - 5 years ago
I am so sorry for your losses, I recently lost my African Siklet (i know i cannot spell) She was my best friend her name was Athena and she was so nice and now she's buried in my backyard. RIP both of our losses.
Yo itz Gamer Violet Hannah A.k.a Gamer V
Yo itz Gamer Violet Hannah A.k.a Gamer V - 5 years ago
TT_____TT so sad
Galaxia Chan
Galaxia Chan - 5 years ago
Poor fishies o feel bad for them

Who even did this
Y ya make em dreams broke
rosa plays
rosa plays - 5 years ago
If who ever is doing this your not part of the rawfam because your hurting animals fish and it means you dont like fish or animals
Galaxia Chan
Galaxia Chan - 5 years ago
Did I hear it right though franklyn,Freddy or fraglyn
Mizzy Fam
Mizzy Fam - 5 years ago
did jaws die?
gmarcnete - 5 years ago
What happend to JAWS? :(
Liam Bayet
Liam Bayet - 5 years ago
After saying he’s gonna post jaws I’m saying he is alive I want to know the weight of him tho
Azica Harucu
Azica Harucu - 5 years ago
Sorry fam hope you have a better day
eyla0824 - 5 years ago
I’m upset that you cut up that perfectly good pond. Someone could have used it. That’s a big waste of resources. Other than that I’m so sorry you lost more fish. But I’m very glad you were able to save the ones you did.
Gaje Boyce
Gaje Boyce - 5 years ago
About 12 months ago he lost $25,000's worth of fish because someone broke in and cut his pool
LTAndrew Dixon
LTAndrew Dixon - 5 years ago
put security cameras up in case it happens again
Gaje Boyce
Gaje Boyce - 5 years ago
I'm happy that those big red tails survived and also jaws from what I'm seeing
Sam Marin
Sam Marin - 5 years ago
So sad that Jaws died
Ashley Anderson
Ashley Anderson - 5 years ago
Maybe u can setup a camera to watch ur ponds
Abdul Mustafeed
Abdul Mustafeed - 5 years ago
Don't they will be all right
Alvaro Diaz
Alvaro Diaz - 5 years ago
Stoop lieing man you either didnt do a water change or a water change and you didnt do it right cuz it happened to me ...
Joey Daniels
Joey Daniels - 5 years ago
sorry for you loss bud
Johan Hernande
Johan Hernande - 5 years ago
What about jaws
Maraleh Hansen
Maraleh Hansen - 5 years ago
I am truly sorry to see this. I hope you can find out what happened and that you can get it cleared out of whatever chemical was in it in the area and the fish.
Mizzy Fam
Mizzy Fam - 5 years ago
I know how you feel. my bro put borax slime in my tank and know I only have three and one of them has an eye burned out and her fins burned off, but she's ok, thankfully
Jin H
Jin H - 5 years ago
I just wanted to say something. Can you people not say stuff like "One like equals one prayer to the fishes". Why cant y'all just say something like "Guys please pray for franklin" Do you have to use other people's sadness and misfortune to get likes? Like tf people franklin is miserable about his dead pets and you guys are begging for likes. Please stop these like begging comments. Thanks for reading.
Luz Aguilar
Luz Aguilar - 5 years ago
I am so sorry of what happened all those fish that you had from years ago I watch your channel every single day and I can’t believe it good thing the red tails are still good though
3 Friends
3 Friends - 5 years ago
Are you going to get your fish back
Ricardo Balderas Tena25
Ricardo Balderas Tena25 - 5 years ago
Get cameras quick
BaD ViBeS - 5 years ago
I hate how people use his fishes deaths for likes stop it
Elitelolboyyy2 - 5 years ago
I have a fish pond and I think there was a chemical in the water and 3 of my koi fish died
Birds nest bandit
Birds nest bandit - 5 years ago
Sorry to hear about this
Matthew H
Matthew H - 5 years ago
Sorry about your fish.
Tendlerd - 5 years ago
Why again
Kitana Dreemurr
Kitana Dreemurr - 5 years ago
I wish good luck to you
Ace Cullimore
Ace Cullimore - 5 years ago
Dude I almost cried so RIP
Do you fertilize your lawn, if you do some of it might have seeped into the croud watter.
seth Phillips
seth Phillips - 5 years ago
Sorry dude, keep striving
Jackson Lin
Jackson Lin - 5 years ago
And to lose such many fish is just a shame
The Graceful Grace Fletcher
The Graceful Grace Fletcher - 5 years ago
! .....Dude, so sorry.
SoulThe Wolf
SoulThe Wolf - 5 years ago
1 like = 1000 prayers
Britany Avila
Britany Avila - 5 years ago
The fish im most worried of is Jaws
Noemi Rosado
Noemi Rosado - 5 years ago
i am so sad now:(
Ella Mounce
Ella Mounce - 5 years ago
im sorry bout that, some people are just awful :(
monster brothers
monster brothers - 5 years ago
Lets get the raw family fish back up get some new bass 2
Jared's Videos
Jared's Videos - 5 years ago
uy fell bad for dy dead fish :(
DSP The Marvelous
DSP The Marvelous - 5 years ago
Sorry about your fish, bro. We know how much they mean to you.
big driggs
big driggs - 5 years ago
Sorry about your loss.
Maria Torroella Romero
Maria Torroella Romero - 5 years ago
Where is Jaws?
Jennifer Olson
Jennifer Olson - 5 years ago
You should get A camera for ur backyard
Shane Abdool
Shane Abdool - 5 years ago
you work to hard on this channel and love your fishes to much for this to happen best wishes to you
CJ Gaming
CJ Gaming - 5 years ago
Where is JAWS!
Davido Defuse
Davido Defuse - 5 years ago
i bo i saw it
kevin forman
kevin forman - 5 years ago
get baby jaws a tank of its own.
its the gaming boy
its the gaming boy - 5 years ago
You need cameras to know who did it and so it doesnt hapen like last time like to make him get one
Yashica Woods
Yashica Woods - 5 years ago
Did shampoo make it
TOPGENERAL 55 - 5 years ago
That's is very disgusting why would someone do that.
