Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach


Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach sentiment_very_dissatisfied 772

Raww fishing 7 years ago 732,680 views


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Most popular comments
for Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach

LIL MAMA - 6 years ago
We love you because we are the raw fame
Anya Kitkatt
Anya Kitkatt - 6 years ago
It's RAWW Fam
iNuTtyNinJa KOA
iNuTtyNinJa KOA - 6 years ago
RAWWFishing maybe because it's the only nice comment your gonna get
Leilani Lindley
Leilani Lindley - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA I'm not part of no raw fam. I hate him. I like fishing
Wang Suck It
Wang Suck It - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA wait were famous?
Brooklyn Travis
Brooklyn Travis - 6 years ago
stop lieing
SeaTurtle _
SeaTurtle _ - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA b. Mmm. h.
Maddog 22
Maddog 22 - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA this is a dope vid aye
Queen Snake
Queen Snake - 6 years ago
Loi Tran
Loi Tran - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA is fam
shirl johnson
shirl johnson - 6 years ago
Chloe Wilcher naw he means an
KarHar VIDS - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA I think it was like that because the rod pulls it up really fast so the elevation creates pull on them and probobly screwed the fish up
Thagta Gaming
Thagta Gaming - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA agree
Ella Tackett
Ella Tackett - 6 years ago
Pughead2000 12
Pughead2000 12 - 6 years ago
babydame gamer
babydame gamer - 6 years ago
RAWWFishing yeah well you lost some of your "raw fam" because you laughed at an animal suffering
Jack Holste
Jack Holste - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA its raww fam
Brianna Pierre
Brianna Pierre - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA you are correct and cool
Lexi Hollett
Lexi Hollett - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA this is so weird
Kawaii Unicorns
Kawaii Unicorns - 6 years ago
Fam not fame
Nathan Aguilar
Nathan Aguilar - 6 years ago
Mystic Echo
Mystic Echo - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA jnnnnhiik
Princess Kelly
Princess Kelly - 6 years ago

Chloe Wilcher
Chloe Wilcher - 6 years ago
Gaming with whis you meant a
Gaming with whis
Gaming with whis - 6 years ago
comedychanel 738 he isn't rude he is just correcting an mistake
comedychanel 738
comedychanel 738 - 6 years ago
ITZ_Tanner YT why so rude
ITZ_Tanner YT
ITZ_Tanner YT - 6 years ago
Fame u mean Fam
comedychanel 738
comedychanel 738 - 6 years ago
LIL MAMA me to
comedychanel 738
comedychanel 738 - 6 years ago
I am cam to I love this chanel
comedychanel 738
comedychanel 738 - 6 years ago
RAWWFishing - 6 years ago
I love this comment
JWsl 16
JWsl 16 - 6 years ago
this honestly isnt even fishing
Mackenzie Grace
Mackenzie Grace - 6 years ago
That is just sad
Amy Del Barrio Skinner
Amy Del Barrio Skinner - 6 years ago
My bad I mean gropers
Amy Del Barrio Skinner
Amy Del Barrio Skinner - 6 years ago
Growers are indangerd
Robert Prestia
Robert Prestia - 6 years ago
That fish so yummy
Natalie Marie
Natalie Marie - 6 years ago
I've done that I've cooked a fish like that since I'm 9 I got the egg and cracked it and it cracked on my face, clothes and, my dad!! XD
Mason Eller
Mason Eller - 6 years ago
Why IsIt throwing up stomach
Rootin Tootin Putin
Rootin Tootin Putin - 6 years ago
Lmao I loved this video

10. comment for Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach

Jonathan Mc Cumiskey
Jonathan Mc Cumiskey - 6 years ago
You should really look at the lens instead of the camera
plazmabeam gameing
plazmabeam gameing - 6 years ago
Whos manz is that fish
Abandon3dRain - 6 years ago
Disgusting to just laugh and say it's "hilarious" the suffering you caused it before it's death, You wouldn't like it one bit to feel your eyes popping out and start vomitting your stomach out for your final moments would you?

Why should you treat any other living beings any different? I know it's just a fish but still
Umberto Pennacchiotti
Umberto Pennacchiotti - 6 years ago
Juan Estrella
Juan Estrella - 6 years ago
I CANT HOLD IT IN ANY MORE!!!! YOUR A STUPID SICK MAN WHO LUAGHS AT DIEING ANIMALS!! " oh, look at me I save allll the tadpoles, I save aaaalll the fish and look at me laughing at a dying animal eating all those animals I saaaaved." MEST UP!!!
Juan Estrella
Juan Estrella - 6 years ago
" there eyes are exploding out of their heads it's so funny...." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOUR A SICK MAN!!!!!
Juan Estrella
Juan Estrella - 6 years ago
So sad, poor baby
the#1epic subscriber
the#1epic subscriber - 6 years ago
Probably because you caught him with a eletric fishing rod
ΔΠGΣL βUTTΣR - 6 years ago
Im no animal rights activist by any means, but this entire video should have had a disclaimer. I feel like at least a small bit of respect could have been shown for the fish, imagine being brought from the pressure system of earth and being shot into the atmosphere and being laughed at for the side effects. Im not saying that fishing like this is bad. Its just the way you addressed the animal that was off putting. I myself love fish but its life is being given for yours. That least u could do is not laugh at it.
ΔΠGΣL βUTTΣR - 6 years ago
However the resulting dish looked delicious
Chickenasauras Dude
Chickenasauras Dude - 6 years ago
Why are you laughing at it you sicko

20. comment for Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach

ΔΠGΣL βUTTΣR - 6 years ago
Its less that he's eating it or fishing for it, its that he's laughing at what happened to the creature afterwards. In all honesty i don't care if you eat fish lettuce or pork. It doesn't matter that he's eating it. Its the way he acted towards it that was disrespectful.
Red Leader
Red Leader - 6 years ago
I'm now confused to the point of being terrified
WesleyAPEX - 6 years ago
This is a great way to murder endangered species because you never know what you’ll hook. What if you hooked an endangered species? Also what if you hook a tiny fish? You should be ticketed for killing a short fish. This electric reel is a bad idea
POKEMON guy - 6 years ago
Arianna Merced
Arianna Merced - 6 years ago
That thing looks so fake not saying it is btw.
Cinder pelt
Cinder pelt - 6 years ago
The thing coming out of its mouth is its swim bladder not it's stomach
its cc the fun fox!
its cc the fun fox! - 6 years ago
Paulpro PP
Paulpro PP - 6 years ago
How could you not know? noob!
Anamarie Remoreras
Anamarie Remoreras - 6 years ago
I love you men
sagethe Savage101
sagethe Savage101 - 6 years ago
0:26 his laugh

30. comment for Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach

prince renz Diquit
prince renz Diquit - 6 years ago
Ummm hello
Jacob alonzo the animal lover
Jacob alonzo the animal lover - 6 years ago
that fish looks funny and so halariouse haha so cool youre a lucky man to see that
zachthg 123
zachthg 123 - 6 years ago
Innocent fish killer
Jennie McDonald
Jennie McDonald - 6 years ago
I think you should turn your channel into a cooking channel and stop torturing fish! seriously that fish looked good if you make more vids like this it would (personally) help me learn from and enjoy your videos more:)
Iamforeversyd Vlogs
Iamforeversyd Vlogs - 6 years ago
If you like fried food you should try Joes Gourmet Fish Fry
Sheppard Family
Sheppard Family - 6 years ago
Its called an airgland
Cookiie Nation
Cookiie Nation - 6 years ago
Wait what?!
deluxe man 220
deluxe man 220 - 6 years ago
Ew and just ewwwwwwwwwwww lol I love ur vids
xXsavageXx L
xXsavageXx L - 6 years ago
Ewwwww but bro,I think it’s kinda cool
Jose Luis Rodriguez
Jose Luis Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Is he drunk who else thinks he drunk
Aidan Canionero
Aidan Canionero - 6 years ago
Hilarious?! Laughing at a fish what is this world now???
Ryan Najarian
Ryan Najarian - 6 years ago
i like solmon
Muhammad Khan
Muhammad Khan - 6 years ago
you should not kill animal or fishes
i hate you
why are you killing them
look i am your fan but you shall save instead of killing the fishes
Sergie Cusack
Sergie Cusack - 6 years ago
It's so bad.. you're horrible person he only died because you brought him up out of the water so quickly that his body couldn't adjust from going 1000 feet to ground level.
the mine clops
the mine clops - 6 years ago
Jhared Dave Magat
Jhared Dave Magat - 6 years ago
Bruh your making me really hungry
Spyder Airsoft
Spyder Airsoft - 6 years ago
Technical term of the implosion is called "the benz" divers can suffer from it too. That's why you ascend, stop, acclimate, repeat when resurfacing from a deep dive.
Sarah Pass
Sarah Pass - 6 years ago
I am the only one who thinks he is cute??
David Cookson
David Cookson - 6 years ago
I remember baby benje
Cookie Capps
Cookie Capps - 6 years ago
sham on you

50. comment for Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach

King McGregor
King McGregor - 6 years ago
That fish was pulled up so fast its body had no time to equalize in pressure.
Paula Ommerli Weber
Paula Ommerli Weber - 6 years ago
thats animal cruelty
ירין אלימלך
ירין אלימלך - 6 years ago
In Israel we're doing it with chicken and it calls shnitzel and with fish too and it's called fish shnitzel
Dragon Fyre
Dragon Fyre - 6 years ago
how come he was looking to the left did any one else notice that???
Shibe Pl
Shibe Pl - 6 years ago
Just succin' a dicc
omar beydoun
omar beydoun - 6 years ago
Click bait
Kicha Ki
Kicha Ki - 6 years ago
Lidia Diaz
Lidia Diaz - 6 years ago
This wont make my stomach feel better but im part of raw fam so bring it!
Mew Mew Azzy Cat Loves Ink Sans
Mew Mew Azzy Cat Loves Ink Sans - 6 years ago
that looks like touge
Ziplo Ziplo
Ziplo Ziplo - 6 years ago
how was it hilarious that you was exploding fishes eyes. 00:39
Not Too Sure These Days
Not Too Sure These Days - 6 years ago
I'm sorry for people who think this is fishing
Static Shock
Static Shock - 6 years ago
Your not even looking at the camera
Unicorns Revenge
Unicorns Revenge - 6 years ago
That fish looks fake
Racoon - 6 years ago
Ew lol
Caitlin Roblox105
Caitlin Roblox105 - 6 years ago
U pulled it up to quickly. That’s sad and horrible how u laughed at him. Now he will probably die
Isabella Mitchell
Isabella Mitchell - 6 years ago
I love your vids thay are amazing
Jackie Garroutte
Jackie Garroutte - 6 years ago
....you need a mom.....

Why are you entertained by torturing ....well any living thing...
Nb Nati
Nb Nati - 6 years ago
2:58 this guy your making it seams like the fish is alive
Venom Fate
Venom Fate - 6 years ago
This will give me nightmares I’m watching at night
Hunter Newcomb
Hunter Newcomb - 6 years ago
Hey man you awesome and I’m part of the raww fame
Modern Vogger
Modern Vogger - 6 years ago

I’m just asking tbh cuz I like lemons
EMMA HOGAN - 6 years ago
That’s cruel man
lucy rybak
lucy rybak - 6 years ago
Blue Lightning
Blue Lightning - 6 years ago
we are not rawwfam because you dont know how to catch and breed fishes
Gael Rodrigues
Gael Rodrigues - 6 years ago
Thays a ugly fish
Everything EverythingVids
Everything EverythingVids - 6 years ago
35 Teseman
35 Teseman - 6 years ago
Put a sock in my mouth pls
nickelpickel123 - 6 years ago
I also love how he says one word or phrase and reapeats it over 20 times EVERY VIDEO I’m going to a real YouTube video
Neil Maris
Neil Maris - 6 years ago
You sound so sad
Don’t mind Me
Don’t mind Me - 6 years ago
This guy doesn’t even care about the poor fish I mean he is killing waaay more fish than he’s helping
hunter hilbert
hunter hilbert - 6 years ago
That’s the air bladder
Kenzie_C - 6 years ago
Because of the pressure
Lawerence Williams
Lawerence Williams - 6 years ago
He loves and saves fish but eats them
Kaiden Ingram
Kaiden Ingram - 6 years ago
you animal
shunpike123 #robloxlife
shunpike123 #robloxlife - 6 years ago
Its like u are doind asmr dude
pj1bluelabel - 6 years ago
i love you so much rawwfishing. Oh and i wish you a happy birthday
ben frank
ben frank - 6 years ago
DØPE SQÜÂD - 6 years ago
This is cruel
Leezy & jj Nation
Leezy & jj Nation - 6 years ago
Why does he think this is funny???
Serapio Cano
Serapio Cano - 6 years ago
It's fake
Kk Sto
Kk Sto - 6 years ago
It almost looked like he put cinnamon on the fish
Sochie the Shiba inu
Sochie the Shiba inu - 6 years ago
Sebastian Lopez
Sebastian Lopez - 6 years ago
You fish and cook like a yuppie
Matrix The Mystical
Matrix The Mystical - 6 years ago
It's because he was so far down. The automatic reel killed him. Bringing a fish that's so used to very low depths up to the surface so fast will basically make it implode. It's like taking off a protective helmet in space.
Thunderzealous - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for those fish
이태희 - 6 years ago
Looks awesome !
Joel Blake
Joel Blake - 6 years ago
Uh, Were you looking at the camera?
Twin Love
Twin Love - 6 years ago
Yay! Raw fam :)
BeastieModdz Gaming
BeastieModdz Gaming - 6 years ago
Oreo&Cherry 0W0 nothing should have to die like that that's why would u like to die like that
Colonel Boris
Colonel Boris - 6 years ago
Oreo&Cherry 0W0, probably because it's an inhumane way of dying, no animal should have to suffer this guys stupidity

