2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking)
Reef tank 8 years ago 31,453 views
To view this video, I recommend to use a high-quality audio system or headphones, and also used for viewing 4K TV, is available UHD 4K resolution ! Viking`s 2000 liter mixed reef tank 300X80X80 cm Total aquarium system about 3000 liter (790 gallons) The aquarium was launched in December 2011. This is my second video clip of my aquarium. Previous video (2014), see here: https://youtu.be/hCYlslIJv1M
I am also having problem in sand as I also used fine sand and I can not run my two rw-20 at same time .such a big crushed coral sand wont make any nitrate and hydrogen sulphide problem?
awesome tank
10. comment for 2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking)
Аквариум потрясающий,аж дух захватывает.
А почитать про содержание где нибудь можно?
Риф Централ или АкваЛого к примеру.
I just started doing SPSs in my 35g. Try to post more videos about equipment and care!
20. comment for 2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking)