What killed my pets Shamu 2 and 3?! Explained... RAWWFISHING's Youtube Channel: https://youtu.be/oNfF56Ztn8U STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online https://reellegendsneverdie.com/ SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM http://mtbfish.com/CatchEm MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: https://youtu.be/3mQBbF4v-ms Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: https://www.instagram.com/catch_em_al...

What KILLED ALL my PETS!? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 369

Raww fishing 6 years ago 479,826 views

What killed my pets Shamu 2 and 3?! Explained... RAWWFISHING's Youtube Channel: https://youtu.be/oNfF56Ztn8U STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online https://reellegendsneverdie.com/ SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM http://mtbfish.com/CatchEm MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: https://youtu.be/3mQBbF4v-ms Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: https://www.instagram.com/catch_em_al...

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Most popular comments
for What KILLED ALL my PETS!?

kevin elevin
kevin elevin - 6 years ago
The fish died of ligma
Tamjasonar Sonsonjaso neptune
Tamjasonar Sonsonjaso neptune - 6 years ago
+Daniel Eginton h
Tamjasonar Sonsonjaso neptune
Tamjasonar Sonsonjaso neptune - 6 years ago
J ,,l0p
M_ dizzle
M_ dizzle - 6 years ago
Pussy pussy pussy
M_ dizzle
M_ dizzle - 6 years ago
I suck pussy!
The Reborn
The Reborn - 6 years ago
Ligma nuts
100 subs with no videos
100 subs with no videos - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing ninja is still alive
M_ dizzle
M_ dizzle - 6 years ago
Kevin Schwacke the fish died because they're not pets they're supposed to be living free in the wild loving life loving everything swimming freely not being posted on the internet you think they want their faces on the internet they don't want all this attention
say alba
say alba - 6 years ago
Kevin Schw
Ethan Soriano
Ethan Soriano - 6 years ago
Skitty master of delcat Delcat master of skitty LIGMA BALLS
Goldeen 99
Goldeen 99 - 6 years ago
Kevin Schwacke what is ligma
Jarred Horton
Jarred Horton - 6 years ago
Fortnite gang for life
Itz Neuxer
Itz Neuxer - 6 years ago
Kevin Schwacke ligma balls xDD
Aidan Lapham
Aidan Lapham - 6 years ago
:me whats ligma
:weird guy lima balls
Daniel Eginton
Daniel Eginton - 6 years ago
Ligma balls
Blown Dunks
Blown Dunks - 6 years ago
Kevin Schwacke ligma nuts
Mr.Blurryface - 6 years ago
Ligma bawlls
HenrikLordOfMemes - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
Shame what happened to Ninja....r.i.p.
Lollipop Wolfie
Lollipop Wolfie - 6 years ago
Jaws ate Shamu!!!! ;3
Connerd Corps
Connerd Corps - 6 years ago
what kind of turtle is that
tom bob
tom bob - 6 years ago
Ricky u make the best videos
Dion Rennie Dobson
Dion Rennie Dobson - 6 years ago
I subed and hit the bell for you and raw fishing
yoer rtrrudbmh
yoer rtrrudbmh - 6 years ago
I thought it is a ice
18thletter 82
18thletter 82 - 6 years ago
Man this guys kills a lot of fish!!
J Embrr
J Embrr - 6 years ago
Shamu should have kirbied them and ate them lmfao
Emily Anderson
Emily Anderson - 6 years ago
My two favorite fishing youtubers yassss

10. comment for What KILLED ALL my PETS!?

Y B - 6 years ago
The turtle is attacking the other fishes! Not the pacu!
Waffleishtic Games
Waffleishtic Games - 6 years ago
Birds attacked???
claire caldwell
claire caldwell - 6 years ago
Bts Jiminie
Bts Jiminie - 6 years ago
It was u u were the one that is abusing them ABUSE
Jay Essex
Jay Essex - 6 years ago
This nigga clickbaits hard asf he should not have subs
generic YouTube logo
generic YouTube logo - 6 years ago
Brah u teamed up with raw fishing that's sad
Chris jericho Rivadeneira
Chris jericho Rivadeneira - 6 years ago
It so sad
George English
George English - 6 years ago
Short answer: you.
MIỀN TÂY FOOD - 6 years ago
i like video fish
Luis Holguin
Luis Holguin - 6 years ago
Everything about this video Is stupid. Can't believe ppl actually like this shit. Smh.

20. comment for What KILLED ALL my PETS!?

Brandon Mccoy
Brandon Mccoy - 6 years ago
You do realize part of the issue is that you have trained your pacu to have a taste for meat right? They are omnivorous by nature but they trend more towards herbivorous feeding mostly on plant matter and nuts, they do eat meat but they tend to go after dead animals unless they are hungry.
Random Nesss!
Random Nesss! - 6 years ago
dexroy Williams
dexroy Williams - 6 years ago
your video are so awesome and amazing
Hielo Kasama
Hielo Kasama - 6 years ago
100 subs with no videos
100 subs with no videos - 6 years ago
I was gonna say they died from ligma but i was to late lol
Buffy Bateman
Buffy Bateman - 6 years ago
Love video
AlxhaRaven - 6 years ago
It’s a tortes
Paweł Biedrzycki
Paweł Biedrzycki - 6 years ago
Propably you yourself
M_ dizzle
M_ dizzle - 6 years ago
Catch Em All you throw knees like a sissy girl! Just messing with you I'm kickboxer I don't know if you train but that was all right.
He lima balls
Ligma balls

30. comment for What KILLED ALL my PETS!?

Gwenny Pig
Gwenny Pig - 6 years ago
I'm sorry to your pets
karma police
karma police - 6 years ago
why not just dig a big hole instead of a stupid little pool
Thomas Decasse
Thomas Decasse - 6 years ago
fuck you pocu
Liftedlifestyle - 6 years ago
Your fish keeping skills are garbage that’s why
Geovani Gutierrez
Geovani Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Of revenge for his mini pond
Geovani Gutierrez
Geovani Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Paul i bet
JOKER GAMING - 6 years ago
But Didnt shamu died
Zen Tron
Zen Tron - 6 years ago
Subscribe to catch em all......OR YOUR LIFE SHALL BE SACRIFICED!!!!
Borble Slimez
Borble Slimez - 6 years ago
dats a tortuise
FayiS Fayispp
FayiS Fayispp - 6 years ago
you from?
wasey khan
wasey khan - 6 years ago
Hey do you know paul caffro
sarah atkinson
sarah atkinson - 6 years ago
Reanna Ali
Reanna Ali - 6 years ago
Jayden Morton
Jayden Morton - 6 years ago
Make a live video right now and read the comments at the end
Jayden Morton
Jayden Morton - 6 years ago
I love your fish and your videos
ALEX Ghila
ALEX Ghila - 6 years ago
you just lying and using "click bait" . fucktard. come and fish in Romania bitch. i want to see you at *work*. fucktard
Amarithefoxx Gamer
Amarithefoxx Gamer - 6 years ago
Yes cause fish run "Clap" "Clap"
Fighters Entertainment Network
Fighters Entertainment Network - 6 years ago
No respect for these fish
Fighters Entertainment Network
Fighters Entertainment Network - 6 years ago
Water is so tasty
Fighters Entertainment Network
Fighters Entertainment Network - 6 years ago
You have them all in stagnant water when she gets a $hitload of bacteria and algae. Plus no flilters. Over crowed and not pumping bubbles into the watter. Thats why everything is dying

50. comment for What KILLED ALL my PETS!?

Angela Blackbear
Angela Blackbear - 6 years ago
I have a lot of sunfish catfish bass turtles goldfish
Arian Rahman
Arian Rahman - 6 years ago
I'm more of a rawwfishing fan
Sanchez Adrian
Sanchez Adrian - 6 years ago
This dude was on the history channel!! Explaining pacu's it was him for sure, had his own merch on and everything
Sang Phát Channel
Sang Phát Channel - 6 years ago
He is a Rawfishing ?
aiden higgins
aiden higgins - 6 years ago
You are the best u make me laugh
sultanazinat22 - 6 years ago
Sorry about shamu
Malachi Ramoz
Malachi Ramoz - 6 years ago
Hey u know pack actually used to feed on vegetation but for some reason they started taking after their ancestors which are piranhas so I advise u to put the pacu back instead of put them in with ur pets
Bobby Keown
Bobby Keown - 6 years ago
I have a chilling shirt on while watching this
SanDiego Krook
SanDiego Krook - 6 years ago
Cant stand Raww Fishing
Clayton Barton
Clayton Barton - 6 years ago
Get rid of the pocu
max boud
max boud - 6 years ago
40 years old brainless annoying pervert! this guy is.
Mr. Spicey
Mr. Spicey - 6 years ago
Omg that turtle kept slapping itself in the face making a slap sound and i was dieing
LolICanTroll - 6 years ago
3:13 me when school is back
Riedz Givenchy
Riedz Givenchy - 6 years ago
Watch 02:07 u can see a big fish there.... Hmmmmm that's hot!
Optical Trickz
Optical Trickz - 6 years ago
I swear u had a million subs
Wu-tangWavy - 6 years ago
You should do that as well
Kiyomi Poe
Kiyomi Poe - 6 years ago
How much for the pool?
Lowkii - 6 years ago
Has your blue clay been eaten yet
Puuj Adiyadorj
Puuj Adiyadorj - 6 years ago
raww fam
Richard Yingling
Richard Yingling - 6 years ago
Still really sad Shamu died RIP.
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 6 years ago
Why did Franklin make his cement pond so shallow? The birds and raccoons are gonna love it for sure!

It's gonna run hot in the summer like that it's maybe 12" deep. He should have thought it through a bit more before doing it.

The whole thing doesn't have to be deep but it should have a part that 2-3 feet deep where the fish can retreat to if being bothered by birds or raccoons.
Yianni Komniny
Yianni Komniny - 6 years ago
They died of CDs

CDs nuts
Jose Torres
Jose Torres - 6 years ago
i like content but the into is getting old
Jose Torres
Jose Torres - 6 years ago
the* intro*
XxHansGaming xX
XxHansGaming xX - 6 years ago
So basically Shamu's weakness is giant Pacus or Ligma
Brett the redneck stalhei
Brett the redneck stalhei - 6 years ago
That's an epic oval pond bruhh
Jacob Beatty
Jacob Beatty - 6 years ago
He's not an average turtle...he's a tortoise lol
Jacob Beatty
Jacob Beatty - 6 years ago
He's not an average turtle...he's a tortoise lol
Ringochoo - 6 years ago
Pls don't put that white turtle in the water cuz it's a tortoise and they can't swim
PinkCheek Conure
PinkCheek Conure - 6 years ago
Aden's aquatics
Aden's aquatics - 6 years ago
That's a huge koi
mickkidoTV - 6 years ago
Aden's aquatics , koi (nishikigoi) average 36" 15-20lbs. the big one is specifically calld a kohaku. the tiny bit of black suggests its got taisho sanke in it aswell.
salty trucks bruh
salty trucks bruh - 6 years ago
Somebody better call Paul and tell his ass
Adam Blaze
Adam Blaze - 6 years ago
i saw raw fishing and i new yall were friends subed to both of yall
Luke Halvorson
Luke Halvorson - 6 years ago
Lol ur model at the end.. Fishing for views much? Still better than the click bait you used to post tho I guess
Jarrett's wilderness channel
Jarrett's wilderness channel - 6 years ago
Instead of a concrete pond dig a tiny pond then a stream that connects to a bigger dug in pond
LeafyIsQueer - 6 years ago
Thanks for going into extreme detail about being cornered...my mind is blown
Joey Hernandez
Joey Hernandez - 6 years ago
Why do you keep mudsuckers as pets?
Reel Carolina Outdoors
Reel Carolina Outdoors - 6 years ago
Why does anyone watch this shit?! Every fish this guy touches fucking dies.. Smdh. Please stop.
Coreyl Escobar
Coreyl Escobar - 6 years ago
11:16 ( , ) damnnn
Jose Corujo
Jose Corujo - 6 years ago
Great to see you guys chilling again .
Bray Pearson
Bray Pearson - 6 years ago
Video idea make a tribute to shamu
Freyder Melgar
Freyder Melgar - 6 years ago
U should really make a new intro
Jordon Liverett
Jordon Liverett - 6 years ago
Yo fuck this fag raw kid had a fake on camera attitude
heros life
heros life - 6 years ago
I miss shamu
bennie crowell
bennie crowell - 6 years ago
what happend to leviathan the freshwater snook
2Bandzzz - 6 years ago
That's a small turtle
DEMONETIZE THIS - 6 years ago
His turtle is so cute, I have a soft spot for turtles
Gabriel Humanity
Gabriel Humanity - 6 years ago
Oh .. it’s Sunday and a fresh air with cloudy day .. still . Zack got a glares ..
LordHagfish II
LordHagfish II - 6 years ago
I don’t feel sorry for you guys, pacu clearly shouldn’t be housed with the fish you have. So unfortunately due to your irresponsible behavior, shamu died. guys like this always want pacu for an ego boost and shit and it’s annoying
Gabriel Humanity
Gabriel Humanity - 6 years ago
Guys look zack’s reaction .. which we have already seen .. but still he makes it to the next level .. as if he had no idea . ..
Gabriel Humanity
Gabriel Humanity - 6 years ago
Guys give this guy a clap for the amazing entertainment. .. than really caring ..

100. comment for What KILLED ALL my PETS!?

