Hi and welcome to my very first Marine setup. I'm a novice when it comes to keeping Marine fish so I thought I better start off small. Everything apart from the tank/Internal filter and overhead lamp was bought from Rhyl Aquaria: 4,6,8 Abbey Street, Rhyl, LL18 1NY -- 01745 355595 http://www.rhylaquaria.co.uk Check out their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rhyl-Aquaria/201241616577916 ============================== If I haven't subbed you, let me know and if I like your content well then consider yourself subbed!!! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more How to guides - DIY and much more! My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345 My playlists: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345?feature=mhsn#g/p My Website http://www.aqualinks.co.uk My BLOG http://bolly12345.blogspot.com/ Tags: "Marine nano tank" "how to setup" "marine reef aquarium" "Part 2" "marine aquarium" "nano tank" "small marine tank" "live rock" "testing water" "testing fish tank water" "live coral sand" "budget marine tank" "salt water" " Fluval Flora" "soft corals" marine starfish coral rocks sand guide DIY Fluval "Rhyl Aquaria" "Pets & Animals"

#2 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Reef tank 13 years ago 29,480 views

Hi and welcome to my very first Marine setup. I'm a novice when it comes to keeping Marine fish so I thought I better start off small. Everything apart from the tank/Internal filter and overhead lamp was bought from Rhyl Aquaria: 4,6,8 Abbey Street, Rhyl, LL18 1NY -- 01745 355595 http://www.rhylaquaria.co.uk Check out their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rhyl-Aquaria/201241616577916 ============================== If I haven't subbed you, let me know and if I like your content well then consider yourself subbed!!! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more How to guides - DIY and much more! My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345 My playlists: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345?feature=mhsn#g/p My Website http://www.aqualinks.co.uk My BLOG http://bolly12345.blogspot.com/ Tags: "Marine nano tank" "how to setup" "marine reef aquarium" "Part 2" "marine aquarium" "nano tank" "small marine tank" "live rock" "testing water" "testing fish tank water" "live coral sand" "budget marine tank" "salt water" " Fluval Flora" "soft corals" marine starfish coral rocks sand guide DIY Fluval "Rhyl Aquaria" "Pets & Animals"

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Most popular comments

Chris Vargas
Chris Vargas - 9 years ago
Keep every little creature don't kill them
prolix - 10 years ago
thanks helped alot
Etmanning - 11 years ago
How much did this cost you? Can I have an estimate please
Andrew_EP_Photography - 11 years ago
Thinking of starting my first marine tank, these videos are a lot of help. thanks man!
MrHowDIY - 11 years ago
That is called an Emerald Crab, or at least thats what it looks like to me... They CAN be pests however, they can also be very beneficial....they will keep your live rock VERY clean....but depending on how hungry it is it might start nipping your corals... :)
iczerone2000 - 12 years ago
That is a pest crab! I found one in my tank by missing parts of my coral! You should take him out!
zonic fish
zonic fish - 12 years ago
does any1 have any advice on keeping a marine nano reef because im new 2 marine fish keeping and am thinking of starting
Jake Gate
Jake Gate - 12 years ago
check out my vid bolly
Jake Gate
Jake Gate - 12 years ago
Everyone check out my marine nano tank vid

10. comment for #2 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

Sinder Daniels
Sinder Daniels - 12 years ago
How long did u let the water cyclical for before u did the tests
TwoFacedYT - 12 years ago
lovely tank :O) also had hitchhiker crabs in my tank, think i identified them as teddy bear crabs(worth a look online) but good job on the tank :O)
akhilennium - 12 years ago
i have the same water testing kit and even i get annoyed reading the nitrate levels....coz it always shows somewhere above 20ppm....so got another nitrate test kit and it shows 10ppm for my tank
Manuel Gallaga
Manuel Gallaga - 13 years ago
like like like !!
Patrick C
Patrick C - 13 years ago
your sooo lucky that, hitchiker its an emerald crab. If your worrying about hair/bubble algae, that crab will eat it. Nice video.
neil daughters
neil daughters - 13 years ago
nice vid keep it up
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@JUNAID187 It's really good for macro close ups
JUNAID187 - 13 years ago
@bolly12345 wow the quality is really good for the I4 :D
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@JUNAID187 I'm using an iPhone 4 for now ;)
JUNAID187 - 13 years ago
nice video mate. What camera did you use?

