205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16

I was real excited for this portion of my build. I use Bulk Reef Supply Pukani Dry Live Rock.. Music By Silent Partner - Lay It Down

205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Reef tank 8 years ago 92,532 views

I was real excited for this portion of my build. I use Bulk Reef Supply Pukani Dry Live Rock.. Music By Silent Partner - Lay It Down

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Most popular comments
for 205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16

Victor Gomez
Victor Gomez - 7 years ago
How funny... I owned a fire shrimp that use to kill my fish. Yes! you heard right.... it was a killer shrimp. Therefore I got rid of him. I gave it to my co-worker/friend and she ended up nick naming him El Diablo.
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
That would be interesting to know about the Fish Tank Show, but I do have a friend that owns a Seafood Place called the Marietta Fish Market here and he has one of their tanks in his waiting lounge - It's huge, like 1300 Gallons. He said he did not lose one fish after they built the tank. I don't know what they know or do, but that seemed pretty incredible. He did say they added several different bottles of chemicals to the tankl after they mixed it with salt - They called it "Instant aging" of the water - Who knows !? Anyway, it's a Fish only setup with artificial but real looking Corals (I thought they were real, even up close). It's beautiful tank and the Fish are thriving in it - (It's about three years old now) - I go there probably 3-4 times a month and have watched these fish grow from babies - they're getting huge.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 7 years ago
Kevin Stailey I always just figured they bring along some of their own pre-cultured media to throw In the filters. I know the majority of people who try to use those bottled nitrofying bacteria end up losing fish or getting ick
David Miller
David Miller - 7 years ago
Not too many scapes look good with just the rock LOL That tank is going to be Infamous in about 3 years!
Very Inspirational.
I'm subbed
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
Nice Job, Well Done.
Josh H
Josh H - 7 years ago
I agree. Deaths on shows like tanked must be through the roof
Posittron - 7 years ago
Transitioning from a fish only 100g to a 200g reef. Stealing this scape.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
If you watch the entire video I tell ya.. '=)
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 7 years ago
Looks amazing!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Thanks FL SHarkvictim..
Omar Eazi
Omar Eazi - 7 years ago
Do you later on stick them with glues or just hang them together like that?!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Watch the entire video!!
GreatLakeReefer - 7 years ago
Great work mofro! Loving your content!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Thanks. Appreciate it!!

10. comment for 205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16

Prieto Reef
Prieto Reef - 7 years ago
sick broth
moarteas - 7 years ago
one of the best scapes I've seen. I've always loved bridges :)
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Thanks Moarteas!!!
James Macdonald
James Macdonald - 7 years ago
Any updates?
James Macdonald
James Macdonald - 7 years ago
Mofros Reef Yeah Morfos i feel your pain my first marine tank was an aquareef 275 and after 2 months it got marine velvet and killed everything that really skunnered me i sold up everything and lost a lot of money in the process. But then i learned more and jumped back in again costing a lot but it was worth it. Hope to see your beautiful creation again soon.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Hey James, thanks for asking. Within the next 2 weeks I should have an update.. Really lost all my passion for reefing when all my fish died.. But i'll be back cranking out videos soon..
Alain Brouillette
Alain Brouillette - 7 years ago
Thanks , i love your aquascape !
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Alain Brouillette
Alain Brouillette - 7 years ago
What are the dimensions of this tank ?
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
72x30x22 high
Miyoshi Hemingway
Miyoshi Hemingway - 7 years ago
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Thanks Miyoshi!!!
Matt Reefer
Matt Reefer - 7 years ago
Looks amazing dude
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Thanks Matt!!
Rookie_Reefer - 7 years ago
Nice work!! Tank looks awesome man
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Appreciate it Rookie!! Thanks!!
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 7 years ago
Really nice man
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 7 years ago
Thanks Fred...
Mohammed Al Hadher
Mohammed Al Hadher - 8 years ago
Great job on the rock work, I honestly don't know how you do it. Keep up the great vids

20. comment for 205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16

Jax - 8 years ago
Bad ass
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Glad you liked it Jax,,, Thanks man..
Cole Jensen
Cole Jensen - 8 years ago
Awesome tank! I have a few questions. What are the dimensions and how many bags of sand did you use? Thanks
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Hey Cole thanks for stopping by. Tank is 6ft x30 x 22 tall. I used 7 20lbs bags.
ytmike100 - 8 years ago
A smoke and a beer!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Hell yea!!!
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
that rock work looks real good!
PsychedelicBabe - 7 years ago
reef guy 92 hahahaha please don't think that I'm stalking you
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Fish Mad!!
George Rivera
George Rivera - 8 years ago
how the heck did you do this?
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Hey George, thanks for checking out my channel. It took 5 days of stacking rocks until I was happy.. Honestly it wasn't hard. Just took my time..
George Rivera
George Rivera - 8 years ago
i absolutely love it!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks George!! Appreciate it.
finpafine - 8 years ago
Nice way to do this, to be able to see what you want.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks finpafine.
Moises Sanchez
Moises Sanchez - 8 years ago
hey great video. where did you bought your tank?
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Moises. Can't remember the name off hand. I have a video called tank spec.
jbeanz24 - 8 years ago
Wonderful scape , motivated me to do mine over. I wasn't happy with my scape and this video is just what I needed to see!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Jbeanz, keep me posted, I'd like to see it when its done..
Moetivation !
Moetivation ! - 8 years ago
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Kevin

30. comment for 205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16

Proteinfromplants - 8 years ago
Nice job.

Hope you don't mind if i steal some of your aquascaping ideas for my build. :)
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Not at all man have at it!!!
Justin Derange
Justin Derange - 8 years ago
what type of rock is that?
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
It's in the discription above.
Dara Chan
Dara Chan - 8 years ago
I know that was alot of work and sweat, but well worth it in the end I bet. There's so much reef potential with that scape, and flow will be excellent.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Dara!!
Александр Пашин
Александр Пашин - 8 years ago
REEFER JAMES - 8 years ago
Hell, it's time for a smoke & a beer! Love the attitude, direction and the tank. Well done.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks James!!
UnrL_BattleStars - 8 years ago
@mofros reef I like the look of the tank wanted to order the same rock question for you though when you ordered it is that under the regular size $3.79/pound or did you request the jumbo at $3.99/ pound I like the size of the rocks and want to order the same sizes thanks for the video will be checking out more of your videos
UnrL_BattleStars - 8 years ago
Mofros Reef ok I'll talk to them see what happens
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
+EVILSTAR Call BRS and ask them... Think it was out of stock when i orderd mine... Just asked them to give me the biggest pieces they could..
UnrL_BattleStars - 8 years ago
Mofros Reef thank you I wanted to order the over 20" but it has been out of stock for months now I guess I will have to wait some more. Please keep your videos coming definitely like the way the tank is going
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Hey Evilstar, think I ordered 60lbs over 20" and 60lbs under 20"
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 8 years ago
Wicked video mate,you got yourself a new sub
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Starkiller,,,, Apreciate it!!
MRVO2011 - 8 years ago
Is the tank is rimless tank when you got the tank or you remove the black trim on top?
IbeSyke - 8 years ago
DjBigNessTV - 8 years ago
woooooooooooooh man love the way you put the pieces together
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Dj.. It was fun!!
DjBigNessTV - 8 years ago
wish you made a vid emptying the tank of the water test with the bit of vinegar =/
Dans Reef
Dans Reef - 8 years ago
Great job here, nice channel! - Subbed :)
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Dan, subbed ya back,, have a good one.. ;-)
victor charlap
victor charlap - 8 years ago
what ever happened with your lights and the shorter cord issue or did I miss it? Everything looks great and your showing what a little time and planning can do. Right now I'm adding some LPS corals to my tank so when I go back to work I can start planning my upgrade from a 55 gal tank to something around 150 or bigger. Keep up the great work.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks for stopping by Victor. Aqua Illumination sent me extension cords for the lights.. Think I talked about it in episode 14 - Equipment..
Kat Rose
Kat Rose - 8 years ago
Love your aquascape, the best I've seen ! I'm going to be setting up a 280g soon, as a room divider, I can only hope I can get somewhere near this look when aquascaping my tank. I was thinking of ordering the same rock from BRS. My question is , what did you do after receiving your dry rock as in curing , getting it ready to put into your tank? Thanks
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Check out episode 1 & 2
Ricochet reefing
Ricochet reefing - 8 years ago
you said its cured and cycled too? ive often wondered about this. why do i need to cycle after i just got done curing?
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
It was out of water for a few hours. Plus live sand needs to be cycled. I never got an ammonia spike but it's always better to be safe than sorry.
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
wow best aquascape I've seen! did you say you hollowed out the big pieces? if so how? thx
Steve Brady
Steve Brady - 8 years ago
Lol. I thought it'd be more confusing. Great job!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Used a hammer and a screwdriver.
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 8 years ago
Sweet design. It's gonna look great once your corals make themselves at home.
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 8 years ago
From your lips to God's ears! Nothing good happens fast in reefing.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Dave, yea i hope its gonna look awesome... Its going to break the bank filling this thing tho... ;-)
Joshua Heitmann
Joshua Heitmann - 8 years ago
Great looking aquascape! Because of your video, I just ordered 25 lbs of Pukani to add to my 40 lbs of purple rock for the sweet looking cave look. I can't wait to get the aquascaping started!!! Nice ending, btw. Smoke and a beer. HA
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Joshua. Haha. It was well deserved!!
S L - 8 years ago
nice aquascape
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks S.L.!!
Ricky SP
Ricky SP - 8 years ago
best scape iv seen... good job man.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Ricky. Have a good one!!

