20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

The Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center's biggest accomplishment is the 15 year old reef exhibit, which has been carefully tended to by curator Joe Yaiullo and his staff. Joe discusses flow, lighting, feeding, water testing and more. Behind the scenes footage included, and see captive raised corals as old as 25 years and fish that are 18 years old. This is one reef you need to see in person. 7:00 lighting 8:52 flow 14:57 LED lighting 18:43 growth challenges 22:33 H. magnifica anemones 24:33 some of the fish 25:23 "like a Tanker" 25:57 water changes, filtration, kalkwasser 30:07 additives 32:10 water testing 35:45 controllers & automation 39:25 vodka dosing 40:30 feedings 41:51 coral placement 45:22 acrylic polishing 50:22 coral planting 54:20 behind the scenes Music by: Orbital Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RglnB_4Z-No

20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years sentiment_very_dissatisfied 69

Reef tank 9 years ago 428,151 views

The Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center's biggest accomplishment is the 15 year old reef exhibit, which has been carefully tended to by curator Joe Yaiullo and his staff. Joe discusses flow, lighting, feeding, water testing and more. Behind the scenes footage included, and see captive raised corals as old as 25 years and fish that are 18 years old. This is one reef you need to see in person. 7:00 lighting 8:52 flow 14:57 LED lighting 18:43 growth challenges 22:33 H. magnifica anemones 24:33 some of the fish 25:23 "like a Tanker" 25:57 water changes, filtration, kalkwasser 30:07 additives 32:10 water testing 35:45 controllers & automation 39:25 vodka dosing 40:30 feedings 41:51 coral placement 45:22 acrylic polishing 50:22 coral planting 54:20 behind the scenes Music by: Orbital Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RglnB_4Z-No

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Most popular comments
for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

2Britts 1Pointer
2Britts 1Pointer - 6 years ago
I think this is your best video. thanks Mark
Nicolas Melia
Nicolas Melia - 6 years ago
@melevsreef, have you ever went diving into a real reef?
melevsreef - 6 years ago
Yes, several times. Hawaii, Fiji, Dominican Republic, Florida Keys...
Nicolas Melia
Nicolas Melia - 6 years ago
Reefs actually dont look this goos in nature. SO it falling. Is not nature. lol
Ash - 6 years ago
Wow just stunning...i am at aww on his reef keeping ability....It’s an honour to see this video Melev and thanks to you for bring this over...its a 3yr old video but i loved every bit of it...just could not take my eyes off a bit....its a different story to manage our small little reefs at home and its a whole different ball game to manage this 20,000G system....much appreciated i did shared this on my fb....
jluu saltwater aquarium
jluu saltwater aquarium - 6 years ago
It's very fantastic saltwater aquarium... sir I'm Jimmy Luu I have a 34 saltwater aquarium I have a problem inside my tank have Dinos are Dinos flagellates how you can deal with them... I have a YouTube channel jluu saltwater aquarium my new is almost 5 mouths I have not see this....
melevsreef - 6 years ago
There are a few approaches to eliminating dinoflagellates. It depends how much has amassed in your aquarium.
Washington Otters
Washington Otters - 6 years ago
I loved the penguin!! Thanks again for this video!! I can’t thank you enough
Washington Otters
Washington Otters - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for this video!! Thank you
Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
This is the best reef tank on You Tube. A+ in all area's..health of fish and corals and natural looking. He's not skimped on water flow ( 5hp pump!) or lighting. I lost count at 17,000 watts...
Katie Bakker
Katie Bakker - 6 years ago
wow those are the most beautiful surgeonfish I've ever seen

10. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

Dan Sufor
Dan Sufor - 6 years ago
Wow...what a WONDERFUL setup!!! Truly candy to the eyes. What type of pellets do you feed in addition to the PE mysis?
melevsreef - 6 years ago
I'll see if I can get an update from Joe about all the foods he uses.
ReefDudes - 6 years ago
Great watch! thanks for filming/sharing it
ReefDudes - 6 years ago
I believe it! Your efforts are appreciated!
melevsreef - 6 years ago
This one took me unknown hours to edit. Weeks.
steadyeddy100 - 6 years ago
I'm watching this and who's is it where is it . no information at start ?
steadyeddy100 - 6 years ago
melevsreef no sorry I didn't just me being lazy. But love your aquarium
melevsreef - 6 years ago
Did you read the video description?
MRVO2011 - 6 years ago
Very cooooool
Jhereg CG-60
Jhereg CG-60 - 6 years ago
Excellent video, thank you.
makoshark40 - 6 years ago
so the bloack fish with the white and pink and yellow fins and yellow eyes, do they have eyelids? 18:24 looks like it blinked
melevsreef - 6 years ago
No, that's just a reflection you're seeing.
Jesse Anak Kuri
Jesse Anak Kuri - 6 years ago
Is there a reason why this tank is SPS dominated?
Miguel Floriano
Miguel Floriano - 6 years ago
How much does it cost to maintain a tank that size ? 10k a Month ?
melevsreef - 6 years ago
I never asked. I'm sure the electric bill is a huge part of it. And the cost of trucking in water. Plus staff and nightly security that keeps an eye on the tank every night, all year long.
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 6 years ago
I want to own an aquarium... not fish tank... a building tourism attraction aquarium.
Starfighter USSCV-66
Starfighter USSCV-66 - 7 years ago
What got me into reefs was: in the late 1980's I'd sailed all the ocean's on planet earth. I began thinking, or wondering what was below me. I hit the port of Hurgada, Egypt. I saw my first octopus. I was in love! I had seen my first octopus!

None of this matters! I want to save the world's reefs!
Can we? Doubtful!
What we need to do is start another war. Kill another 500,000 people, like Madeline Albright did under her watch.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
During one of my dives two years ago, I came across a place where 5 cannons were on the ground and corals were growing upon them. There was an abundance of eels living within that area, and this combination of history and marine life was interesting to me. Also, I too love octopuses. :)

20. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

Starfighter USSCV-66
Starfighter USSCV-66 - 7 years ago
I certainly appreciate you taking the time to post this video. I recently subscribed to your channel and I really enjoy it. I've been a reefer since Martin Moe published "Marine Aquarium Reference ". You're channel has inspired me so much I may start another reef up.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I think you could have 50 in there, and they'd all be equally fun to watch. :)
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 7 years ago
This tank has to come 1st place before David Saxby at DD Aquarium Solutions uk. for sure.
Rob Youl
Rob Youl - 7 years ago
I hate seeing people put tangs into tanks that are too small for them!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I see what you did there. ;)
Spencer Lupton
Spencer Lupton - 7 years ago
watched the whole thing.Great Vid! My favorite thing is seeing how big some fish get. People who want to put a tang or fox face in 60 gal. HERES HOW BIG THESE FISH GET!!! HOLY BEAR SHIT!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
lol! And thanks for watching the entire thing. :)
Sarah Beacon
Sarah Beacon - 7 years ago
Hmmm so what happens to coral frags ? lol
Jess N.
Jess N. - 7 years ago
Me: “oh I don’t have time to watch this entire thing”
Also me; *accidentally watches the entire thing*
melevsreef - 7 years ago
melevsreef - 7 years ago
He definitely does a great job. It's a daily labor of love.
stealthballer - 7 years ago
why si the water so cloudy
melevsreef - 7 years ago
You are looking through 14’ of water front to back. There are times when it is more clear; it just depends on what’s going on. As you saw from above, the water looks much more clear in comparison.
Upside town diy
Upside town diy - 7 years ago
Very nice. There's gotta be every reefers, days in there. Alot of pairs of fish, it's like the real go fish game. I'm surprised this isn't just a salt water store.

30. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

Peter Karig
Peter Karig - 7 years ago
Where's the parrot fish? He he! I'm amazed you keep so many large fish from destroying the live coral. Incredible tank! We need a lot more of these as coral reefs bleach to death around the world.
O K - 7 years ago
That’s a commitment! Well done both of you.
geckoblaze48 - 7 years ago
what happened to the Emperor angel? No Naso Tangs?
Anthony Scianna
Anthony Scianna - 7 years ago
What happens if that tank gets ick
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's the same for any tank, just have to move all fish into a hospital system.
Anthony Scianna
Anthony Scianna - 7 years ago
melevsreef I I know but just wondering
melevsreef - 7 years ago
With the quarantining system they use, ich isn't introduced to the healthy reef. Good question. Ich isn't something every tank gets.
Dani Wornath
Dani Wornath - 7 years ago
electricity bill , ouch :)
antonio jose plaza sanchez
antonio jose plaza sanchez - 7 years ago
igual que el mío!!!...jajajaja
melevsreef - 7 years ago
BENJAMIN N.Y.E - 7 years ago
Hello to the knowledgeable! Can anyone enlighten me as to the name of the big sleek, dark coloured, blunt headed fish, of which two cross each other above the yellow Turbinaria at exactly 33 min 36 sec.?? Thank you!
BENJAMIN N.Y.E - 7 years ago
Late follow-up reply... Thanks for taking the time to respond again. I'm probably one of those 'vocal' people when it comes to the 12 inch + tangs/surgeonfish... I take your point regarding growing into their circumstances, you are very experienced after all. Have a good one! Ben
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's actually interesting how fish seem to grow within the limits of their aquarium. Some fish we keep for years are quite small compared to their counterparts in the ocean. Rarely do we see fish the size of a salt bucket lid, but in nature some are even larger than that. That doesn't mean we can keep any fish we prefer, assuming it will 'fit' the aquarium we own. Quite a number of vocal people will voice concern about tangs in a small aquarium, for example.