100. comment for Why Is This Fish Throwing Up His Stomach

devil tactics
devil tactics - 6 years ago
Dude love you're videos keep making these videos man not a lot of people out there like you bro
360 View
360 View - 6 years ago
The fact that he knew that would happen and he thought it was funny
Linda Koch
Linda Koch - 6 years ago
fish do that when they get to cold all fish do it
GamerGirl 12
GamerGirl 12 - 6 years ago
And now it’s back
GamerGirl 12
GamerGirl 12 - 6 years ago
This is so weird as soon as you started frying the fish I smelt fish and when I paused the vid the smell was gone
AyeJoshua - Games
AyeJoshua - Games - 6 years ago
No it’s not funny when a fish does that, they don’t do it purposely, it happens because the psi changes very rapidly and the psi in his body doesn’t adjust as quick so his eyes and stomach blow.
Once again, ur an idiot when it comes to fish.
Erica Benavides
Erica Benavides - 6 years ago
Merle Williams
Merle Williams - 6 years ago
i am a new raw fam.
Samara S
Samara S - 6 years ago
Did jake Paul get a new channem
GrimSweeper - 6 years ago
Makes my mouth water haha
Natalie Alves
Natalie Alves - 6 years ago
Tara Sharp
Tara Sharp - 6 years ago
um thats just to gross
lVin218 - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the fish
Sharkmansam 1111
Sharkmansam 1111 - 6 years ago
The whole video was just him cooking
Death-Slime & more
Death-Slime & more - 6 years ago
I hate you, you have no respect for actual animals
aniyah daniels
aniyah daniels - 6 years ago
I think he's a good Fisher like if you agree
Noah McManus
Noah McManus - 6 years ago
Tony Romo8882
Tony Romo8882 - 6 years ago
i thought only frogs throwed Up Their stomachs
Elmos Yeet
Elmos Yeet - 6 years ago
Is he stoned when he starts the cooking lol
Brennen Wolff
Brennen Wolff - 6 years ago
It looks like a chicken nugit! Lol!
Mr. Squigs
Mr. Squigs - 6 years ago
God ur stupid and your word choice ise is really u comfortable
Mr. Squigs
Mr. Squigs - 6 years ago
TheSheShifter103 - 6 years ago
This video makes me so hungry for fish...
Cindy Cancino
Cindy Cancino - 6 years ago
Lol that's gross and we love the raw fam
Kiwi Plays
Kiwi Plays - 6 years ago
No offense (I subbed) but is it just me or is high and drunk when he got home XD
Blox Productions
Blox Productions - 6 years ago
Oreo&Cherry 0W0
Oreo&Cherry 0W0 - 6 years ago
Alena Reanee it's because he brought it up too fast and it exploded because of the pressure but hey at least he ate it not throwing it away it actually looks pretty good though when it's cooked
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
Alena Reanee nope not even close
Eleazar Ramos
Eleazar Ramos - 6 years ago
You are a savage moron how is fish dying hilarious you are stupid
Roblox Games/Cringe/
Roblox Games/Cringe/ - 6 years ago
btw while your holding the camera your basicly not looking at us properly your lookin aside
efrain Herrera
efrain Herrera - 6 years ago
You now how to cook
Cocopotato21_ LpsGamer
Cocopotato21_ LpsGamer - 6 years ago
Looks so good
I eat those all the time
Mary Land
Mary Land - 6 years ago
You sound a little drunk no offense
GABRIELLA Rivas - 6 years ago
Yay R aww fam
GABRIELLA Rivas - 6 years ago
Go raw farm I love this
Alexandria Black
Alexandria Black - 6 years ago
The fish isn't use the the Pressure and It didn't have time to adjust. Its like when a person dives into water your ears pop Because u didn't get enough time to adjust
Ayisha Coby
Ayisha Coby - 6 years ago
Are u high in the cooking part
KIKI universe
KIKI universe - 6 years ago
That fish Mayed him high let’s call him high fish
Nina Findley
Nina Findley - 6 years ago
Pin if u love ur fans
Sepulchre Gaming
Sepulchre Gaming - 6 years ago
He was defo high in the video
redford baines
redford baines - 6 years ago
The problem with these fish is there swim bladder is popping due to the Pressure 1500ft down into the ocean you should POP them so they can survive a little longer except BUM ( BIG SHAQ ) they die
This happens when they come up as Pressure changes drastically! Gbye
Shaekiba Rostami
Shaekiba Rostami - 6 years ago
We’re is he looking tho
Kelli Norris
Kelli Norris - 6 years ago
First off... is he high enough to think we're stupid enough believe that store bought tilapia that he feeds his fish?
Second... No where have I ever heard of anyone eggwashing fish.... hilarious!!!
Yaedd Rodriguez
Yaedd Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Are you tired or what
Melissa Miller
Melissa Miller - 6 years ago
it is sad because in one vid you sead you don't like to kill fish but ok sad sad sad poor little fish
Aeidan Burns
Aeidan Burns - 6 years ago
This was cruel
Brian Miller
Brian Miller - 6 years ago
That's not how you batter fish you dip it in the eggs first
eevee and friends
eevee and friends - 6 years ago
Lol that fish
Pan Pan Pan Pan
Pan Pan Pan Pan - 6 years ago
I need to say one thing EEEEWWWWW
mavi ciel
mavi ciel - 6 years ago
Keep up the subscribers
Matthew Cole
Matthew Cole - 6 years ago
your a nice dude and all just 1 thing fish properly
Aie Schiller
Aie Schiller - 6 years ago
why r u so focused on a piece of fish and cooking it its just food
marielys rivera
marielys rivera - 6 years ago
Cooking Lesson
Anderman89games - 6 years ago
Was he high in the cooking part
Crissy Porath
Crissy Porath - 6 years ago
That's really mean
Francisca Davila
Francisca Davila - 6 years ago
It look so goog
Zachary factory
Zachary factory - 6 years ago
How do he throw up his stomach and his eyes popping out?
baseballplayer maxim
baseballplayer maxim - 6 years ago
baseballplayer maxim
baseballplayer maxim - 6 years ago
0o0 omygod
jackson greenfield
jackson greenfield - 6 years ago
Never say what’s Gucci bro
Sienna’s Life
Sienna’s Life - 6 years ago
When my dad goes fishing he puts all the fish back after catching them
wabi sabi
wabi sabi - 6 years ago
He like that because u pulled him up to fast,jackass
Evette Harris
Evette Harris - 6 years ago
Alexi Dela Cruz
Alexi Dela Cruz - 6 years ago
We loved you because we are the cool raw fam Oso your cool gg
Fish Girl
Fish Girl - 6 years ago
Fish killer
Star Girl
Star Girl - 6 years ago
ashley kelch
ashley kelch - 6 years ago
I hate the test of fish but that's looking good
pop Sebastian
pop Sebastian - 6 years ago
When your girlfriend says you need to lose weight or she will break up with you
K Special
K Special - 6 years ago
U sound tired
LeoVlogsAndGames - 6 years ago
that weirded me out be use my volume is 0%
Brandi Heilman
Brandi Heilman - 6 years ago
Zanfish - 6 years ago
Animal cruelty.
Ismail Atan
Ismail Atan - 6 years ago
crazy girl
crazy girl - 6 years ago
Can you come to my house and cook me some fish please lol
Jeff Guo
Jeff Guo - 6 years ago
Now you made me hungry
lil Kreek
lil Kreek - 6 years ago
Is not animal abuse but the fish pop out his eyes because the pressure of the water the deaper the water is the most pressure it will get
NOEMI RODRIGUEZ - 6 years ago
Its the pressure of the fish that makes it like that
Drew Romdenne
Drew Romdenne - 6 years ago
Dude has no respect for the fish.
Eeewww guangyangdignityintegrity
Eeewww guangyangdignityintegrity - 6 years ago
that looks horriblo
Christopher Tuchez
Christopher Tuchez - 6 years ago
When did you clean it
Emma Hammond
Emma Hammond - 6 years ago
You should do the egg first so that the batter doesn't come off of the fish.
Dahlia Escobar
Dahlia Escobar - 6 years ago
The fish was throwing up its stomach because it was sick
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
Dahlia Escobar nope its because its being pulled up to fast so its eyes and air bladder pops out
The,Awakened satan within christ
The,Awakened satan within christ - 6 years ago
You caught a tiny fish That grew to the size of good catch nice, Total recall Arnold wasn't kidding about the red planet Mars.
Bodoke Nena
Bodoke Nena - 6 years ago
That makes me feel ungri and ai it two plait of fudd
Elida Burciaga
Elida Burciaga - 6 years ago
You are so mean to the fish
Jacq and Genna HD
Jacq and Genna HD - 6 years ago
Sooooooooo amazing
Jurassic tooth
Jurassic tooth - 6 years ago
zoomane - 6 years ago
Leave the poor fish there
Jaleel Hussain
Jaleel Hussain - 6 years ago
That fish you mad was looking like a crab hand it just looks so cute
Laura Araujo
Laura Araujo - 6 years ago
Love your videos
༺Ј҉Ѻ҉Ś҉Ē҉༻ - 6 years ago
rex dj
rex dj - 6 years ago
I thought you say you would never eat fish
Hoody - 6 years ago
Of that cooking
Hoody - 6 years ago
I’m jealous
DaKeisha Glenn
DaKeisha Glenn - 6 years ago
rip fish
rorra the snail
rorra the snail - 6 years ago
You look sooo tired
Mr Paws
Mr Paws - 6 years ago
I tasted with the ketchup my God SOOOO Good
ImagineGaming Lol
ImagineGaming Lol - 6 years ago
Also my cousin and i caught a large crawfish
Peyton Jewell
Peyton Jewell - 6 years ago
Did you have a cold during this you were not to happy in this video
Reptilian sins Hamster
Reptilian sins Hamster - 6 years ago
Peyton Jewell hey my last name is Jewell to
Blake's gaming
Blake's gaming - 6 years ago
your vids are cringe
Queen Snake
Queen Snake - 6 years ago
So You have a fishing channel and don’t know why that happened and almost everybody in the comments does you killed that fish aren’t you a fish master NO!? Laughing at that poor fish I watched your other vids and you tourcher your fish at least ur a good cook
Loi Tran
Loi Tran - 6 years ago
This is clickbait
Edan Liu
Edan Liu - 6 years ago
How is that fish even throwing up his stomec
Jack_Da_ Maniac
Jack_Da_ Maniac - 6 years ago
What the
Nina McCormick
Nina McCormick - 6 years ago
Thats fucked up man
Edith Navar
Edith Navar - 6 years ago
Keep it up
shirl johnson
shirl johnson - 6 years ago
Bro that looks good you have great cooking
deborah andrews
deborah andrews - 6 years ago
He doesn't look at the camera
Martha Amador
Martha Amador - 6 years ago
Ummm.... poor poor fish their stomachs and eyes popping out coming out. It died in an instant
Jack Geer
Jack Geer - 6 years ago
Turkish Airlines Pilot004 King
Turkish Airlines Pilot004 King - 6 years ago
SPONGEBOB 123 - 6 years ago
Amazing gameplay
Amazing gameplay - 6 years ago
His channel is RawwFishing but use electrical rod
Dylan does art
Dylan does art - 6 years ago
This is fucked up
bomber3202 gulley
bomber3202 gulley - 6 years ago
That's how it eat
KarHar VIDS - 6 years ago
It screwed up the fish because the reel pulled it up so fast that the pressure deformed it and the fish was used to the lower levels
MangoTea - 6 years ago
Aww U should of left it down.
luis paz
luis paz - 6 years ago
I fished 1000000000.
Eliplayz freefire
Eliplayz freefire - 6 years ago
Is it raww fam of raww fame
Natee Suttiprapa
Natee Suttiprapa - 6 years ago
Did you eat the fish that vommeted it’s stomach or a diff fish???
Kitty Cat
Kitty Cat - 6 years ago
This makes me hungry
im love
im love - 6 years ago
Smh u tecnacally just murdered it brutally still SMH
Amazy Abby
Amazy Abby - 6 years ago
Or u just use a low voice
Amazy Abby
Amazy Abby - 6 years ago
Are u sick?
Skrampie - 6 years ago
Who else got hungry watching this?
lovebug 9000600
lovebug 9000600 - 6 years ago
Your average Fortnite player
Your average Fortnite player - 6 years ago
That is an air sack.
Alma Ceja
Alma Ceja - 6 years ago
Youre peace of flipen fish look so good
Joseph Pepek
Joseph Pepek - 6 years ago
Was that cheese powder you were dipping it in???
orlandotj1 - 6 years ago
Yum. Now Im hungry
Charlie Grubbs
Charlie Grubbs - 6 years ago
Presure change
Raynie Scholten
Raynie Scholten - 6 years ago
How is it funny killing a animal if the eyes are popping out u should put it back
Kasean Terry
Kasean Terry - 6 years ago
I think it might be from the water pressure change
Danny Simos
Danny Simos - 6 years ago
My dad loves to make that snapper two
nick EVA
nick EVA - 6 years ago
You're a good catch! Ya catch the meal AND COOK it! My man! ❤️❤️
Khawla Alkhaja
Khawla Alkhaja - 6 years ago
Man im hungry dont show me this im gonna die it looks tasty.
Gabriel Lopez
Gabriel Lopez - 6 years ago
When its cooked its looks good
edison Edison
edison Edison - 6 years ago
The way your saying it scares me
2syckfatboy - 6 years ago
CoolCatz 7173
CoolCatz 7173 - 6 years ago
"Dont do drugs."
2 seconds later...
i lOvE bOoZe
bOoZe lOvEs mE
Chloe Choo
Chloe Choo - 6 years ago
if you don't understand me I meant I am confused
Chloe Choo
Chloe Choo - 6 years ago
I'm lost
Tang Muy Heang
Tang Muy Heang - 6 years ago
Cos pressure difference...so...imploding.
bartlomiej caputa
bartlomiej caputa - 6 years ago
that is not a real fish is it poor cutie dont do that
janice williams
janice williams - 6 years ago
so cool
Wild wolf FAN
Wild wolf FAN - 6 years ago
Nice glasses
Krystal Kozlowski
Krystal Kozlowski - 6 years ago
Your macking me hungry:)!!!
Perspective TV
Perspective TV - 6 years ago
he dose that becase he is above 30 feet
baroc odrama69
baroc odrama69 - 6 years ago
a fish throwing up its stomach ewwwwww
Kathleen Bergstedt
Kathleen Bergstedt - 6 years ago
you KILLED a fish you never do THAT
Megan Smithers
Megan Smithers - 6 years ago
The Awsome Boy 12
The Awsome Boy 12 - 6 years ago
Where do you get the cheating rod
V. Butterfly
V. Butterfly - 6 years ago
Alexander Nguyen
Alexander Nguyen - 6 years ago
The fish looks good!
Calise Lunarde
Calise Lunarde - 6 years ago
Just stop saying what's gucci
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog - 6 years ago
Catch em all fishing
Reverend Tracy Johnson Russell
Reverend Tracy Johnson Russell - 6 years ago
It’s fam not fame
Kitty Katy
Kitty Katy - 6 years ago
Mmmmm that looks delicious I love fish and meat I am like a carnivore
Aeshi Pogi
Aeshi Pogi - 6 years ago
U idiot why u killed the poor creature grrrrrr u must banned in fish team u freak
Destiny Vidal
Destiny Vidal - 6 years ago
That was so cool
Shadow and Silver
Shadow and Silver - 6 years ago
That looks good
Oliver Bergeron
Oliver Bergeron - 6 years ago
Is his channel turning into a asmr channel
Deadpool 10.0
Deadpool 10.0 - 6 years ago
I don't eat fish but it looks good