Gabriel Humanity
Gabriel Humanity - 6 years ago
Every fish lovers have the love for the fishes .. and they always try to save every kind of it .. unless .. catchem all .. doing for the publicity and doing to the core .. even killing in the seas
Gabriel Humanity
Gabriel Humanity - 6 years ago
Oh turtle .. on the ground .. don’t you guys .. this is just a made up shit .. and for a shot .. n no doubt .. MONEY
Gabriel Humanity
Gabriel Humanity - 6 years ago
Oh .. those glares .. seems more high than u ..
CRAZY Hydra - 6 years ago
Dark paku aka evil water ninjas
Patrick McCardell
Patrick McCardell - 6 years ago
i love your video
Patrick McCardell
Patrick McCardell - 6 years ago
i love your video
Sabiha Yasin
Sabiha Yasin - 6 years ago
I don't watch your viedos I watch raww family your friend YouTube chalnel
hi my name is Nichols Lakatos
hi my name is Nichols Lakatos - 6 years ago
When I come back to Florida after the hurricane then I'll come back and get the stuff and anything but the turtle can you see your best friend crying in pain and agony next time we'll gun on me
hi my name is Nichols Lakatos
hi my name is Nichols Lakatos - 6 years ago
What the hell. Cut your mom is Catch Em All and I are going to go back for the fish luckily I'm in Ohio now I had a car that was ready to go and how Ohio but it's all out of gas
hi my name is Nichols Lakatos
hi my name is Nichols Lakatos - 6 years ago
I'll catch Mom do you know that I still want raw fishing I was with a stole his $20,000 fish that I'm going to be back for some more
Phantom_Syphon - 6 years ago
How many shamus are there??!!
why? - 6 years ago
This guy is on drugs promise
Ultraspire X
Ultraspire X - 6 years ago
Fish killed to death
lil bibby
lil bibby - 6 years ago
If u knew how to take care of a fish these things live years
lil bibby
lil bibby - 6 years ago
Duzão fishing
Duzão fishing - 6 years ago
in pay lakes here in brazil, the pacus , tambacis and tambacus , thei live with other fish, carps, tilapias etc.... all this other fishs fins are atacked by the pacus....they are very agressive with other fishs,,, i use to cacth pacus and other rounded fishs using baby tilapias on the hook. sory for shamu
MMAD productions
MMAD productions - 6 years ago
Dang these comments are rough
Lucas Trinh
Lucas Trinh - 6 years ago
Kill the pakus
GachaLifeStudio - 6 years ago
WOOW, you almost have 1m sub
Matthew Jarencio
Matthew Jarencio - 6 years ago
Yo why is that dude wearing some really dirty crocs
Destroyer _xware
Destroyer _xware - 6 years ago
900k baby
Daniel Eginton
Daniel Eginton - 6 years ago
The A Family
The A Family - 6 years ago
I love uuuu
The A Family
The A Family - 6 years ago
omg  I feel so sorry that shamu passed away I watch your videos all the time I gave you one like and I prayed just because of shamu I also subscribed and hit the bell :) this is for you im so sorry about your fish:(
Edmon Jovial
Edmon Jovial - 6 years ago
100k more to hit 1m ❤
Shubham Shrivardhankar
Shubham Shrivardhankar - 6 years ago
900k subs congrats zak!!
unknown guy
unknown guy - 6 years ago
yo Franklin you are epic bro and Zak you need to get a bass like jaws
Ben Dusenbury
Ben Dusenbury - 6 years ago
You need a basking dock for that turtle.
Mo Beall
Mo Beall - 6 years ago
Still think you need a better pond. ;)
Hunter Morrow
Hunter Morrow - 6 years ago
Your pond is tiny and you put way to many fish in it it’s really only your fault just get a bigger pond
Lil White Coco
Lil White Coco - 6 years ago
Im in florida
Elemayooo - 6 years ago
That’s a tortoise don’t put it in the water!!!!!
The Ultimate CSGO
The Ultimate CSGO - 6 years ago
I have subscribed RAWWFISHING since 12k subscribers
Allan Pineda
Allan Pineda - 6 years ago
I think If you get another Shamu put her in another made pond, the pacus and redtail catfish are too dominant. I remember the redtail and pacu beat shamu 2 up
Vanessah Here
Vanessah Here - 6 years ago
R.i.p fishes
D.S. Biswas
D.S. Biswas - 6 years ago
That's a tortoise Franklin
Moose - 6 years ago
i dont get how all these big youtbuers fish are dieing, like you are broadcasting your pets, please take better care of them
Can we get to 1k subs while just posting Memes ?
Can we get to 1k subs while just posting Memes ? - 6 years ago
It's. A tortoise
Xx_Logic_xX 291
Xx_Logic_xX 291 - 6 years ago
That's sad
adzlynn adnan
adzlynn adnan - 6 years ago
Poiillpoikmmmmmn nmmmbbnmmm
Jaroll ll
Jaroll ll - 6 years ago
Raw fishing
Jaroll ll
Jaroll ll - 6 years ago
Raw fam
Nesty Ribbon
Nesty Ribbon - 6 years ago
Wow you guys collab with raw fishing cahnnel this video is amazing
Tgaming 226
Tgaming 226 - 6 years ago
Hold up did you lose subs?
JPFan12 - 6 years ago
So close to 1 million!!! I BELIVE IN YOU! YOU CAN DO IT!
zee2302123 l
zee2302123 l - 6 years ago
Aksu Aatsinki
Aksu Aatsinki - 6 years ago
900k bro lets GO!!
Daniel Harris
Daniel Harris - 6 years ago
Completely irresponsible fish keeping. You know what the pacu do to the koi but you still put them in together? I just hope no one takes any advice from any of you.
javier frans
javier frans - 6 years ago
Where’s cash the bass
fishlaw1 - 6 years ago
Great video. . . Thanks for sharing and happy fish keeping ! ! !
hashtagzommbie ET
hashtagzommbie ET - 6 years ago
Daniel Harris
Daniel Harris - 6 years ago
So why keep keeping pacu with bass and koi etc? Ideally koi should be kept with other koi and nothing else... I don’t know why you guys take these risks?
Benjamin Edmonds
Benjamin Edmonds - 6 years ago
Raw fishing yes
seth snyder
seth snyder - 6 years ago
raw fishing is right he isn’t an average turtle. he is a tortoise
Luis Valenzuela
Luis Valenzuela - 6 years ago
all i heard was more ponds! and hopefully a salt water tank
Lightning Lepords
Lightning Lepords - 6 years ago
all piranahs are freshwater fish
North shore Outdoors
North shore Outdoors - 6 years ago
lee8830 - 6 years ago
Put airstones in the corners stop fish being chased into them very basic stuff everyone should already know, looks like it needs air in there anyway
Chris Nicholas Bushell
Chris Nicholas Bushell - 6 years ago
do not keep bass in a confined space meaning leave them in the lakes idiots
Salo Michelinsnakehunter
Salo Michelinsnakehunter - 6 years ago
Wait.. a sulcata morph? only "morph" in the sulcata world i've read about are albinos?
27Grace Falgiatano
27Grace Falgiatano - 6 years ago
I subscribe to Ross fishing and catch them all
Beta Fisk
Beta Fisk - 6 years ago
Get a peacok bass and if i get 3 likes i will fedd my oscar a platy
Raita Jakovļeva
Raita Jakovļeva - 6 years ago
That is a tortoise
LOHX Jeff - 6 years ago
Cmon catchemall get a better pond dude....ur pool pond has been around for ages
GreenHouse ExoticX
GreenHouse ExoticX - 6 years ago
Pacus are very aggressiv and in xtream weather they get creazy and bite other fish.
I dont keep em for many reason , even koi's i never keep again in my ponds.
I.Z - 6 years ago
Rip shamu
fising madnes
fising madnes - 6 years ago
Teezy Subben
Teezy Subben - 6 years ago
900k on the way!!
Ancient Gaming
Ancient Gaming - 6 years ago
I think that you should feed the pacu fruits and nuts so the teeth are not so sharp , and this is what they eat in the wild.
Rediculos SC
Rediculos SC - 6 years ago
It is a shame that they aren't educated on the fish they own. They are teaching kids to feed them fish instead of what they were made to eat.
Daniel Harris
Daniel Harris - 6 years ago
Justin Eual preach
Justin Eual
Justin Eual - 6 years ago
Finally someone said something about this. Why does everyone keep treating them like Piranha's they maybe in the same family as them but so are Tetras that doesn't me feed them live lizards, frogs, birds or fish. There is a reason they have teeth like human molars they are made for grinding and crushing fruits, nutts and berries not cutting flesh like Piranhas. I guess people have a dream of keeping Piranhas and most places they are illegal to own or keep so they go for the closest relative a Pacu. But after becoming too much to handle or too big they release them in the wild and wonder why the native fish are being killed, well its cause you turned a vegetarian fish into a carnivore for that so called dream you had about owning a Piranha to look cool to your friends ….so sad.
CaliCal68 - 6 years ago
depth is important
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 6 years ago
Get two shami one mighty one leagendery
Ryxx 11
Ryxx 11 - 6 years ago
Eww raw fishing
SuperRedsting - 6 years ago
fresh concrete will kill your fish. best off leaving it full of water for a few months and maybe some plants before adding fish.
denis avdic
denis avdic - 6 years ago
the turtles and the shovel noses are so cool
Cherryl Padilla
Cherryl Padilla - 6 years ago
Matthew Hoffman
Matthew Hoffman - 6 years ago
Rip Shamu
Matthew Hoffman
Matthew Hoffman - 6 years ago
I need to record my blue Gill feeding
Matthew Hoffman
Matthew Hoffman - 6 years ago
I spelt Shamu wrong
Matthew Hoffman
Matthew Hoffman - 6 years ago
I just got a 4 inch bass.My blue gill needed a freind.My blue gill feeds like Shamo.
KloinkySploink - 6 years ago
Hello there im just a new guy
Eli Gaming
Eli Gaming - 6 years ago
Everyone hates raww fishing ?
Jeezy Mclovin
Jeezy Mclovin - 6 years ago
You can feel the tension in this one. Something is really fishy between them.

