200g Reef Tank - Episode 12 - Aquascaping
Reef tank 11 years ago 70,001 views
Ahoy ship mates well the time has finally came where I get started on the Aquascape for The Black Pearl. I love aquascaping and always find it easier if you have an idea of what you want and what kind of look you're after. Me personally I don't like piles of rock or the rock wall against the back glass but that's just me. I find these types of aquascape lead to problems further down the line with detritus build up which then leads to nutrient problems. So what do I want? well for this tank I wanted to create an Island look sort of like if The Black Pearl was sailing between some tropical islands. I will probably have two main islands with a few smaller ones perhaps..
Yeah my whole channel and the tank were started with the pirates of the Caribbean theme. The black pearl has came and gone. Currently on Dead Man's Chest but who knows if the story ends there
Good luck...
Cheers JD
Love the Scottish accent, but it doesn't help to understand the phrase: "leave it to dry for a couple of weeks in the sun."
10. comment for 200g Reef Tank - Episode 12 - Aquascaping
change the way my tank looks.
Was wondering could i use Aquarium sealant to stick my rock together?
It sticks glass so i thought it might do the job!
I'm enjoying a break from the hobby now and tbh I'm not in any rush to start again. I will probably get back into it but for the time being I'm enjoying my free time and having cash in my wallet again lol
Best of luck with your tank and remember no matter what happens " There is no problems, only solutions! "
goes better. I have a 20 Gallon marine tank
and it is expensive and time consuming,
with all the info out there it is confusing especially with it being my first marine setup.
There heave been times when i wanted to give up, but i am going to persevere. And i thought Tropical aquariums we're difficult! :-)
Good luck...
I've bought another 21kg of rock and busy trying to aquascape it.... Nightmare can't get it the way I want. I've added more because I want more caves and territories available for future fish... But finding the balance is proving tricky... At this rate I'll stick it in the sump and leave it as it was lol..
Nice aqua scraping though :)
All of the rock cycled and is now live rock again but 100% pest free. I added Copepods and amphipods to the system but that's it.
Thanks fella
20. comment for 200g Reef Tank - Episode 12 - Aquascaping
Cheers JD
Good luck I'm sure you'll get it how you want it soon.
Cheers JD
Cheers JD
Episode 29 I've added another island to the tank which was done in the same way. Makes the tank look bigger.
Be sure to post videos of your 125 build. I'd love to see your tank develop. Good luck and happy reefing :)
Cheers JD
Cheers JD
keep the videos coming.
30. comment for 200g Reef Tank - Episode 12 - Aquascaping
50. comment for 200g Reef Tank - Episode 12 - Aquascaping