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#1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 59

Reef tank 13 years ago 164,678 views

Support the channel on Pateron - https://www.patreon.com/AfricanCichlidHub ►SUBSCRIBE◄ - http://goo.gl/1OeGu ►Forum◄ - http://africancichlidhub.com/forum ►Website◄ - http://africancichlidhub.com ►Facebook◄ - https://www.facebook.com/bolly12345 ►Twitter ◄ - https://twitter.com/bolly_12345 Hi and welcome to my very first Marine setup. I'm a novice when it comes to keeping Marine fish so I thought I better start off small. Everything apart from the tank/Internal filter and overhead lamp was bought from Rhyl Aquaria: 4,6,8 Abbey Street, Rhyl, LL18 1NY -- 01745 355595 http://www.rhylaquaria.co.uk Check out their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rhyl-Aquaria/201241616577916 ============================== If I haven't subbed you, let me know and if I like your content well then consider yourself subbed!!! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more How to guides - DIY and much more! My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345 My playlists: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345?feature=mhsn#g/p My Website http://www.aqualinks.co.uk My BLOG http://bolly12345.blogspot.com/ . . . . . . . . Additional relevant Channel Tags: African Cichlid Tank, How to keep African Cichlids, African Cichlid Tank Beginners Guide, Mbuna Biotope, Malawi Cichlids, Rift Lake Cichlids, Mbuna, Marc Boulton, Guide For Setting Up A Fish Tank, How to setup an Aquarium, How to set up a fish Tank, How to set up an African Cichlid Tank, How to set up a Cichlid Tank, How to set up a Tropical Fish Tank, How to paint a fish tank, What paint to use to pain a fish tank, Aquarium background, Painting a fish Tank, Aquarium Lighting, How to set up a T5 Starter Unit, Best Aquarium Lighting, Aquarium T5 Lighting, iQuatics, How to aquascape an aquarium, How to aqua-scape an aquarium, How to Aqua Scape an aquarium, Aquarium aquascaping, How to rinse sand, How to rinse coral sand, How to rinse play sand, Aquarium substrate, how to keep your aquarium crystal clear, How to stop your substrate from going cloudy, How to fill a fish tank with water, How To Add Water To An Aquarium, How to fill a fish tank with water without disturbing the substrate, Aquarium Filtration, African cichlid tank filtration, Cichlid tank filtration, How to filtrate a cichlid tank, Aquarium External Filters, How to Seed a New Aquarium Filter, How long to seed a new filter, What is Seeding a New Aquarium Filter, What is Seeding a New Aquarium, How set up an external filter, Fish Tank Filters, How to use Aquarium Wave makers, Wave makers for African Cichlids, The Benefits of Wave makers in an Aquarium, How to heat an aquarium, How to Heat a fish Tank, African Cichlid Hub Forum, bolly12345Cynotilapia sp" "Hara Gallireya Reef" Afra Mbuna rift lake cichlid "lake Malawi" fish tank aquarium "African Cichlid" "Marine nano tank" "how to set up" "marine tank" "marine aquarium" "nano tank" "small marine tank" "live rock" "live coral sand" "budget marine tank" "salt water" " Fluval Flora" marine starfish coral rocks sand guide DIY Fluval "Rhyl Aquaria"

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Most popular comments

RightWingReefer - 8 years ago
Put the rock in before the sand
Plants and Fish
Plants and Fish - 8 years ago
Thanks, helped me a lot.
Laszlo Vig
Laszlo Vig - 9 years ago
rock should not touch the glass, and a protein skimmer is a must have equipment.
J.H.G - 8 years ago
Polyfilter is a must if you are running a non protein skimmer nano tank. Anything above 40 gallons, a protein skimmer should be invested in, unless you run a extremely low bio load system, with weekly 20% water change.
ElectricBCherry - 9 years ago
No it's not. You don't need one if you run something called "polyfilter" it does the same thing as a skimmer and is very easy to use and replace.
Prestige Reef
Prestige Reef - 9 years ago
Great video :) very useful for a beginner
Kevin Arbury
Kevin Arbury - 10 years ago
Great video mate! do you need an internal filter or does the live rock do the filtration? I keep tropical fresh water but am thinking of going marine and this video gives me the confidence to do it, so interesting to see all the little creatures coming out of the rock, brilliant! :) 
CARLOS CUENCA - 9 years ago
+Kevin Arbury you need to see acuarioshd its in spanish but you can put the subtittles . PD he have got a reef acuarium
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel - 10 years ago
Hi I'm new to nano reefs and am very interested in purchasing my first setup can you give me some good newbie pointers and advice for good starter 10-20gal with a small checklist of what I'll need to get started?

