Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?

We might order fish raw, but why don't we ever order chicken that way? Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters—we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Kevin Bealer, Mark Terrio-Cameron, KatieMarie Magnone, Patrick Merrithew, Charles Southerland, Fatima Iqbal, Benny, Kyle Anderson, Tim Curwick, Scott Satovsky Jr, Will and Sonja Marple, Philippe von Bergen, Bella Nash, Bryce Daifuku, Chris Peters, Patrick D. Ashmore, Charles George, Bader AlGhamdi ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/scishow Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow Tumblr: http://scishow.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/thescishow ---------- Sources: http://time.com/3731226/you-asked-why-cant-i-eat-raw-meat/ https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/anisakiasis/faqs.html http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/UCM252393.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19842365 http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/aquaculture/faqs/faq_seafood_health.html https://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/general/ https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/diseases/campylobacter/index.html http://umash.umn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Campylobacter-MDH.pdf https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000631.htm

Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 515

Raww fishing 8 years ago 1,021,702 views

We might order fish raw, but why don't we ever order chicken that way? Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters—we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Kevin Bealer, Mark Terrio-Cameron, KatieMarie Magnone, Patrick Merrithew, Charles Southerland, Fatima Iqbal, Benny, Kyle Anderson, Tim Curwick, Scott Satovsky Jr, Will and Sonja Marple, Philippe von Bergen, Bella Nash, Bryce Daifuku, Chris Peters, Patrick D. Ashmore, Charles George, Bader AlGhamdi ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/scishow Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow Tumblr: http://scishow.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/thescishow ---------- Sources: http://time.com/3731226/you-asked-why-cant-i-eat-raw-meat/ https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/anisakiasis/faqs.html http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/UCM252393.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19842365 http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/aquaculture/faqs/faq_seafood_health.html https://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/general/ https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/diseases/campylobacter/index.html http://umash.umn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Campylobacter-MDH.pdf https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000631.htm

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Most popular comments
for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?

abdul obeidat
abdul obeidat - 6 years ago
There is nothing wrong with eating raw meat any kind of animal can be eat raw
kawaii-jessica uchiha
kawaii-jessica uchiha - 6 years ago
but there are places that do offer beef, and chicken raw stuff
scitechian - 6 years ago
I still refuse to eat sushi for one simple reason: like half of all the stories on "medical mystery" shows about parasites are ultimately traced back to eating raw seafood prepared "in traditional ways" (which is often just an excuse to not be sanitary).
J R - 6 years ago
Well....I'm never eating again.
ĐÂŅÝŁ ĢÁŁÀ - 6 years ago
aTLeasT EaT SoMeThin ThaTs MosT aLive n Which Keeps u ALive!
How The HeLL u cn LiVe well EaTinG DeaD RoTTen DeComposed FooD
aLso Which is ParTiaLLy MurDereD!
How people are preferrin To Have SucH DeTerioRaTeD Kind oF Thing Which is LonG DeaD
That is in The process oF DeCoMposiTioN
Above that u cook iT Further
N call iT FooD!
The girl with the unexpectedly long name that has nothing to do with her profile pic
The girl with the unexpectedly long name that has nothing to do with her profile pic - 6 years ago
TRAS̸H DØVE - 6 years ago
Then there's my home region in Germany, where pork tartare with onion (Thüringer Mett) is the traditional dish
Jonty Ellis
Jonty Ellis - 6 years ago
Who else watched this while eating some chicken?
Simtex - 6 years ago
Just made a rare pork steak and ate it 15min ago. Hopefully my guts wont be eaten by worms o.0

10. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?

Sugercookieflims !!!!!!
Sugercookieflims !!!!!! - 6 years ago
Monkey Bender
Monkey Bender - 6 years ago
Thanks man.
Cesar Carrizo
Cesar Carrizo - 6 years ago
yes there is, you haven't been to Japan huh? lol
Nukin Neovenators
Nukin Neovenators - 6 years ago
Why do our ancestors and predators eat if it’s harmful or is it because of the farm conditions
I Your Ancestor
I Your Ancestor - 6 years ago
well done please! with extra ketchup!
I Your Ancestor
I Your Ancestor - 6 years ago
~_~ i'm an adult
Dabi - 6 years ago
You fucktards fish is way diffrent then chicken
Maria Lorena Pinheiro Borges
Maria Lorena Pinheiro Borges - 6 years ago
I do not eat neither.
Jscthegamer - 6 years ago
I’m gunna die very soon I eat roadkill everyday I swear that I saw a ringworm crawl out of my poop
Jordan Barnett
Jordan Barnett - 6 years ago
You can eat raw fish because fish is basically a vegetable
Person Oisels
Person Oisels - 6 years ago
I can't imagine raw chicken tasting very nice or having a nice mouthfeel. But then again I don't really like sashimi either.

20. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?

What’s wrong with you people why you need to eat meat
N Dee
N Dee - 6 years ago
What about German mett (pork tartare) ?
BlueCassio - 6 years ago
Raistlarn - 6 years ago
In the US most fish are frozen to below -30°F, which kills parasites. This doesn't do anything to bacteria though. Don't eat raw freshwater fish, because they have a higher chance of carrying parasites. So don't eat Tilapia raw, because it's a freshwater fish not a saltwater fish. If you are really worried about parasites, and bacteria eat Unagi(Freshwater Eel). Unagi is broiled before the restaurants get it, and when they do get it they broil it again before serving.
Matbo03 - 6 years ago
Here in Germany wenn actualy eat raw Pork, on bread
NightOdin - 6 years ago
cause its not salmon
Levi 123
Levi 123 - 6 years ago
Can animals get salmonella from raw chicken?
Sky Smith
Sky Smith - 7 years ago
I'm a antifishaterian it means I don't eat fish, this video was kind of creepy to me to see so many dead fish is anyone else unerved?
thomasp187 - 7 years ago
There is Wagyu Sushi which is basically beef sushi.
Vũ Tuấn
Vũ Tuấn - 7 years ago
It's also the texture.

30. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?

William Andrews
William Andrews - 7 years ago
raw pork is a delicacy in most parts of europe, and even in New York some restaurants have decided to serve pork medium-rare. There have been maybe 3 or 4 cases per year of these worms in the last couple of years and most of them were from pork bought from farmers markets that aren't as well regulated as most butchers or supermarkets. If you have a butcher that you trust is hygienic you can eat raw pork without any real risk. If you don't trust them, then you shouldn't eat their meat even when cooked to a piece of charcoal.
Fishfan 2
Fishfan 2 - 7 years ago
Salmonella ia why
Haiti LeBlanc
Haiti LeBlanc - 7 years ago
Galey Luu
Galey Luu - 7 years ago
I saw some people posting pictures online of them eagerly wanting to eat chicken that looks not only bland and under seasoned, but also still raw on the inside when you cut into it. Are these people crazy?
Johnny Alpha
Johnny Alpha - 7 years ago
Actually, there is sashimi sasami (raw chicken) available in many regions of Japan. The meat used is not regular supermarket chicken, but is prepared by a specialist toriya.
Reason - 7 years ago
But I hear that pink slime is more dangerous than dying from infected ground beef. Also, getting tapeworms from sushi isn't as bad as people claim. I mean, what's wrong with carrying a few cute little stringies inside your guts?
edwin eikelenboom
edwin eikelenboom - 7 years ago
As a chef I can say that you can eat your pork loin perfectly medium. No need to cook it Al the way trough.
And there is a classic German dish with raw pork mince.
These days your pork is stuffed with hormones and anti biotic. It's quit safe.
TwentyNine - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure I saw chicken sashimi at a restaurant in Nagoya Station in Japan. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I remember that.

Anyone in Nagoya right now who can confirm?
Weeaboo Jones
Weeaboo Jones - 7 years ago
I'm guessing it's because of salmonella
MaryRose007 - 7 years ago
Because raw chicken is disgusting
macrokaiju - 7 years ago
I'm a trained cook, so let me say a "hardmedum-medium well" is acceptable for pork chops as the tricinosis sparilium eggs die at arounf a temp of 145-150-ish. all poultry should be 165, no question unless its duck. For some reason its totes ok to eat duck at 145 (medium). I'm not 100.5% sure why but I'm glad cause a medium duck breast is heaven, so nom.
Matt C
Matt C - 7 years ago
I always ask for my meat well done. People laugh, but guess who doesn't have worms!
Kublai Khan
Kublai Khan - 7 years ago
Raw chicken is very common in Japan. It's called Torisashi or Tataki depending on how it's prepared. It's exrtremely unadvisable to do that with chicken bought in the UK or US however. The chicken in Japan used for this has been bred and slaughtered under specific conditions to minimise the risk of infection to consumers. Here in the west our chickens live in filth - it's just not safe to eat unless cooked thoroughly.
Shuhister - 7 years ago
Rick Baum
Rick Baum - 7 years ago
because humans are herbivores
アキラ - 7 years ago
were omnivores, which is why we have our front teeth to cut the meat and our back molars t grind it
ArualBlack - 7 years ago
Really informative!
Andy Hui
Andy Hui - 7 years ago
Techianllt there's chicken sashimi in japan
goodman854 - 7 years ago
btw they eat raw chicken in japan. just saying
nunyo biznez
nunyo biznez - 7 years ago
cuz yall some pussies
PathHits - 7 years ago
Now as the fish thing is very true. But the truth is any kind of raw fish can easily carry one of thousands of different kinds of worms.... look it up

50. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?

