Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

You can learn more at https://curiositystream.com/smart Stay curious and SUBSCRIBE! ►► http://bit.ly/iotbs_sub ↓↓↓ More info and sources below ↓↓↓ Have you ever noticed that warning about raw or undercooked seafood at the bottom of restaurant menus? Ever wondered why it’s there? Because fish carry a ton of parasites, and if they aren’t prepared correctly then those parasites can make it into your body. But it turns out, this fishy intersection with the wild world of parasites can teach us a lot about how these moochers help keep ecosystems healthy, and why we should protect them. REFERENCES: Parasite Evolution https://www.livescience.com/55483-wei... The World’s Parasites Are Going Extinct. Here’s Why That’s a Bad Thing https://www.smithsonianmag.com/scienc... History of Human Parisitology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti... Parasites in Seattle Sushi http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/sea... Dramatic evolution within human genome may have been caused by malaria parasite http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/0... Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer https://www.amazon.com/Parasite-Rex-B... Interviews and conversations with: Colin J. Carlson (National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center) Chelsea L. Wood (University of Washington) ----------- FOLLOW US: Twitter: @DrJoeHanson @okaytobesmart Instagram: @DrJoeHanson Merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/i... Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart SEND US STUFF: It’s Okay To Be Smart PO Box 303356 Austin, TX 78703 USA BOOKS WE’VE FEATURED: http://smart-books.tumblr.com/ ----------- It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D. Director: Joe Nicolosi Writer: Shaena Montanari, Ph.D. Creative Director: David Schulte Editor/animator: Sara Roma Producers: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox Produced by PBS Digital Studios Music via APM Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com

Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2788

Raww fishing 6 years ago 1,538,656 views

You can learn more at https://curiositystream.com/smart Stay curious and SUBSCRIBE! ►► http://bit.ly/iotbs_sub ↓↓↓ More info and sources below ↓↓↓ Have you ever noticed that warning about raw or undercooked seafood at the bottom of restaurant menus? Ever wondered why it’s there? Because fish carry a ton of parasites, and if they aren’t prepared correctly then those parasites can make it into your body. But it turns out, this fishy intersection with the wild world of parasites can teach us a lot about how these moochers help keep ecosystems healthy, and why we should protect them. REFERENCES: Parasite Evolution https://www.livescience.com/55483-wei... The World’s Parasites Are Going Extinct. Here’s Why That’s a Bad Thing https://www.smithsonianmag.com/scienc... History of Human Parisitology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti... Parasites in Seattle Sushi http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/sea... Dramatic evolution within human genome may have been caused by malaria parasite http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/0... Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer https://www.amazon.com/Parasite-Rex-B... Interviews and conversations with: Colin J. Carlson (National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center) Chelsea L. Wood (University of Washington) ----------- FOLLOW US: Twitter: @DrJoeHanson @okaytobesmart Instagram: @DrJoeHanson Merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/i... Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart SEND US STUFF: It’s Okay To Be Smart PO Box 303356 Austin, TX 78703 USA BOOKS WE’VE FEATURED: http://smart-books.tumblr.com/ ----------- It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D. Director: Joe Nicolosi Writer: Shaena Montanari, Ph.D. Creative Director: David Schulte Editor/animator: Sara Roma Producers: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox Produced by PBS Digital Studios Music via APM Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com

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Most popular comments
for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

Kalaxx The Demon
Kalaxx The Demon - 6 years ago
Ahahahahah! I hate sushi bc I heard something like this and I told my friends who like sushi but they didn't believe me, now I can show them this ahahahahahahahahahahah ah ah ah
mochamad nagata daf
mochamad nagata daf - 6 years ago
sure this is so real but I eat 1 and I have no parasites
Pebble Dog
Pebble Dog - 6 years ago
Gud thing fish grosses me out by just smelling or looking at it....
TheSimpleSpider 0_0
TheSimpleSpider 0_0 - 6 years ago
i dont like sushi, so im lucky but i only eat ONE type of sushi
lil Dickhead
lil Dickhead - 6 years ago
I don't care, I'll still eat raw fish.
Ui Vegito
Ui Vegito - 6 years ago
Row fash that seems just about right
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya - 6 years ago
SAS is quaking
Matthew McConico
Matthew McConico - 6 years ago
yes yes i will
alex - 6 years ago

10. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

Brandon Bollinger
Brandon Bollinger - 6 years ago
Going to eat sushi right now!
Julian Khor
Julian Khor - 6 years ago
After watching this, remember you only live once so dgaf
Mark Gagner
Mark Gagner - 6 years ago
when you said papyrus I played bonetrousle and said nyeh heh heh
Tiffany’s Studio
Tiffany’s Studio - 6 years ago
6:09 'Parsites' lul
zafir bleach
zafir bleach - 6 years ago
Korean are eating octopus alive!! That’s weird and disgusting
Elyadi Abadi
Elyadi Abadi - 6 years ago
papyrus and sans
Presh - 6 years ago
Yes I will eat it thanks
Eleazar Gomez
Eleazar Gomez - 6 years ago
ShadyDog1 - 6 years ago
Yes me likey me eat
S.K Naturegirl
S.K Naturegirl - 6 years ago
I only had raw fish once and it was sushi

20. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

luke Porter
luke Porter - 6 years ago
My X was a parasite but I do eat raw fish weekly all good here
Joys - 6 years ago
This is why Japan laughs at us. LOL
EmeliJ Zelaya
EmeliJ Zelaya - 6 years ago
im still eatin sushi ok
AE Y - 6 years ago
Are you kidding me? Now we are trying to save the parasites? Imagine a non for profit organization with the mission to save parasites come knocking on your door for donations
FrysdoeGaming - 6 years ago
Nix Alerta
Nix Alerta - 6 years ago
fa khann
fa khann - 6 years ago
I don't care.I love raw salmon with lemon sauce nyummyss
midnight angel
midnight angel - 6 years ago
I think I eat a parasites cuz I don't feel really good
castiel carlysle
castiel carlysle - 6 years ago
what was that protein in the blood of the sub saharan african people that doesnt allow entry of malaria in their bloodstream?
Viper Airsoft
Viper Airsoft - 6 years ago
Me before even watching the video: “yes”

30. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

민윤기M.yoongles - 6 years ago
I will still eat them no one is gonna stop meh.
ScaVenAtoRXx - 6 years ago
This is why that you use wasabi
Deathrule 14
Deathrule 14 - 6 years ago
Why is there a fishing game ad on this video,
Kirsten Reyes
Kirsten Reyes - 6 years ago
eats sushi while watching this
Me:mhhn I'm dying anyways, I dont care food is life.
Miku Hatsune
Miku Hatsune - 6 years ago
I hate fish
Eddie - 6 years ago
some stickman boi
some stickman boi - 6 years ago
oh no this is so bad!

Wait i dont eat raw fish...
Aaron Turner
Aaron Turner - 6 years ago

I think this just happened to me man.
Mystic - 6 years ago
Ya yeet I’m allergic
happy Pee
happy Pee - 6 years ago
Muhammad Yazid
Muhammad Yazid - 6 years ago
bla bla bla btw imma eat parasite
Abaddon - 6 years ago
I play roblox I want robux
I play roblox I want robux - 6 years ago
I came here from Pink ASMR's youtube comments from her video of her eating salmon
tigaoranggila - 6 years ago
Yes, except salmon.
hai pham
hai pham - 6 years ago
It not true cause they live in salt water, it anti-bacterial, that why it fresh and healthy.
It differ from water environment ( river, lake, etc), where many bacteries can live, it contain harmful bacteries and their eggs.
So it have to cook first.
MCmuffin808 - 6 years ago
Yes I will cuz I live in hawaii
Mipamyanmiro - 6 years ago
Typical Minority
Typical Minority - 6 years ago
Yes. Yes I will
GD ZombieMan
GD ZombieMan - 6 years ago
Does smoked salmon count as uncooked?
richie zamot
richie zamot - 6 years ago
Tune raw form a can?

50. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

Gustavo Pamplonna
Gustavo Pamplonna - 6 years ago
Yes i will
Anthony Rendon
Anthony Rendon - 6 years ago
Parasites Lives Matter
epSos.de - 6 years ago
Worms vs. Wasabi.
Let's see who wins :-)
toorf - 6 years ago
The host: Sushi has parasites
Also the host: shoves sushi inside his mouth
Magnus Røy
Magnus Røy - 6 years ago
I am eating right now and I m not stopping...so yes, I ll keep on eating raw fish
blue chim
blue chim - 6 years ago
wow thanks janette
Shirlynn Dela Pierre
Shirlynn Dela Pierre - 6 years ago
Eemz 911
Eemz 911 - 6 years ago
japanese before does not eat raw fish because of parasites on uncooked fish but then a foreigner introduced them with kinds of fish that does not have parasites on the meat thats when they started eating raw fish sushi, sashimi etc. I knew this but forgot where.
Kawaii Cupcakes
Kawaii Cupcakes - 6 years ago
YOSUKE KUN - 6 years ago
1:01 nice dude
Aqmal Khalid
Aqmal Khalid - 6 years ago
Fukuokasimin Channel
Fukuokasimin Channel - 6 years ago
Eating raw fish in Japan is because there is a deep understanding and knowledge of fish, and a management system.
If Westerners with little knowledge of fish manage poorly, security can not be guaranteed.
Reyner Animates
Reyner Animates - 6 years ago
Eww, yes
saquist - 6 years ago
I've never eaten raw fish and I never will.
juanamado21 Israel
juanamado21 Israel - 6 years ago
Great Editing btw
Min Zhuang
Min Zhuang - 6 years ago
I stayed because of his voice :]
Abdalla Abu Khazneh
Abdalla Abu Khazneh - 6 years ago
I love how the gene they talk about in the Africa section, but don’t mention how it’s actually only available to sickle cell carriers
Greg Schaffer
Greg Schaffer - 6 years ago
See guys? This is why we eat delicious rare steak in the U.S.A
GΔ MΔ - 6 years ago
I'll let the parasites live in me LMAO
ralph casey Chong
ralph casey Chong - 6 years ago
Im a livibg parasite..inner venom got mad
Exploit Code
Exploit Code - 6 years ago
Why is this in my recommendations
SteamPunk - 6 years ago
It’s absurd, and somehow fitting with the times, to suggest that disease-causing parasites, and by extension, mosquitos and other vectors, are as valuable as marine mammals like whales. If snails proliferate then so may all creatures that eat snails. If not, then a snail population explosion is still better than parasites. Everyone should favor this legitimate use of genetic engineering: permanent elimination of mosquitos and other carefully selected disease vectors.
Vonix Rexus
Vonix Rexus - 6 years ago
Pork also have so much parasites
Amber The ANIMEOTAKU - 6 years ago
._______. Ya ruined Sushi for me.....
Bunnies and gaming
Bunnies and gaming - 6 years ago
I dont really care I love sushi I rarely eat sashimi
Avoidingwaffle214 - 6 years ago
Waiter - 6 years ago
How bout Minnesota do they have parasites in sushi?
Adventure Gamer
Adventure Gamer - 6 years ago
Jason Vue
Jason Vue - 6 years ago
I eat cook seafood sushi so im good lol
LuckySlimeNL - 6 years ago
sees title: no problem for me anyways... I ALREADY HATE FISH! HAHA!
Dennis Wazowski
Dennis Wazowski - 6 years ago
Eating raw fish while watching this.
Some Random Banana
Some Random Banana - 6 years ago
Eh... I don’t care, I might still eat it. I love Hawaii.
tooltalk - 6 years ago
what? climate change is going to eliminate parasited by 1/3? let's do it!
Ellen !
Ellen ! - 6 years ago
this ain’t stopping me from eating my favourite food
バルーンAkat - 6 years ago
I live in japan so...
Doggo Ninja boy
Doggo Ninja boy - 6 years ago
Yes it dosen't that bad

Masterrend .M.
Masterrend .M. - 6 years ago
Ez just drink some benzine and burn up ur stomach
Cris pin
Cris pin - 6 years ago
Ceresjanin blow
Ceresjanin blow - 6 years ago
Yet another pseudosience video telling bullshit to people just to earn some money
Maurine Emba
Maurine Emba - 6 years ago
Only on other country besides Japan
Fludderlumpagoose Thethird
Fludderlumpagoose Thethird - 6 years ago
I like fried food. BOIL IT IN A VAT OF CRISCo, butter flavored
Ceresjanin blow
Ceresjanin blow - 6 years ago
yes i will
3Bよるは - 6 years ago
Will you still eat McDonald's knowing it will kill you?
bla bla
bla bla - 6 years ago
I prefer raw food rather than fast food . And... Rice
sugita taiki
sugita taiki - 6 years ago
But the oldest living woman was japanese and she also said that one of the few foods she ate was sushi so..........
XxAkulaxX - 6 years ago
Yeah I'll probably still eat raw fish
༺ཱྀ༼Mitsuki༽ཱི༻ 은 미나
༺ཱྀ༼Mitsuki༽ཱི༻ 은 미나 - 6 years ago
Everything we ate had germs and parasites on it we just can’t see them
Just look at those Vegetarians they still get sick even they eat healthy foods
Snow Cooless
Snow Cooless - 6 years ago
I never ate raw fish or sushi to begin with..
ThatRandom Dude
ThatRandom Dude - 6 years ago
How about crab as sushi?
rkmugen - 6 years ago
Fresh, properly treated, stored and prepared raw fish tastes great! But everything in moderation. ............ and practice safe-food handling, everyone. Or else.
Yo Daddy
Yo Daddy - 6 years ago
Well you can catch E-coli from Romaine Lettuce in the US, but you don’t see the Japanese making videos about it. These dudes eat raw fish every day and yet are healthier and smarter than you, they also know martial arts and pronounce “L” as “R” while speaking English, yet they are way cooler than you, also they have Hentai, that anime porn you likely jerk off to!

