29 Gallon Reef Tank - Detailed Tour!

In this video I introduce you to my tank system as well as its happy inhabitants. All compliments and criticisms are appreciated! Also feel free to ask any questions or suggest future video topics related to the reef. Music titles in credits.

29 Gallon Reef Tank - Detailed Tour! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Reef tank 11 years ago 51,191 views

In this video I introduce you to my tank system as well as its happy inhabitants. All compliments and criticisms are appreciated! Also feel free to ask any questions or suggest future video topics related to the reef. Music titles in credits.

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Most popular comments
for 29 Gallon Reef Tank - Detailed Tour!

LE QI - 7 years ago
Like the background music so much makes me feel relaxed
harleywg10 - 7 years ago
Music was a little distracting but a great looking tank!!! I Like your sump setup
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
nice start on reef set up what do u plan to keep in set up softy or spl
Will G
Will G - 8 years ago
I wànt to do a 29 will clownfish breed without adding anything but the live rock and coral?
Will G
Will G - 8 years ago
I do a lot of fresh water but I am interested in saltwater and want to try to make a 29 tank with clown fish and anemones, maybe coral even, but let them naturally breed and such and just interact fully to their extent
Nicholas Fioravante
Nicholas Fioravante - 8 years ago
Is there a way I can message u questions back and forth other than on here
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
Private message
Donald White
Donald White - 8 years ago
how is this going for u
Northic Gaming
Northic Gaming - 8 years ago
Cool Tank!!
I just got a 29 gallon tank myself, and it's still cycling. I've got live rock in there.
How long did it take yours to cycle?
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
If I remember correctly I think I waited about 6 weeks to cycle completely. That's being quite cautious and testing parameters obsessively, though.
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
was gonna let you know the damsels I put in the tank turned out to be very very docile and get along with my watchman goby they actually spend a lot of there time they spend near the goby and they both made there territory on opposite sides of the tank

10. comment for 29 Gallon Reef Tank - Detailed Tour!

kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
did the damsels and the tank is fully cycled added my watchman goby from my 10 gallon and the damsels are terrified of it
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
im on the 12 day of my 29 gallon cycling and gonna add a few yellowtail damselfish and plan on keeping them with a fuzzy dwarf lionfish and a yellow watchman goby is that too much
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
There's no need to use fish to cycle, it's actually quite cruel to the fish and as I mentioned before they will think they own the tank... bad news for future residents. But as I said I'm sure you'll do as you please anyway!
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
Royce McGarry I using them to cycle the tank but ill probably end up keeping them
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
12 days is FAR too short of a time to consider adding fish, first of all. Second, I highly recommend adding damsels last as they are extraordinarily territorial and aggressive. I'm sure you'll do what you like regardless, but that's my advice based on experience.
ranman92509 - 8 years ago
very nice. I resently put together a pico 5.5 reef tank and I like to see how other people have the rocks and corals set up. I need maybe 3 more lbs of rock. I have a few corals, 1 pepperment shrimp for the aiptasia, 1 small conch and 2 red legged hermit crabs. No fish though, maybe when I set up a bigger tank.
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
whats the dimentions
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
in inches: 30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 18 3/4
M. Jay
M. Jay - 8 years ago
I have this exact dimension 29G from the looks of it and was thinking of a very similar stocking list for it. Please tell me how this sounds: 1 pygmy angel (flame or multicolored), a pair of clownfish with an anemone, 1 blenny and a six lined wrasse. Inverts would include 1 double starfish, a porcelain cleaner crabs, and a 3'' urchin. Tank will be mainly just rock with little to no corals and a modified hang off the back filter. I am an experienced fish keeper just getting into saltwater and I know how to pack on the biological filtration.
M. Jay
M. Jay - 8 years ago
+Royce McGarry
 Would you suggest the blue LED coral lighting over the fluorescent coral lights? And what brand?
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
Sounds like it should work... definitely consider a lighting upgrade though, anemones only thrive with sufficient lighting, especially the vibrantly colored ones.
M. Jay
M. Jay - 8 years ago
Thank you for replying. My canopy light is compatible with Coral Life brand coral bulbs and my HOB filter is meant to run a 55G (I run oversized filters on all my tanks as I tend to do max stocking). I am familiar with how to build filter media in this filter for this tank for stable 0 ammonia and nitrites with nitrates under 20ppm.  Tank will also include a small internal refugium and maybe a protein skimmer depending what I see the water doing.
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
I would advise against the hang on back with such a heavy stocking, but it can be done if you have a filter that is meant for at least double capacity. You really should add a protein skimmer, anemones are much more demanding on water quality than fish... you'll also need lighting like you see in my video to sustain it, standard fluorescent will not do the trick. I'd advise adding the clownfish last as they are the most territorial of your proposed fish list.
Julian Brandofino
Julian Brandofino - 8 years ago
how did u get the timer on the light?
Julian Brandofino
Julian Brandofino - 8 years ago
+Royce McGarry ok thanx
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
They stay at the same setting, the timer just cuts them on and off. Having the blues on first and off last gives a dawn/dusk effect.
Julian Brandofino
Julian Brandofino - 8 years ago
+Royce McGarry how does the timer work if its controlled by two knkbs that turn the light up and down
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
The white and blue lights have different power cords, so I had each on its own timer.
nz music
nz music - 9 years ago
lols at the music getting way too intense around 3:00 drummer way too into it
Meng Yujie
Meng Yujie - 9 years ago
Please teach me
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 9 years ago
+Meng Yujie
Haha, what can I teach you?
Marco Willems
Marco Willems - 9 years ago
Great tank! Looks awesome.
I started a couple of months ago with my 33 gallon, check it out.
John Cardinalli
John Cardinalli - 9 years ago
Wow, that's some heavy duty filtration for a 29 gal tank!  When the video started I thought "Way too many fish", but after seeing how you filter that thing, I'm guessing the bio load is light and you could probably ADD fish.  Nicely done.