Bassmaster23 - 6 years ago
Honestly shoutout to rawfishing for not knowing anything about fish or reptiles.
Like fr he just called a tortoise a turtle, and also has been mistakenly housing fish and often killing them. I cannot stand him at all.
Rogue - 6 years ago
I started watching RAWW before you but you are by far my favorite catch em all
Tyler Morris
Tyler Morris - 6 years ago
For the longest time I thought rawwfishing and Paul caufarro were the same people xD
i like playing Roblox and Minecraft Beck-Chong
i like playing Roblox and Minecraft Beck-Chong - 6 years ago
We should try make catch em all subscribers to a million
Raff Razon
Raff Razon - 6 years ago
Rawwfishing dick is on fleek.
jurassicsushi - 6 years ago
Cool Video my broski' & Vanni at the end is just a bonus. Beautiful Girl you got' #RespekWhemen
Russell Freeman
Russell Freeman - 6 years ago
How is it that the turtle in Blakes pool pond was rescued from the fire? According to his videos everything in that area died. Rawwfishings fish situation seemed pretty sketchy to me and now Blakes is as well. Also weird that he was at the scene of Blakes fire before he was. Could all be coincidence...or not...
Sebastián Sánchez
Sebastián Sánchez - 6 years ago
The turtle at the beginning is not average cause its a tortoise
Jack Clegg
Jack Clegg - 6 years ago
The outro song is soo good I was trying to look for it and then I remembered I’m pretty sure you made it
Llamm Queen
Llamm Queen - 6 years ago
I have a fishy question what is a fresh water fish that squeaks and creates mucus?? Caught one but I don know what it was
MAXXL - 6 years ago
Llamas are me squicker catfish?
Justin Eual
Justin Eual - 6 years ago
Sounds like a type of Catfish as they are known to do that.
Julius Watkins
Julius Watkins - 6 years ago
Franklin, we're not a gang, we're a family
redd manpower
redd manpower - 6 years ago
Nice video love it. But I just don't understand why raw fishing want put any type of hiding structure in the pond so if pacu or the bass is being aggressive the fish can run and hide like in the wild just a thought.
Rj Dom
Rj Dom - 6 years ago
Raw fishing acts like a female
Truthbetold - 6 years ago
I called it.. You pretty much killed him for views
Hilda Enriquez
Hilda Enriquez - 6 years ago
Shamu will never leave your side
CURTIS ROBERTS - 6 years ago
excuse are a dime a dozen! if you had done your job right the first time you would not be crying now. The reason Shamu was out side the pond dead was no ones fault but your own, but if blaming a fish makes you feel better because you were to lazy to do a little maintenance on you pond than by all means blame the fish! Maybe you should stick to pets that don't need water to breath!
Daniel Collins
Daniel Collins - 6 years ago
If you love your fish why put those fish in with them. It would be a nightmare for a bass to have to run from a fish all the time. Get ride of them other fish.
hornet jet 356
hornet jet 356 - 6 years ago
Isn't pacu an invasive species
Hilda Enriquez
Hilda Enriquez - 6 years ago
Shamu is with you always
Anguirus 64
Anguirus 64 - 6 years ago
Brandi Zeigler
Brandi Zeigler - 6 years ago
Rip shamu
Hilda Enriquez
Hilda Enriquez - 6 years ago
Why Shamu why the shamu
Carlos Garza
Carlos Garza - 6 years ago
What type of turtle was that bro ?
wayouttatune2 - 6 years ago
he does not even know what pet he has that in no turtle it is a tortoise.
brenda - 6 years ago
I'm sure that there's a lot of people alright correcting him, but that's not a turtle it's a tortoise.
wayouttatune2 - 6 years ago
those fish are looking for cover that is why they go into the corner try giving the fish a place they can hide those ponds are bare.
Guns, Gas mask, and Games
Guns, Gas mask, and Games - 6 years ago
Anyone in 145627384
Lindsey Martin
Lindsey Martin - 6 years ago
I went to elementary school with caleb!
Parker D
Parker D - 6 years ago
Hmm, 2 of the worst fish keepers in the same video

MlgLilHitler - 6 years ago
And ur Blue lobster
Solomon IDEK
Solomon IDEK - 6 years ago
Pls report the pacus for teaming, thanks
Begottenclient6 - 6 years ago
That’s a tortus
Steve Nash
Steve Nash - 6 years ago
You should get turtles
lee8830 - 6 years ago
pacu in with koi dull as
Edgar Reyes
Edgar Reyes - 6 years ago
Can you stop putting so many adds i got 4 in a row
chicken gawd
chicken gawd - 6 years ago
Catch em all
Shay Nichole
Shay Nichole - 6 years ago
I hate raw fishing he's so annoying lol
Sammy - 6 years ago
Rip Shamu
Scarlet Tirador
Scarlet Tirador - 6 years ago
Mathilde Lee
Mathilde Lee - 6 years ago
Why did this girl remind me of Moana?
MD ISLAM - 6 years ago
nickname for turtle: SLAPPYYY
Dat Deer
Dat Deer - 6 years ago
Aww r.i.p Shamus and btw hows the duckling
Edward Arias
Edward Arias - 6 years ago
i stopped watching when rawfishing showed up hes to cringy hby
Heather Kraus
Heather Kraus - 6 years ago
i am made that shamu died. i Loved her.its the pacus folt that shamu died
Misty Wilder
Misty Wilder - 6 years ago
I fell bad for that bass
truly1676 - 6 years ago
The pacu should be fed nuts regularly. Not piranha teeth nut crushing teeth.
Abel Maldonado
Abel Maldonado - 6 years ago
Not a very deep pond
Andale Axl
Andale Axl - 6 years ago
Pach are ugly fish idk how you actually like them
Hưng Nguyễn
Hưng Nguyễn - 6 years ago
Anh em Việt Nam điểm danh
Yeetyshinobi.GAMING - 6 years ago
It’s a tortoise
Pamela Fox
Pamela Fox - 6 years ago
Great video, glad to know what happened to the fish.
gl97420 - 6 years ago
Not shamu!!
gl97420 - 6 years ago
Not shamu!!
Terri Coon
Terri Coon - 6 years ago
Nooooooo!!!!! Shamu
816Hooligan - 6 years ago
i usually like these videos but what a lame attempt at a video no effort put in at all... less quantity more quality
Miguel Abong
Miguel Abong - 6 years ago
Catch Em All..
Joel Garcia
Joel Garcia - 6 years ago
My world
My world - 6 years ago
Fly river turtle has a head of a penis
Raelsid - 6 years ago
I know what's killing all your fish putting huge bass into a kiddie pool
Jordans Vlogz
Jordans Vlogz - 6 years ago
That turtle needs to see a therapist... He kept slapping his self
XxRyanYTxX - 6 years ago
The turtle is trying to get back in the water or Is trying to hit the idiot thats holding him
100 subscribers till 2020 pls!
100 subscribers till 2020 pls! - 6 years ago
I love ur videos,they make me laugh! R.I.P shamu
Christopher Sidote
Christopher Sidote - 6 years ago
I hate to bring this up but I think that Shamu died before the day you found out because some of the videos you couldn't see her or you thought you saw her but I think she wasn't in there when that happened it just didn't cross your mind that that would've happened thank you and I'm sorry about what happened
Phillips Olivia
Phillips Olivia - 6 years ago
i love both of your guys channels
Tyler Johnston
Tyler Johnston - 6 years ago
When shall shamu return
BETTA BUDDIES - 6 years ago
Great vid
HUNTER REHDER - 6 years ago
Hey I got 28 koi Zach were getting rid of if u want them u can have em here’s my email hrehder24@student.skiatookschools.org please email me they koi are free
assassinthug111 gaming
assassinthug111 gaming - 6 years ago
Maybe you guys should just stop keeping Pacu. Because it seems like all they do is mess with the other fish and keep you guys from keeping cool fish
Garibay Yailin
Garibay Yailin - 6 years ago
that's what my baby bluegill and my tilapia did to my goldfish
so I took them out.
BlkiceMike - 6 years ago
Dude,.. why didn't he just finish the pond in concrete, or shockcrete w/chikenwire???
tHE concrete rim not a bad idea, but personally myself if i went far enough to build that, i would've maybe dug down a few more feet; run pluming,drain line, electrical for pumps & lighting in conduit and be done with it. That way no worries about some dumb'fuuak slashing the liner.. IDK bout digging laws in Fl. but the expense wouldn't be too much more. Although he could still come up another couple feet but wall thickness would most likely need to increase due to water weight pushing against it. THAT MY FRIEND would look badass... I'm still waitin on u Floridians to build a pond with an acrylic or glass viewing area. You got perfect climate for one. Zak ur bakyard would be perfect for a bi-level pond with a side-view (acrylic/glass) 6-8ft section i'm guessing would be $1k+ ahh depending on where u purchase from maybe a lot less. It's good to see y'all doing what u enjoy, keep at it fellas..
Steve ERWIN - 6 years ago
Maybe your fucking ignorance about keeping fish
Art - 6 years ago
Hey guys,how you deal with winter,the pool and fish
1rod1bike1man **
1rod1bike1man ** - 6 years ago
Can you put a peacock bass in your pond
Anthony S Becker
Anthony S Becker - 6 years ago
R.I.P SHAMU. we will always remember you. :'(
joey prince
joey prince - 6 years ago
That’s how you should end every video. Your girl is beautiful, congrats and don’t do something stupid to f#@k it up lol
Sandwood Farms
Sandwood Farms - 6 years ago
hes not an ordinary turtle cause hes not a turtle at all hes a tortoise :)
Marshall Murphy
Marshall Murphy - 6 years ago
Rawfishing been hitting the gym? He looks like hes gettin swoll
Salim - 6 years ago
#1 RULE OF SHAVING YOUR BEARD: Never shave your neck hair up to your chin ☠️.