100. comment for Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

yel yah
yel yah - 6 years ago
i still love eating sushi and sashimi,..
IGNACIO GARRIDO - 6 years ago
-20 celcius frozen fish = bye bye parasites...
Adrian Renoj
Adrian Renoj - 6 years ago
I don’t eat raw fish
Man of Culture
Man of Culture - 6 years ago
It's all about Genetics
Like most of the Sea ppl can eat peanuts without a problem but for some Westerners it could be deadly.
Alicia r.
Alicia r. - 6 years ago
Getfit1986 M
Getfit1986 M - 6 years ago
Bot :P
Bot :P - 6 years ago
Can you just boil the raw fish?
Bot :P
Bot :P - 6 years ago
bla bla well.... good luck to the people who ate 51 sushi’s
bla bla
bla bla - 6 years ago
Not. if a food above 40 degrees is not called raw anymore
Space Wormy
Space Wormy - 6 years ago
:0 I eat sushi four times
meme apple
meme apple - 6 years ago
I never eaten raw fish.... but ok
WelpImHere :3
WelpImHere :3 - 6 years ago
I would still eat it
Infinity 58
Infinity 58 - 6 years ago
i was eating raw fish while watching this video
Gh0stl - 6 years ago
Caleb Walker
Caleb Walker - 6 years ago
I don’t really care
Morgan Murphy
Morgan Murphy - 6 years ago
I’m allergic to fish ha ha
This Is A Good Username
This Is A Good Username - 6 years ago
Yeah I will keeping eating raw fish.
Scott denzer
Scott denzer - 6 years ago
And the end result, the most evolved parasite, The Democrat.
Energizer Erica
Energizer Erica - 6 years ago
To all those people claiming that the Japanese have this magical power of being immune to parasitic infections, in fact about 7,000 people in Japan become infected with anisakis annually. Yes, the Japanese are healthy, but they DO GET INFECTED AND GET SICK.
Ines Sousa
Ines Sousa - 6 years ago
i don't even like fish
Kristoforus Ranandia Sulisetyo
Kristoforus Ranandia Sulisetyo - 6 years ago
I shouldn't worried about raw food if I have those food in Japan.
Nutchanon kwangthong
Nutchanon kwangthong - 6 years ago
Can our digestion system can kill one of them?
Sx_lentyy - 6 years ago
i eated one yesterday after watching this vid
Kaylie_ izzo
Kaylie_ izzo - 6 years ago
Well im not eating raw fish
Joshua Ferguson
Joshua Ferguson - 6 years ago
I eat crab meat type sushi is that bad
James Bracamante
James Bracamante - 6 years ago
Yes I will
MBH10 - 6 years ago
wasabi kills sushi
Nexi Is Here
Nexi Is Here - 6 years ago
What the hell is FaZe Nate Hill doing here explaining why not to eat raw fish?!?
random person
random person - 6 years ago
Pink Asmr has joined the chat
Jimin _Suga
Jimin _Suga - 6 years ago
i never liked raw fish anyways
Max09 - 6 years ago
you scare me idiot i'm okay even i eat about 15 sushi
Baby IndaEgg
Baby IndaEgg - 6 years ago
Good that I don’t eat raw, I eat sushi but I told them can you fire it pls lol I don’t really like raw.
L4ZER _ D4NGER_xX - 6 years ago
They clean it I have had sushi through out my whole life I’ve never been sick or nothing I’m like if scientist or the government knew something like this they would’ve shut it down they clean the fish they know what they’re doing don’t be afraid people
Michelle Rodriguez
Michelle Rodriguez - 6 years ago
nugget buns
nugget buns - 6 years ago
Raw fish doesn't bother me but if its dirty i wont eat it.
Ooomba fuu
Ooomba fuu - 6 years ago
I am so glad that I gagged the salmon sushi I tried at a buffet before swallowing it.
Niyaboo - 6 years ago
I still can’t understand why people eat this kinda bullshit!!! Dayummmmmmmmm!!!!!!
Allisson Ramirez
Allisson Ramirez - 6 years ago
At least I've never eaten fish although my mom wants me and says it's really healthy
pizzaz zazzip
pizzaz zazzip - 6 years ago
hm parasites taste good
Rubi YT
Rubi YT - 6 years ago
The answer is yes
Kanna Kamui
Kanna Kamui - 6 years ago
One time my sis eat raw fish she had to throw up she had worms in her stomach she went to hospital I was sad :(
Sofie Shack
Sofie Shack - 6 years ago
The parasite over his left shoulder looks like the flying creature from Avatar.
xxXXslayerboiXXxx - 6 years ago
LUIGAUZUKI - 6 years ago
Your supposed to freeze it for 3 days before it's used
L L - 6 years ago
I've heard that ginger and wasabi help killing the bacterias and parasites from the fish and that's why you eat sushi with it. I don't know if that is true...definitely they have anti-bacterial properties but not to level of killing everything that might be in the fish.
king of weapon
king of weapon - 6 years ago
i still eat raw fish (^_^)
Art Huyg
Art Huyg - 6 years ago
I m eating fried fish so it's ok
Billy Alison
Billy Alison - 6 years ago
For as long as you're stomach acidity is fine, it kills it. Blockers could cause your acids not to work as designed tho. Just eat everything in moderation.
GreenFreak - 6 years ago
And there goes his wasabi filled stomach.
PranksTV - 6 years ago
Nope still gonna eat raw fish after this video
Shaun Gordon
Shaun Gordon - 6 years ago
I don't see millions of Japanese dying from parasites
bla bla
bla bla - 6 years ago
+Shaun Gordon Do you know what a master chef sushi license is? I'm just warning you not to eat sushi carelessly in a restaurant where there is no master sushi chef. And I still eat sushi until now, because I know very well where I eat sushi is very promising wich restaurant master chef sushi ( just remind )
Shaun Gordon
Shaun Gordon - 6 years ago
+drink me speak for yourself. We have good safe sushi here in b Australia. I've had it countless times and nothing wrong with it
drink me
drink me - 6 years ago
Because they are Japanese and respect the regulation and Lil them bur were in america so yea
Butch DeLong
Butch DeLong - 6 years ago
I thought my stomach was growling at 2:05
Reinaldi Sandjaja
Reinaldi Sandjaja - 6 years ago
Do you know that most Indonesians have mutated to be 18x more resistant to parasites than average people in the world?
Diloman64 - 6 years ago
ok, ok, ok... everything give you cancer and everything will kill you... idiot don't eat and go to hell... how many stupids channels like this you can find on YouTube.... this are worst than cancer!
Zackydoe - 6 years ago
Wow a talking worm
Malice Mizer
Malice Mizer - 6 years ago
Bla bla bla, yummy sashimi in my tummy. According to your video, sashimi really sucks in the states
Foxata - 6 years ago
Well, this almost feels like misinformation to me. At least in Europe it is required by law for all fish to be flash frozen before consumption. And I'm almost certain America does have some sort of law on that as well.
Penny Trui
Penny Trui - 6 years ago
Never had raw fish so no worry lol
彼の目を盗む - 6 years ago
I literally just ordered some sushi rn
H2Q MC - 6 years ago
Never had one, never will
muhammad azim
muhammad azim - 6 years ago
In japan even poison fish can be eat
TheFinnishBerserker - 6 years ago
Now I want to go to sushi buffet. Thanks alot!
Da Goddess
Da Goddess - 6 years ago
Just like what happened in a small village located in particular mountain in my country. Kids became illed and some died. After the investigation, they found out that the children were infected of parasite worms from the fishes that they fetched in a running river. They ate not well done fishes
BaeThe3rd - 6 years ago
Parasite eggs are delicious and I’m from Japan.
Maria Helena
Maria Helena - 6 years ago
The parasites grossed me out a little but the sushi at the end still looked tasty to me!
Werty116 - 6 years ago
Lets eat parasites instead
DeathPenaltym4 - 6 years ago
Gacha Taehyun
Gacha Taehyun - 6 years ago
I never ate raw food before so yeeee
RJ Ganiga
RJ Ganiga - 6 years ago
Then why japan has a longest life expectancy? Even they ate a lot of raw fish?
nobody - 6 years ago
RJ Ganiga exactly my thoughts
ignatius deo
ignatius deo - 6 years ago
Yes, i still will
Farrel Bagus
Farrel Bagus - 6 years ago
Min Maung Maung
Min Maung Maung - 6 years ago
Since Sushi has become very popular, every country in South East Asia have restaurants that provide Sushi. Most of the Chefs there are either not properly trained or the fish supplied by the local suppliers at that particular country lacks sophisticated dilvery, handling and storage systems. Not every country in SEA has an advanced logistic system like Japan when it comes to deep freeze fish delivery.
Malice Mizer
Malice Mizer - 6 years ago
Min Maung Maung good thing we have a good system here in Singapore.
I’m so gay
I’m so gay - 6 years ago
Yup you guessed it right, this video can’t stop my sushi addiction.
The Big Blue bird
The Big Blue bird - 6 years ago
5:52 but if the snail population goes up wont there preditors pupulations go up and there preditors and so on?
xyz 123
xyz 123 - 6 years ago
Y E S ! !
Necroxy Gaming
Necroxy Gaming - 6 years ago
I’ll still eat it
lollipopsss - 6 years ago
vidds87 - 6 years ago
I would still eat it.
Nini LaRouge
Nini LaRouge - 6 years ago
khet Ly
khet Ly - 6 years ago
after watching this, i'll have sushi for lunch. lol
WS Mystical
WS Mystical - 6 years ago
I don’t even get why some people be eating raw food to me it’s disgusting
Gabriella KV
Gabriella KV - 6 years ago
I ate 1 sushi so I'm I gonna die??
Trust Fall
Trust Fall - 6 years ago
They make sure they get out the worms before they give them to customers
Kokichi Oma
Kokichi Oma - 6 years ago
I will still eat raw fish thank you
Senji Kim
Senji Kim - 6 years ago
Oh no my sushi XD
Keanu Tuen
Keanu Tuen - 6 years ago
Definitely! I will.
Phase - 6 years ago
If you flash freeze the fish then thaw it, everything you said is invalid.
anxieties - 6 years ago
i dont even like fish in general skrt skrt
Fery G
Fery G - 6 years ago
Yeap, I think so..... probably........ nah for sure I will still eat it.
Droop Thing
Droop Thing - 6 years ago
Unless you eat it with love,you'll have parasites
ItzGerrod - 6 years ago
A nuclear apocalypse doesn't sound so bad now .
psumiz - 6 years ago
Still better be worms than microplastics
Mendes Army 4Life
Mendes Army 4Life - 6 years ago
Jack Daniels
Jack Daniels - 6 years ago
Anthony Rene Flores
Anthony Rene Flores - 6 years ago
This parasite made no sence.
Delson Lai
Delson Lai - 6 years ago
Fun facts:
Japanese have already been eating sushi for centuries but still Japanese people are one of the healthiest and smartest people on Earth today.
ShadyDog1 - 6 years ago
The parasites make them smarter
Landon Pro
Landon Pro - 6 years ago
+Alexander Cortez Genetics is directly linked to the food that is ate generation to generation.
Richard He
Richard He - 6 years ago
Fun fact, Japanese didn't eat raw fish in ancient times. They ate cooked fish in the Edo Period. It's a rumor that's started by a bunch of Rich Japanese during the 80s, claiming it's tradition to eat food uncooked. https://www.npr.org/2015/09/18/441530790/how-the-desperate-norwegian-salmon-industry-created-a-sushi-staple
Jiu Jitsu Dweeb
Jiu Jitsu Dweeb - 6 years ago
Probably gained a immunity
Delson Lai
Delson Lai - 6 years ago
+José Lucas I said it "today" u dumbfuck not back at the 40s. By the way u reply, looks like u're somehow envious of them...
José Lucas
José Lucas - 6 years ago
They are actually very dumb to be honest... Like, they lost the ww2
wish 107.3
wish 107.3 - 6 years ago
Wasabi is the key
Gui Pinto
Gui Pinto - 6 years ago
That is because they prepare the fish way better
MagikalSkid - 6 years ago
read vision33r's comment
Alexander Cortez
Alexander Cortez - 6 years ago
That's due to their genetics.
Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan - 6 years ago
I eat so much sushi. I wonder if the parasites make it taste better?
Amateur Desperado
Amateur Desperado - 6 years ago
green house
green house - 6 years ago
then the japanese people all have large amount of parasites in them.
Weeaboo Jesus
Weeaboo Jesus - 6 years ago
Sukhbat Burgedochir
Sukhbat Burgedochir - 6 years ago
rip japan food culture
Lil' Lazzaz
Lil' Lazzaz - 6 years ago
smoked salmon isnt raw samon
non - 6 years ago
I’m Japanese I eat sushi every week and I will continue eating lol
Everyone knows we eat dead parasites and we should be careful to eat fresh fish tho....
It’s the same for cooked meat
DEATH TARGET - 6 years ago
pereiraplaza222 - 6 years ago
Nice video about sushi. Now go get your shinebox.
Tuffue Dog
Tuffue Dog - 6 years ago
Rose Gacha Gamer
Rose Gacha Gamer - 6 years ago
I ate a lot of raw fish
Walter Black
Walter Black - 6 years ago
Japan's life expectancy is ranked #1, while the USA is ranked #31. Damn right you should eat it.
Kimzaching Ngaihte
Kimzaching Ngaihte - 6 years ago
Yea I never eat raw fish
Silver Addict
Silver Addict - 6 years ago
thats why Japanese live longer
NPC 076 986
NPC 076 986 - 6 years ago
Source on the climate change claims?
jack reeda
jack reeda - 6 years ago
sushi is bad.. to america bcause they dont sell it.. coconut oil is bad.. because they dont sell it... japanese and korean are higher step ahead in life.. my experience in US is tht.. they are so fragile with safeties and stuff and here i am experienced lots of cuts and getting immune with it.
Marshmallow Minchi
Marshmallow Minchi - 6 years ago
I hate every single fish that goes in my mouth,actually no they never even make it thrEw in my mouth.
Dae Hwan Kim
Dae Hwan Kim - 6 years ago
Prostate Protection
Prostate Protection - 6 years ago
Several things weren't taken into account in this video.

