5,200 Gallon Reef Tank

We visit the Newport Aquarium with its "Bizarre and Beautiful Gallery" 5,200 gallon reef tank.

5,200 Gallon Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 38

Reef tank 14 years ago 195,708 views

We visit the Newport Aquarium with its "Bizarre and Beautiful Gallery" 5,200 gallon reef tank.

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Most popular comments
for 5,200 Gallon Reef Tank

FOWLR4NOW - 8 years ago
Ugly, poor example of what many public aquariums end up looking like. I hate to nitpic, but "hepatamus" tangs, are actually called Hepatus tangs, and they're a much more docile and sociable alternative to the powder blue that you see in the video. It just boggles my mind that professionals can so clearly put so little effort into a tank with that much money invested. Check out the Steinhart or Waikiki Aquariums if you're looking for some impressive displays run by passionate, knowledgable people.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
update? Did they ever stock it?
2019freddie - 9 years ago
It took one guy 2 months to aquascape that tank?  I could have done it in 2 minutes, by shoveling the rock in with a JCB.
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
Ben de Witte
Ben de Witte - 9 years ago
Still more corals than the coral reef... : (
Drew Carter
Drew Carter - 9 years ago
+Ben de Witte I don't know where you went, but the reefs in St. Croix are packed with coral
Adamsapple - 9 years ago
what kind of fish is at 2:30?
Gecko Leopardo
Gecko Leopardo - 8 years ago
+Adamsapple they say the name haha
trehammerz - 9 years ago
Blue Bar Goby
ryanjofre - 10 years ago
Damn you guys are talking ALLOT Of shit. You don't have a world class 5200 gallon tank in a week........WTF> This is a long term project. Gime them a break please. 
hatfieldenator - 10 years ago
This tank is absolute shit.  I've seen it in person and it's looked this bad for a long time.  They clearly have no idea what they are doing.  I've seen beginner hobbyist with way better tanks.  
Young Woodsman
Young Woodsman - 9 years ago
+UpsideDown Aquatics also there is no space on the sand bed
Young Woodsman
Young Woodsman - 9 years ago
Yeah it's still the beginning of he tank but the lighting sucks and there's not so much going on
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
Name - 10 years ago
Ew, the aquascaping is hideous.  You'd think that being professionals they'd be mildly competent at setting up a nice reef tank.  This is embarrassing. 
Patrice O'Neal
Patrice O'Neal - 10 years ago
This reef tank looks like shit, it's just big that's all.

10. comment for 5,200 Gallon Reef Tank

raul izquierdo
raul izquierdo - 10 years ago
I like the nipples I meant hipoo lmaoo
Nick Gilmartin
Nick Gilmartin - 11 years ago
Need as TON more coral! Montipora and cauliflower would look great in it. Also a really big star polyp or two.
Nick Gilmartin
Nick Gilmartin - 11 years ago
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
Hippos are way easier than powder blues. Way easier.
dangappa - 11 years ago
The blue sand sifters pointed out in the tank yes. They look to be a large species. Would one of them be good for a 120 gallon, possibly two? Should I find a smaller one like an orange spot diamond goby instead?
gregdrivesajetta - 11 years ago
Are you talking about the sleeper gobies (amblygobius phalaena) in the beginning?
gregdrivesajetta - 11 years ago
It turns over 9x an hour? Kinda low; but i guess the limiting factor is finding a pump to move all that water.
Court Otawa
Court Otawa - 11 years ago
captive "anything" fish included never live as long as they would in the wild with the exception of predators. Try again.
dangappa - 11 years ago
What kind of goby's are those? I can't find Blue-bar goby anywhere, and I can't find pictures of anything that looks like them. Where can I buy some
caron reform
caron reform - 11 years ago
yaricksgym - 11 years ago
They probably have a continuous water change system. new water is pumped in 24/7 while old water goes into an overflow

20. comment for 5,200 Gallon Reef Tank

12345678 - 11 years ago
That's true :)
Gabriel Logan
Gabriel Logan - 11 years ago
lucky fish are in the wild
12345678 - 11 years ago
What about the ones which actually live in the sea?
Got Face
Got Face - 11 years ago
@nic7320 the moon...
tarantulady - 11 years ago
They're probably just really old and can't see the text ;)
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
Burn in hell with the people who keep tangs in nano tanks
libb3n - 11 years ago
WOW, you really dont know what you're talking about :)
walid abdalla
walid abdalla - 11 years ago
too small for that tang
AweSomo84 - 11 years ago
imaging the weight
gitrdunnn - 11 years ago
its so bland