50. comment for 205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16

Pedro Alves
Pedro Alves - 8 years ago
Beautiful job, very very nice!! the rock was dry or previous cycled? if cycled how long can take outside water before start to lose good stuff? regards
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
It's Pukani from BRS its considered Dry Live rock.
Daniel Hogan
Daniel Hogan - 8 years ago
Awesome, where'd you get the rock from?
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Bulk Reef Supply..
Steven Chong - Creative Corner
Steven Chong - Creative Corner - 8 years ago
So impressed friend. I'm a competitive planted aquarium designer, but recently been studying reef mostly to learn about the techniques the reef community use to arrange rock (some is transferrable, some not, but all insightful). It's a different game from planted, but I'm so impressed with your sense of rhythm and proportion. Most layouters (salt or fresh) make everything the same sickness right to left, but your sense of thick/powerful and thin/sensitive is great. Thanks for the vid!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you so much Steven. Very kind of you.
thayanithy b
thayanithy b - 8 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Well laid out..
R e e f f r e d
R e e f f r e d - 8 years ago
Great acuascamping!!!Like and suscribe!!!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
billshreeveable - 8 years ago
Seriously the best aqua scape I've ever seen, kinda jealous. Great job on the video, exactly what I like watching to learn in this hobby.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks bill!!
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 8 years ago
The rockscape is sick!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot Wesley!
Jerry Pundavela
Jerry Pundavela - 8 years ago
Great looking scape!
Like to see when it's all cycled and tank stocked up with fish and corals!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Jerry
VascoFL - 8 years ago
I have never seen such a beautiful aquascape before... Great job man!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you much VascoFL!!!
VascoFL - 8 years ago
Very nice video and tank. You got perfect rock!!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
mnelson10000 - 8 years ago
Fantastic rock work, that's going to be amazing!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Mnelson ;-)
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Awesome job with the scape! Check out my nanoreefs in my channel. Subscribed.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you Jose!!
pelphrey - 8 years ago
This is turning out great!!!! I added this video to my website ( Http://www.pelphrey.net ) I share content from other YouTube creators on my site. I'm in the process of building a new tank and have 30 lbs of rock, I'll be ordering another 30-50 pounds. Like you said below in a comment it's worth having the extra rock because you never know the pieces and it allows you to better align all of your rock work. I'll be building it in a dry tank and won't be adding any water until I get it just right. I wasn't aware of the glue and accelerator, I'm on the BRS site now and will be ordering some this weekend!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you!! I'll check out your sight when I get home from work.
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 8 years ago
Oh my
one of the best rock aquascape I saw. jealous
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you!!!
Christian Maradona
Christian Maradona - 8 years ago
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you
Rigel Martinez
Rigel Martinez - 8 years ago
Man that would have only took me like, 3 days and probably never looked that kool. Great Job !
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Rigel, honestly when I first aquascaped it. The left side took about 20 min... Then I worked on the right side for days... I'd keep changing it, wait till next day to see if i really liked it or not. Probably the 4th day I was happy..Thanks for stopping by!!!
John Jp
John Jp - 8 years ago
Awesome!!! Love the tank!!! Keep the vidz comin bud good job!!!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Hey thanks John!! Will do...
N4S28 - 8 years ago
The bottom looks solid white before you put the sand in. Is the bottom glass painted?
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
No its not painted.. I had a leftover piece of 1/8" vinly flooring I put upside down. Just to help soak up any pressure points between the tank and wood..
Jim Potts
Jim Potts - 8 years ago
Amazing scape!!! Can't wait ro see the coral and fish!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Jim. Appreciate it!!
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 8 years ago
What kind of rock is that?
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 8 years ago
+Mofros Reef thank you, looks really good!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
BRS pukani.
Wil Santiago Reefing
Wil Santiago Reefing - 8 years ago
Great video and the scape is awesome! Subbed.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Wil, Appreciate it!!
Marcos S
Marcos S - 8 years ago
Beautiful job man! I really love your design and dedication to make it that nice!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
thanks Marcos
pelisraptor - 8 years ago
good job =)
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
erizzt586 - 8 years ago
That tank is going to be so sweet! Nice work
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you!!
jassimps - 8 years ago
Sweet looking aquascape!... so glad see that you went with a sand bed.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Jassimps..Appreciate it!!
Micah Whalen
Micah Whalen - 8 years ago
That looks amazing! This is going to be an awesome tank.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Micah...
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Nice video man! Congrats on adding the water! Your scape is awesome too! I used the oolite on my first tank and like you said, it sucked. This time I chose Fiji pink which in liking so far! What's your plan for adding fish? Gonna wait it out? I couldn't really hear the end of the vid. Trying to be sneaky about it at work lol
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
That's just about what I'm doing! Good plan!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
I'm going to add BIO-Spira, sit on it for a couple weeks, Add some Phyto, some Rotifers and some Pods,,, wait until levels are on point then add my first 4 fish..
Phil  Mccoy
Phil Mccoy - 8 years ago
amazing scape mate one of the best I have seen and I watch a lot of aquarium videos lol
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks phil
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
The Aqua Scape is totally badass..... Love the open concept and totally agree with you on building it outside of the tank first. Nice job brother...
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Perez. Super happy the way it turned out.!!!
ReefTankedTV - 8 years ago
looking good nice tank
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 8 years ago
Awesome scape I have to agree also scaping outside the tank is the way to go. I really like your open design. Can't wait to see it with corals and fish. Great job.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Scott..
JJMR-04 - 8 years ago
Love the Aquascape, definetly my favorite one I've seen. Well done, well done!!!!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks JJMR.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
I can't help but to comment on this man... Fantastic work. I agree 100% with scaping outside the tank first. All the money in the world spend on a tank is pointless if the scape is crap!
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thanks Wylie, only thing I would have done differently is sprinkled crushed gravel on the glue spots.. It sticks out now that the rock is coloring up..
Wylie Coyote
Wylie Coyote - 8 years ago
Agreed; with a reef or planted tank - the aquascape makes or breaks the aquarium. It defines it - makes it look balanced, pleasant and natural.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Honestly it didn't take that long either.. Only down side is you need to buy a lot. I probably have 25 lbs of rubble in a bag.. But man CJ, when I turned my camera on to film the first time I had it in the tank.. I even said to my self WOW... lol
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
looks great man! love the rockwork.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Thank you!!
Murphy's Reefing
Murphy's Reefing - 8 years ago
CONGRATS buddy, scape looks super sick. well planned out I definitely like the open look. I bet your all geek ed out right now...lol
Murphy's Reefing
Murphy's Reefing - 8 years ago
+Mofros Reef I'm sure. looks like alot to grasp, I'm still old school maybe you can do a review once ya get it down.. I've been thinking about them but afraid.
Mofros Reef
Mofros Reef - 8 years ago
Hell yea... Man I'm racking my brain with this Apex Fusion right now....

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