30 gallon reef tank set up

Photos and videos of how to set up a 30 gallon reef tank.
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Most popular comments
for 30 gallon reef tank set up

J Brown
J Brown - 7 years ago
Where did you get the tank from? It's beautiful!
carraplaps - 7 years ago
Hi J Brown, thank you, the tank has no brand, I got it in a local pet store in Spain, sorry I can´t help you more.
josh blakeley
josh blakeley - 8 years ago
isn't that too small for a tang ? I know some people bring them back and what not how long can you keep one of those in a 30?
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
josh blakeley maybe a year but you can always rehome or give back tangs
Da Kina
Da Kina - 8 years ago
nice video
Jason Thompson
Jason Thompson - 8 years ago
how much would an anemone like cost?
Wild TV
Wild TV - 8 years ago
Ryan John
Ryan John - 9 years ago
What's the anemone called
sergigbm - 9 years ago
very well Miguel, ehhh, mmm
Marco Willems
Marco Willems - 9 years ago
Nice tank! Looks great
Check out mine;)
carraplaps - 9 years ago
+Marco Willems thanks! i will!
Richard B
Richard B - 9 years ago
what kinda anemone was that?
Richard B
Richard B - 9 years ago
+carraplaps thanks, thats a beautiful anemone.
carraplaps - 9 years ago
+Richard B It is an entacmaea quadricolor or bubbletip anemone

10. comment for 30 gallon reef tank set up

AquaTerra-Life - 9 years ago
Awesome! :D
Ryan Kromplewski
Ryan Kromplewski - 10 years ago
About how much was all of this? im looking to get a tank and im trying to find a price range before I go looking for everything
Anthony Sadler
Anthony Sadler - 10 years ago
Do u have bristle worms?
carraplaps - 10 years ago
yes there's some in the tank, thought not very easy to see.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
Nice tank, but the tang should have a larger tank.
Nikhil H
Nikhil H - 8 years ago
Mansa Musa ??? nothing wrong with keeping a tang in this small of tank if it's temporary. Most people give it back to store or sell to others when it gets bigger
bloodyhetza - 11 years ago
OH MY GOD, I JUST FOUND NEMO! That's a beautiful tank you got there c:
kevin carvajal
kevin carvajal - 11 years ago
By any chance do you have a chiller running with your set up?
carraplaps - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
carraplaps - 11 years ago
Thanks! I´m glad you like it.
Zugglez3 - 11 years ago
Whoever told you it was okay to put a yellow Tang in there was wrong. Ideally you want a 6ft+ long tank or so. Meaning 90gal+
Austin Nelson
Austin Nelson - 11 years ago
Love the fish selection and the yellow tang

20. comment for 30 gallon reef tank set up

carraplaps - 11 years ago
Thanks ;) I bought it like that, but I believe it originally had a lamp covering the whole top with a brace.
Fill Yo Head
Fill Yo Head - 11 years ago
Did you take the top brace off the aquarium or was it retailed like that? Nice aquarium btw.
Dylan Drews
Dylan Drews - 11 years ago
you have a yellow tang in there!?
carraplaps - 12 years ago
Yes you don´t really need anything else to keep your reef running quite good. As long as you have enough live rock and a good skimmer you are good to go. Bare in mind that in ocasions you may want to use other filtering media or resins (ej. to lower phosphates etc etc) and you may want to have somewhere to put it.Of cousrse there are better ways... but if you want it simple it will be fine like this, don´t worry. It works for me! Don´t forget about a good light;) Thanks for watching! ;)
macmac7676 - 12 years ago
I am looking at changing my 30 gal tropical into a marine, my tropical has an internal filter and I use a cannister filter as well, I noticed you only use a protein skimmer and live rock to filter the tank, is this enough filtration? I am curious as everybody seems to have a different opinion on how to set up a marine tank.
carraplaps - 12 years ago
Sorry for the late answer! I´m glad you liked it! If you keep it simple enough it shouldn´t bee extremelly expensive but be prepared to add quite a lot of money, it could easily add up to 5 or 6 hundred depending on what you allready have,...
carraplaps - 12 years ago
Thanks for the advice and info;) The video is quite old though, now I do have more movement in the surface and it has been doing quite good.
MOTORUSA13 - 12 years ago
To ironstream58, this isn't to be a jerk and in some ways i agree with you on the whole yellow tang issue. yes yellow tangs are supposed to be in bigger tank preferably in 50 gallons or bigger. but this also depends. as long as a tang has enough room to swim or pace, enough oxygen, and not any over crowding tangs can be kept in extreme cases 15 gallon tanks maybe singly in a 10 gallon. now I'm not saying we should all start keeping tangs in little aquariums but I've seen plenty of 20g tanks with
russell morton
russell morton - 12 years ago
Just a word of advice, You need to have more top water movement or top water skimming. Dust particles and other substances tent to float ontop of the water, creating a film. This will eventually fall onto your fish and corals. This arguably causes various problems for both. .
Ryan Wood
Ryan Wood - 13 years ago
how did you get the live rock to grow stuff on it? is it dictated by light?

30. comment for 30 gallon reef tank set up

Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 13 years ago
overstocked, maybe a little more rock but the sand bed is fine.
adam spies
adam spies - 13 years ago
too many fish. not enough rock, sand bed not deep enough, powerheads need to be pointed at the surface. led lights for anemone. Hope this helps, works for me :)
ManAmalReacts - 14 years ago
@carraplaps OH because it is rimless and usually they are made by companies with a reputable name.
carraplaps - 14 years ago
@manamal1 thanks ! what do you mean with what kind of tank? its a glass tank with no specific brand. :)
ManAmalReacts - 14 years ago
Nice tank. What kind of tank do you have?
carraplaps - 14 years ago
thanks! glad you liked it
hectorgarm - 14 years ago
El primer pez que sale está como: "Hey, qué pasa? Te estás riendo de mi porque tengo la cara morada? A que te meto?" jaja

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