400 gallon Reef tank growing out of control!

Saltwater reef tank established 1 year is growing out of control! 150 gallon sump with jauber plenum, live rock filtration, and huge protein skimmer; return plumbed through 40 watt UV sterilizer. Includes both soft and hard corals, leathers, and various reef fishes. Supplement daily doses of Bionic 2 part solution and 800 watts of metal halides. Occasionally I'll add strontium and you can see the difference in coral tissue the very next day! The only other nutrients I put in the tank is a mixture of rinsed fish food (brine, mysis, spurlina, multi-saltwater pack dosed with vitamins and garlic, and sushi nori sheets for the tangs). Eventually, would like to pull out zoanthids and mushroom corals. I love my frogspawn, montipora, birdsnest and toadstool!

400 gallon Reef tank growing out of control! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Reef tank 15 years ago 38,259 views

Saltwater reef tank established 1 year is growing out of control! 150 gallon sump with jauber plenum, live rock filtration, and huge protein skimmer; return plumbed through 40 watt UV sterilizer. Includes both soft and hard corals, leathers, and various reef fishes. Supplement daily doses of Bionic 2 part solution and 800 watts of metal halides. Occasionally I'll add strontium and you can see the difference in coral tissue the very next day! The only other nutrients I put in the tank is a mixture of rinsed fish food (brine, mysis, spurlina, multi-saltwater pack dosed with vitamins and garlic, and sushi nori sheets for the tangs). Eventually, would like to pull out zoanthids and mushroom corals. I love my frogspawn, montipora, birdsnest and toadstool!

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Most popular comments
for 400 gallon Reef tank growing out of control!

Mike Wasauskey
Mike Wasauskey - 9 years ago
one day i hope my tank outgrows this way, great tank!
Daniel Hyder
Daniel Hyder - 9 years ago
arcalba112 - 11 years ago
holy crap dude!!! Please go into more details about your lighting system, skimmer, jaubarts system. Do you use gfo/carbon, calcium reactor, kalkwasser any other gadgets. I've never seen a reef this well fed. Please share your knowledge
Shannon Lee
Shannon Lee - 11 years ago
everything looks happy and healthy. lot of work, time, and money in this tank. Good job!
miz understoodish
miz understoodish - 11 years ago
Great job! I thought natural sunlight was a big algae trigger? I've always been advised to keep the tank out of the sun!?
Frank L
Frank L - 11 years ago
Very nice healthy tank. A lot nicer than most you see on here. Good job!
peteninja24 - 12 years ago
A real credit to you
Rui Man
Rui Man - 12 years ago
What brand led lighting ? Please !
Blue - 12 years ago
Everything has been switched over to LED & CF lighting.

10. comment for 400 gallon Reef tank growing out of control!

Ivan Cirlos
Ivan Cirlos - 12 years ago
SoLiDSt33L - 12 years ago
I'd have to say that it is growing "Within" Control. There is no way you'd have such a healthy reef system if there wasn't some sort of control. Nice job. Now that your tank is mostly full you can switch to 20K or 22K MH lighting to focus on making the zooxanthellae with in the coral tissue color up. Trust me. You'll fall in love with your tank all over again when the colors start to pop out at you. Thumbs Up!
Fabulous - 13 years ago
great! but weres the anemone!
nwsboots666 - 13 years ago
OMG i love this tank!!!! Excelent job on it!!
Joe S
Joe S - 13 years ago
Very beautiful tank! love these corals. I have a freshwater amazon tank. Maybe one day I will have a coral tank.
David Niswonger
David Niswonger - 13 years ago
How thick is the acrylic tank?
Justin Rossi
Justin Rossi - 13 years ago
@nancyj0 sweet, thanks mate
Justin Rossi
Justin Rossi - 13 years ago
Glass or arcylic tank?
Gerd Koetje
Gerd Koetje - 13 years ago
Added your channel to reeftank dot nl will be on there within the next 24 hours
Russell DiVittorio
Russell DiVittorio - 13 years ago
Wow looks amazing.

20. comment for 400 gallon Reef tank growing out of control!

Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 13 years ago
@nancyj0 very nice tank! can you make an update? thanks:)
Teslasdik - 13 years ago
lol bro you feed them like every one else and give it pristine water and plenty of light
Fritz Jagr
Fritz Jagr - 13 years ago
Einhander49 - 13 years ago
Man, I wish I could keep a tank like this. Unfortunately, I found the whole process more stressful with the upkeep and whatnot, than enjoyable.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 14 years ago
@nancyj0 wow amazing tank! why pull out the the corals? not doing that would make your tank look better! (I like overgrown tanks with thickets of coral)
Joca - 14 years ago
Really nice tank! How many vortex pumps are you using? Are they set for wave making?
cutietwo22 - 14 years ago
gorgeous tank great job!
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 14 years ago
@NEY310LA for soft corals3-5 watts per gallon for high light corals(sps and high light lps) 4-10 watts per gallon
pipperoooo - 14 years ago
Absolutely stunning! Also! This tank is waaay better than some of the biggest zoo aquariums! Did you set it up yourself? Fantastic. I can't stop watching the video!! LOL
pipperoooo - 14 years ago
Absolutely stunning!

30. comment for 400 gallon Reef tank growing out of control!

dala109 - 14 years ago
thats probably what a lot of the gulf of mexico looked like before BP came along its so beautiful yet it makes me sad =(
ShowdownBlamBlam - 14 years ago
your green monti is absolutely fantastic! and I love the mushrooms shown at about 14 seconds... You have two kinds, the blue/purple and the ones a little bit lower - what kind are they?
Justin Rodriguez
Justin Rodriguez - 14 years ago
How did you get your live rock that color!?? Any tips?
nickandkrissy24 - 15 years ago
regular feedings everyother day. There are some corals that you can't grow fast. patients is key in salt water. If you rush fast you will crash hard. Enjoy the hobby get a couple of big peices and some small and watch them grow the satification of seeing new growth in your tank or a coral bigger one day then the next is amazing. You have to learn to appreciate the hobby for what it is not what you can accomplish fast.
Kevin Mosher
Kevin Mosher - 15 years ago
absolutely amazing. any tips on how to grow coral likes yours. Im just starting off my 20 gallon high, with 2x65 CF's .
Justin Hall
Justin Hall - 15 years ago
how many millions did you spendon that
Fred La Penn
Fred La Penn - 15 years ago
how does the strontium dose help your coral? im thinking of adding some in my tank but the test is the most expensive thing and im not sure if i really need it. thanks in advance.
Chuck Beasley
Chuck Beasley - 15 years ago
Great video. I think you need a few more corals......

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