20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years
Reef tank 9 years ago 428,151 views
The Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center's biggest accomplishment is the 15 year old reef exhibit, which has been carefully tended to by curator Joe Yaiullo and his staff. Joe discusses flow, lighting, feeding, water testing and more. Behind the scenes footage included, and see captive raised corals as old as 25 years and fish that are 18 years old. This is one reef you need to see in person. 7:00 lighting 8:52 flow 14:57 LED lighting 18:43 growth challenges 22:33 H. magnifica anemones 24:33 some of the fish 25:23 "like a Tanker" 25:57 water changes, filtration, kalkwasser 30:07 additives 32:10 water testing 35:45 controllers & automation 39:25 vodka dosing 40:30 feedings 41:51 coral placement 45:22 acrylic polishing 50:22 coral planting 54:20 behind the scenes Music by: Orbital Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RglnB_4Z-No
10. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years
None of this matters! I want to save the world's reefs!
Can we? Doubtful!
What we need to do is start another war. Kill another 500,000 people, like Madeline Albright did under her watch.
20. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years
Also me; *accidentally watches the entire thing*
30. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years
Spock, my naso tang, was purchased within a used 280-gallon reef I acquired in 2004, and she's in the 400g now. She's quite large, but I don't have the room to build a 1000g reef in my home.
On a sidenote, I think it's ridiculous that numerous online fish sellers have the Vlamingii tang (a two-foot / 60cm long fish) listed for sale and suggesting it as being "suitable for a 360 gallon tank". They should only be housed in tanks in the thousands of gallons. I hope that anyone who comes across this post realises this. My 2 cents...
Thanks again for your reply. Ben
50. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years
I literally camped inside the toilet for an hour because I was watching it. I hate u guys!! :(
Now the other part of the question you didn't ask: We can also share fragments from our aquariums with other aquarists, rather than taking new ones from the ocean. I have a few of the corals from this video in my own 400g aquarium and have had them for several years. :)
how do you like to get the largest another lived rocks? soon one of the largest coral will be gone at Henoko,Okinawa for make US air base.if it possible, cut one peace of coral and keep them at tank like yours.
100. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years
Mr L Cirignaco the Founder of the Ultimate Fishkeeping Show Congratulates you personally as Marine is his Most Favorite of all, his Personal Opinion Marine Fish are By Far more Beautiful than any other Fish.
The facility was built around this tank, not a tank added to the facility. I'm sure millions of dollars were spent for everything. :)
Seriously, this is THE best reef tank I have ever visited. EVER. And though I probably spent a grand total of 10 minutes in all of the rest of the exhibits, it was well worth the entry fee. Planning on going back again this year. And this time, I'll see about a behind-the-scenes tour.
Some corals are from seized illegal coral shipments.
Is that fish in the anemone dead?
Next time when I visit New York I need to check it out.
2 Questions:
The 300G surge tank, does that serve as a fresh water top off or saltwater, water change?
and, The single 400W pump that was creating the wave action at the end. What kind of pump is it?
The pump you asked about is the Hydro Wizard. An oversized one.
Thank you for this great video - the hour flew by!
go back for a follow up within the next year I think an ongoing series with this reef would be great!
I find it very relaxing.
I used to run multiple aquariums (both salt and fresh) but when I moved I had to give'em up.
Great video... you have a new subscriber:)
Great audio quality btw! Greets from Germany :)
If I ever get up that way I will diffidently have the Long Island Aquarium on my to do list!
Thanks for taking the time to share!
that's my idea of heaven.
call me crazy but I wouldn't mind coming back as a fish in that tank.
I wonder that if you can add caption for this video? or make youtube add it automatically
I appreciate all the nice comments as well. It's nice to read!
The focus now is Genicanthus angelfish." - Joe Yaiullo, Feb 2 2016
Did I not see any big angelfish though?....
thanks mate.
Super nice to watch thanks alot for it.
That's just beautiful
I bet he propagates and this tank pays for itself...
Great job man.. This video will be relevant forever.. Please never take it down... Will never be anything like it again.. BE EASY!
Somewhere in the video, he talks about cutting hard corals in little pieces and mounting them as a small group rather than putting them vertically as one piece, so they won't collapse after years under their own weight. I didn't quite understand how it's done but it sounds interesting. Could you possibly make a video explaining how we do that? I would love to know.
Thank you.
Thanks for the answer.
I love your tank, one of my favourites on youtube because it's very naturaly aquascaped.