(It will make it look like a double chin)
Hazard Kentucky Fishing
Hazard Kentucky Fishing - 6 years ago
At 11:15 though....DAMN!!!!!!!
KILLAMANEASY - 6 years ago
its sad that the fish died in unnatural circumstances
DonFrancis Vlogs
DonFrancis Vlogs - 6 years ago
shamuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(
KILLAMANEASY - 6 years ago
wow so you knew and still risked it wow
Coolgirlisit W
Coolgirlisit W - 6 years ago
OMG great
Jesse Arias
Jesse Arias - 6 years ago
Davin Dempster
Davin Dempster - 6 years ago
Whats wrong with raww fishing
Everything Aquatics
Everything Aquatics - 6 years ago
What a stupid title
Fishing and Hockey Aquariums
Fishing and Hockey Aquariums - 6 years ago
Find and kill the mother fucka theft
Pupg Hot
Pupg Hot - 6 years ago
Tui la người vn nhưng tui thich video Này
Hmoob Vaj
Hmoob Vaj - 6 years ago
Poor wild bass kept in the pool pond messing up the poor wild bass habitat in the wild.. He should release him back to the wild..
Galaxy Ender
Galaxy Ender - 6 years ago
Reel legends never die aka the MIGHTY Shamu
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
I call green ranger
Kamal Jr.
Kamal Jr. - 6 years ago
No hate but raww doesn’t know much about keeping a lot of the animals he has.
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
I don't care what you say I think jay z killed your fish as a sacrifice to join the illuminati
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
You should name the turtle lil dingus or murderface
dat kidd
dat kidd - 6 years ago
Look at all these well-treated prisoners
Leng Soknaram
Leng Soknaram - 6 years ago
the thing I knew is the water
Pheezy420 REEFER
Pheezy420 REEFER - 6 years ago
Turtles name is McFly
wgreegor12 - 6 years ago
I have a new shamu for you I raised the bass since since was a fryling she's big now and eats everything in sight
BlueTail Animations
BlueTail Animations - 6 years ago
Hey cach em’ I had a dream last night that I met you lol
wayouttatune2 - 6 years ago
sounds like you went on a date in your dreams.
Hello Snackbar
Hello Snackbar - 6 years ago
catch another SHAMU!
alan alan
alan alan - 6 years ago
why keep saying adult paranha teeth... the pacu is a cousin of the piranha and is mostly a vegiterian. it has those big mongy teeth for smashing food and nuts. the piranha on the other hand has razor sharp teeth completely differnt league to the pacu.. you were also wrong on the full grown size shout... nice fish tho but why talk wham bars
Twisted Throttle
Twisted Throttle - 6 years ago
Is rawww fishing gay ?
TheHookandTheCook - 6 years ago
Just Subscribed, love your stuff.
Join us every Friday for Fishing & Cooking adventure.
Please Subscribe to our channel today and share with all your friends.
Thanks for your support.
Regards Scotty & Paul
Ban- flex
Ban- flex - 6 years ago
What kind of plecos are those?
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 6 years ago
Pacus scare me bc the have teefs
Ricky Matlock
Ricky Matlock - 6 years ago
hi catch em all
Richie G
Richie G - 6 years ago
That pond needs be deeper
Xavian Gilmore
Xavian Gilmore - 6 years ago
The big koi loves to stay by jaws and the other koi just follow
Joey flores
Joey flores - 6 years ago
lmao I thought Jaws was supposed to be a monster and a killer and psychopath
Kjuan Smith
Kjuan Smith - 6 years ago
Who dont kno bout raww fishing need to get smack
Mr. DeRp
Mr. DeRp - 6 years ago
Try to save money and make a big pool like rawfishing did
Rose switzberg
Rose switzberg - 6 years ago
Who is filming all these videos
Levi Vickers
Levi Vickers - 6 years ago
I fell like that turtle is going to get step on by the ends of the video
Ariqrama Diza
Ariqrama Diza - 6 years ago
SJW HUNTER - 6 years ago
I don't watch the other channels. This is my shit
Kevin Turner
Kevin Turner - 6 years ago
Rip Shamu
Braxton Pettit
Braxton Pettit - 6 years ago
You inspire me and I got a pet bunny I know that you've been seeing them in stores
lianna taguba
lianna taguba - 6 years ago
I now raw fishing
Smith Playz15
Smith Playz15 - 6 years ago
I had to watch some of ur recent videos today cause last week I went to my grandpas camp and I had no service but when I saw the video of shamu dead, I was tearing up a bit. Oh yea didn’t shamu 2nd die to the pacu during a storm. Also when u get another bass u should get a really small baby and raise it into a monster!!!
Kid goku
Kid goku - 6 years ago
Stop saying piranha teeth they are so much different you idiot
Andrew Harrison
Andrew Harrison - 6 years ago
Who else is sick of the damn fish brain adds?
JohnDoe Gaming And More
JohnDoe Gaming And More - 6 years ago
How many shamus did you have?
jack the ant god
jack the ant god - 6 years ago
I seen that guy
Joey Cruz
Joey Cruz - 6 years ago
The outro was dope we miss catch em girl...
Stefan Sirianni
Stefan Sirianni - 6 years ago
It’s a freakin tortoise
Castle Battling Manics
Castle Battling Manics - 6 years ago
Ewww raw
Max Ren
Max Ren - 6 years ago
I dare you to like this with ur nose
Mcgint - 6 years ago
its a tortoise
Big Dick Mike
Big Dick Mike - 6 years ago
What kind of shades are those?
Kenraali Shaperonova
Kenraali Shaperonova - 6 years ago
You need to keep the Pacu seperate from Bass, or you'll have that happen to you again. You have to get rid of the Pacu because it's happened twice already and they may turn on the other fish too.
Gross LA
Gross LA - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that’s a tortoise. Don’t make it swim.
CéoTékky ThéRappér
CéoTékky ThéRappér - 6 years ago
king Dragiii L
Stephanie Parker
Stephanie Parker - 6 years ago
I'm subscribed to you raww fishing and Blake's excotick animal ranch
indo raptor
indo raptor - 6 years ago
11:16 11:23 you can thank me later people who like her
adrian Garcia
adrian Garcia - 6 years ago
6:46 that moment you forget someones name
Antt r
Antt r - 6 years ago
I had a turtle that ran away when I was little. I was cleaning out the aquarium in the back yard so I put him down then used the hose to surround him so he can leave. Well he climb over it I guess and I never found him. I looked for days but found nothing. R.I.P myrtle the turtle.
MAXXL - 6 years ago
Antt r yeah and if someone says a turtle is slow they are wrong! One second he was there and another second he was gone! He ended up in the drainage pipe and went to the drainage system.
Antt r
Antt r - 6 years ago
Croakminer, yea, as a kid I figure if it climbed over I'd just find it. Like how raww just roaming the backyard.
Croakminer - 6 years ago
Antt r turtles can climb over a hose
They can climb about anything
Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless - 6 years ago
That’s a sulcata tortoise not a turtle. RAWW is not a good pet owner. He is fake and annoying af.
The fantastic Fisher
The fantastic Fisher - 6 years ago
Yesyesyesyes i hafe officially watched all your videos took me about one year
LittleTrashcan - 6 years ago
raw is cringe
Nathan Sederholm
Nathan Sederholm - 6 years ago
Why keep stupid Pacu. I never liked them.
A KELLY - 6 years ago
Aaron Hjelmstrom
Aaron Hjelmstrom - 6 years ago
The turtle at the beginning of this video in the grass is actually a Sulcata tortoise.
OneDeppresedBoi - 6 years ago
Next vid: paku catch and cook
Jacob Danner
Jacob Danner - 6 years ago
that tortoises "morph" is called pyramiding and is NOT good
Oni chan
Oni chan - 6 years ago
I miss shamu
Natasja Autar
Natasja Autar - 6 years ago
Kool keep it up
Ak47Mob - 6 years ago
Damn fam
monster fishing
monster fishing - 6 years ago
Hey sorry about your pet Shamu I feel really bad about her and I hope you have a better time and catch better fish and bigger fish so please shut me out my name is Aiden O'Riley
Zachary Nehf
Zachary Nehf - 6 years ago
guessing you killed them by keeping trophy fish in a shitty pool. just sayin
Michael Hunter
Michael Hunter - 6 years ago
So what you are saying is you killed them. Sometimes when we think we know it all we know nothing.
Dynamickush16 - 6 years ago
It Was Minimoo
James Terran
James Terran - 6 years ago
11:15 THICC
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 6 years ago
If you don’t know.. raw fishing killed his fish for views
Daddy Tankee
Daddy Tankee - 6 years ago
Gah dang boi
HADES - 6 years ago
Lmao por pendejo
Dub Simmons
Dub Simmons - 6 years ago
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 6 years ago
Why raw fishing.. cringiest price of shit on youtubeb
Dub Simmons
Dub Simmons - 6 years ago
Dub Simmons
Dub Simmons - 6 years ago
vwovw - 6 years ago
Actually I’ve never even subscribe to you so I’m
Triassic Fisherman
Triassic Fisherman - 6 years ago
maybe its just the name shamu
froglick28 - 6 years ago
Best pool pond is Deermeatfordinner
vwovw - 6 years ago
I mean come on
9.20 fpv
9.20 fpv - 6 years ago
Nice potato launcher I got the same build
fUll 951
fUll 951 - 6 years ago
Paulpro PP
Paulpro PP - 6 years ago
Don't tell me you released the pacu. I would of ate it
Justin Eual
Justin Eual - 6 years ago
Harry potter fan//blueberry the blue
Harry potter fan//blueberry the blue - 6 years ago
R.I.p. shamou
Samsun Green
Samsun Green - 6 years ago
Raww fishing is annoying just tries to be exactly like zak, checked some of his vids guys fake as fuck
YNG vEn0m
YNG vEn0m - 6 years ago
The solution would be not to bass and pacu together
Bryan Roman
Bryan Roman - 6 years ago
Good video zack
Ashlen Dobson
Ashlen Dobson - 6 years ago
why do the carp/koi (OR whatever they are hang around the bass? Just curious o:
Ashlen Dobson
Ashlen Dobson - 6 years ago
why do the carp/koi (OR whatever they are hang around the bass? Just curious o:
justblow 3rings go dubs
justblow 3rings go dubs - 6 years ago
Rip to the fish tail...lol
Adryn Ramelb
Adryn Ramelb - 6 years ago
Shannon Brandis
Shannon Brandis - 6 years ago
Please follow me on Instagram brandissofia
Asian_ Fondue
Asian_ Fondue - 6 years ago
lmao when he said there i always somewhere to run in the circle pond, your boy tried to juke catchem all lmao
Kobe Gray
Kobe Gray - 6 years ago
Lol you can see rawfishings bulge
Mark Clarkus
Mark Clarkus - 6 years ago
R.I.P Shamu
Joe Tipping
Joe Tipping - 6 years ago
Josh06Gaming - 6 years ago
Briseyda Medina
Briseyda Medina - 6 years ago
R.I.P Shamu
josh_ya_boi games
josh_ya_boi games - 6 years ago
Frankie is Shamu so he ded