TheSleepingInsomniac - 7 years ago
Because raw chicken is very prone to carrying pathogens, and raw chicken is slimy as Hell.
1870 Preußen
1870 Preußen - 7 years ago
I once ate raw chicken i dunno why but it looked delicious and the taste was not that bad but if felt so weord on the tongue
TransHailey - 7 years ago
So what did humans do before they invented fire, back when it was just stab it and eat it?
Tekey six
Tekey six - 6 years ago
Rick Baum 3 times a day? Wow you really know your matter
Rick Baum
Rick Baum - 7 years ago
some apes occasionally. how often? once a month? once a quarter? certainly not three times a day. humans are not carnivores.

nonsense argument, cats and dogs eat grass occasionally. does that make them herbivores like a horse? get real!
Rick Baum
Rick Baum - 7 years ago
they ate what they evolved to eat: fruit veggies nuts and seeds. like all our cousin apes
The_Suicidal_Raccoon - 7 years ago
Uhh salmonella?
Jaiden Jimenez
Jaiden Jimenez - 7 years ago
lol I gave myself a nasty case of food poisoning by attempting to cook chicken (I'm not domesticated). Didn't recognise symptoms, got progressively sick, ended up getting taxi to A&E where I was put in my own room cause they were concerned that I had a tropical disease as I was a bit delirious. After a bag of IV fluid and some morphine for pain I was a lot better, though still couldn't provide a urine sample, I was that dehydrated.

So yeh, I'm super anal about how my meat is cooked now :D Won't even eat sushi, just the veggie version (whatever that's called).
علي المرسومي
علي المرسومي - 7 years ago
I have a question what’s does Americans think about Iraq
WamSizee - 7 years ago
Iraq sucks
WamSizee - 7 years ago
علي المرسومي Islam is stupid
علي المرسومي
علي المرسومي - 7 years ago
I’m gonna say some thing weird I don’t eat pig meat only cow and chicken
OMMBoy - 7 years ago
Long live steak tartare!
Z. Zay
Z. Zay - 7 years ago
Chicken Sashimi
More like Chicken Salmonella amirite
AJP123 - 7 years ago
sashimi = raw fish
'chicken sashimi is a thing'
'chicken raw fish is a thing'
Xander Zoolander
Xander Zoolander - 7 years ago
You know why we have problems with raw meat? We're not carnivores or omnivores. Meat, and other animal based food, is not part of our natural diet. And do you know what this food causes? Diseases, and not just the bacteria kind, but chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart problems, obesity, etc.
Dairys Moreta
Dairys Moreta - 7 years ago
Lions eat their meats are and don't have issues. Our kind just have a weak eco system.
Chris Spinghall
Chris Spinghall - 7 years ago
John Kravich
John Kravich - 7 years ago
Wish my skillet made those nice grill marks lol
William Johnson
William Johnson - 7 years ago
Blacks would fry it
Jeffrey levouski
Jeffrey levouski - 7 years ago
I love that everytime I click on a scishow video, even if I know the answer to the title I always learn something new.
Hans Lukas Meyer Peter
Hans Lukas Meyer Peter - 7 years ago
In Germany there is a thing called „Mett“ its ground Pork with onions
Why doesnt it make People sick?
Niko Bugelli
Niko Bugelli - 7 years ago
Pork loin is actually best eaten slightly pink on the inside. A bit like a medium steak. This is because the muscle tissue in the loin is very dense and any infectious parasites make their way to softer and less dense tissues.
Egzyle Dee
Egzyle Dee - 7 years ago
I have a major beef with this video. Pun intended.

When it shows the steak being pan-seared, then flipped, it has grill marks on the top. I mean, what is this CNN? This is fake news!
Konoyaro Gaming
Konoyaro Gaming - 7 years ago
Careful about some steaks. They can be cut from multiple cows and glued together with meat glue. It's next to impossible to tell if you're not a well trained expert.
Grumpy OldMan
Grumpy OldMan - 7 years ago
I have grilled a pork loin steak before and it was still rather rare on the interior. I ate it anyway and it did taste better than the typical well-done way that we are told to cook it.
Ben Conroy
Ben Conroy - 7 years ago
There hasn't been a case of triginosis in over 100 years and the USDA has given the ok for pork medium rare and above
WolfGang - 7 years ago
I will not eat PIG meat I will not even touch it with a barge pole.
TheLoneCabbage - 7 years ago
I was eating when I started this video... now I am not -_-
Traci Morales
Traci Morales - 7 years ago
I just texted my friend that I've been craving sushi, and then when I opened YouTube 10 minutes later, this was the top suggested video. :/
Morgan Lloyd
Morgan Lloyd - 7 years ago
We're dose that leave a penguin a bird underwater ?
ChaotiX64 - 7 years ago
Had raw chicken many times in Japan
CryptoDaughter - 7 years ago
Brian Jackson
Brian Jackson - 7 years ago
If you can chew swallow and stomach raw chicken you belong in a zoo or should llive life as a pet .
michael martin
michael martin - 7 years ago
Beef cannot be perfectly sterile inside due to the practice of frankensteining. This is a process of "glueing pieces of meat together. Raw, professional chefs have a hard time detecting it. Once cooked, it's nearly impossible to tell. One steak can come from five different cows. I cannot remember the enzyme used. Hopefully someone can give the answer.....
Sprsae - 7 years ago
have you gone mad?
NeedsMoreBoosters - 7 years ago
Sooo are burgers with some pink but not totally raw in any part fine?
Serenity Feueropal
Serenity Feueropal - 7 years ago
Okay, but why must chicken be cooked thoroughly?
Felipe Carvalho
Felipe Carvalho - 7 years ago
Could this mean we evolved longer eating fish than those others?
Otaku Obsession
Otaku Obsession - 7 years ago
Because some people are pescatarian duh.
Say Hoe Lee
Say Hoe Lee - 7 years ago
Can we kill all microbs using high x-ray dose? I mean, if someone like raw food so badly and will do everything to make them safe to eat......what r the possible/economical way?
Alexis Filigree
Alexis Filigree - 7 years ago
It should be noted that some other avian species are pretty much fine rare. Squab, duck, and goose are fine to eat rare...with goose being so rarely contaminated that it's pretty much safe to eat fully raw.
The Naked Dietitian
The Naked Dietitian - 7 years ago
Most of these being due to our food system...
Marek A. S.
Marek A. S. - 7 years ago
But we germans eat a lot of pork tatar, a lot and everyone is fine.
Numaan Qayoom
Numaan Qayoom - 7 years ago
Is blood in slaughtered animals harmful to humans, If so is the practice of killing an animal by cutting the throat only in order to let the blood flow completely until that animal dies due to blood loss healthy for us.
Mr_diaz97 - 7 years ago
How loud would it have to get to heat up the air so much that “stuff” would catch fire??!! I need to know for science
Apocoh - 7 years ago
Why can animals eat raw food but humans cannot?
GarrusN7 - 6 years ago
Humans can eat raw meat.
Night Finger
Night Finger - 6 years ago
Because humans are stupid, you can, been eating raw meats, steak, pork, beef and fish for a month straight, never felt better, most bad things you hear are myths
Queenie Guldbaek
Queenie Guldbaek - 6 years ago
Steak tartare
Channah Sorensen
Channah Sorensen - 7 years ago
We can eat raw meat.
Priere B
Priere B - 7 years ago
Rick Baum we're herbivore evolving to drink milk and eat meat.

I'll have a steak and a glass of milk then.
アキラ - 7 years ago
We can eat rawfood, i ate raw fish just eht other day
Jon Mayo
Jon Mayo - 7 years ago
Dogs tend to have stronger stomach acid (1.05 to 2.2 pH in dogs, 1.5 to 3.5 in humans). Dogs have a tougher immune system than humans, and are less susceptible to E. Coli infections. And dog saliva is somewhat anti-microbial, but isn't as good as humans with digesting starch. So we're probably better at eating potatoes and bread, even if a dog is better at eating raw meat.
Apocoh - 7 years ago
Darn. I meant meat XD
Rick Baum
Rick Baum - 7 years ago
humans can. all you have to do is eat the food your body is evolved to digest. fruit and veggies, nuts and seeds!
Babblgam Gummi
Babblgam Gummi - 7 years ago
1:36 you should. Mettbrötchen taste great.
Andrey Pavlov
Andrey Pavlov - 7 years ago
I tried little piece of streak tartar (raw ground beef). Disgusting. And completely unsafe.
Sam Es
Sam Es - 7 years ago
Pork tartare is a real thing, as well as chicken tartare and the like. Google it. Again it depends on the source of the meat, but regardless some people actually like it. I’m not one of them.
Bigfan Of Most things
Bigfan Of Most things - 7 years ago
...well i always thought the raw fish sushi i see are boiled first .-.
Ricky Ray
Ricky Ray - 7 years ago
I, quite literally, gagged at the thought of "pork tartar."
96nairrA - 7 years ago
i eat raw chicken i dont know why its just a big deal it tastes just like ass i love it
crissyisajojofan - 7 years ago
They still serve chicken sashimi in Japan
Prince Jaq
Prince Jaq - 7 years ago
Because chicken is better fried

100. comment for Why Do We Eat Raw Fish But Not Raw Chicken?

Goldenheart !
Goldenheart ! - 7 years ago
I knew this already, why... Why am I watching?

