4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank

Nuissance Algae is always a real drag to find in your tank. And bubble algae is among the hardest algae to get out of your tank. Any pest can be defeated and I show you 4 ways to remove bubble algae from your tank

4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 38

Reef tank 14 years ago 147,070 views

Nuissance Algae is always a real drag to find in your tank. And bubble algae is among the hardest algae to get out of your tank. Any pest can be defeated and I show you 4 ways to remove bubble algae from your tank

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Most popular comments
for 4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank

Nate G
Nate G - 7 years ago
You do know you can dump waste water down the toilet instead of your bathtub. Thats gross and dangerous with possible palytoxins in the tank water
Eric Jenkins
Eric Jenkins - 7 years ago
I just wanna thank you so much for your advice I've been subscribed too your channel forever I have a bubble algae problem so I tried your method fortunately for me I had all the equipment laying around in your video so like I said the same night I did a water change and performed your method first with the soft and hard tube. And my God didn't realize it was so easy my tank looks so much better now so from here on out until it's can't see anymore bubble algae I'll repeat this process rite before every water change. Thanks so much you redneck
Joe Manta
Joe Manta - 7 years ago
If the rocks are removed and put into a bucket with bleach and water and rinsed with fresh water and declorinator then left to dry in the sun, and then cooked, would the rock be safe to use again say in another tank or would the bubble algae return.
MR B - 7 years ago
where can i buy a hard tubing like yours?
MAD DOGZ TV - 8 years ago
Moody Laff
Moody Laff - 8 years ago
How can you turn return pump off without your sump overflowing? im confused
Roy Thompson
Roy Thompson - 7 years ago
your sump should always be designed to allow for this. If you had a power cut what would happen???
Joseph M.
Joseph M. - 8 years ago
If your sump is overflowing when shutting your return off then your water level is too high in your sump
Mitch A
Mitch A - 8 years ago
What size hardline tubing did you use? And where did you buy it?
Justin Leo
Justin Leo - 8 years ago
Why don't you want them in your tank?
Tsavorite Prince
Tsavorite Prince - 8 years ago
I don't know, it's basically a humongous single celled organism.
Stev0 Hein
Stev0 Hein - 8 years ago
A nuisance but still amazing creatures really, given that each bubble is only one cell.
Dual Perception
Dual Perception - 7 years ago

10. comment for 4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank

i - 9 years ago
it was small one tried to take it with tweezers and it popped on me
jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 9 years ago
Die die die
ZeGamingCuber - 9 years ago
Somethings might need that cell
Manny_85 - 9 years ago
i been looking everywhere  for a solution on RED bubble algae. i spent 5 hours one nights carefully plucking off whatever i can find and even scraping the base off. and i can see them slowly coming back. especially on my frag plugs. i also heard that Emerald craps dont mess with the red bubbles. not a lot of information out there in regards of the red bubbles. please help.
Manny_85 - 9 years ago
+Mr. Saltwater Tank TV  okay thank! you very much! for the help. i will check it out.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 9 years ago
+Manny_85 it's ID'd on this page, about half way down: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-02/hcj/feature/
Manny_85 - 9 years ago
+Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
i wish there was a way to attach a picture... they are all different sizes. the smaller ones seen to do more of the cluttering on frags, while the larger ones are more scattered throughout the rocks. they sort of resemble the typical green bubble algae shown in this video. Actually! here is a link of my post on Reef2Reef with pictures.

idk if this is a more aggressive form of green bubble algae. i sure can use your input. thank you
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 9 years ago
+Manny_85 are the bubbles red like the green bubble algae shown in the video? Or are they soft and look like they are caught in cyanobacteria/red algae
10GalReef - 9 years ago
I've read that popping the algae isn't what spreads it.
Daveyboy - 10 years ago
You sound like beavis and buthead at the end lol..DIE DIE DIE I need a beer..you sound like me..
Daveyboy - 10 years ago
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 10 years ago
FIRE!! FIRE!! FIRE!! Yeah...yeah...that was cool...
urbanrat84 - 10 years ago
I got rid of the majority of my bubble algae using your methods so thank you for this video!! I have found that once you have it, it is near impossible to get rid of completely, especially as it is able to survive even UNDERNEATH rocks in low light. In the end, I decided to remove the worst affected rocks from the tank and dispose of them. I scoured every remaining rock and cut away the affected areas with a pair of stainless steel side cutting pliers.  
Jessica Huffman
Jessica Huffman - 10 years ago
Die die die lol. I heard that some emerald crabs can eat coral is that true? I want to get one for the bubble algea in my tank but im scared after hearing that. Thank you!!!!
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 10 years ago
Emerald crabs pop the bubbles and that makes even more !!
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 10 years ago
I agree !!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 10 years ago
That's a common misconception and I wouldn't lose sleep over thinking the crabs will eating the existing bubble algae will cause more to occur
aikobabi - 10 years ago
die die die!!!