You need to be very, very careful with this topic. Things like the fear of raw fish and the fear of msg have been used by racist groups in America for years to suppress Asian populations in America by shutting down entire businesses. The fish, almost all of the time, gets frozen. That's how they buy the fish in the first place. And msg is an ingredient that American food companies have been using for years and that everyone has consumed. (More than likely if you went and ate at a restaurant recently you've consumed it.) Monosodium Glutamate is a natural substance and is not harmful. Lettuce is more likely to harm us in the US than raw fish.

Fear mongering over Asian foods is a habbit that Americans needs to stop.
Khanh Nguyen
Khanh Nguyen - 6 years ago
Prostate Protection Well that stop me? Eh no.
Lucas Cano
Lucas Cano - 6 years ago
AussieWL - 6 years ago
Dude the Reptilian
Dude the Reptilian - 6 years ago
Atlantic Salmon is different from Pacific Salmon, stop scaring people, thank you.
happy - 6 years ago
I knew about parasites before I started eating raw fish, so I'll continue eating it. If you go to a legit sushi restaurant, they should already kill the parasites... Of course, nothing is guarantee. Just FYI, the usual meats, such as pork and beef, contain parasites too.
Lemuel Rafael Abotanatin
Lemuel Rafael Abotanatin - 6 years ago
魔幻 麦茶
魔幻 麦茶 - 6 years ago
Yes I will still
TroyTroodon - 6 years ago
So at the end of the day, don't eat sushi...
MrKitty TheKitty
MrKitty TheKitty - 6 years ago
Whatever lol
Stedy Yulius
Stedy Yulius - 6 years ago
bullshit, Japanese lifespan in way longer than any other countries
ElephantsLover - 6 years ago
How do the japanese live so long?
maxi maxi
maxi maxi - 6 years ago
i was eating raw fish while watching this vid lol still eating it
Maha Mm
Maha Mm - 6 years ago
Sushi cant be served raw in my country they just smoke it or something
taylor suiter
taylor suiter - 6 years ago
Zachary Jan Cabanes
Zachary Jan Cabanes - 6 years ago
ihasagi2urheart - 6 years ago
I Will.
-:::THÌÌĆ BØÌÌ:::-
-:::THÌÌĆ BØÌÌ:::- - 6 years ago
Honestly i will eat sushi right now >:>
Vincent C
Vincent C - 6 years ago
id eat worms too so hakuna matata
りRenzOz - 6 years ago
how about cooking it ; - ;
Random GamergirlXooX
Random GamergirlXooX - 6 years ago
I hate sushi anyway
DamianZocker - 6 years ago
Probably Yes i will eat
Gimme The Health
Gimme The Health - 6 years ago
Amanda Lee
Amanda Lee - 6 years ago
Neutral Gaming
Neutral Gaming - 6 years ago
Good thing i don't like raw seafood
Caroline The Gacha tuber
Caroline The Gacha tuber - 6 years ago
2:32 PAPYRUS?! :D
Caroline The Gacha tuber
Caroline The Gacha tuber - 6 years ago
Why would you eat fish raw anyway?!
Spicy meatballs
Spicy meatballs - 6 years ago
Because it's fuckin delicious
houdinididit - 6 years ago
I’m a chef. here’s an industry secret: most fish is frozen. Even when they say it’s fresh, it isn’t. That said, you want to eat frozen fish precisely because of the parasites buried in the flesh of fish that would otherwise be killed by the freezing process.
Gimme Apen
Gimme Apen - 6 years ago

