40 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank

40 gallon breeder with Marineland pro series MH/T5 light, Reef Octopus HOB skimmer, and Koralia pump

40 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Reef tank 10 years ago 67,792 views

40 gallon breeder with Marineland pro series MH/T5 light, Reef Octopus HOB skimmer, and Koralia pump

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Most popular comments
for 40 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank

Mike McNamee
Mike McNamee - 7 years ago
Did that Feather calurupa end up being a nightmare and spreading everywhere? I've always heard horror stories about it overtaking aquariums and being nearly impossible to get rid of because of the roots. Beautiful softie reef, especially for it being "new". it looks so natural and mature.
Fishyfredz 7e
Fishyfredz 7e - 7 years ago
pls sub to my channel
muffemod - 7 years ago
black background on that tank would make it really polished.
Bunker Buster
Bunker Buster - 7 years ago
Have Not done a water change with just a skimmer Lol show me your Tank Now Today i bet it crashed ! All Tanks need Mechanical Filtration
Gavin redeemed
Gavin redeemed - 7 years ago
Same. I keep coming back to this video for update in the comments. My tank is now running bare bottom... no mechanical filtrations for months. The Filter only runs marine pure balls and de-nitrate. Now getting brave enough to try no water changes. Tank is now VERY stable and a little too clean even though the nitrates are 20ppm.
mightymike130 - 7 years ago
no they don't. I only run a filter sock and refugium.
david clayton
david clayton - 7 years ago
Where are you hiding the heater? Lovely tank inspiration !
Michael Kirby
Michael Kirby - 8 years ago
I got the Corals on Saturday and a purple whip gorgonian he's not out either ! I checked my water parameters and everything is great
Michael Kirby
Michael Kirby - 8 years ago
I just bought a toad stool yesterday how many days does it take for the coral to open fully ? when I bought the toad stool it didn't have a rock so I took a rubber band to hold it on the rock !
VDUBGUY - 8 years ago
give it a couple days
TheReticKeeper - 8 years ago
what light are you running
Cookie1011 1
Cookie1011 1 - 8 years ago
Can anyone tell me what is that coral touching the water
Stephen Dobrowolski
Stephen Dobrowolski - 7 years ago
What a stupid question.
ShowMeDaCarFax 56
ShowMeDaCarFax 56 - 7 years ago
I would hope all of them are touching the water
Edwin Luque
Edwin Luque - 7 years ago
Leather finger coral i believe
Cookie1011 1
Cookie1011 1 - 8 years ago
Kenya tree?

10. comment for 40 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank

tomas dx
tomas dx - 8 years ago
Nice tank? Do you still have it?
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
impressive for minimal maintenance
Taras Rybka
Taras Rybka - 8 years ago
nice video!

subscribe to my channel!!!!!
Grimm Day
Grimm Day - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank...you really do take such well care of it and it shows!
sdaftermath123 - 9 years ago
not bad for 6 months...Get rid of those mushrooms though, they'll take over your tank. you start with 5, but 4 years later or so, you'll have about 60 of them.
Richard B
Richard B - 8 years ago
Well, if you only have 10-20 it is pretty easy. Just take a razor and shave off as close to the rock as possible. Get some of the epoxy you use with frag plugs and put it over the left over foot. Make sure to cover it completely and maybe a couple millimeters over too. You could do that to more than 20 too but might want to do like 10 per week. if you put a lot of that epoxy in your tank, it will start a minicycle. Sure, it is gonna look weird with the epoxy all over the place but coralline will cover it eventually. If you have a xenia outbreak on the other hand, you are screwed. lol
sdaftermath123 - 8 years ago
+Richard B they've ruined my tank dude, I have about 20 of them stuck on the glass, any idea how to get those off?
Richard B
Richard B - 8 years ago
4 years? try 1 year.
louis mandujano
louis mandujano - 9 years ago
what brand of salt do you use?
Mario Hernandez
Mario Hernandez - 9 years ago
Wow! Love it! I'd like to see how it looks now, I see this was posted back in August, also I know some soft leather corals release toxins into the water column, toxins that may be harmful for your birdsnest you have there. Just my thoughts.
Btw, is that Calerpa I see on the back left corner??
Zachary Leonard
Zachary Leonard - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank!!!
Emergency Drawings1302
Emergency Drawings1302 - 9 years ago
I'm getting a fish tank within the next week. 30-40 gallon. Any suggestions from fish EXPERTS on what kind are best suited for the tank? and is it possible to get little mini great white looking sharks that don't get big?
Emergency Drawings1302
Emergency Drawings1302 - 9 years ago
+2019freddie Too late, I already got fish. Thanks though. And I wanted a shark i could keep forever lol
2019freddie - 9 years ago
+Jenny Eaglelake (Tiger);  get a juvenile tiger shark....
Emergency Drawings1302
Emergency Drawings1302 - 9 years ago
*what kind of fush are best suited
Zakri Rahman
Zakri Rahman - 9 years ago
your tank looks clean and clear. DOnt u have any algae problem at all?