Spock, my naso tang, was purchased within a used 280-gallon reef I acquired in 2004, and she's in the 400g now. She's quite large, but I don't have the room to build a 1000g reef in my home.
BENJAMIN N.Y.E - 7 years ago
Thanks 'Melev'!! Not many comparable pictures about on a Google search of the healthy and quite mature looking fish as seen in this particular aquarium. The pictures tend to be more of the juveniles, which is why I guess I was struggling to figure out the species. Do you think it possible that these kind of fish grow to their full potential given that they are housed in a suitably large aquarium? E.G./ possibly in comparison to larger fish that are kept in a smaller tank and never reach their full 'wild' sizes due to lack of space to swim properly and develop their bodies, for example: P. hepatus and Indian Ocean Sailfin Tangs? The Sailfins in this video looked to be the largest I've seen in an aquarium!

On a sidenote, I think it's ridiculous that numerous online fish sellers have the Vlamingii tang (a two-foot / 60cm long fish) listed for sale and suggesting it as being "suitable for a 360 gallon tank". They should only be housed in tanks in the thousands of gallons. I hope that anyone who comes across this post realises this. My 2 cents...

Thanks again for your reply. Ben
melevsreef - 7 years ago
That's a Vlamingii tang.
Off-Grid - 7 years ago
What an incredible video! If you are interested about Coral Spawning, please check out my video with exclusive footage from Blue Planet 2 :) -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ9uu84APyU
Moto Sly
Moto Sly - 7 years ago
that FAT achillis!!!! sweet!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Beyond Berlin
Beyond Berlin - 7 years ago
Those black fish with fines on the top and bottom are so cute swimming in circles around each other
Jessica Lee
Jessica Lee - 7 years ago
Great Video!!
ann quirke
ann quirke - 7 years ago
I enjoyed this immensely. Stunning Reef. The love & dedication is evident. Thanks great job.
Spokane Survival Training and education
Spokane Survival Training and education - 7 years ago
How many species?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
No idea.
Spokane Survival Training and education
Spokane Survival Training and education - 7 years ago
Is it a native tank?
Spokane Survival Training and education
Spokane Survival Training and education - 7 years ago
Thank you I didn't think so either but it's definitely beautiful
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I don't believe so. There are many species from different oceans in this combined mixed reef.
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
Ha ha I knew I recognized that tank! Been there many times.
Dr Wakin Aquatics P.h.d
Dr Wakin Aquatics P.h.d - 7 years ago
Are you very rich?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
This aquarium isn't a private one, people pay to visit it. The money is used to pay for staff, utilities, aquarium costs, insurance, etc. I doubt anyone there is getting rich. And if you meant me, no I'm not. :)
Zakeel Gordon
Zakeel Gordon - 7 years ago
Can you do a follow up to this video? Like an annual review? Talk about the growth of the corals, livestock changes, etc. I am also interested to hear about the Gigas Clams? 10/10 video!
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 7 years ago
I know nothing about saltwater tanks but that looks overstocked...maxing bioload
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's doing great, with over 16 years thus far. When you say overstocked do you mean corals or are you referring to the fish load? Joe's got this handled. :)
Mike M
Mike M - 7 years ago
I used to live in long island and I have been to this several times. Over the last 10+ years every aquarium my wife and I have been to do not even come close to this exhibit. This video is great but honestly its absolutely amazing in person. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video. I really hope everyone watching it plan a trip to see it in person one day.

50. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

Alfredo De La Fe
Alfredo De La Fe - 7 years ago
Fantastic video. I feel as if I got all of the positives out if 10 of Joe's talks.
NarcissiqueDawnn - 7 years ago
I hate this video because I got a tight slap from my mum because of this video.

I literally camped inside the toilet for an hour because I was watching it. I hate u guys!! :(
Dipper964 - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing and the explanation (: I'd love to build a giant tank one day
smiler - 7 years ago
A nice hammerhead would look nice
smiler - 7 years ago
All the maths sends me to sleep..zzzzz
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 7 years ago
WOW!! So cool to see so many happy, healthy fish!!!
#Rossy's Corals
#Rossy's Corals - 7 years ago
does he still use sea swirls? or did he switch to gyres?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
He loves his Sea Swirls. There are other pumps in the tank as well, but they will never replace the SSs entirely.
#Rossy's Corals
#Rossy's Corals - 7 years ago
what is the water temperature? that you need to wear a wetsuit?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
The temperature is about 78°F but when you are in that temperature for 3+ hours at a time and not active like a swimmer, your core temperature begins to drop. Plus, the wetsuit also helps avoid getting scratches from a coral although he does his best to avoid brushing up against any since they are fragile.
Daniel Salt
Daniel Salt - 7 years ago
Third time watching this, what a perfect way to spend an hour on the couch, again..Ihope we get an update, annually would be awsome ;)
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Perhaps we will one day. I'd like to showcase some other big reefs here in the U.S. if scheduling works.
Howard Watkins Jr
Howard Watkins Jr - 7 years ago
This was awesome! I work with fresh water fish and Koi ponds. Salt water has always been my favorite, but have been intimidated by all the solutions and chemicals that is needed, let alone the lighting. Just a fish keeper from Richfield MN (Howard) :)
Kimberly O'Boyle
Kimberly O'Boyle - 7 years ago
I remember when this first opened, I moved off Long Island 13 years ago but I still go here with the kids when we return to visit family on LI. They have a really nice insect section and butterfly room. The penguin was adorable! This tank is inspirational and you can't capture on camera just how gorgeous and sparkling this entire tank look, it's like a giant diamond with all the color flashes.
ZeroEye 25
ZeroEye 25 - 7 years ago
the best part about this place is the coral tanks and shark tank, and I get to see these every weekend since I volunteer here, and now they finally have an amazing animal called the giant isopod on display, thanks for showing this amazing video of one of the biggest coral tanks in the us
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
hi buddy I'm a newbie to the hobby and would like to ask you a quick question how long should my lights be on for whites/blues?
Ktown Reefer
Ktown Reefer - 6 years ago
reef guy 92 you could have watched his video with all the time you wasted trying to get an answer to a question that isn’t simply answered. Just saying.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
melevsreef I'm currently running my light from 11 am in the morning till 5pm my blues come on for a hour at 10% then whites turn on a 12 then they slowly ramp up till about 2-3 pm and on full intensity my lights are at blues 60% and whites 35% how does that sound mate?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Most people want their tank to start blue for a while, then all the lights, then fade to blue again later. But when they run their lights too long, or run the intensity too high, their corals literally suffer and/or die. So for me to tell you "7 hours" doesn't help you a bit. So I'm recommending taking the time to learn about lighting schedules, hence my patience comment. Rushed answers rarely help when it comes to lighting because there are so many factors. But if you just want to run your lights 7 hours a day, it's a decent starting point. Good luck with your reef.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
melevsreef all I wanted was a quick answer on a light time I'll need lol ino patients is key but what's that got to do with my lights ?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
While I can give you a quick answer it will do you a disservice because the answer isn't 'standard' and several things must be considered. Especially with LED lighting. I do have an article you can read instead. Remember, this hobby is about patience, so take your time, do your research, and apply what you learn. Your tank will flourish with good husbandry. http://www.reefaddicts.com/content.php/414-LED-lights-that-make-corals-pop-with-color
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
melevsreef hi buddy I'm really busy at work so unfortunately I can't watch it running a aqua mars led light could u just tell me quickly what sort of time I need to be running the lights please
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I have a video about reef lighting you'd probably enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ebxZqaayTU
Up to my nuts in guts
Up to my nuts in guts - 7 years ago
At 54:11,,, that fish is having a BAD day.
Ricardo Passarin
Ricardo Passarin - 7 years ago
Simplesmente impressionante, gigante, lindo, perfeito!
Andreas Mathiassen
Andreas Mathiassen - 7 years ago
do you ever harvest your reefs and set it out into nature? like they do with turtels; breed at Home, and release The babies, just with corals!?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Normally that is against the rules. Things taken into captivity usually don't go back into the ocean due to the risk of infecting that wild area with parasites or other pathogens that aren't native to the area. A coral from Indonesia doesn't usually grow in Florida, so it can't be planted there. However, efforts are being made to regrow corals that have been declining in the Florida keys. Check out the Coral Restoration Foundation's work in planting 800,000 coral fragments. I participated once and was part of a group that planted over 80 fragments that day. My friend just got back from a trip where they planted over 250 frags. It feels good to try to help correct what has been lost due to natural and unnatural causes.

