30 Gallon Reef Tank

Updated with new Corals and a Bellus Angel Open Sun Flower Corals and Blue lollipop Coral all maintained with a HO refugium & 350 fluval canister filter with inline 300w heater and in line UV See my New 90 Gallon on danbran67

30 Gallon Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Reef tank 15 years ago 103,320 views

Updated with new Corals and a Bellus Angel Open Sun Flower Corals and Blue lollipop Coral all maintained with a HO refugium & 350 fluval canister filter with inline 300w heater and in line UV See my New 90 Gallon on danbran67

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Most popular comments
for 30 Gallon Reef Tank

Wild TV
Wild TV - 8 years ago
Guys your right about there being a tang in a bigger tank but I think 1 is fine to me
Eric Dominguez
Eric Dominguez - 9 years ago
The amount of rock has nothing to do with your tank size but what Aquascape you are looking for.
Xtreme Herper
Xtreme Herper - 9 years ago
I just got a 29 gallon and was wondering how many fish do you have in your tank? If mine gets this healthy then I would like to know how many fish it could support. Thanks man! And great looking tank!
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 10 years ago
nice tank that looks great happy reefing
malawilake40 - 10 years ago
Nice 30gl bro..stocked real good..
Prasanna Abeyrathna
Prasanna Abeyrathna - 10 years ago
ok your tank is amazing. can you please add a description of this setup in the video . all the things about it. livestock , filters  parameters. This is the best 30 I have seen so far. better than 120s some people have. Obviously I want to follow your model
Ryan Len
Ryan Len - 11 years ago
What kind of filter do you have
galiazzoa - 11 years ago
I want the same setup as you! Is you live rock stacked against the backwall? And if not, how much space did you leave?
Mailon Fuentes
Mailon Fuentes - 11 years ago
I love this tank, and i agree 100% ith GFormica1 i can see that this tank is a very well established tank good Coral growth and fish look amazing

10. comment for 30 Gallon Reef Tank

613joy - 11 years ago
Start by researching as much as possible it took me 6 months of research before I actually started my tank. Remember only thing that happens fast in the hobby is bad.
matt3586 - 11 years ago
Like damn! I really want to go for a reef aquarium, I have ket freshwater for the last couple years, but I don't even know where to start.
matt3586 - 11 years ago
NiGhTmaReoFanGels12 - 11 years ago
fish looks cramped in 30 gallon tank, its not all about filtration but its also about space too
danbran67 - 11 years ago
finally a proper response to this video , Thank friend yes it has a few extra fish for only one reason its a for a video this tank was for display then it went to a 90 Gallon now 2013 its a 150 gallon the fish is a Bourbonious Anthias or Splotchy / yes all the water parameters are perfect , but you can never please the HATERS LOL
GFormica1 - 11 years ago
Why are so many of stating that this tank is overstocked?. Stocking is directly related to filtration and this tank has alot of filtration and flow. Perhaps a couple to many fish, but maybe not. The fish he has chosen here are also of the correct size to. If you look at that tank itself , it is immaculate with what seems to be zero nuisance algae and excellent Coraline algae growth. Both indicating a stable reef system. What is the name of the bright yellow spotted fish at 10 seconds?
danbran67 - 11 years ago
Kid you know nothing have someone take a look at the herpes growing on your lip
Luke Wieland
Luke Wieland - 11 years ago
Way overstocked for a thirty even though it turned into a ninety
danbran67 - 11 years ago
@JBo5230. This tank ran for a year then it became a 90 gallon- do water change every month 25% use a good skimmer if you have many corals and be patient don't over feed
Josh Abdalla
Josh Abdalla - 11 years ago
That's a pretty sweet tank! I'm probably going to get a 30-gallon tank and it's nice knowing how much I could do with it. Any beginner advice?

