Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?
Raww fishing 8 years ago 1,021,702 views
We might order fish raw, but why don't we ever order chicken that way? Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters—we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Kevin Bealer, Mark Terrio-Cameron, KatieMarie Magnone, Patrick Merrithew, Charles Southerland, Fatima Iqbal, Benny, Kyle Anderson, Tim Curwick, Scott Satovsky Jr, Will and Sonja Marple, Philippe von Bergen, Bella Nash, Bryce Daifuku, Chris Peters, Patrick D. Ashmore, Charles George, Bader AlGhamdi ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/scishow Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow Tumblr: http://scishow.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/thescishow ---------- Sources: http://time.com/3731226/you-asked-why-cant-i-eat-raw-meat/ https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/anisakiasis/faqs.html http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/UCM252393.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19842365 http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/aquaculture/faqs/faq_seafood_health.html https://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/general/ https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/diseases/campylobacter/index.html http://umash.umn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Campylobacter-MDH.pdf https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000631.htm
How The HeLL u cn LiVe well EaTinG DeaD RoTTen DeComposed FooD
aLso Which is ParTiaLLy MurDereD!
How people are preferrin To Have SucH DeTerioRaTeD Kind oF Thing Which is LonG DeaD
That is in The process oF DeCoMposiTioN
Above that u cook iT Further
N call iT FooD!
10. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?
20. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?
30. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?
And there is a classic German dish with raw pork mince.
These days your pork is stuffed with hormones and anti biotic. It's quit safe.
Anyone in Nagoya right now who can confirm?
50. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?
nonsense argument, cats and dogs eat grass occasionally. does that make them herbivores like a horse? get real!
So yeh, I'm super anal about how my meat is cooked now :D Won't even eat sushi, just the veggie version (whatever that's called).
More like Chicken Salmonella amirite
'chicken sashimi is a thing'
'chicken raw fish is a thing'
Why doesnt it make People sick?
When it shows the steak being pan-seared, then flipped, it has grill marks on the top. I mean, what is this CNN? This is fake news!
I'll have a steak and a glass of milk then.
100. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?
Edit: oh yeah, I'm a nerd
raw sauce..
no ketchup...
just sauce...
Um, ew. Too chewy, not tasty, and unless it's some kind of ham, also too chewy, respectively.
By 'ham', I mean ham (duh), prosciutto and mild salami (not a fan of pungency). Cutlets and chops though, no way.
Also not a fan of bones; I've got a pretty sensitive gag reflex (brushing my tongue is impossible, as is the dentist putting that wooden ice-cream stick thingy into my mouth).
He tends to use 1337speak a bit too much...oh, and the fact that he's easily cowed by the producer, Dee Vasquez (who happened to be a mob member, blackmailer, witness to one case of manslaughter and cause of another, both of which involved the victim falling onto a particularly pointy fence).
RIP Manuel and Jack Hammer.
They like the taste of raw liver
They have iron-deficiency anemia and want to correct it naturally
Even most of plant based foods that I eat are cooked.
Learn your damn script, and if you mess up, START AGAIN!
It's an insult to the viewer to have mid-sentence jump cuts.
The flavor is repulsive.
And more than 30 years ago, as an exchange student to Japan, my family owned a Poultry & Egg Shop. So I was served chicken sashimi. I'm still here... so there, for what it's worth!
The Japanese food production and distribution system is one heck of a lot cleaner than the American, profit-driven, factory farms!!!
thanks Hank i really appreciate that.
1. fire up the grill, make sure it's nice and hot
2. slap an unseasoned steak on the grill for 5 seconds
3. flip to the other side for 5 seconds
4. serve with bernaise
If it's Not Cooked I'm Not Eating It.
not campy lobacter
Sushi is anything packed in rice, this was a method of preserving fish or any food really - especially for transport. The rice is mixed with vinegar and packed tightly around the meat so it severs as a barrier to the air and the vinegar is natural anti-microbial.
There's a similar dish called Kimbap which is nearly identical except the rice doesn't have vinegar and the fillings are absolutely never raw, because it wasn't meant as a means preservation just for convenient eating. Asias version of a sandwich perhaps
Apparently the chicken was killed in the kitchen.
I don't know if that is normal or not
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I trusted you
Me: Maybe because raw Chicken can give you salmonella...
Deer sometimes eat Little Birds, Does that make them Omnivores NO!!
Just because we do something doesnt mean its Justified.
Ohhh...I wouldn't eat any raw animal to be honest.
Government controls the business too much, preventing even large farms/ranches from slaughtering & butchering (often 2 different businesses) their own livestock.
anyways i dont like sushi and i tend to like my meat well medium
thx for this ha bisky vid
other thing, Horse Sashimi from Kyushu.
You should try those.
Pork tapeworm, on the other hand, is the main cause of epilepsy in the less-developed world. Trichinella's horrendous too but less common, the last major cluster of cases I read about in the US was caused by people eating cougar jerky(??!!!!).
Sushi from freshwater fish is risky in some areas, google Giant Kidney Worm and prepare to be disgusted.
Any vegetarians and vegans feeling smug at this point: the phase of the pork tapeworn life-cycle that can kill you isn't usually caught from eating pork. It's caught from consuming the worm eggs that came out of the butt of someone who ate infected pork, didn't wash their hands thoroughly after a dump and then prepped your green salad!
Pork. Raw. Awesome. Totally save if prepared by a local butcher.
High steaks.
Now show clips of those stupid Japanese restaurants that sells undercooked raw chicken. I don't care if they're hand fed unicorn farts and massaged by the hands of the gods... no way in hell I would ever eat raw chicken.
Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Torisashi is raw chicken ("tori" in Japanese). Readers may recognize the "sashi" in torisashi from sashimi (thinly sliced raw seafood). Needless to say, the chicken must
be served very fresh.
Both the meat of the bird and the heart are often served. The dish is usually accompanied by ground ginger and soy sauce, which is used as a dipping sauce.
eatit raw. Everything else is nearly fair game but as with anything else I like to eat it near the place it comes from. I eat sushi and fresh raw sashimi and stuff on the coast or back home, where it's basically fine, cuz water all around, and fish gets to mouth quick from the water, and farm animals you just ask where they are killed first. I have a pretty dodgy immune system, but raw meat is really just a thing I avoid in america because half the food here is a clean miss from me.so they just freeze?
i thought some bacterias died if it hits certain point of freezing, because of crystalisation..
Mind sharing?
Possibility of becoming sick from salmanella
I ask about human meat
It's a joke.