Now the other part of the question you didn't ask: We can also share fragments from our aquariums with other aquarists, rather than taking new ones from the ocean. I have a few of the corals from this video in my own 400g aquarium and have had them for several years. :)
K Y - 7 years ago
That's not a tank. That's an ocean.
ZeroEye 25
ZeroEye 25 - 7 years ago
Kaleo Yamane yes this place is amazing to see, o e of the reasons why I volunteer here
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's pretty amazing. :)
ICOOKIE69I - 7 years ago
How does he heat the aquarium?
Dustin Smith
Dustin Smith - 7 years ago
Awesome Tank and great video!!!! I miss having a huge tank that someone else pays for.
swedeturbo666 - 7 years ago
Its amazing how generous the curator is with his information. Truly benefit any hobbyist. Thanks!
Jake Alex
Jake Alex - 7 years ago
Why is it so hazy?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It depends on the time of day, and what they are doing in the tank at that time. You are looking through 14' of water, front to back. Near the end of the video, you'll see some great top down views and clarity looks pretty great.
Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 7 years ago
amazing ! hope one day I can create such amazing tank like those one... I hope it will plug and play with very low maintenances... really low.
Jacky Lee
Jacky Lee - 7 years ago
Awesome tank, good job guys! I was just wondering how good is all this tech and lighting and it's impact on the environment.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Pretty much the one thing that any aquarium needs is electricity. That shouldn't have a major impact on the environment. Secondarily would be water changes.
Dillon Vaughan
Dillon Vaughan - 7 years ago
AWESOME video. It's how I found your channel, I watched the entire thing, and it earned my subscription. GOOD. JOB.
Will G
Will G - 7 years ago
Do a short video along with this one, to both get new people hooked and for people without an hour
Bird and Reef Guy
Bird and Reef Guy - 7 years ago
Love it!
Sage Ariya Ray-Morey
Sage Ariya Ray-Morey - 7 years ago
That sun coral propagation was amazing. Seriously impressed. 50:59 if anyone wants to check that out. That fish frenzy was pretty nuts too. Yup, this earned a subscriber easy. I wish I could have seen this in person. Amazing.
Sage Ariya Ray-Morey
Sage Ariya Ray-Morey - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for doing this work for us. I have gotten so much out of this... you have no idea. A super incredible treat and benefit to the community. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
Digi Aotearoa
Digi Aotearoa - 7 years ago
55:53 There is clown fish hiding in the Anime Coral lol
Nathaniel Hernandez
Nathaniel Hernandez - 7 years ago
He will never know if a fish dies in the reef
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Actually, he can and he did while I visited once. We found a copperband butterfly laying on the sand, one he'd had for many years. We saw it when looking down from above from that walk-gantry. And he has a giant claw device to remove thing or to move items. He used it to retrieve the dead fish, and you could tell he was upset about that loss.
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 7 years ago
Gorgeous love the video. I have a question, since he buffed and polished the inside of this acrylic....possible on my acrylic with everything it there, and how would someone do this, what would i use?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
That's tricky. Because he has a massive system with probably 25000g of liquid volume and the sand filters as well as the massive skimmers, he can get away with it. I know of a guy in Boston that polishes his acrylic tank within, and it's been full of livestock for years. He installed a temporary diatom filter (a very old school filter using a massive accordion-type batting) during that process of sanding, and carefully works each surface with various grades of sandpaper and a cleaning magnet. Each time he's done, the tank looks brand new again, but he was quick to point out it's a major undertaking.
jack smith
jack smith - 7 years ago
this guy bill wann has a tank just like this in his house. yes...a 20,000g tank in his house!!!
jack smith
jack smith - 7 years ago
ya wicked cool. I first seen his tank on one of the facebook saltwater groups, became facebook friends with him and have been following him/checking his stuff out for a few years. Was shocked when he had the crash. That would have bankrupt most ppl but he was right back at it lol.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Isn't that cool? He and I are friends, but I have yet to visit his reef.
Mira W
Mira W - 7 years ago
im from long island ny and if you're talking about the aquarium i think you are, its terrible and boring...
melevsreef - 7 years ago
The one I went to had plenty of interesting things to see, but my focus is on the reef tank because all those corals are living and growing - that's impressive to me. I checked out their butterfly and bug exhibit, so the stingrays and the penguins too.
Lexi Simms
Lexi Simms - 7 years ago
Love this.
mariko - 7 years ago
how do you like to get the largest another lived rocks? soon one of the largest coral will be gone at Henoko,Okinawa for make US air base.if it possible, cut one peace of coral and keep them at tank like yours.
Zack W
Zack W - 7 years ago
Absolutly gorgeous
FrozenMemphis - 7 years ago
anyone else double tap fast forward the video?i got 3,580 seconds. xD
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Did Joe sound like a chipmunk?
Gaojun Zhang
Gaojun Zhang - 7 years ago
The tangs are so much happier and bigger than in like 200-300 gal aquariums
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's a great place to be. Someone makes sure it is perfect, nice and clean, and drops in food all the time. A tang's heaven. hehe
Roger Brant
Roger Brant - 8 years ago
Marc, This is probably one of the best and informative videos ... Great Job buddy
Marcel Flo
Marcel Flo - 8 years ago
Amazing !!
SJB - 8 years ago
15 years and no crash? Im hella impressed.
SJB - 7 years ago
+melevsreef that makes sense. Hes done excellent work with it.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
That's why he's testing so often, and making adjustments early on. He compared it to steering a huge ship to avoid hitting anything. He can't be lazy, especially since it is a public display.
SJB - 8 years ago
Especially cause its 20000 gallons too. shit could go south soooo fast with that much water.
governator45 - 8 years ago
I know LED lighting has basically taken over, but man I loved the look of my halides. I've not seen any LED that has the same look as my Radium 20K's had, or the same spread.
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 7 years ago
Well looking at my giesemann spectra 3 x 400Watt hailed compared to deltec 52 LED lights I seen, I found the tank does not have that brightness and see the colours of the fish.
Broylez 4lyfe
Broylez 4lyfe - 8 years ago
has the tank ever just crashed
melevsreef - 8 years ago
No, he said that in the interview too. :)
#Rossy's Corals
#Rossy's Corals - 8 years ago
Liked and Subbed!!
Christopher Hayes
Christopher Hayes - 8 years ago
amazing. thank you!
mega lawak
mega lawak - 8 years ago
great, but where are the corallivore butterflies...with that much coral growth, for sure it can handle a pair of ornate or meyeri, or arabian etc butterflyfish....right?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
That would be Joe's call. Most people choose reef-safe fish since it takes a long time to grow out colonies. Fish will devour them at a faster rate than they can replenish themselves.
Bad Ass Mofo
Bad Ass Mofo - 8 years ago
Some day I will have a tank like this beautiful masterpiece!!!
Pet Paradise
Pet Paradise - 8 years ago
Don't you have a 20,000 gallon personal aquarium
Pet Paradise
Pet Paradise - 8 years ago
Make more videos about this tank
Pet Paradise
Pet Paradise - 8 years ago
1 year and 2 days ago

100. comment for 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

Castellano702 - 8 years ago
i currently have a 1,000 gallon right now but i plan on going bigger soon, this is my current set up
dknailit - 8 years ago
This one beautiful reef , one question do they get larva/fry from all of the fish in this tank
melevsreef - 8 years ago
The larva becomes food for the reef, any time fish spawn. Sometimes they try to collect some to breed that species, using a huge sock to capture what they can in the reef that night.
Marcel Martins
Marcel Martins - 8 years ago
Sensational !!!
Chris - 8 years ago
Watched from start to end and was worth every bit of it. ( i was testing my water while watching)
shane - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank.
tlonnan84 - 8 years ago
waiting for the tang police to say this tank is too small....
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+tlonnan84 lol
Diego Padron
Diego Padron - 8 years ago
Anyone wonder what the rarest fish is in this tank? So many species!
Tristan G
Tristan G - 8 years ago
i cant be bothered watching the whole video but how does he keep up with calcium and alkalinity consumption?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
He has the required equipment in place. :)
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 8 years ago
We really need to mention that your Aquarium is By Far the Most Beautiful Aquarium Ever Seen.