SHAYNE PORTER - 6 years ago
SHAYNE PORTER - 6 years ago
Joseph Goh
Joseph Goh - 6 years ago
Omg that's just nasty
Joseph Goh
Joseph Goh - 6 years ago
Omg that's just nasty
TheDiamondGamer - 6 years ago
(Just saw video in recomended) that is happening because the fish can not deal with that little water pressure... So you really shouldn't do that.
Azsunnybee K
Azsunnybee K - 6 years ago
Ur sooo mean I would be happy if u dont kill the fishes!!!!!!! THEY HAVE LIVES TOO THEY DONT WANTS TO BE KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!U EVIL JERK!!
Gerson Cabrera vlogs and gameplay
Gerson Cabrera vlogs and gameplay - 6 years ago
Look at the cam not at. You you tube fact
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
Văn Trung Bùi nope not even close its is air bladder
Sebas Rueda
Sebas Rueda - 6 years ago
You smoke alot xd
Dwan Marcelin
Dwan Marcelin - 6 years ago
you look sleepy
Bridget Jackson  Blessing
Bridget Jackson Blessing - 6 years ago
That looks so good
learning with Karlie
learning with Karlie - 6 years ago
He did do drags dued
Mekiele Perkins
Mekiele Perkins - 6 years ago
There you’re friends to there just scared at first
Hmong Style
Hmong Style - 6 years ago
When you ate something bad throw up your stomach
Christopher Borders
Christopher Borders - 6 years ago
How often do you eat fish
Not so good Youtubers
Not so good Youtubers - 6 years ago
Why are so many people hate him
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
Doge Kids idk
Not so good Youtubers
Not so good Youtubers - 6 years ago
Poor fishy :(
Alexian% - 6 years ago
“It adds crisp and crunch”
Skylar Torr
Skylar Torr - 6 years ago
Lol why don’t u ever look at the camera sometimes u do but not a lot
Edwin Diaz-Hernandez
Edwin Diaz-Hernandez - 6 years ago
I was drooling when u where cooking that fish it looks so good
jumpcity core
jumpcity core - 6 years ago
high Hugh high stonner food
Alan Dinglasan
Alan Dinglasan - 6 years ago
Who else can hear the thumbnail?
Israel Garcia Melendres
Israel Garcia Melendres - 6 years ago
I have never eaten fish but my mouth was watering when I saw the fish and I would easily take a bite of that
CrunchyOldBaby_ Official
CrunchyOldBaby_ Official - 6 years ago
He always looks on the screen
CrunchyOldBaby_ Official
CrunchyOldBaby_ Official - 6 years ago
I can tell that his filming with an iPhone
CrunchyOldBaby_ Official
CrunchyOldBaby_ Official - 6 years ago
You are abusing the fish
Ashleigh Smith
Ashleigh Smith - 6 years ago
The moment you can say the torture of a fish (or any other animal) is "hilarious" is the moment you don't deserve to be able to do these types of things. If you don't have respect the animal, dead or alive, you simply don't deserve to have the joy they bring in your life. No respect left for you. Unsubbbed.
kitty cat 1234
kitty cat 1234 - 6 years ago
Fish are for seeing not eating
Song I can Sing
Song I can Sing - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who noticed at the second part he wasn’t even looking at the camera
Belizario Arias
Belizario Arias - 6 years ago
That looks so good
MoistCheezIts - 6 years ago
Poor fish
Ike_ Nike
Ike_ Nike - 6 years ago
Triggered vegans in the comment section :/
Brayan Coronado
Brayan Coronado - 6 years ago
Brody Wood
Brody Wood - 6 years ago
it the fish comes up too fast that's what happens
Dose of dolls
Dose of dolls - 6 years ago
I love you and fish
synleah snyder
synleah snyder - 6 years ago
Human Bunny
Human Bunny - 6 years ago
Ehh I would use a cheat line too
Gary Bailey
Gary Bailey - 6 years ago
That's fish from walmart aka tilapia
Connie service
Connie service - 6 years ago
And the fish can't decompress
Connie service
Connie service - 6 years ago
Sorry I didn't mean to call you stupid that's ignorant
Connie service
Connie service - 6 years ago
U r so stupid that's called torture
Phuong Pham
Phuong Pham - 6 years ago
Kushy Campy
Kushy Campy - 6 years ago
It is because the air badder expands and then it pops and pushes everything out of it
Billybobsziplnesplayzs Hk
Billybobsziplnesplayzs Hk - 6 years ago
Stomach fish boo yah!
Billybobsziplnesplayzs Hk
Billybobsziplnesplayzs Hk - 6 years ago
What it’s da aftermath
Blasting Aks
Blasting Aks - 6 years ago
Hes high
Yuki San
Yuki San - 6 years ago
My most favorite part is when u start cooking XD
Annie Nguyen
Annie Nguyen - 6 years ago
Is that fish Real?!
RILEY HEISEY - 6 years ago
I have the same stove
Calista Farol
Calista Farol - 6 years ago
I loved to each fish when I was 4 years old and I ate a bone but didn't tell my MOMMY and daddy
rave babe
rave babe - 6 years ago
This video is so disturbing.
Splat Productions
Splat Productions - 6 years ago
Bro you seam like your. Are always on drugs
king davis
king davis - 6 years ago
This takes sick to your stomach to a new level
Mash Bridges
Mash Bridges - 6 years ago
This happened because he swallowed your bait and he got it caught in his stomach and when you’re pulling them up you’re pulling the stomach out of his mouth
Tiffany - 6 years ago
Oh how i loveee clickbait
Louis Saldana
Louis Saldana - 6 years ago
space kiwi everyone has their own opinions
space kiwi
space kiwi - 6 years ago
Corrin Berglund disgusting.
Joey Pretzalz
Joey Pretzalz - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks that looks like breaded chicken?
Rainbow Google
Rainbow Google - 6 years ago
Alex colon
Alex colon - 6 years ago
I felt like he was drunk during the cooking portion
Amaya Duval
Amaya Duval - 6 years ago
Alex colon no high
OP WOLF - 6 years ago
dont look at the screen look at the camera
Corry Sb
Corry Sb - 6 years ago
Dont be sad, we are the raw family, and we are strong.
Camdin Eller
Camdin Eller - 6 years ago
Why does he not look directly at the camera you’re looking away from the camera dude
Jonathan Urbano
Jonathan Urbano - 6 years ago
Stop making videos please
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
Jonathan Urbano kys
ButterOnMyButter - 6 years ago
The fish will get killed by bigger fish anyway. Same thing mostly
Jennie McDonald
Jennie McDonald - 6 years ago
Risty Babez I do agree that what he did was kinda mean, but to help cope when you see things like this is that they WERE gonna kill it so it’s not like they tortured him for no reason:) this was probably no help tho:/
K9 Gang
K9 Gang - 6 years ago
Your face is cruel
Gamer 6789
Gamer 6789 - 6 years ago
How about other ones like cows pigs sheep
Oreo&Cherry 0W0
Oreo&Cherry 0W0 - 6 years ago
Risty Babez so fishing is cruel? Cuz he was going to eat it anyway
svxge kxng perry
svxge kxng perry - 6 years ago
Are you gonna whine over an ant too?
StoniestTable93 modding
StoniestTable93 modding - 6 years ago
Which leaves me to my next point, dont do drugs
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
crazy noob its not the stomach its the air bladder
Francisco Andrade
Francisco Andrade - 6 years ago
high asf
Demi Gill
Demi Gill - 6 years ago
that is disgusting
21Studio - 6 years ago
The fish look s
Funny AF
Prince's Bro's
Prince's Bro's - 6 years ago
