10 Gallon Saltwater Reef Tank

My 10 gallon Reef Tank. 5 Months Old since January 2016 Other Corals not mentioned/filmed: Blue Tubbs Zoanthids Eagle Eye Zoanthids Kenya Tree It has been a long journey! I learned so much It is possible to have this small system I will upgrade someday when I own my own house D: Probably not for a long time lul I hope you enjoy the video! I do not dose anything to the tank. I feed mysis shrimp once a week to the corals I have a DIY gravity Auto Top Off that drips 1~2 cups per day slowly in one day (1 drip per ~2-7 sec) I check on it once a day to refill and adjust I used a Samsung Galaxy S6 to film and take pictures. Also added gel filters to balance out the blue lights from George aka CoralFish12g. Thanks to Eric Graveman for starting me up with some awesome corals. Also thanks Jim & Lillian Cairy for the Reef Rocks!! Those saved me a lot. Free Background Music | Free Listening on SoundCloud DM Galaxy - Etiquette - (Original Mix)

10 Gallon Saltwater Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Reef tank 8 years ago 52,146 views

My 10 gallon Reef Tank. 5 Months Old since January 2016 Other Corals not mentioned/filmed: Blue Tubbs Zoanthids Eagle Eye Zoanthids Kenya Tree It has been a long journey! I learned so much It is possible to have this small system I will upgrade someday when I own my own house D: Probably not for a long time lul I hope you enjoy the video! I do not dose anything to the tank. I feed mysis shrimp once a week to the corals I have a DIY gravity Auto Top Off that drips 1~2 cups per day slowly in one day (1 drip per ~2-7 sec) I check on it once a day to refill and adjust I used a Samsung Galaxy S6 to film and take pictures. Also added gel filters to balance out the blue lights from George aka CoralFish12g. Thanks to Eric Graveman for starting me up with some awesome corals. Also thanks Jim & Lillian Cairy for the Reef Rocks!! Those saved me a lot. Free Background Music | Free Listening on SoundCloud DM Galaxy - Etiquette - (Original Mix)

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Most popular comments
for 10 Gallon Saltwater Reef Tank

Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Red cap monte!!! I need lol
Nadi Mian Reefer
Nadi Mian Reefer - 7 years ago
I don't have words how good these corals are in health and shape
Kitty Moore
Kitty Moore - 7 years ago
Nice tank :)
luridhue - 7 years ago
what light do you use? the actinics look amazing!
John Madlos
John Madlos - 7 years ago
I am using the SB Reef Lights Sprite Gen1 with an orange gel filter.
Mac - 7 years ago
Nice tank. Can you share how you made your auto top off? I want to use the idea for dosing. Thanks.
John Madlos
John Madlos - 7 years ago
I made 2 videos about it on my ideas, you can simply modify it to your liking :)
The first link is simpler and more manual
the second link is with a digital timer. Use a good timer so that it doest fail. I still need to buy a new timer as it keep resetting on me on the OFF position, at least its on the off right? lol.
Just be careful if you dose it because it might clog overtime if not maintained.

Robert Ellis
Robert Ellis - 7 years ago
Nice Tank...
starwind aquariums
starwind aquariums - 7 years ago
and some say a 10 gallon is no good
Nick Nathu
Nick Nathu - 7 years ago
Brian Buchert
Brian Buchert - 7 years ago
Nice video

10. comment for 10 Gallon Saltwater Reef Tank

Ben S
Ben S - 7 years ago
Exquisite job
Eli Alaniz
Eli Alaniz - 7 years ago
What kind of light are u using
John Madlos
John Madlos - 7 years ago
Im using SB Reef Lights Sprite or sBox Sprite Reef Nano in their website
Alt Protestant
Alt Protestant - 7 years ago
beautiful corals! so Amazing, I have an 8 gallon reef tank in cycle and this video gave me good ideas for my tank :D
Alt Protestant
Alt Protestant - 7 years ago
John Madlos :D
John Madlos
John Madlos - 7 years ago
Thank you. That's awesome! :D best of luck
Dani Wornath
Dani Wornath - 7 years ago
so do i understand it right 10 gallons equals 37 liters ? sry iam from europe :D BUT it looks bigger to me .
John Madlos
John Madlos - 7 years ago
+Dani Wornath yes your correct. 37 liters. Its a standard 10 gallon that you will find anywhere. Yeah alot of people think its bigger, i think its because of my aquascape and the amount of rocks that give that wierd illusion.
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
dude, Your tank is perfect. gj!
ItsMalek - 8 years ago
what lights do u have wow the colors
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
I am using SB reef lights Sprite. Thanks :)
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
very nice
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
what is that orange coral in the middle or is that a sponge
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Jason Walters it is a monti cap
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
a beautiful aquarium, I liked a lot, thank you for sharing, I Subbed, visit my first aquarium, and give me your opinion
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Thanks and I will :)
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 8 years ago
Nice tank! I have subbed to your channel.
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Thanks :) Subbed back too