Davido Defuse
Davido Defuse - 5 years ago
I bo
debra walker
debra walker - 5 years ago
How does everything bad happen to Franklin
Annette Johnson
Annette Johnson - 5 years ago
RIP fish
ST.EL-Bacano_-YT - 5 years ago
Put camara on your backyard like if you agree
Abby Walker
Abby Walker - 5 years ago
Rest In Pease fishies. Sorry
Jesus Barrios
Jesus Barrios - 5 years ago
cupcake swirl
cupcake swirl - 5 years ago
What happened?
Kitsa Lios
Kitsa Lios - 5 years ago
That really sucks dude. Make another fish trap vid
liz santana
liz santana - 5 years ago
I am so sorry franklin
Christopher Esguerra
Christopher Esguerra - 5 years ago
How about jaws
John jony
John jony - 5 years ago
R.I.P raw fam pets
The White Trash Jedi
The White Trash Jedi - 5 years ago
I bet it was those kids that did it.
Jasmine yvette Garcia
Jasmine yvette Garcia - 5 years ago
Well that sucks
Cheam Slayer
Cheam Slayer - 5 years ago
If you won't mind, install a CCTV to look after the pond
Leticia Ramirez
Leticia Ramirez - 5 years ago
Is jaws ok
Rexlution - 5 years ago
Get taller fences...smh
arnel sison
arnel sison - 5 years ago
Wheres the big jaws i like her plssssssss say its not dead
Libby Sass-Crews
Libby Sass-Crews - 5 years ago
u should be upset
Libby Sass-Crews
Libby Sass-Crews - 5 years ago
what about jaws
Zeara Brown
Zeara Brown - 5 years ago
I feel so bad R.I.P to the fish that have died
DarkOG12 Fortnite pro
DarkOG12 Fortnite pro - 5 years ago
Im very sorry rest in peace
DarkOG12 Fortnite pro
DarkOG12 Fortnite pro - 5 years ago
Will you get all the fish back when you make the new pond
Michael Ramlagan
Michael Ramlagan - 5 years ago
Subcibe if u love the rawfam
Ashley Applewhite
Ashley Applewhite - 5 years ago
Don’t let this idiot ruin your fun of these videos you need a camera by your fence or a alarm to freak them out and karma what goes around comes around I hope they will get karma keep doing what your doing stay positive get another pond and let it cycle tell your ready.
Will 850!
Will 850! - 5 years ago
1like=more help
Jaxzon Pfile-blakely
Jaxzon Pfile-blakely - 5 years ago
Did jaws live!?! I love jaws
Landen. Dvorak
Landen. Dvorak - 5 years ago
What chemicals were they do you think
Wayne Bradford
Wayne Bradford - 5 years ago
Could it be the plastic of the pond breaking down or a change in food recipes ? U need better security
Skylar Lively
Skylar Lively - 5 years ago
You are just doing this for views
Jasper Alegado
Jasper Alegado - 5 years ago
Jaws is okay
Chris Reed
Chris Reed - 5 years ago
How is this keep happening
Adrian Cooper
Adrian Cooper - 5 years ago
So sad who could do that to innocent animals they've done nothing wrong R.I.P raw fam fish. I hope who ever done this need to be punished. Keep your head up Franklin and stay positive much love from me and my family
RIP reaper
RIP reaper - 5 years ago
It will be ok god always have a plane for the better or worse they say god puts you down but he puts you back up
Sutton Banion
Sutton Banion - 5 years ago
Come on don’t do this if u did they can cost lots of $
Leighton Smith
Leighton Smith - 5 years ago
I feel so sad for you this has happed 2 times to you
Daylen_the_God _
Daylen_the_God _ - 5 years ago
Who ever did this needs to square up
Davey Dave
Davey Dave - 5 years ago
It could happen that it could be the food that you fed the fish or a chemical that came let someone through in the pond or they eat something like a poison frog or afro-asian lizard the Fallen in it I don't know about the animal stuff in Florida I just know stuff in New York because I live in New York but sorry about all your fish
Gr3ater_shark0 - 5 years ago
Why do people keep trying to poison this man's fish just dont
Sarah Jaundrill
Sarah Jaundrill - 5 years ago
Sorry for your loss, R.I.P FISHES.
JJ Star
JJ Star - 5 years ago
Sorry for your lost. RIP
Bennett Rabern
Bennett Rabern - 5 years ago
supercutecheeto and baldy plays angels
supercutecheeto and baldy plays angels - 5 years ago
Is jaws okay pls tell me yed
supercutecheeto and baldy plays angels
supercutecheeto and baldy plays angels - 5 years ago
LemonTubeHD 09
LemonTubeHD 09 - 5 years ago
1 like for fish prayer's
Joshua Riano
Joshua Riano - 5 years ago
I want a shirt
Poland uhhSnoh
Poland uhhSnoh - 5 years ago
Rip fish
Mohib sayyed
Mohib sayyed - 5 years ago
check cctv footage
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 5 years ago
its summer time so fish digest food a LOT FASTER.. because you had so many fish in that small pond without endless flowing water the filter that was strong enough during colder months without so much fish poop is now obsolete.. R.i.p ....at least you saved most of them and had support ponds n friends to keep the fish dying or having to be released. You live you learn little bro :/ you'll be alright
Kaleigh Stirrat
Kaleigh Stirrat - 5 years ago
I’m so sad that this happened to you twice now. Utterly disgusted that someone would murder your pets
Damien’s Mini Zoo
Damien’s Mini Zoo - 5 years ago
I have the same crocs
Carter Fromi
Carter Fromi - 5 years ago
Did Jaws die ?
Cotton candy queen
Cotton candy queen - 5 years ago
Joshua Riano
Joshua Riano - 5 years ago
Is jaws ok
Modern Gaming
Modern Gaming - 5 years ago
RAWW FAM Can i get a shoyt out of my yt channel in the next vid?
Justin Woods
Justin Woods - 5 years ago
You dont have enough filtration for the bio load of that many big fish, no one threw anything in there, your filter is too small, that's why the ammonia and nitrate spiked
Kenzie's Krazy
Kenzie's Krazy - 5 years ago
How big is your filter on your pond. How many gal.was your pond and what should the turn over rate be between the two?
