Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?
Raww fishing 6 years ago 1,538,656 views
You can learn more at https://curiositystream.com/smart Stay curious and SUBSCRIBE! ►► http://bit.ly/iotbs_sub ↓↓↓ More info and sources below ↓↓↓ Have you ever noticed that warning about raw or undercooked seafood at the bottom of restaurant menus? Ever wondered why it’s there? Because fish carry a ton of parasites, and if they aren’t prepared correctly then those parasites can make it into your body. But it turns out, this fishy intersection with the wild world of parasites can teach us a lot about how these moochers help keep ecosystems healthy, and why we should protect them. REFERENCES: Parasite Evolution https://www.livescience.com/55483-wei... The World’s Parasites Are Going Extinct. Here’s Why That’s a Bad Thing https://www.smithsonianmag.com/scienc... History of Human Parisitology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti... Parasites in Seattle Sushi http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/sea... Dramatic evolution within human genome may have been caused by malaria parasite http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/0... Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer https://www.amazon.com/Parasite-Rex-B... Interviews and conversations with: Colin J. Carlson (National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center) Chelsea L. Wood (University of Washington) ----------- FOLLOW US: Twitter: @DrJoeHanson @okaytobesmart Instagram: @DrJoeHanson Merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/i... Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart SEND US STUFF: It’s Okay To Be Smart PO Box 303356 Austin, TX 78703 USA BOOKS WE’VE FEATURED: http://smart-books.tumblr.com/ ----------- It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D. Director: Joe Nicolosi Writer: Shaena Montanari, Ph.D. Creative Director: David Schulte Editor/animator: Sara Roma Producers: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox Produced by PBS Digital Studios Music via APM Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com
10. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?
20. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?
im still eatin sushi ok
30. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?
Me:mhhn I'm dying anyways, I dont care food is life.
Wait i dont eat raw fish...
I think this just happened to me man.
It differ from water environment ( river, lake, etc), where many bacteries can live, it contain harmful bacteries and their eggs.
So it have to cook first.
50. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?
Let's see who wins :-)
Also the host: shoves sushi inside his mouth
If Westerners with little knowledge of fish manage poorly, security can not be guaranteed.
Just look at those Vegetarians they still get sick even they eat healthy foods
100. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?
Like most of the Sea ppl can eat peanuts without a problem but for some Westerners it could be deadly.
Japanese have already been eating sushi for centuries but still Japanese people are one of the healthiest and smartest people on Earth today.
Everyone knows we eat dead parasites and we should be careful to eat fresh fish tho....
It’s the same for cooked meat
You need to be very, very careful with this topic. Things like the fear of raw fish and the fear of msg have been used by racist groups in America for years to suppress Asian populations in America by shutting down entire businesses. The fish, almost all of the time, gets frozen. That's how they buy the fish in the first place. And msg is an ingredient that American food companies have been using for years and that everyone has consumed. (More than likely if you went and ate at a restaurant recently you've consumed it.) Monosodium Glutamate is a natural substance and is not harmful. Lettuce is more likely to harm us in the US than raw fish.
Fear mongering over Asian foods is a habbit that Americans needs to stop.
how about cooking it ; - ;
I'd still eats some.
And honestly, you're more likely to get sick from lettuce, or fast food places, than eating sushi at a respected Japanese Restaurant.
calling 911
patrick: "Uhh, I'm hungry. One set of sushi please".
90% if your vaccinated and you do come across food with certain types of parasites most of the time 9 out of 10 you'll be fine
You are lying my friend and your evolution theory is full of crap exactly like what you just said.
All i see is humans allover all the same KIND. Black, white, asian, small big, fast slow, lazy smart and stupid.
Are all those species ?
And I’m not Japanese
Seafood grose
so, i just ate sushi~ been eating sushi my entire life (still alive!)
Well i see japanese people by "JAV" keyword, and they seems be okay to me.
Does those futomaki sushi have raw fish inside it? I never really analyzed what inside it
I really love those type of sushi
Oof, this is a dumb question
But ya, avoid sushi from buffet and gas stations, unless you enjoy wrecking your anus.
So your assuming i eat raw fish to begin with tssk tssk tssk wrong assumption
Well can call it "Tradition?"
Answer: Yes ✔️
Not a bad thing, just a reminder.
Raw unfrozen fish have a risk yes but by law fishing ships in the ocean must flash freeze their fishes before processing and serving them.
The freezing process for 48 hours under intense freezing temperatures kills parasites, or if frozen at lesser cold temperature up to a week.
Besides, humans and animals we come in contact with actually already have fungal, bacterial, viral, and parasitic organisms in our bodies due to simply being exposed to multitude of things. Our body's immune system does it's job half the time, with the other half being a case of bad luck.
Other wwise we take out the worms first before freezing them.
Yes, yes I will