20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank

Nano-Reef.com's Tank of the Month for November 2012 http://www.nano-reef.com/featured/?tank=66 This is a 20 gallon long tank that I've maintained in college for the past three years. Livestock: 2x Ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani), Crocea Clam (Tridacna crocea), Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius), Porcelain Crab (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai), Maxi Mini (Stichodactyla tapetum), and lots of coral.

20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Reef tank 12 years ago 57,735 views

Nano-Reef.com's Tank of the Month for November 2012 http://www.nano-reef.com/featured/?tank=66 This is a 20 gallon long tank that I've maintained in college for the past three years. Livestock: 2x Ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani), Crocea Clam (Tridacna crocea), Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius), Porcelain Crab (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai), Maxi Mini (Stichodactyla tapetum), and lots of coral.

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Most popular comments
for 20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank

Jose Camargo
Jose Camargo - 7 years ago
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Whered u get that sump
hammys reef
hammys reef - 8 years ago
hey where did you get that over flow weir? I have a very similar set up (20 long with 10 gallon sump) , drilled the tank but now I need the box.
Paul Smith
Paul Smith - 8 years ago
What light are you using?
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Jeramiah Green
Jeramiah Green - 8 years ago
Do you feed any of your animals fish or anything hing other than pellets or flakes??? Also how do you make your corals look so nice?
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
Hey bud, where did you purchase your light?
Jeremy Dowdy
Jeremy Dowdy - 8 years ago
This video was so relaxing haha. I have a 20 long reef next to my bed for that reason
AstroAnon - 8 years ago
Outstanding work!

10. comment for 20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank

the fifty year old lady
the fifty year old lady - 9 years ago
I was never really interested in salt water until watching this video. I love your tank!!!
CityReefer - 9 years ago
Great looking tank!
Luis Reef Tank
Luis Reef Tank - 9 years ago
omg if i had more likes to give you i would nice tank!!
Cory Buehn
Cory Buehn - 9 years ago
What's your return pump? Mag drive 5? Also is it a 700gph overflow box? Love your tank!
Tim G
Tim G - 9 years ago
What type of filter used in this tank please
Ams Gaming
Ams Gaming - 9 years ago
That's bigger than 20 gallon long
marsdog - 9 years ago
Are you only using a skimmer and wave maker + live rock for filtration? How has it been running so far?
faisal shurafa
faisal shurafa - 9 years ago
how long did it take you to get to what you have on the video? best nano on youtube!
alex chuck
alex chuck - 9 years ago
How much will you estimate that you have spent on the tank setup? I'm planning to setup a reef aquarium soon. And btw you have an AWESOME tank!
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 9 years ago
Beautiful! Is your tank still running? Check out my nanoreefs on my channel. Subscribed.

20. comment for 20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank

DrinkSumJuiice - 9 years ago
Whats the powerheads used in your tank!?
DrinkSumJuiice - 9 years ago
Thanks for the fast response. Beautiful tank, the reason why I got into salt water!
Alex P.
Alex P. - 9 years ago
+DrinkSumJuiice Eco-Tech Vortech MP10ES + Sump return pump
Garrett - 10 years ago
Wow!! I want so badly to get into reefing but the cost is just too high for me right now. Tanks like yours keep that desire alive.
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 10 years ago
can u tell tank dimensions?
Alex P.
Alex P. - 9 years ago
+ika manashvili 30" x 12" x 12"
papercandles - 10 years ago
LOLOL! at the cover of Britney Spears Toxic, LMAO~!  I love your tank, that is stunningly gorgeous! 
David Dejesus
David Dejesus - 10 years ago
nice video, GREAT AQUARIUM.
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
Jeez look at this tank, absolutely incredible! outstanding! thank you, I really enjoyed watching this!
Ly Nguyen
Ly Nguyen - 10 years ago
i love this song :)
dondon4720 - 11 years ago
looking to something like this any tips for having to move the fish from a dorm room
Alex P.
Alex P. - 11 years ago
A car charger outlet. But for something that short, you probably won't need to use a heater during transport. Just when the buckets are sitting around and you're trying to set the tank back up again. 
dondon4720 - 11 years ago
+Alex P.  it would be about an hour and a half drive at most with heavy traffic.
How would you keep the heater running while in transport??
Alex P.
Alex P. - 11 years ago
Planning. Lots of planning. It helps if you're only moving a short distance too. Just get a bunch of 5g buckets and work quickly. Use cheap tetra heaters if you have to. It also never hurts to recruit your friends. 
Ruffles777 - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank
josecarlos aburtolopez
josecarlos aburtolopez - 11 years ago
That tank looks bigger than 20 gallons but it still look very nice thanks for this vid

30. comment for 20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank

Jayson King
Jayson King - 11 years ago
iam73en - 11 years ago
John H
John H - 11 years ago
Damn, that looks good. Nice video too. Who is the song by?
steve smith
steve smith - 11 years ago
this is a beautiful tank, im in the procces of setting up a 20 gallon tall any tips or advice?
Corey Hart
Corey Hart - 11 years ago
Wow beautiful
KYfishguy - 11 years ago
nice work!
FueledByDiesel - 11 years ago
Songs dope, who is she
tikilounge55 - 11 years ago
Love that clown fish
Techdude52 - 11 years ago
Techdude52 - 11 years ago
Looks great! I just cycled my 20 long.
Alex P.
Alex P. - 11 years ago
There is a link in the video's description.
Виталий Кольев
Виталий Кольев - 11 years ago
Thank you so much! Tell me, where can I read about your tank?
Alex P.
Alex P. - 11 years ago
76.2 cm x 30.5 cm x 30.5 cm 20 Gallons (75.7 liters)
Alex P.
Alex P. - 11 years ago
All of that information can be found in the link in the description. The only thing that has changed is my dosing regiment. Since most of my SPS colonies are so large (for a nano), I am dosing over 20mL of Ca and 15 mL of Alk daily.
Виталий Кольев
Виталий Кольев - 11 years ago
Alex, what size tank in cm?
Виталий Кольев
Виталий Кольев - 11 years ago
какие у него размеры?
KALZONE850 - 11 years ago
great lookin tank my friend. lights? dosing? maintenance?
Josh Tenney
Josh Tenney - 11 years ago
Such a beautiful tank!
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
Toxic - Melanie Martinez
reefcreep - 12 years ago
Who did the cover of the song? I likee

