210 Gallon Reef Tank in HD

210 gallon reef tank with refugium, mangroves

210 Gallon Reef Tank in HD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 26

Reef tank 14 years ago 210,673 views

210 gallon reef tank with refugium, mangroves

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Most popular comments
for 210 Gallon Reef Tank in HD

Adam Silversmith
Adam Silversmith - 7 years ago
what pumps are you using and what settings to get that type of flow? I have MP40's and I'm struggling to get that flow
Dante Hammons
Dante Hammons - 7 years ago
What lighting are you using for the refugium
R e e f f r e d
R e e f f r e d - 9 years ago
Nice tank!!!
Al Gaming
Al Gaming - 9 years ago
Hello Amigo,
Question on the 210 Tank
How much water do you add per week on evaporation. I am planning to go big but I am afraid of the evaporation bill $$$$

muffemod - 7 years ago
He doesn't know.
All business
All business - 9 years ago
Ph of 6.8 is way to low
canogaJE - 9 years ago
+All business That is the pH in his calcium reactor, not his tank.
anthony stokes
anthony stokes - 10 years ago
vincent, you have gone to a great deal of expence..many thanks..
a lady, whome I know has altzeimers.and just  looks at 'the box.now
she will now see movement and colours, I know that she will be over the moon, in her own way thanks again aj
ryanjofre - 10 years ago
Fukin gorgeous and in good taste. I'm jealous.
Reefone - 10 years ago
Nice tank I've never seen so much xenia, I think I will prefer to have the xenia on the fuge since it's very invasive and will prevent other nicer corals to flourish,but very nice tank anyway, good technology
Jan Ryan
Jan Ryan - 10 years ago
You're really bad at taking videos.

10. comment for 210 Gallon Reef Tank in HD

Hau Ton
Hau Ton - 10 years ago
What kind of light you used?
Eilidh - 10 years ago
Amazing tank would love to have one like that just out or curiosity what is the tank dimensions
Mateo Guevara
Mateo Guevara - 11 years ago
Beautifull Reef, be carefull with that Heater i'd heart that it last 2 or less years, its termostat is really bad and it stop working causing temp goes up. And may kill your livestock. BEWARE!!
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 11 years ago
You have a real prize winning display. Thank you for sharing it.
BIG DADDY - 11 years ago
I was wondering how big of a difference there was from dosing the calcium and switching to the reactor? Was there a huge change with respect to your coral growth? Please be specific, thanks.
raul alfonso
raul alfonso - 11 years ago
vladimir balog
vladimir balog - 11 years ago
beautiful reef tank!!
rewhigg11 - 11 years ago
you grew one that big in 8 months/?????? ....must be using steroids...ha
alex Alex
alex Alex - 11 years ago
lol i would take $8000 to mexico to buy an island and have my own reef there lol that is a huge piece of ocean you have man , its amazing :)
Super Clownfish
Super Clownfish - 11 years ago
wow your australia torch looks great!

20. comment for 210 Gallon Reef Tank in HD

prozack12 - 11 years ago
what kind of lights are you using? brand as well? also whats tge brand of that controller your using
jim lahey
jim lahey - 11 years ago
very very impressive birdsnest colonies!
Patrick Kuan
Patrick Kuan - 11 years ago
Long Fellow
Long Fellow - 11 years ago
starting up a tank for the first time, what my vids and follow my progress!
John Bell
John Bell - 11 years ago
and worth every cent :)
Steve Rickard
Steve Rickard - 11 years ago
Wow that looks complicated! beautiful tank though! Awesome! Well done!
John Stone
John Stone - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank. What type of lighting set up do you have?
Wrasser85 - 11 years ago
Thats a big Royal Gramma lol
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 11 years ago
Hardware was approximately $8000. Its been a five year project. Ive upgraded things like lighting, reactors etc.
alex Alex
alex Alex - 12 years ago
how much did the hardware costs u ? all the electrical ?