20. comment for 4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank

Jesse Ruiz
Jesse Ruiz - 10 years ago
I had a big problem with bubble algae and bought 5.  They took care of the algae, but then moved on to my corals.  Unless your gonna keep a close eye, I wouldn't risk it. Nice video though.  I will try the air hose method.
multisturge - 10 years ago
I bought an emerald crab on Saturday as part of my cuc for my 20g tank but he went in the opposite direction from my bubble algae, cleaned some of the sand and then climbed onto a rock and haven't seen him since, just my luck, hope he finds the bubbles soon.
multisturge - 10 years ago
that's true, I also got a skunk cleaner shrimp but I've having issues of feeding him as theres no fish so no food is going in, a bit worried as I don't want it die from malnutrition, \I researched everything but didn't realise the shrimp don't eat algae. I have tried chopped fish and flake food from my tropical tank but no luck.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 10 years ago
Keep in mind the crabs will go for the lowest hanging fruit first. They'll likely clean the rest of the tank before they attack the bubble algae
Brian Palmer
Brian Palmer - 10 years ago
Here's is my bubble algae routine. 
Big flashlight. Even during the day it stands out with a flighlight.
Dental pick and small screw driver. Mosly dental pick.
One large Naso Tang. He hangs out and eats the bubbles after they're dislodged. 
Viewing box. It's hard to see the stuff from the back rocks to I raise lights and do a search from the top and remove some rocks to tack a look in the back. 
Stay aggressive with the stuff. You can't help breaking some so I stay aggressive looking for new grow bubbles. 
I do have an emerald grab .. But I've never seen him eat any bubbles. I rarely seem him period.
GoodRedBlackRatio - 11 years ago
hey, at around 8:39 when you show the emerald crab, up in the top left corner there is a sort of web blowing around - what the heck is that? I've seen it a couple times in my tank. Thanks in advance!
iliriano6 - 11 years ago
work for me just change to a bigger size tubbing 3/4 id. better than this little a** tubbing but great idea..thks
tempemonkey - 11 years ago
Bullshit... The one and only way to get rid of these bastards is to buy super high gauge hypodermic needles (you can get them really cheap online) and inject them with a drop of hydrogen peroxide... And put a couple emerald crabs in your tank... Sucking out water is a pain in the ass...
Michael Klein
Michael Klein - 10 years ago
Thanks...maybe you're willing to go through all the time and trouble to shoot a video (professionally like this one) and give us a demonstration. I still prefer taking advice from MST however. 
John Saxby
John Saxby - 11 years ago
lol he hates bubble algae :)
Artem Klimov
Artem Klimov - 11 years ago
Is there any creature that eats them?
Artem Klimov
Artem Klimov - 11 years ago
+Mr. Saltwater Tank TV I've also heard that emerald crabs can eat regular green algae, is that true? Will they eventually grow big and aggressive? 'cause I had some bad experience with crabs - regular and hermit crabs, I bought them in a store, very small ones. People told me that they will eat algae, but I've never seen them doing that. Then, when they grew much bigger (in 1 or 2 years), they just started eating my coral polyps. So I had to bring them back to the store :D  I wonder if every crab behaves like that when they grow bigger.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
As explained in the video, and as John mentioned, emerald crabs will eat bubble algae.
Brian Palmer
Brian Palmer - 11 years ago
I have a large Naso tang that will eat it. His mouth is big enough to just eat a whole bubble. I have some bubble algae left but it seems to hide in cracks he can't reach. 
John Saxby
John Saxby - 11 years ago
they say that emerald crabs eat them, i have a couple myself and they dont really. the best bubble algae eater by a mile is a sailfin tang! i have a brown sailfin and a pacific sailfin, i have no bubble algae!
magicstix0r - 11 years ago
Lots of people say "my phosphates are 0!" when dealing with algae. The thing to keep in mind about phosphate tests is almost every test kit on the market only tests for inorganic phosphate. Organic sources are not detected in any kit that doesn't use an enzyme to break down organic phosphates first.
I SSMDad - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video Mark. What type of apparatus was on the other end of the tube pulling it into the container? Was it just regular syphon of something mechanical?