Mr L Cirignaco the Founder of the Ultimate Fishkeeping Show Congratulates you personally as Marine is his Most Favorite of all, his Personal Opinion Marine Fish are By Far more Beautiful than any other Fish.
Roderick Moore
Roderick Moore - 8 years ago
Fantastic video - Thank you for posting!
Admiral Fyyar
Admiral Fyyar - 8 years ago
So at 26:33 he mentioned that the sand filters are normally backwashed with fresh water and, depending on the salinity, are either put back online immediately or flushed with tank water beforehand. Did he indicate to you the state of the fresh water? ie; Was it RO/DI, rain, dechlorinated or straight town water?
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Imagine a water change
Mambo - 8 years ago
Love the video! Any idea how he makes the nozzles rotate like that? Thanks!
Mambo - 8 years ago
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Those are called SeaSwirls.
rattatt25 - 8 years ago
What if they have fry.Do you move them to another tank?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
In a saltwater reef, any fish spawning is food for the rest of the livestock. Breeding has to be done in a separate environment.
kustomweb - 8 years ago
One of the best videos on YouTube ever
S2minute - 8 years ago
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000347589990 Bill Wann. He owns the largest residential reef aquarium in North America. It is also 20,000 gals.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Yes, that's true. Joe's tank isn't residential obviously. :)
bioletsmakeiteasy - 8 years ago
does anybody know the name of the fish at 1:37 behind the coral?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
It's in the angelfish family, but I don't recall the name now.
Adrian Kramer
Adrian Kramer - 8 years ago
thank you for sharing this magnificent aquarium. think i need to take a trip to Long Island!
Ferdinand Dreiundvierzig
Ferdinand Dreiundvierzig - 8 years ago
Whats 20000 gallon in liter?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
75,508 liters.
soverjas - 8 years ago
What do they do with the coral they prune/propagate?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
I think it ends up with ReefGen.
chefdan87 - 8 years ago
His skimmer pushes 200 gallons a minute and is 15ft tall? And the other one does 100 gallons a minute? Holy shit.
Steve - 8 years ago
Amazing! It's not often I sit through a whole hour of one YouTube video! Thanks, really enjoyed it.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching the whole thing. :)
Joseph Browne
Joseph Browne - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing that spectacular reef. I didn't plan on spending an hour on a single video but I was hooked. Joe keep up the great work , man what an artist!
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
Ive watched this video like 3 times, it's the reason I subscribed, and update would be awesome, if you do interview him again could you ask how he handles whitespot, quarantining, introduction of fish, does he have a dsb or no sand at all...? awesome vid I love it, a 2 hour long video would have been twice as awesome haha.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
+melevsreef Wow that's really great, but eve if he had no awards just watching the tank he has created is more than enough haha. The video itself is really good, the questions you asked were good and the filming was cool, it's really cool when you go and film from the top, I really enjoyed the video thanks so much.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Franklin Michael Sounds good. I'll see what I can do. Joe just was awarded the MASNA Aquarist of the Year award tonight at MACNA.
EXPLORE & ABSORB - 8 years ago
This tank really gives me inspiration to get a saltwater tank going...
hakan ozdemir
hakan ozdemir - 8 years ago
15 years and how much the corals have grown is amazing. he ckearly knows his reefing.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Joe knows his tank well. :)
Apache FPV
Apache FPV - 8 years ago
Joe has got to be the single most interesting person on Earth in my opinion. The man knows his stuff. Not only does he care for this tank but he loves this tank like its family, and that penguin is absolutely adorable. Lol
FIFTY_MEN - 8 years ago
melevsreef - 8 years ago
There is an alternate video you can watch here: http://youtu.be/yx65qrvkPFA
dan hill
dan hill - 8 years ago
loved it
JoNnyThroX - 8 years ago
How much did this cost ?
JoNnyThroX - 8 years ago
Oh fuck, i'm such an idiot. I thought this were liter, not gallons :D
melevsreef - 8 years ago
I'm sure it was even more, since this place was built from the ground up. Lots of concrete work initially, and it's a big place. But 1.5 million for the land and building of the tank itself, all the labor, all the life support and livestock over the years - that number is probably pretty accurate.

The facility was built around this tank, not a tank added to the facility. I'm sure millions of dollars were spent for everything. :)
JoNnyThroX - 8 years ago
+melevsreef Don't think so!
Apache FPV
Apache FPV - 8 years ago
Holy mother of god that's a lot of money. 76 x 20,000 = about 1.5 million.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Probably about $76/gal or more.
Ken - 8 years ago
How does one ensure all the inhabitants of a tank this size are fed adequately? It seems next to impossible to observe all your guys during their feeding. Absolutely beautiful tank and the age of some fish and the tank itself is impressive. You sir are king of the hill when it comes to where you have taken the hobby. Thank you for bringing this to the public. Can't wait to visit.
Liam Ackermann
Liam Ackermann - 8 years ago
Thats right by my house
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums - 8 years ago
Great video.
Dudley Brown
Dudley Brown - 8 years ago
I visited this reef tank for the first time while on a business trip in 2015.

Seriously, this is THE best reef tank I have ever visited. EVER. And though I probably spent a grand total of 10 minutes in all of the rest of the exhibits, it was well worth the entry fee. Planning on going back again this year. And this time, I'll see about a behind-the-scenes tour.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
It's looking great, thanks to Joe's hard work as well as his minion crew.
Dudley Brown
Dudley Brown - 8 years ago
You don't need a wetsuit to work in 77-80 degree water. For hours? Maybe. But for 90 minutes? Naw.
driscle303 - 8 years ago
Dudley Brown protects his skin and protects the creatures from him as well.
Garrett Dinsmore
Garrett Dinsmore - 8 years ago
Where did you get all of that saltwater in your tank? I can't find enough saltwater to fill my 120 gallon tank.
Julia Whiles
Julia Whiles - 8 years ago
I watched the video all the way through. His corals are beautiful, and I'm hoping to see them in person soon!
Mary Duke
Mary Duke - 8 years ago
I know this is a long video. My plan is to show it in segments and have my students describe what they saw, good language development, and we can make charts showing their favorites and explaining who, what, where, and why. Excellent science lesson, as well as other academic learning for my ELL's.
Mary Duke
Mary Duke - 8 years ago
Beautiful and a learning experience for my little ones to see, especially for those who have never visited an aquarium before. Thank you for sharing..
DOMO NATION - 8 years ago
i cant tell are the corals real?
Dudley Brown
Dudley Brown - 8 years ago
Very, very real. Unlike the National Aquarium in Baltimore (compared to this tank, the National Aquarium is an extreme disappointment).
DOMO NATION - 8 years ago
Wow that's amazing! Beautiful tank!
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Yes, all grown from tiny frags.
Mauller Csprings
Mauller Csprings - 8 years ago
This was awesome! Thank you for filming this for some of us who live the other side of the country and hope to get a chance to see it some day. Having people like Joe and you to educate those of us who are learning every day. Thank You and Joe for allowing you to film.
Mambo - 8 years ago
Hey @melevsreef ! Is vodka dosing the only way that he keeps nitrates and phosphates in check or does he use other means as well? Thanks!
James Gasta
James Gasta - 8 years ago
Very nicely done and a good learning experience as to the care it takes to keep a system like this thriving so very well all these years.
Firefitindivr - 8 years ago
The absolute best tank I have ever seen! Definitely the star attraction. Was lucky enough to get a back stage pass with Joe to see all the behind the scenes workings a few weeks ago. Absolutely amazing tank!
melevsreef - 8 years ago
So you are saying you got "the melev treatment"? That's great! lol
Chinabrown88 - 8 years ago
This video was wonderful, especially for those that can't visit the aquarium. Thanks for bringing it to the people. Lot of information and education.
Peter Simonelli
Peter Simonelli - 8 years ago
I see that he was dosing vinegar with his Kalk and also dosing vodka....I didn't catch what he was trying to switch off to instead of the Vodka....did he mention Iron? I am curious to know what his method to keeping his nitrates down consists of??
Irek Winnicki
Irek Winnicki - 8 years ago
Funny is how much devices man must add to create imitaton of nature in real world every single fish life without all this :-) Incredible work and effort invested in this venture. Thanks for showing!
lickswingers. com
lickswingers. com - 8 years ago
The true meaning In beauty is Reef tanks, of all sizes. All you keepers know exactly what I mean :)
dkdh - 8 years ago
Amazing interview and tank... wonder if he knows each type of fish out of the 600-800 are in the tank? Also CUCs type?
Healthy Human
Healthy Human - 8 years ago
Loved the video!
ChevyVoltarian - 8 years ago
Wondering why he adds the vinegar to the 55 gal Kalk bin? He mentioned the ph hard to get above 8.2 ...the vinegar would counteract the ph raise from Kalk, due to vinegar lowering ph. I dose vinegar daily by itself for carbon dosing. And Kalk reactor via ATO. Works for me...just wondering why he puts the vinegar in the Kalk.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
Adding vinegar into kalkwasser helps it dissolve better. You don't need much.
Isaac I. Aquariums
Isaac I. Aquariums - 8 years ago
at 20:15 a small cleaner fish starts to clean a yellow tang, in the bottom left hand corner.. after a few nibbles, the cleaner fish bites the yellow tang. the yellow tang then chases after the cleaner fish..lol
Digi Aotearoa
Digi Aotearoa - 7 years ago
haha i seen it funny must have nipd him hear haha
Dan Wiles
Dan Wiles - 8 years ago
Are there any videos out there of similar systems?
Jordi Vandenbroucke
Jordi Vandenbroucke - 8 years ago
i was wondering the same! if you find some, hook me up
Jorge Aguilar
Jorge Aguilar - 8 years ago
Does he mention what kind of salt he uses? I must of missed it
Nathan Wray
Nathan Wray - 8 years ago
WOW, Im a new subscriber, I loved this vid 1hr flew past
Wasa bisa
Wasa bisa - 8 years ago
Such an amazing tank! It may be a ridiculous question but I really want to know how much for building this huge tank, fish, coral. I think it might be million dollars.
Kustard123 - 8 years ago
+Wasurat Suwattanadeja Oh it'll definitely be up there.
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 8 years ago
I wonder how much does all those live coral cost, That's look's like it cost a lot of big ass money
driscle303 - 8 years ago
Shadow Back started them from tiny frags
ezcompany - 8 years ago
+Shadow Back
Some corals are from seized illegal coral shipments.
Joe C.
Joe C. - 8 years ago
Imagine the electric bill on that baby!!
Adam Tjelmeland
Adam Tjelmeland - 8 years ago
Great video and an unbelievable tank.
Reef Therapy
Reef Therapy - 8 years ago
Absolutely amazing. I really have no other words for this...well other then can I come by and watch the tank for a day?
Jade French
Jade French - 8 years ago
Is that fish in the anemone dead?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Jade French There isn't a fish in the anemone at that moment. It's some bright aberration, maybe a portion of the foot of another anemone.
Cory M
Cory M - 8 years ago
awesome video.
Goku.ss2.9000 Muchdragonballz
Goku.ss2.9000 Muchdragonballz - 8 years ago
amazing. How else can you describe something this awesome.
Inappropriate Reefer
Inappropriate Reefer - 8 years ago
This is absolutely amazing, I will plan a trip there now
Jess N.
Jess N. - 7 years ago
Inappropriate Reefer same
Cute fish
Cute fish - 8 years ago
Never knew this exhibit existed until this video.
Next time when I visit New York I need to check it out.
siddique kahrim
siddique kahrim - 8 years ago
Great video! I watched all the way to the end.
2 Questions:
The 300G surge tank, does that serve as a fresh water top off or saltwater, water change?
and, The single 400W pump that was creating the wave action at the end. What kind of pump is it?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+siddique kahrim The Surge tank is surging saltwater from the reef. Water from the reef is pumped up into the surge tank, and when it is full, the valve opens up and drains it again.