50. comment for 20 Gallon Long College Nano Reef Tank

Derek Kurth
Derek Kurth - 12 years ago
If you like this fish tank you should check out myn it's my newest video
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown - 12 years ago
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
If you're talking about the purple and green LPS on the sand, that's a bicolor frogspawn
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
If you're talking about the SPS on the rock, that is my tricolor acro.
Max Hydro
Max Hydro - 12 years ago
What is that big purple coral called in the middle of the tank
Reuben Anderson
Reuben Anderson - 12 years ago
definatelly in the top 10 nanos on yt! well done
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 12 years ago
wow!This is a nice set up good job looks real nice.Check out my channel ive had a few 20 gallon long reef set ups in the past.
NEEDOWN - 12 years ago
Hi Alex, I went to that site and saw your tank of the month, you deserve it. I have another question. I don't see you mention what size\brand return pump you are using. What did you pick that would fit in the last chamber with the SWC skimmer? Regards
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
@NEEDOWN it's the model 1
NEEDOWN - 12 years ago
Very nice setup! What model Aqueon Sump is that? I have the Model 1 and I am doing tons of research for small foot print skimmers like the SWC120.
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
I don't like glass tops because it hinders gas transportation and traps heat in. Mesh tops are better if you want to prevent your fish from jumping.
Chris Cowart
Chris Cowart - 12 years ago
sick tank man
Phat Sack 420
Phat Sack 420 - 12 years ago
hey buddy very nice tank quick q? im starting a 20g long tank my self.. i wanted to know why no one has a top for the tank.. is there a reason. i got a glass top for the 20 long an was going to put a glass top on the sump as well. is that not a good idea? if so why thanks so much ill check back
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
Melanie Martinez - Toxic
DPolt's Reefs
DPolt's Reefs - 12 years ago
Thanks man,appreciate you getting back to me
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
For the Summer breaks, I move the fish tanks into the biology department. I've done research on campus every summer, so I was able to take care of them there. When I was home, I had some of my professors look after the tank. For Thanksgiving and Spring Break, I just left the tank as is. Everything was fine for a week on its own. For Winter break, last year (and hopefully this year), I took the fish to someone else's house and left the coral in the tank running on auto pilot with a large ATO.
DPolt's Reefs
DPolt's Reefs - 12 years ago
Im starting a reef in college as well, what did you do on the breaks? thanks
Frank Vadala
Frank Vadala - 12 years ago
The tank looks amazing!
Nicole Aguilar
Nicole Aguilar - 12 years ago
Sick vid,stunning tank I'm also starting a 20 long ......very inspiring.thanks
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
Ask as many questions as you want. I'm more than happy to help out. The lights are an odyssea lighting fixture with (1) 150 Watt 14000K Metal Halide Phoenix, (1) 24W ATI Blue Plus, and (1) 24W ATI Purple Plus. You can find all of the specifics about my tank from the site listed in the description.
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
No, it's a Aqueon Proflex Model 1
rockpwnsu - 12 years ago
Sorry for asking is just that I have a 20 gallon long tank and I'm trying to figure out how I can improve it. What lights are you using?
rockpwnsu - 12 years ago
Is that a custom sump?
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
Thanks. The tank is pushing about 600 gph
rockpwnsu - 12 years ago
nice looking tank how many gph per hour is it moving?
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
rockpwnsu - 12 years ago
Is that an MP10?
CoralFish12g - 12 years ago
Nice! I subscribed and be sure to check out my new vids and my tanks!
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
Toxic by Melanie Martinez It's a cover of Britney Spears
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
I've haven't had a bad experience with any of the odyssea light fixtures I've purchased, so I don't have a problem recommending them. Since the bulbs are what actually matters, as long as you can turn them on you're good. I haven't had any issues with my ballast, but I've heard that it's a common issue. Aquatraders improved their ballast design a while back, but I guess they still have a few flaws. If you want to be safe, look around for a cheap used ballast on craigslist or something.
Zack Guevara
Zack Guevara - 12 years ago
Wow, that's awesome! I had one of the newer ones but the ballast crapped out. Would you reccomend giving them another shot?
Papseylathers - 12 years ago
Nice tank! Great video
Daniel Leon
Daniel Leon - 12 years ago
Awesome tank man, I really like it. Just read the TOTM on N-R. I'm also in college, and I have a 29g nano.
Alex Bautista
Alex Bautista - 12 years ago
really nice 20 gal bro..good job ;)
Alex P.
Alex P. - 12 years ago
Nope. The only thing I changed was the bulbs. I am currently running a 150W 14000K Phoenix MH with 1x 24W ATI Blue Plus and 1x 24W ATI Purple Plus. Ballast and reflectors are all stock.
Zack Guevara
Zack Guevara - 12 years ago
Did you do any mods to the odeyssa fixture?

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