20. comment for 30 Gallon Reef Tank

danbran67 - 11 years ago
first put a shirt on because I'm not a girl secondly read my friend learn to read you would know that this was a show tank and it turned into a 90 gallon but by this time which is 2013 its a hundred fifty gallonhave a nice day
danbran67 - 11 years ago
you don't read . read my friend
Carlson Moncrief
Carlson Moncrief - 11 years ago
If you have all the money it takes to cram all that stuff in there( overstocked) use your brain and by a bigger tank
Caleb Marshall
Caleb Marshall - 11 years ago
That's enough life for a 90 gallon tank.
Aqua Man
Aqua Man - 11 years ago
best 29 gal I've seen
Tristan J
Tristan J - 11 years ago
TANG POLICE !!!!!!!!!!!
Brandon Myrick
Brandon Myrick - 11 years ago
Hey man. I had no right to tell you what to do with your tank. Didn't mean to make it personal. I've always heard the 1 to 5 ratio, but its none of my business. It is a good looking tank though. Do your thing bud.
danbran67 - 11 years ago
Hey Baldy do you have a Marine Biology Degree well maybe you should talk to and advise the Atlanta Aquarium they pack a lot of fish in a tank by the inch they should listen to you.
danbran67 - 11 years ago
apparently you don't read maybe you should read instead of spewing out so much useless information on your health Channel . forget my 30 gallon tank I got a cure for baldness
Brandon Myrick
Brandon Myrick - 11 years ago
Overstocked means too many fish confined in a small area. 1in of fish per 5 gallons. Do the math, that's 6 in of fish for a 30 gallon. Who cares about aggression. Its inhumane. I've got a 30, and we've got a clown, a blennie, and a shrimp. Maybe one more clown or a yellow wrasse. You've got too many fish bud.

30. comment for 30 Gallon Reef Tank

danbran67 - 11 years ago
If you read the filtration system you will be amazed is all in the profile for the Video
danbran67 - 11 years ago
the Splotchy ( Anthias ) he's doing fine never was there a problem he's in the 90 gallon in my other vids I have him for 4 years maybe a little more . he's so funny and very curious he loves blood worms.
danbran67 - 11 years ago
Its Incredible but I got by a saying that Socrates said ( They are so Ignorant they no not of their Ignorance )
Honey Badger
Honey Badger - 12 years ago
Wow. Beautiful! I am going to set up a 75 gallon reef tank. Hope I get half the success you have. Ha.
Mattgreenwald - 12 years ago
if your simply talking about bio load for overstocking... He could have 100g sump on this 30g show tank, we dont know.. it looks amazing.
Keith Hargis
Keith Hargis - 12 years ago
Define overstocked. Fish aren't fighting due to territorial aggression and hes keeping his livestock well and happy. His corals are relatively easy to take care of with water quality. Maybe some of them when they reach adult size will be removed?
3093Andrew - 12 years ago
Thanks! (:
danbran67 - 12 years ago
danbran67 - 12 years ago
thanks Jacques-Yves Cousteau
danbran67 - 12 years ago
G thanks Jacques-Yves Cousteau
danbran67 - 12 years ago
and yours is under stocked
_kicksonfire_ - 12 years ago
show tank or not, fish deserve and need a certain amount of space for swimming and enough room to establish territories
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
That setup was a long time ago, when I was a noob. Now please go get raped and killed. Thank you.
1TwistedRaider - 12 years ago
Wow Shane,, I saw your setup. You sure are the expert. The only idiot here is you asshole. Wowk on your own shitty setup before giving advice to anyone else..
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
What about the fish having enough room? Idiot
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
It has fish that will get far to large and active dumbass
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
GTFO and Stay the fuck out of this hobby you POS
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
Well if you used good, porous rock you'll need far less
Shiladitya Haldar
Shiladitya Haldar - 12 years ago
beautiful tank bro....what is your sump volume.
3093Andrew - 12 years ago
you mad bro?

50. comment for 30 Gallon Reef Tank

TheRmc115 - 12 years ago
its all good calm your vagina
Mark Hojsan
Mark Hojsan - 12 years ago
20 pounds would be insufficient for a 30 gallon....try somewhere between 40 and 46 pounds...
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 12 years ago
This is a very well balanced 30 gallon reef
613joy - 12 years ago
Great choice of coral wrong choice of fish for a show tank.
Jose Enriquez
Jose Enriquez - 12 years ago
hey i love ur tank n the fishes u have ,, i wanna know what setup you got on , im starting my 30g tank in coupe of days , im building my stand now , , im currently i have a 10g ,
Jamesy ツ
Jamesy ツ - 12 years ago
How does that make a difference?
idelta490 - 12 years ago
Andrew go bang your face against a brick wall
3093Andrew - 12 years ago
idelta490 - 12 years ago
This tank is healthy, I hate how everyone wants to chime in with their 2 cents on how they think a tank is overstocked and what is in the tank and how many gallons they need. Please stfu already. I don't see lines of you idiots in pet stores bitching about how their livestock needs to be displayed in larger tanks. Not all tanks can be ocean sized but atleast this one is healthy, Of course if I had a halfass saltwater tank and didn't look as good as this one I would complain too.
Laura Holmes
Laura Holmes - 12 years ago
Also, if you took time to think before posting that it's "over stocked", you can see the tank walls are covered in coralline, the corals are healthy looking, and so are the fish, so obviously it's been running great for a while now. That amount of healthy growth you can't buy at a LFS. I'm thinking somebody's just jealous.....
Laura Holmes
Laura Holmes - 12 years ago
A good rule of thumb is 1 to 1.5 pounds per each US gallon. So 30 pounds would be great for a 30 gallon. REMEMBER: It all depends on what type of rock you get. Some are more porous and therefore lighter so you won't need to buy as much (ex: pukani which is amazing rock). It also depends on how you aquascape/stack it. 20 pounds of pukani would most likely be enough to fill the tank. Hope this helps :)
Laura Holmes
Laura Holmes - 12 years ago
You can stock the main tank as much as you please as long as you have a huge sump filtering all that, which I'm assuming there is one. But amazing tank by the way!
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
yo take the tang and the angelfish out, they are meant for tanks OVER 100G
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 12 years ago
what is that brown patchy fish with the yellowy fins, down the bottom left hand corner of the tank ? thats well nice
Big Meat
Big Meat - 12 years ago
howd you get the sun polyps to open up while the day lights were on?
Lillyan69 - 12 years ago
Amazing tank man got any pointers for me I'm just starting
codeezie11 - 12 years ago
amazing, looks very clean george
Ozbassman - 12 years ago
nice tank looks healthy as
Ozbassman - 12 years ago
not your problem dude i hear to much wahhhh in your voice lmao
danbran67 - 12 years ago
About 20lbs
danbran67 - 12 years ago
Its A Show Tank Calm Down
danbran67 - 12 years ago
beizentine meditation not sure on the spelling of the song
10GalReef - 12 years ago
NICE! What's this song?
blesson87 - 12 years ago
good looking tank mate ! n sweet looking bellus angel n barbonius anthias !
jesmontb - 12 years ago
way over stocked.
pigeon4277 - 12 years ago
can u list the fish a corals for me? thanks
danbran67 - 12 years ago
The Light is a 240w Current Compact with dual lights and night time moon lights
Bryce Couture
Bryce Couture - 12 years ago
what kind of light do you use
Dylan Sherry
Dylan Sherry - 12 years ago
oh, and how much rock do you have in there? cause i'm getting a 30 gallon also and i wanna know how much to buy, and you seem like an expert ahaa
Dylan Sherry
Dylan Sherry - 12 years ago
dude i had an erection while watching this video. your tank is unbelievable
Bryce Couture
Bryce Couture - 12 years ago
overstocked but pretty
danbran67 - 12 years ago
Glad you like it T...You
danbran67 - 12 years ago
Thanks man you can see what it turned into on my channel Take care
Danbran67 - 12 years ago
@suprben Thanks Bro. Took a lot of work happy u like it
SuprBen - 12 years ago
Awesome tank mate. Great biodiversity in there and good composition.
marshall elliott
marshall elliott - 12 years ago
sick...in a good way
danbran67 - 12 years ago
female bellus
Bryce Couture
Bryce Couture - 12 years ago
what is that grey angel looking fish with the yellow tip fins
danbran67 - 12 years ago
Burbonious Anthias or a Splotchy Anthias ( Southern Japan )
Mr Possy
Mr Possy - 12 years ago
whats the name of that fish with the spots
KongregateBadgeQuest - 12 years ago
Where do you get ur fish and what kinds are in there? Amazing tank
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@metallicspades Accually it a 29 gallon with a 3 gallon refugium but it no longer exists it now a 90 on my other vids but Thanks
Danbran67 - 13 years ago
@thecritico thank you and goodluck
thecritico - 13 years ago
Whoever disliked this video, suck it you morons. Great tank. I'll try to make my Biocube HQI to look similar.
harrietplopper - 13 years ago
I love this because I have set up my own 30 gal reef and I am 12. I was sad when I realized it was kind of small but know I know I can make it awesome.
Danbran67 - 13 years ago
@aolvera1001 water changes every month religiously about 30% water change and yes thats all the thing It had prizm skimmer etc.... Fluval works great for 30 gallons goodluck happy NYear
FastEngine - 13 years ago
Hey Ryan I might be some help. For the bottom of your rock structure I would use some large rocks. And when you work your way up use smaller rocks. Filling in gaps with smaller and forming caves with larger. As for lighting I was confused when I started. For soft corals your gonna want some low wattage lighting, maybe 1-2 watts per gallon. I have a 30 gallon and have 17 watts so only half a watt per gallon and my mushrooms are great. Other coral just look up lighting needs :)
Ryan Wood
Ryan Wood - 13 years ago
amazing tank, i just started my saltwater reef tank, do you suggest building up the back with small rocks? or buying large rocks. also what kind of light is good for coral? or soft coral? i have a coralife bluelight and an l.e.d. light
Danbran67 - 13 years ago
@MrEbutuov80 Thankyou no parlare Italiano
Bailey Huber
Bailey Huber - 13 years ago
im jealous of the sun corals

100. comment for 30 Gallon Reef Tank

danbran67 - 13 years ago
@keithahargis Thanks man Its now a 90 turning into a 150
Keith Hargis
Keith Hargis - 13 years ago
Holy Sit! nice tank... also love the music
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@JCE8705 Just feeding them
JuanCarlos Esparza
JuanCarlos Esparza - 13 years ago
How did you train your sun corals to come out during lights on
tunedis95 - 13 years ago
i really need a reef tank...this size too....looks awesome, and so much going on but it fits....
Stratus Strat
Stratus Strat - 13 years ago
Are you Greek?
Anthoni - 13 years ago
hi would any one can tell me wats the blue fish with black strips ? and green angel with orange at the end ? thanks
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@snakehead36 thankyou but its now a 90
snakehead36 - 13 years ago
That is an amazing tank. It looks great and all the animals are healthy and thriving.
keven carlson
keven carlson - 13 years ago
In the beginning there is a fish with neon green fins and bright blue eyes- breathtaking. What species is it if you don't mind?
Dyck Guillaum
Dyck Guillaum - 13 years ago
nice tank
Me Too
Me Too - 13 years ago
Beautiful fish and coral but I agree that it's WAY overstocked. When I was setting up my tank everything I read said 1 fish per 10 gallons and these are not small fish. Too many rocks and coral for the fish to swim freely and hide. I hope you just transferred to the 90 gal that you didn't add anything else. Think of the welfare of the animals.
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@valuing2005. Thanks .this tank turned into a 90 Gal.. check it out thanks again
Val Gomenyuk
Val Gomenyuk - 13 years ago
This almost looks like by brothers tank. Give you ALOT of props on it. I know these tanks can get pricey, but yours looks beautiful. =]
Jared_the_cool - 13 years ago
Whats that big rock in there? and how did you get the plants inside it?
230jjordan - 13 years ago
@danbran67 you don't need a phd to realize that many of those fish will die young and live shitty lives cos you just want this maelstrom of fish swimming around. Maybe you should live in a shoebox for a few days with your family and see how things go.
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@bernie1b1 sorry for the delay but would like to thank you for your comment bernie
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@jpn6166 OMG your right that bellus angel in in grave danger thanks.
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@230jjordan you know to much... PHD in Fish right ... thanks professor
230jjordan - 13 years ago
way overstocked, those fish are hating life
1131justin - 13 years ago
@danbran67 dude its a joke it must of takin u like an hour to think of that and yea i watch porn every now and then this sounds like it would be in a porn vid im sure u found it in a gay vid or sumtin AND PUT IN HERe
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@1131justin you must see a lot of porn to have the mental capacity to distinguish the music, your genetic makeup must be the worst dude. maybe you've been to counseling I can bet
1131justin - 13 years ago
this sounds like porn music lol
danbran67 - 13 years ago
@MrAquaLand yes its a 30
Saad Mehfooz
Saad Mehfooz - 14 years ago
lol love the music :) something like middleastern touch ;)
Sparticus - 14 years ago
Beautiful tank!!!! congrats
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@sdakjln Ha Ha comedy
Trevor Heistand
Trevor Heistand - 14 years ago
bout how much money would a setup similiar to this cost excluding tank
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@nwyk153 Thanks
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 14 years ago
5* good job!
CI321 - 14 years ago
wow nice tank! im about to switch over to salt water with in the next week or so, please give me any info u can like how to care & feed and any stuff i would need to know
johan vargas
johan vargas - 14 years ago
love ur tank, never new u could have so much life in a nano cube. kudos 2 u
Cody u
Cody u - 14 years ago
bravo!! that reef is looking sweet, i only dream of getting mine to look that good
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@dgonza11 this tank is no more now a 90
Darren Vong
Darren Vong - 14 years ago
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@mrJBKfilms thanks it's a 90 now
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@aquaman750 Thank man nice Nano looks great also check out the 90 gallon after i took apart that 30 good luck
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@Mattgreenwald. just give it time good luck post a vid let me know how it goes
Mattgreenwald - 14 years ago
well my ph and all is great, no dead spots that i can tell, salinity is at 1.023 and my calcium should be good, I've been dosing with Purple Up.