30. comment for 5,200 Gallon Reef Tank

maxbify - 12 years ago
this 5000g tank holds 3 times as mouch live rock as the 164000 g reef at georgia aquarium...
ThisShipProductions - 12 years ago
dushyant kanwer
dushyant kanwer - 12 years ago
no mate luckiest fish r there in open world where they belong actually we r being mean to them by keeping them in a prizon
qfour20 - 12 years ago
seriously, if he were to do a 10% water change weekly, which isn't that much, it would be over 500g lol
KOOLITUS - 12 years ago
jerrya27 - 12 years ago
look at them scratches lol i hope the person that did that got fired
QuarterBach - 12 years ago
Its giant
QuarterBach - 12 years ago
ifUdidwoodU - 12 years ago
hey thats what i dreamed last night stop stealing my dreams and sharing them to others without my permission
Afrankiewicz - 12 years ago
525 ppm calcium levles are rather high
Slaver - 12 years ago
Probably would have been eaten or something. A huge tank that pretty much encompasses their full will to move around without straying too far from their shelter, absolutely no predators, and an endless supply of nutritious food is better than any natural fish's lifestyle.
maxbify - 12 years ago
i get a feeling they would be luckier if they didnt get cought.
Aamir Hassan
Aamir Hassan - 12 years ago
they take the fishes out and take it to the bath room and clean the aquarium
Nic - 12 years ago
Who does water changes on the ocean?
masoroo818 - 12 years ago
6 people have 2.5 gallon tanks...
packinwood2009 - 12 years ago
mines bigger
wanik4 - 12 years ago
they probably turn a couple of valves and have the ro water already made...easy day.
proto35 - 12 years ago
it turns 9 times an hour.. jesus christ
OmgLoLw2gLuvUidkROFL - 12 years ago
You sound like another ad. Every aquarist already has effective equipment they use and love. ( : Beautiful HUMONGOUS tank, btw...lol
Powerman2442 - 12 years ago
There is a big difference between a dragon goby and a blue bar goby.

50. comment for 5,200 Gallon Reef Tank

Powerman2442 - 12 years ago
Did you not listen to him? They are going to be adding to the tank over the next 15 years. You don't just go out and buy coral to fill a 5,200 gallon aquarium.
tristaryul - 12 years ago
i don't know but that tank looks lifeless, too many rocks pilled up, not enough fish and corals, When watching this video all you see is rocks. such a huge tank with so much potential shame
Taylor - 13 years ago
@Perkuleezful the guy in the video called them blue bar gobies, I have one and the pet store called it a dragon goby
Sam Sutnovsky
Sam Sutnovsky - 13 years ago
@ducksmasher11 That's what I was thinking. I'm glad I have it in my tank, otherwise my angels would do nothing but nip at coral.
The Last Spycrab
The Last Spycrab - 13 years ago
hah its not the clams sucking out that calcium.. its the Halimeda! they double their biomass every two weeks.. they are mostly calcium. the majority of aragonite is made up of halimeda species.
Perkuleezful - 13 years ago
what kind of goby is that at 2:21 - 2:38.. and where can i get one?
eduardo garcia
eduardo garcia - 13 years ago
luckyest fish ever
joe0813 - 13 years ago
@kogelkoppen85 true... i guess my 75 gallon is a lot different
kogelkoppen85 - 13 years ago
@joe0813 With a tank of this size, the Redox value of the water is very high.. totally dissolves the parts of the death fish. So.. you don't have to find it..
Eric Schoen
Eric Schoen - 13 years ago
5200gallons going 9x an hour! 46800gph of flow thats crazy
Turd Ferguson
Turd Ferguson - 13 years ago
@afrankdapimp12 those biologists sure wish you were there to help them set this up!
Blunper - 13 years ago
@joe0813 I think it is very hard to remember all fishes you have in a tank like this.
KnG1Dakota - 13 years ago
parrot fish make me never want to walk on a beach.
Afrankiewicz - 13 years ago
you do a live rock to tank ration 1:1 to 1:1.5 not 1:6 32,000lbs is way too much
joe0813 - 13 years ago
what happens when a fish dies in a tank like that... youll never find it
X666X666 - 13 years ago
this is one hench tank very nice work though
Judd Cameron
Judd Cameron - 13 years ago
What r the dimensions of this tank, 20x?x?. Thanks
nickoswoos - 13 years ago
0:15 i love these fish great utility in the tank!
ifUdidwoodU - 14 years ago
CoralMan24 - 14 years ago
beautiful tank and another great episode
jonathan peyton
jonathan peyton - 14 years ago
thanks thats amazing!

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