20. comment for 40 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank

Bronx House Kennels
Bronx House Kennels - 9 years ago
Bad Ass Tank bro I want to set up my 75 gallon tank how much money will it take to start my tank please get back to me thanks
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 9 years ago
Where did you get your 40 gallon breeder from?
Evan Thompson
Evan Thompson - 9 years ago
+Andrew Hales Petco has em pretty cheap. Just wait for the sales.
Nick Nelson
Nick Nelson - 9 years ago
rip channel ?
The Midwest Fishkeeper
The Midwest Fishkeeper - 9 years ago
Adam - 9 years ago
how do you like the marineland light? still using it?
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 9 years ago
I would love to see an update on that 75 gallon aquarium its just absolutely amazing that you can keep corals like that without supplementation of calcium alkalinity and magnesium and to top it off you only do water changes once a month or so and you use tap water put tap water aside for a minute everything you say in your videos goes against everything that we as marine biologist have learned by study these species of coral specially Acropora corals these species of coral require very stable water conditions that includes maintaining proper calcium alkalinity and magnesium levels these species of corals cannot grow and can not survive without maintaining these levels correctly those species of coral would struggle significantly their skeleton is nothing but calcium carbonate I would hate to say that I'm calling you a liar I'm just simply saying this goes against everything we as marine biologists have learned as I myself study different species of coral regularly and once you fully understand at which the rate these corals consume these ions out of the water you would understand why I'm simply saying this is physically impossible if you would like I can present scientific evidence proving this to be correct can you prove that what you're telling us is true again not calling you a liar I'm just simply pointing out the facts and I thank you for taking the time to make your videos I would really like to see an update
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 7 years ago
Jeff R. you would still need water changes if your not dosing. This kid is full of shit.
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
Buddy Sheroka Look at the type of corals in the tank. It's primarily soft corals, which consume little to no ca/alk. So yes, of course you can maintain a tank without dosing. It's all about the type of animals you choose.

If you wanted to do that with an SPS tank (no dosing), it would require daily 80% water changes.
John Gayle
John Gayle - 8 years ago
true dat i dont dose anything at all my corals grow like crazy but i do weekly water changes
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
John Gayle yes frequent water changes will get the Jon done... no doubt about that I've done the same on my tank before... but to never do water changes and never dose anything is ludicrous
John Gayle
John Gayle - 8 years ago
dont have to add supplements and dont need fancy equipment water changes frequently is all it takes
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Buddy Sheroka cant deny your thinking.. Makes 0 sense after learning about how it works and educating yourself in this reef hobby..... small fish load I get.. but corals not dying and growing? very hard to believe.. maybe he forgot to mention hes dosing on the side lol... We will never know so lets enjoy this tank, which is gorgeous, and ignore the nonsense..
Julian Iv
Julian Iv - 9 years ago
+Alan Scott - Fully agree with Buddy Sheroka arguments.
Alan Scott
Alan Scott - 9 years ago
+Buddy Sheroka He's not out here telling anyone to do what hes doing. He's simply explaining his setup. If people are dumb enough to go spend hundreds of dollars on their own setup based off his videos alone without really educating themselves then they deserve to fail!
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 9 years ago
+Alan Scott I'm just calling out a story when I see it and by the way it's called marine biologist and yes I am and I find it very upsetting when you give somebody that's new to this hobby incorrect information then have them throw hundreds of dollars if not thousands of dollars away and killing off precious marine life by listening to somebody that's giving you clearly false information so you can say what you like but marine life is my passion
Alan Scott
Alan Scott - 9 years ago
Dude get off his nuts! You write paragraphs saying the same shit on ever one of his videos lol we get it man, your a narine biologist blah blah
ReefFreak@ - 9 years ago
looks great!
Chris Hawkins
Chris Hawkins - 9 years ago
what size is the Koralia pump? need one for my 40 breeder.
canadachop - 9 years ago
I wish I could afford buying huge colonies for a ready made reef. I have to grow everything from frags
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
canadachop Yeah, a lot of soft corals can take 2-4 years to get that size. SPS typically grow much quicker. But I definitely recommend buying the biggest corals you can afford. In the long-run it doesn't make much of a difference on your wallet. Any reef tank project is going to cost you several thousand dollars in the first couple years, no matter how you spin it.
mitian - 9 years ago
+canadachop and then wait for ever for them to grow ha ha ha I am in the same boat ha ha ha
Kara Plumlee
Kara Plumlee - 9 years ago
That tank is a bit to small for that yellow tang in my opinion
Mike McNamee
Mike McNamee - 7 years ago
at that size it is probably just fine. A 40 breeder has a bigger footprint than a standard 55 gallon tank. Regardless he needs a bigger tank eventually.
Seaside Geckos
Seaside Geckos - 7 years ago
shut up tang police
Space Sim
Space Sim - 7 years ago
Kara Plumlee ya, the tang needs more like a 70 gallon tank