The pump you asked about is the Hydro Wizard. An oversized one.
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
I'm in awe. I need to make a journey to see this tank in person. Love, love, love it. I'm still in nano territory myself and I guess we all start somewhere.

Thank you for this great video - the hour flew by!
bvaughn777 - 8 years ago
So many great things about this video. Very helpful, insightful, inspirational, informative ..... I'll definitely need to watch it a few times. Thank you and Joe for sharing this. Makes me feel like I'm a part of a larger community of reefers who's passion provides so much for a lot of people, whether a friend coming into our home, or the public coming in to see this great reef. Everything counts and makes a difference. Bar set!
Will Marjenhoff
Will Marjenhoff - 8 years ago
Are you done making videos? No worries but I usually unsubscribe to those sites that dont keep posting vids on a frequent basis. Know your busy so just let me know. Thx
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Will Marjenhoff No, just haven't had time to get a new on uploaded. The nice thing about subscriptions is when a new one comes out, you get a notification so you don't miss it. :)
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I watched the Entire Video Thank you for sharing!
tom ligthelm
tom ligthelm - 8 years ago
If you took a fish out every time he said ummm the tank would be empty by the end of the video which is awesome can't fault that at all
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+tom ligthelm Lol - I hate the Ums!
Atu - 8 years ago
How does he control the temperature in this thing? Just some giants chillers?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+elatu I don't recall. I'll have to ask him.
Adam Tjelmeland
Adam Tjelmeland - 8 years ago
Great video
Juan C Melendez
Juan C Melendez - 8 years ago
Great video! I have to pay this tank a visit now!
ElectricBCherry - 8 years ago
Tang Police be like "you need at least a 30,000 gallon for all of those tangs"
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+ElectricBCherry I think this tank got an exemption. ;)
Gary Conrad
Gary Conrad - 8 years ago
Mark this is fantastic. What aquarium is in your home now? I just subscribed to your channel, great work you are doing. Some day I would enjoy getting another cube, either a 120 or 240.
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Gary Conrad Here's my most recent video showcasing a quick update of my reef, the Anemone Cube and the new Frag System. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvqSfeF5b70
southway1943 - 8 years ago
great video loved watching every min
zachary dickerson
zachary dickerson - 8 years ago
He mentioned buffing the acrylic underwater, I'm curious, how would they do this? Air power tools of some sort underwater?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+zachary dickerson Yes, that's correct. There are a couple of pictures of him doing that in the video, but if you blinked you missed them. ;)
maine932 - 8 years ago
Thank you, Mark, for this effort. I am on my 3rd viewing, but Joe said something in all 3 viewings (chuckle, chuckle) that caught my ear. At 24:34 he said, "I do know how to keep hippo tangs." Do you know what he meant by this? I am purchasing the CAD lights 150 gallon and a blue hippo is the main reason for the tank...Two other tangs are going into it, the yellow and purple tang, but I was unaware of different care?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+maine932 He knows very well how to keep them, he's simply kidding that the old ones don't look all that great compared to younger hippo tangs.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
back for a second view... 1 month later and still the same result... perfect way to spend my night at work.. lol

