2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking)

To view this video, I recommend to use a high-quality audio system or headphones, and also used for viewing 4K TV, is available UHD 4K resolution ! Viking`s 2000 liter mixed reef tank 300X80X80 cm Total aquarium system about 3000 liter (790 gallons) The aquarium was launched in December 2011. This is my second video clip of my aquarium. Previous video (2014), see here: https://youtu.be/hCYlslIJv1M

2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Reef tank 8 years ago 31,453 views

To view this video, I recommend to use a high-quality audio system or headphones, and also used for viewing 4K TV, is available UHD 4K resolution ! Viking`s 2000 liter mixed reef tank 300X80X80 cm Total aquarium system about 3000 liter (790 gallons) The aquarium was launched in December 2011. This is my second video clip of my aquarium. Previous video (2014), see here: https://youtu.be/hCYlslIJv1M

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Most popular comments
for 2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking)

Julian Iv
Julian Iv - 7 years ago
one of my favorite reefs, my respect for the dedication and amazing rezult!
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 7 years ago
Amazing reef! Would love to see your plumbing on this system!
gord oland
gord oland - 8 years ago
What a stunning tank!!!!!!!!!
marek lewandowski
marek lewandowski - 8 years ago
Coś nieaamowitego
Steve Dang
Steve Dang - 8 years ago
Very nice reef sohal tang is nice almost like mine but the color is better in reef lighting
Kabin Shrestha
Kabin Shrestha - 8 years ago
this is what I called a reef tank,I also had set 2000 LIT reef tank lets see how it goes. you tank had inspired me a lot.
I am also having problem in sand as I also used fine sand and I can not run my two rw-20 at same time .such a big crushed coral sand wont make any nitrate and hydrogen sulphide problem?
钟丁坤 - 8 years ago
Shantha Govender
Shantha Govender - 8 years ago
can watch this clip over and over ,dedication and an addiction and simply stunning.
lgull1 - 8 years ago
awesome tank

10. comment for 2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking)

Franklin Reinoza
Franklin Reinoza - 8 years ago
One of the most beautiful tank that I have seen... One question: In your last video, in the minute 1.22m I can see a pink/red coral? What is the name? und What happen with it, I can’t find it in this video..... I think is a red or pink Goniopora, but I don’t know… I wait for more videos :)
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
Thanks Franklin! I had some problems with water quality. And my pink goniopora was badly damaged, but you can look at 2:17 what was left of it. A small portion of this coral I have.
Efstathios Marantidis
Efstathios Marantidis - 8 years ago
Ouaouuuu!!!beautiful reef
Pascal Pereira
Pascal Pereira - 8 years ago
Nice one! Which kind of sand are you using ?
Pascal Pereira
Pascal Pereira - 8 years ago
Same thing here , I removed the sand from my tank and was with barre bottom, but I was missing the esthetic side of the sand or crushed corals. So I will give a try with the crushed corals this time.
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
+Pascal Pereira Half a year ago I had fine sand, but it is a problem, because my powerful pump for its blurred, so I changed to a big coral chips
Pascal Pereira
Pascal Pereira - 8 years ago
I think I will give a try on
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
+Pascal Pereira I clean the detritus every 2 weeks siphon
Pascal Pereira
Pascal Pereira - 8 years ago
Thanks for the reply , no issue with detritus ? I have a bucket of crushed corals and I am checking for any feedback before adding it to the tank
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
common coral chips
Сергей Васильков В.
Сергей Васильков В. - 8 years ago
Аквариум потрясающий,аж дух захватывает.
А почитать про содержание где нибудь можно?
Риф Централ или АкваЛого к примеру.
Сергей Васильков В.
Сергей Васильков В. - 8 years ago
Ок спасибо.
Viking V
Дэн scorpioner94
Дэн scorpioner94 - 8 years ago
Шикарный аквариум.
Trung Thông Nguyễn
Trung Thông Nguyễn - 8 years ago
nice, what kind of lighting are you use? thank
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
Pacific Sun led, + Mh 3*400w
Adam Golden
Adam Golden - 8 years ago
Looks amazing! I wish I had corals this beautiful and this much space to put them in. I really like the plating purple and yellow coral in the middle at the end of the video. What kind of coral is that?
Adam Golden
Adam Golden - 8 years ago
+Viking V It doesn't look like a goni... I was thinking scroll coral?
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
LPS is a yellow and red coral goniopora
Ruben Gomez
Ruben Gomez - 8 years ago
Impressive, I see you don't play around with the flow, nice!
I just started doing SPSs in my 35g. Try to post more videos about equipment and care!
Spic and Span
Spic and Span - 8 years ago
the best tank I've seen in long time, awesome!
acro govender
acro govender - 8 years ago
Brilliant sps dominated tank,looks awesome,if you where in AUSTRALIA WOULD BE A HEAVEN IN A CANDY STORE.
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
+acro govender many thanks ! :)

20. comment for 2000 liter reef tank in Russia 2016 (Viking)

Jorge Macedo
Jorge Macedo - 8 years ago
Gorgeous reef you have there! It is just... perfect! Thanks for sharing!
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
+Jorge Macedo thank you !
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
very nice. are you using mh or led?
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
led + mh (shine only 2 hours a day)
Nate D
Nate D - 8 years ago
Amazing reef tank! What happened to the yellow tang?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
This is still my favourite tank on YouTube. Great to see its still as beautiful as ever. Can you do a video of your filtration?
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
it is a good idea, I will make a video about my aquarium equipment and fishroom in the near future!
John John
John John - 8 years ago
The most beautiful tank on youtube
n8sun1 - 8 years ago
Do you have any information on your tank on any blogs? Impressive tank!
n8sun1 - 8 years ago
+Viking V great, let me know when it's up!!
Viking V
Viking V - 8 years ago
+n8sun1 I'm going to create my blog on reefcentral.com
Дмитрий К
Дмитрий К - 8 years ago
Супер !!!

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