Colton Johnston
Colton Johnston - 6 years ago
Do you have a wife yes or No?
Krista Reneè
Krista Reneè - 6 years ago
Why do people think it's funny to cause other animals harm
Skylar Lowas
Skylar Lowas - 6 years ago
That was so weird just throwing up your stomach
Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar - 6 years ago
It looks like nugget hahahaha lol
Miguel Flores
Miguel Flores - 6 years ago
Why would you laugh tho?
Joe Moon
Joe Moon - 6 years ago
He also likes to giggle when dragging live sharks behind speeding boats
Tiffany Gerthe
Tiffany Gerthe - 6 years ago
Whose birthday is
Sulayman's Vlogs
Sulayman's Vlogs - 6 years ago
I thought u saved fish. Not cook them and kill them
Earth To Clare
Earth To Clare - 6 years ago
How many times are you going to say beautiful
XJasX MSP - 6 years ago
Bruh... of course this isn't for the vegans.... why you so extreme with fish?
tylerraedeke101 - 6 years ago
its from the pressure going up all those feet quickly
FreshGamer YT
FreshGamer YT - 6 years ago
RIP Grouper Lol...Enjoy
Hailey Klauk
Hailey Klauk - 6 years ago
Is it just me or is he a cutie with those glasses on..... No...Just me.......Ok then
Fu Qin Pan
Fu Qin Pan - 6 years ago
I love to eat seafood and meats because they have protein and omega 3 fatty acids(salmon) and others minerals. I also like shark fin soup.
Ex-GTopian - 6 years ago
theodore18923 slater
theodore18923 slater - 6 years ago
Can you make me some of that?
Biker kids Perfect
Biker kids Perfect - 6 years ago
Buttttttttttt is so .
Professor Nature
Professor Nature - 6 years ago
its cause you wound them up too fast
FictionAtItsFinest - 6 years ago
The next master Chef is here lol
katy robinson
katy robinson - 6 years ago
it wasn’t really throwing up it stomach it’s just the hook when inside the mouth down to the stomach and you pulled it out from the stomach and I’m pretty sure might have died
Max Nugget
Max Nugget - 6 years ago
Because of the pressure change that you are pulling up the fish to fast
Lil lizard gang
Lil lizard gang - 6 years ago
I think he was high cause his eyes were red and he was talking mellow
TheRealSpillage FML
TheRealSpillage FML - 6 years ago
You are kinda sick for laughing
Sonia mendoza
Sonia mendoza - 6 years ago
But when you were cooking to fish in the sooooo good
Sonia mendoza
Sonia mendoza - 6 years ago
The fish ewwww XD
Eija K
Eija K - 6 years ago
you have absolutely no empathy towards animals, this is so sad to watch.
Sloth TheGammer
Sloth TheGammer - 6 years ago
Eija K when did I say suffering animals was funny? When did I find this video hilarious? I agreed it’s not the most ideal way to kill the fish, but such is life. It seems like you are trying to find a moral superiority, which I mean yeah works with what seems to be edgy 13 year olds on yt, but it won’t work with someone who likes to eat meat of the animal they harvest, and let me repeat again, I don’t like how he did it, but the fish was going to die anyways
Eija K
Eija K - 6 years ago
I am vegan actually! Why were you so entertained by the animals suffering? When you were explaining how the fish's eyes explode out of their heads you called it "hilarious"... sounds like something a psychopath would say.
Sloth TheGammer
Sloth TheGammer - 6 years ago
Eija K I mean, nor do I, bc I like to harvest animals for food, but hey that fish suffered less than the animals you eat on the daily, so if you feel so hard for that fish might want to look into becoming vegan?
Gamer Kitty
Gamer Kitty - 6 years ago
Poor fish
annlakes24 - 6 years ago
Since the fish are being raised so fast they can’t adjust to it
Ralston Howell
Ralston Howell - 6 years ago
Caleb liu
Caleb liu - 6 years ago
its trowing up because its a deep sea fish and is not use to he presure
Leon Ward
Leon Ward - 6 years ago
Raw fame your da boss keep it up
MinecraftJAPAN Noah
MinecraftJAPAN Noah - 6 years ago
You know why this fish is throwing up his stomach
DimiAZ Playz
DimiAZ Playz - 6 years ago
Why didn’t you eat it raw you’re in the raw fam
Xafir - 6 years ago
Disgusting. So inhumane.
Carl Bravo
Carl Bravo - 6 years ago
IAmFatal - 6 years ago
This is called “the bends”
isiahk boss
isiahk boss - 6 years ago
Voice crack
Veguilla Evelyn
Veguilla Evelyn - 6 years ago
OMG the fish did drugs /)○~○/)
Leo Licensedgaming123
Leo Licensedgaming123 - 6 years ago
:( :/
Kitty_dogo 498
Kitty_dogo 498 - 6 years ago
How does he think a fish throwing up its stomach is funny he's berry well and messed up
Jeeven Medalla
Jeeven Medalla - 6 years ago
I think the hook coaught the stumik
Oscar TheFurry
Oscar TheFurry - 6 years ago
It isn't funny to bring a fish up from so deep and so fast that it's eyes and its stomach pop out
Sergie Cusack
Sergie Cusack - 6 years ago
Nothing about that it's natural when you use the battery powered reel
OMG CUP CAKES OMG - 6 years ago
It's natural for the fish to do that
svxge kxng perry
svxge kxng perry - 6 years ago
Ya it is lol....the way the eyes pop out XDDD but it kinda sad tho (for the fish)
Sloth TheGammer
Sloth TheGammer - 6 years ago
That OneGuy yes it is
I killed kKk
I killed kKk - 6 years ago
You guys react to much it's just a fish
chokoladekage 140
chokoladekage 140 - 6 years ago
No duh this isn't for the vegans
Also, sorry for the rudeness
Deadpool is awesome 2 Please Sub
Deadpool is awesome 2 Please Sub - 6 years ago
Serenity Marshall
Serenity Marshall - 6 years ago
ewwwwwwwwwww so gross
The Gaming duck
The Gaming duck - 6 years ago
Oh ya that's not hilarious how about you throwing up your stomach how would that feel and your eyes popping out huh?
Intities - 6 years ago
Do they live?
MR. BACON - 6 years ago
That's disgusting
Julia Comegys
Julia Comegys - 6 years ago
Shirelle Makinney
Shirelle Makinney - 6 years ago
Your the best when I mean your the best I mean your #1
doodles 2008
doodles 2008 - 6 years ago
He was drunk when he did the cooking bit
Ashley Challengers
Ashley Challengers - 6 years ago
Lol so creepy
Daniel Junsly
Daniel Junsly - 6 years ago
You should be a chef
Daniel Junsly
Daniel Junsly - 6 years ago
Uh huh wth
Dasha Food Vlogs
Dasha Food Vlogs - 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure that was tilapia right out the package. Why lie, that looks nothing like snapper. Snapper has more of a pale pinkish tone to its meat.
nischal chhetri
nischal chhetri - 6 years ago
have u eveR eat uR own faRmed fish BRO
Yifei Duong
Yifei Duong - 6 years ago
They live deep and when reeling them up the pressure makes it grow up his stomach
Not so good Youtubers
Not so good Youtubers - 6 years ago
Yifei Duong you mente throw right
Yifei Duong
Yifei Duong - 6 years ago
Fish throw up there stomachs because of the pressure
Shannon Garrick
Shannon Garrick - 6 years ago
We love you because we are the raw family we love you go get some more fish more interesting and weird
Rey Alao
Rey Alao - 6 years ago
I bet you didn't go to college, that is a air bladder when they are not in water inside that is a water-air so they can hold their breath.