I'd still eats some.
Vincent Mi
Vincent Mi - 6 years ago
Idc I’m still eating it
Jacob Ishii
Jacob Ishii - 6 years ago
If there is dead worms/eggs it doesn't matter..... reality,just because you cook it doesn't mean they aren't there.If it's in raw fish it's in cooked fish.
Jacob Ishii
Jacob Ishii - 6 years ago
All raw fish sold as food meant to be eaten raw is flash frozen first in order to kill the parasites.If you have eaten raw fish at a restaurant you aren't getting a parasite.
ورد لؤي
ورد لؤي - 6 years ago
I Got Giardiasis For 4 Months I Don’t Know How I got It
goindeep - 6 years ago
Didn’t even watch it but yea
50 Subscribers With No Video Chalange
50 Subscribers With No Video Chalange - 6 years ago
Lady _ Cliffhanger
Lady _ Cliffhanger - 6 years ago
We’re here for a good time, not a long time
nowerkonner - 6 years ago

Fattah Pangestu
Fattah Pangestu - 6 years ago
Can acid in my stomach kill them all?
TheBloodOfSin - 6 years ago
This is all well and good information. But you literally defeated your own point about eating raw fish when you stated if the fish is prepared properly... the parasites are all dead. Which, if you're going to a top dollar sushi Restaurant, your chances of getting sick, or even a parasite, is extremely rare. Now, if you're eating sushi, or any food at a buffet, your chances of getting food born illness, is extremely high.
And honestly, you're more likely to get sick from lettuce, or fast food places, than eating sushi at a respected Japanese Restaurant.
AllStar_ - 6 years ago
Listen Japanese eat it a lot and they live a long time, so I’ll eat it
Make Contact
Make Contact - 6 years ago
U realize they do other things for themselves to ya know
harmless person
harmless person - 6 years ago
LKJ MA HUA Just meme thing
LKJ MA HUA Just meme thing - 6 years ago
This Susi raw meat fish I never I know this
iiNotBLT3mo 00
iiNotBLT3mo 00 - 6 years ago
I won’t eat anything ever again cuz of you not just fish but everything thx alot
Max Muster
Max Muster - 6 years ago
I just saw the title and will never eat raw dish again
TNT MUSIC STUDIOS - 6 years ago
I don’t eat any animal raw tho
David Mora
David Mora - 6 years ago
Parasites are parasites. They have no use in the eco system that's why it's called a "Parasite" it gives nothing back no mutualism
David Mora
David Mora - 6 years ago
It's called "Pest control"
David Mora
David Mora - 6 years ago
+Spicy meatballs that's why, we as humans make up for that issue
Spicy meatballs
Spicy meatballs - 6 years ago
The snail overpopulation argument is like saying you shouldn't kill vermin with pest control because their predators will have less food.
Donald Trumpy
Donald Trumpy - 6 years ago
Japanese eats raw fish
Edgard Tucson
Edgard Tucson - 6 years ago
I'm so lucky to don't like japonese food.
Make Contact
Make Contact - 6 years ago
Jasper Playz
Jasper Playz - 6 years ago
i been to a sushi restaurant but i did'nt eat those raw fish so i'm good
Shawn Williams
Shawn Williams - 6 years ago
Let me grab my sushi real fast and watch this video...
شاح - 6 years ago
Wow!!!... this is why Japanese so smart!!
swagger2010ism - 6 years ago
I eat raw cookie dough so I'm in no position to judge.
Iloveyobama69 - 6 years ago
What about the acidity of our stomach? Can't it kill the parasites?
Butter - 6 years ago
I’m allergic to sea food so jokes on you
Peri Heilon
Peri Heilon - 6 years ago
Maxime Thouy
Maxime Thouy - 6 years ago
Jeremy Burlingame
Jeremy Burlingame - 6 years ago
Iris Chen
Iris Chen - 6 years ago
Sas asmr has left the chat
Shang War
Shang War - 6 years ago
This is one misleading video for it’s okay to BE smart
TruthHurts 777
TruthHurts 777 - 6 years ago
Venom: Parasite?!!!!!!! APOLOGIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kirk O’Neill
Kirk O’Neill - 6 years ago
You never said anything about the negative health effects of the parasites from raw fish.
Random Human
Random Human - 6 years ago

Z-era Kun
Z-era Kun - 6 years ago
no matter how clean the process. RAW is still RAW. i will never eat a RAW meat !!!
Gary Shepard
Gary Shepard - 6 years ago
Sorry, it’s not pronounced “funGi”, it’s pronounced “funJi”. Hard to take these instructional videos at face value when the commentator mispronounces important words.
Runic47 - 6 years ago
Yeh I'll still eat them
11 -
11 - - 6 years ago
some parasites which are found in fish aren't harmful for humans, perhaps. it is still good to eat some cooked fish tho.
Gamer Blazer Citrus
Gamer Blazer Citrus - 6 years ago
Is Raw....Gordon Ramsay will say that
SnekNOTSnake - 6 years ago
Patrick after watching this

calling 911
patrick: "Uhh, I'm hungry. One set of sushi please".
Gema P. Hekmatyar
Gema P. Hekmatyar - 6 years ago
parasite Las pLagas i think
Mandrew Boi
Mandrew Boi - 6 years ago
I never ate sushi
Danial Haiqal
Danial Haiqal - 6 years ago
alina heirloom
alina heirloom - 6 years ago
I'm here for a good time not a long time
Hai Se
Hai Se - 6 years ago
Here in philippines we eat super fresh just fished out raw fish soaked in vinegar with garlic onions and other spices and we’re still breathing
김준하 - 6 years ago
choco - 6 years ago
jokes on you,

Camden Kindler
Camden Kindler - 6 years ago
Parasites? Yum!
Hcrdfju - 6 years ago
Sean Romero
Sean Romero - 6 years ago
Alec Nguyen
Alec Nguyen - 6 years ago
1st world stomachs cant handle this stuff. Us asians have 3rd world stomachs
Navy Ninja Gaming
Navy Ninja Gaming - 6 years ago
Funny, my ex eats the fish, she doesn't burrow in it
Gene Belcher
Gene Belcher - 6 years ago
I would rather eat these than fast food.
ALT3REDB3AST - 6 years ago
Sushi is nasty anyways. The ocean is a giant petri dish of disgusting microbes.
Lightweight King
Lightweight King - 6 years ago
Never have, never will
Funtime Thunder
Funtime Thunder - 6 years ago
I'm a parasite hotel. Front door's down there, bud
狐ハルヒ - 6 years ago
Stop fear mongering we all know how bad the USA at food and food prep and the likes but if you eat at a dodgy restaurant with bad hygiene rating it or own fault when you get I've live in Japan about 25% if not more is raw fish and I'm fine my work need a monthly check up with a check for drugs and we all know how that go's and every month it comes back all clear no problem