20. comment for 29 Gallon Reef Tank - Detailed Tour!

Reemus Androxus
Reemus Androxus - 9 years ago
That is a nice set up!
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 9 years ago
+Jose Gonzalez Thank you sir
786TAPOUT - 9 years ago
Nice tank mate
Aiden Tolomay
Aiden Tolomay - 9 years ago
If I got an aqua clear 70 or 110 for a 29 gallon and did water changes often, would I be fine without sump ? Nice tank too!
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Cool tank, do I need all those filtration system for the tank or can I just use a regular filter like for a freshwater aquarium? (I'm new at this so don't be mean)
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
My pleasure! Good luck.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
Generally plants are invasive in a saltwater tank, unless you stick with flame algae, chaetomorpha or mangroves.  However, then you get into spending lots of money on sufficient lighting, as you see in my video there.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Royce McGarry
Thanks, are there any plants that don't require those filtration systems?
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
If you ONLY want fish (no corals, anemones, etc), then you can get away with using a "regular" filter that is AT LEAST 50-100% oversized for the tank you are using it on,  For example, for a 55 gallon saltwater fish-only tank, you'd want to use a filter that is rated for an 80 gallon tank or larger.  When it comes to filtering saltwater systems, bigger is better, as long as the filter is not so large that it sucks up your fish or kicks up the substrate.
LeoMessi - 10 years ago
I thought the minimum size tank for angelfish were 70 gallon, is it okay to have them in 29?? Please answer
sygy - 10 years ago
yeah flame angels are ok in a 29 gallon.
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
This is a dwarf angelfish, they are perfectly fine in smaller (30G+) tanks.  They max out at about 4".
RBProductions815 - 10 years ago
Great vids! Keep the music out though. More entertaining without the music
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 10 years ago
Nice tank, too many fish IMHO, and try to get rid of the background music next time :)
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 8 years ago
The order in which you introduce the fish is key. I introduced them from least to most territorial, with the damsels being last. This allows the more passive fish to "claim their territory".
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
+Rachel Dow I never said I knew everything (no one does). Sorry if it sounded like I was judging the fellow reefer. It was a personal opinion. In my case, my 4+ inch Female Maroon clownfish will kill any other fish if I were to introduce it. Anyways, things can go very bad quickly in such a small volume of water with so many fish in there. I prefer to have a whole bunch of corals honestly.
Rachel Dow
Rachel Dow - 8 years ago
You have 2 fish in a 28g??? Sounds like you should ADD fish! He may have 1-2 too many, but you have way too few?