Edit: oh yeah, I'm a nerd
Dr.Zapps - 7 years ago
Raw meat one big nope all around.
Tiona McDuffie
Tiona McDuffie - 7 years ago
Salmonella, 'nuff said.
funny haha
funny haha - 7 years ago
Because I don’t want to die
Michi First
Michi First - 7 years ago
I do want to add (before watching this video) that I have eaten Tori Sashimi (Chicken Sashimi) at Izakaya in Japan... It does exist.
Bryn Courcy
Bryn Courcy - 7 years ago
luke joynson
luke joynson - 7 years ago
why would any one want to eat raw chicken any way ? it's really grows
DNLRDY - 7 years ago
what about...
raw sauce..
no ketchup...
just sauce...
Sumuhsu - 7 years ago
Well, this video is irrelevant now lol
kevin Rudd
kevin Rudd - 7 years ago
I cook everything thoroughly, charcoal is the safest food on earth
Rufo Rufo
Rufo Rufo - 7 years ago
the Japanese do eat chicken sashimi, ive had it. they also eat beef liver sashimi, venison sashimi, horse sashimi, and dammed near anything you can eat raw.. and before you freak out about salmonella or rabies or something... all the chickens, etc.. are specially raised.
Christian Marcol
Christian Marcol - 7 years ago
So did you talk about chicken?
Great value bleach
Great value bleach - 7 years ago
KepleroGT - 7 years ago
Because in Minecraft you could get poisoned by raw chicken
Mich Mouch
Mich Mouch - 7 years ago
Avoiding eating meat reduces drastically the risks of being infected with any of those parasites and bacterias. Another good point for veganism and its benevolent and positive outcomes.
Cameron Lorna
Cameron Lorna - 7 years ago
There has been multiple outbreaks risks from vegetables. In fact, vegies are the second source of food poisoning
アキラ - 7 years ago
raw vegetables are dangerous too you idiot
Jon Mayo
Jon Mayo - 7 years ago
Frequent outbreaks of salmonella in lettuce, and other vegetables commonly eaten raw have been in the news before. The problem is you might not eat meat, but birds still fly over and poop on fields. And pickers are human beings who get sick like every one else, unfortunately there is rarely good sanitation facilities on a farm.
Serenity Feueropal
Serenity Feueropal - 7 years ago
Lohmra gondein you know literally anything you eat could be contaminated with something bad right? Veggies are not magically exempt.
Mark Hunter
Mark Hunter - 7 years ago
This didn't explain anything. How does the center of chicken or pork get contaminated with bacteria that must by definition originate from the exterior? Fail video is fail.
SGNRyan - 7 years ago
I was eating a burger when I clicked on this video, and it made me realize that my burger was pink. Thanks
Kenny Westone
Kenny Westone - 7 years ago
I have a stomach flu, and I was eating chicken soup while I was watching this. Now there is puke all over my screen and keyboard.
Duncan Wilson
Duncan Wilson - 7 years ago
You can also eat raw chicken in Japan.
yeetman - 7 years ago
You cant get salmonella from chicken, its not salmon.
Vince Fernandez
Vince Fernandez - 7 years ago
I eat chicken sashimi ALL THE TIME! And as soon as this funny feeling in my stomach goes away, I'll be EATING MORE ! ! !
TheSkepticalBadger - 7 years ago
Ive actually tasted raw chicken while preparing my cats raw meals honestly it has a really wierd texture, a little like jelly and does not tatse that great ill stick to the steak tartare and raw egg.
Adriell Cabrera
Adriell Cabrera - 7 years ago
you didn't answer why we didn't eat raw chicken, only pork
daubert - 7 years ago
Raw duck tartar is definitely a thing in France, and it's quite safe!
Noah - 7 years ago
daubert right, but not as safe as beef or fish lol
Emily C
Emily C - 7 years ago
Ugh, so much of this is wrong. Your biology info really needs better research on many videos- please get a biologist employed
Ricky Spanish
Ricky Spanish - 7 years ago
No one eats raw fish except zipperheads
Ferdinand Andre
Ferdinand Andre - 7 years ago
I want my chicken medium rare.

Laura 28
Laura 28 - 7 years ago
I know that in Japan, chicken sashimi is a thing. Yes salmonella poisoning comes from chicken and is a higher risk food than fish but salmonella is only found on the surface of chicken. So you could eat chicken sashimi or rare cooked chicken and not die as long as the surface is cooked. Yes other diseases/ bacteria come from chicken but if you buy chicken from a reputable place you aren't likely to fall ill. Tokyo has the highest number of michelin star restruants in the world, so they're careful and know what they're doing. I think because not many people know this and believe it would taste and feel better cooked (though apparently it is very nice). People would also still feel uncomfortable eating it even after being told it was safe. There would always be a fear of falling ill even if it were impossible to do so.
Donovan Holm
Donovan Holm - 7 years ago
Mirrored {} Chaos
Mirrored {} Chaos - 7 years ago
I heard somewhere that if a swimming pool turns green it could have e-coli.
G J - 7 years ago
Beef good raw ,fish good raw ,chicken raw? yuck
Applehead Defender
Applehead Defender - 7 years ago
Really people -__-
EmptySergeant - 7 years ago
What happened to your camera
Maia Hisula
Maia Hisula - 7 years ago
I'm too happy that the parasite I'm studying (T. spiralis) is shown here. Idk why
Fluminis Longius
Fluminis Longius - 7 years ago
But how about duck?
Aaron J
Aaron J - 7 years ago
But they do have chicken "sashimi".. so your point is... what? It is more difficult to safely with factory farmed meat - which you would NEVER eat raw regardless of the animal?
kasper bennetsen
kasper bennetsen - 7 years ago
Common Sense
Common Sense - 7 years ago
Because logic?
flugelblarghen - 7 years ago
But why can't you sear chicken like you can steak?
Your Waifu Sucks
Your Waifu Sucks - 7 years ago
Because Gordon Ramsay will go to your house and scold you
Pertamax7 - 7 years ago
Nice sir
rat - 7 years ago
Long answer short: Salmonella.
CaseNumber00 - 7 years ago
And theres these dumb mother fawkers who love "rare chicken"
NessMasterGengar! !
NessMasterGengar! ! - 7 years ago
Salmonella that's it
The Crystal Crystals
The Crystal Crystals - 7 years ago
Because chicken is more prone to food-borne illness than fish
Warren Harrison
Warren Harrison - 7 years ago
I heared in japan the eat raw chicken samonella is not a natural occuring disease in birds. It's similar to staph in humans.
Oot spagoot
Oot spagoot - 7 years ago
Raw rabbits also are not too good for you
Jason Patterson
Jason Patterson - 7 years ago
In the US fish that is intended to be eaten raw is required by law to be frozen before serving. I laugh every time I hear people talking about how fresh the sushi is at some restaurant and how other restaurants use frozen fish.
SouthPark333Gaming - 7 years ago
I only eat raw human
Yazan Baggins
Yazan Baggins - 7 years ago
Luis Gomez
Luis Gomez - 7 years ago
justin van
justin van - 7 years ago
Why do Americans eat rare hamburger? It has intestines in it.
Veritius - 7 years ago
Mad Rob
Mad Rob - 7 years ago
Why even ask this question when the answer is chicken/pork/beef will kill you if you eat them raw.
gloriana Franco
gloriana Franco - 7 years ago
American r food is disgusting
Richard Samuelson
Richard Samuelson - 7 years ago
0:57 "What about other meats, such as beef, chicken and pork?"
Um, ew. Too chewy, not tasty, and unless it's some kind of ham, also too chewy, respectively.
By 'ham', I mean ham (duh), prosciutto and mild salami (not a fan of pungency). Cutlets and chops though, no way.
Also not a fan of bones; I've got a pretty sensitive gag reflex (brushing my tongue is impossible, as is the dentist putting that wooden ice-cream stick thingy into my mouth).
Richard Samuelson
Richard Samuelson - 7 years ago
Because you don't want to run into the director of Global Studios' _The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo_.
He tends to use 1337speak a bit too much...oh, and the fact that he's easily cowed by the producer, Dee Vasquez (who happened to be a mob member, blackmailer, witness to one case of manslaughter and cause of another, both of which involved the victim falling onto a particularly pointy fence).
RIP Manuel and Jack Hammer.
MicrowaveGamer - 7 years ago
Just beware hamburgers in general. My parents and I ordered hamburgers at Disney world (which isn't the place to get food poisoning) and we were sick for a whole day. It sucked so much.
Mister Dick
Mister Dick - 7 years ago
Caters Carrots
Caters Carrots - 7 years ago
Is raw liver safe? Because I often hear of people eating liver pate(which is basically mashed raw liver) for 2 reasons. Those 2 reasons are:

They like the taste of raw liver


They have iron-deficiency anemia and want to correct it naturally
OmniLearners - 7 years ago
Although, raw meat can be potentially harmful, it has benefits too. There are healthy enzymes in raw meat that you won't find in cooked meat. Raw meat is also easier to digest than cooked meat.
Julia Gustepa
Julia Gustepa - 7 years ago
hank just ruined carpaccio for me (including chicken)
peanutgallery77 - 7 years ago
This guy needs to man up
thoughts4coffee - 7 years ago
Warning: Do not watch while eating lunch.
Ryan Johnson
Ryan Johnson - 7 years ago
Sushi is a death wish.
iliden strmrege
iliden strmrege - 7 years ago
And then there's middle Germany, my home, where th favourite regional food is ground raw pork.
Atlas - 7 years ago
Because salmonella. Ez pez
Funbox Entertainment
Funbox Entertainment - 7 years ago
Frith - 7 years ago
A lot of the issues with pork really went away in the US after federal regulations on what can be fed to them were introduced. Pigs used to be fed table scraps that would spoil at least slightly before being completely consumed and dumping more table scraps on top of old ones in the trough made things worse. After new regulations were introduced that required certain sanitary conditions be met for feeding pigs food waste Trichinosis cases per year plummeted in the US in under a decade since being caught in violation could mean an entire farm if forbidden to sell their hogs for human consumption which would effectively bankrupt the farm.
lotevenstar - 7 years ago
Does it make me a bad person that I already knew everything in this but watched the video anyway just to feel better about myself?
Michael Farrell
Michael Farrell - 7 years ago
If all meat unless cooked is somewhat dangerous to humans does that not prove that humans are not deigned to eat meat? :/ Don't see any lions firing up the grill for their zebra :/
Negev - 7 years ago
Switched from sashimi to sushi about a 3rd of the way through this video. Not sure if it was intentional or not, but just in case it wasn't, they aren't the same thing.
calichef1962 - 7 years ago
Why didn't you tell the viewers that there has not been a case of trichinosis diagnosed in the US since the 1940s? There is NO trichinosis in US pork anymore and most chefs now serve pork medium to medium-well, but NOT well done.
Night Finger
Night Finger - 6 years ago
I ate raw pork lard two weeks ago, feeling great!
Erika Wanner
Erika Wanner - 7 years ago
calichef1962 well done pork is NASTY! I believe any trichinosis is killed at 140 do cooking a pork loin, roast, etc to 145 is perfectly fine and MUCH tastier than well done
Chris Sachjen
Chris Sachjen - 7 years ago
There have definitely been people diagnosed with trichinosis. Animals like bear carry it and if not cooked right you have it. For life.
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller - 7 years ago
They do eat raw chicken in Japan
david wood
david wood - 7 years ago
i worked in a meat dept and we would lay the frozen fish out to defrost and then the worms would crawl out the fish and we would pick them off and stick the fish in the fresh fish spot, sole Dover and tilapia. this store is in ever city and comes from Canada, lets say its not a" safeway" to sale fish.
The Idiot Reviewer
The Idiot Reviewer - 7 years ago
Chicken Sashimi might be a thing, but i'll still stay away from it simply because i cant stand the smell of raw chicken..
PinkGrapefruit22 - 7 years ago
I saw several people already mentioned this, but chicken sashimi does actually exist in Japan. Horse and deer as well! (I wasn't brave enough to try it thought).
gay gobstopper
gay gobstopper - 7 years ago
You can eat rare beef, it's called tartare
Danny - 7 years ago
We don't eat raw chicken because it's too much like HUMAN meat looking : ) haha and you might take a likening to it ! Hope I made you cringe haha !
0011peace - 7 years ago
I won't eat any raw animal product not even milk.
Even most of plant based foods that I eat are cooked.
Wilson Smith
Wilson Smith - 7 years ago
Great video, just avoid being too obvious on the reading güerito
Skye blue16
Skye blue16 - 7 years ago
Love how he causally said 'slaughter' meats and then I question why we never say 'slaughter' fish.
The Helghan Empire
The Helghan Empire - 7 years ago
Most fish is chemically cooked with lemons
mcell - 7 years ago
BACTERIA DO NOT DIE WHEN FROZEN. Get your facts straight. Parasites will but freezing is a great way to preserve bacteria! Why do you think labs freeze bacteria samples they want to use later?
M0ussa Saab
M0ussa Saab - 7 years ago
kibbeh taste good
overthehill91 - 7 years ago
Spoiler alert: It's cause we're not supposed to eat meat at all.
HoshiSanada - 7 years ago
Because food poisoning and parasites suck. Been there, done that (not from poultry, but yeah).
Smylie Constopolous
Smylie Constopolous - 7 years ago
1:40 besides the fact that to much red meat is bad for the heart
Christian Bitar
Christian Bitar - 7 years ago
I rather eat raw chicken and die than eating raw fish and still live..
Smiling Face
Smiling Face - 7 years ago
how about lamb?
The Jackass Linguist
The Jackass Linguist - 7 years ago
I just wanna add to the backlash by saying chicken sashimi is real.
Meekle58 - 7 years ago
Eaten chicken sashimi. Odd texture, pretty good flavour. Same with raw horse, and raw octopus, and squid and all the other creatures of the sea! Steak tartare is the bomb too
Alexander Skog
Alexander Skog - 7 years ago
This proves that humans should not eat meat. People say it's natural to eat meat, if that's true eat it raw, go ahead.
JCWP Gaming
JCWP Gaming - 7 years ago
Joel Chin
Joel Chin - 7 years ago
Med Otaku
Med Otaku - 7 years ago
I ate raw chicken "sashimi" in Yokohama....
RubberDonky - 7 years ago
I've always heard freezing slows down bacteria and kills parasites,
Chriseurosong - 7 years ago
Thumbs down for the fucking JUMP CUTS in the middle of SENTENCES.
Learn your damn script, and if you mess up, START AGAIN!
It's an insult to the viewer to have mid-sentence jump cuts.
Tyas N Putri
Tyas N Putri - 7 years ago
There is raw beef restaurant in Korea
Jason Wood
Jason Wood - 7 years ago
If you've ever tasted undercooked chicken, you'd understand.

The flavor is repulsive.
Carmen B
Carmen B - 7 years ago
Because it's fucking gross and smells awful!
argella1300 - 7 years ago
I'd like to see a spin off on this video as it pertains to raw shellfish. In New England, where I grew up, raw shellfish bars at local seafood joints were really popular.
Syron - 7 years ago
Fish is fine because the water washes it clean. :)
Elizabeth Shaw
Elizabeth Shaw - 7 years ago
China and Japan eat raw poultry. it is considered cheffy food.
Ausintune - 7 years ago
chicken is different you idoits xD
partlycurrent - 7 years ago
there is a very common snack in Germany called Mettbrötchen which is a roll with raw ground pork on top. you have to eat it really fresh tho!
tihi - 7 years ago
Actually they do eat raw chicken in Japan.
YapYap The Destroyer
YapYap The Destroyer - 7 years ago
Just be a vegainer
Ranjit - 7 years ago
I have a real serious question no pun intended, I'm fortunate not to have no blind people in my life so I can't ask anyone, but how do blind people know if there toilet paper is clean.?
Fabrice Richard
Fabrice Richard - 7 years ago
raw beef <3
Drives The Car
Drives The Car - 7 years ago
My grandparents, aunts and uncle made and served steak tartare frequently.
And more than 30 years ago, as an exchange student to Japan, my family owned a Poultry & Egg Shop. So I was served chicken sashimi. I'm still here... so there, for what it's worth!
The Japanese food production and distribution system is one heck of a lot cleaner than the American, profit-driven, factory farms!!!
ABDULZ TV - 7 years ago
Lebanese people eat raw Lamb
Cardi Jey
Cardi Jey - 7 years ago
Isst irgendjemand hier auch son Fan von Mett, wie ich?
ebrahim alfardan
ebrahim alfardan - 7 years ago
Japanese actually eat rare chicken.
Master Of Disguise
Master Of Disguise - 7 years ago
thanks Hank i really appreciate that.
Quantum Proton
Quantum Proton - 7 years ago
Question, do sushi chefs add lime juice and citric acid to kill bacteria?
Quantum Proton
Quantum Proton - 7 years ago
For once in my life, I am considering veganism
joelabo - 7 years ago
They eat raw chicken, MORANS.
Cab00v - 7 years ago
How to serve a Frenchman a steak:
1. fire up the grill, make sure it's nice and hot
2. slap an unseasoned steak on the grill for 5 seconds
3. flip to the other side for 5 seconds
4. serve with bernaise
Madalin Grama
Madalin Grama - 7 years ago
Well, the answer is much simpler than this. No matter how well stored and safe meat can be, people eat raw fish because it's good tasting (or whatever, they FIND IT to be good, lord knows I myself do not share their opinion). But I don't think there's anyone on this planet who'd actually consider any other kind of raw meat to be tasty. Ok, ok I know in Japan they do eat raw chicken, but Japanese people, as we all know, are fucking crazy. I mean, they sleep on pillows that imitate a woman's lap or a man's arm, soooo...
Alden Rogers
Alden Rogers - 7 years ago
My question is why is there only pork bacon, and not beef, bison, etc?
Juju Kop
Juju Kop - 7 years ago
vinolin moodley
vinolin moodley - 7 years ago
Then theirs Bear Grills who eats raw grasshoppers for breakfast
Maximilian Neumann
Maximilian Neumann - 7 years ago
In germany some do consume pork tartare or its called here: Hackepeter
Sarah R.
Sarah R. - 7 years ago
So in Europe they are looking for trichinas in pigs after slaughtering. So raw pork is safe to eat and probably a delicacy.
Urbaaniapina - 7 years ago
I just love when educational video makers have actual facts to tell, not just opinions! Thank you!
Liran Barsisa
Liran Barsisa - 7 years ago
What about those who eat raw egg, or products made from it (like cakes/cookies for example, from the kind that you don't bake) ?
Preston Grace
Preston Grace - 7 years ago
Why can I look at my screen and take a selfie and it looks like I'm looking at the camera, but whenever I look at the camera it looks like I'm looking away from the camera?
A girl has no name
A girl has no name - 7 years ago
Well for starters, goodluck on chewing raw chicken
Todomo - 7 years ago
Raw chicken looks delicious to me.... I must resist.
アキラ - 7 years ago
Raw dog is best dog
Jero Toro
Jero Toro - 7 years ago
I remember a documentary about a certain Pacific island tribe (the name escapes me) that eats pork raw. The entire animal is killed and thrown into a fire to sear the outside, and then it's butchered and eaten with no further cooking. Apparently they didn't suffer any food poisoning issues, and the British documentary dude even tried it, and didn't get sick.
Tiffany Wanjiku
Tiffany Wanjiku - 7 years ago
Trichinella spiralis doesn't actually sit in your guts like a tapeworm. It invades all skeletal muscle in humans e.g. the tongue, biceps, gluteal muscles etc.
Cy - 7 years ago
You can safely eat "rare" chicken and pork if you like, just prepare it sous vide at a minimum 133° F for a few hours. Bacteria will eventually die at that temperature if exposed long enough.
Jason Reed
Jason Reed - 7 years ago
Who The Fuck Is "We"?
If it's Not Cooked I'm Not Eating It.
Sith Lord
Sith Lord - 7 years ago
Raw fish is disgusting and anyone eating that junk is a worthless piece of shit.
Ming Celine
Ming Celine - 7 years ago
why do we want to be needed?
samantha keene
samantha keene - 7 years ago
just eat fucking vegetables
Timothy McCravy
Timothy McCravy - 7 years ago
Fun fact, people in rural wisconsin eat raw ground beef. It's usually served on crackers or rye bread topped with salt, pepper, and onions, and has been associated with e-coli outbreaks.
iHaveGrudgeAgainstUT - 7 years ago