3 times
Mark Meek
Mark Meek - 6 years ago
Hey boss what kind of sunglasses are those? Please let me know!! I would like to buy some... I love your videos
Arthur Brown The UNCANNY KODIAK - 6 years ago
Hey that’s fresh water… Why is Raww so salty?! Just playing.
Lacroy Pepsi
Lacroy Pepsi - 6 years ago
catch em all
James Games
James Games - 6 years ago

of using the best video clips :3
Mikako Sama
Mikako Sama - 6 years ago
Love's it
Stealth Mode
Stealth Mode - 6 years ago
intro song is cancer, stop being lazy and make a new one
Melissa Mercer
Melissa Mercer - 6 years ago
Not trying to be a hater. ... pacu suck! I would never keep them as a fish keeper. They're just not my thing that's all.
Alayna Cole
Alayna Cole - 6 years ago
the baby one
Julianna Palafox
Julianna Palafox - 6 years ago
Put a balloon on the turtle so u can't lose him
NOCAP - 6 years ago
I'm assuming you and catchem girl are back together?
Howell Correa
Howell Correa - 6 years ago
It's a baby tortoise
Dillon Nott
Dillon Nott - 6 years ago
Raw fishing’s channels annoying asf like if you agree. Zack your better than this
Carissa Cox
Carissa Cox - 6 years ago
And not to mention that African spurred tortoise will get HUGE!
Brian White Jr
Brian White Jr - 6 years ago
Fuck you and your famaly
Brian White Jr
Brian White Jr - 6 years ago
Fuck you
Bts Jiminie
Bts Jiminie - 6 years ago
I think u and this channel is annoying
William Schutz
William Schutz - 6 years ago
Dillon Nott You are a little boy. Stfu.
Brian White Jr
Brian White Jr - 6 years ago
Whats your name
ghian garren comia
ghian garren comia - 6 years ago
Brian White Jr
Brian White Jr - 6 years ago
I hate you
Dillon Nott
Dillon Nott - 6 years ago
Nick Byrnes Nick i think the people that like mincraft porn are subbed to Rawww’s channel. LMAO these reply’s just show how childish his subs are. True comedy
ghian garren comia
ghian garren comia - 6 years ago
Dillon Nott vh
Wrecked 276
Wrecked 276 - 6 years ago
Dillon Nott Don't hate on Rawwfishing bro , he listened to his subs and you can see he's actually not the douche bag he appeared to be in his earlier videos..
And seeing how good friends he is with his boys..shows his character, Blake's obviously wears his heart on his sleeve and the fact that he's good friends Franklin says alot.
I use to drop hate comments (constructive criticism) IDGAF..if the video's are bad I'll drop hate..but love all the Florida outdoor Fish hobby Community ..peace
the anamator t
the anamator t - 6 years ago
Ariana Reynoso
Ariana Reynoso - 6 years ago
Dillon Nott u shouldn’t be comparing people ok next time don’t say that alright
Raisel Sanchez
Raisel Sanchez - 6 years ago
man this kids stop hating and go back to watching you minecraft porn and good job people that are supporting raw god bless you and btw just dont try to go back because you have to think about what you are doing in your life and luke i said go back to watching your minecraft porn
JT VLOGS - 6 years ago
Dillon Nott u honestly make no sense I said nothing that u said I did
JT VLOGS - 6 years ago
At least RAWW has more subs than u and would have more respect for people that at least try and cut some slack he lost thousands of dollars worth of fish

Maybe u killed all his fish? Don't be a butt to raww
FloridaSky ツ
FloridaSky ツ - 6 years ago
Alayna Cole
Alayna Cole - 6 years ago
the turtle in the beginning was adorable tbh
One Thousand Percent
One Thousand Percent - 6 years ago
is the criminals the pacu or franki?
adventures of javon
adventures of javon - 6 years ago
I really wish that would never had happened to shamu. She was like the best best bass.i would hurry up and run home from school and watch your channel RIP shamu
Travis 1216
Travis 1216 - 6 years ago
Tell him to put barbwire on his fence
James Moose
James Moose - 6 years ago
They fucked up the first Shamu when the hurricane hit and now you're telling me they fucked up the 2nd Shamu?