Also his filtration is INSANE for that tank so it can probably keep up with his load just fine. All fish seem to be happy and healthy. None are anxious, pale in color, no ripped fins, even the Flame is happy and those tend to be in at least a 40g. So sounds like he's doing everything right to keep his fish happy and everything including the coral seems to be doing quite well. Don't judge when you don't know. Just because you have been doing saltwater since 2005 doesn't mean you know everything.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+jose Calderon
If they're not hurting each other then it's OK.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover +AnimalLover two clown fish, three damsels and on flame angel for a total of 6 fish. Damsels are very territorial, and so are clownfish. And that flame angel doesn't even belong in a tank that small, so I stand by my original comment. Not trying to be a wise guy, just stating what I know by personal experience and from what I have seen and read in the past. 
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+jose Calderon
Just watch the video again.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 9 years ago
+Shinobi Yamabushi it's based on experience. And you don't have to sound so dramatic. It is just a tip. I have exactly 2 fish in 28G. Been keeping salt water fish since 2005 and I know what I'm talking about. How many fish does this fish tank have again?
Shinobi Yamabushi
Shinobi Yamabushi - 9 years ago
+jose Calderon Where the hell do you see too many fish?
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
No, that's not a lot of fish, and the background music is nice, at least he didn't put it higher than his voice.
ShowMeDaCarFax 56
ShowMeDaCarFax 56 - 10 years ago
To top off i suggest getting a yellow tang or maybe 3 (you have to have yellow tangs in odd numbers for some reason or they will fight)
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
+Kristian Solhaug The More money you spend on quality equipment, the less it with generally cost to maintain.  The only maintenance costs I had with my system were the cost of food, salt, water and electricity.  However, I probably spent around $1000 on equipment and setup.
Kristian Solhaug
Kristian Solhaug - 10 years ago
How much does it cost to maintain a 29 gal.
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
No it's not okay.  They can cost between 20-60 dollars depending on size and source.
Kristian Solhaug
Kristian Solhaug - 10 years ago
Is it ok to have any yellow tangs in a 29 gal. And how much do they usually cost?
ShowMeDaCarFax 56
ShowMeDaCarFax 56 - 10 years ago
well you have a point, i forgot it was only 29 :D i have a 250g tank so i can put whatever i want basically lol. 
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
I appreciate the comment, but have to disagree.  a 29 gallon tank is too small for one full grown yellow tang, let alone 3.
Ashley Beteta
Ashley Beteta - 10 years ago
That music is so uplifting.
Dwaino Bman
Dwaino Bman - 10 years ago
I keep reading that star's are invasive.  You seem to have no problem with them or cloves
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
What sort of stars?  I never had an issue with any in my tank.

30. comment for 29 Gallon Reef Tank - Detailed Tour!

Brenda Tamagnini
Brenda Tamagnini - 10 years ago
Hey, I´m looking for a fish that is hidden... What can I do to meet him?
Brenda from Brazil
YakinTheGulf - 10 years ago
Pls check our tank and put a review!!
YakinTheGulf - 10 years ago
Where did you get youre tank?
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 10 years ago
Craigslist - I highly recommend against it, even though it lasted a year it ended up getting a small crack in the bottom.
Cody Deckard
Cody Deckard - 11 years ago
Song about a bj lol
Cici - 11 years ago
How many fishes can u have in a 29 gallon
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 11 years ago
It depends on size.  4 smallish fish (clownfish, dwarf angels, small wrasse, blenny etc..) is probably a safe bet.
Cody Deckard
Cody Deckard - 11 years ago
More videos please hope u get more subscribers
Angela Brettschneider
Angela Brettschneider - 10 years ago
+Royce McGarry that sucks man I'm sry 
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 11 years ago
+Cody Deckard ok, I'll see if I have some time to do that this week
Cody Deckard
Cody Deckard - 11 years ago
Aw can u do a video of the star at least
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 11 years ago
Unfortunately my landlord made me take down my system.. I got rid of everything but my serpent start which is now in a 10G :(
Dingo2031 - 11 years ago
I need to know how much did you pay for that beautiful Flame angel
Dingo2031 - 11 years ago
Not bad I found one that was 80$
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 11 years ago
He was about $60!
oldEDUB - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank!
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 11 years ago
Thank you.
DeathAngeIs - 11 years ago
Ya its about 6 weeks old but got the rock cured
Royce McGarry
Royce McGarry - 11 years ago
awesome, already cycled?
DeathAngeIs - 11 years ago
Looks nice have a close setup to this but its pritty new

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