200g Reef Tank - Episode 31 - Chaeto & Ozone
Reef tank 11 years ago 15,956 views
Ahoy shipmates, in this episode The Black Pearl gets another weapon in it's filtration arsenal. I add a Red Sea ozone reactor and cheato algae to the sump refugium area. Thanks for watching shipmates aaarrrrrrr.
Ps have read ozone does the job of UV, so why add a UV too?
Yeah you don't need uv if you have ozone as the ozone sterilises the water already. At the time my plan was to have both but since running ozone I realise it's not needed but I might still get one for backup should my ozone fail.
Cheers JD
Cheers JD
It looks more complicated than it really is.
10. comment for 200g Reef Tank - Episode 31 - Chaeto & Ozone
Cheers mate
You don't need half the stuff I'm using for a reef tank mate. Most are just things I've always wanted to try to see what like they are. The ozone is working great and I've never seen my water so clear in my life. I'll do a more in depth video on it once I've got used to it myself.
Cheers matey Aaarrrrrrr...
The ozone unit is completely silent. Depending on what model air pump you use because really the air pump is the only noise you will hear. I'm using a small Tetratec and it's silent I don't hear a thing and I sit on the sofa watching tv right next to the cabinet it sits in.
Is the ozone loude?
I ain't going to lie fella it's all new to me but I'm a fast learner and in fairness it's dead simple. I will make a more in depth video later once I'm up to speed with it myself and if it does or doesn't make any difference to my system.. But overall I'm delighted with it and already the difference in water clarity is amazing.
I've had messages from subscribers wanting to see how I do a water change. So I'll add a quick bit of footage of how clear the water is with using the ozone. As I've nearly finished making that episode anyway.
Cheers JD