The Pacu have to go.
Wrecked 276
Wrecked 276 - 6 years ago
I Hate Pacu NOW!! Stupid fish
Student Uber
Student Uber - 6 years ago
I did
Motia Jackson
Motia Jackson - 6 years ago
Would you show the footage of the night/day of what happened to Shamu. #catchemall
bryan powers
bryan powers - 6 years ago
Marc Marc
Marc Marc - 6 years ago
11:26 your welcome
Tate W124t
Tate W124t - 6 years ago
paku do not school they do not hunt in packs and they do not even eat meat they eat berries that fall from the trees in the Amazon please listen to me they do not tear up the fin the cichlid did .rip Shamu
RO9 - 6 years ago
Warn paul
Mo H.
Mo H. - 6 years ago
Hell pin this if he reads his comments
Vivian Taylor
Vivian Taylor - 6 years ago
Who else cried at the r.i.p video
Jacob Pitchford
Jacob Pitchford - 6 years ago
1:39 is that turtle still alive
stinky pete studios
stinky pete studios - 6 years ago
I'm going to make a homemade cheese ball gold fish tank
Stumack - 6 years ago
I dont get why you invest in that concrete foundation as safety measure if the pond pops and not just make the pond into the ground like a real pond.
It looks way cooler when its inside the ground in my opinion.
And the fish are safer if someone wants to steal them.
namepi - 6 years ago
What a waste of area! 30 - 40 cm in depth?
No Bo Trang
No Bo Trang - 6 years ago
pool l
Kenneth Walton
Kenneth Walton - 6 years ago
Gonna be a vinyl pool... that's just the "ohshit" base
namepi - 6 years ago
Justin Eual yeah a fan of DIY and he’s a pretty good fish keeper. The thing I like about DIY is that he tries and do things the properly. These guys seems like they sorta care about their fish but it’s more like buy things for the sake of views. They all copy each other’s content. They don’t think outside the box and they buy or catch the same fish. That my opinion anyways. I am a fan of Zak cos he’s personality is cool. I not a fan of him putting on accent voices
Justin Eual
Justin Eual - 6 years ago
Agree, but it's more like 50 cm but even so that's 1.5 feet deep double or triple that height and it might seem reasonable. He should go watch King of DIY Joey's video on how and why he built his concrete pond the way he did he might learn something. I could be jumping the gun on a unfinished project but he did say its about where he wants it to be....hmmm.
Vicky time eat
Vicky time eat - 6 years ago
oh my gosh. The turtle that you put in your hands are so cute
Paulo César
Paulo César - 6 years ago
bigger pacus at least im brazil dont have teeth because they lose it in some time
makayla Burdick
makayla Burdick - 6 years ago
What kind of sucker fish does he have because I need one
Jacob Senn
Jacob Senn - 6 years ago
Freaking Games!!
Freaking Games!! - 6 years ago
Rawwfishing and catch em all rock
MEGAHOUSE TV - 6 years ago
Alyssa Adams
Alyssa Adams - 6 years ago
R.I.P shamu always will be missed
Ruby,Emerald,& Sapphire
Ruby,Emerald,& Sapphire - 6 years ago
Marc Marc
Marc Marc - 6 years ago
Shamu 2 still my fav
Ricardo Peregrina
Ricardo Peregrina - 6 years ago
Damn now I know !
#1 Pacu are saveges and will mess up in his tank mates.
Mr.Minjola - 6 years ago
R.i.p shamu
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
haha :)
فراس السلمي
فراس السلمي - 6 years ago
سلام عليكم
Javier Almaraz
Javier Almaraz - 6 years ago
Why does anyone want a pacu anyways
ツFijimac - 6 years ago
Ima stop watching this bih all he does is clickbait
fishing Hawaii
fishing Hawaii - 6 years ago
You made a fast recovery because you are a boss
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
couldn't leave you guys hanging
Ofloda 18
Ofloda 18 - 6 years ago
Fuck raw fishing corny ass
Gregory Osborne
Gregory Osborne - 6 years ago
two nights ago I dreamt that u taught me how to fish.
Prana official
Prana official - 6 years ago
Merijn Hofstra
Merijn Hofstra - 6 years ago
Great channel
Dylan Mc Govern
Dylan Mc Govern - 6 years ago
First 10000 views I have no life
shairamdraws shaianne
shairamdraws shaianne - 6 years ago
Im still sad about shamu :(
Richard Villescaz
Richard Villescaz - 6 years ago
Shamu tattoo? Catch em all
Jæÿ P.
Jæÿ P. - 6 years ago
That’s not a turtle it’s a tortoise reeeeeeekk make me angry!!!!!!!!!
Fabe D
Fabe D - 6 years ago
Rozi Zadok
Rozi Zadok - 6 years ago
You can see franklin penis
debra St.Clair
debra St.Clair - 6 years ago
Rawws pterodactyl sceech
Tomme - 6 years ago
hey guys my name is shamu and this is 13 reasons why i ended my life
Sam Koesters
Sam Koesters - 6 years ago
Best channel on YouTube
Kaylah Andrew
Kaylah Andrew - 6 years ago
1:44 I can’t be the only one giggling
Kaylah Andrew
Kaylah Andrew - 6 years ago
Drew DaMyth you’ll just have to watch around that time and see if you notice. You probably won’t if you’re a dude.
Drew DaMyth
Drew DaMyth - 6 years ago
Kaylah Andrew ???
BLAQK ! - 6 years ago
Daniel son and Mr. Miagi.
carno thrash
carno thrash - 6 years ago
Hey I sorry your fish die but I want to give you my pacu I don't if it's a male or a female
OZARK OUTLAW - 6 years ago
Love you catch em all
Zane The main
Zane The main - 6 years ago
I love your videos you are the best YouTuber ever
Geton Mylvl
Geton Mylvl - 6 years ago
CRABS AND when are you getting your bing pond
Gb Ab
Gb Ab - 6 years ago
The turtle kill them , cause some reptiliam species have toxin pop
Wilson Aye
Wilson Aye - 6 years ago
Yess another video
Almedina  Dzafic
Almedina Dzafic - 6 years ago
What if shamu did what Buddy from the king diy did? (buddy is a asian arawana who jump out and died the story is that those fish will do that in order to help save the owner)
Ty Chapman
Ty Chapman - 6 years ago
Cheesiest demonstration ever
Chris Peoples
Chris Peoples - 6 years ago
Exact same thing is happening to me...
Mountainmetalhead 666
Mountainmetalhead 666 - 6 years ago
You have inspired me to build my own pond !! Pretty stoked about this!
BLAQK ! - 6 years ago
Man, Monster Mike is not in the same league anymore with catchem or raww.
Brian White Jr
Brian White Jr - 6 years ago
I know
Oliver Blackhall
Oliver Blackhall - 6 years ago
Anthony Church
Anthony Church - 6 years ago
Monster Mike is amazing!!!
antoine comer
antoine comer - 6 years ago
Why you say that. Is his pond to small?
Stalín - 6 years ago
BLAQK ! Rawww aint shit
Y.S.K Aaron
Y.S.K Aaron - 6 years ago
BLAQK ! - 6 years ago
Unwanted Wombat
Unwanted Wombat
Unwanted Wombat - 6 years ago
BLAQK ! True but I still love him no homo
Pirate-. - 6 years ago
Can You Get A New Fish Pool A Big One
Crazy Uncle
Crazy Uncle - 6 years ago
Is Zach getting a new Shamu
Aaron Dantzler
Aaron Dantzler - 6 years ago
I’m the first one to like the video
broken-wrist - 6 years ago
If someone cut it wouldn’t the fish go out the side
Glacial Knight
Glacial Knight - 6 years ago
Simply Tree
Simply Tree - 6 years ago
Love you catchemall I love your channel ive been here since 102k subs All the shamus will be missed love you man and god bless
gamerking27 - 6 years ago
Great video!
Arte12 Arte12
Arte12 Arte12 - 6 years ago
change the intro dude .... you don't have shamoo any more
Trisha Carroll
Trisha Carroll - 6 years ago
I've been watching you since 200 K keep up the good work
SlushPup AJ
SlushPup AJ - 6 years ago
Rip shamu
Corey Banks
Corey Banks - 6 years ago
First to like my own comment
Fishing_bug - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who has boycott raww fishing. Something definitely dodgy about him with his fish situation.
Mad Man
Mad Man - 6 years ago
+Freemans Aquatics in Zach's defense Florida water ways have been fucked up for quite a long time people have been catching released exotics it sucks but theres not much you can do when they've taken over everything already you're just beating a dead horse.
Freemans Aquatics
Freemans Aquatics - 6 years ago
Anyone seen the video of zac releasing a bunch of fish infected with ich and parasites into a water way to quote hopefuly give them a chance to survive end quote and need mind you one of the fish was a red tail catfish. This guy is a tool and isnt someone you should model your fish keeping hobby around Zac is a joke in the community how he hasnt gotten in trouble for releasing invasive fish into water ways in Fl a state notorious for flodding is beyond me. so keep the oh its a isolated water way bs come backs to your selves! CHEERS KIDS
MAXXL - 6 years ago
Allahja Flowers what else am i supposed to say when my point is all over rawws channel?
Fishing_bug - 6 years ago
Zak was there not a time you thought he tried to take Shamu? I know this may or not be the case but remember as a viewer we can only see what you guys post up so we don't know the ins and outs. I just find it strange all his fish die / property vandalized and he then gains 350k subscribers in just over a month. I just pray to that with Blake's ranch wasn't a stunt too but I doubt it was as you would have to be sick. You guys, you ,joey ,paul, finatic, monster mike and raww fishing all got me into making videos so I respect the lot of you but from an outside view the whole thing looks dodgy as!
_Monty97 - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing thank you for showing this is real but it’s completely sad that you have to cause there’s people that actually think someone who’s channel is all about his fish would kill them for views smh
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
unfortunately the situation is real. and we are waiting on the police to give us permission to blast the guy who did it.
Lil Wooo
Lil Wooo - 6 years ago
MAXXL that’s all your gonna say?
_Monty97 - 6 years ago
Tangyowl you’re a fucking idiot honestly to actually think he’ll kill the fish he’s been raising for more then a year that we’re worth THOUSANDS for views .. but what else would I expect from someone who has an avi like yours
MAXXL - 6 years ago
Allahja Flowers bruh..
Lil Wooo
Lil Wooo - 6 years ago
Tangyowl you make no sense...what videos of his are clickbait?
Tangyowl - 6 years ago
i don't watch him so i didn't really boycott, but i did see his video about the fish. Extremely fake imo. just seemed like a video for views, a sick video at that.
a lot of his stuff is clickbait, so i hate to say it, but i wouldn't be surprised.
Maybe he was tired of his pond stock and wanted an upgrade
_Monty97 - 6 years ago
You stupid asf
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 6 years ago
Fishing_bug be killed them for views
Ambiguous1 Colonel
Ambiguous1 Colonel - 6 years ago
Before I watch this - you better not mean all.
Nathan Cervantes
Nathan Cervantes - 6 years ago
Tell raww fishing i said hi
joe hurley
joe hurley - 6 years ago
i love raww fishing
LocálkoJede - 6 years ago
R.I.P. Shamu
NewBootGOOFIN85 !
NewBootGOOFIN85 ! - 6 years ago
joe hurley
joe hurley - 6 years ago
the turtle was so cute
Dudah TV
Dudah TV - 6 years ago
I'm From Brazil, + one sub❤, I like the Vídeo.
Peyton 70
Peyton 70 - 6 years ago
Paul’s has 4 pacu to hopefully it doesn’t happen to his bass
michael o'keefe
michael o'keefe - 6 years ago
ACE AGAN - 6 years ago
Love your videos!
pablo rodriguez
pablo rodriguez - 6 years ago
Catch em all ik u won't read this but ur amazing I started fishing bc of u
katarina schossow
katarina schossow - 6 years ago
Don’t pacu eat nuts?
X LMFAO LMFAO x - 6 years ago
George Huynh
George Huynh - 6 years ago
So basically pacu killed shamu twice.
Henry Meyer Garvey
Henry Meyer Garvey - 6 years ago
Rickey Hicks
Rickey Hicks - 6 years ago
The hurricane irma
Rickey Hicks
Rickey Hicks - 6 years ago
George Huynh yes
Adams Outdoor Adventures
Adams Outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
Franklin is so much more calm and relaxed when hes on your videos, definitely more realistic. Great video Zak.
Daniel Bradford
Daniel Bradford - 6 years ago
rip shamu
Parker Hoffland
Parker Hoffland - 6 years ago
I catchemall
Evan Thomas
Evan Thomas - 6 years ago
Nice video
PandaFut Grimes
PandaFut Grimes - 6 years ago
oh no 5 min ago?! ( I'm sorry Shamu died )
Gabriel Medina
Gabriel Medina - 6 years ago
I was the first viewer I subscribed and like the vid
Michelina Nassa
Michelina Nassa - 6 years ago
So gooooddd
Russell Vanbaren
Russell Vanbaren - 6 years ago
Love your vids. R.I.P.
The Reneeinator
The Reneeinator - 6 years ago
What doesn't that turtle have a basking spot or a platform to come out on?
The Reneeinator
The Reneeinator - 6 years ago
Wet_Concrete it isn't necessary, you're right.
GasCanister - 6 years ago
The Reneeinator is pretty sure Fly River Turtles don’t need basking spots
jondwinell - 6 years ago
I'm here with my two fav things - catchem all - tacos
David Cruz
David Cruz - 6 years ago
Reel legends never die
Ravenclaw - 6 years ago
To the people wondering what the answer is : the corners
Bailey Bryant
Bailey Bryant - 6 years ago
Oh man that sucks
Camiron Dorsey
Camiron Dorsey - 6 years ago
I subscribed!!
PhotographyJo- Taj Alami
PhotographyJo- Taj Alami - 6 years ago
I'm early, nice
Molli Turner
Molli Turner - 6 years ago
Hi how are you
Luke Tauzin
Luke Tauzin - 6 years ago
Oquatics 101
Oquatics 101 - 6 years ago
Check out my new pea puffers
Brandon YouTube /Pubg mobile
Brandon YouTube /Pubg mobile - 6 years ago
Can u like my comment plz
Oquatics 101
Oquatics 101 - 6 years ago
Check out my new pea puffers
kyle - 6 years ago
Aye my boy catch em
Oquatics 101
Oquatics 101 - 6 years ago
Check out my new pea puffers
Austin Dinh
Austin Dinh - 6 years ago
ToberSkies official
ToberSkies official - 6 years ago
The Adynman
The Adynman - 6 years ago
Oquatics 101
Oquatics 101 - 6 years ago
Check out my new pea puffers
HunterTheGamer - 6 years ago
Great video man! Keep up the great work!
Pug Master
Pug Master - 6 years ago
I give you my prayers
Jack Maki
Jack Maki - 6 years ago
padywaggon prudoctions atv
padywaggon prudoctions atv - 6 years ago
beans wildlife
beans wildlife - 6 years ago
Pls do how to care for a red tail and a tiger shovel nose catfish
Gab F
Gab F - 6 years ago
A first bro love ur videos
The Hedgy
The Hedgy - 6 years ago
Subscribe to catchemall fishing or the turtle will murder you in you’re sleep
Ljubomir Stjepanovic
Ljubomir Stjepanovic - 6 years ago
Love your vids bro it would be nice when you drop a heart ❤
Josh Bryant
Josh Bryant - 6 years ago
Bro I hate seeing this kid, franklin, i don’t know this kid well but he seems toxic and fake af from his videos
XxRyanYTxX - 6 years ago
+ALEX Ghila overall there all terrible except Paul Cuffaro he's brilliant
ALEX Ghila
ALEX Ghila - 6 years ago
Josh Bryant because he is. it's only "mouth" of him.
Smurph - 6 years ago
i've only seen a few of Catch Em All Fishing videos by chance today but he seems to play the part of a typical fake vlogger too, just feels like cheesy acting in the stuff i've seen. Just checked out that other kids channel though and he's definitely a worse actor though. This style of content really only works on kids.
Lil Wooo
Lil Wooo - 6 years ago
Preston Kim most of his fish survive except the one someone tried to steal
Lil Wooo
Lil Wooo - 6 years ago
GO you got proof of that?
bat cat
bat cat - 6 years ago
I agree
Son of a Quack
Son of a Quack - 6 years ago
Yeah I’m a kid and I even see through thin what a waste at least he should do some research for his fish and honestly I never really liked his channel it’s kinda boring compared to everyone else’s vids and within months his fish die he’s pretty cringy
GO - 6 years ago
Josh Bryant he is. He kills all his fish and sets them up for death
Adams Outdoor Adventures
Adams Outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
BrytonYourDay ! Yea his persona is very fake and i believe the kids dont even notice it
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 6 years ago
Adams Outdoor Adventures he’s got that fake YouTuber persona but the kids like it/don’t notice
Adams Outdoor Adventures
Adams Outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
BrytonYourDay ! True man he has a lot to learn, unfortunately hes gained a lot of subs from little kids who like him being fake...
Bryton Up
Bryton Up - 6 years ago
Most of his videos I’ve seen (franklins) it seems like he doesn’t know much about the fish he gets and they way he talks just seems fake or off
Adams Outdoor Adventures
Adams Outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
Josh Bryant i dont mind seeing him in catchemalls videos, hes way less fake when zak is around
Lover boy Lover
Lover boy Lover - 6 years ago
You’re all I watch
Austin Dinh
Austin Dinh - 6 years ago
Great video sorry shamu died.
padywaggon prudoctions atv
padywaggon prudoctions atv - 6 years ago
Madison Voss
Madison Voss - 6 years ago
Chicken nuggets

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