go back for a follow up within the next year I think an ongoing series with this reef would be great!
RuHmVu - 6 years ago
This video just make me feel like i wanna get a job like Joe after i watch this video for several time..learning a lot for my tank:)
SpaghettiKillah - 7 years ago
LOL same here....3rd time watching this while getting things done at work :-D
I find it very relaxing.
I used to run multiple aquariums (both salt and fresh) but when I moved I had to give'em up.
BoostedBadBoy ZX12R
BoostedBadBoy ZX12R - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS CJ love your channel bro, but how come you turned the comments off. Many of your videos say if you have a question leave a comment, and we can't. Lol I'd love some feedback bro... beautiful work.
Bubba Shinobi
Bubba Shinobi - 8 years ago
Awesome Video... 1st time watching & hope to see more.
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 8 years ago
today is my 17th time i recon lol
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
an ongoing series of this tank would be awesome, Ive watched this 3 times, i like it more the more i watch it haha.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
an ongoing series of this tank would be awesome, Ive watched this 3 times, i like it more the more i watch it haha.
chopers49 - 8 years ago
Wow! Amazed, and impressed! Thank you for this stunning video.
Dylan - 9 years ago
How do they keep the sand clean in there?
melevsreef - 8 years ago
+Dylan Cleary Vacuuming does happen, and a lot of clean up crew.
MikeyD - 9 years ago
Wow!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!! I didn't even notice the hour go by. It could have been longer, that wouldn't have bothered me at all! Beautiful and very inspiring. Thank you for making this video.
Doug Stecklein
Doug Stecklein - 9 years ago
He doesn't want you to see how big the tank is, but instead wonder... I'm sure this type of thinking is what made this aquarium the most impressive reef tank that I have ever seen. Thanks Joe for giving us an insider's look into your amazing creation.
Great video... you have a new subscriber:)
Matt B
Matt B - 9 years ago
This sytem is amazing and I can't imagine the amount of work that goes into a system of that size. Thanks Mark and Joe for taking the time to share this with us! Keep up the good work.
B. Roberts
B. Roberts - 9 years ago
This video was absolutely awesome! Thank you MELEVSREEF for letting us in on this.
B. Roberts
B. Roberts - 9 years ago
One day hopefully. I'm finally going to the Georgia Aquarium next month. Pretty excited. Thanks for responding. Your videos are always great.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+B. Roberts I'm so glad it came out well, and I hope more people can visit it in person one day.
sean mulhall
sean mulhall - 9 years ago
holy crap I want a piece of that blue staghorn soooooooo bad
sean mulhall
sean mulhall - 9 years ago
yeah he does I hope to see it in person oneday
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+sean mulhall His tank is full of gorgeous pieces.
Joschka Ze
Joschka Ze - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for the upload and especially the work you put into filming and editing!
Great audio quality btw! Greets from Germany :)
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 9 years ago
hey! I live about 45 minutes from the Long Island Aquarium
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Anthony Parente Start driving and get over there. :)
Carlos Pina
Carlos Pina - 9 years ago
OMG I seriously couldn't stop waiting this video, even thought its 1am theres just so much eye candy everywhere and Im just mindblown by the magnitude of the work that is done to keep this incredible piece of living art going.I hope that someday I can visit the exhibit.You should make a video of the fish during there mating rituals.
TheBebow53 - 9 years ago
Great video and a fantastic tank! One thing I noticed on your editing, some of the still photos could have had a little longer video time. Overall, great job!
If I ever get up that way I will diffidently have the Long Island Aquarium on my to do list!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+TheBebow53 Thanks for the suggestion.
Tetra84 - 9 years ago
does he qt his fish? eliminating ich in that tank would be impossible.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Tetra84 Absolutely.
MrKhaern - 9 years ago
I for one really enjoyed this look at such a magnificent tank. It was my first video of yours I've seen and certainly deserves a subscribe. Hope to see more content like this in the future :)
Jon Lenin
Jon Lenin - 6 years ago
I think of it this way. 1 gallon equals 1 'point' of effort. Each gallon after that is say, 0.01 points of effort less than the gallon before. So the more gallons you have the more effort is saved in relation to the gallons you have, but eventually there's a point where it just becomes too much effort that outweighs having more gallons of water (or exceeds the available space you have). Not the greatest at giving examples but I think I made it clear enough.
kontoname - 6 years ago
It is.
Roi - 7 years ago
starkiller 86 yes i'm sure this tank is much easier to maintain than a 10g pico
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 8 years ago
spikedias lol,larger the aquarium the easier it is to maintain
Jay Corbo
Jay Corbo - 9 years ago
Wow amazing tank, defiantly have to go visit it. Luckily enough to live in NYC. Was wondering what he keeps the temp at?
Jay Corbo
Jay Corbo - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Thanks for the quick reply!! Really great video!!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Jay Corbo Pretty sure he said 78°F at some point.
Daniel P
Daniel P - 9 years ago
Awesome video man I appreciate the time both of you put into the video to inform us of this great reefing marvel. Agree with the above comments that this is the best large tank I've seen health and color wise. I live in sf and the academy of science large phillipine tank is no where close to this tank.. Congrats and good job from a fellow long time reefer.
Frank Aguilar
Frank Aguilar - 9 years ago
Awesome Marc and outstanding job by Joe!
Thomas Baker
Thomas Baker - 9 years ago
Great Video, Thanks!
CoralVue - 9 years ago
An absolutely beautiful reef system. Love the group of Acanthurus Maculiceps tangs.
Ravindran Arumugam
Ravindran Arumugam - 9 years ago
petrosp777 - 9 years ago
Another quick Q: There are so many fish in this Tank that are in considered NOT Reef-Safe. Is there any truth to the distinction between safe and non-safe fauna? Joe's corals seem to be doing GREAT. Is there a trick involved? I mean... large coral eaters are supposed to be a "No No" but he has several in there.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+petrosp777 Triggerfish and Foxfaces are very common in reef tanks. Not all triggers are okay, but there are some that are perfectly well suited for a reef setup. Joe feeds the tank heavily, so odds are any worrisome fish are getting fed to keep them from harming the reef. If they were, Joe wouldn't leave them in there - that's for sure.
petrosp777 - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Triggerfish, Bird Wrasse, most Wrasses of the Thalassoma family (i saw Pinkface n Hardwicke), Harlequin Tusk and Bannerfish. Even the Foxface is listed as Risky. Liveaquaria says "With Caution".
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+petrosp777 What do you think is not reefsafe specifically? Which fish?
Кямал Касимов
Кямал Касимов - 9 years ago
классный риф, но тут ни чего сложного, технология известна, деньги есть трать да делай, а вот то, что пара девочек смогла развести желтых хирургов. вот это круто.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 9 years ago
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 7 years ago
This is still awesome :)
Andrew - 9 years ago
Mark, that was an amazing video; great job. I bet filming it was a real blast too. I feel like any hobbyist could have spent all day climbing around and checking out every piece of equipment or just watching all of the beautiful fish. Does Joe have an inhabitants/fish list anywhere? I would really like to see what he is keeping that maybe I missed in watching the video.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Andrew Karr I didn't see any such list and he's never mentioned one.
hai vang
hai vang - 9 years ago
Awesome tank by the way
hai vang
hai vang - 9 years ago
No black tang?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+hai vang You didn't see it? ;)
Rogue Aquariums
Rogue Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thank you Marc for the awesome video and your time filming this.  Joe brings so much knowledge to keeping corals and fish.
Marcos S
Marcos S - 9 years ago
Great job man! I really enjoyed this video and the one hour mark was perfect.
Thanks for taking the time to share!
yas72090 - 9 years ago
I met Joe while I was volunteering at the riverhead foundation over the summer and he was a really nice guy. I also had a large Koran angel I was trying to rehome at that time, and he was nice enough to offer to put him in their outdoor snorkel tank which is also pretty amazing too. Fortunately, I was able to keep the Koran with some adjustments to my tank, but that whole aquarium and the foundation are full of really great people and I'm glad this video was made because I'm not sure people realize how amazing that tank really is.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+yas72090 They just need to visit in person, and take the time to really let it sink in.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
Joe supplies more information about feedings, as requested: "These are the foods we use: Piscine mysis, Hikari mysis, sand eels, silversides, capelin, New Era pellet and flake, New Life Spectrum pellet, Spirulina flake, Jehmco frozen copepods, V2O Arctic EZ Pods & Reef Caviar. I'll feed flake and pellet food in the A.M. and several times per day. Mysis daily, usually later in the day with sand eels, silversides, and capelin. The smaller foods are fed usually twice per day. Some food is added during the scheduled educational lectures. When people visit, I can offer food at any time. Also a smattering of LRS foods. We use more of the LRS on the smaller tanks. The tank can easily consume two pounds of mysis, two full deli cups of larger fish foods while also dining on flake & pellet throughout the day. I'll also have announcements made over the P.A. system when we are about to feed the reef."
mnelson10000 - 9 years ago
Does he comment about algae control? I can't even keep it out of my 75g tank, I can't imagine how he deals with that thing lol
Dylan - 9 years ago
That is just amazing!
montesanot - 9 years ago
Help me out. Frame 1:50 to the left neon green coral. What is the name of that one?
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 9 years ago
Fantastic video, thanks for sharing!
W Murphy
W Murphy - 9 years ago
that was awesome thank you for posting this!
Dan Wiles
Dan Wiles - 9 years ago
Best reef tank ever?! that I've seen anyway
2019freddie - 9 years ago
best collection of marine fish I've ever seen, awesome.
Susie Que
Susie Que - 9 years ago
Just awesome ... Wow
Rigel Martinez
Rigel Martinez - 9 years ago
Finally, about time!!! Yes, got front row tickets, watched the entire show and even got motivated to test my water parameters. LOL. It was everything I wanted to see and more. Like always; awesome job! Thank you for sharing with us Marc.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Rigel Martinez Glad you enjoyed it. :)
WAZZA - 9 years ago
Awesome vid, thanks for taking the time to put this together and share with us
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Warren Carthew Thanks, it was a lot of work and I hoped it would be well received. Comments like yours are wonderful. :)
Warren Gibbons
Warren Gibbons - 9 years ago
Love it, Joe. I especially appreciated your approach to automation and the focus on the basics and simple focused consistent attention (I share the same viewpoint). After all, I learned it from you. Thank you for your humble transparent and open sharing of information - it makes this hobby/profession great for all.
Joey Pellicone
Joey Pellicone - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video. Any info on the age/size of the Gigas (assuming its a Gigas) in the front of the tank?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Joey Pellicone I'll find out.
DecanoLA - 9 years ago
Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!! This was AMAZING !!!!
nickdo999 - 9 years ago
the most stunning tank i've ever seen. aquascape is very natural, outstanding.
Michael Schmitt
Michael Schmitt - 9 years ago
my prom was here and I'm a reefer loved it.
Andrew Maliberan
Andrew Maliberan - 9 years ago
+melevsreef and a lot of fishes swimming by XD 
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Joseph Andrew Maliberan Great pool with a view, and a few obstacles to avoid. ;)
Arjen Tilstra
Arjen Tilstra - 9 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous tank. Imagine getting paid for maintaining this tank. What a lucky guy. :)
Eric K
Eric K - 9 years ago
Loved every minute. Joe is not only a Jedi master aquariast, he belongs on the Jedi master aquariast council!
J DT - 9 years ago
Awesome video. Does Joe dose lanthanum chloride in the sand filter or the mechanical filter?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+J DT He said right before the sand filter.
Paul Shrieves
Paul Shrieves - 9 years ago
This is an amazing video He has one fantastic tank :)
Haider Khaleeli
Haider Khaleeli - 9 years ago
Thank you for taking time to make this. Much Appreciated!!
peter schrum IV
peter schrum IV - 9 years ago
I would take a vacation from work just to do volunteer work for you Joe. Seriously think about it! Absolutely breath taking reef. Congratulations on keeping such a complex and sustainable exhibit for fifteen years and sharing your experience with the rest of the reefing community.
balddave12161 - 9 years ago
Thank You for the video
Cycnoches2012 - 9 years ago
super duper!!!!!!!!!
Charles, TheBarber
Charles, TheBarber - 9 years ago
simply awesome! I truly wish I had a 400 reef tank so I could try to emulate this tank.
Bret Crane
Bret Crane - 9 years ago
I subscribed after watching,very thorugh without being boring.Nicely paced nice filming.One of the best videos I have seen on Reefing!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Bret Crane Thank you very much. :)
BPS619s Reef
BPS619s Reef - 9 years ago
awesome video! time to dosing that little blue pill. ha!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Nam Truong hehe!
Ryan Reeves
Ryan Reeves - 9 years ago
Who in their right minds could ever dislike this video is beyond me! This system is the most amazing captive reef while the amazing visuals that this video provides is astonishing! This is a testament to Joe's skills attention to detail that are fantastically documented here. I have been fortunate enough to personally visit this majestic captive system, thanks for sharing for those who may never be able to!
Chris Joplin
Chris Joplin - 9 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to produce this awesome video.
Hernando Rocha
Hernando Rocha - 9 years ago
wow....awesome video.
that's my idea of heaven.
call me crazy but I wouldn't mind coming back as a fish in that tank.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Hernando Rocha Joe would feed you well. ;)
Roger Music
Roger Music - 9 years ago
The only thing that was left unanswered for me was how much it cost to run such a big system. By the way thanks for the video it's awesome.
Roger Music
Roger Music - 9 years ago
+melevsreef I can respect that its about the love for the hobby.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Roger Music That's one question I never ask. :)
Total_llorT - 9 years ago
no black mollys or cichlids? wtf. this tank looks dumb. just stick to freshwater, freshwater plastic plants master race!!
Total_llorT - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Thanks for getting the joke XD
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+TotalNick41 lol!
Daniel James Harris
Daniel James Harris - 9 years ago
Wow so amazing
Louis McCluer
Louis McCluer - 9 years ago
OMG!  I can guarantee you I will be watching this one several times, loved it!
Jun Yu Chen
Jun Yu Chen - 9 years ago
It is so amazing!
I wonder that if you can add caption for this video? or make youtube add it automatically
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Jun Yu Chen Thanks. And if there were captions, what language would you expect to read them in?
Jun Yu Chen
Jun Yu Chen - 9 years ago
+melevsreef you may reference this page make youtube to automatically add captions. If this video can have some caption it will be great for many non-english-native reefer
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Jun Yu Chen I don't know - I've never tried that. (Sounds like a lot of work since this is a one hour long video!) :p
RICHARD MILLER - 9 years ago
Your tank is living art...Just terrific
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+RICHARD MILLER I completely agree!
Barrady - 9 years ago
It kills me we don't have an aquarium in St. Louis... This is unreal, and great video/interview!
Barrady - 8 years ago
Ha! 6 months later they announce they're building one. I pray it's awesome like this one.
Jan Niemi
Jan Niemi - 9 years ago
epic.  Always enjoy your videos.
Mark Saslawsky
Mark Saslawsky - 9 years ago
Spectacular tank and great job of capturing it on video with Joe's comments.  Would love to visit
Steven Maneri
Steven Maneri - 9 years ago
I've been there. You mentioned that you got a behind the scenes tour because he's your friend . They actually offer paid behind the scenes tours
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Steven Maneri Thanks Steven. I assumed that was the case, but I didn't actually know for sure. I appreciate it.
Dave Botwin
Dave Botwin - 9 years ago
Marc, Great Job on the video. Just the white balance and color correction alone is outstanding. Nice piece of work.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
I asked Joe about the angelfish, or lack thereof. He's reading your comments and here's his reply: "I had pairs of Emperator (Pomacanthus imperator), Blue face (Pomacanthus xanthometopon), and Annularis (Pomacanthus annularis) for about eight years while pushing the envelope of what fish to keep. While it pained me to pull them out, I felt it was necessary to do when getting back to more smaller fish and new corals. They were for the most part model citizens and only nip at some of the existing corals, but would chow down on some of the newer corals I'd try to introduce to the tank. They never bothered SPS and I'd highly recommend them for established SPS tanks.