Edit: Don't play too much drugs on your fella mouth.
inspectord - 6 years ago
it is so ugly fish
Ava Walker
Ava Walker - 6 years ago
I don't think that was a real fish
GoldenAppleThree - 6 years ago
so you EAT fish tooooooo
; )
Nobody Cares
Nobody Cares - 6 years ago
Yeah right, that will happen if you do drugs kids
Theo Lucas
Theo Lucas - 6 years ago
Why do u go so close to th camra
Orange :girl inkling:
Orange :girl inkling: - 6 years ago
I think it’s the air pressure...because it’s so far down when it goes up the water pressure makes it’s eyes pop out and make it throw up its stomach..
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
Its not the stomach its the air bladder
Euphoric Fox
Euphoric Fox - 6 years ago
If you love fish so much than why do you eat them ?
Karen Hernandez
Karen Hernandez - 6 years ago
Diana Arias
Diana Arias - 6 years ago
He should be on food network
Harvey Killroy
Harvey Killroy - 6 years ago
Wow bib they throw up the stumit
babalabe jp
babalabe jp - 6 years ago
good fishing bro
Bluewee - 6 years ago
What the ####
Latoya Durham
Latoya Durham - 6 years ago
Aww man
ㄥモɠᎬᏁd⃟ l⃟i⃟n⃟ᏒᎽᎪᏁ08 09
ㄥモɠᎬᏁd⃟ l⃟i⃟n⃟ᏒᎽᎪᏁ08 09 - 6 years ago
How is that funny
Jacob Green
Jacob Green - 6 years ago
Lol u think u r looking at the camera but u r not
Janiya Smith
Janiya Smith - 6 years ago
CravingPvpZ gaming
CravingPvpZ gaming - 6 years ago
Ive never been so disturbed in my life
CADEN MALVEAUX - 6 years ago
You are a sick person
João Klein
João Klein - 6 years ago
João Klein
João Klein - 6 years ago
Kim Mcmillan
Kim Mcmillan - 6 years ago
I love you I apart of the raww fam
Janneya Malabed
Janneya Malabed - 6 years ago
Like what you did to the fish
svxge kxng perry
svxge kxng perry - 6 years ago
If a you and a starving shark were trapped...would you let him eat you or would you eat it?