90% if your vaccinated and you do come across food with certain types of parasites most of the time 9 out of 10 you'll be fine
HypoPro - 6 years ago
i never have liked fish so jokes on you
RBXLol 1
RBXLol 1 - 6 years ago
Spagghetti made from fish.
Luna A
Luna A - 6 years ago
I'm scared
Ianis Cozlov
Ianis Cozlov - 6 years ago
this guy doesn't know about the blast chilling method?
Great Value
Great Value - 6 years ago
Parasites don't kill Japanese people. That's why when they think they have brought shame to their country, they stab themselves in the stomach.
Leafgreen1976 - 6 years ago
Balance is key .
capitán_ camote_picante
capitán_ camote_picante - 6 years ago
a fear most a bite from a human than a parasite
Tony Nameless
Tony Nameless - 6 years ago
Mentioned in the Bible as fire serpents ?
You are lying my friend and your evolution theory is full of crap exactly like what you just said.
Tony Nameless
Tony Nameless - 6 years ago
Humans have species ?
All i see is humans allover all the same KIND. Black, white, asian, small big, fast slow, lazy smart and stupid.
Are all those species ?
BabyBlink - 6 years ago
When you just ate sushi yesterday...
Creed2989 - 6 years ago
6:20 I don't care, death to all parasites.
ARTHUR MORGAN - 6 years ago
Japan has left the chat
ironunit - 6 years ago
the food is cured duh
2Jz Supra
2Jz Supra - 6 years ago
Phil Rawson
Phil Rawson - 6 years ago
I'm curious to know - Given that the said parasites have evolved to be in fish (and other hosts which they have evolved to infect), would they still be parasitic to a human body, or would they die or become sterile within a human digestive tract?
Arata Aristya
Arata Aristya - 6 years ago
That's why i only ate raw fish after it cooked...
Qwerk y
Qwerk y - 6 years ago
im gonna eat fresh raw fish and be the host for parasites.. for the balance of this earth
Runenut - 6 years ago
real question is, are they harmful? if not, then who cares?
Chenxi Li
Chenxi Li - 6 years ago
But those fish are going to be eaten, no matter cooked or raw.
Ya Boi Diglett
Ya Boi Diglett - 6 years ago
Cooking methods: let us introduce ourselves
SAFIA! PAFIA! - 6 years ago
im still ganna eat sushi NOM NOM NOM!
MΛX - 6 years ago
I love it even more now
Ludwig Bodmer
Ludwig Bodmer - 6 years ago
Ok. I'll eat bugrers and drink coke and will die overweight
hyakki maru
hyakki maru - 6 years ago
im dead inside so i don’t care
Marwa Salah
Marwa Salah - 6 years ago
Why did u make this video I love sushi
Kevin - 6 years ago
He did a science
BrandonB311 - 6 years ago
I've eaten worse.....
Kazuhiro - 6 years ago
There are certain kinds of fish that have paracites. We Japanese do not eat those without having cetain treatments. Sermon and makarel are well known dangerous kinds. We only eat unfrozen sermon in raw and pikled makarel. Eat sushi in Japan.
S DeVaul
S DeVaul - 6 years ago
Cool? I’m eating raw fish. I know I’m eating weird stuff
Rabnoald REEnt
Rabnoald REEnt - 6 years ago
Eh, I'm still gonna eat raw
Jon Gonzalez
Jon Gonzalez - 6 years ago
I love poke
민재 - 6 years ago
Yes. The answer is yes
Marco Vargas
Marco Vargas - 6 years ago
yep nice try
Marco Chan
Marco Chan - 6 years ago
So I didn't watch the video yet but I'm trying to enjoy sushi like I always have. Plus my family doesn't go to no cheap places so I think I'm good.
DommieNic - 6 years ago
Uh, yes? It's part of my culture?
Bracero57 _
Bracero57 _ - 6 years ago
Idk man he never told me what they would do
Supergj 7
Supergj 7 - 6 years ago
Have you herd of antibiotics by any chance
Supergj 7
Supergj 7 - 6 years ago
duckduckbin - 6 years ago
Please, give an example of ocean fish give you parasite that actually grow in human. I was told that ocean parasites have hard time growing in the body of freshwater host.
Henry N
Henry N - 6 years ago
M4tth3wG4m1ng2007 - 6 years ago
As an 11 year old, I may have to change my favorite food from sushi to ramen.

And I’m not Japanese
Cricket101382 - 6 years ago
yes, yes I will
DarkLight - 6 years ago
They probably do get in our bodies but I'm most definitely sure that almost all won't survive in our body due every thing that take in from food to medicine to everything that we eat that shouldn't be.
PUNISHERS - 6 years ago
Whatever. I'm going to japan
sem - 6 years ago
in the eu and usa its clean fish in japan you can get parasites
Axee - 6 years ago
yes i will hahahahaha
Silvia B.
Silvia B. - 6 years ago
I never eat raw fish and meat.
Neil Gregory
Neil Gregory - 6 years ago
Yes I will
DannyDaDuffyDucking Daffer
DannyDaDuffyDucking Daffer - 6 years ago
Nope never have and never will
Seafood grose
RabbidGamerz - 6 years ago
These guys are trying to scare us out of eating anything, keep eating your 5L of water expenditure per almond you damn vegan.
Mike Castellon
Mike Castellon - 6 years ago
90 million Japanese can’t be wrong . Raw is the way to go.
Anthony Gates
Anthony Gates - 6 years ago
Chris Diaz
Chris Diaz - 6 years ago
策刘 - 6 years ago
You forgot to mention that human is not part of their natural life cycle, which means that they can't actually thrive inside human. All the harm they do is actually from our own immune system reacting to their dead bodies. The same goes to other parasites from sea fish. Most of them can't even survive outside sea water.
Abin Cb
Abin Cb - 6 years ago
Now we want to give tons to porkistan let they eat
Natsummer09 - 6 years ago
Reason why i dont trust japanese restaurants outside japan... see japanese mortality rate? I know for sure that Japanese techniques are not followed in other countries...
so, i just ate sushi~ been eating sushi my entire life (still alive!)
Jayseviltwin Jaysgoodtwin
Jayseviltwin Jaysgoodtwin - 6 years ago
Yeah I’m still gonna eat sushi.
Leon Liu
Leon Liu - 6 years ago
i thought eating sea fish is safe because parasites and their eggs wont serve in human body issue due to different concentrations of salt
Craig Voclain
Craig Voclain - 6 years ago
You can cook fish in lemon juice.
frozenbacon - 6 years ago
I don't mind parasites. I need to lose weight anyway.
Bone Lad
Bone Lad - 6 years ago
Well to answer your question, yeah
Randy Kamil
Randy Kamil - 6 years ago
Logically, if this guy tell a truth, well japanese people must be in trouble today, isn't?

Well i see japanese people by "JAV" keyword, and they seems be okay to me.
Nothing To See Here
Nothing To See Here - 6 years ago
The Floor Is Wasabi
The North
The North - 6 years ago
Well... Japan still has the highest number of over 80yo people even though they have eaten raw fish for centuries.
Paul Logan
Paul Logan - 6 years ago
I used to eat raw salmon daily for a month. yet I have no problem with my gut. you can say I am immune to parasites
shashimiroll - 6 years ago
Ans: Yes
hello hello
hello hello - 6 years ago
I have a question
Does those futomaki sushi have raw fish inside it? I never really analyzed what inside it
I really love those type of sushi
Oof, this is a dumb question
ThatOneAsian0 - 6 years ago
Bayu Adhi
Bayu Adhi - 6 years ago
A bean you've never seen 0
A bean you've never seen 0 - 6 years ago
Poor Japanese people
Jun Steed
Jun Steed - 6 years ago
Yeah, I dont eat eggs too cuz they came out from a chicken's anus.
Adam Schmidt
Adam Schmidt - 6 years ago
This is fear mongering. If you haven't done any research, we're parasites hosting parasites because we're born from a parasite.
Tafatafa Leau
Tafatafa Leau - 6 years ago
Please tell me you’re not vegan
Sea Oh
Sea Oh - 6 years ago
It almost seems like the “wear shoes inside the house” americans are concerned about germs.