Thank You in Advance!!!
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel - 9 years ago
+Big E Peppo lol hell ya Im getting ready to move also and I am dreading it for the shear fact I have to move tanks lol scares the shit out of me :P
Big E Peppo
Big E Peppo - 9 years ago
+LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel lol me too man used to have a 50 g long reef with the biggest corals and a couple nanos and moved from tn to Vegas! and now I'm stuck with just a 13 g cringing to get my tanks back haha so ur not the only one by a long shot! XD
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel - 9 years ago
I appreciate that! lol ya I went a lil too far lol but upgrading too 100 gallon soon lol Im hooked son!!
Big E Peppo
Big E Peppo - 9 years ago
Lol damn ! And no problem congratulations on your tanks
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel
LordBong941's Everything and Anything Channel - 9 years ago
+Big E Peppo lol Thanks a year later and Ive had a 12 gallon Bio Cube, a 30 gallon with a 30 gallon overflow, and know onto a 45 gallon rimless with 35 gallon overflow I have learned a lot since I asked this question lol thanks for responding though!
Big E Peppo
Big E Peppo - 9 years ago
10 gal live sand 10lbs of live rock h.o.b heater thermometer light saltmix
Nicolas' Aquariums
Nicolas' Aquariums - 10 years ago
I'm in the same position as you were here. I'm starting to learn about saltwater. You can check my channel out if you like :)
Neil Coates
Neil Coates - 10 years ago
good job done their buddy
scouter5 - 10 years ago
im sure its already been seid but the thing with the tentacles is a Aiptasia Anemone. which u dont want in your tank. it can kill coral

10. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

Ammar Akram
Ammar Akram - 10 years ago
Instead off putting a background why don't you just paint it blue save you a lot off hassle
Royals Deep
Royals Deep - 10 years ago
+Aidan Mullan idiot
Aidan Mullan
Aidan Mullan - 10 years ago
+Ammar Akram lol just imaingaine there's a little kid who did this and her like daddy daddy the fish are sleeping
Ammar Akram
Ammar Akram - 10 years ago
Loool not that stupid to put it in the fish tank
Aidan Mullan
Aidan Mullan - 10 years ago
+Ammar Akram oh that makes sense lol
Ammar Akram
Ammar Akram - 10 years ago
No paint the out side glass blue soo its got a blue background
Aidan Mullan
Aidan Mullan - 10 years ago
That would be really dumb and dangoures for the fish
Alex Son
Alex Son - 10 years ago
Talk to much dude
Dans marine Project
Dans marine Project - 10 years ago
I'm setting up a marine tank. Come have a look and follow my progress.
Dingo2031 - 10 years ago
Michael Sutherland
Michael Sutherland - 10 years ago
Awesome video,
David Riley
David Riley - 10 years ago
Try keep your live Rock of the glass, helps the water circulate , plus gives you some room to clean the glass if you need to.
Chaz I
Chaz I - 11 years ago
You should have left room between the rock and the glass in order to clean it, you do have much more rock then you need,,, less is better sometimes. You will probably find things growing out of the rock some good some are bad. But it should all look good after a while. 
33p3ace33 - 11 years ago
Bit to much live rock where the space for fish and corals?
rvanderklok - 11 years ago
Also... if you're using Live Rock and have to use dry sand instead of Live Sand the dry sand will become live. Your cycle may take an extra 7-10 days but you don't have to spend the extra money on live sand if you're ok with waiting the extra week. 
rvanderklok - 11 years ago
Noticed you spent $4.50 on the sea view background oil. For any new hobbyists out there.... save the $4.50 and simply use vegetable oil. I used extra virgin olive oil and months later still looks PERFECT. As he stated.. simply sponge it on nice and liberally... then squeegee it with a credit card or something straight. 

20. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

baseballhunter42 - 11 years ago
Your doing good and have a great startup, but taking it further you should consider a few things. 
For one, a reef tank means your going to have corals, in addition to your live rock. Corals require very stable parameters or they will not thrive and will look like crap. The problem with a nano tank, especially one this small is that it require constant attention to make sure everything is stable. The equipment you use is not sufficient. A hydrometer is often flawed and can give you wrong measurements easily. A refractometer (about $40) is extremely accurate and will almost always give you an accurate reading. A saltwater test kit is also needed for the first few months at least as you get your tank set up so you can adjust your calcium, alkalinity, and ph to the right levels, and reduce any ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, or phosphates is you happen to have them. After your tank is established you may continue to do this, or if you have a good feel for your tank you can usually tell what is needed just by looking at the tank.  
Lighting on a reef tank is key. You need a high enough par that your corals can grow, and a spectrum of your liking (this is for best coral color). Your Coraline algae that you have now will also spread and thrive under better lighting. Also your filter is your biological filter, and buy a dozen or so nassarious snails, and maybe a cleaner shrimp, but get rid of the internal filter they do more harm then good in the long run. Also just buy a bucket of reef crystals and an ro/di unit. It's more cost effective in the long run making your own saltwater, and the quality is better. 
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 11 years ago
Oh I see
baseballhunter42 - 11 years ago
It's what I thought, but he talks about the introduction of corals later in the video. 
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 11 years ago
Lol he probably mean FOWLR
Tidewater - 11 years ago
I don't have a nano but stolidly helpful
Jay Eggleston
Jay Eggleston - 11 years ago
that starfish you see is a very good sighn to a healthy tank they eat algee but if you see one like that and its colorfull it is very harmfull to coral
Carl quiller
Carl quiller - 11 years ago
Great video - Like the fact your in a situation like me and many others when your making a start to Marine tanks and are learning as you go along.... hope to see how yours goes.... is fascinating!
Marc van J
Marc van J - 11 years ago
How's the tank doing, any video updates, any tips and tricks you have learn along the way, anything you would have done differently? Any coral life?
michael wilson
michael wilson - 11 years ago
thanks mate the best set up so far am just about to set up the same and the video has been very helpful thanks
Si Richards
Si Richards - 11 years ago
brilliant video, i am looking to set up my first marine tank soon myself approx 60L, the information you gave on the equipment really helped, thank you and good luck with your current 60L!
Alex Andonian
Alex Andonian - 11 years ago
This is the best semi detailed information i have found on youtube! Your videos have helped me out with my freshwater tank and to find that you've moved on to saltwater marine life is unreal! Good work and keep it up! i'm keen on seeing what more you've got for saltwater tanks!
Hamza Hamid
Hamza Hamid - 11 years ago
What happens if the all the accessories stop working .. ? Have to change all right. Have to remove all the rocks all the time .
Steve Marks
Steve Marks - 11 years ago
Don't allow the rock to touch the glass, it creates dead areas of water circulation

30. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

Steve Marks
Steve Marks - 11 years ago
Wetwebmedia web site is a fantastic resource for setting up a marine aquarium, there are no sales involved.
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
That's great. I was worried that non-aquatic sand would kill my fish, but I'll try to use sand in the future.
PcTechGuy - 11 years ago
no problems at all the first day its cloudy the second day crystal clear :) the fish are swimming happy they like their tank :)
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
How's your tank once you added the sand? Are there any problems? e.g. cloudy water or dead fish.
somersetwfc - 11 years ago
well impressed am thinking of converting my 30 ltr wall mounted tank from tropical to marine. I have everything except the wavemaker which should be easy to get but I notice theirs no protein skimmer how do you get over not needing one ? more water changes or is it the bigger tanks that need them..
PcTechGuy - 11 years ago
I am now building mine :D i have very fine sand (bathsand) they use it for chinchilla's Beutifull yellow/white sand and ofcourse very clean
RCR - 11 years ago
The milky substance in the live sand is dead bacteria btw any tank updates ? sorry posted comments to all your vids here as the others are disabled
RCR - 11 years ago
Buy a separate heater and power head for your mixing and test for pH and SG which should level out at approx. 8.2 - 8-4 brand dependant just because your salt is dissolved or looks that way doesn't mean it is mixed reef tank pH is from 7.8- 8.4 but get a pH of 8.2 is great as most things are in balance Daytime pH should be 0.2 higher than night time after lights have been on a few hours due to photosynthesis if you would like a chat pls msg me hope this info helps keep the vids coming
RCR - 11 years ago
API test kits for the serious reefer are regarded as junk try salifert or red sea Adding live coral sand on top of your sand will and does cause a recycle or commonly called mini cycle also NEVER REMOVE OR MOVE YOUR LIVE ROCK AS IT CAN RELEASE TOXINS INTO THE WATER CAUSING SEVERE SPIKES Specific gravity of salt is only obtained correctly when the salt is mixed in accordance to the makers direction Never due you mix in a cycling tank except before sand or rock is added
RCR - 11 years ago
seeding is a reference to A DSB (deep sand bed found in a sump)made of oolitic sand where you add a small covering of live sand from a mature reef crab is a mithrax or emerald crab best removed as they are opportunistic feeders and like fish hydrometer wants binning as they are inaccurate buy yourself a refractometer even on a budget if your serious about marine fish marine tanks get their gas exchange via surface water movement and o2 via a protein skimmer even on a small tank like yours !
Tom Walton
Tom Walton - 11 years ago
Good vids m8 really helpful im new to the marine fishkeeping world too thanks alot
Bradley The Explorer
Bradley The Explorer - 11 years ago
Pre washing sand makes it dead sand instead of live sand, you should never wash live sand
John Gallagher
John Gallagher - 11 years ago
Bolly 12345, I like the salt water in the bowl technique so not to get the sand going everywhere ,cheers
Nbryan64 - 11 years ago
Thanks I'm just looking for a small set up now so a big help
inthesump - 11 years ago
Sorry about that, that was my younger brother trying to be funny. Nice nano there. Will look at further updates as they become available. Cheers
inthesump - 11 years ago
Please get rid of those annoying f...ing birds!!!!!!
Sondema Tarr
Sondema Tarr - 11 years ago
thank u so much for this video! I am a beginner too, been looking for good videos to explain step by step tank set up. This one is the best!
Tom V
Tom V - 12 years ago
Tom V
Tom V - 12 years ago
Sinder Daniels
Sinder Daniels - 12 years ago
7.9 gallons

50. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

rip coug
rip coug - 12 years ago
how much does it all cost?
vince veken
vince veken - 12 years ago
How mutch gallon is it
Marin Bandalo
Marin Bandalo - 12 years ago
All together how much does out cost
jamie jie
jamie jie - 12 years ago
i cannot wait all my freshwater fish die lol..cannot wait to setup marine tank what marine species i can keep in 84L tank?
MyForsake - 12 years ago
how much litres?
Sir Tootiemus
Sir Tootiemus - 12 years ago
nice start mate ... a few things though , when you have established this setup how will you go about moving rock etc to change filter ,powerhead or heater if you have any problems ? thats gonna be a pain in the ass , also you said your going to put 10kg of live rock in a 30l tank ,just go for a rough scale of about 10%-so 3kg is fine in 30l
Sir Tootiemus
Sir Tootiemus - 12 years ago
what a crock of shit
dylan Williams
dylan Williams - 12 years ago
thanks for the info I live in north wales
Steven Lyall
Steven Lyall - 12 years ago
@xTaytHD no it doesnt, but it would keep the water oxygenated for the livestock as well as maintaining a higher pH
Joey Meier
Joey Meier - 12 years ago
Do you still have this setup?
fishymister - 12 years ago
I wish my live rock had a baby starfish but of course my rock is from petco.... -_-
mythycknight - 12 years ago
I love the baby starfish!
David Nguyen
David Nguyen - 12 years ago
@chazhiett Usually a nano or pico tank won't need a protein skimmer. I am setting up a nano reef tank and I don't need one according to my seasoned tank consultant. LOL. Once you get past 16 gallons then you can think about it.
teresa lalley
teresa lalley - 12 years ago
hiya, im a novice and love this tank, how is it getting on now, do have trouble cleaning it, or have you got fish that clean it for u. x
orobori - 12 years ago
great video gonna do the same tank setup myself nice1
Thomas Simpson
Thomas Simpson - 12 years ago
when you added the rock did you stick them together or just balance them?
Jake Gate
Jake Gate - 12 years ago
Check out my marine nano take
ssmoura - 12 years ago
Nice video... I have some questions. How will you take the pump of to clean it? So the internal filter? The circulation probably will be insufficient cause the rocks wil block the stream, in my opinion. But its an interesting video indeed :) Sorry my english.
Christi Angel
Christi Angel - 12 years ago
Great video and lol when I got my tank and live rock I found a baby starfish
Brotopolis - 12 years ago
the white starfish r pests they eat the polyps on corals. harlequin shrimp eat them
Lalinna - 12 years ago
I could listen to you talk all day long, about anything.
no name here
no name here - 12 years ago
what would a tank like this run for in U.S dollars ?
raiden aquaria
raiden aquaria - 12 years ago
nice tank
mrwmw - 12 years ago
thanks :) this was awesome!
Steve Marks
Steve Marks - 12 years ago
It's not recommended to have rock touching the glass as it creates dead areas of water flow, and as someone else said, a protein skimmer is not optional it is mandatory.
steveipod1 - 12 years ago
Erm where is the protein skimmer ur going to kill everything including the live rock without one. Get a protein skimmer fasssssT!
The_GTI_Driving _Gun_Nut
The_GTI_Driving _Gun_Nut - 12 years ago
Thats a feather duster i believe.
Nicholas Barracato
Nicholas Barracato - 12 years ago
Should put rock in before sand, so if any fish dig in the sand they don't cause a rock slide.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 12 years ago
@creativebeing1 I stated about 3 times in the video that I was added pre mixed water with added salt! Do you think I would spend all that money on live rock etc just to go kill it all by adding normal tap water??!? Maybe you should watch my other reef videos! The tank thrived and I even upgraded the tank.
Daniel D'amato
Daniel D'amato - 12 years ago
Also I will tell you brother don't spend the money on the wave maker because it's not nescessary, they can be used for larger aquariums to add a more naturalistic environment. if anything by a very small power head filter, it will enable current and oxygenation to break down harmful ammonia. Especially in a small tank like that, the water parameters are much smaller in a small spike in ammonia will kill any coral you decide to put in. So oxygenation is a major key ingredient in the whole soup s