these kids nowadays.."OMG THE FISH"
Not so good Youtubers
Not so good Youtubers - 6 years ago
Janneya Malabed your a hater
Sloth TheGammer
Sloth TheGammer - 6 years ago
Janneya Malabed it’s literally just a fish, you should not have that reaction at all unless your a vegan, animals you consume daily are treated way worse

Plus, does it matter? The fish was going go die anyways
Enderbash4567 - 6 years ago
Could you make me some
Joseph Carlos
Joseph Carlos - 6 years ago
I am a fan
NARUTO Uchiha - 6 years ago
Now I want to try that great fish you cooked
Nathan Duran
Nathan Duran - 6 years ago
Should I try to make that kind of fish to?
Kellie Revoir
Kellie Revoir - 6 years ago
Your ubsesed with fish
Greg Yochum
Greg Yochum - 6 years ago
Nalayah Bryant
Nalayah Bryant - 6 years ago
Whose birthday is it I see a happy birthday sign
Mr. pickles
Mr. pickles - 6 years ago
It is from all that preasher. Then u bring it up were there is not much preasher and it does that. Look it up and u will get a better definition.
Blake Ngo
Blake Ngo - 6 years ago
Why don't you ever look at the camera
Kiki Equestrian
Kiki Equestrian - 6 years ago
How is this funny..
Gaming Hazard
Gaming Hazard - 6 years ago
That voice crack doe
I kill you
I kill you - 6 years ago
Is looking more like sand not fish :)
Pokemon Lover
Pokemon Lover - 6 years ago
This video made me hungry
Aaliyah Vlogs c
Aaliyah Vlogs c - 6 years ago
That is disgusting!
Kimberly Romero
Kimberly Romero - 6 years ago
This was fake
Aaron Wrecks
Aaron Wrecks - 6 years ago
Cause you took the fish from 1000 feet to the surface lol
Kim Hoon
Kim Hoon - 6 years ago
Why would you eat fish I thought cash was you're fav. Fish
Always LuvLee
Always LuvLee - 6 years ago
This kid is so special ed with his cooking instructions. Hopefully when his day comes he gets taken out by a shark or gets to experience the bends himself
lilAnime girl
lilAnime girl - 6 years ago
He tired or high
dudi miah
dudi miah - 6 years ago
Not cool man. Fish it out normally. Fish was reeled out too fast in deep down ocean. So it exploded
Hooman - 6 years ago
lol "Dont do drugs" goes home high and cooks fish
Xiaoli Ouyang
Xiaoli Ouyang - 6 years ago
It looks so delicious
Panda Bear
Panda Bear - 6 years ago
That was disgusting
tenna31 - 6 years ago
you should have cooking show :3
Nathan Martinez
Nathan Martinez - 6 years ago
I'm subin cause he looks stoned.
Jouseph Rivera
Jouseph Rivera - 6 years ago
More like cooked FAM get it
Keria Hulse
Keria Hulse - 6 years ago
i don't like eating fish it yucky
Bird Person
Bird Person - 6 years ago
Isn't this the way how to make don-katsu?
Not so good Youtubers
Not so good Youtubers - 6 years ago
Whats that
Firefly WOT
Firefly WOT - 6 years ago
Its obvius the fish hates his life
Wolfy Wilson
Wolfy Wilson - 6 years ago
Teara Tiopira
Teara Tiopira - 6 years ago
Guillermo Ramos
Guillermo Ramos - 6 years ago
It looks like he is talking to someone beside the camera
Sfosh - 6 years ago
Low depths yo
LegendKeithYT - 6 years ago
Taylor Rodriguez
Taylor Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Soooooooooo mean
Taylor Rodriguez
Taylor Rodriguez - 6 years ago
AwsomeKiaragames - 6 years ago
Bailey DIY’S
Bailey DIY’S - 6 years ago
I’m so sorry for being rude on this channel
The Batman
The Batman - 6 years ago
tae means poop
Shiela Larano
Shiela Larano - 6 years ago
also you means poop
The Batman
The Batman - 6 years ago
tae ka
Aundre Yang
Aundre Yang - 6 years ago
How is the fish like frozen
Gaming Wolf 879
Gaming Wolf 879 - 6 years ago
Poor fish
Apex_ slAyeR
Apex_ slAyeR - 6 years ago
There stomach and eyes pop out to try to release the pressure from being so deep and being brought up that fast
Some Emo kid.
Some Emo kid. - 6 years ago
Its not the stomach its the air bladder the also don't releases anything being brought up is right tho 5/10
Millie powell
Millie powell - 6 years ago
I hate fish
kristy0dog - 6 years ago
Farzin Esmaili
Farzin Esmaili - 6 years ago
funny are you high . That was a poor fish living I hope u die so u can see how it's like
Oreo&Cherry 0W0
Oreo&Cherry 0W0 - 6 years ago
Farzin Esmaili first of all your profile pic explains your personality you are indeed very triggered second of all he was going to eat the fish anyway it didn't matter if it died that way third of all if you have ever eaten meat before you're eating a dead animal just remember that like steak is cow meat don't be a baby
Gregory Briseno
Gregory Briseno - 6 years ago
Aren't you a little young to be saying things like that
Yolo Pop
Yolo Pop - 6 years ago
Trinity Hopper
Trinity Hopper - 6 years ago
Farzin Esmaili its worse for a human to die than a fish
Not so good Youtubers
Not so good Youtubers - 6 years ago
Please don’t be mean
Kingtony - 6 years ago
Farzin Esmaili do u eat
Camdin Eller
Camdin Eller - 6 years ago
Farzin Esmaili he ate the fish tho...
Kingtony - 6 years ago
Farzin Esmaili your profile pic explains everything
Pred ator
Pred ator - 6 years ago
It wasn’t his fault the fish died dummy
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 6 years ago
Your not looking at the camera
Elaine Vattimo
Elaine Vattimo - 6 years ago
Ummm that fish
Sloth TheGammer
Sloth TheGammer - 6 years ago
jody collett probably already died, which was going to happen either way, animals suffer way more than that fish did in your daily diet, but eh what ever right

Also, dumbest argument too, we arn’t fish and if we were we would have literally no idea what’s happening
Ashley Hawkins
Ashley Hawkins - 6 years ago
you are the best!!! i tried this and it was delicious!!
So How's The Bacon?
So How's The Bacon? - 6 years ago
That was like... cooking asmr with bob Ross, that was satisfying.
cute kitty Pillarina
cute kitty Pillarina - 6 years ago
is that alive
Wolfe Woods
Wolfe Woods - 6 years ago
Kaelan McArthur
Kaelan McArthur - 6 years ago
Ewwww that’s disgusting why is it vomiting out its stomouch
DERPY BABY! - 6 years ago
Steady Bettie
Steady Bettie - 6 years ago
The fish have the bends
AnneliesThe Boss
AnneliesThe Boss - 6 years ago
Funtime foxy Time
Funtime foxy Time - 6 years ago
Gagging the fish throwing up
Little Fish
Little Fish - 6 years ago
At the end that crunch maid me hungry and I want some of that fish
#Chan1 - 6 years ago
You are looking at the wrong camera
Azariah Harrison
Azariah Harrison - 6 years ago
u heard the man dont do drugs or u wll be looking like that fish
Ayva And Kalea
Ayva And Kalea - 6 years ago
Btw ur fish r cannibalis they eat their own kind
Clorox bleach
Clorox bleach - 6 years ago
svxge kxng perry
svxge kxng perry - 6 years ago
Ya u know windex but tide pods is the best in the fam
Not so good Youtubers
Not so good Youtubers - 6 years ago
Clorox bleach I know your cousin windex
Tijuana Densmore
Tijuana Densmore - 6 years ago
What happen to that fish is NOT funny it is sad
Jessica Streacker
Jessica Streacker - 6 years ago
Poor fish got bins
David Cisneros
David Cisneros - 6 years ago
Why was the eyes and mouth like that
Michael Marks
Michael Marks - 6 years ago
Look like a nerd lol
Giada Maloney
Giada Maloney - 6 years ago
Can you please look at the camera lysm
Fiyin Ogunnaike
Fiyin Ogunnaike - 6 years ago
why you smacking
Lyndsey Ryan
Lyndsey Ryan - 6 years ago
It looks so wrong I'm always asking my self how is this fish throwing up its stomach???? We will never know.
Btw I love your vids hope you have a great day.
RabidRachel XX
RabidRachel XX - 6 years ago
Small fish at 500+ft something was probably going to eat it sooner or later
Arabella Layton
Arabella Layton - 6 years ago
Lyndsey Ryan
Lyndsey Ryan - 6 years ago
Auschwitz yee :T
Jay - 6 years ago
Lyndsey Ryan Didn't have time to depressurise so it just pushed them out with pressure.
Auschwitz Lastimoza
Auschwitz Lastimoza - 6 years ago
Lyndsey Ryan Pressure my friend, It's pressure.
Brooklyn Wiley
Brooklyn Wiley - 6 years ago
How does the ish eat?
Jayda Anderson
Jayda Anderson - 6 years ago
OMG! It looks sooooo good roses are red violets are blue I want fish but I never had a clue,that it looks sooooo good I want it
rocki laflare
rocki laflare - 6 years ago
Jayda Anderson have u never had fried fish
Cooper's Studio
Cooper's Studio - 6 years ago
Who’s birthday?
Ronnie Mathews
Ronnie Mathews - 6 years ago
Give me that fish
Ronnie Mathews
Ronnie Mathews - 6 years ago
Give me that chicken
Dennisdaily2 - 6 years ago
Who's birthday was it ?
IsabellyDIY -Vlogs
IsabellyDIY -Vlogs - 6 years ago
He is so rude he thinks there eyes exploding is hilarious shame on you *** I **** hate you
Robert Toth
Robert Toth - 6 years ago
Why would u ever ruin snapper like that
shxfty YT
shxfty YT - 6 years ago
He’s baked
SKYLUR - 6 years ago
Is u high?
SKYLUR - 6 years ago
Stevie canning
Stevie canning - 6 years ago
SKYLUR i know right

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