AcousticDreamer - 5 years ago
I'm so sad 4 u. Is someone cutting onions?
Yee Lo
Yee Lo - 5 years ago
Good luck
Yee Lo
Yee Lo - 5 years ago
I wish u the best of luck
Jayz_ 1107
Jayz_ 1107 - 5 years ago
Again :,( I am so so sorry for the lost! That is so sad!!!
Martelo - 5 years ago
This guy kills all the fish. It's a shame.
Eric Thompson
Eric Thompson - 5 years ago
9:54 his butt was in the cam
Jose Cardenas
Jose Cardenas - 5 years ago
This is so sad whyyy
Bart Wagner
Bart Wagner - 5 years ago
But is regular jaws ok because you said mini jaws is ok
Fornetty Pavon
Fornetty Pavon - 5 years ago
Kylie Beltran
Kylie Beltran - 5 years ago
I was going to ask what happened to jaws
Andy Bautista
Andy Bautista - 5 years ago
Im sad right now and 2 days ago was my b-day
Lynn Dudek
Lynn Dudek - 5 years ago
I am so sorry to hear of your fish being hurt how sad. Check your cameras
rosie :D
rosie :D - 5 years ago
Im sorry that happen to your fish..:(
Young Savage
Young Savage - 5 years ago
Is jaws dead
Andrew Ng Jun An
Andrew Ng Jun An - 5 years ago
1like = 300000000rip fish
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 5 years ago
Franklin, I’m not really sorry your fish died again. You have and continue to release so many invasive species in the water ways it’s baffling. It’s a shame that so many children look up to you and your vids when it’s painfully clear you don’t know about fish
Justin Woods
Justin Woods - 5 years ago
Completely agree
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 5 years ago
Justin Woods there’s plenty of filters for monster sized fish, it’s just HE doesn’t know how to properly take care of them or just doesn’t out of laziness, I can’t say which one but either way he shouldn’t have the fish
Justin Woods
Justin Woods - 5 years ago
His ammonia and nitrate spiked because his filter cant support the bio load of that many big fish
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 5 years ago
Justin Woods yes!! Exactly! I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees him as he really is
Justin Woods
Justin Woods - 5 years ago
And he is a pitiful fish keeper, he definitely doesn't do any research, and he doesn't really love his fish(you can tell by how he treats them) he just loves the views... anything for the views
Monica  Hurst
Monica Hurst - 5 years ago
Can't you put a tracker in all ur fish
Dweebozoid 456
Dweebozoid 456 - 5 years ago
again wth
Debderbie Harris
Debderbie Harris - 5 years ago
U should have save some of that water and have it tested.
FlameKiller Minecraft boss
FlameKiller Minecraft boss - 5 years ago
It’s called a red rail because it’s tail is red?
duck squad
duck squad - 5 years ago
did big jaws die i hope not
luxury roblox
luxury roblox - 5 years ago
I feel really bad and i hope all your fish wont die
(Especially the big fat koi that was my favorite)
Caleb Flores
Caleb Flores - 5 years ago
That breaks my heart to hear that
Syncir Williams
Syncir Williams - 5 years ago
Rest in peast fish
jordyn meadows
jordyn meadows - 5 years ago
Jaws died nooooooooooo I loved that fishhhhh
Grayson24242 Amazez
Grayson24242 Amazez - 5 years ago
You should get security cameras
Jordan Kete
Jordan Kete - 5 years ago
죽음과 삶Cami달콤한 꿈
죽음과 삶Cami달콤한 꿈 - 5 years ago
One like for 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 prayers!You could comment too for the same amount!actually Pray once = the same amount..I lobe your videos..and hopefully They live a good life in heaven
Wolf Anna Channel
Wolf Anna Channel - 5 years ago
I wish I could beat them up to teach a lesson in that they could not do it again I'm really sorry about it and plus I did not do that at least
Kitty playz
Kitty playz - 5 years ago
R.I.P fish T^T
Brandon Nealey
Brandon Nealey - 5 years ago
Raw make a wall
Kam 1025
Kam 1025 - 5 years ago
RuSs 6592
RuSs 6592 - 5 years ago
This needs to stop RIP
Jackie Jordan
Jackie Jordan - 5 years ago
Sorry about your fish
Noah Playz For Dayz
Noah Playz For Dayz - 5 years ago
What happened
Noah Playz For Dayz
Noah Playz For Dayz - 5 years ago
So sad
Cambria Hartley
Cambria Hartley - 5 years ago
:( this is so sad im going to cry
JoJo Kane
JoJo Kane - 5 years ago
Why do people do this? Why would people do this. This is sickening. These poor innocent animals
PewDie Pie
PewDie Pie - 5 years ago
I love you 3000
Crystal Lebron
Crystal Lebron - 5 years ago
My dog got poisoned by a old niebor I liked next to a long time ago
WolfieTheWolfYT And OmegaWolfieWOHP
WolfieTheWolfYT And OmegaWolfieWOHP - 5 years ago

This is the second loss...
Crystal's pets&plants
Crystal's pets&plants - 5 years ago
Again rawfam i im so sorry about the loss of your fish i hop you figer out whats killing your fish
Mason Easterling
Mason Easterling - 5 years ago
So sorry to see this man, your awesome for even talking about it and staying in a 'calm' attitude
THE GAMING HEAD - 5 years ago
Who the he’ll dislikes this
Joe V
Joe V - 5 years ago
This is so sad. I love watching all the great fish. I do wanna see Jaws
Raziq Mohammed
Raziq Mohammed - 5 years ago
Man this is bad, hope u can get through this (a moment of silence for jaws)
Brianna Dudzinski
Brianna Dudzinski - 5 years ago
Im so sorry :( how many fish was there and how many is there now? I feeln like its always your channel that someone tries to sabotage your life and it costs innocent animals lives
Edy Barrios
Edy Barrios - 5 years ago
Sorry for what happened man
Like if u are sorry too...
Connor 1998
Connor 1998 - 5 years ago
Ohh dear I’m sorry about the loss of your fish but I’m happy that some survived

Unless it might be one of the dislikers who did it
Joi0102 - 5 years ago
aww man, this is the second time since I watch your vids that your lovely fishs got attacked and killed i am realy realy sorry for you <3

someone realy seams to hate you...
Tony - 5 years ago
You have great friends around to help you in your time of need. Is Jaws one of the ones who perished? I hope not. It's sad to say if someone did this they should be made to drink that water. Get security cameras Franklin.
Kevin Brewington
Kevin Brewington - 5 years ago
That what u do when u don’t want your fish any more
look at me ya 123
look at me ya 123 - 5 years ago
Maby it's the same guy tink about it he loves fish but hates yours cause he was jelous about all your awesome cool fish
alfez pandial
alfez pandial - 5 years ago
Rest in peace man hope most of ur fish r alive all the best
Vale Septiem
Vale Septiem - 5 years ago
You should install a security system with cameras so if it were to happen again (hopefully not) you know exactly what happened or if someone was there and you would have proof
EpicGamer - Gaming
EpicGamer - Gaming - 5 years ago
Just like last time ;c i feel u frank
Perla Espinoza
Perla Espinoza - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry for your fish
Damien Rubalcava
Damien Rubalcava - 5 years ago
You should honestly move out of that neighborhood it would be best for your fish because this happening to much move out
Mirul Azmi
Mirul Azmi - 5 years ago
Where is your aligator gar??
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 5 years ago
Oh franklin!! Do you think it was the same person that “stole” killed your fish last time????? Wait that was you also....
Wild Bffs
Wild Bffs - 5 years ago
Franklin please get a guard dog the same thing happened to my brother and he got a guard dog and the person that did it was put in jail
Manuel Puentes
Manuel Puentes - 5 years ago
No one put chemicals in ur pond u just don’t have a big enough filter for that pond that why u have an ammonia spike u didn’t have enough bacteria in ur filter
kaila valencia
kaila valencia - 5 years ago
I agree
Kenzie's Krazy
Kenzie's Krazy - 5 years ago
Bro he has done water changes before and they have been fine use your brain that pond has been established for almost a year.
DarkOG12 Fortnite pro
DarkOG12 Fortnite pro - 5 years ago
Manuel Puentes how do you know yoy go to his house your a selfish person
foRtnite guy 1
foRtnite guy 1 - 5 years ago
Maybe it was a hater.
Kolten playz
Kolten playz - 5 years ago
Rip fish I hope who ever did this learns to not mess with raww family. Franklin you didn't deserve that or the fish didn't deserve that
Carlos Urquides
Carlos Urquides - 5 years ago
I am amazed ...you are surrounded by such caring people ....what a blessing...god bless all of you....that is so awesome!
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 5 years ago
Gonna release more fish, gonna kill your next “pets”
javier santiago
javier santiago - 5 years ago
Marlyny78 - 5 years ago
Sorry for ur lost but u should build the fences bigger and put a net on top so the sun could be inside or just put a roof
ambrosius gameming
ambrosius gameming - 5 years ago
maybe it is time for cameras so that next time you can find the person direckt because I hope not to see this anymore this is sad
Carter Mallaney
Carter Mallaney - 5 years ago
Sorry man not saying anybody did it but how could someone be so cruel Rip man get better
VOIDtheMYTH - 5 years ago
Maybe tag your fish or something idk much about that stuff
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 5 years ago
So your fish died again, I’m not really sorry for you. The amount of plecos and other invasive fish you’ve released in the canals is baffling. It’s depressing that children look up to you when you know nothing about fish.
TheKingsMan Smithers
TheKingsMan Smithers - 5 years ago
:( I feel sorry for you
Shawdaw Wolfie H
Shawdaw Wolfie H - 5 years ago
Those cops were dumb, they let kids who killed living animals, they trespassed property, and destroyed your pond, they deserved to be arrested, I loved those fish, now I they are gone
Aniyah Brie
Aniyah Brie - 5 years ago
Can can I have a shout-out
Brian Meza
Brian Meza - 5 years ago
It might be that fish that zack got you and you forgotten it
Ricky Hernandez
Ricky Hernandez - 5 years ago
You should put cameras up in your backyard see what happens and line the inside of your fence with electrical wire And put motion lights towards the back fence so if somebody does have the balls to jump your fence and put something in The pond their asses Can get electrocuting
LynxSlitzz- - 5 years ago
Anyone wondering why he’s not checking that fat camera on the side of the wood looking directly at his pond???
WeFeaq - 5 years ago
Watch it from a positive way! Now you can go and catch some other cool fish for in the pawn to train!
Sander Van Dongen
Sander Van Dongen - 5 years ago
I have a tip for you. If you out new fish in always take pictures of them and special spots on their body. That way you can prove its your fish
Gauge Buseck
Gauge Buseck - 5 years ago
I’m subbing to all of his friends, just saying, y’all should too
christian81000 - 5 years ago
Like how do u not have cameras set up after your previous fish got murked
Ravi Manick
Ravi Manick - 5 years ago
He has
Quinn Benoit
Quinn Benoit - 5 years ago
It's very sad but just get security cameras just as advice
Danny - 5 years ago
I pray that this never happens again
Danny - 5 years ago
Pls buy night vision cameras and put them all around your house
blackbeltkitty3 spencer
blackbeltkitty3 spencer - 5 years ago
Yea do it
Untamable Gaming
Untamable Gaming - 5 years ago
Uhhh I have one question............ How many fishes were actually killed tho? He said many but how much?????