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@Mattgreenwald proper PH, Salinity and Calcium and most of all good water circulation no dead spots if needed add a nano powerhead like koralia
Mattgreenwald - 14 years ago
Tank looks amazing mate, Whats ur secret for ur coraline. I have a rock covered with it but cannot get it to spread at all.
28GallonBowfront - 14 years ago
dude that anthia is like $250
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@Gaby3898 about 1200 and a lot of patience but its now a 90 check it out
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@dinosaxnick its a 90 now if you havent read so keep your comments if you dont know and as for the fish you know less so please dont be a jerk
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@sunrisemix8 all the coals were bought in reef stores in New York
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@darkart777 Thanks
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@2424Anthony No
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@AGG101 you don't know what your talking about oh and please learn how to spell
darkart777 - 14 years ago
i just want to say WoW! you have done amazing your tank is awesome man Really wow!
Francis Tremblay
Francis Tremblay - 14 years ago
what is your watt/ gal? =)
Francis Tremblay
Francis Tremblay - 14 years ago
@danbran67 i just puted my 2 first fish inside :D 2 blue damsel!!! beautiful!
ogiler - 14 years ago
1200 dolars cheap for a tank like that.Is it possible to add sps or they need mh light
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@QuebecReefTank Dude I live in Brooklyn NY and over here we have a lot of chinese reef aquarium stores and the prices are great for example a Aussie Elegant coral for 45 to 50 in Canada I would look for those reef or Aquarium stores in the Asian communities and may be you will luck out good luck let me know if you do
Francis Tremblay
Francis Tremblay - 14 years ago
hi hi i just started a salt aquarium 32 gal! and i love it so much! but i think 1200$ is not the real price =O little more expensive with all include hehe ( in quebec) anyway dude you got a beautiful tank!
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@SuperJason911 This Tank was about 1200 dollars
Jason Odsaikhan
Jason Odsaikhan - 14 years ago
how much did this all cost you??
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@hollywood32094 This tank had a Current 260 watt Power compact
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@DomBogey was two yeaRs old but now a 90 on my channel. Thank-you and the best
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@GuitarMasta37 HaHa ! No overload Just wanted a bigger Tank
Austin Carnes
Austin Carnes - 14 years ago
@danbran67 haha i know i was asking because i'm trying to figure out what i'm gonna stock my 30 gallon with. was that total overkill for yours before you switched to the 90?
Nick Hernandez
Nick Hernandez - 14 years ago
what type of lighting do you use for your coral?
Ben Ivany
Ben Ivany - 14 years ago
great aquarium!those fish are beautiful, what kind of fish are they?
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@ScottBlaze55 Thanks Scott it just takes patience you'll get there. mine is now a 90 Gallon you can see it on my youtube page. Good luck and Thanks again
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@GuitarMasta37 If you would have kept reading may be you would have found out what happened. It's now a 90 but thanks for the heads up
Austin Carnes
Austin Carnes - 14 years ago
If I'm wrong. correct me, but isn't that just a tad over stocked? Looks incredible, by the way. Awesome set up
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@jokeman02 well this tank is no longer up its now a 90 the lollipop coral didnt make it . It has a very short life good luck and thanks
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@jokeman02 who said 700 dollars are you nuts, reeeeeeeaaaaaad carefully I said 1200 dollars to start
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@justchata Thanks buddy
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@blakennedy How much would you sell it for
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@blakennedy It's now a 90 Gallon Reef
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@Cheekydogextreme1 He's a Borbonious Anthias or ( Splotchy ) from southern Japan indo pacific ocean
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@con999000 are you sure you paid twice $1200.00 ( Twelve Hundred Dollars ) for all that i hope not
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@TheReef009 Hi Yes have taken this one down and is now a 90 gallon, If you would like to see it its on my channel. Oh and yes The Midas is a great fish mine is very playful and teases his friends. I see your new, hope to see your tank soon post me when you do and Thanks for your comment
