[4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589

This is a full update on my nuvo fusion 10, this video encompasses my filtration, light schedule, and dosing, as well as my entire reef tank as a whole. I dose kalk+2 by bright well aquatics, and fuel by seachem (Aqua vitro line), I dose one inner cap of seachem fuel every 3 days and i dose kalkwasser in my freshwater top off. I also feed my fish every 2-3 days which allows me to get about two weeks between water changes. when i feed every day or so i do water changes weekly but i always try to stay as close as i can to weekly water changes. I use a kessil a160 tuna blue led. 6 hours on, 18 hours off, due to the intensity i only need 6 hours a day but using t5 or lower par lights may require an 8-9 hour day cycle. i run the kessil 30% intensity, 25-30% white and 70-75% blue. livestock: maroon clown x1 small goby x1 red leg hermit x1 blue leg hermit x2 black foot trochus snail x2 ninja snail x1 peppermint shrimp x1 leather corals, toadstool, cladiella, finger leather, devils hand xenia zoas and palythoa long tentacle anemone Thanks for watching everyone leave a like and a comment below!

[4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Reef tank 8 years ago 34,556 views

This is a full update on my nuvo fusion 10, this video encompasses my filtration, light schedule, and dosing, as well as my entire reef tank as a whole. I dose kalk+2 by bright well aquatics, and fuel by seachem (Aqua vitro line), I dose one inner cap of seachem fuel every 3 days and i dose kalkwasser in my freshwater top off. I also feed my fish every 2-3 days which allows me to get about two weeks between water changes. when i feed every day or so i do water changes weekly but i always try to stay as close as i can to weekly water changes. I use a kessil a160 tuna blue led. 6 hours on, 18 hours off, due to the intensity i only need 6 hours a day but using t5 or lower par lights may require an 8-9 hour day cycle. i run the kessil 30% intensity, 25-30% white and 70-75% blue. livestock: maroon clown x1 small goby x1 red leg hermit x1 blue leg hermit x2 black foot trochus snail x2 ninja snail x1 peppermint shrimp x1 leather corals, toadstool, cladiella, finger leather, devils hand xenia zoas and palythoa long tentacle anemone Thanks for watching everyone leave a like and a comment below!

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for [4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589

Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Inappropriate Reefer Thanks man!!! You actually inspired my new secret surprise that I'm bringing to the reef tank so make sure you check it out when I release it!!! I was watching your videos the other day and you just inspired me to go out and get it so I can't wait to show everyone on the channel!!! :) thanks for watching, keep up your videos I absolutely love them and I hope your girlfriends tank is doing well!! I saw you got her started on the reef addiction! Haha
Ricardo Munoz
Ricardo Munoz - 7 years ago
Does the kick ich affect any of your corals?
Squash Man!!
Squash Man!! - 7 years ago
Great vid you earned a like
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
Tammy Nguyen hey! Thanks so much for watching!!! Leave a like if you don’t mind! But here’s my theory on raising the kessil a80 intensity, so the corals have to acclimate to the light, meaning if you bought them from a store using a160we at 50 percent intensity then you should put them in your tank and run your a80 at 100% however the flaw here is assuming the a80 and kessil a160we are perfectly comparable which isn’t always the case. Basically the safest bet is to start your corals with the intensity very low, then ramp up the intensity by a slight tiny little turn, maybe just about 2-3 percent a week at most, until you either get the corals to the intensity you want or start seeing negative results from the corals, if they are bleaching or retracting then turn the led intensity down, but if they are happy and flourishing then you can try raising it a tiny bit just be very careful as too much light can kill a coral in a day or two but two little light can kill a coral in a month or two haha so low light is always safer
InfernO - 7 years ago
Great vid, What is the exact name of the coral at 15:21 with the green tips? I have the same coral but I wanna know what the name of it is ahahah thank you.
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
InfernO awesome! Your the best!!
InfernO - 7 years ago
Nano Reef Freak
Thank you, very much appreciated. I subbed and liked
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
InfernO it's a species of finger leather, usually people refer to the scientific name as "sinularia" or neon green finger leather! :) thanks for watching! Subscribe!
starwind aquariums
starwind aquariums - 7 years ago
love the tank
Donovan Del
Donovan Del - 7 years ago
how deep of sand bed?
Nano pete
Nano pete - 7 years ago
your tank is amazing bud can't wait for my 13.5 evo to look like that
Budget Reefer
Budget Reefer - 7 years ago
Mine is just james lol. But I got a biocube

