30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out

Come Join us https://www.facebook.com/groups/BuildingASuccessfulReef/ In this video I will be going over my top 30 things i wish i knew about the hobby when starting out. If you have any questions please let me know and if you have anything to add to the list put it in the comment section below. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-qZiboMWjYNtQNMLlxiHhVF Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rtT_B_gLcyWBWUdbvlBgEJ How To Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-qTgkRrs5wrIE086wL9Gikd Aquatic Log Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rjb4q8rB1S-ZwnEuCCR2Ga Neptune Apex Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rwKS3T-gW-eQAT-skoi92m Beginner Guide Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-o8wXkbVMIZUd9eYVfo0P-T 60 Gallon Freshwater Planted Tank Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-ppGwibzUjAkuGqum4mUb64 Tips & Tricks Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-oPvUGif9tzAGJL4xaVv00w Follow me on Aquatic Log: http://www.aquaticlog.com/users/hexdex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fish-Of-Hex-389648551215254 Twitter: https://twitter.com/FishOfHex Intro: https://flixpress.com End Thumbnail: http://pizap.com Music: Epic - http://www.bensound.com

30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out sentiment_very_dissatisfied 56

Reef tank 8 years ago 140,697 views

Come Join us https://www.facebook.com/groups/BuildingASuccessfulReef/ In this video I will be going over my top 30 things i wish i knew about the hobby when starting out. If you have any questions please let me know and if you have anything to add to the list put it in the comment section below. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-qZiboMWjYNtQNMLlxiHhVF Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rtT_B_gLcyWBWUdbvlBgEJ How To Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-qTgkRrs5wrIE086wL9Gikd Aquatic Log Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rjb4q8rB1S-ZwnEuCCR2Ga Neptune Apex Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rwKS3T-gW-eQAT-skoi92m Beginner Guide Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-o8wXkbVMIZUd9eYVfo0P-T 60 Gallon Freshwater Planted Tank Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-ppGwibzUjAkuGqum4mUb64 Tips & Tricks Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-oPvUGif9tzAGJL4xaVv00w Follow me on Aquatic Log: http://www.aquaticlog.com/users/hexdex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fish-Of-Hex-389648551215254 Twitter: https://twitter.com/FishOfHex Intro: https://flixpress.com End Thumbnail: http://pizap.com Music: Epic - http://www.bensound.com

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Most popular comments
for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out

FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 6 years ago
Checkout My Website Fishofhex.com
Mat Steel
Mat Steel - 6 years ago
Great vid mate very informative, thanks.
Heidi Styles
Heidi Styles - 6 years ago
great tank but you need to slow down the current bigger fish a struggling to swim
tactical renegade
tactical renegade - 6 years ago
What's a good source for rock I'm starting a nuvo lagoon 25 for my first reef ever if you have a place would be much appreciated
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 6 years ago
Will be answered in this weeks q&a video
MrAlbie1970 - 6 years ago
Do t waste ur money in coral unless u know what's what and even then it s hard
Robert Walterman
Robert Walterman - 6 years ago
Thanks i am considering a system so this helped ne
DevManiac - 6 years ago
Great video, and beautiful tank! I've been going crazy on research and shopping preparing for my first saltwater system. It's crazy how much you need to learn, how much you don't even know that you don't know. Even as someone who has halfway followed the hobby for years and has freshwater tanks. So, I appreciate the tips.

I love the mollies, don't see them too often in full saltwater. Finally, I have to tease you, you meant too on a few of those bullets. Knowledge man. ;-)
Robert Burton
Robert Burton - 6 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 6 years ago
I'm a fresh water guy but really enjoyed this video. A lot of your points apply to both salt and fresh. Your comments on Lion and Clown fish were hilarious. Your reef is beautiful. Thanks.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you come checkout the new 300 gallon

10. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out

Cochise Star
Cochise Star - 6 years ago
To stop a syphon when power goes out drill small wholes in return nozzle right below water level.
David Stanton
David Stanton - 6 years ago
Wow! Beautiful tank.
Ramsey 233
Ramsey 233 - 6 years ago
Awesome vid. As a beginner, a big thanks for sharing great advice!
OwenH19 - 6 years ago
Good list
Jester's Aquatics
Jester's Aquatics - 6 years ago
Very nice. I agree that there are many things I would've done different knowing what I know now. Would've saved a ton of money too.
I can’t Splel
I can’t Splel - 6 years ago
Been thinking about switching my 45g freshwater to saltwater for awhile now. This video helped me realize that I really don’t have the time and money for it. Thank you lol
lennox johnson
lennox johnson - 6 years ago
Hey Travis i love your very educational vids man..gotta ? : I'm a new reefer n I'm very confused about two part dosing..should I run mag dosing along with alk and cal at the same time? Idk if my question made sense to you but I would appreciate your answer if you would please..thanks and keep up the good works man
Gilles van Zeebroeck
Gilles van Zeebroeck - 6 years ago
Power goes out? Its 2018 where do you live?
The Real Schuyler Martin
The Real Schuyler Martin - 6 years ago
Gilles van Zeebroeck there is a legitimate reason nobody responded to you lol
RUDY MINOR - 6 years ago
I’m switching from fresh to salt. Man you have a nice set up!!!!!!
Salt Creep TV
Salt Creep TV - 6 years ago
I appreciate the amount of thought put into this video. Good stuff!

20. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out

COOPER'S CICHILDS - 6 years ago
Great tips i'm new and need to learn everything I have fresh water tank's
Lea Lapka
Lea Lapka - 7 years ago
Question,does the skimmer go before the Refugium or can it go in the Refugium .?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
it doesnt matter
Karl Godbold
Karl Godbold - 7 years ago
Is that a lyretail molly in there??
MyNy TDiver
MyNy TDiver - 7 years ago
dang dude that tank is freakin epic
Keith wilson
Keith wilson - 7 years ago
Ha. My maroon cllwnfish is an a-hole as well. Bites me when im moving frags or rocks. Every single time. Little douche. Nice tank
long live freedom
long live freedom - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video !! I'm just getting I to this and it seems that it was good to watch this I will be following you and hoping to learn much more from you thank you again and hope to be successful with this new hobby !!!
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
Is the current to strong? Looks like the fish are struggling to swim lol.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
Probably recorded during a surge mode. They are come on several times during the day to help pickup and filter detritus. Plus the tangs really like the burst flow
marek foxtrot
marek foxtrot - 7 years ago
You can also add to document everything your doing. Log sheets with parameters, budgets, expenses, things you did each day. It will be valuable information when you go back and can see how your tank develops over time.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
Checkout my aquaticlog playlist
Dave M
Dave M - 7 years ago
how long do you run your surge mode and how often?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
On this system it was every 5 hours or so i had three different timmers via the apex. It was different every day with time and % the pumps ran
chrisd925 - 7 years ago
Crazy flow, fish are struggling lol

30. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out

George Arias
George Arias - 7 years ago
Having to quarantine means that you gotta have always a second tank set running all the time for the new fishes?? I don't understand that. I'm about to start into the hobby, I know I gotta cycle my tank but what do I do when I'm ready to buy the fishes??
Alan Rodriguez
Alan Rodriguez - 7 years ago
in your system, you would ONLY be buying small growing/easy/hardy fish. You sadly won't be keeping any tangs in a 13.5 gallon system. IMO only 2 fish max for this size with proper filtration and rigorous water change schedule.
George Arias
George Arias - 7 years ago
I just bough a Fluval Evo 13,5 gallons starter kit. I already set it up with the salt water, heat, dry sand and dry rock. I also bought the basic testers I'll need. Today is just the second day of cycling of the tank, I added Fluval Biological Booster for the beneficial bacteria according to its instructions. Since this is my very first aquarium I wonder how would I quarantine the future livestock when the cycling is over?? I guess I should set up another system, right??
I appreciate your patience. I'm sorry if I ask you a stupid question. It's I'm so enthusiastic about starting the salt water aquariums hobby and I'm taking very seriously the advice of your video.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
no you do not need to have a second tank running, you could always use water from your main display during a water change to fill up another small system add a sponge filter and heater.
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
I wanna create a 10 gallon corral tank with 1 clownfish but it seems really hard.
Alan Rodriguez
Alan Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I am currently running a very young Innovative Marine Fusion Peninsula 14 gallon with an Aquamaxx HOB 1.5 (overkill skimmer) with Chemipure elite, ceramedia, live sand/rock, coral frags (both sps and softies), as well as 5 very hungry baby blue hippos. Lighting is with a kessil tuna blue. Auto top off is a simple DIY float switch type attached to a marineland pump with a 5 gallon reservoir. So far, it has taken a bullet in the wallet to setup firstly. What you are asking is if you can do a nano reef with fish. YES. Words of advice. If only keeping one fish, you do not need a skimmer (look at me putting 5 blue tangs fed the whole day) unless you plan on having a large bioload. Second, you need not a crazy light; an led works fine and is quiet. Third, try to use a nano with a built in filter in the back, it saves space and reduces the need for an external overflow or sump. Lastly, a nano will not require dosing if you plan on keeping simple lps and softies, even some hardy sps. By no means get Acros and expect them to survive, its just that for a small water volume, your weekly water changes will replenish those elements without dosing. Hope this helps, good luck
lady lex 9999
lady lex 9999 - 7 years ago
what is your matinence routine or do you have a vid on it?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
i have a few videos on that topic checkout the 125 gallon playlist or beginner guide
Fly High
Fly High - 7 years ago
After listing and watching this video, I decide to take all those money planing to buy aquarium and spend on beers and fun
Thomas Bardenwerper
Thomas Bardenwerper - 7 years ago
All 30 points are VERY SOLID tips. Great job! Hope lots of new reefers watch, listen and PRACTICE your advice.
Bryan Darge
Bryan Darge - 7 years ago
Outstanding video! This should be on the ‘must watch’ videos for all beginner reefers. Totally agree on Clown Fish, mean suckers! I also pulled out all anemones, worst creature for a tank.
o Snipez935 -
o Snipez935 - - 7 years ago
shu ouma
shu ouma - 7 years ago
Here in my garage
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
Mine was finding out how important aquascaping was.
Dustin Feagley
Dustin Feagley - 7 years ago
Heyy I love your video. I'm setting up my first 125 gallon. I was leaning towards an ATI sunpower fixture with LED supplement just for pop because it sounds like the t5s produce the best results from reading the forums. Obviously you're doing fantastic without t5s so what LEDs do you use? Thanks again for the helpful video!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
I just use the cheap Chinese led boxes
Jeanne Milo
Jeanne Milo - 7 years ago
Are those Poecilia sphenops at the top at 7:05?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
Molly yes
John Horchler
John Horchler - 7 years ago
So I know from watching tanked that you need more then one tank because when jeff Dunham he had a fish when he was a boy and it ended up with eik.
John Horchler
John Horchler - 7 years ago
And what is that a spider fish or a shirp fish and what are the plants up front in the middle of the tank and corner that look like trees
LAking-1 - 7 years ago
Also did you grow out those big euphyllias or you bought them big I need advice on getting mine to grow.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes i grew everything from single head frags. You can checkout the 11 month update video in the 125 gallon playlist to see the growth.
LAking-1 - 7 years ago
That lighting looks killer what are you using?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
three chinese leds and 4 t5 bulbs
Ragnarok - 7 years ago
Yea if I don't know the answer 100% I don't open my mouth, I wish more people had the same mindset. I'm looking into starting a saltwater tank so I'm researching a lot before hand, there's some good advice to be had in this video thanks.
LAking-1 - 7 years ago
Ragnarok tigobitties
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks and good luck please checkout my beginner guide playlist
Skylark Lee
Skylark Lee - 7 years ago
Hot shit what a beautiful tank
Jeff Snyder
Jeff Snyder - 7 years ago
Are you on Facebook
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
yes search fishofhex
Metalman - 7 years ago
Good tips man.. One almost needs a degree in marine biology to run a reef tank.. (science is awesome! :) )And you need $$$$$$. I'm upgrading to a 63 litre(16 gallon) tank from a 30 litre (8 gallon) wish I could afford to run a larger tank though so I could have a yellow tang .

So yeah, 2nd tank:

Buy Dry Rock and cure it!
Buy premium sea salt (not cheap shit or water from ocean that has parasites, fuels/pollutants and different parameters)
Drip accumulate for at least 2 hours
And I'm gonna use the previous tank as the QT which I'm gonna need, the clownfish I bought and named Sushi a year a go has a lump on its right gill, been there since I bought him from the infested tank at the LFS . (lessoned learned) Not sure if it's an ich or cyst but I want it gone before he enters the new tank.. I think I'll research more into hypo salinity, seems to be effective but even less stressful for the fish and thus myself. I think I'll get a fish trap rather than catch him with a net to ease some stress.