not campy lobacter
FangeHaux - 7 years ago
Please do one like this on beef/Chicken jerky
Hotrob - 7 years ago
The chance of eating worm filled cysts, cooked and safe to eat or not, is really, REALLY unappetizing
houchi69 - 7 years ago
We, I assume Western nations. In Japan, there are actually restaurants serve raw chickens.
Stephanie Rusli
Stephanie Rusli - 7 years ago
How about beef tartar? Its not safe too?
maclach1 - 7 years ago
In Japan they do have chicken sashimi.
TheAether - 7 years ago
I knew about raw chicken, but pork? Mett (ground, raw pork) is very popular in germany :o
Marie Brassart
Marie Brassart - 7 years ago
Bruh just eat plants they won't infect ur intestines with worms
Adromedox - 6 years ago
Actually, they very well can, infested fruits and vegetables with insects are more common than you think, especially since they've been spraying them with insecticides; there's a reason why people say wash that apple before you eat it. E.Coli can also infect the plant from unsanitary irrigation and in soil
Mathy Don
Mathy Don - 7 years ago
If you are in a small fishing vessel it's harder to start a fire, it Italy there's also raw fish dishes if you eat the fish right away it's pretty safe. Chicken and pork ten to get slaughtered on land where it's easy to start a fire.
Sushi is anything packed in rice, this was a method of preserving fish or any food really - especially for transport. The rice is mixed with vinegar and packed tightly around the meat so it severs as a barrier to the air and the vinegar is natural anti-microbial.
There's a similar dish called Kimbap which is nearly identical except the rice doesn't have vinegar and the fillings are absolutely never raw, because it wasn't meant as a means preservation just for convenient eating. Asias version of a sandwich perhaps
Kai - 7 years ago
Wheres all the raw chicken facts?! I felt like we got 10secs of content on that xD
nothing - 7 years ago
the inside is sterile? no thanks, i do not like bloody meat.
Kelvin Chong
Kelvin Chong - 7 years ago
Not sure if it's safe but there's raw horse sashimi called basashi in Japan.. I wonder how it fare when it comes to this..
Johnathan Fitzpatrick
Johnathan Fitzpatrick - 7 years ago
this guy looks like a younger Alton Brown
Darius Sanguna
Darius Sanguna - 7 years ago
I don't know how it is in the US but here in Germany its perfectly save to eat raw pork. In fact we germans often enjoy eating something called "Gehacktes" which essentially means raw ground pork, commonly seasoned with ground black pepper and/or chopped garlic. It is normally (at least in my region) eaten on a bread roll and topped with sliced or diced onion.
Paradoxes - 7 years ago
in Korea I went to a restaurant where they served raw chicken.

Apparently the chicken was killed in the kitchen.
singinangel06 - 7 years ago
we eat the pork in a roll all the time here in Germany. Gehacktesbrötchen
TheSealMayor - 7 years ago
I had that campylobacteriosis when i ate some raw fish and i had diahreah every 30 minutes or so for a week, cramps, fever and vomiting. The only thing i could keep down was milk. its nto a question of quality of meat either, its just a bacteria that live dormantly and symbiotically with poultry, but affect any other mammal.
Rameses Mendoza
Rameses Mendoza - 7 years ago
u dint answer bout chicken tho
MBT - 7 years ago
2017 and I have never had sushi
I don't know if that is normal or not
aspie96 - 7 years ago
People do eat raw meat as well, though.
Marius Sindie
Marius Sindie - 7 years ago
watching while eating chicken
Mel Tee
Mel Tee - 7 years ago
AH HA! So that's why asian's are mostly all skinny! They all have tape worms!
The Sage
The Sage - 7 years ago
" thank you for watching, today's video was sponsored by the vegetarian association of America" :v :v
Sierra Davis
Sierra Davis - 7 years ago
Meat in America is made in a factory farm and instead of making it clean so we don't get bacteria in our meat they just throw chemicals on it. Cuz our government sucks.
Robert - 7 years ago
What? Passing on the pork tartar? Not for Germans! We have 'Mett' and it's one of the best things you can put on bread. Also very popular as party food: There are Mettigel, that is Mett formed as hedgehogs with onions as spikes. Look it up and keep eating pork tartar! (Please be aware that the regulations for Mett are quite strict in Germany. Please eat only Mett from a trusted source such as a butcher. Don't use random pork mince!
Chloe M
Chloe M - 8 years ago
Ummm carpaccio and steak tartar are both made with raw beef, usually tenderloin, and are delicious when prepared correctly.
Addy Babby
Addy Babby - 8 years ago
I like my chicken medium rare
TsovLoj - 8 years ago
There's an Ethiopian raw beef dish called kitfo I just love, but I have no idea how they make it safe.
DM Kenosis
DM Kenosis - 8 years ago
Great job fearmongering
Courtney Courteau
Courtney Courteau - 8 years ago
I better be careful about my sushi now lol
Mark Hollas
Mark Hollas - 8 years ago
Had chicken sashimi in Japan. It was good.
TheReaverOfDarkness - 8 years ago
TIL I should be eating more "seared" (basically raw) beef steak!
Rampaging Weasel
Rampaging Weasel - 8 years ago
I don't know about you all but I don't eat fish (cooked or raw) because I am alergic .
Dave Lee
Dave Lee - 8 years ago
idk why i still continued to eat while watching this... hmp
thuy nguyen
thuy nguyen - 8 years ago
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Innocence ;-;
Innocence ;-; - 8 years ago
I knew all these things....but since you had a video on it I thought maybe there'd be a part I didn't know.....
I trusted you
Hashida Tackey
Hashida Tackey - 8 years ago
Why is there cock around my anus?
Itsa Frap
Itsa Frap - 8 years ago
LOL do you really have to ask that fucking question? fucking idiots.
Huzaifa Ibrahim
Huzaifa Ibrahim - 8 years ago
food never made me so sick...
TheGamingRuby - 8 years ago
"Why do we eat raw fish, but not raw Chicken?"

Me: Maybe because raw Chicken can give you salmonella...
Abrahan Ramirez
Abrahan Ramirez - 8 years ago
We cant eat Raw chicken like a Tiger or a dog could because, humans are Not Carnivores, OR Omnivores! Humans are Biologicaly Herbivores, And dont make an Excuse, oh humans have been hunting for Hundreds of years, Humans do alot of wrong things hunting is wrong, Chimpanzees Hunt, We consider them Herbivourous , and they mostly are!!!
Deer sometimes eat Little Birds, Does that make them Omnivores NO!!
Just because we do something doesnt mean its Justified.
Little kyky newbie
Little kyky newbie - 8 years ago
Abrahan Ramirez dude I've been a carnivore since I was two not eating any fruit or veg you expect me to stop or something
Abrahan Ramirez
Abrahan Ramirez - 8 years ago
Go Vegan
Fahrenheitinator - 8 years ago
what about steak tartare? isnt that raw beef and egg?
brakes4mice - 8 years ago
eating raw chicken? that's just... that's just weird.
Observing Rogue
Observing Rogue - 8 years ago
This reminds me of an episode of a show, I think was called My Strange Addiction. This guy was addicted to eating raw meat. Of course, he had parasites.
Kawaii Ninja
Kawaii Ninja - 8 years ago
even if you cooked the raw meat, you still Cook the worms with it then consume. wash it first, then drop it in boiled water for like 1 minutes to get rip of any kind of unwanted stuff on the surface
Kevin Chavez
Kevin Chavez - 8 years ago
Thank goodness I dont eat that stuff.
excellentes - 8 years ago
good info
Doomsday - 8 years ago
salmonella sucks ass sooo bad.
Little Tangerine
Little Tangerine - 8 years ago
But... our ancestors way back before fire ate everything raw, no? Bacteria and parasites inclusive? If they survived, why can't we?
Emily Brougher
Emily Brougher - 8 years ago
Had campylobacter once. I am not exaggerating when I say it was the worst experience of my entire life. Guuuuuuuuh.
TheEpicForces - 8 years ago
only reason here is cause I was super high and I thought if this question randomly while eating
hector lopez
hector lopez - 8 years ago
i never thought about that and i love sushi
Yesitsherrr - 8 years ago
panccetta and proscuitto are smoked, raw and perfectly safe. lol
Cerberus - 8 years ago
Ohh yeah sure Toyota...your car gets better gas mileage than a spaceship....

Ohhh...I wouldn't eat any raw animal to be honest.
Mo Eta Carinae
Mo Eta Carinae - 8 years ago
Is Nutella truly bad for us? Or it's just another rumour?
Brave Cat
Brave Cat - 8 years ago
why is this even a video, are some people that stupid?
Lloyd Nix
Lloyd Nix - 8 years ago
We do? It's just not that popular and can kill you to death.
MegaProjectpat - 8 years ago
there are two Japanese dishes that utilize raw chicken. who does your research?
The Artificial Society
The Artificial Society - 8 years ago
Fish or chicken, doesn't matter, it's toxic. For good health eat a low protein low fat high carbohydrate diet. Whole starchy staples, vegetables, some fruit. No oil, meat, dairy, eggs.
Dab Brill
Dab Brill - 8 years ago
How does the citric acid used to 'cook' ceviche affect the risk of infectious agents?
cinnamon roll
cinnamon roll - 8 years ago
Chicken sashimi is an actual thing; it's also pretty good. c:
Zoravur Singh
Zoravur Singh - 8 years ago
fuck I should have not watched this while eating
KindaXP - 8 years ago
Hank is wearing were the same shirt I'm wearing right now. I personally like them rolled up. :D
Ken MacMillan
Ken MacMillan - 8 years ago
Don't eat raw fish either.
Jason Taylor
Jason Taylor - 8 years ago
Sad you feel the need to mention trichinosis... When you can count the annual cases on your fingers in the US (since the late 70's).
Government controls the business too much, preventing even large farms/ranches from slaughtering & butchering (often 2 different businesses) their own livestock.
Howeyroll - 8 years ago
I've had chicken sashimi. 10/10 would eat again.
vek - 8 years ago
The more you know
ihartevil - 8 years ago
even pork cooked can have some problems