I appreciate all the nice comments as well. It's nice to read!

The focus now is Genicanthus angelfish." - Joe Yaiullo, Feb 2 2016
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 8 years ago
+Robert Southard yes it's a Majestic snapper.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Robert Southard I think it's a Majestic Snapper. http://fishindex.blogspot.com/2011/10/majestic-snapper-symphorichthys.html
Robert Southard
Robert Southard - 9 years ago
+melevsreef what kind of fish is that blue and wite striped with orange band around head with yellow frillie top fin. also all fins are yellow
Stephen Mihalik
Stephen Mihalik - 9 years ago
This was great! Thanks Mark. Would love to see more stuff like this!
Mike LaPorte
Mike LaPorte - 9 years ago
Great Video Marc! That was fun to watch, the size and scope of that is incredible.
1960alton - 9 years ago
Thanks, this was not only great to watch but a learning experience.
3CReef - 9 years ago
Loved it! Always cool to see what the pro's do.
Heuerfan - 9 years ago
do you know what happened to the large angels that used to be in this tank?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+profilefan I'm going to have to ask because everyone is asking about angels, it seems.
FeedThatReefAddiction - 9 years ago
Thanks for the great vid! Two thumbs up!
Phi Le
Phi Le - 9 years ago
love this video man
12GallonNano - 9 years ago
Amazing tank and video interview!
Ruizhi Hua
Ruizhi Hua - 9 years ago
thank you so much for sharing this with us ! the tank is magnificent, only thing wish you could talk more is that Giant T.gags clam, wish I could know more about that beast.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Ruizhi Hua Very true. We never spoke of it once, but I loved watching the yellow tangs swimming in and around it without any fear at all.
Earl Gregoire
Earl Gregoire - 9 years ago
Good job nice vid I have ADD and sat and watched the whole thing! I wish you had asked him more about breeding though it would be interesting to know what spawns and how often and the affect it has on the tank and if any fry are ever raised.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Earl Gregoire Some livestock is bred in separate tanks behind the scenes. Massive black cylinders and rows of smaller aquariums house spawning paired fish.
Mad Hatter's Reef
Mad Hatter's Reef - 9 years ago
Great video Mark! Thumbs up.
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
What an amazing reef. Every time I found myself saying "Too bad he doesn't have a (Harlequin Tusk, purple tang, Achilles, unicorn tang)" one would immediately appear. Wow.

Did I not see any big angelfish though?....
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Did see a flame angel..... :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Brett Abbott Maybe there are some in there. I wasn't looking at the fish all that closely. ;)
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
+melevsreef I know. But usually you'll see a big Emperor in a mostly-SPS tank, which that tank seemed to be.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Brett Abbott Angels often aren't coral friendly.
BRADS REEF - 9 years ago
Probably your best video! thank you for posting this amazing aquarium!! watched it till the end ! :)
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
What is that beautiful blue and yellow striped fish that comes into frame at 8:21?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Brett Abbott I'm a coral guy, but I think it's a Majestic Snapper. http://fishindex.blogspot.com/2011/10/majestic-snapper-symphorichthys.html
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
Give us a 2-hour video on the algae tank!!! Great video. Worth the wait!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Brett Abbott lol!
wow amazing!
No Hope In The Pope
No Hope In The Pope - 9 years ago
Well done Marc! It was worth the wait ;-) Thanks!!
pelphrey - 9 years ago
Such an amazing reef! It is a very nice representation of how our oceans should be!
Klondike Kitty
Klondike Kitty - 9 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to put that together, it was great. If you haven't already, you should take the tour of Live Aquaria. I live about 3 hours away and do it every year :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Klondike Kitty I toured it many years ago and took a couple of hundred pictures, but not video. I like that idea though. Hmm. :)
Klondike Kitty
Klondike Kitty - 9 years ago
Are there any inverts, skunk shrimp or emerald crabs?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Klondike Kitty I have no idea! Great question.
Mr - 9 years ago
man i have checked you channel like 50 times, god u did it.

thanks mate.
Rasmus L
Rasmus L - 9 years ago
"one of the hardest things about this job is i have to dive into my aqaurium" OMG i would love to be able to do that im my tank.
Super nice to watch thanks alot for it.
Janet Diaz De Valentin
Janet Diaz De Valentin - 9 years ago
wow...Mel. Thank you for the vid. Had a wonderful time watching. please do more.....
Janet Diaz De Valentin
Janet Diaz De Valentin - 9 years ago
LOL, Saw it.. I dont miss a REEF...LOL...
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Janet Diaz One little one snuck out last night. :)
Janet Diaz De Valentin
Janet Diaz De Valentin - 9 years ago
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Janet Diaz Great, glad you liked it. More to come, as promised.
Andy Nokes
Andy Nokes - 9 years ago
+melevsreef truly stunning
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Andrew Nokes I can see why. :)
TheNy615 - 9 years ago
That's just beautiful
Chrissy M. Williams
Chrissy M. Williams - 9 years ago
I'm speechless.  This video was worth the wait!  Aaaannnndddd now I need to go to Long Island.....  :D
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
9 hours inside the tank?? man I couldn't imagine... I wonder if its fun or feels like a job for him.. Also I wonder if any of his fish attack him like our hands in the tank...

I bet he propagates and this tank pays for itself...