20. comment for 10 Gallon Saltwater Reef Tank

Heavygun1450 - 8 years ago
What filtration are you using for your tank?
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
I am using an Aquaclear 110 with a DIY intake, inside I have my Polyester Batting that I cut up for the mechanical filter, I have seachem de*nitrate for my extra biological filtration, Cheato algae, and a little GFO in a mesh bag.
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
Nice. what's ur maintenance like?
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
TOM REEFMAN202 definitely worth the try
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
+John Madlos nice... I'm looking to do a ten gallon myself..this is really amazing
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
TOM REEFMAN202 i do water changes about 2.5 gallon once a week (clean the glass, siphon the top of the sand, etc) , I have a DIY filter polyester batting that I change change every 1~2 days, refill ~2 cups of RO/DI daily for my DIY Auto top off, dose 5ml of Esv 2 part daily, turkey blast my cheato every time it gets full of algea about ~4 days.
Alan Parr
Alan Parr - 8 years ago
Question John..., I am about to set up my 1st 10 gallon saltwater tank and everyone has told me.., one lb of rock for every gallon. Your tank appears not to do so. What is your advice on amount of rock pounds per gallon? For my 10 gallon tank.., I think 6/7 lbs is fine. I want fish to hv room to swim. Thx John
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Hi Alan, good luck with the new set up :) this is also my 1st saltwater tank.
Everyone have a different preference or guidelines for a number of rock pounds per gallon.
To be honest, I do not know how much lbs of rock is in this tank. I went for the aquascape that I like in this tank that wasn't a big wall of rock or being too crowded. Since I only have 2 clownfish and 1 cleaner shrimp in this tank, I wasn't worried about the surface area/bioload ratio although I have a little bag of seachem de*nitrate in my filter just in case. My advice is just to do what makes you happy in your tank such as aquascape, what corals you want in your tank, and fish selection.
Apple Hoe
Apple Hoe - 8 years ago
Dude your a professional
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
shaun eaton Thank you :)
Alan Parr
Alan Parr - 8 years ago
Just wanted to say..., really nice nano tank. One of the nicest nano's I hv seen. Beautiful colors and also like how you added at end of video, what you are using. Thx
Steve Dang
Steve Dang - 8 years ago
Nice I have a heater and it up to 80
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Yeah my tank went to 81 one night when the weather was hot but it was fine. I used to have it around 79. As long as its stable and not over 86 then i think its fine.
Steve Dang
Steve Dang - 8 years ago
Hi what is the temperature of the reef
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Steve Dang for this tank I have it between 77°F - 78°F for most of the time.
Rafael Higonnet-Faithfull
Rafael Higonnet-Faithfull - 8 years ago
Deepak Srinivas
Deepak Srinivas - 8 years ago
can u make a video on diy top up equipment....thank u
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
by the end of this week i should have it up
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
sure man.

30. comment for 10 Gallon Saltwater Reef Tank

John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Thanks man
arenalarmyof2 - 8 years ago
what wavemaker do you use?
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
+arenalarmyof2 np
arenalarmyof2 - 8 years ago
thanks bro
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
I currently use 2 Hydor Koralia 240 nano. one of each side and alternating 1h on&off. In this video i only used 1.
Eddie's Reef Aquaria
Eddie's Reef Aquaria - 8 years ago
Hi John, First I want to thank you for subscribing to my channel as I too watched yours and also did.  I find your tank Great looking with healthy corals and a lot of detailed information about the build.   Eddie of Eddie's Reef Aquaria
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Thank you man. I really like your tank too and especially that dosing video you did. I am slowly improving my build too. Someday I will make an update on my tank and the equipment :)
MannyFresh1x - 8 years ago
How are the coral living if you don't dose the tank with anything?
MannyFresh1x - 8 years ago
+John Madlos Oh alright just wondering if I could have saved money on the chemicals. And wow but they seem to be doing fine without you dosing.
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Yeap, I am currently using Reef Crystals. Reef Crystals are formulated for LPS/SPS corals vs Instant Ocean are more for fish only tanks or corals that don't demand high levels of those elements. Depends on the tank too on what corals you got if you need to dose. I just realized that I need to dose after testing my parameters today hehe.
MannyFresh1x - 8 years ago
+John Madlos So the salt you use makes it so you don't have dose them with anything?
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
They are doing fine even I don't dose anything, just water changes every week. I might buy Red Sea Coral Pro Salt mix instead of Reef Crystals when it runs out. I am currently experimenting just now on Seachem Reef Plus if they react better or worst.
Dustin Traynor
Dustin Traynor - 8 years ago
What do you have your lights dialed in at and how long do you run them each day?
Dustin Traynor
Dustin Traynor - 8 years ago
+John Madlos Great, thanks.
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
For now I have 40% Blue (4th marker) and 30% White (3rd marker) for the SB Reef Lights. I run them for 8 hours white and 10 hours Blue. I am slowly increasing the intensity slowly each week and see how the corals are liking it because I had the lowest setting for almost 6 months and didn't realize it was low.
Francisco Gozon
Francisco Gozon - 8 years ago
Very nice!
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Thanks man
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
what kind of power head are you using?
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Thanks man
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
+John Madlos everything looks awesome. Good job!
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
On this video I am only using one hydor koralia nano 240. I added an extra one last month.
Robandoban - 8 years ago
What pump are you using on the tank? I have a couple larger tanks (40-90gal) and I'm going to be setting up a 10gal soon but I don't know which pump I should get yet.
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
In this tank I have a modified aquaclear 110. When I started, I bought some pvc pipes from home depot and drilled like a couple holes in it to have reduced flow or there will be a sandstorm in the tank. When the sand became more dense I added a Hydor Koralia Nano 240. Then I added one same one on the other side when corals got bigger. The pumps would alternate every hour or so.
Ray Rzc
Ray Rzc - 8 years ago
Awesome colors ! Can i know what light you are using for your tank ? =)
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
thanks man. im glad you liked my video
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
Im using SB Reef Lights Sbox Sprite Reef ever since I set this tank up.
Landon Meeks
Landon Meeks - 8 years ago
Landon Meeks
Landon Meeks - 8 years ago
+John Madlos true true true
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
hey that dream could be a reality someday :D
Landon Meeks
Landon Meeks - 8 years ago
+John Madlos lol i could only dream about having a tank like that.
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
hehe thats the spirit
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
John Madlos
John Madlos - 8 years ago
+Rad Perez Thank you

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