But ya, avoid sushi from buffet and gas stations, unless you enjoy wrecking your anus.
Ananda Ferly
Ananda Ferly - 6 years ago
never ate a raw fish before
Yandere Gestapo
Yandere Gestapo - 6 years ago
B-But I have the power of God and anime by my side
Alison Liang
Alison Liang - 6 years ago
How do you explain most Japanese have a longer life that others outside Japan?
Dim Simo
Dim Simo - 6 years ago
Will you still eat raw fish after this
So your assuming i eat raw fish to begin with tssk tssk tssk wrong assumption
JAEKO - 6 years ago
So I guess the entire continent of Japan is going to die? You can get a parasite from not washing your hands. Or from swimming. Just don't go outside or do anything else either
死神開発者 - 6 years ago
Uhmm . the thumbnail grossed me out since I'm Japanese
Well can call it "Tradition?"
Jasper Wolny
Jasper Wolny - 6 years ago
Why is that?
Anthony Valentin
Anthony Valentin - 6 years ago
grande1900 - 6 years ago
The Euhaplorchis Californiensis is also interrupted by eating Killifish and Escargot sometimes
ladronsuelo VEN
ladronsuelo VEN - 6 years ago
Is there any way to eradicate them ???????!!
flipingboredcritic - 6 years ago
Well I’m not eating Poké again lol
Fynn Henderson
Fynn Henderson - 6 years ago
Avia LittleHawk
Avia LittleHawk - 6 years ago
Nope no raw fish please. Vegan here
Jessie Hydro
Jessie Hydro - 6 years ago
That answer is yes. I will continue to eat it. All food has it’s risks.
Gentle - 6 years ago
That's why you put soy sauce, salt and purification, whoever eats else's fish without soy sauce or wasabi is a sin
radioactive.cat - 6 years ago
Thumbs down for placing those ‘watch next’ cards right in the middle of the video when the host was still talking. Unnecessary and intrusive.
Henry Langan
Henry Langan - 6 years ago
Henry Langan
Henry Langan - 6 years ago
Vaccinations help
Gentle☆Bunny - 6 years ago
Yea... I’m still gonna eat sushi
Tofu Jones
Tofu Jones - 6 years ago
Why am I psyching myself out watching this when I know damn well I ate a rare tuna salad for lunch?
Azael Hayek
Azael Hayek - 6 years ago
I’m eating sushi as I’m watching this
Redy1snacc mf
Redy1snacc mf - 6 years ago
I'd rather eat snails than parasites
Daniel Sitar
Daniel Sitar - 6 years ago
how will humans deal with parasites when we become an interplanetary species? sounds scary.
theforeverstone - 6 years ago
the absolute AUDACITY of this video. do you even realize how delicious sushi is? dead parasites are the same as the dead bacteria we eat when we cook our chicken and beef THEY DO NOTHING.
hi there
hi there - 6 years ago
Who tf even eats raw fish eeww
Ehnspire - 6 years ago
yes. its my culture
Jubeidono2012 - 6 years ago
Abortion kills more people than parasites.
RAFAEL SAENZ - 6 years ago
no thanks
x OMEN v2
x OMEN v2 - 6 years ago
Viper - 6 years ago
Holy frick I used to eat sushi. F$&@
John Varnes
John Varnes - 6 years ago
Looks like I’m not having sushi anymore
SamiGamii - 6 years ago
You ate a sushi after making your throat hurt...what a legend
Freckles - 6 years ago
I will continue eating raw fish.
Torben Gaitzsch
Torben Gaitzsch - 6 years ago
Who the föööck... I never ate raw fish
Asiano Casino
Asiano Casino - 6 years ago
Stop being so American, you normie.
Mahyar Faa
Mahyar Faa - 6 years ago
When i heard sushi name or just saw the food i said to myself this food WILL!!! make parasite
iitoxic - 6 years ago
Probably not norweigan salmon. It’s cold as hell here in scandinavia.
Jo Hannes
Jo Hannes - 6 years ago
Yes, yes I will.
ZY Swanson
ZY Swanson - 6 years ago
Regan_FB Lit
Regan_FB Lit - 6 years ago
chrysteler dinopol
chrysteler dinopol - 6 years ago
if this is true most of the japanese peoples have parasites
chrysteler dinopol
chrysteler dinopol - 6 years ago
Ventzislav Vitkin
Ventzislav Vitkin - 6 years ago
This reminds me of that thing I read that one time, at band camp, that castrates crabs for a similar cycle.
Mystery - 6 years ago
I tried sushi two times, but two times I almost puked. It just can't eat it.
ZzQualifyV - 6 years ago
That’s why I mix wasabi and soy sauce, it kills the bacteria and makes it more spicy
MatsuLoveLust - 6 years ago
Yeah. So.
Vanlalchhanhima Vanchhawng
Vanlalchhanhima Vanchhawng - 6 years ago
So all Japanese are infected ?
Joseph Kong
Joseph Kong - 6 years ago
I wonder if he knows that certified fish are flash frozen to kill parasites.
Ties Versteeg
Ties Versteeg - 6 years ago
I don’t care, I never got ill of raw fish and I like raw salmon.
The 8 Ball
The 8 Ball - 6 years ago
Meh. still tastes good
The Vencia
The Vencia - 6 years ago
I hate cooked fish
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 6 years ago
Jorekeishi 1st
Jorekeishi 1st - 6 years ago
My name is Joe to
Sauceddie - 6 years ago
Watched How To Basic's: Vegan Ice Cream skit. Then Youtube recommended me this. NO YouTube! I am not trying to go Vegan!
Hyllning - 6 years ago
I stopped watching when he said “tummies”
Derek Jones
Derek Jones - 6 years ago
lol yeah yeah sure.. but the average American is lvl 10 adapted to mcdonalds and various fast foods, strongly doubt some parasites can do any more damage.
Kiwi Kitty
Kiwi Kitty - 6 years ago
吴秋明 - 6 years ago
cuz parasites are tasty
J D - 6 years ago
what a weak spoken global warming evolutionists
DRTMaverick - 6 years ago
Fish needs to be flash frozen at -40F or lower which will kill parasites.
Mahad Iqbal
Mahad Iqbal - 6 years ago
Yes I will
Crimsonfireball - 6 years ago
Yeah we get it. Most Americans dont like seafood.
ssjsloth - 6 years ago
I'll still eat it
Daniels Mardones
Daniels Mardones - 6 years ago
If you've eaten sushi at a Chinese buffet for years, you've got immunities , you're good to go
U SioN
U SioN - 6 years ago
Yes , I want to die
Ploepie Scoop
Ploepie Scoop - 6 years ago
So am I infected with parasites because I ate sushi?
casey wong
casey wong - 6 years ago
Will you still breath if you are going to die anyway
Mr Singh
Mr Singh - 6 years ago
So Will I still eat raw fish after watching this?

Answer: Yes ✔️
D0gKcuf - 6 years ago
We are all parasites. Earth is the host.
Not a bad thing, just a reminder.
khoo chee peng
khoo chee peng - 6 years ago
i ate last week, ........ i am dieing soon... ........ so sad ........
Agri- Engineer
Agri- Engineer - 6 years ago
sushi parasites what made Japanese extremely genius and weird
Marwan Khalifa
Marwan Khalifa - 6 years ago
i still eat sushi
Moon - 6 years ago
You ruined... sushi
Max Lu
Max Lu - 6 years ago
izzy B just make sure it’s flash frozen and frozen for awhile before you eat them. I can’t go away from oysters.. love them
Max Lu
Max Lu - 6 years ago
izzy B ohhhh yeah they are. Some places have banned certain oysters for consumption.
Jack Chellew
Jack Chellew - 6 years ago
Hey what about tapeworms?
Hammy Lystic
Hammy Lystic - 6 years ago
I ate raw fish once but I puked, is that OK?
sulfo4229 - 6 years ago
Nah, don't worry. After all, you are still here, right ;-)? Most parasites will show up in some way on your regular medical check up - if you feel ok and have no other reason to see the doctor, that is. If you don't, well, go get an appointment.
Cold Coffee
Cold Coffee - 6 years ago
jokes on you, i live in a third world country. my stomach already adapted to such meager parasites
Lorenzo - 6 years ago
Cat Doy
Cat Doy - 6 years ago
but my mom force me to eat it
Achi videos
Achi videos - 6 years ago
kili fish are fresh wtarr
Linkophere - 6 years ago
Been eating sushi for years and I plan to keep eating it. If I was scared of catching something, id only drink chicken broth and live on a farm in the middle of Swedens farmland isolated from everyone else. Good to be more informed
BananaTunaSandwich - 6 years ago
I think i have parasites in my balls.
Chan Parker
Chan Parker - 6 years ago
What’s the worse it could happen right
RunChen QI
RunChen QI - 6 years ago
Our whole world is a ZOO mate, you win then you live, you fail you die. Simple.
100 subs with no videos pls ty
100 subs with no videos pls ty - 6 years ago
You just assumed I ate sushi
Rob Tre
Rob Tre - 6 years ago
Ok. Now here is some facts. There are countries that understand what this video is showing. So look up FREEZING as a way of killing what this video is stating. There is no epidemic, in a country that enjoys sashimi or sushi. Why? Well because they kill all of what is mentioned in this video. Come on plz educate yourself before believing everything you hear on social media. Yes this is true if you were to catch a fish and eat it raw without processing it properly. Yes if you eat raw fish without the proper processing you can be playing a game of Russian roulette if you eat the fish raw. That is why I eat raw fish that is processed correctly. Or I will cook it thoroughly. This is not just for raw fish either. Cook meats thoroughly. Or just don’t eat, because you are eating them anyways no matter what, cooked or raw.
Nory Levi
Nory Levi - 6 years ago
i'd rather take my wormpills
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash - 6 years ago
Liked and subbed for the great content!
Leif Giering
Leif Giering - 6 years ago
Honestly, this doesn't make me want to stop. It's mildly gross, oh well.
ekin thao
ekin thao - 6 years ago
Obviously people would still eat raw fish. This is like one of those “why you shouldn’t eat hot Cheetos” videos. All that video did was made people crave for hot Cheetos
Ken kaneki
Ken kaneki - 6 years ago
Jokes on you I don't eat raw fish
Simon S
Simon S - 6 years ago
4:28 Pink condom parasite?
LDR - 6 years ago
uhCesar - 6 years ago
“Raw fish is dank” -my stomach
UniverseKeeper2 - 6 years ago
I don't eat raw fish, bruh
Brandon Rosario
Brandon Rosario - 6 years ago
2.4k dislikes are from people eating sushi while watching this
GAURON123 - 6 years ago
meh i still would do
Bxüe Møøn
Bxüe Møøn - 6 years ago
raw tuna looks so good after this I think ill rather stay away from it (I never tried it I don't want to no more :b)
dra6o0n - 6 years ago
This seems like a propagandist video.

Raw unfrozen fish have a risk yes but by law fishing ships in the ocean must flash freeze their fishes before processing and serving them.

The freezing process for 48 hours under intense freezing temperatures kills parasites, or if frozen at lesser cold temperature up to a week.

Besides, humans and animals we come in contact with actually already have fungal, bacterial, viral, and parasitic organisms in our bodies due to simply being exposed to multitude of things. Our body's immune system does it's job half the time, with the other half being a case of bad luck.
TZuqI Keul
TZuqI Keul - 6 years ago
dra6o0n you are right but as a person in quality control for fish industries, there are these order called “FRESH ORDER”. We pack it as it is and ship it to buyers.
Other wwise we take out the worms first before freezing them.
heyhipp - 6 years ago
You had me listing until you started with the global warming.....it’s bullshit remember New York was supposed to be under water by 2016 don’t fall for it chicken little
Headless Bass
Headless Bass - 6 years ago
Well if you call your stomach "your tummy" your deserve parasites.
Sheng Hong
Sheng Hong - 6 years ago
That’s why we use green sauce
Last Walts
Last Walts - 6 years ago
i grow up in the province(sea side)..and we eat raw fish a lot lol
Jessica Fernandez
Jessica Fernandez - 6 years ago
Is eating sushi while watching video
terry zhou
terry zhou - 6 years ago
Does drinking stuff like fermented tea help or like some Greek yogurt help kill parasite eggs and stuff
Maddie vlogs/ Mukbangs Hello gamers
Maddie vlogs/ Mukbangs Hello gamers - 6 years ago
Ok why do you have to make this and salmon is cured
Dong Yuan Lu
Dong Yuan Lu - 6 years ago
I am still eating it
OH YEAH YEAH - 6 years ago
I'm still going to eat sushi
That one kid From toy story
That one kid From toy story - 6 years ago
Henry Mueller
Henry Mueller - 6 years ago
Could a master chef fix this??
callista - 6 years ago
Yes I will still eat raw fish, thought you could change my mind mfkr
toastanimation - 6 years ago
hah I don't eat raw fish anyway
Docter Blank
Docter Blank - 6 years ago
what about smoked salmon???
Muhammad Rizwan
Muhammad Rizwan - 6 years ago
I don’t even like fish
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 6 years ago
I don't eat raw anything let alone fish now :D
Jorge Arellano
Jorge Arellano - 6 years ago
He ate the fishhh.... AHHHHHH
PC Hound
PC Hound - 6 years ago
The Japanese must have really strong immune systems.
Antwon Dixon
Antwon Dixon - 6 years ago
I’m still gon eat it!
friedchicken - 6 years ago
Vegetarians and vegans are snickering rn.
Linkophere - 6 years ago
I wouldnt cause vegetables are either only slightly worse or just as bad
ChickenYouAte - 6 years ago
soulfreaz - 6 years ago
Parasites don't bother me. Sushi grade fish is generally inspected extensively. I stopped eating most seafood because of Mercury, microplastics, and Fukushima.
Mark - 6 years ago
soulfreaz You are missing out
Zero Chill
Zero Chill - 6 years ago
The Shpee
The Shpee - 6 years ago
I still eat sushi it just So delicious!
Jake Philpott
Jake Philpott - 6 years ago
screw you I like sushi and if things go wrong I have a 45 I can stuff in my left nostril
GAD6A - 6 years ago
tartare isnt fish :)
jackaplier marksepticeye
jackaplier marksepticeye - 6 years ago
I hated fish even before this video
Joseph Staton
Joseph Staton - 6 years ago
I make my own sushi and I always freeze the fillets before using them.
Layla Atchison
Layla Atchison - 6 years ago
climate change is not real
ModeFin - 6 years ago
So basically you just told me that parasites are the duff of the eco system
Layla Atchison
Layla Atchison - 6 years ago
thar deep freezed
OtakuAnimeGirl36 - 6 years ago
Don’t eat sushi because they’ll be plenty for me to eat yum
Kan CK
Kan CK - 6 years ago
Patrick - 6 years ago
Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

Yes, yes I will
Im_weird d
Im_weird d - 6 years ago
Then why sell
Delft Aedan
Delft Aedan - 6 years ago
Makes me hungry for more sashimi, yum!

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