I should QT the hermit crab and Coral Banded Shrimp too yeah before they enter the new tank? Shit I'm gonna need to set up another tank.. bloody $$$. Good thing I dont have a social life haha

In response to heating.. My heater blew and was stuck on 'on' overnight the temp was at around 34c I think that's 94F ? .. But the clownfish, shrimp and crab... All fine.. I have no corals, they would have bleached for sure though..
M Baker JEEP STATION 002 - 7 years ago
You are so right about multiple tanks. I am about to shut down 5 tanks and keep 1 reef and 1 fresh.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
F is for Family. Love that show

50. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out

Mark Zurlo
Mark Zurlo - 7 years ago
Awesome video,,
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thank you
Christopher M.
Christopher M. - 7 years ago
Love the mollies!
JoKing - 7 years ago
Why does it matter adding a bunch of fish at once, the show Tanked they add all of them at once and recommend not feeding till the next day so they get acclimated
Maxwell Jacobsen
Maxwell Jacobsen - 6 years ago
they remove most of the fish after.
1997LT1Camaro - 7 years ago
That show is just for entertainment. I don't feel they have the best interest of the inhabitants sometimes.
Project X
Project X - 7 years ago
Good Vid and lovely looking Tank!

I'm just about to start out in this hobby having never owned a Tank of any kind in the past, I read a lot though and have been reading and planing a small build for quite a while now.
Every now and then I get a little concerned with horror story's I read on Forums and think maybe I shouldn't get into Marine with no practical experience what so ever but I'm going to take the plunge and after watching your Video, the advice you've given is very much in the direction I was already planing so I think I'm ready.
Only time will tell, good luck for the future of your Tank.
Charles P
Charles P - 7 years ago
Great video, I'm starting a 45 gal right now. Check out my channel, any tips are appreciated
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
Good list. Add: Go big from the beginning.
Jax - 8 years ago
I went cheap with Lighting when i started : [
David Simms
David Simms - 8 years ago
love my apex!
Charlie Hauer
Charlie Hauer - 8 years ago
Him and Reggie the eel weren't getting along lmao
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
I wouldnt go any small then 125gallon and i would get a snowflake
Charlie Hauer
Charlie Hauer - 8 years ago
FishOfHex btw what tank size would you recommend for a snowflake eel or a zebra eel also which one would you suggest
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Ricky Rodriguez
Ricky Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Hey I know this is an old video but it looks like you don't have 1ib rock per gallon is that a myth or do we really need it or is that a aquarium store myth
Cianna Pauline
Cianna Pauline - 7 years ago
Ricky Rodriguez if you have a 100 gallon normally do 90-100 pounds
Never Give An Inch
Never Give An Inch - 8 years ago
Ricky Rodriguez one pound per gallon isn't as important as how porous your rock is. If you use really porous rock like Fiji you can have less with great results .
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
1-3lbs per gallon is recommend but i like to use less and put Marine pure blocks in the sump. I have 4 blocks each with 20,000 sqf of bio filtration.
Michael Norton
Michael Norton - 8 years ago
Seems like you were trying to save money, but it cost you dearly.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
We all live and learn, thats how i got this far.
Travis Something
Travis Something - 8 years ago
What do you do with fish that are problem fish? Like, I don't wanna kill the fish that I want to get rid of. What do you do with yours when they just have to go?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Donate it to a friend or a public aquarium
Slim Nate
Slim Nate - 8 years ago
Finally sw person who makes simple and very informative videos! Thanks so much. New sub and fan. Also, thanks for ur service!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank You and No Problem
Dave Green
Dave Green - 8 years ago
thanks i did not no that
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Dave Green
Dave Green - 8 years ago
thanks u speak lot of sense is coraline algae good 4 your tank i have loads of it in ripples on the back glass and on my rock had my tank 5 years with 2 canisters no upgrading to a sump tank at last got about 50 corals now soft and lps 1 Monte Pora which has just come back to life after 3 months
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Coralline algae i like to think of it as just another coral if you want it let it grow if not take it out. I personally just leave it on the back and bottom glass. Understand it uses up cal, alk just like hard corals.
Gary Lion
Gary Lion - 8 years ago
R those mollies?
red hunter
red hunter - 7 years ago
they can, however they need eight hour drip acclimation, hell long time aclimation than average marine creature
lady lex 9999
lady lex 9999 - 7 years ago
I didn't know they could live is salt water!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Covey Hill Corals
Covey Hill Corals - 8 years ago
Great video advice. I wish I happened on this video 7 years ago. Here's one more.. I found that by getting my skimmer to intake OUTSIDE fresh air, via a routed 3/8" PE tube (BRS) from outside the house, increased my pH by at least 0.2, maybe more. It really woks right away and is a solution to head-scratching low pH. The cold fresh air will make salt crystals build up more quickly at the skimmer's venturi, so a little more cleaning and checking. Can't open windows too much in cold climates during winter.. A stuffy sealed house will mean more CO2, then more carbonic acid, in your water column. I even went one step further and added a "fresh air reactor"; a 32 gal Brute drum with airstones from an air pump set-up outside (big bubbles, not fine/micro).
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank You, i do talk about the skimmer in my ph video that was one of the reason why i didnt add it to this video.
Ricodub1 One
Ricodub1 One - 8 years ago
how many and what types of fish do you have?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
I have already answered this question in the comment section. Also check out updated videos
Tanks and Updates
Tanks and Updates - 8 years ago
I agree clownfish are d!#Ks
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
ReefRealEstate In Canada
ReefRealEstate In Canada - 8 years ago
I want to mount rock on the back corner of my tank. What did you use to do yours, is that real rock?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
+ReefRealEstate it's a mag rock
ReefRealEstate In Canada
ReefRealEstate In Canada - 8 years ago
FishOfHex so how did you mount yours then?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
o you want to put rock on the back glass.. I dont think epoxy would be good for that. Honestly i havent found anything but suction cups that work for the back glass. Its just to smooth to attach anything atleast for me.
ReefRealEstate In Canada
ReefRealEstate In Canada - 8 years ago
So cut the rock square put the epoxy on it the press and hold against the glass underwater and it will hold a large shelf piece? Which epoxy the 2 part blue grey stuff?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
I use epoxy and yes its all real rock
ReefRealEstate In Canada
ReefRealEstate In Canada - 8 years ago
Hey they was just wondering what video editing program you use? New to the video thing. Want to start shooting better videos. Thanks!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
I use camtasia
koolaide321 - 8 years ago
how long til you start seeing growth on coral
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
every system is different i cant answer that question.
Adrien Dridri
Adrien Dridri - 8 years ago
I've had my tank up for about 3 months now and only have some zoas and xenias. I've had a pretty bad dinoflagellate bloom and got dino x to see if that'll work. got any tips on how to kill off the dinos? I have a simple 20g long tank with a hob filter
Adrien Dridri
Adrien Dridri - 8 years ago
got it thank you :)
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Before you start adding anything i would attempt to find the nutrient source. when thats done go ahead and try a chemical just understand that if you have coral in the tank they might not like it.
jay2wip - 8 years ago
Hey hex, new to the channel. I was wondering is possible to have tangs in a 75 gallon in my tank. Thanks
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
its a bacteria bloom best thing to do is wait it out and do normal water changes. You dont need bacteria to setup a qt just cycle new sponges in the main display.
jay2wip - 8 years ago
FishOfHex my LFS gave me a product that I add in the water that smelled a bit like the ocean he said it beneficial bacteria that would make it safe to add in is but I took safe precautions I did not add in any fish.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
What did you use to start the system?
jay2wip - 8 years ago
FishOfHex it's been longer then three weeks, dose it normally last longer?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Sounds like a bacteria bloom. I would wait for it to go away before adding anything to the tank.
jay2wip - 8 years ago
FishOfHex hey hex 4 weeks ago I set up a new quarantine tank 10gal The water was clear for a few days but ever since it has been extremely cloudy. All water parameters are fine.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
+jay2wip same thing as before if you intend on being able to provide the proper living environment then go for it. If you don't really know atm I would pass on getting any tang. Atm I have 9 tangs in this tank with almost no aggression they swim freely between the rocks and are all fat. People tend to give me shit bc my tank is overstocked but I'm big on proving people wrong.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
+jay2wip Yes when they are small but I don't really put tangs in a tank that's under size foot long. They like the length to swim. If you're going to have small under 3-4 inch they will be fine for a while but remember you will need to upgrade if you plan on keeping them.
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
are those mollies breeding in yr reef tank
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
Oops. I was thinking of putting some lyre tail mollies in mine
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Brandon Meade No the 2' eel decided he was going to have a snack. He doesn't eat the 2" scooter blenny or 1" damsels but he eat the mollys.
Stephen Hickey
Stephen Hickey - 8 years ago
Thanks for the videos, I have been taking notes! Im setting up my fist reef tank and this information is invaluable.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching glad you found it to be helpful. always goo to hear that.
Trish O'Neill
Trish O'Neill - 8 years ago
Really useful vid - thanks!
Also, one of your damsels is getting pretty badly bullied - those fish are relentless!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Trish O'Neill They fight back same damsels for three years. Check out one of the new videos with more fish it's not as bad
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
Skipped the Hydrometer...Thanks to you
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Nice glad i saved you some money
Ryan Moore
Ryan Moore - 8 years ago
At 7:02 what fish are in the top right of the tank? They look almost like freshwater mollies
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Ryan Moore