30. comment for 4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank

William Freifeld
William Freifeld - 11 years ago
I have a 10 gallon Mini Reef Tank full of Valonia algae. When I first saw it, I thought it looked neat and left it. Worst mistake I ever made. Within one year, every rock, coral, and hard surface was covered in this annoying, impossible to get rid of nuisance bubble algae. Due yourself a favor and eradicate at first sign. Anyone interested in purchasing a 10 gallon mini reef aquarium!!!
Shabbir Zaman
Shabbir Zaman - 11 years ago
Whay do u need to get rid of it? Is it necessary? I get few here there and then disappears in few days. It not as nasty as hair algae. Its hardly noticeable.
Brad Mondel
Brad Mondel - 11 years ago
that stuff is gross
cannonball666 - 11 years ago
I have seen bubbles from this algae the size of a grapefruit in a guy's tank. I'm not exaggerating.
Pussy Ass-ass-in
Pussy Ass-ass-in - 11 years ago
There is no spores... it reproduces by segregative cell division
Brown Potato
Brown Potato - 11 years ago
Attach a small, thin metal pin to the end of the rigid airline tubing.
Bowl Killa
Bowl Killa - 11 years ago
Awesome video, found it after reading the Wiki article for 'bubble algae' (Valonia ventricosa). I am wondering about the 'spores' you speak of. The wiki article says that "Reproduction occurs by segregative cell division, where the multinucleic mother cell makes daughter cells, and individual rhizoids form new bubbles, which become separate from the mother cell.", nothing about spores. Maybe there's something i don't understand or a piece of info missing, but it seems someone is mistaken.
Lawrence Bibi
Lawrence Bibi - 11 years ago
Fox face will eat bubble algae. Very quickly. I added one and bubble algae was gone the next day.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
You are welcome! Thanks for watching!
Josh Burmeister
Josh Burmeister - 11 years ago
VERY HELPFUL! Thanks so much for helping me with all the videos you upload, much appreciated.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
emeralds won't touch red slime/cyano. I've never found anything that actually eats cyano
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
agreed !
Jacob Grimm
Jacob Grimm - 11 years ago
I love a good beer after a algae killing spree
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
any pet store should have it. Just ask for rigid airline tubing
WW CC - 11 years ago
Where can I buy the rigid plastic tube?
TysoniusRex - 11 years ago
I only have a small number of bubbles so far, but they're right in with some button polyps, so I'm not sure if I can remove without damaging the polyps. I have a couple emeralds, guess I can pick up a couple more and see if they'll go after it...
Aden seeley
Aden seeley - 12 years ago
Nice video. Is bubble algae damaging to your tank?
JoshA7fold - 12 years ago
Dang. Thanks
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
probably not. I've yet to find any invertebrate that will actually eat cyanobacteria.
JoshA7fold - 12 years ago
By any chance will emerald crabs eat red slime algae? Thanks for any help