Great job man.. This video will be relevant forever.. Please never take it down... Will never be anything like it again.. BE EASY!
mitian - 9 years ago
Nice explanation, I saw the whole thing, the only thing I don't know if I missed or you dis not asked, Do they ever breed in the tank, how often do they feed them? other than that great video Thanks for sharing...
mitian - 9 years ago
Don't be sorry it was a good video...
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+mitian Some breeding does take place in the facility, but not in this tank directly. Any kind of spawning becomes food to the other fish in the reef, naturally. I didn't ask how often they feed, sorry.
915Mang - 9 years ago
This is easily your best video. Thanks Mark, enjoyed it!
petrosp777 - 9 years ago
WOW! Let's say I win the Lottery tomorrow. If I wanted a domestic Dive-in Tank half the size of this one... how much would it cost to build? Also the cost of maintaining it? I know I can't afford it, but DREAMS ARE FREE. Does anyone know the price on something like this?
petrosp777 - 9 years ago
+melevsreef WOW. Like I said... DREAMS ARE FREE!!! I'll stick to that.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+petrosp777 You better win REALLY BIG, because you know how much they take out in taxes. ;) A wild guess on my part would be $150,000 for a 10,000g tank.
MoneyMarcMes - 9 years ago
Great video! Who's the three assholes that gave this a thumbs down??? I'd like to punch you in the nuts!
MoneyMarcMes - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Lets see if they are brave enough to come forward so I can punch them in the nuts! Obviously they are haters and can't afford a reef tank of there own because they spent all there money on weed instead. So sad!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+MoneyMarcMes I think there are three guys that do that every one of my videos. Same three. ;)
tcubed - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video! That tank is simply stunning
John John
John John - 9 years ago
Great video, as always. What a breathtaking tank!
Somewhere in the video, he talks about cutting hard corals in little pieces and mounting them as a small group rather than putting them vertically as one piece, so they won't collapse after years under their own weight. I didn't quite understand how it's done but it sounds interesting. Could you possibly make a video explaining how we do that? I would love to know.
Thank you.
John John
John John - 9 years ago
Oh, I see. So you glue the little frags close together as a group and as they grow they blend together and make a single colony with better support. Interesting.
Thanks for the answer.
I love your tank, one of my favourites on youtube because it's very naturaly aquascaped.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+John John He was suggesting growing many coral fragments of the same coral to create a larger patch, rather than a single point where a colony grows from. Many points of contact is stronger than a single base. Plus the area grew in beautifully so he had a big patch of Milka (purple hard coral) instead of just a round softball of it.
Brad Odenath
Brad Odenath - 9 years ago
Is that a yellow tang around the 25:00 mark? That fish is huge!
Brad Odenath
Brad Odenath - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Wow that's a big fish.  Thank you!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Brad Odenath Joe just wrote me and said it's an  A. xanthopterus, a Yellowfin Surgeonfish.  Here's one I found on Google: http://www.ryanphotographic.com/images/JPEGS/Acanthurus%20xanthopterus,%20Yellowfin%20surgeonfish,%20%20Kona,%20Hawaii-7200.jpg
Brad Odenath
Brad Odenath - 9 years ago
+melevsreef Yes, that is the one.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Brad Odenath I'll find out. You're talking about the fish Joe is holding at 25:05?
billshreeveable - 9 years ago
That was better than Christmas, what a beautiful reef, I hope one day to see this in person. Thank you for filming this and showing the behind the seen footage, great job.
Rajah Pinard
Rajah Pinard - 9 years ago
Fantastic man! Thank you for putting this up it was truly epic. It's really inspiring for hopefuls like myself to see this and work to achieve a version of your own, what Joes done here is beyond a dream and a wonder of the world. Melevsreef thank you for your efforts!
Greg Tippins
Greg Tippins - 9 years ago
Great video
Patty O'Grady
Patty O'Grady - 9 years ago
Kerstin DeRolf
Kerstin DeRolf - 9 years ago
Awesome - thanks for sharing the video, and it makes we want to go see the tank live and in person...
Mike Ryan
Mike Ryan - 9 years ago
Great Job as always Melev.
Cliffepoos - 9 years ago
Phenomenal! What a fantastic tank. I would love to see more behind the scenes footage if you ever consider doing another one but this video was great. Entertaining as all get out.
John Sousa
John Sousa - 9 years ago
Amazing. Thanks for capturing and posting this incredible tank.
canogaJE - 9 years ago
I didn't think that I would watch this video all the way through. Now I want more.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+canogaJE Yay! That means I did a good job. :)
Reefer Rob
Reefer Rob - 9 years ago
Great video ...your video don't bore me like other YouTubers videos......thanks!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+pines8411 Thanks, that's quite a compliment.
sygy - 9 years ago
finally an appropriately sized tank for fusiliers and large tangs. amazing tank.
alex juarez
alex juarez - 9 years ago
AMAZING!!! Thanks for all the hard work, well worth it.
RocketBunny2k - 9 years ago
Amazing tank, but why is there so little angelfishes? like large emperor and queen angels
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Dr0pl3er1 That's a valid question. I don't know the answer to that. Maybe because most angels can be a problem for SPS corals.
Jeremy Connelly
Jeremy Connelly - 9 years ago
Awesome! Thanks for this.
big jay
big jay - 9 years ago
so beautiful thank for great vid
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
That's an awesome place in Long Island, New York. And Joe does a great job with it.
Ted Y
Ted Y - 9 years ago
I enjoyed every second of this video. I didn't want it to end. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Wow!
Matt Berry
Matt Berry - 9 years ago
54:12 Is that a fish in the middle of the anemone?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Matt Berry No, it's the foot of another anemone. Check again at: 57:10-15
Clive Lewis
Clive Lewis - 9 years ago
Absolutely fantastic thank you for giving me the chance to see this most beautiful tank.
Stephen Gordon
Stephen Gordon - 9 years ago
Nice video. I am planning a large reef after being out for 25 years. Trying to catch up on all the new tech.
Bucs Fan
Bucs Fan - 9 years ago
That is just unbelievable
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 8 years ago
+Bucs Fan Yep rich people..When I have a lot of money I will surpass that tank size and I don't know when I can achieved that goal maybe when I get 85 years of hard work in a modernize wheelchair, Okay i've gone too far and very ambitious.. Anyway the tanks look's beautiful.
Bucs Fan
Bucs Fan - 9 years ago
+melevsreef but it was all worth it what a beautiful work of art
Bucs Fan
Bucs Fan - 9 years ago
+melevsreef my god that is a lot of work
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Bucs Fan Yes, it was an ongoing project to get them erradicated. Did you know he'd enter the reef with a garden hose and nozzle, and would "water" the corals with RO water to make them peel off into the water column for the fish to gobble up? I looked for that exact picture to add to the video last night, but couldn't find it.
Bucs Fan
Bucs Fan - 9 years ago
+melevsreef ya but at least he caught it and took care of it before anything got killed
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Bucs Fan The worst plague Joe battled was Acropora Eating Flatworms. Nobody wants those in their tank, and it was disheartening when Joe discovered them on his prized corals.
Bucs Fan
Bucs Fan - 9 years ago
+melevsreef what really impressed me is when there was no bad sicknesses or anything like that I have had a lot of let downs in my tanks over the years
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Bucs Fan It's awesome, right? Making something like this is hard work. Keeping it healthy this long - that's what impresses me the most.
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 9 years ago
That was amazing.
Nils Petter Bjørke
Nils Petter Bjørke - 9 years ago
great vid ! lokking forward to more vids from you ! :)
MeefTV - 9 years ago
Fantastic video. Full of all the info I always want to ask and see when visiting aquariums.
Anthony Concialdi
Anthony Concialdi - 9 years ago
Magnificent as always. The variety and quantity of fish is nothing less than astounding. A true masterpiece that needs to be viewed in person. Kudos to Joe Yaiullo and the Atlantis Crew. Thanks for posting.
yajur adhithya
yajur adhithya - 9 years ago
superb work marc waiting for more videos to come :)
David J
David J - 9 years ago
Awesome video! I want more!
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+David J More to come! :)
James Davie
James Davie - 9 years ago
Fabulous,,watched all the way through, Ive never been there,it just went on my summer road trip agenda..Thanks for a great video..
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
Awesome video! Thanks so much for taking the time to make this for us.
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+TheDaddy2003 I switched to Biopellets since it was even simpler than dosing vodka daily. The next video already came out early in the A.M. on Monday. Did you miss it?
John C
John C - 9 years ago
+melevsreef oh i was asking if it was related to your carbon dosing since you've been doing it for 3 years
TheDaddy2003 - 9 years ago
+melevsreef why did u stop dosing and do u use a carbon source anymore? When can we expect the next melevsreef video :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+John C Yes, I've had some over the years. Why?
John C
John C - 9 years ago
+melevsreef you've never had a cyano outbreak?
TheDaddy2003 - 9 years ago
+melevsreef thx Mel and thx for such quality videos. Very enjoyable to watch on a Sunday afternoon :) better than anything I could find on the TV lol
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+melevsreef "Transition Elements"
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+TheDaddy2003 Ah yes, he mentioned something that is still being tested - you're right. I used vodka myself for three years.
TheDaddy2003 - 9 years ago
+melevsreef I watched it start to finish was a fear video so thx! Yea I he said he was trying a different carbon source and will eventually convert to that from vodka. Was wondering what that source was thx Mel. I've just started vodka dosing three days ago and I can see my orp getting higher :)
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+TheDaddy2003 I did put a list in the description taking you to the various talking points. One thing I recall is that the pH remains 8.0 to 8.2 daily. And he is still using Vodka, kalkwasser, lanthanum chloride, as well as a number of other additives.
Filken F
Filken F - 9 years ago
great video, loving it til the end
Arrick L
Arrick L - 9 years ago
This is a great video lots of info you did an awesome job well worth the wait. when you go to public aquariums you don't usually see real reefs this large and if you do they are not as well kept as this. You can tell this tank is kept with love.
andeyking - 9 years ago
I've watched this full video. Absolutely loved all of it!
Rafailus RAS
Rafailus RAS - 9 years ago
Uow! This reef is amazing!!!
Daniel Mijares
Daniel Mijares - 9 years ago
Loving this video.
Brad Syphus
Brad Syphus - 9 years ago
Fantastic Marc. That 60 minutes went by way too fast. Such an inspiration to watch this . Great job.
aquaticnut86 - 9 years ago
Thank you for the video!!! Watched the whole thing!! New favorite video on YouTube
Foop - 9 years ago
No banana? I think that's why your tank looks better.
shifty51008 - 9 years ago
that tank is very beautiful, great job on the video.
KalebNJake - 9 years ago
I have been waiting for the awesomeness every day since the carbon video! :D
Stephen Weber
Stephen Weber - 9 years ago
No HD?
melevsreef - 9 years ago
+Stephen Weber It's HD now. This was a 9 gig upload, and Youtube had to process it. The upload took 4.5 hours. lol
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 9 years ago
finally after long time new video

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By Paul Talbot http://www.majesticaquariums.com.au

Reef tank

Moorish idol 7 years!! in Reef tank aquarium

51 likes 16,748 views 13 years ago

My moorish idol in my community reef tank with selection of different fish and corals invertebrates

Reef tank

2 Years! - 40 Gallon Reef Tank Update

98 likes 13,853 views 8 years ago

It has been about 2 years since I upgraded to a 40 gallon. My saltwater reef tank is doing great!

About 20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years

The "20,000g Reef - Learn how it is maintained all these years" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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