10. comment for [4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589

EngineeringAquariums - 7 years ago
Great work, uploading first few videos today come take a look!
EngineeringAquariums - 7 years ago
Had uploading issues will be up in next few hours
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
Heading over now!! :) can't wait to watch!
TheLittleGemstone - 7 years ago
So nothing on the 3rd chamber on the caddy? I'm thinking of having filter floss - chemipure - matrix
TheLittleGemstone - 7 years ago
Thank you, love your tank btw
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
TheLittleGemstone I have a thin layer of floss, and some chemipure blue in the first chamber, and the second and third chamber I have matrix :)
Eli Alaniz
Eli Alaniz - 7 years ago
Very nice tank I have a question for u how can I get my Walter more clear i have a lot of lil stuff floating in the water almost looks like Sand but it's not
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
D.J. VOLUME yea no problem dude! Anytime! :)
Eli Alaniz
Eli Alaniz - 7 years ago
Thank u for the info really appropriate it
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
D.J. VOLUME you can use a variety of filtration methods, most commonly used is filter floss for larger particles, for smaller particles most people use a micron sock of a certain size depending on how often you want to clean it and how much you want it to filter. Chemipure and purigen and poly filter can all help too, but they are a little more expensive to use as a constant method for filtration :) let me know if any of that helps! Thanks for watching!!! Leave a like!
Mack Canady
Mack Canady - 7 years ago
Great tank and great video. I have been in and out of the tropical side for year but have recently gotten interested in the marine side of the hobby. My LFS caries Red Sea, JBJ and Fluval along with some really big Marineland tanks but suggested I look at the Innovative Marine Fusion line as they sell those as well. I am inspired to maybe consider the 20 or 30L because of videos like yours. I need to try and keep it simple. Open to any suggestions you might have.
Mack Canady
Mack Canady - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for your input.
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 7 years ago
Mack Canady my favorite innovative marine tank is my NUVO fusion lagoon 25 gallon. It's a very well priced all in one aquarium, has double filter media baskets, double protein skimmer slots, so you can run a skimmer and a reactor at the same time, and a dual pump return upgrade in case one pump fails you still have another running, so it's the most resistant to failure, but it comes with a crappy return pump, so I would buy a sicce synchra silent pump with any innovative marine tank you buy. The dimensions also supply a perfect width and height for aqua scaping. Very wide from front to back and left to right and I love that because my rocks don't touch my glass and I have a shallow tank with a lot of sand bed, almost like a drag tank. So i can show off a lot of coral in the aquarium. Check out my videos on my NUVO fusion 25! I think you'll enjoy them! :) thanks for watching and tuning in! Like and subscribe for more!
Javier Holguin
Javier Holguin - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank great info thanks for sharing definitely subbed
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Javier Holguin thanks for watching! Stay tuned for more updates I've got a lot of videos to publish! :)
dudesreef - 8 years ago
One like for you sir
Varun Varadarajan
Varun Varadarajan - 8 years ago
Does your kalk ever precipitate in your ATO container or ATO tubing?
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Varun Varadarajan no I've never had that problem. I normally only make like 2-3 gallons of kalk ready top off and I usually burn through it in a week or so. I'm not sure if it would affect the abilities of the kalk though, it might just clog up your ato. I wouldn't know though but I hope all is well over there :)
frank martinez
frank martinez - 8 years ago
great video new to the hobby Thanks for the info very helpful, looking forth wart to see more of your videos btw beautiful tank
frank martinez
frank martinez - 8 years ago
thanks same to you and your family
frank martinez
frank martinez - 8 years ago
thanks same to you!!!!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
frank martinez thanks it's been a busy holiday but new videos are coming soon!!! Happy New Years!!!!
All About Reefing
All About Reefing - 8 years ago
so relaxing your tank is amazing.
SamuraiAntt - 8 years ago
This is stunning, I have a 40 breeder check it out if you would like on my channel. My tank is not filled all the way and I don't have the proper equipment because money issues. I'm thinking of down grading to an innovated marine 10 gallon for my desk. Subbed keep it up. One question, do you think it is okay to put my kessil a360 on a nuvo 10?
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
SamuraiAntt awesome man!!! I totally understand, I had a 40 breeder and a 20 long in high school! Great tanks but I just couldn't afford the maintenance!!! :) the NUVO 20 is amazing, the lagoon is only another 50 bucks and is much larger at 25 gallons but it's much wider and has much more room for corals! Just something to consider! :)
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
SamuraiAntt thanks!!! I will definitely check out your channel and I'll even sub!! I used to have a 40 breeder so I have a special place for them in my heart!! I totally understand the money issues man, this tank is nearly 2 years old and it's been a grind just to get a buck here and there for it! :) the innovative marine 10 gallon is amazing! I have an entire review on it and am reviewing their 25 gallon lagoon soon! A kessil a360 would definitely work on a 10 gallon, just keep the led tuned down low, it would definitely be overkill but as long as you keep the intensity toned down you'll be fine I'm sure!! :) if not then maybe pick up a cheap led off eBay or amazon but kessil also recently released a kessil a80 for nano tanks, 129.99 for the led, and I think 29.99 or 19.99 for the mini gooseneck. Worth a look! :) super glad to have you onboard! Stay tuned for more videos! :)

20. comment for [4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589

Tim V
Tim V - 8 years ago
Great video man! I am thinking about getting the Kalk+2 for my tank, however I only have 4, leathers and the "pulse Coral" and one hard coral. Will the Kalk+2 solution you use will benefit my soft corals?
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Tim V it will benefit all your corals, you'll probably use less than most people though because I notice I only have to add it every 3-4 days or I overdose on calcium. So it'll last you longer in the long run. It's making my zoas come back too! :) I definitely recommend it. Kalk is much easier than two part dosing. Like and subscribe for more!! Thanks for commenting!! :)
Alex Zafi
Alex Zafi - 8 years ago
p.s Awesome nano tank I have a 22 gallon set up and it's low budget...but it's been running for about 15 weeks and not nearly as nice yet ;)
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Alex Zafi haha I'll have to check it out!!!
Alex Zafi
Alex Zafi - 8 years ago
nice vid I subbed!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Alex Zafi thanks man!!! Leave a like!!! Check out my new FUSION 25 gallon I just set up!! It's the lagoon style, just posted it like an hour ago :)
Christine DNO
Christine DNO - 8 years ago
Hey can you show me how you add the Kalk? I don't have an auto top off system, and I may get one in the future, but for now whats the best way I can dose this without killing everything? lol Thanks in advance!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Girl Reefer I don't have auto top off either what I do is:
(The kalk has directions like 1 tsp per gallon or something) and I take a gallon jug of distilled water, put a tsp or whatever the kalk specifies inside the just, put the cap on and shake it vigorously for a few minutes and make sure it's really dissolved, and then use that for top off for about every 3 days. The only way to make sure you won't kill everything is to test your calcium and alkalinity like the day after you top off every time with the jug, kalk is pretty mild compared to two part dosing but it can still destroy corals if you overdose so just monitor it closely, I don't test my water very often and haven't had any issues with it yet as all my corals just suck it up :)
vegas reefer
vegas reefer - 8 years ago
do you run hang on back filter
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Jonathan Sanders no sir, just the stock media basket :)
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
Nice vid.  Subbed.
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
The Reef Tank Family thanks!!! Setting up the new tank now!!!
Btoc22 - 8 years ago
Can't stop watching this vid! What time do you usually power on your lights since you run a 6 hour cycle?
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
MrSkimCity thanks!! So glad you enjoy it!!! I turn on the lights at 4:30-10:30 pm :)
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 8 years ago
Nice tank! I have subbed to your channel.
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Jeff Gilbreath thanks man!!! I appreciate it!!! Leave a like :) stay tuned for updates!
brinks128 - 8 years ago
how do you rise your chemo pure blue...do you use faucet water or ro/di water?
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
brinks128 like and subscribe for videos on my upcoming NUVO FUSION lagoon 25 gallon tank!! Putting it together at the end of this week probably! :)
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
brinks128 I usually use distilled water because it's all I have access to due to my location, but if you have the ability to use ro or rodi water then I would highly recommend using RO or rodi water! If you use tapwater then make sure to let the chemipure blue dry out a little before putting it back in the water.
ReefMoore 103
ReefMoore 103 - 8 years ago
Great video and great info. Subbed!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
tmoore 103 thanks!!! New videos coming out soon!!! :)

