1150 Gallon Reef Tank Room Tour

In today's Episode, I return to Leo’s reef room. This time I go thru all the details, his new aquascaping on his 500 gallon setup/deep sand bed, his 350 gallon frag tank and mangrove grow area, and his 300 gallon drop off with custom built sump. All cool stuff and details about his equipment as well. I also show you an awesome aptasia solution and we check out a clutch of Clownfish eggs about to hatch. Contact COVE at www.onecove.com and email leo at lkool@onecove.com Leo’s controlled light is called a X Marine Keloray (Www.kelolight.com) Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Dyalla - Wonderful https://soundcloud.com/dyallas David Cutter Music - Corners - Side You https://soundcloud.com/dcuttermusic Joakim Karud - Make a Wish - Spring Light https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

1150 Gallon Reef Tank Room Tour sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Reef tank 7 years ago 5,072 views

In today's Episode, I return to Leo’s reef room. This time I go thru all the details, his new aquascaping on his 500 gallon setup/deep sand bed, his 350 gallon frag tank and mangrove grow area, and his 300 gallon drop off with custom built sump. All cool stuff and details about his equipment as well. I also show you an awesome aptasia solution and we check out a clutch of Clownfish eggs about to hatch. Contact COVE at www.onecove.com and email leo at lkool@onecove.com Leo’s controlled light is called a X Marine Keloray (Www.kelolight.com) Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Dyalla - Wonderful https://soundcloud.com/dyallas David Cutter Music - Corners - Side You https://soundcloud.com/dcuttermusic Joakim Karud - Make a Wish - Spring Light https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

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Most popular comments
for 1150 Gallon Reef Tank Room Tour

Chris Roth
Chris Roth - 7 years ago
Thanks for the upload. What type of butterfly fish is that? I’m going to try and get one tomorrow ty
Chris Roth
Chris Roth - 7 years ago
My guess is convict butterfly?
FeedThatReefAddiction - 7 years ago
Amazing. Where in Guangzhou is the large fish market he gets his coral from?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
not sure... but if he looks thru this comment section hope he will tell you.
ReefingwithO - 7 years ago
What’s the name of those Butterflyfish that are the aptasia?
Chris Jenkins
Chris Jenkins - 7 years ago
Yeah! So glad you are bringing back Matt's reef tank! Can't wait to see more an watch your travels.
Robert - 7 years ago
What type of butterfly are they?
Eddy Ortiz
Eddy Ortiz - 7 years ago
Amazing is all you can say he really knows his stuff great video new subscriber.
ReefMan - 7 years ago
(you know you're into reef tanks when) the availability of a room that we can convert into a tank room is high on the "must have" list. It must be so nice to have space like this! Thanks for showing us around!
Antony Marshall
Antony Marshall - 7 years ago
Just remembered multibars are angels ,must be my age :(
Antony Marshall
Antony Marshall - 7 years ago
The butterflies looked a bit like multibars but I don't think they were , did Leo say what they were.

10. comment for 1150 Gallon Reef Tank Room Tour

Ricardo Carey
Ricardo Carey - 7 years ago
Thanks for posting this update! I’m looking forward to your future aquatic adventures
Jorge Aguilar
Jorge Aguilar - 7 years ago
What kind of butterfly fish were those?
S wd
S wd - 7 years ago
what kind of butterfly fish are those? I got some aptasia over here lol
SweetLily :D
SweetLily :D - 7 years ago
Woah, super pretty, well built and amazing!
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
Watching this as im doing a water change on my reef ahah
Scott SPS
Scott SPS - 7 years ago
Do the aptasia eating butterfly fish cause any problems with coral? Also what is the butterfly fish name. Also it is interesting how he uses different equipment for each build.
Dr. med. Christian Schmidt
Dr. med. Christian Schmidt - 7 years ago
Best reef channel ever!
Will C
Will C - 7 years ago
the real question is what other corals will that butterfly eat...
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
i asked... he said they dont bother anything else... so far...
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Have to say I miss your office tank
Jorge Figueroa
Jorge Figueroa - 7 years ago
I miss it too
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
i have to say that too... someday... bigger and better.. but for now... the road!
Steve Fei Hou
Steve Fei Hou - 7 years ago
Where's Bob?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
did you see? i show you towards the end...

20. comment for 1150 Gallon Reef Tank Room Tour

Tony's reef keeping
Tony's reef keeping - 7 years ago
Nothing more satisfying than watching a butterfly fish eat aiptaisia
sanmillanjua1 - 7 years ago
Did anyone catch the name of the return pump used for the drop off tank?
Will C
Will C - 7 years ago
Aquabee pump 8000
Christopher Graf
Christopher Graf - 7 years ago
Any update on the house and office tank?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
yea im on the road.. the office and house tank are closed up.... all my stuff is in storage or with leo.
Craig - 7 years ago
Nanoreef007 - 7 years ago
Great video
Adamsapple - 7 years ago
Does he add any supplements to his tanks?
JÚLIA ‘ S REEF NANO REEF 91 l - 7 years ago
Simplemente espectacular !!
Marat Leibovich
Marat Leibovich - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video update... It was amazing. Video's like this is my favorite....
Angel R
Angel R - 7 years ago
Thank u Matt for showing us his setup. I miss my and my husbands tank. We had a 500 gal in our living room. We use to have a blast with it!!! So thinks again. My husband would have loved the video. He passed more than 13 yrs ago now. So this made me smile!!!
Doug Ahern
Doug Ahern - 7 years ago
Matt's Reef Tank got me starting to follow JaYoe and Everest kept me going. I am always entertained by what is vlogged. I look forward to seeing you back on the road with the trike. Good luck and be safe.

30. comment for 1150 Gallon Reef Tank Room Tour

Ashu - 7 years ago
Great set-up leo.
maniatikoleal - 7 years ago
Great to see how Leo's tank is right now, its much cleaner, smooth view, great result.
Tidal Gardens Inc.
Tidal Gardens Inc. - 7 years ago
Very nice.  Good job on the video Matt!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
thanks than!
James Mason
James Mason - 7 years ago
Matt have you every watched the tv show tanked
James Mason
James Mason - 7 years ago
the JaYoe Nation yes you should check it out
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
no.. is it good?
Js Travelers
Js Travelers - 7 years ago
Fish tanks knowledge and skills, second to none.
$1 worth of tie wraps could be used for cord management.
Just sayin.
Ken Yup
Ken Yup - 7 years ago
Reef tanks is really beautiful,the fishes were so exciting when Leo tried to feed them
paula Havens
paula Havens - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing .

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