20. comment for #2 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

Aron Lockhart
Aron Lockhart - 13 years ago
@TheHobdenMarina I hear ya, you've already got a good idea on maintaining a tank though.
Aron Lockhart
Aron Lockhart - 13 years ago
Ill say something to add to bolly's comment to Wayne. There is no wrong way to set up a saltwater ecosystem, but there is a better way. Live sand is much needed, it will not just trap waste, it will holster more good bacteria to break down nutrients that cause that problematic algae. A DSB adds another type of bacteria ( Anaerobic bacteria )
Aron Lockhart
Aron Lockhart - 13 years ago
@TheHobdenMarina nano's are fun. And you will have algae problems. We all do. I don't think you can kill live rock, you can only make it more mature. maybe the only way you can kill the rock is if you let it dry out.
Aron Lockhart
Aron Lockhart - 13 years ago
And anyone reading, watching here is a quick tip.. put half of the sand in a plastic bag close it tight with your hand, and place it at the bottom of the tank. Then "slowly" <~~~ (I can't stress that enough) slowly tip over the bag pulling the bottom out from under the sand. Once you have all the sand in the tank you can even it out with your hand "slowly". I have done this before and yes it still gets cloudy but not as bad, I'm sure of that. My tank cleared in one hour maybe less. Happy reefin
Aron Lockhart
Aron Lockhart - 13 years ago
Hey bolly. Looks like you've done your research. One thing I would like to stress is.. in your description you said your a beginner, and should start off little. I feel anyone Beginning Saltwater should go atlease 30g or higher for the simple fact of water chemistry, and how in a nano, water parameters can swing fast. You are doing a great job on explaining though. Keep it up. Another thing don't forget to test Phosphate's.
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
How r the pleco fry it is 14 days since mine Hatched and got eaten do u recon I should take the pair out to lay again
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
@bolly12345 no problem
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@samuelwaynefoleyjr Big respect Wayne, thank you for understanding where I'm coming from ;)
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
@bolly12345 i feel you man i dooo i getcha, i'm the same way when drawing or doing whatever i want to learn the mistakes my way that way i realllllyyyy learn them no offense taken. happy reefing
Ray N
Ray N - 13 years ago
hey I have that exact test kit but mine came as a whole set for a freshwater kit...probably wouldve been cheaper.

30. comment for #2 - HOW TO SET UP A MARINE NANO REEF TANK

African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@mbezik Tell me about it mate ;) I rang my mate from my local fish shop where i got the live rock and told him he was like you lucky sod I sell them for around £30 hahaha
Marc Beswick
Marc Beswick - 13 years ago
looks like you were lucky getting one of those emerald crabs stowed away on the rock, i read they only reach just over 2 inches and are brilliant scavengers of nuisance algae and waste food.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@BeerBellyDK I've still got a long ways to go so hopefully I might get you more hooked on a small Marine tank :) And thank you
Christian - 13 years ago
This is so awesome, youv'e really made me wanna try forces on a smaller marine tank.. Maybe that'l be what the tall 175 liter will end up as, when i find another tank. :D
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@95mnbvcxz95 Thanks buddy
95mnbvcxz95 - 13 years ago
Looking good cool crab :)
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@JoshsMbuna Thanks Josh
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@Claya94 Thanks Claya ;)
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@TheHobdenMarina Cool! They are an exspensive little crab then (just checked) You'll find yourself watching the rocks close up for ages.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@TheHobdenMarina Hi, yes it's still in the tank. I clean all the sponges every couple of days before it can release crap back in to the tank. It's mainly there to polish the water and added flow
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 13 years ago
@samuelwaynefoleyjr Hi buddy, I don't mean to sound disrespectful because I read all your suggestions but is your way of doing things the only way to it? If I start doing what everyone suggests I'll never learn for my self - I need to be able to correct mistakes along the way so they don't happen again down the line and the only way I'll be able to do that is by gaining my own experience. I'm like a sponge and will take in all the info you give aswel researching this hobby. Thanks pal
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
oh yeah the crab was an emerald they eat stuff like bubble algae
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
your sand should buffer the ph up....if you don't have nitrite you won't have ammonia if you don't have nitrate you won't have nitrite or ammonia......honrstly bro if your not doing a deep sand bed there is no point in having sand in there but someone can fuss at me about that i mean your live rock will provide a place for aerobic bacteria and all the sand will do is trap waste but i think your going to do a water change everyweek or whatever so yeah just make sure you get in the tank everytime
Paandemonium - 13 years ago
could be an emerald crab maybe? they're not bad

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