200g Reef Tank - Episode 31 - Chaeto & Ozone

Ahoy shipmates, in this episode The Black Pearl gets another weapon in it's filtration arsenal. I add a Red Sea ozone reactor and cheato algae to the sump refugium area. Thanks for watching shipmates aaarrrrrrr.

200g Reef Tank - Episode 31 - Chaeto & Ozone sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Reef tank 11 years ago 15,956 views

Ahoy shipmates, in this episode The Black Pearl gets another weapon in it's filtration arsenal. I add a Red Sea ozone reactor and cheato algae to the sump refugium area. Thanks for watching shipmates aaarrrrrrr.

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Most popular comments
for 200g Reef Tank - Episode 31 - Chaeto & Ozone

Lee Duncan
Lee Duncan - 7 years ago
Where you from mate? Your definitely Scottish. Aberdeen by any chance?
Lee Duncan
Lee Duncan - 7 years ago
JDReef your not that far from me then, I'm down beside Ellon.
JDReef - 7 years ago
Hi fella, yeah I am from Elgin :)
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
I have a Chaeto problem. At first it grows well, but then tiny bits of it turn white & die. I have bright lights (one 60 watt LED & one 20 watt halogen) that I run all day & fairly stable salinity. I do not have any animals yet, but I am dosing 2 drops of Excel Flourish each day. I don't if it maybe grows until it exceeds the amount of fertilizer available, then starts to die?? I also have 1 small live rock w/ Coralline algae & diatoms on it in the system. Any ideas?
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
BTW, after switching to Miracle Gro, the chaeto seemed to recover & grow better. But bacteria grew better too & I have a white film all over the walls of the tank & clogging some of the water tubes. I think it is the beneficial bacteria that came w/ the live sand I bought, but it is just growing much faster w/ all the the phosphate & micro nutrients in the Miracle Gro that are not in the Excel Flourish. In retrospect, if there was not enough fertilizer, maybe I should have just increased the dosage instead of switching to a different fertilizer with many different chemicals that were not in the first one. Of course, most other people have fish & do not need to dose fertilizer. Just FYI.
JDReef - 8 years ago
Hi it sounds like a new system and the cheato maybe grew a little until like you said the food ( nitrates ) were used up. The cheato will grow as long as there is nitrates in the system for it to feed off. Because your system has no livestock in it. There will be very little nutrients for it to feed off. It will grow again once your bio load increases and nitrates start to appear in the system. Good luck fella...

richwong888 - 10 years ago
Hi JD, just got an aquamedic ozone gen after your vid. Where did you get your ozone safe tubing, silica gel and T tube from? Can you post the links? Ta mate.
Ps have read ozone does the job of UV, so why add a UV too?
JDReef - 10 years ago
Hi rich I got my stuff from H2O Aquatics and eBay.

Yeah you don't need uv if you have ozone as the ozone sterilises the water already. At the time my plan was to have both but since running ozone I realise it's not needed but I might still get one for backup should my ozone fail.

Cheers JD
richwong888 - 11 years ago
Hi JD, can you do a vid on the ozone? Thinking about getting the Red Sea deluxe but need to check out the component parts to see if it will fit in my tank. Is it any good? Read about probs with the Red Sea one, you had any prob? What you think of ozotech?
JDReef - 11 years ago
Hi Rich, yes I will do a vid sometime. I have the deluxe model and think it's awesome. I've had no issues what so ever. I can't advise on any other brand of ozone as I've never had it before. This is my first ozone unit and I'm very pleased with it. No problems with my unit it's working flawlessly.

Cheers JD
ReeferGil - 11 years ago
Congrats on the Ozone unit. Dont take shortcuts with your son, hes onto you.
JDReef - 11 years ago
Cheers Gill, yeah I didn't think he actually checked his tanks. But I was wrong and got a right telling off. Especially when he saw that his plants were gone lol. He checks out his tanks after school now... :)
GENISIS1TWENTYONE - 11 years ago
I have no idea what ozone is or what it does but looks high speed lol
JDReef - 11 years ago
Ha ha thanks Gen :)