30. comment for [4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589

Mikee - 8 years ago
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
SpraynPray thanks!!! :D leave a like!!! Subscribe if you want to see videos of my NUVO FUSION lagoon 25 gallon!!! Setting it up sometime this week!!
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
nice update, subbed
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Gilly's Reef unfortunately I don't, I've moved completely to the AIO side of things now so I only have my nuvos
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
Do you still have that 20 long?
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Gilly's Reef yea I'm not a fan of biocube either, I had 3 and all suffered from horrible tank crashes because the bio balls just collect nitrates and when you clean them out it messes up the tanks cycle and maturity really bad :/ I got lucky with my NUVO lagoon 25 and found it $200 off so I got it for a steal at a lfs so maybe just keep an eye out for one :) good luck! I wish you well!!
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
Ive been looking at the Nuvo's but they are a little pricey for me. I would like to keep my nano going alongside the bigger tank. But I'm not a fan of the biocube. If i can get a deal on a used Nuvo then i might do that
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Gilly's Reef haha so true man! A fish store I frequent just got in a bunch of deep blue tanks and they are AWESOME! I just can't step away from my Nuvo's I mean they just have me hooked! :)
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Gilly's Reef haha so true man! A fish store I frequent just got in a bunch of deep blue tanks and they are AWESOME! I just can't step away from my Nuvo's I mean they just have me hooked! :)
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
So far I'm pretty set on a Deep Blue 80 shallow, but you know that could always change in this hobby haha
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Gilly's Reef oh sweet man! It's always exciting when you upgrade! What are you upgrading to? I'll go check out your channel :)
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
sounds like a nice upgrade! Im getting ready to go bigger myself
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Gilly's Reef awesome man!!! Glad to have you along! Leave a like! I appreciate your view!! My new 25 gallon lagoon videos are coming out soon! I'm almost done soaking the rocks and everything! :)
RadReefs - 8 years ago
Oh my its beautiful great job!! I can't stop playing the video back haha. I do have a question for you, as far as the anemone and Goby, I have a Mandarin Goby and I plan on adding an anemone, but I'm afraid he'll eat my Mandarin. Is this possible? or have you had luck with your Goby and anemone?
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
RadReefsTV hey thanks for watching!!! :D leave a like! And subscribe because I'm setting up a 25 GALLON NUVO FUSION LAGOON soon!!! :D and unfortunately that is possible, I've never seen a healthy goby swim into an anemone, but I have seen sick gobies accidentally swim into them and they have been to weak to escape and have died. Usually once your fish gets stung accidentally it will never get to close to the anemone again. So I wouldn't worry about it. I've had fish get stung once or twice and then they never make that mistake again. I wouldn't worry about it but I would probably suggest a bubble anemone because a long tentacle like mine might pose more of a threat with his tentacles swaying about in the water. A carpet anemone is probably a safe bet, just because the tentacles are really short :) thanks for watching!! Lemme know if you have any other questions!!!
Tee Dawg
Tee Dawg - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank, when u dose and feed . Are you direct feeding? I have a 55g but was wondering if I could just feed through the pumps and let it circulate .. thanks for the feedback !
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Tony Lau I turn off all my pumps, then throw some mysis in and let it sprinkle on top of my corals/anemones, and then after like 10 minutes I turn the pumps back on and whatever is left over gets either sucked up by the filter and caught in the filter floss that I can just replace or gets eaten by the clownfish again while it's flying around inside the tank :) thanks for watching! Leave a like if you don't mind! Sub if you wanna see me set up my 25 gallon NUVO FUSION lagoon!!! :)
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Tank looks good bro. Subbed
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Mike Lemming thanks man!!! Getting ready to set up the 25 gallon NUVO FUSION lagoon soon!!! Stay tuned!!! :) thanks for watching and subbing!!! It means a lot to me!!!
nanoaquamania - 8 years ago
awsm bro.. please do watch my channel too.. subbed urs... :) happy reefing.. :)
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
nanoaquamania thanks!! I sure will!!! I'll sub to you to!!! :)
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Nice update. Do you have anything that can turn off your heater in case it gets stuck in the on position? That's a very common occurrence. I use my Apex Jr to keep an eye on it.
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Reefer Nanoman no I'm afraid I don't but I'll look into it!!! :) thanks for commenting!
Garrett Hawley
Garrett Hawley - 8 years ago
Would the kessil a80 tuna blue led light grow most corals in this tank? I'm purchasing one soon and am undecided on a light
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Garrett Hawley I agree!!! I love making them!! Glad to have you watching! :)
Garrett Hawley
Garrett Hawley - 8 years ago
Thanks, I like the in depth videos, they are hard to come across
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Garrett Hawley the kessil a80 will grow anything in this tank. The a80 is essentially a 160 but only for 12 inches, the a80 can spread up to 24 and still grow low light corals like mushrooms, the a80 is completely adequate for this tank, honestly it's perfect, I'm actually putting an a80 on this tank in a few months and make it into a frag tank once my NUVO FUSION lagoon 25 (which I just bought a week ago and am setting up now, subscribe for updates!) establishes. Thanks for watching though leave me a thumbs up! :)