30. comment for 40 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank

Mikhail Dc
Mikhail Dc - 9 years ago
Whats that plant in the left corner?
Mike McNamee
Mike McNamee - 7 years ago
feather caulerpa. can be extremely invasive and hard to keep under control. Avoid it. Try halimeda instead.
Saltwater Reefer
Saltwater Reefer - 9 years ago
Looks very clean! Keep it up
KYfishguy - 9 years ago
Would be awesome if you'd answer your comments. You are very good at scaping.
Lauren Pippin
Lauren Pippin - 9 years ago
which cirulation pump do you use and which protein skimmer? Thanks. Just bought a 40 gallon breeder
mitian - 9 years ago
Beautiful  Tank- thanks for sharing.
Noel Duncan
Noel Duncan - 9 years ago
hi the toadstool how long did it tke to open upgot1 for3 weeks has opened,any suggedtions please.
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 9 years ago
Update! Update!
Young Tank
Young Tank - 9 years ago
Awesome tank I would love to turn my empty 40breeder into a saltwater tank
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 10 years ago
yazeed altall
yazeed altall - 10 years ago
great tank
what is your SALINITY ?
yooperdewper - 10 years ago
really nice tank
KYfishguy - 10 years ago
what salt do you use and what state do you live in and whats your tapwaters tds? please and ty
Shaune Lewis
Shaune Lewis - 10 years ago
Very nice..I also have a 40 reef tank.
Anthony Debson
Anthony Debson - 10 years ago
my tank looks no where near as good as that :(
Matt Tran
Matt Tran - 10 years ago
Hi bro,
Do you have some minutes to answer my question?
I posted couple questions
Matt Tran
Matt Tran - 10 years ago
Hi there,
I will to setup the 40g soon,
How often do you change your water may i ask?
How many gallon will you change?
Matt Tran
Matt Tran - 10 years ago
I love your tank, its beautiful bro,
What kind of filtration do you use? Do you use the sump or any kind of refuge.? You use the Marineland filter??
What kind of protein skimmer do you use may i ask!
Isaiah Furrow
Isaiah Furrow - 10 years ago
Nice!  Please let us know what salt mix you use....
Gene Alameda
Gene Alameda - 10 years ago
Tanks look amazing. Liked and subbed
Gloday81 - 10 years ago
Can you make a video on the reef octopus protein skimmer and how you made a algae scruber out of it thanks and what's your ph on your tap water

50. comment for 40 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank

Gaz Ballantyne
Gaz Ballantyne - 10 years ago
Anymore updates on this tank
yazeed altall
yazeed altall - 10 years ago
thats great system you have i think.
can you do a video of the skimmer and how is the system work?
Tess G
Tess G - 10 years ago
Simple yet nice looking tank.
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 10 years ago
Yes please share. The 40 is looking great!
mark mcdowell
mark mcdowell - 10 years ago
Hay cool
SPL - 10 years ago
What are you dosing and testing for?
SPL - 9 years ago
+Fish_ Freak  Don't use tap water. It's not worth the risk.
Jose Mila
Jose Mila - 9 years ago
+ktz216 heyyy please reply to this do you use ro/di or tap water?
ClevelandReefer - 10 years ago
+SPL I'll try. Happy reefing!
SPL - 10 years ago
+ktz216 Thanks man.  Both of your tanks look very clean and that means you really have mastered the art of reef keeping in your own way.   It would be very helpful for the community if you could make a video and share your experience and techniques regarding reef keeping with minimal water changes and dosing in details.

Thanks again!
ClevelandReefer - 10 years ago
+SPL I do 10 gallon water changes for the 75 gallon and 40 breeders, and 5 gallon for 30 gallon frag tank.
SPL - 10 years ago
and yet you're getting phenomenal growth in the SPS tank.  What's the percentage of the water change?
ken t
ken t - 10 years ago
Yes, that applies to all of my tanks. The only difference is I do more water changes on my 75 gallon with more sps (once every 4-6 weeks) and less water changes on other tanks (every 5-6 months).
SPL - 10 years ago
Cool, does that apply to your SPS tank as well?
ClevelandReefer - 10 years ago
I haven't tested the water of my tanks in many years. I do not dose or supplement anything for my tanks.

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