Reef tank 13 years ago 164,678 views
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Thank You in Advance!!!
10. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK
20. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK
For one, a reef tank means your going to have corals, in addition to your live rock. Corals require very stable parameters or they will not thrive and will look like crap. The problem with a nano tank, especially one this small is that it require constant attention to make sure everything is stable. The equipment you use is not sufficient. A hydrometer is often flawed and can give you wrong measurements easily. A refractometer (about $40) is extremely accurate and will almost always give you an accurate reading. A saltwater test kit is also needed for the first few months at least as you get your tank set up so you can adjust your calcium, alkalinity, and ph to the right levels, and reduce any ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, or phosphates is you happen to have them. After your tank is established you may continue to do this, or if you have a good feel for your tank you can usually tell what is needed just by looking at the tank.
Lighting on a reef tank is key. You need a high enough par that your corals can grow, and a spectrum of your liking (this is for best coral color). Your Coraline algae that you have now will also spread and thrive under better lighting. Also your filter is your biological filter, and buy a dozen or so nassarious snails, and maybe a cleaner shrimp, but get rid of the internal filter they do more harm then good in the long run. Also just buy a bucket of reef crystals and an ro/di unit. It's more cost effective in the long run making your own saltwater, and the quality is better.
30. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK
50. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK
100. comment for #1 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK