30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out
Reef tank 8 years ago 140,637 views
Come Join us https://www.facebook.com/groups/BuildingASuccessfulReef/ In this video I will be going over my top 30 things i wish i knew about the hobby when starting out. If you have any questions please let me know and if you have anything to add to the list put it in the comment section below. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-qZiboMWjYNtQNMLlxiHhVF Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rtT_B_gLcyWBWUdbvlBgEJ How To Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-qTgkRrs5wrIE086wL9Gikd Aquatic Log Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rjb4q8rB1S-ZwnEuCCR2Ga Neptune Apex Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-rwKS3T-gW-eQAT-skoi92m Beginner Guide Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-o8wXkbVMIZUd9eYVfo0P-T 60 Gallon Freshwater Planted Tank Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-ppGwibzUjAkuGqum4mUb64 Tips & Tricks Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyrWzDlRs-oPvUGif9tzAGJL4xaVv00w Follow me on Aquatic Log: http://www.aquaticlog.com/users/hexdex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fish-Of-Hex-389648551215254 Twitter: https://twitter.com/FishOfHex Intro: https://flixpress.com End Thumbnail: http://pizap.com Music: Epic - http://www.bensound.com
I love the mollies, don't see them too often in full saltwater. Finally, I have to tease you, you meant too on a few of those bullets. Knowledge man. ;-)
10. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out
20. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out
30. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out
I appreciate your patience. I'm sorry if I ask you a stupid question. It's I'm so enthusiastic about starting the salt water aquariums hobby and I'm taking very seriously the advice of your video.
So yeah, 2nd tank:
Buy Dry Rock and cure it!
Buy premium sea salt (not cheap shit or water from ocean that has parasites, fuels/pollutants and different parameters)
Drip accumulate for at least 2 hours
And I'm gonna use the previous tank as the QT which I'm gonna need, the clownfish I bought and named Sushi a year a go has a lump on its right gill, been there since I bought him from the infested tank at the LFS . (lessoned learned) Not sure if it's an ich or cyst but I want it gone before he enters the new tank.. I think I'll research more into hypo salinity, seems to be effective but even less stressful for the fish and thus myself. I think I'll get a fish trap rather than catch him with a net to ease some stress.
I should QT the hermit crab and Coral Banded Shrimp too yeah before they enter the new tank? Shit I'm gonna need to set up another tank.. bloody $$$. Good thing I dont have a social life haha
In response to heating.. My heater blew and was stuck on 'on' overnight the temp was at around 34c I think that's 94F ? .. But the clownfish, shrimp and crab... All fine.. I have no corals, they would have bleached for sure though..
50. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out
I'm just about to start out in this hobby having never owned a Tank of any kind in the past, I read a lot though and have been reading and planing a small build for quite a while now.
Every now and then I get a little concerned with horror story's I read on Forums and think maybe I shouldn't get into Marine with no practical experience what so ever but I'm going to take the plunge and after watching your Video, the advice you've given is very much in the direction I was already planing so I think I'm ready.
Only time will tell, good luck for the future of your Tank.
Also, one of your damsels is getting pretty badly bullied - those fish are relentless!
I'm going to get a big tank and just buy a new thing for it every time I can....
100. comment for 30 Things I Wish I Knew About The Saltwater Hobby When Starting Out