It looks more complicated than it really is.
915Mang - 11 years ago
Nice JD , interested in seeing the ozone results!
JDReef - 11 years ago
Looking good so far, I'm very impressed with it.
richwong888 - 11 years ago
Good vid JD! Like the use of ozone. Let us know what you think of it. I've always been put off by the dangers and use a Deltec UV steriliser instead, but interested to see what you think.
JDReef - 11 years ago
Yeah I've always used UV myself in the past but ozone was something I wanted to try out. So far I'm very impressed. I will add a UV also just for the hell of it but since I have ozone I won't need a deltec or aqua medic unit since the ozone is more than capable of treating any parasites. So I'll get away with any UV unit really. But if I didn't get the ozone then I had planned on one of the other two uv units. " Better to have and not need. Than to need and not have. " ;)Cheers JD
bobbonecrusher - 11 years ago
doing a great job, but when the corals coming :P
JDReef - 11 years ago
I was meant to add corals this month mate. But I decided to buy the ozone and fish instead. Plus boring stuff like media, salt, food etc soon meant my reefing budget for the month was gone... :(

10. comment for 200g Reef Tank - Episode 31 - Chaeto & Ozone

dm002a8686 - 11 years ago
Loving it James... I run ozone on old set up ... Works really well I also had Uv
JDReef - 11 years ago
Yeah really happy with it. I will be adding a uv also at some point.

Cheers mate
Stephen West
Stephen West - 11 years ago
Thanks for the indepth view of the bilges ozone eh something else to research ,may have to consider a bigger tank just to fit all the equipment under it! How are things going on deck are the crew OK any new additions? Wishing you a fair wind sir looking forward to the next sea trial
JDReef - 11 years ago
I hear you mate I'm the same just can't make enough money for this hobby, wife, son and the dog lol. Just takes time oh and lots of begging to the Mrs :)
Stephen West
Stephen West - 11 years ago
Can't wait to see what your adding your project is certainly giving me lots of ideas, slowly putting the kit together work seems to get in the way but something has to pay for it .happy sailing matey
JDReef - 11 years ago
Hi matey all going well smooth seas so far. No new additions since this episode but I have reserved a rather special fish but not collecting it for a couple weeks. I say special but it is to me as I've never had one before but it's not a peppermint angel or nothing lol... ;)

You don't need half the stuff I'm using for a reef tank mate. Most are just things I've always wanted to try to see what like they are. The ozone is working great and I've never seen my water so clear in my life. I'll do a more in depth video on it once I've got used to it myself.

Cheers matey Aaarrrrrrr...
Stephen West
Stephen West - 11 years ago
Thanks for the indepth view of the bilges ozone eh something else to research ,may have to consider a bigger tank just to fit all the equipment under it! How are things going on deck are the crew OK any new additions? Wishing you a fair wind sir looking forward to the next sea trial
XxmrYOYOxX - 11 years ago
Another smashing video mate. Love the use of the word hoose in it lol. Black pearl is all systems go.
JDReef - 11 years ago
Thanks YOYO, yeah I try my hardest to talk so everyone understands me but sometimes I slip up like I'm talking with my mates lol
IAmNotGr33n - 11 years ago
Looking good!
JDReef - 11 years ago
Your wish is granted my friend. Just uploaded episode 32 and the beginning of this episode shows how clear the tank is after a couple days of the ozone.
IAmNotGr33n - 11 years ago
Understandable, I am looking foreword to see if the water becomes krystal clear.
JDReef - 11 years ago
Yeah I spent my money on the ozone unit and fish this month. Plus other expenses like salt, phosphate media, food etc all mounts up. So corals were put on the back burner.

The ozone unit is completely silent. Depending on what model air pump you use because really the air pump is the only noise you will hear. I'm using a small Tetratec and it's silent I don't hear a thing and I sit on the sofa watching tv right next to the cabinet it sits in.
IAmNotGr33n - 11 years ago
But still no corals?

Is the ozone loude?
JDReef - 11 years ago
Cheers mate
CaliReef - 11 years ago
Always wondered how ozone works and what it does to benefit the tank. Maybe a indepth video?
JDReef - 11 years ago
Yeah I was the same main reason personally for adding it was the fact it is more effective than UV. I still plan adding uv some day but decided since the opportunity came up to try ozone first.
I ain't going to lie fella it's all new to me but I'm a fast learner and in fairness it's dead simple. I will make a more in depth video later once I'm up to speed with it myself and if it does or doesn't make any difference to my system.. But overall I'm delighted with it and already the difference in water clarity is amazing.

I've had messages from subscribers wanting to see how I do a water change. So I'll add a quick bit of footage of how clear the water is with using the ozone. As I've nearly finished making that episode anyway.

Cheers JD

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