carter s
carter s - 5 years ago
im sorry man, I love the gar
Vincznt Sad
Vincznt Sad - 5 years ago
SHAMU - 5 years ago
It happened again... Everything will be fine soon
CoinCake Gaming
CoinCake Gaming - 5 years ago
I feel so sorry for you bro
Slightly Psycho Aquatics
Slightly Psycho Aquatics - 5 years ago
cleaning ammonia, that's my guess
geno sans
geno sans - 5 years ago
not again
float king
float king - 5 years ago
maybe your fish died because they couldn't handle hearing raw fam anymore
Joseph Birlew
Joseph Birlew - 5 years ago
Why do you have to be such a d**k he probly cares more about his fish than anyone cares about u
Dillan Cruz
Dillan Cruz - 5 years ago
Did jaws die
Emily Cool Cat
Emily Cool Cat - 5 years ago
I REALLY WANT TO SEE JAWS but I get your mad
Gabriella Martinez
Gabriella Martinez - 5 years ago
Those kids wouldn't like it if they were those animals
iiPh03nix - 5 years ago
I feel bad bro. R.I.P he will find happiness in heaven
David n
David n - 5 years ago
somebody's got a vendetta against you can a security camera over your pond
PudXLXL - 5 years ago
Whoever did this is jelly because you have better fish than them
Cristo Gabriel
Cristo Gabriel - 5 years ago
I'm sorry for some of your lost R.i.p may God bless this beautiful fish
Ashlyn B
Ashlyn B - 5 years ago
I'm so sorry. You are an amazing owner and this shouldn't have happened to you.
Ryder Vlogs/gaming
Ryder Vlogs/gaming - 5 years ago
Did jaws die plz tell me he didnt
Timmy Turner
Timmy Turner - 5 years ago
Sorry mam I know this has to be Tuff, also dont you think baby jaws might eat some of your baby koi?
Der ick
Der ick - 5 years ago
Gone i mean
Der ick
Der ick - 5 years ago
I thought jaws was gane
Gauge Buseck
Gauge Buseck - 5 years ago
I think it was a subscriber trying to be funny, just like the pewdiepie shooter thing, but and he problably just saw your house then came back and put some nasty chemicals in it
HotRocket 204598
HotRocket 204598 - 5 years ago
Lu Bu Labang
Lu Bu Labang - 5 years ago
im upset
Littlehorsegirl200HorseWorld HorseWorld
Littlehorsegirl200HorseWorld HorseWorld - 5 years ago
My fish just died today
Lu Bu Labang
Lu Bu Labang - 5 years ago
wow im shook
Cat Bat
Cat Bat - 5 years ago
Is Jaws okay?
Noah Millar
Noah Millar - 5 years ago
Noooooo I hope jaws is ok
Red M.C
Red M.C - 5 years ago
You should put cameras on your property.
Nieves Vega
Nieves Vega - 5 years ago
I'm sorry that that happen
Softwho - 5 years ago
Im so sad
Comrade Opossums
Comrade Opossums - 5 years ago
yo so no joke not trying to spread hate or anything but this is way to much of a coincidence because this happened last year on may 17 2018 and now on may 15 2019 im not trying to be rude or anything but i hope your nt hurting your animals man
Xix snipe
Xix snipe - 5 years ago
Is jaws dead??
If she is I’m extremely upset bro and hope you can power through this
Irekonu - 5 years ago
That is what I was wondering
Amber Quinonez
Amber Quinonez - 5 years ago
There is definitely evil in the world.
Bartolome TV
Bartolome TV - 5 years ago
Omg that was so sad realy
Im sorry
grayson and the rednecks
grayson and the rednecks - 5 years ago
set up security camreous
John Stanforth
John Stanforth - 5 years ago
Anthony James
Anthony James - 5 years ago
It was too close to the fence
Rc the Chosen one
Rc the Chosen one - 5 years ago
Im almost at 20 subs! Plz help me
Joe The Turtle
Joe The Turtle - 5 years ago
1 like = 1 prayer for Jaws... Lots of love to you guys reading this!
Leopard Gecko fan
Leopard Gecko fan - 5 years ago
Wait did jaws die?
rosa plays
rosa plays - 5 years ago
Yes pray
Emma Rylance
Emma Rylance - 5 years ago
Keep up your good work I love watching your vids so do my kids it's just a shame people are jealous of you and have to be so horrible and hurt them poor fish xx
Sebastian Acevedo
Sebastian Acevedo - 5 years ago
Nooo the Koi
Tommy Yang
Tommy Yang - 5 years ago
Just found your channel 2 days ago and man you make great videos! Sorry for your loss bro hopefully you will recover from this soon.
Nilan Kumarage
Nilan Kumarage - 5 years ago
He's staged it
Tyrell Savwoir
Tyrell Savwoir - 5 years ago
Did Jaws die
Nilan Kumarage
Nilan Kumarage - 5 years ago
His camera knew to go there
Lauryn Mankey
Lauryn Mankey - 5 years ago
Not the fish
King Mari
King Mari - 5 years ago
Bacon Man
Bacon Man - 5 years ago
Man someone did this
Fitzroy Richards
Fitzroy Richards - 5 years ago
Is jaws ok
Lacey & Cody Poland & Gallman
Lacey & Cody Poland & Gallman - 5 years ago
Sorry man huge fan and it’s very sad to see them go
Brandi Baker
Brandi Baker - 5 years ago
Is jaws ok
ali ali
ali ali - 5 years ago
# rip jaws
Fredrick Shelton
Fredrick Shelton - 5 years ago
heysi arjona
heysi arjona - 5 years ago
I don’t know how people can be so heartless to do this to you this is the second time to do it to you
Silverfox Studios
Silverfox Studios - 5 years ago
RIP the fish who died in the poison water catastrophe, may the survivors carry on their memory with every flick of their tails.
I really cannot believe that this is happening. If it was someone, they are plain sick. I think you need security cameras(Unless you already have them)
Stephen Sheng
Stephen Sheng - 5 years ago
I am felling really bad for u... :(
Stephen Sheng
Stephen Sheng - 5 years ago
really srry!
heysi arjona
heysi arjona - 5 years ago
I am very sorry about your loss bro
Happygrandma Eileen
Happygrandma Eileen - 5 years ago
My heart breaks for you and the rest of your friends when I see the distruction of you hard work destroyed. Know that you will start again because you Blake and the rest of the gang support each other and are one wonderful family of friends.
Dominik Echeverria
Dominik Echeverria - 5 years ago
I hope they find the ones that slit your pond and get pressed full charges, anyway hope you recover everything you lost.
Kamden Black The awesomeness
Kamden Black The awesomeness - 5 years ago
sorry man that jaws died
Big Win games
Big Win games - 5 years ago
I’m very sorry this has to happen
Saul Gonzalez
Saul Gonzalez - 5 years ago
Good baby jaws is alive
Alia Canales
Alia Canales - 5 years ago
:[ :(
Sarahi Loera
Sarahi Loera - 5 years ago
I am also so sad because my dog died don't worry ur not the only one who is sad
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
Dang bro, you cut your pond again? Is this a yearly thing now?
BlackHawk_ 01
BlackHawk_ 01 - 5 years ago
I know
Filip Surowka
Filip Surowka - 5 years ago
Oh no
Mason Sell
Mason Sell - 5 years ago
I am so sorry about this, I love animals too. And I think we all know you did the right thing. Hope everything will be better
Nayif AlAbdali
Nayif AlAbdali - 5 years ago
I hope it doesn’t happen again
GunAim EU
GunAim EU - 5 years ago
Nice cut over the water!!
Mr. Jack
Mr. Jack - 5 years ago
Are you have a bug invasion?
Cuz they usually spray the bug poison from planes and maybe it mixed with your pond.
Justin Woods
Justin Woods - 5 years ago
He doesn't have enough water or filtration for that many big fish, his ammonia and nitrate spiked because of it, he killed those fish, not a chemical
Justin Woods
Justin Woods - 5 years ago
But only one pond?... nope
geno sans
geno sans - 5 years ago
ok so by the looks of it there is a lovebug infestation in Florida so this could be possible
Bridget W
Bridget W - 5 years ago
Whoever did this should die in a 500000feet down hole
Kiara_07 - 5 years ago
Did jaws die?
Mohammed Alburaiki
Mohammed Alburaiki - 5 years ago
Swem with the red tal
Michael Johnston
Michael Johnston - 5 years ago
I hate to be the person with an unpopular opinion but I think it needs to be said. When keeping fish like these you need to have a better backup plan other than releasing fish into ponds (secluded body of water or not) it's very detrimental to the environment and young naieve viewers/fish keepers will see this and think it's ok to just release your fish when circumstances arise that dont allow you to keep them anymore. Also another plan besides sending them to a friend. Eventually your friends will all have stocked systems that cant house an extra 3-4 giant fish. I always have a rule of thumb to have at least two systems/bodys of water/tanks that are capable of housing your fish if one fails. Another thing too. Your fish always seem to have an issue/problem happen to them. You would think after all this time you would have security cameras and an enclosed building/property you can lock. These monster fish aren't for everyone. Time and time again it's been proven the pool isnt a good idea. Time for a legitimate enclosure on/inside a building that can be locked to prevent foul play. It sucks someone comes and does this to your fish but obviously it's not working. If you cant ensure the saftey of these animals in a fully enclosed space then it's time to slim down and keep what you actually can manage inside your home or something.
ツYDO_FredRich - 5 years ago
Why you need too do that?
Aqua vibration
Aqua vibration - 5 years ago
you should get jaws on that person who killed your fish
Dicaajr97 - 5 years ago
Something is Fishy about this again someone sabotages his fish dude move or put a sun roof or canopy over the pond/pool and get a bigger fence and more cameras.
Sophie's YouTube
Sophie's YouTube - 5 years ago
You’re a moron. Changing water at 2 am. You’re neighbours must love you. Fertilizer or hydrogen peroxide can cause hydrogen spikes or even a dead fish. Stop being a moron. Also toxicity poisoning is permanent and will cause a quick death regardless of what you do now.
Sophie's YouTube
Sophie's YouTube - 5 years ago
ThisChannelReview no he didn’t. He has no idea what caused the water to spike. Joey tested the water, he doesn’t even own a test kit. What kind of fish keeper does not have test kits. No the expert he claims to be. Now go back a read my comment as it explains why he is a moron. Now that you’ve been school you can stop being a moron too.
ThisChannelReview - 5 years ago
Clearly he tested the water and if you would watched the whole video you would know that. "Moron".
Bestatgames _
Bestatgames _ - 5 years ago
Did you check the cameras
Dryce Neeley
Dryce Neeley - 5 years ago
Man I’m so sorry Franklin. RIP coy
Big Paydrow
Big Paydrow - 5 years ago
Wasn’t jaws not eating maybe they were sic,U should move pond AWAY from da fence. Don’t u have cameras
wolf playz
wolf playz - 5 years ago
Sorry for that man good thing jaws is OK and some more fish
Annelise Salazar
Annelise Salazar - 5 years ago
I'm sorry for your loss, I would be extremely upset if it happened to me too. I hope that whoever did this his caught.
Bossspider909 M2
Bossspider909 M2 - 5 years ago
Is jaws dead?
Narsingh Ramnath
Narsingh Ramnath - 5 years ago
Sorry for your loss hope jaws is ok
Andrew Cortez
Andrew Cortez - 5 years ago
Sorry for your loss of fish man and if someone did that to your pond that f*** up of Them to do that
Panda Lover 123
Panda Lover 123 - 5 years ago
I'm so sorry this happened to you make the like button blue for 1 prayer for the poor fishes I LOVE YOU RAWWFISHING AND I AM SO SORRY FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU PLZ READ THIS !!!!!
Brandon Gameing
Brandon Gameing - 5 years ago
Sorry for the Lose
Spot Light
Spot Light - 5 years ago
At least they all didn't die but then some didn't make it that was sad
Natureboy’s Wildlife
Natureboy’s Wildlife - 5 years ago
How do we know you didn’t put the chemicals in your pond for......

Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
Natureboy’s Wildlife

Idk man, all that Franklin keeps is Koi Blood Red and Pond Dye Blue, so maybe like watermelon or something Idk
Natureboy’s Wildlife
Natureboy’s Wildlife - 5 years ago
Parker D Probably
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
Kenzie's Krazy

About 6 months, it gets hot living in the attic, can you bring a snow cone or something?
Kenzie's Krazy
Kenzie's Krazy - 5 years ago
+Parker D How long have you been staying with Franklin and his family now?
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
I don’t think he threw chemicals, I’m 100% sure he just didn’t do water changes, and he’s lying about it.
