Reef tank 13 years ago 29,480 views
Hi and welcome to my very first Marine setup. I'm a novice when it comes to keeping Marine fish so I thought I better start off small. Everything apart from the tank/Internal filter and overhead lamp was bought from Rhyl Aquaria: 4,6,8 Abbey Street, Rhyl, LL18 1NY -- 01745 355595 http://www.rhylaquaria.co.uk Check out their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rhyl-Aquaria/201241616577916 ============================== If I haven't subbed you, let me know and if I like your content well then consider yourself subbed!!! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more How to guides - DIY and much more! My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345 My playlists: http://www.youtube.com/user/bolly12345?feature=mhsn#g/p My Website http://www.aqualinks.co.uk My BLOG http://bolly12345.blogspot.com/ Tags: "Marine nano tank" "how to setup" "marine reef aquarium" "Part 2" "marine aquarium" "nano tank" "small marine tank" "live rock" "testing water" "testing fish tank water" "live coral sand" "budget marine tank" "salt water" " Fluval Flora" "soft corals" marine starfish coral rocks sand guide DIY Fluval "Rhyl Aquaria" "Pets & Animals"
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