30. comment for 210 Gallon Reef Tank in HD

joe chan
joe chan - 12 years ago
Beautiful aquarium!!
David Chacón
David Chacón - 12 years ago
Amazing tank!
mattyparsons93 - 12 years ago
The low pH reading is probably from the probe in the calcium reactor.
fknali - 12 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 12 years ago
great tank layout. The PH reading is quite low(6.9). every excellent though. any updates?
patrick M
patrick M - 12 years ago
ur clowns dont fight ?
Kanra99IzayaOrihara - 12 years ago
What do you do after the mangrove seedling is to big for the refugium tank do you transplant it or you trim it?
Kanra99IzayaOrihara - 12 years ago
Its not that bad that xenia growing everywhere it helps keep the water clean.
Mike Morehouse
Mike Morehouse - 12 years ago
Mp10s are worth every penny, keep in mind I think this guy has a tunze wavebox too.
kingsknight1980 - 12 years ago
what are your tank's dimensions?
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 12 years ago
I have not added calcium to the tank since having the reactor
Ree zee
Ree zee - 12 years ago
Nice setup. Xenia is taking over everywhere though
fabio carta
fabio carta - 12 years ago
ci mette un bè a caricare ufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuffffffffzzzzzzzzz
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 12 years ago
about 8 months from a piece about 2 inches
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 12 years ago
Purple Gorgonian
ifUdidwoodU - 12 years ago
nggerfggot - 12 years ago
where yo inverts at?
ice ramanat
ice ramanat - 12 years ago
what is that purple coral on the bottom left corner at 3:27 ?
dave davey
dave davey - 12 years ago
tank is an absolute credit to you, really really nice set up, if only i had the money, id happily sell my granny for that aquarium
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 12 years ago
The co2 keeps the pH low in the calcium reactor to provide free calcium to the tank. This instead of adding calcium manually. The pH of the tank is not what you are seeing. It is the pH of the reactor.

50. comment for 210 Gallon Reef Tank in HD

Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
the ph is pretty low, it showed 6.8 and it should be 8.1-8.3
fansolate - 12 years ago
check it out 2:35 it show the phone number 512-528-1144 , is at texas^^ anyway looks good!
fansolate - 12 years ago
hill country eye center
fansolate - 12 years ago
not sure this tank is still there or not , but i know the is is located at
Luis Reyes
Luis Reyes - 12 years ago
What a great tank. Good job.
manueleagan34 - 12 years ago
kyle gaspers
kyle gaspers - 12 years ago
how much is your electricity bill????
ericr530 - 12 years ago
MH's for sure.
James - 12 years ago
mein riff
mein riff - 12 years ago
nice work
Hrocha24 - 12 years ago
Great Tank!!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 12 years ago
I love the aquascaping. It compliments the water flow set up
wolf3047 - 13 years ago
@varestivo1 Do you use an automatic feeder for the anthias?
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 13 years ago
Bartlett's Anthias. Should get them in a group of three. hard to care for since they need to be fed daily if not more
wolf3047 - 13 years ago
What kind of anthias do you have in there? Are they hard to care for?
Richard B
Richard B - 13 years ago
@0AqUa0903 depends on the animal. I wouldn't hurt a dog, but would I care if I step on an ant or a bug? Are you a vegetarian? If not, think of all the animals you are hurting by eating meat. If you are gonna worry too much about a fish's feelings, you have issues that need immediate attention.
matt9822 - 13 years ago
That has to be the best water movement I have ever scene
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 13 years ago
depends on the species and the environment. some of the corals like the birdsnest grows very fast, while the war coral grows very slow
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 14 years ago
2 powerheads and a tunzi wavebox.
gflinski - 14 years ago
i have a question...what kind of powerheads/ water movement device do you have? love the back and forth motion of the water. Are those tunzis? or how u spell.... so jealous
gflinski - 14 years ago
amazing setup! love the water flow. definitely an expensive setup. awsome
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 14 years ago
@zaracki92 people call you unspeakable words!
Will Wyatt
Will Wyatt - 14 years ago
@RaffleReefer10 yeah if i was as small as the fish and was taken good care of, i'd do it
Richard B
Richard B - 14 years ago
@RaffleReefer10 I have feelings but I have a brain too. Bitch huh, isnt that what people call your mom?
Richard B
Richard B - 14 years ago
@RaffleReefer10 the thing is, the fish do not have feelings or emotions like human. Therefore, trying to attach those attributes to them is pointless. As long as the fish can coexist and the water is well filtered, that tank is fine.
Ryan Duncan
Ryan Duncan - 14 years ago
Will Wyatt
Will Wyatt - 14 years ago
@RaffleReefer10 you're crazy. he has just enough, clearly the corals are doing amazing, and the fish dont seem to be having any problems.
Vincent Restivo
Vincent Restivo - 14 years ago
Light on mangroves 12pm to 12 midnight.
reefmos - 14 years ago
awesome setup . what light schedule are you running the mangroves on?
david vann
david vann - 14 years ago
hi, thanks for doing a tour of the sump tank,it looks very good,the tank looks amazing,what realy does it the movement in the tank it just looks so real,how do you manage to make it move so natral,i have a anome like that but it never seems to be happy in 1 place for to long i think it must be the flow in my tank,do you have any helpful tips.please keep the videos comming,my video is on youtube so if you get a chance to take a look and give me some feed back that will be great...cheers david

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