anyways i dont like sushi and i tend to like my meat well medium

thx for this ha bisky vid
Sonia Gibbs
Sonia Gibbs - 8 years ago
just gonna guess before i watch the video. salt content
athanatic - 8 years ago
Couldn't the food industry simply harmlessly irradiate these meats and they could be stored at room temperature until the packaging is opened and could be eaten raw because all the bad stuff was killed, correct?
Jonathan Guzman
Jonathan Guzman - 8 years ago
What about gas station sushi? It hasn't let me down yet.
djgruby - 8 years ago
Is vegetarian diet safer than eating meat?
Baskoro Lokahita
Baskoro Lokahita - 8 years ago
Chicken Sashimi is speciality of Kagoshima Region
other thing, Horse Sashimi from Kyushu.
You should try those.
Ancient Truth Seeker
Ancient Truth Seeker - 8 years ago
Raw fish is still fucking terrible tho
saturn0660 - 8 years ago
If you've never had med pork you don't know what you're missing..
Triston Ross
Triston Ross - 8 years ago
because there was no chicken in china
EmiCrimsonLips - 8 years ago
lost my appetite when ground beef was mention xD i was eating beef tacos
ABMutes - 8 years ago
So that's why medium rare burgers are illegal in New Jersey
Rhobar - 8 years ago
hows possible gut acid wont kill them
Oroku Saki
Oroku Saki - 8 years ago
They eat chicken sashimi in Japan. But it's typically eaten directly after the chicken is killed in front of you and lightly seared.
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
Also there hasnt been a case of farmed pig related trichinosis in like 70+ years in the US. Wild hog and other wild species though are more common. As well beef carpaccio FTW
Jamie Gaehring
Jamie Gaehring - 8 years ago
SciShow does the best food safety videos
Bowley4 - 8 years ago
In Japan I ate plenty of raw chicken, but they always showed us the living chicken right before slaughter and subsequent serving.
MedEighty - 8 years ago
That explains why I felt so awful last week, after having that bloody burger.
Vee Rotliwala
Vee Rotliwala - 8 years ago
#SciShow can u explain what happens when milk curdels?
Yullenator - 8 years ago
What about a video on cured raw meat, like they often do in Japan? Like that torizashi/chicken sashimi, or when people eat bacon uncooked (I'm guessing it was cured).
Sorzin - 8 years ago
What about live raw octopus
Long Tran
Long Tran - 8 years ago
Dammit I live in America . Sucks when you can't even eat the food rare or raw.
Austin - 8 years ago
1:18 Cross-hatched sear marks from flat teflon pan. Illuminati confirmed.
Mark Zeddo
Mark Zeddo - 8 years ago
I had sashimi made from chicken tenders (called "sasami") in an izakaya in Nagoya. They were seared outside, sliced thin, and you dipped them in ponzu. They were so good!
Rob Marley
Rob Marley - 8 years ago
Why can a dog or cat drink from a lake and not get sick? But we need to boil or filter the water before we drink it?
JerryG1815 - 8 years ago
When in Osaka, I had the great displeasure of eating raw horse meet.
Alexis Massey
Alexis Massey - 8 years ago
in the Bible it's states not to eat pork? I believe God had this in mind.
davionaceae - 8 years ago
... I thought the fish in sushi was chemically prepared as to not harbor any infections bacteria/diseases as well?
Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson - 8 years ago
only raw meat I have eaten is reindeer tartar, it was pretty nice.
Pfaeff - 8 years ago
Eating "pork tatar" is pretty common here in germany.
Not Dave's Channel
Not Dave's Channel - 8 years ago
This glosses over the fact that you CAN get a tapeworm from beef but we're the definitive host so it just stays in our gut and doesn't go wandering around our body ending up in our brain. Oh and we crap out 000's of eggs and still-moving segments of worm.

Pork tapeworm, on the other hand, is the main cause of epilepsy in the less-developed world. Trichinella's horrendous too but less common, the last major cluster of cases I read about in the US was caused by people eating cougar jerky(??!!!!).

Sushi from freshwater fish is risky in some areas, google Giant Kidney Worm and prepare to be disgusted.

Any vegetarians and vegans feeling smug at this point: the phase of the pork tapeworn life-cycle that can kill you isn't usually caught from eating pork. It's caught from consuming the worm eggs that came out of the butt of someone who ate infected pork, didn't wash their hands thoroughly after a dump and then prepped your green salad!
Lockon Stratos
Lockon Stratos - 8 years ago
I definitely remember all those science terms
baashdi hobstocking
baashdi hobstocking - 8 years ago
in theory ...raw bacon "should" be fine... as its cured.
Chandrakant Shelar
Chandrakant Shelar - 8 years ago
Why can't I do a 'Cobra spit'?
catman64k - 8 years ago
Well, here in Germany there are no problems with trichinella spiralis. From every pig there is taken a sample and get into labratory and not one was found in the last couple of years.
Daniel Christopher Spain
Daniel Christopher Spain - 8 years ago
Meat glueing! The inside isn't safe to eat. Look it up and cooks your food
Eden Zak
Eden Zak - 8 years ago
In my culture, it's normal to eat raw meat (mostly beef) and I eat it generally once a week. I've never been bothered by the idea of raw fish either, I eat raw eggs (the yolk) and I do find raw fish eggs to be quite good. I've never quite understood the paranoia about raw food because it's culturally too normal for me. However, what I find hilarious is that it is mostly my American friends who are "scared" of raw stuff, but raw minced beef and raw egg yolk are used in a preparation named "the American", which is popular to eat with fries or in a sandwich...don't ask me why :'D
EstebanAcg O-o
EstebanAcg O-o - 8 years ago
In Spain we eat chorizo and jamon wich is made of raw pork meat and spices and I dont know of anyone getting ill becose of it.
ninesune - 8 years ago
When I looked at this in my recommended, I was like "BECAUSE RAW CHICKEN HAS SAMONELLA!"
Skylanderer er 2341
Skylanderer er 2341 - 8 years ago
I once got raw pork at a restaurant and only ate it halfway, but I got lucky and didn't get anything from it
Antonio Leonard
Antonio Leonard - 8 years ago
how bout, titansgrave 2?
Matthew Baker
Matthew Baker - 8 years ago
If you have to ask this question you sir are a fucking idiot.
BoredThatsWhy - 8 years ago
So, raw chicken can have salmonella but raw salmon can't have chickenella and I want to eat some Nutella!
Oren Davidson
Oren Davidson - 8 years ago
what are the colors on the cereal boxes under the glue
7years Ryugami
7years Ryugami - 8 years ago
Challenge accepted ! hold my beer. Come here chiki chicken! Don't move plss..
Cthulhu Christ
Cthulhu Christ - 8 years ago
This is just prejudice against chickens. It's not fair to say that salmonella, which only accounts for 11% of foodborne illness population, is inherently dangerous. Even if salmonella is responsible for more than 50% of all the violent crime in the country, it's because they are poor and need more free money and better schools. You guys are just racist.
Asif Arhy
Asif Arhy - 8 years ago
James Bugg
James Bugg - 8 years ago
NNDesign - 8 years ago
'Pork Tartare' shudders
Syahmi Amin
Syahmi Amin - 8 years ago
F.O.G - 8 years ago
If you didn't know that eating raw chicken is bad before watching this video then you need to jump off a bridge
Albstein - 8 years ago
Pork. Raw. Awesome. Totally save if prepared by a local butcher.
Thx1138sober - 8 years ago
Bit into a piece of Church's Chicken back in 1984 and it was crispy on the outside,but still frozen in the middle, I spit it out and haven't and won't ever visit a Church"s Chicken again.
McGoldenblade - 8 years ago
Because if you eat raw chicken, you get food poisoning and die. The end.
Mobius Trip
Mobius Trip - 8 years ago
PORK! Disgusting, it should be banned from the UK in a sign of respect for our guests, settlers and fellow citizens from the middle east.
DamnImSmart - 8 years ago
When I was in the military every time my boss would get drunk he would always eat an entire box of RAW hamburger meat.  He always said it was the best to eat when drunk....GROSS.
Space Kangaroo
Space Kangaroo - 8 years ago
But I like tatar, it's my traditional food (at least to see degree)
carl johnson
carl johnson - 8 years ago
But...so if the beef is infected, the bacteria etc, wont get past the surface, but will with chicken etc? Why can't I eat slightly seared chicken?
Guilherme Vieira Fernandes
Guilherme Vieira Fernandes - 8 years ago
Because Salmonella is a thing
Jean D
Jean D - 8 years ago
Don't be alarmed but I'm currently training high power binoculars on you as you read this.
Feynstein 100
Feynstein 100 - 8 years ago
Checkmate, meat lovers. Although if you eat raw meat, that's just plain stupid.
thebevysuperstitious - 8 years ago
jonathan fletcher
jonathan fletcher - 8 years ago
because death by diarrhea is generally considered in most cultures as a bad way to die
רותם שלו
רותם שלו - 8 years ago
Why not zoidberg?
MrAntieMatter - 8 years ago
Didn't know that raw pork in America isn't safe to eat.
Wanda Tapscott
Wanda Tapscott - 8 years ago
Ground beef is nasty unless it's cooked all the way period but steak is bad tho with a lil pink in the center
Thomas Conrad
Thomas Conrad - 8 years ago
This is called german Sushi! Now, guess what it is.
MrAntieMatter - 8 years ago
...it starts with a "m" and that's all I remember.
Feem Her
Feem Her - 8 years ago
So basically, cook everything just to be safe.
Alex Q
Alex Q - 8 years ago
Salmonella is the true answer
Dylan T
Dylan T - 8 years ago
go vegan hank
Danny T
Danny T - 8 years ago
yeah its wierd also that we eat raw vegetarbles?
FrostNuke - 8 years ago
dont they eat raw pork in Europe
Random account
Random account - 8 years ago
I guess you could say that eating raw chicken can have some.....
High steaks.
Kristina - 8 years ago
Arnold May II
Arnold May II - 8 years ago
Good to know!
Larry Flake
Larry Flake - 8 years ago
Game animal meats should also be treated like chicken or pork... meaning cooked thoroughly no matter what people say and do not eat liver from carnivores or omnivores.. it's a quick trip to the hospital or the morgue because even a tiny bit will give you vitamin A poisoning (same goes for any animal group).
WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DRINK?! - 8 years ago
raw chicken gives you salmonella
kbent88 - 8 years ago
I've had chicken sashimi in Japan. Delicious.
Louis Arias
Louis Arias - 8 years ago
because you'll die
BRIAN THOMPSON - 8 years ago
we shouldn't eat chicken anyway to many hormones
CometAvis - 8 years ago
i am actually surprised because I already know the answers to dis :3
theedwardian - 8 years ago

