300 Gallon Reef Tank Update!

Hey guys this is just a video on the equiment on the tank! If you guys give me likes then I will make a contest for everyone! I'm going to give away some sick intros! I am making my own awesome intro so stay tuned for that too!

300 Gallon Reef Tank Update! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reef tank 13 years ago 27,569 views

Hey guys this is just a video on the equiment on the tank! If you guys give me likes then I will make a contest for everyone! I'm going to give away some sick intros! I am making my own awesome intro so stay tuned for that too!

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Most popular comments
for 300 Gallon Reef Tank Update!

Hamza Razak
Hamza Razak - 8 years ago
DeVille C. Cook
DeVille C. Cook - 9 years ago
Any updates?
Oooo Hoe
Oooo Hoe - 11 years ago
How many gallons is the tank itself?
Reefing Kenny
Reefing Kenny - 11 years ago
Yakee Gillison
Yakee Gillison - 11 years ago
Afrankdapimp12 no it is 180 gallons
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
or 1inch per 5 gallons but no lower then that
Afrankiewicz - 12 years ago
naw man too small for sharks, even the smallest... you need a minimum 350 for even a bamboo or cat shark
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
More like depending on the amount of surface area, filtration, and the behavior of the fish
glenNHKskate - 12 years ago
How are those bio pellets doin?

10. comment for 300 Gallon Reef Tank Update!

OMGCichlidsFTW - 12 years ago
yeah but dont put too much rocks and put smaller sharks :)
yakee giliison
yakee giliison - 12 years ago
is that good for a shark
OMGCichlidsFTW - 12 years ago
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@fruitloop33344455555 haha yeah. but it's basicly every inch of fish = to 10 gallons of water actaully.
Nine - 13 years ago
They say you can fit 1 fish per gallon.. YOU CAN PUT 300 GOD DAMN FISH IN THERE O_o
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@GRRjammm Thanks haha, the tank now after a year later is much different! I have a ton of rare corals and the tank is just on a growing streak! Thanks again
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@wesleyforbes will do soon
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@junioribanez66 The lighting now is so strong it burned out some of my SPS lol.
JUNIOR IBANEZ - 13 years ago
I think the lighting should be a bit stronger for sps
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 13 years ago
Very nice man! How about an update?

20. comment for 300 Gallon Reef Tank Update!

OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@RaffleReefer10 I keep forgetting to lol..
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@TheXforcer Thanks
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 13 years ago
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@MegaMmcfarland I have 500 lbs of live rock lol :P over kill :P
EX - 13 years ago
Nice Dude!
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@Smokkedandslammed haha yeah.
Smokkedandslammed - 13 years ago
Awesome dude. The scape is really bitchin to
MUD BLOOD BEER - 13 years ago
@OMGCichlidsFTW yeah for sure its gonna be heavy, and with the 84x24x24 dimensions that would make it a 210g display since that is the same size im getting.
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@pnavarro170 Yeah. I'm still keeping the title 300g because it's a even number and makes it good and I'm pretty possitive that it's 200g. I even have a caculator that could show you.The tank is now much different. The tanks glass also. BTW, Before you buy the tank make you sure have somewhere to buy it and some people to help you. The tank already weighs 500lbs by it self with no water and took 8 people to carry. Good luck.
MUD BLOOD BEER - 13 years ago
@OMGCichlidsFTW yeah found the new channel. and those dimensions make it a 210g actually. thats the tank im setting up now size. so i look for those videos to compare stocking and size and overall dimensions. id change the videos to 210g updates. lol. and yeah ive done one 15g water change in the last 3 months i think. Gotta dose but keep everything stable at the same time.

30. comment for 300 Gallon Reef Tank Update!

OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@pnavarro170 Please check out my new channel "ReefxDreams". I will post new HD videos of the tank and have good editing! Thanks again man :D!
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@pnavarro170 Hi, The display tank is exactly 200 gallon. The sump is 90 gallon plus the rest and makes it up to exactly 300 gallons. The tank's dimensions is 84"x24"x24" (L x W x H). I do about a 20 gallon water change every 3 months sometimes longer. I'm trying to decrease the water changes just like newyorksteelo. The tank has changed a lot now! This is only a month old video but now it just looks beautiful! Thanks!
MUD BLOOD BEER - 13 years ago
i was wondering about the gallon change. lol. great videos and explanation. so what are the dimensions of the display tank ?? so i know, i rather people just say how many gallons the tank is by the display. not sump and lines and what not. that way other people can see what it looks like compared and not get confused.
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@JUNAID187 Mt Eden Dubstep - Sierra Leone :)
JUNAID187 - 13 years ago
whats the name of the song at the start
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@zacguitarshreder12 thanks for warning me, But that's why I am getting it last because I want t get the other fish more agressive and better
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@efcbluenose1 thanks man!
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 13 years ago
@OMGCichlidsFTW Be carefull with a sohal tang they are extreamly aggressive one of the most aggressive tangs
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@NYCMarineFish cool, good luck. I'm getting a new vorteh mp60 ..
NYCMarineFish - 13 years ago
@OMGCichlidsFTW ya i no it has a horn thas why its cool and rare but i fell it skinda ugly like the arrow crab just my opion. im getting a 55g tank today at petco they have a sale 1 gallon for $1 so the 55g is only $55
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@NYCMarineFish That's your opion and unicorn tang has a horn so that's what's really unique
NYCMarineFish - 13 years ago
@OMGCichlidsFTW ya sohal tang is one of my fav, the unicorn tang is kinda ugly but cool and rare i only saw it once.
efcbluenose1 - 13 years ago
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@NYCMarineFish I already have regal blue tang and clown tang but i'm trying get sohal tang at my LFS and Unicorn tang :D
NYCMarineFish - 13 years ago
u should get a Sohal Tang . Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang , and , Clown Tang
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@zacguitarshreder12 Lol why :P
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 13 years ago
@OMGCichlidsFTW You should make a review video of that skimmer
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@zacguitarshreder12 I love tangs too lol one of my fave fish :D
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 13 years ago
Wow you have quit the tang collection there man i love tangs!!
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@porto1975 Thanks :D!

50. comment for 300 Gallon Reef Tank Update!

OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@NYCMarineFish Thanks man :D
NYCMarineFish - 13 years ago
TAnk is looking EPIC !!!
nandos motovlog
nandos motovlog - 13 years ago
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@Springs24 Yeah they are marine land but I hardly used them because the tank hardly drops. The LED's and T5's would heat up the tank just a bit but not too hot that the chiller has to go on ;P. Hardly! Thanks for commenting
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@Springs24 Thanks :D
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
Those look like Marineland Stealth (black) heaters...if so, they were recalled & Marineland (or thatpetplace and drsfosterandsmith) let you return them for another new heater...
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
nice sump!
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@maxx56dog Dimentions are 84"x24"x25" ( Lx W x H )
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@adjusterfrank Thanks haha! Couldn't have done it without u of course :)
Frank Vadala
Frank Vadala - 13 years ago
Awesome! Glad to finally see the tank again. I am jealous not only of the huge tank... but also that you get to be home and enjoy it. lol. I look forward to many more videos.
maxx56dog - 13 years ago
what are the dimentions
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@jayydubb25 Yeah, They give me good discounts! lol Their good friends. Everyone knows me :D
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@krug1313 Thanks man! Means a lot! You keep it up too man! Thanks again.
krug1313 - 13 years ago
Very nice. Everything is looking nice and healthy. Keep up the good work.
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@jayydubb25 No one has this, My local fish store actaully helped me make the sump but still got what I wanted :D. I forgot to say the sump is acrylic 1/2 in curved edge. lol alwell thanks man
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@jayydubb25 Yeah lol :D I'm planning to get the protein skimmer and making the in let tubing and putting that inside the filter sock by cutting a little hole. It helps it not get clogg and I think it's great. I haven't seen anyone did that before :D
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@jayydubb25 Thanks! I try my best. :D
OMGCichlidsFTW - 13 years ago
@nwyk153 Thanks haha :D
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 13 years ago
wow. Much MUCH better than ur previous nano. lol.

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