Exnotics _Labs
Exnotics _Labs - 5 years ago
That's just sick nobody wants to here you be a jerk
BlackHawk_ 01
BlackHawk_ 01 - 5 years ago
Shahidha Aisha
Shahidha Aisha - 5 years ago
Erik Kapp
Erik Kapp - 5 years ago
So so sorry for your loss man. This is a terrible thing. I hope things get re-situated and moving forward again soon. You are such a talented and genuine creator and this is your life. It's messed up anyone would mess with that. You are in my prayers!
dont do it
dont do it - 5 years ago
You should get security cams
Poop MAN
Poop MAN - 5 years ago
Who would do something like this
Bubblegum gamer
Bubblegum gamer - 5 years ago
OMG IS JAWS OK?!?!?!? r.i.p some of raw fam
Samuel Bergman
Samuel Bergman - 5 years ago
Sorry for your loss man One like prayer for his fish
Darnisha Naquana
Darnisha Naquana - 5 years ago
RIP to jaws the manaw
Darnisha Naquana
Darnisha Naquana - 5 years ago
RIP to jaws the mana
Nel Son Toe
Nel Son Toe - 5 years ago
Sorry bro I can feel your feelings
Nel Son Toe
Nel Son Toe - 5 years ago
Do you mean you don't have fish now?
Colt The fish guy
Colt The fish guy - 5 years ago
Strip test are trash! Get an api master test kit.
Joe Miller
Joe Miller - 5 years ago
Check those cameras you put up
Elii Flame Animations
Elii Flame Animations - 5 years ago
If you find out that someone did do something to the pond, and have security footage, I’d recommend getting police involved. Those poor fish didn’t deserve to die. I hope you find out what truly happened.
Rhett A
Rhett A - 5 years ago
did jaws die
Drifty Puddles13
Drifty Puddles13 - 5 years ago
I’m sorry about your loss of your fish
Zane Marshall
Zane Marshall - 5 years ago
Not to be heartless but if this is just an accident just say it people will forgive you and don't you have cctv from the time someone cut your pond but if it is all true then I feel bad and hope everything turns out better next time
Darcy 333
Darcy 333 - 5 years ago
Is jaws ok
Darcy 333
Darcy 333 - 5 years ago
I jaws ok
Marlon Medley
Marlon Medley - 5 years ago
I am a big fan can I get a shout out
Elizabeth Roberts
Elizabeth Roberts - 5 years ago
Get someone who looks at you the way franklin looks at fish
blaiseboy - 5 years ago
Fish may you Rest In Peace knowing he did what he could do
Kaitlyn Asselin
Kaitlyn Asselin - 5 years ago
I'm sorry you lose your fish they were cool fish
Natasja Autar
Natasja Autar - 5 years ago
Cool keep it up Franklin and I love your videos first
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
Haha awesome! You killed more fish
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
BlackHawk_ 01

That’s crazy, I never see anyone named Parker until I go into a fish youtubers comment section
BlackHawk_ 01
BlackHawk_ 01 - 5 years ago
Ha. I know. What's funny is that my real name is Parker to. Us Parker's are smart
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
BlackHawk_ 01

You’re smart, but most of his viewers don’t get that.
BlackHawk_ 01
BlackHawk_ 01 - 5 years ago
I know he's a complete liar. He killed em to get more views
Liger wolf Productions
Liger wolf Productions - 5 years ago
r.i.p fish :(
Modern Gaming
Modern Gaming - 5 years ago
Am so sorry i wish i was old so i can go gift yiu some fish
Shawn LeBlanc
Shawn LeBlanc - 5 years ago
Is jaws Ded
Landan swanson
Landan swanson - 5 years ago
StarWars 1323
StarWars 1323 - 5 years ago
OMG I would be upset too, Your Raw Family is here for you. May your fish rest in peace we are so sorry for your lose.
alex korn
alex korn - 5 years ago
Why not install security cameras? That's the smart thing to do
Anthony Fanchin
Anthony Fanchin - 5 years ago
If there is someone killing your fish like it happened before, you should get a couple of security cameras and see if you catch who was responsible with this and the previous killing on your fish.
Ryan CJ
Ryan CJ - 5 years ago
Again, noooooo. It makes me so sad especially on my birthday this weekend.
Tmategames - 5 years ago
Who in the world is that sick in his/her head and will do this to you man i loved those fish
Alexander Sharrer
Alexander Sharrer - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry I hope your fish survive
SeaTurtlePlayz :3
SeaTurtlePlayz :3 - 5 years ago
The fishing community is here to help. I’m really sorry for your loss. I know these fish meant a lot to you ❤️
Sam Elliott
Sam Elliott - 5 years ago
So sad raw fam
Stephen Hood
Stephen Hood - 5 years ago
I,m so sorry about your fish

I had a goldfish and it died two days later after I got it from the rodeo the fish are already sick
Hannah Chavez
Hannah Chavez - 5 years ago
how poor your goldfish die if I have a goldfish and it die I will be sad but i fish's
TangyChannel 690
TangyChannel 690 - 5 years ago
I can’t Believe someone would do that
Lakecia White
Lakecia White - 5 years ago
Rip. Jaws. Good luck baby Jaws
Xristos 2406
Xristos 2406 - 5 years ago
Will you stop doing videos PLS dont stop i love youre videos and when i am sad i watching some of your videos and then im happy
Alejandro Garcia
Alejandro Garcia - 5 years ago
We’re is jaws
Bigmoneydee10 - 5 years ago
Alejandro Garcia
Alejandro Garcia - 5 years ago
We’re is jaws
Seif Irfan
Seif Irfan - 5 years ago
R.i.p fish im so sorry for your loss franklin but lets try to be positive
Kendrad Dragons
Kendrad Dragons - 5 years ago
Are you going to catch them again?? I am really sad.