Kasean Michelle
Kasean Michelle - 8 years ago
go vegan to lessen the risks
Chue Lor
Chue Lor - 8 years ago
i just wanna know.. does time exists outside the bigbang... is the outside dark or bright... if i traveled to the center of the big bang would i age? i would age traveling there but what if i was able to live in the middle.. would i be immortal? ........Thoughts Of A HighMan.......
Jordan - 8 years ago
Is there anything wrong about flushing cat poop? (I've heard people say you can and some say you can't)
Vidkunn Kolbein
Vidkunn Kolbein - 8 years ago
They eat chicken sashimi some places in japan.
Jean D
Jean D - 8 years ago
Is it safe to eat raw human flesh?
Amethyst Orchard
Amethyst Orchard - 7 years ago
just don't eat the brain.
MrAntieMatter - 8 years ago
If you want.
Jean D
Jean D - 8 years ago
Can I eat you?
MrAntieMatter - 8 years ago
Yes, as long as it is fresh and whatever.
Sasuke The Husky
Sasuke The Husky - 8 years ago
Wh did this need to be a video I thought this was obvious
photondance - 8 years ago
Raw chicken grosses me out, but for some reason I love eating live chickens.
Daniel Straughan
Daniel Straughan - 8 years ago
why can you eat duck rare
Qwerty Bastard
Qwerty Bastard - 8 years ago
I hate that guy.
45drummerkid1 - 8 years ago
What ever happened to steak tar tar?
Hypotenuse Triangle
Hypotenuse Triangle - 8 years ago
I once ate a cow
Lisa S
Lisa S - 8 years ago
Even thinking about eating raw chicken makes me want to gag.
Now show clips of those stupid Japanese restaurants that sells undercooked raw chicken. I don't care if they're hand fed unicorn farts and massaged by the hands of the gods... no way in hell I would ever eat raw chicken.
BellaBehindAKidBehindACamera - 8 years ago
Is this video a joke
ritter89 - 8 years ago
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for topics, I see
Kelvin Roberts
Kelvin Roberts - 8 years ago
This is such a YT people question.
kokopelli121123 - 8 years ago
We totally eat raw chicken and raw horse in Japan, they are both common bar food.
kokopelli121123 - 8 years ago
We totally eat raw chicken and raw horse in Japan, they are both common bar food.
Yousir Cantknow
Yousir Cantknow - 8 years ago
Cause of salmonella.
Nargo Organ
Nargo Organ - 8 years ago
gỏi gà á? nghe nhảm vờ lờ!
Ralf Lieser
Ralf Lieser - 8 years ago
@SciShow Fun fact, minced raw pork is very common here in Germany. Even if most people only buy it in winter, when it is easier to maintain a stable cooling chain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett
The Junior Gamer
The Junior Gamer - 8 years ago
23 Jon trending, WOW, good job scishow.
Lee G
Lee G - 8 years ago
How do you get grill marks on a pan seared steak?
2287rna - 8 years ago
Iam a big fan for chicken tar-tar
LoveLeishman - 8 years ago
"Eating ANY kind of RAW MEAT comes with some health RISK to humans" ... Go Vegan, problem solved. Dummies.
no privacy
no privacy - 8 years ago


The kev Mister
The kev Mister - 8 years ago
Cuz chicken is worthy xx love Tyler Duncan
BytomGirl - 8 years ago
In one word: Salmonella
theguy9208 - 8 years ago
they should have mentioned that in civilised countries like canada and europe meat is inspected quite well... rest assured if a hunk of pork goes through inspection with great bloody cysts full up with worms that garbage wouldnt make it out of the plant... in fact if i recall, on occasion we discover that some meat did have bacteria on it but it was only discovered after a bunch of people got salmonella and we issued a recall, usually its caught and all thrown in with the dog food before packaging.
Solid Orphan
Solid Orphan - 8 years ago
"infectious stuff" thanks for the explanation.
Riccardo Cacchioli
Riccardo Cacchioli - 8 years ago
also raw chicken is kinda disgusting
Anthony Hart
Anthony Hart - 8 years ago
I'm going to Buffalo Wild Wings who wants to come?
ilovetraveling7 - 8 years ago
What about prosciutto? Is that uncooked pork? ...
Cameron Stansfield
Cameron Stansfield - 8 years ago
From doing Environmental Health at University which teaches you about Food Science and Control, 95% of chickens have campylobacter which is another strand of Salmonella which is dangerous when ingested, when cooking you kill the pathogenic bacteria and then make the chicken safe to eat. NEVER eat raw chicken or raw pork you will put yourself in serious risk
Bianchi Jonathan
Bianchi Jonathan - 8 years ago
what a wonderfull idea to watch this episode on my lunch break...
Garie Tuman
Garie Tuman - 8 years ago
Did you know ? that there is a special breed of chicken in japan used for sashimi/eaten raw safely called the blue feet chicken ? it's safe from dangers mentioned in this video, go look it up.
Lol Pop
Lol Pop - 8 years ago
i dont think i want to eat meat anymore
Eliot Salandy Brown
Eliot Salandy Brown - 8 years ago
Yes but you didn't explain WHY pork harbors more nasties than fish. Superficial.
eustagoesout - 8 years ago
They have horse sashimi in Japan no?
MilkCap - 8 years ago
What about horse meat? It looks delicious.
Joey Miller
Joey Miller - 8 years ago
I guess the final question yet to be answered is...

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
eevee fang
eevee fang - 8 years ago
But me and my family eat ham (spiral ham) off the bone from the supermarket... shouldnt we get sick then
Victor Cardoza
Victor Cardoza - 8 years ago
Wtf are these anus comments
Ken.M - 8 years ago
We eat raw fresh chicken. I'm Japanese.
Orion Remai Yashiro Maynard
Orion Remai Yashiro Maynard - 8 years ago
shout out to the Minecraft guy with the..Raw comment
Blah Blahsen
Blah Blahsen - 8 years ago
aaand never eating sushi again.
MrAntieMatter - 8 years ago
He just said it was fine to eat.
Nabend1402 - 8 years ago
In Germany we have Mett. Raw, spiced pork mince. It is utterly delicious... and occasionally gives me the shits. WORTH IT!
Petra Hübinette
Petra Hübinette - 8 years ago
Just go vegan instead.
Abiy BattleSpell
Abiy BattleSpell - 8 years ago
wht if i eat raw dogs
96 Xj
96 Xj - 8 years ago
Because fish tend to have better immune systems and immune system helping acids
John Drew
John Drew - 8 years ago
Let's not eat either one RAW !
Kidred Bigyard realboys
Kidred Bigyard realboys - 8 years ago
I'll tel you why: if we start eating raw meat too well become cannibals...lmao......
ruhtra619 - 8 years ago
germ are bad mkay
Rock Bogard
Rock Bogard - 8 years ago
Chicken "sashimi" was fairly common in japan. i saw it at a handful of places. beef "sashimi" as well.
Samuel Fujita
Samuel Fujita - 8 years ago
Does anybody know about lamb? I've always assumed that it would probably be close to pork in terms of bacteria (no idea why I've thought that) and I've been curious about it.
Robert Angle Vlogs
Robert Angle Vlogs - 8 years ago
I'm not eating anything raw. No thank you :D
Jesse the Smartass
Jesse the Smartass - 8 years ago
Kelly - 8 years ago
So cooking the meat kills the larvae...but you're still ingesting them? I think I'm about to become a vegetarian.
The Martian
The Martian - 8 years ago
Japan 242
Japan 242 - 8 years ago
@scishow I live in japan and we eat raw chicken in the Kagoshima area! It's really good!

Torisashi is raw chicken ("tori" in Japanese). Readers may recognize the "sashi" in torisashi from sashimi (thinly sliced raw seafood). Needless to say, the chicken must
be served very fresh.
Both the meat of the bird and the heart are often served. The dish is usually accompanied by ground ginger and soy sauce, which is used as a dipping sauce.