Ryan Moore - 8 years ago
FishOfHex no fuck that just blew my mind
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
They are mollies, brackish fish they go either way
BudgiesBox - 8 years ago
fantastic video. I can relate to the majority myself over the years. a power cut is my biggest concern. thanks .
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks Man
Joey _
Joey _ - 8 years ago
What were the 2 fish at the very top?
Joey _
Joey _ - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex Thank you so much
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thats a difficult question to answer. I would personally stay away from tangs due to them liking a longer tank to swim in. I would also stay away from eels b/c they can get very big unless you go with a dwarf. If you plan on getting a bunch of fish make sure you add them over time and QT every fish 4 weeks min before adding to the system. Also adding rock or marine pure to the sump would be good to help process the extra waste. You can get away with a lot of fish in a 55 if you can stay on top of water quality. Good luck
Joey _
Joey _ - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex How many saltwater fish would you put in a 55 gal?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yea they are great for frag systems to pick any algae that might show up
Joey _
Joey _ - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex that is pretty cool.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes either or
Joey _
Joey _ - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex So Mollys be in salt and fresh water?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Just standard brackish water molly's. Dripped them to 1.026 and they did great until the eel wanted a snack. Thats the only fish he has ever eat.
Joey _
Joey _ - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex There are Slat water Molly's?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks Man
Daniel Hajdas
Daniel Hajdas - 8 years ago
have you Got Molly's in a reef tank how???
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
No they are just hand out with everyone else
Daniel Hajdas
Daniel Hajdas - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex mollis are you uzing them as live food?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Daniel Hajdas
Daniel Hajdas - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex are you uzing it as a food sorse
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Molly's can be either fresh or saltwater. They are great fish to have in your reef tank
rcher72 - 8 years ago
Interesting, my male regular ocellaris clown will nip at my hand without fear constantly. people laugh but he is really a dick. its not funny.
Brandon Pedersen
Brandon Pedersen - 8 years ago
FishOfHex k
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yea everyone wants one until they start killing other fish and biting you
Oscar1467 - 8 years ago
Cool videos man!! U just got a new sub
Oscar1467 - 8 years ago
Hey guys can somebody recommend me a good book for salt water aquariums?
Syria Sharia
Syria Sharia - 8 years ago
I liked the video but as someone who is new to the concept of reef aquariums and really wanting to get into the hobby, there was too much jargon (refugium? drilled tank?) so there's quite a few things I didn't understand tho I will look into them. I don't have a tank yet and am looking at buying one second hand (a tanks a tank right?) but now I'm not sure if there are different types of tanks... would appreciate your advice.
I'm going to get a big tank and just buy a new thing for it every time I can....
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
I would say spend a good amount of time learning before doing anything. I have a lot of beginner videos on this channel and learning the terms and understanding how each item works in the system will be key.
Ryan - 8 years ago
Great channel! Just subscribed!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank You
Zer0cool NINJA88
Zer0cool NINJA88 - 8 years ago
i sub with this vid i was looking for this info online. whats best to start off with if i just want coral n maybe 2 clown fish, mostly want coral, would 10 20 or 30 first timer dont want to make a complete fail attemp my first try
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
The bigger system you can get the better off you will be. More water will allow for mistakes without impacting the system as much.
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Awesome video
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank You
isidro flores
isidro flores - 8 years ago
100% agree
Capn Jerkface
Capn Jerkface - 8 years ago
lol # 24
Nanoman - 8 years ago
Excellent informational video! Yup, I have a Maroon clownfish pair since 2006 and the female is pure evil!
Julia gatto
Julia gatto - 8 years ago
Are those mollies I see in the upper right hand corner?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes they are
John Zimm
John Zimm - 8 years ago
Wow, at 19:37 in the video, the striped guy with the yellow on it's tail, looked amazing. And as I was scrolling around on the video looking for it, I noticed how much the crabs and other critters moved got around and fast.
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
good info
ckohler1ck - 8 years ago
I find this video extremely helpful.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Glad i could help you out.
Singhka8 - 8 years ago
Awesome advice
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Glad i could help
daniel wilson
daniel wilson - 8 years ago
Whats the pros and cons of a bare bottom tank
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
video to come on that topic
WestCoast Reefer
WestCoast Reefer - 8 years ago
Nice video good information thanks
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks man

100. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out

Soe M Paing
Soe M Paing - 8 years ago
My two ocellaris killed the red fire shrimp. Clowns are dicks.
Lorraine Mufdi
Lorraine Mufdi - 8 years ago
kai PAXpress
kai PAXpress - 8 years ago
Like the video. Thanks for posting.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
No Problem
vautop2 - 8 years ago
Man I love your tank!!!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank for watching
20g Reefer
20g Reefer - 8 years ago
Awsome tips
ScyLent - 8 years ago
Had to sub just cause of the Mollies. Haven't seen that in saltwater in ages.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank You, I love those little guys
Harrys Cichlids
Harrys Cichlids - 8 years ago
just found this channel and instantly my favourite !
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Awesome! Always nice to hear that.
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 8 years ago
Lucky I have not started a tank yet now I do know those things before starting the hobby
Patrick's Dive and Reef
Patrick's Dive and Reef - 8 years ago
Just subbed man, great channel keep it going :)
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching
Aquarium_impreza_joey - 8 years ago
How about nano reef tank videos?
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
I dont personally own a nano reef sorry at some point i will set one up im sure.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
John Horchler
John Horchler - 7 years ago
FishOfHex what is an apex I'm watching videos before I buy the stuff and I like your tank it's like Atm did it / tanked and I would like to have one with life rocks and plants and should I start with a twelve gallon tank !?.
Larry Tran
Larry Tran - 8 years ago
LOL, clownfish are dicks. Love that ;)
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
I speak nothing but the truth haha
Tim's Tank
Tim's Tank - 8 years ago
Good info.
ezerasurfr - 8 years ago
Glad to see I'm not the only one with mollies in my reef. :-D
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yea i love them
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank You
9StickNate - 8 years ago
Great video!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching
Reef glow19
Reef glow19 - 8 years ago
just ran into your channel nice setup bro sub. chk out my 120 when you have some time.
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Will do thank you for watching
tyrone burgess
tyrone burgess - 8 years ago
well tank is 150 gal about a aqueon model 4 about 30 gal I think and a 20 gal tank next to the sump transferring water back and forth
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yea two 300 watts would work, idk if you have en apex but if you do set them higher and let the apex control the temp with them.
tyrone burgess
tyrone burgess - 8 years ago
I'm look for heater for my 150 long aqua 4 sump and extra 20 gal tank 2 tank sump what size heater and my new tank I just added ro/di water and adding salt can I add the bacteria now whole the water is cold letting it cycle now or do I have to wait for the heaters
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
what is the total water volume you are looking to heat? I use two 300 watt heaters in a 180 gallon system. Both are controlled by an apex. You can add the bacteria now but it will cycle faster at a higher temp. I personally would wait until i got the heaters and the temp stable before attempting to cycle a system.
Marc Laforge
Marc Laforge - 8 years ago
Thanks for this, very informative for a guy getting ready to start his own reef tank!!
FishOfHex Aquatics
FishOfHex Aquatics - 8 years ago
No problem thanks for watching it was a little long but figured it would help out
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Good video bro. A lot of people are gonna pull a ton of stuff from this video! Good idea Trav!

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