(WATER FLOW) more important than lighting? IN A REEF TANK

Laminar,surge,turbulence water flow in reef tank. Whats the difference between water movement and water flow, and discuses the benefits of how water flow could be more important than lighting.

(WATER FLOW) more important than lighting? IN A REEF TANK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Reef tank 8 years ago 54,442 views

Laminar,surge,turbulence water flow in reef tank. Whats the difference between water movement and water flow, and discuses the benefits of how water flow could be more important than lighting.

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Most popular comments
for (WATER FLOW) more important than lighting? IN A REEF TANK

Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
I would just like to know what do you feed your fish and what do you maintenance the tank with it looks really nice beautiful and healthy it looks better than mine and I have the aquaillumination lighting and I also have the four Tech punch but still yours is better than mine I'm resetting the tank because I just bought a house and I had to sell some of the calls that I had for my previous home so I'm starting over again but I never seen water so clear in the fish look so healthy
Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
Reefing 4 Dummies okay I pretty much see what you did there that is such an easy thing to do thanks for the advice
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 7 years ago
Allen D thanks filter so k gets rid of particles in water makes it ear also my skimmer is rated for 150 gal and mine is 75 gal all I was dosing was kalkwasser to raise pH and alk
Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
I'm just curious how do you get the fish with that nice color in the tank water is so clear it's beautiful
Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
Reefing 4 Dummies I am aware of that I've been in the hobby for over 10 years I just want to find out what products are you using to keep them healthy and colorful what is the name of the products that you use
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 7 years ago
Allen D it's all about the health of the fish clean water at the right pH and feeding good food
Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
I have to admit the tank is looking great very beautiful I have to also admit that I am jealous it is really beautiful and I'm just resetting up my tank because I just bought a house but I'm going to make it bigger and better than what it was last time I'm just cycling up the tank and I plan on adding livestock within the next month or three
Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
Reefing 4 Dummies that would be awesome looking forward to it on the other hand I love my 150 gallon and besides I just purchased me a home 5 months ago and now I'm broke so I have to stick with it for at least a couple of years more
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 7 years ago
Allen D thanks man I'll be coming back soon with a new tank
Michael Sinclair
Michael Sinclair - 7 years ago
I agree there is some merit behind this argument. This has been backed up by sound scientific research. Have a look at this article by Advanced Aquarist : http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2017/2/aafeature

Thanks for the video!
Jon Pickhaver
Jon Pickhaver - 7 years ago
Pardon? its so quiet
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
I say it’s all measured at the same importance
muffemod - 7 years ago
corals look good tho
Coralust Reef Solutions
Coralust Reef Solutions - 7 years ago
Cool video, the lights look great on your tank.
Jesse Sides
Jesse Sides - 8 years ago
that monti tho...

10. comment for (WATER FLOW) more important than lighting? IN A REEF TANK

Jimmy Van
Jimmy Van - 8 years ago
I recently upgraded my wave makers to use pulsing and turbulent. Definitely noticed a difference in the health of the tank and coral growth after a year of using old wave makers with same lights. +1 on moving detritus, my laminar flow pumps before didn't do a good job of moving water through my rock work and getting waste out. Thanks for the vid!
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
only a dummy would listen to this garbage....
Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
I want to know how did you or what did you use to for the maintenance of the tank and what did you feed your fish
David McMahon
David McMahon - 8 years ago
Hey , what light are you running?
james parrott
james parrott - 8 years ago
David McMahon garbage Chinese boxes
All About Reefing
All About Reefing - 8 years ago
what would u reccomend for a 29g currently i have 2 original pumps just straight flow on either side of the tank but it doesnt seem to be enough. I am thinking of getting a pump with the pre made setting and keeping one of my old ones or should i use all 3?
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
I have a video on it
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
TheFishChannel yes I belive the one I have is wave maker 2 by hydorkoralia you can program how you want the flow
All About Reefing
All About Reefing - 8 years ago
Reefing 4 Dummies So you can buy a wave maker and hook them directly to it and it will change the frequencies?
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
depends on how much you want to spend I think the vortex are the best but I also like the hydor koralia ones they work good i havw two on the wavemaker onea on my tank on 15 sec feom side to side
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
dimentions are 30"x12"x17 1/2
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
how many of those lights should I use for a 29 gallon tank with an anemone lps and some softies
chip turd
chip turd - 7 years ago
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
ok thank you because I was gonna get a green evo light but im afraid it wasnt going to be enough for an anemone
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
one should be fine
Edson costa
Edson costa - 8 years ago
Which brand of your light?
Steve Buchanan
Steve Buchanan - 8 years ago
Reefing 4 Dummies
Edson costa
Edson costa - 8 years ago
thank you!! congratulations tank!!!
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
aquamana led 165wat full spec
Matt Harrell
Matt Harrell - 8 years ago
one of the biggest false statements in the hobby... "high flow prevents nuisance algae." then why does powerheads and overflows grow hair algae and red cyno better than any other area on the tank? They are the 2 highest flow areas in the entire tank.
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
thanks for the input, I'm my opinion every tank is going to be different just like some people never do water changes and others so them every two weeks. waterflow is only part of it you must also have low nitrates and phosphates along with good waterflow. I think we can all agree that low waterflow will lead to a detritus buildup in the tank witch will increase phosphates and create a algae outbreak.
TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 8 years ago
It's a myth that corals need high flow. There is a lot more flow in are tanks, compered to the ocean. This is simply to remove the higher levels of waste in are tanks, compered to the sea. Flow is important, but not for the corals. Corals live in the ocean with low flow. If you put an S.P.S coral in your sump it won't survive lomg. If corals did't need that much lighting, then why do we always put high power lighting over our tanks. Flow is just as impotant as lighting you are right, but it is just one element of many, you need to get right.
baseballhunter42 - 7 years ago
Umut That some logic doesn't apply to your example.
Umut - 8 years ago
"If corals did't need that much lighting, then why do we always put high power lighting over our tanks" if humans are animals,why don't we fuck in public freely?You just don't because that's what you have been taught.Same logic to answer your question.
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
Have you had any experience with the Gyre power head? I was hoping that one on the top of 60 gal. 36 wide tank would do the trick for a reef tank. What do you think? do you think second power head on other end be needed?

20. comment for (WATER FLOW) more important than lighting? IN A REEF TANK

Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 8 years ago
sounds like information from 2009.
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
Andrew Hales right lol
katchupoy01 - 8 years ago
what kind of lights are you using?
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
I'll do a video about them!
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
thanks man I used to have a cichlid tank

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