Vic M
Vic M - 8 years ago
In Japan they have chicken sashimi but it is only 2 strips from the back of the chicken that is used. They look like small fillets.
Its Me Miller
Its Me Miller - 8 years ago
salmonella. bye
Elizabeth Williams
Elizabeth Williams - 8 years ago
Pork is considered safe now, which is great for me, but still medium well. I'll eat steak rare, and fish, but this video is awesome.
Serif Sans Serif
Serif Sans Serif - 8 years ago
Bullshit. It's cultural. Steak tartare was kinda bigger in the past but still gets eaten frequently. In other countries you can find raw chicken and pork that's cooked where it's still raw/pink in the center... Duck is another one that's getting a bit of a reconsideration as "medium rare" while not common is becoming more so.
Shandy Rockbeach86
Shandy Rockbeach86 - 8 years ago
I wouldn't eat sushi or chicken sashimi.I know for a fact my tastebuds would smoke.Ugh might as well run up to the damn animal and bite it.
Dark•Mist ಠ_ಠ
Dark•Mist ಠ_ಠ - 8 years ago
Because chicken carries salmonella.
Haft - 8 years ago
When the lighting crew was just like, fuck it TURN ON ALL OF THEM
killafocker - 8 years ago
Dumb question, chicken is shit compare to a piece of fatty tuna
Deez Nutz
Deez Nutz - 8 years ago
Me and my dad were talking about this the other day coz a dumbass on instagram posted about making chicken medium done xD
Mama Meili
Mama Meili - 8 years ago
As an asian, I will eat a lot of raw meat, but I Avoid pork because... culturally I dont personally eat it raw. Everything else is nearly fair game but as with anything else I like to eat it near the place it comes from. I eat sushi and fresh raw sashimi and stuff on the coast or back home, where it's basically fine, cuz water all around, and fish gets to mouth quick from the water, and farm animals you just ask where they are killed first. I have a pretty dodgy immune system, but raw meat is really just a thing I avoid in america because half the food here is a clean miss from me.
AmyD - 8 years ago
After reading "Toxin" by Robin Cook when I was a kid, I made sure to never eat rare ground beef. * Shudder * Dx
Freddy Bell
Freddy Bell - 8 years ago
Lab grown meat is the future.
Gr8 Incarnate
Gr8 Incarnate - 8 years ago
I've always wondered why we eat cooked fish, beef chicken and pork but not cooked human. And I would really like to try it.
Kyle H7
Kyle H7 - 8 years ago
Heres the answer to this video, salmonella. end of story.
Nain Mayoudavich
Nain Mayoudavich - 8 years ago
This is bullshit, you can eat raw chicken (the same way they usually do ''Raw'' meat in japan, they roast the outside real quick to kill bacterias, and the inside is all good, but that is HIGHLY DUE to the fact that in Japan, they tend to treat animals much better.
Bob Jones
Bob Jones - 8 years ago
umm modern farm pigs are a specific gm breed that cannot get Trichinella it has nothing to do with 'farm practices'?
Nickytine - 8 years ago
Raw fish is clean all the time because it's in the ocean, but raw chicken is not clean all the time because it's not in the ocean
Arctic Line
Arctic Line - 6 years ago
Holy balls, this is one massive r/wooosh
EasternDegree20 OW
EasternDegree20 OW - 6 years ago
Yes the ocean is definitely cleaner than land of course
KnightofZero00 - 8 years ago
Is this a joke? I hope it is
Cyka xD
Cyka xD - 8 years ago
Reid Burk I giant ocean full of animal shit, seahorse sperm, piss, dead corpses of animals AND people amongst many, many, many other things? Yea no it's incresibly clean. Pfft I bet if we could we'd do surgeries in the sea because of how clean it is 11!1!!!!1!1!!!!1!!1!
Revi M Fadli
Revi M Fadli - 8 years ago
All these people saying "the ocean has more bacteria" like every single bacteria is lethal
Hydra 0x038
Hydra 0x038 - 8 years ago
Fire Power701
Fire Power701 - 8 years ago
Nickytine Government:How will we dump this toxic waste how about the ocean nobody suspects the ocean for waste
Gary Profitt
Gary Profitt - 8 years ago
Luis Flores
Luis Flores - 8 years ago
Wow my mind is blown...
Jean D
Jean D - 8 years ago
Why not throw soap bars into chicken coops? That would make sure chicken meat is clean.
Scott C
Scott C - 8 years ago
Liz Loz They already do that, buy chicken of the sea tuna.
Hydra 0x038
Hydra 0x038 - 8 years ago
so let's breed chicken in the ocean???
Orion Remai Yashiro Maynard
Orion Remai Yashiro Maynard - 8 years ago
sporticus eats raw fish tho
Eighteen Eighteen
Eighteen Eighteen - 8 years ago
Nickytine a lot of seafood is not clean because of industrial pollution caused by the release of heavy metals such as mercury, which end up in the fish that you consume such as tuna. Mercury can damage your brain and other symptoms can occur in higher concentrations. So it doesn't necessarily mean that fish is cleaner because it comes from the ocean.
Pickeledcoconut - 8 years ago
Nickytine until you take it out of the ocean. (Commence creepy, mysterious music)
George Maddux
George Maddux - 8 years ago
the ocean isn't clean
madd ozzie
madd ozzie - 8 years ago
come to china ,there is ocean full of pollutan
Jin - 8 years ago
How does it have this many likes.... Fish can still cause illnesses. Firstly the sea is full of bacteria. Secondly you dont get ill off of fish from sushi places because (most) freeze their fish which said in the video kills all bacteria or parasites.
Amit Sethi
Amit Sethi - 8 years ago
Nickytine Thats not how it works...
mustardsfire22 - 8 years ago
Plus raw chicken just tastes nasty.
Crumpet - 8 years ago
because if we don't cook it in the furnace we get hunger
Note by Note
Note by Note - 8 years ago
cause thats gross
CreepyGlider - 8 years ago
is this guy john green's brother?
mustardsfire22 - 8 years ago
mcell - 8 years ago
Bacteria DOES NOT die in cold storage.
thehunterzz456 - 6 years ago
mcell hm..
so they just freeze?
i thought some bacterias died if it hits certain point of freezing, because of crystalisation..

Mind sharing?
micmicpb999 - 8 years ago
Every time the server asks "How would you like your burger cooked?", I knew something's wrong with this restaurant...or the server:/
Matthew Bielinski
Matthew Bielinski - 8 years ago
Raw food of any kind is disgusting! Everything should be cooked, until crispy if possible.
Adam Stone
Adam Stone - 8 years ago
I Remember an Ashley who's son ate a tapeworm infested Khozr. So there was the first fish tossed off with concrete. Thanks for the Cory capping
Don Bustamante
Don Bustamante - 8 years ago
SAnderson MIRROR
SAnderson MIRROR - 8 years ago
I don't eat raw fish. If I had to survive in the wilderness Everything would be going on the fire to be roasted or grilled.
Smiley Dog
Smiley Dog - 8 years ago
Why not Zoidberg?
Younglava - 8 years ago
I would like to know who is asking why don't we eat raw chicken
Random - 8 years ago
One word :

Random - 8 years ago
But if you take away the "ella," it's fine
angelo marino
angelo marino - 8 years ago
because we can die
D Mur
D Mur - 8 years ago
If you eat raw fish in the US, it is supposed to be deep frozen, I think that 30 below zero. Then it can be consumed raw. So yes, your raw delicious tuna sashimi has been frozen to shit.
Keeems - 8 years ago
1:17... how he do dat.
Noah Meakin
Noah Meakin - 8 years ago
Didn't think they'd have to draw this one out for us
Gemma Niye
Gemma Niye - 8 years ago
I was wondering about this, so thank you!
Grizz1ee - 8 years ago
congrats on 4 mil
Uni B
Uni B - 8 years ago
What about human meat???
MrAntieMatter - 8 years ago
It's fine to eat.
YTONTHEMOON - 8 years ago
I've had raw chicken in Japan, apparently irradiated, therefore free from microbes.
Caleb Neal
Caleb Neal - 8 years ago
Possibility of becoming sick from salmanella
SomeDudeOnline - 8 years ago
Pretty disappointed that this is a sci-show video.
Joseph c.
Joseph c. - 8 years ago
why would you even want to eat raw chicken it probably tastes like shit
b - 8 years ago
Maybe because fish has more enzymes and so does cow meat. middle eastern people eat raw ground up cow meat with cracked wheat its nothing bad really taste good actually has more enzymes but the meat has to be healty i think but i really dont know if its good for you or not and i really dont know why you can eat it raw but raw chicken sounds nasty as heck. Also chicken is a dirty animal it will eat anything off the ground and does not fly and eats crap off the ground its not a clean animal where as a cow eats grass and fish are generally or most fish are cleaner not all fo them of course. thats my guess.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
Cole Shumway
Cole Shumway - 8 years ago
Because chicken has salmonella? Do people not know this?
Herm Wanderer
Herm Wanderer - 8 years ago
because chiken is fucking gross before you cook it and fish doesn't taste that different when cooked
Jarret Lozano
Jarret Lozano - 8 years ago
Anyone else notice he was changing colors? Or was that just my phone.
Baghuul - 8 years ago
I eat dingleberry
opfilm - 8 years ago
Lmao y'all claim to be meat eaters but literally have to go through like 1000 steps for ur food not kill you... just eat plant based foods
Gamesman01 - 8 years ago
Right because no one has ever gotten sick eating contaminated vegetables or died of poisonous mushrooms or toxic grain molds, I could go on for hours but maybe you get the picture. Some plants are highly toxic but natives learned how to use them. You should read more science and biology and less how to be a smug idiot.
Carmen Popescu
Carmen Popescu - 8 years ago
opfilm How about shoving your opinions up your ass and stop pushing that vegan crap onto other people?
Who Came Before
Who Came Before - 8 years ago
we eat raw fish? mmmmmm
Jude Haase-Puissant
Jude Haase-Puissant - 7 years ago
Sushi and sashimi
Cadet Zuromski
Cadet Zuromski - 8 years ago
Fun Fact we as human beings have at least 1 strain of E-coli in the large intestine. Which usually produces Vitamin K-2 on a daily basis.
Night Finger
Night Finger - 6 years ago
I eat raw meats
Stephen Miller
Stephen Miller - 7 years ago
Cadet Zuromski cool so that means if i get eaten raw i coukd possibly kill whatever it was unless human
Weeson - 8 years ago
I don't exactly think about chicken...

I ask about human meat

It's a joke.
Hashim - 8 years ago
Salmonella dummy u can die from it
wheresmyhouse - 8 years ago
You can get away with cooking ground chuck to medium rare provided the meat comes from a reputable butcher. The meat comes from one specific part of the cow so there's a low chance of having any dangerous bacteria contamination.
vin - 8 years ago
Eating cooked US raised chicken is a risky act itself

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