50. comment for 4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank

goose1077 - 12 years ago
Thanks. My bubbles are red. Some say they might or might not eat red.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
in your case removing the rock to scrub off the bubble algae is a first step. Then adding an army of emerald crabs to eat up the damage algae would help. It'll be a long haul in your case.
goose1077 - 12 years ago
That is cyanobacteria. If you have it, it means there are too many nutrients in your tank. You may get it from your new water if you are not using RO/DI water, it comes from food, and it come from anything dead in the tank. You need to decrease nutrients going in and increase nutrient lock up and export.
goose1077 - 12 years ago
This method is great if you have 5 or 10 bubbles of algae. I have 50,000 bubbles. I used to take the rock out of the tank and remove the 5 or 10 that I would get, then rinse the rock. That way no spores would get in. Now that there are 50,000 this is not a practical idea.
mike henning
mike henning - 12 years ago
What is best way to get rid of red algae. I have it all over the bottom of my tank.
LordPerrry - 12 years ago
Mine is red and they are more stand alone bubbles not in groups, but that very well could be because it hasn't been able grow long enough. Is it the same kind of algae? Should I just handle it the same?
Ron Rouleau
Ron Rouleau - 12 years ago
I have 3 good sized yellow tangs and 1 faux yellow tang and 2 dorys. I'm still cleaning my front glass twice a day.
Ron Rouleau
Ron Rouleau - 12 years ago
I know it won't remove bubble algae. But I read that taking the calcium number ie) 400 gradually raising 3 or 4 times that number of Magnesium ie 1200 or 1600 will create an environment that will starve green algae and eliminate that problem.
Bryant Brito
Bryant Brito - 12 years ago
I have a yellow tang that eats it, try getting one
Mark2124 - 12 years ago
What is your opinion on an Ecopico tank
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
Unfortunately magnesium won't do anything against bubble algae. Manual removal by you or emeralds or you will be needed to take care of it.
Ron Rouleau
Ron Rouleau - 12 years ago
The bubble algea I have are small bubbles 1/16" dia. growing atop the green algea on the back glass surface of my 150 gal reef aquarium. I have a good protein skimmer and a gfo reactor also. Will increasing the magnesium get rid of the algae?
Ruben - 12 years ago
How come you didn't pour the bobble algae down the toilet.
klarth1234 - 12 years ago
It's so fascinating seeing someone enamoured with something I had no idea existed.
Myopinionjustsaying - 12 years ago
A slow painful death? YOUR a nice guy!? Ha ha ha
Starfish1 - 12 years ago
I really like this idea. I would be tempted to cut the end of the tube to shape it into a little point, that might eliminate the need for the scalpel.
Bret K
Bret K - 12 years ago
UV sterilizers kill free floating algae and pathogens. Buble algae is a physical algae that attaches to rocks. Bubble algae reproduces by spores, so if the spores pass through the UV sterilizer then yes it would kill it.
cbranin45 - 12 years ago
Can you send me the video of the months later update, i would like to see it thanks, I respect you, just want people not to repeat, what i did wrong
akhilennium - 12 years ago
and how to remove hydroids???? i know there are some nudibranch which can kill hydroids but are not reef-safe one......and wheres the music by John Bollinger????
sundance1247 - 12 years ago
I put a needle from a syringe on the end of the tubing (can get large ones at any farm store). You can insert the needle into the bubble algae and suck out all the spores. Then use tweezer to pull out what remains. Works great and very few spores, if any, enter the water column.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
You're right. Checkout my tank update video months later and see how f- up it looks.
cbranin45 - 12 years ago
Dont do this. It will f up your tank.
JAD Reyes: Carnivorous Ceramics
JAD Reyes: Carnivorous Ceramics - 12 years ago
are bubble algae really bad for the aquarium? when i was a child i remember my dad telling me they were a good type and he liked the way how they looked in the tank. is this just personal opinion or are they actually bad. im asking because i basically inherited his old tank which im now trying to reestablish.
muffemod - 13 years ago
@bretshark10 Looks like candy cane to the left.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@unvnee set it up as a siphon. Works fine
unvnee - 13 years ago
what did u use for vacum on the hose
Bret K
Bret K - 13 years ago
At 4:19 what is the coral to the left and right?
zaiderf - 13 years ago
Die Die Die ..I need a beer LOL!! \m/
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@allSaLTwater usually emeralds don't eat fish unless the fish is dying/sick/weak.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@STACKSONDECK561 They can help but they won't make an impact on it.
Ujjwal Karki
Ujjwal Karki - 13 years ago
Hi, Very informative video. i have a question. i boiled about 2 kgs of fully cured lr to get rid of aiptasia that was on it. can i add it to my established 30g system with 8 kgs of live rock straight away or do i have to cycle it again ??? the system is moderately stocked with 2 occelaris clownfish, 2 green chromis and a sailfin tang. Cheers
gatomimoso - 13 years ago
Hi, I really like the video; just dump the water in the yard, Never introduce algae to the sewers system, even consider to freeze everything before dumping it. Please keep posting more vids.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@inthesump you can, but sometimes there is bubble algae deep in the rocks that you can't get to. This is where the crabs come in
inthesump - 14 years ago
So with no reef you can just remove the rock and clean it off.? Thanks
Chris Dennison
Chris Dennison - 14 years ago
i dip frags that have bubble algae on them in (h2o2) works wonders!!!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@finger11yo Yeah...I decided I'd squeeze one between my fingers once and that was a bad idea. Bubble algae contents to the eye is bad...
finger11yo - 14 years ago
when i find the bigger peaces and throw them on the side walk and its like a water ballon
Philippe Brisson
Philippe Brisson - 14 years ago
kk thanx
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@njoyrid They can help prevent more showing up, but they won't take care of what's already there. Its very resilient stuff.
Philippe Brisson
Philippe Brisson - 14 years ago
Hey Mark, does Bio beads can get rid of that kind of algea?
MendocinoCoastFilms2 - 14 years ago
This is terrific! Thanks so much for posting this great video. You've given me the courage to go after the bubbles in my tank! Soon I'll too be saying, "die, die, die!" :)
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@haivang1 thanks!
hai vang
hai vang - 14 years ago
Good video man!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@MelvinOdellTucker I'm happy to report that the emeralds are doing the work for me. I added 20 to my 100G tank and every morning there is a new patch of bubble algae that is gone!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@ssttaarrggaattee nothing like a brewskie after a good tank of tank main't.

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