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 8 years ago
You have a great tank. I love it. So very nice coral have you.
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam thanks!! :)
Stylianos - 8 years ago
how do call the neon green coral ??? (i need one !!! )
Stylianos - 8 years ago
Nano Reef Freak thanks !!!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Styl's Aquaria that green one is a neon green finger leather or sometimes called a tree leather, some people mistake it for a Kenya tree, most people just call it a green finger leather though :)
Alan Parr
Alan Parr - 8 years ago
BTW..., besides a beautiful tank..., loved the way you narrated and also your camera work. Yes.., 2 thumbs up and I also subscribed. Looking forward to your 25 gallon lagoon set up.
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Alan Parr thanks that means a lot to me!!! I'm always trying to invent new ways to shoot my reef tank :) I shoot it all with the iPhone so it's a little challenging to get those super nice shots but I try my best with what I have!! Thanks for watching and liking and subbing!!! I just got all the water for the 25 gallon today, I have to soak all my rocks and cure them and then the sand can go in with all the water! :) it'll be here before you know it haha
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Nice tank
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
young tank thanks man!!! Leave a like!!! I appreciate your view :) stay tuned for the 25 gallon it's coming soon!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
man this is perfect size for an office tank.. i think that Fuel is the real reason your getting so much growth.. tank has come along way for sure. Ill have to look into that Kalk +2 myself to see what the main differences are compared to the Seachem kalk i use.. great video
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS thanks man!!! I love your reef tank btw! I watched all the videos and that algae scrubber was pretty neat cuz I had never heard of one before!! :)
Alan Parr
Alan Parr - 8 years ago
Maybe one of the best nano tanks on YouTube. Your regiment of water care I think is the key towards ur success. Great info on what you are using and yes..., I will follow ur lead. Simply Beautiful..!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Alan Parr thanks!!! I try my hardest to keep this tank perfect, it's had some ups and downs but in the end it all came together perfectly :) thanks for watching! Leave a thumbs up and subscribe for more!!! I just bought a 25 gallon lagoon NUVO and it's getting set up soon!!!
Christine DNO
Christine DNO - 8 years ago
Thank you for making this video it was super helpful!!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Girl Reefer yea no problem!! Glad you enjoyed it!! :) leave a thumbs up! Thanks for watching!!!
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
Great info - and you've created a beautiful environment for all of your critters. I really enjoyed the close ups and extended tank tour, wonderful to watch. And the music is great, perfect for this. What type of music is it? Genre? I find it really relaxing. I'm going to check out Fuel for sure because my Zoas in the 29 need help, they just aren't opening up fully even though they are spreading.
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
Another new thing to try.....!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Reefgrrl nice!! Also you can import videos on iPhone on pc by plugging it in and right clicking import :)
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
Nano Reef Freak, thank you for your help! I do have a PC and I finally figured out how to get some YouTube clips to my iPhone via DropBox and iCloud! So, yay! I even found that one I liked so much that I heard on your video, so I'm super happy about that. I appreciate your help very much. All this stuff is intuitive to your generation - I still remember windows 2.0 and having to trick Word into doing graphics things back in the 90s, before there was a button for everything. I'm a happy camper, thanks again!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Reefgrrl hmm if you download the songs from YouTube media library on a pc and upload them to iCloud they should work fine on iMovie but if you don't have access to a pc then that's not much of an option :/
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
Yeah, that's what I have and I can't get any access to YouTube free audio via iMovie, it just isn't an option. I tried adding music to an existing video in Creator and it says I need flash, which of course isn't supported by iOS. Sigh. Not sure what I'm doing wrong so I guess I'll have to pass on the YouTube music library for now. Thanks so much for the help, I appreciate it!
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Reefgrrl yea try using iMovie on iOS 10.1.1 it will now automatically loop the YouTube library music if you use a single track. That's what I did for this video :)
Nano Reef Freak
Nano Reef Freak - 8 years ago
Reefgrrl fuel will help a lot!!! It's a track of youtubes free audio library :) not sure what genre it is but they've got a couple songs in there that aren't bad! I hope your 29 is coming along great and that your zoas open up more!!! Thanks for watching I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!! :) leave a thumbs up!

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How to succesfully breed with Corydoras, from...

155 likes 45,440 views 12 years ago

This is the method I use for breeding with Corydoras. The video is an example of the Corydoras black venezuela....

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About [4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589

The "[4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked - Day 589" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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