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@tvshowuploader3 red sea prizm skimmer works fine you have to let it break in but works really well your problem maybe is high phosphates and or poor circulation
danbran67 - 14 years ago
@polevaulter6916 Yes you have to do water changes regularly, also no room for adequate amount of live rock and water movement and yes 55 gallon is always better to start with good luck
danbran67 - 15 years ago
about 1200.00 by the end now it's a 90 check it out
danbran67 - 15 years ago
Shahpari Davoodi
Shahpari Davoodi - 15 years ago
whats this song called!?
danbran67 - 15 years ago
PS if you would like to see what that 30 gallon turned into go to danbran67 take care
danbran67 - 15 years ago
I would suggest to start smaller with a 10 gallon nano tank a regular aquaclear 30 filter will help and a nano skimmer and your set to go . I have one in my Office 350 dollars is Ok to start but when you get bigger that 25 Gallons Just the filter would cost over 200 . read about the hobbie well before you do anything good luck
Joshua - 15 years ago
dont the angels nip at your corals?
danbran67 - 15 years ago
any Type of Macro algae caulerpa or Chaetomorpha
danbran67 - 15 years ago
I know the male is hidding had just gottn it
danbran67 - 15 years ago
No it did not.. they all get smaller and smaller in captivity for some reason but I am getting to the answer soon let me know what happens
danbran67 - 15 years ago
red legged crabs , nassarius snails , bristle star fish , turbos, blue legged crabs and small sand snails
danbran67 - 15 years ago
no everything is connected to a 350 fluval canister plus the refugium every two week maintenence and a prizim skimmer on back to no prob... every thing at 0 ppm
xXUn4GeTaBLex - 15 years ago
nice blotched anthias but the bellus angel is female not male
danbran67 - 15 years ago
Blue lolly pop, finger leather, sea fan , polyps, torch, sun flower corals, plate, mushrooms, Xenia, feather dusters, Elegant Coral, star polyps, red and green flower pots hope i was helpful
danbran67 - 15 years ago
Lyre Tail Anthias
TheDokaDoka - 15 years ago
At 0:22
danbran67 - 15 years ago
which one look at the video counter and tell me when it pops up in the image example 1.21 of the vid thanks for your comment
TheDokaDoka - 15 years ago
What is that pink/white fish with a yellow tail? Nice Reef!¡!
danbran67 - 15 years ago
There are four 1 large and three nano
danbran67 - 15 years ago
It*s a Spolchy or Bourbonious Anthias
jonathon wampfler
jonathon wampfler - 15 years ago
thanks i have a ten gallon reef tank right now thats why i wanted to move up. and i will get a 150 if i can thanks for all the tips. and im not doing a sump im getting all hang on back. i think it should be ok just as long as i have what i need like a skimmer filter water pumps and a light. do u think.
danbran67 - 15 years ago
The bio load I have has no I'll affect because I have a tremendous amout of clean up crew including a serpent star fish who eats the waste upike crazy as for the light I would say 150 watt is better but 130 is OK always watch the way your fish eat and feed accordingly you should never have.a problem oh and carbon is very important Good luck tell me how it goes
jonathon wampfler
jonathon wampfler - 15 years ago
im starting a 30 gallon reef tank. and im getting a 130 watt light is that going to be good it should be like 4.5 watts per gallon or something around there. and i didnt know you can have so many fish haha is it good to have allot
danbran67 - 15 years ago
danbran67 - 15 years ago
I'm not running a Metal H light you don,t need one for a 30 Gallon tank, I'm using a current power compact, that's all you need let me know how it goes 2 x 65 watt white & 2 x 65 watt Ac.... With two white moon lights
danbran67 - 15 years ago
it's not really the light , you probably have a good one it's the time you leave it on and off 8 hours for the white , the hair algae problem is do to high phosphate levels and most of all poor circulation you have to have good water flow all around your tank no dead spots Do not confuse strong water flow with flow use nano power heads or similar in different places and clean your filter every month if its a canister filter good luck PS Keep temp and alkalinity at proper levels
SLT300 - 15 years ago
Has to be the best 30 gal tank I have seen. I have one too but still working on it. I just had a bad algae out break. Had to take all the LR out and brush them. Lost almost all my coral too. Not given up and learning more on have too better provent to hair algae out break again. What type of light you are using??
danbran67 - 15 years ago
Thanks Buddy for telling me but to disappoint you, I Just got the male Bellus on that day he's hiding sorry if you can't see him in this video but he's in there
rotarymagic - 15 years ago
That bellus is a female, the males have VERY distinct orange stripes
danbran67 - 15 years ago
danbran67 - 15 years ago
Got him for 80

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