Daniel D'amato
Daniel D'amato - 12 years ago
I am not %100 sure and I have not read all the comments, but if I am not mistaken you will never be able to put fish in that aquarium. Because you did one fatal mistake which has utterly killed all the beneficial bacteria You put the live rock in fresh water, you are supposed to add the salt and correct the salt content first and then add the live rock. The chlorine is designed specially to destroy all forms of bacteria.
ultramaximus - 12 years ago
Nice - I have a 55g reef tank - I did a full build on mine as well - I am thinking of starting a Nano. You have a small hitch hiking anemone which I have a couple like that - the thing at the top of the tank is a bristle worm.
Powermuffin - 12 years ago
how is your aquarium doing? i want to start one to.. is it worth all the work and money?
akhilennium - 12 years ago
even i started this hobby with red parrot cichlids, then got upgraded to planted discus tank.....i have been keeping it healthy till date and got sucked into the reefkeeping quicksand....
andyITA - 12 years ago
how do you get O2 into the water since you have no water agitation on the surface ?
Tom Pattinson
Tom Pattinson - 12 years ago
Nano tanks are only good if you want to keep soft corals as fish can't swim as much and stony corals needs very stable water conditions which only comes with a large water volume.
Scott Kershaw
Scott Kershaw - 12 years ago
I like the way you have done the live rock mate but i have got a 500 litre tank and i have spent £250 on the tank,cabinet, sump filter, 100 kilos of live rock loads of corals two regal tangs, two yellow tangs, six blue green chromis, four clownfish and three goby's. I have spotted a huge problem with your set up your filter has now proper media in it so your phosphate levels go up and up so i understand you are a novice and you were under a budget you may need to change your filter !!!!!
Tom Clark
Tom Clark - 12 years ago
lovin those finches in the background and nice setup
Hannah L
Hannah L - 12 years ago
12:25 Featherduster worm, completely harmless and a beneficial filter feeder!
Corvus Oscen
Corvus Oscen - 13 years ago
Nice work man! Cheers!
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@JamieT96 Yes Jamie, I'm subscribed to him.
Fabulous - 13 years ago
did use 1 fluval light for the leather corals before they moved?
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@Gladiator333166 Hi Dean, 2 x Fluval 305's would be fine or 1 x Fluval FX5. You can get a quote and order a 3D background like I have in my Mbuna tank through my blog site bolly12345.blogspot. com
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@presto1023 Brilliant let me know how you get on
dean jones
dean jones - 13 years ago
mark im a scouser mate,and i think your tanks are boss...thinking of investing in a lake malawi tank,gonna get a 4foot 330 litre tank from pond solutions with cabinet ? just want too know how many external filters mate,and where can i get a great 3D background from and how much ? dimensions are 4 feet times 18.8 times 29.3 cheers email gladiator33316@yahoo.com and its dean mate...thanks
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@Ranger6941 thanks ranger
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@footslave63 Please check out my latest video and you'll see an update on this tank, I think you'll be surprised how well the tank is doing without any means of mechanical filtration.
alan g k
alan g k - 13 years ago
Rhyl Aquaria website doesn't give much information. What is their stock range before I visit?
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@Z06JFella I haven't rinsed any live sand setting up this tank! The sand in this video was normal coral sand because my supplier was out of stock. I add live sand in part 2!
FulRed - 13 years ago
Awesome!, you have sparked an interest in me to start a nano marine tank!

100. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@kiranking1234 Hmm was it worth the thumbs down?
kiran balamurugan
kiran balamurugan - 13 years ago
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Hi mate I know every one is getting or has clownfish but I was thinking of getting a breeding pair of Banggai Cardinalfish just to be different and they are easy to breed wat r your thoughts :)
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
Ps iPhone auto spell is terrible lol
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
Thank you for all the feedback and suggestions, but please understand that I'll ne doing this set up from knowledge gained through my own studies and information gained by certain parties. If I make mistakes well then be it. It will be lessons learnt. There's no pwfect way of doing this type of set up! Everyone will have their opinions because they've done it a certain way buy not tried different ways. My goal is to find my own way through this process and hopefully help others out other out ;)
Johnny Lockhart
Johnny Lockhart - 13 years ago
Also, to give you an idea of how to mix salt, you'll need what's called a RO unit that sits under your sink slowly filling a bucket with safe water. Once you have a good quantity of RO water you can start mixing the salt (I suggest you use Red Sea salt as I find it to be the best). Mixing the salt is actually very easy. Keep putting small quantities of salt into the RO water and monitor it carefully until you reach 1.025 in salinity (make sure the salt is fully dissolved). 1.025 is the safest.
Johnny Lockhart
Johnny Lockhart - 13 years ago
I suggest getting a protein skimmer. I've helped mates run Marine shops in the past and seen the stuff it takes out of the water. It'll be worth the investment as it'll most likely reduce problems. In my eyes a protein skimmer is vital for Marine aquariums.
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
The deems are sick but have so many so sold 20 of them but still have 57 left I am putting the money towards nano tank
MTomkinson96 - 13 years ago
I want a marine tank, I might get a flora and put the co2 and the substrate in a nano tank that I have and use the flora for a marine, could I get 2 clown fish in it or is it too small?and except from a powerhead and a heater would I need anything else because the flora comes with a filter and light. How is your tank now? :)
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@JUNAID187 Thank you for your input mate :)
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@95mnbvcxz95 All doing great Thanks - How's the Dems?
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Hows all the tanks mate :)
JUNAID187 - 13 years ago
The starfish is a aesternia and it looks about full sized so it will split and multiply ! Some people think they're bad because their invasive but I think they benefit the tank. The green stringy stuff is cheato algae. I think I also saw a feather duster which is a helpful filter feeder :D Btw in my comment below I said skimmer aren't a necessity but any1 looking to setup a saltwater tank I would really recommend one as they help ALOT
JUNAID187 - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy Don't be put off Ross ! You can compensate for a skimmer with more water changes. A hydrometer (IMO) is a terrible and highly inaccurate bit of kit which can misguide you and end up killing your tank. Though a refractometer can be purchased for as little as £15 on ultimate reef off other reefers or ebay.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
@Hobden2XD yeah for a nano it shouldn't be that much though, i mean he'll only have to replish certain iteams at a time but he'll be going to the petstore more lol
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
@Hobden2XD yeah you can do overflows reallly cheap and then a pump is going to be the most expensive
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
@Hobden2XD true bro but in the long run it would rock diy overflow return pump 10 gallon tank chaeto
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
@Hobden2XD true but in the long run that sump would work better
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
@Hobden2XD i know that man but i like it when i don't have to do water changes if your willing to spend money on salt go ahead lol but i like it when i don't have to do changes
imhacked123 - 13 years ago
The one dislike is stupid what is there to dislike ?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
oh yeah dude if you want the best thing you should do is make a sump seriously brooo if you needdddd anyyyyyyyy helppp pleaseeeee come to me i'll gladly help you out glad to see fishtanktv going to sw too yeah not one person knows everything you do have to make the mistakes to learn from them lol
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
bro your filtration isn't enough, if you want a reef this could kick your ass down the road, you neeeeedddddddddddd to get a protein skimmer, get the biggest one possible, go plus 1 on the skimmer because thats gonna catch the organics before they go in the nitrogen cycle, a mechanical filter works great in freshwater but in nanos you need to cut back on that because its just trapping it, your gonna need to clean it a lottttt.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
make sure you have a lottt of waterflow in a rockwork like that bro
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
bolly put the rocks on the bottom it'll still collect detritus a bit but if you have the sand first and then the rock it'll be that much more detritus
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
hey bolly i'm going to help you out as much as possible if i see something wrong i'm gonna tell you to make sure you don't run into a big problem
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Hi I haven't really been concentrating on my mbuna for the past 2 months so haven't done a water change for those two months but did a big 65% water change yesterday and great news a female that has never held before is now holding !,