Sarah Monta
Sarah Monta - 5 years ago
Don’t give up you give a lot of positivity to your channel and to a lot of young viewers
smiley manasmontri
smiley manasmontri - 5 years ago
Nice crocs
Malik Battle
Malik Battle - 5 years ago
Is Jaws dead
Shadowboy 700
Shadowboy 700 - 5 years ago
273 comment
lmaobesson - 5 years ago
What happend to the big jaws
its a me mario
its a me mario - 5 years ago
you prob over feeded them
Perez Family
Perez Family - 5 years ago
Awwww I feel bad every thing will be ok buddy
Chip Irvin
Chip Irvin - 5 years ago
I am so sorry about your fish
Gaming Grimes
Gaming Grimes - 5 years ago
Rawwfishing: nicest red tail I’ve ever met.

Me: What other red tails have you been seeing.
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
The literal 10 others that died in his care
Vanahai Guapacha
Vanahai Guapacha - 5 years ago
I’m the 260th one to comment like if your late! Hope you have a wonderful day
Miranda Gozalkowski
Miranda Gozalkowski - 5 years ago
my mom hants fish
C C - 5 years ago
Sorry to here franklin
Santoro Aquatics
Santoro Aquatics - 5 years ago
Franklin you rock sorry about your fish bro I love watching your videos
Tom Schoeffel
Tom Schoeffel - 5 years ago
sorry for your lost rip
Jeff Gray
Jeff Gray - 5 years ago
So sorry for your loss. Keep your chin up. I love your videos.
Khubaib Arif
Khubaib Arif - 5 years ago
I feel so bad
Ice King
Ice King - 5 years ago
Good thing you filmed every last detail of this disaster.. Cause views, am i right??
Kenzie's Krazy
Kenzie's Krazy - 5 years ago
If he didn't film it he would be accused of hiding something. You people are never happy no matter what.
Virginia Ungudruk
Virginia Ungudruk - 5 years ago
I feel bad for your fish
Wentelteef 101
Wentelteef 101 - 5 years ago
this is sad :(
Boyo Bean
Boyo Bean - 5 years ago
Feel bad for jaws
rc car movies
rc car movies - 5 years ago
Darnisha Naquana
Darnisha Naquana - 5 years ago
No not again
Elmer Argueta
Elmer Argueta - 5 years ago
Is there footage from that camera pointed at the pond, of something being thrown into the pond??
Justin Woods
Justin Woods - 5 years ago
And his filtration sucks for that much of a bio load, that's why ammonia and nitrate spiked..
Alissia Dici
Alissia Dici - 5 years ago
No pun intended but this whole situation seems fishy. He probably threw something in himself or something
BlackHawk_ 01
BlackHawk_ 01 - 5 years ago
+Parker D exactly
Parker D
Parker D - 5 years ago
No, because nobody threw anything, he simply didn’t do any water changes. Who goes outside in recent Florida Weather, at 2 AM? He’s obviously lying
jtcardboss12 - 5 years ago
Kaden Zillmer
Kaden Zillmer - 5 years ago
Is jaws okay
Tyson Ashworth
Tyson Ashworth - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry for your loss. You can catch some bigger and better fish.

If someone did that I hope they low key drown and get attacked by pacu!
Tyson Ashworth
Tyson Ashworth - 5 years ago
Update sense someone did do it I hope the get what I said
fazewaffleman - 5 years ago
What type of monster would do this
Where's jaws
Ian Zavala
Ian Zavala - 5 years ago
Your the main reason I went fishing
Ian Zavala
Ian Zavala - 5 years ago
Am mad now
Ian Zavala
Ian Zavala - 5 years ago
That made me
OcN Echo0
OcN Echo0 - 5 years ago
KeysDave08 - 5 years ago
Did they ever find out who kill zacks fish a few years ago?
KeysDave08 - 5 years ago
Anyone know the persons name?
Jimmy Joe
Jimmy Joe - 5 years ago
Really sorry about what happened to the fish and the pond.
scary jack Tyson
scary jack Tyson - 5 years ago
Srry for your lost and u have pretty fish
Corrupt-X - 5 years ago
Juan L. Garcia
Juan L. Garcia - 5 years ago
Franklin you be Bullshitting too mutch. Im unsubscribing to all you exept Joey. I gave up on Zack. Blake is cool and paul.
jake 88
jake 88 - 5 years ago
Look im gonna do something
Depressed angel Fox
Depressed angel Fox - 5 years ago
I’m sorry about your fish
Buckettkidd. Rj
Buckettkidd. Rj - 5 years ago
Trupti Jawle
Trupti Jawle - 5 years ago
What you are making of sword fish sword in the last video
Pls reply bro
fire dragon
fire dragon - 5 years ago
Please i love you
Doctor Game
Doctor Game - 5 years ago
You should put in a gal of benefithial bacteria
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry Franklin. I hope you feel better. We are the rawwfam. We can go through just about anything. R.I.P JAWS
ronald bundalian
ronald bundalian - 5 years ago
Jaws survie
Tigerkitty 2009
Tigerkitty 2009 - 5 years ago
Wait,jaws is dead?!
Jackson D
Jackson D - 5 years ago
Why are people such jerks? This is so sad!
Echo That Doggo
Echo That Doggo - 5 years ago
This made my bad day worse I am so sorry dude I have fish children of my own and I would murder someone of they hurt my babies I am so sorry I feel for yoy man r.i.p.
Itz Doofus
Itz Doofus - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry. Whoever did that is a monster.
Julian Cazares
Julian Cazares - 5 years ago
Sorry about your fish
Pancake Man
Pancake Man - 5 years ago
The fishes that passed will be stored in our memories
Marcia Welcome
Marcia Welcome - 5 years ago
Dahlyla Swingke
Dahlyla Swingke - 5 years ago
It jaws ok the crazy one
Kaley Luna
Kaley Luna - 5 years ago
So sorry about some of your fish. Part 2 of the fish killer
Galaxy Girl
Galaxy Girl - 5 years ago
First to not talk
Daniel Seybert
Daniel Seybert - 5 years ago
I'm sorry man. Rest in piece fish
AimiPotato - 5 years ago
Like last year, I have a feeling it will happen again next year. Because your fish died two years in a row.
soko petriti
soko petriti - 5 years ago
Sorry mate I feel bad
soko petriti
soko petriti - 5 years ago

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