40 Gallon Reef Tank Equipment
Reef tank 9 years ago 21,437 views
Hello Youtube just showing the equipment I use to keep my reef tank running! If you missed my first reef update, check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DXmL_-GiME My equipment include: Galaxy Hydor LED Light Aquaclear 70 Hydor Heater Hydor Circulation Pump Super Coralife Protein Skimmer Refractometer TDS meter Barracuda RODI Unit Saltwater test kit Coral Dip Ocean Life Salt 35 Gallon RODI water can storage 4 five gallon buckets of saltwater
10. comment for 40 Gallon Reef Tank Equipment
I think the fish are dancing on the saturdaynight out there :)
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