Aron Lockhart
Aron Lockhart - 13 years ago
Feather duster* sorry
Aron Lockhart
Aron Lockhart - 13 years ago
Comet star, then feather dusted, then brittle star w/long legs. Check out my channel. Your headed in the right direction.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@mbezik I'll pm you a link that I would my tank to follow ;)
Marc Beswick
Marc Beswick - 13 years ago
@bolly12345 yeah i hear ya, the thing is i kinda regard my LFS as "pros" ive been buying fish from them for 20 years and they are regarded as one of the best shops in the uk, they were very sceptical of my plans for a 30L marine tank especially when i mentioned hardy soft coral. ill follow your progress and if it all goes well ill jump in
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@mbezik Mate if you ask the pro's about skimmers and nano tanks they will say no need if you do regular weekly water changes and you'll be able to keep a few nano fish and soft corals.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy Cheers Ross - You don't really need a skimmer if you regular water changes like 30% weekly and then you'll be able to keep soft corals :) I like the gobies and the Aussie orange tail
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@95mnbvcxz95 Mine was too powerful at 2600lph you need 300-500lph :) Only add the fish when all readings are spot on or your just going to lose money
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@95mnbvcxz95 take your time mate and do it slowly and not rush in It's like a normal cycle process
TheAmericanEagle22 - 13 years ago
@bolly12345 :) because i learnt that if you buy a tank which is programmate for nanoreefs you'll save money...
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Hi how's the tanks and I know u r new to saltwater like me but I hear that Toadstool Leather Soft Coral Frag is easy for starters and looks great
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
does the power head do 2600 litres an hour because i am buying my nano reef tank stuff now thanks also i was planning putting just 2 clown fish in as fish stocking goas what r u going for
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
Absolutely brilliant vid! I was put off doing saltwater because the woman at the shop said that I'd definitely need a protein skimmer and she said that hydrometers weren't precise enough to use so she said I needed to buy a refractometer to measure the salinity but it turns out that they are over £50! I love the coraline algae on the live rock by the way it's such a lovely colour! anyways best of luck with the tank mate...If you want nano fish suggestions I'd reccomend a fire fish goby ;) <3
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Thanks for the advice
Marc Beswick
Marc Beswick - 13 years ago
@bolly12345 been through my LFS today inquiring about live rock etc, they advised me to stay away from all corals etc with no skimmer, said it should be ok with a shrimp and a couple of nano fish but would need to be doing 2 water changes a week - said about 3kg of live rock should be ok for 30L tank? the longer i stood talking the more they tried to convince me to go for something bigger with a skimmer, im undecided but youve definitely got me thinking about marine very seriously.......
Josh Abbott
Josh Abbott - 13 years ago
Hey i were in rhyl only a week ago i stayed a few nights around the corner from the aquarium shop you got your supplies from, only if i would of known earlier...
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@TheAmericanEagle22 The tank doesn't matter! As long as you have the live rock and coral sand. The tank was 2nd hand but looks brand new and is really easy to turn in to a marine set up. Oh wait are you being sarcastic because in the video I did say "yes it does say Fluval Flora" or something along those lines lol
TheAmericanEagle22 - 13 years ago
@bolly12345 but it is a fluval flora?
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@95mnbvcxz95 Ah man that's some bad news! I've found they can breed as soon as 3weeks maybe a bit longer.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@95mnbvcxz95 Thank you mate. It's definatley something I wish I done earlier.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@DarkViperCobalt It's just to seed the tank buddy purely mechanical to start with then when the tank is seeded it can come out
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@mbezik Hi mate, the Aquascape will probably change when Ive added the live sand - I've put as much rock in as possible to help with seeding the tank. Regarding the filter it's just standard media with some crushed up live rock added again to help seed the tank and once the tank is fully seeded it can come out.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@dirtdrag thanks buddy, I like the looks of Aussie orange tail - gobbies - gammas - damsels and of course nemo
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Hi mate bad news the pleco eggs were due to hatch today but I couldn't take them out of mbuna tank so when I woke up this morning the male was gone and the eggs :( :( I have found the male but no sign of young do u now when they will next breed thanks
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Great vid mate considering of setting up one myself
James Studdart
James Studdart - 13 years ago
great video! but I thought you didnt need the filter IF you had live rock?
Marc Beswick
Marc Beswick - 13 years ago
looking good marc! actually making me consider turning that 30L i have into a marine, my only worry is with so much rock will it not be difficult to keep on top of glass cleaning/maintenance without having to take out most of the rock each time? also what media have you got in the filter, zeolite and phosphate remover?

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