In todays Episode, I visit my friend Leo, the owner of the COVE brand of aquarium and reef products, at his factory in China. He not only has some awesome products, like Reef Salt, Fish Suppliments, Food, Protein Skimmers, Reactors, Sump systems, and more … but he has an awesome 500 gallon reef setup with SPS, LPS, and a ton of fish. Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me, Matt, and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Music: Saturday Night Moves by A June and J Beat... https://chillhop.bandcamp.com/track/saturday-night-movies Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx HOME TANK – 60 gallon glass LIGHTS Not Sure POWERHEAD Maxspect Gyre XF150 - http://www.marinedepot.com/Maxspect_Gyre_XF150_Generator_Flow_Pump_Adjustable_Flow_Aquarium_Powerheads-Maxspect-0M30040-FIPHAD-vi.html WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Tunzi ATO - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007R52IYW/ref=pd_sbs_199_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=K44XEKQ40YKHEEVN50P0 SKIMMER COVE Brand OFFFICE TANK – 200 gallon glass LIGHTS: Zetlight 6600 - http://www.zetlight.com/index.php/products.html?id=46 WAVEMAKERS: Jiebao WP-40 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-WP-40-Maker-Controller-Aquarium/dp/B00FSALYTS Jiebao RW-8 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-RW-8-Wavemaker-Controller/dp/B00XRDWKNC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Hydor Smart Level - http://www.marinedepot.com/Hydor_Smart_Level_Control_ATO_System_Electric_Powered_Dosing_Pumps_Top_Off_Plug_In_Units-Hydor_USA-HD01043-FIDPETPU-vi.html SKIMMER Cove Brand kindof an inappropriate inflight movie follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Reef tank 8 years ago 141,854 views

In todays Episode, I visit my friend Leo, the owner of the COVE brand of aquarium and reef products, at his factory in China. He not only has some awesome products, like Reef Salt, Fish Suppliments, Food, Protein Skimmers, Reactors, Sump systems, and more … but he has an awesome 500 gallon reef setup with SPS, LPS, and a ton of fish. Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me, Matt, and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Music: Saturday Night Moves by A June and J Beat... https://chillhop.bandcamp.com/track/saturday-night-movies Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx HOME TANK – 60 gallon glass LIGHTS Not Sure POWERHEAD Maxspect Gyre XF150 - http://www.marinedepot.com/Maxspect_Gyre_XF150_Generator_Flow_Pump_Adjustable_Flow_Aquarium_Powerheads-Maxspect-0M30040-FIPHAD-vi.html WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Tunzi ATO - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007R52IYW/ref=pd_sbs_199_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=K44XEKQ40YKHEEVN50P0 SKIMMER COVE Brand OFFFICE TANK – 200 gallon glass LIGHTS: Zetlight 6600 - http://www.zetlight.com/index.php/products.html?id=46 WAVEMAKERS: Jiebao WP-40 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-WP-40-Maker-Controller-Aquarium/dp/B00FSALYTS Jiebao RW-8 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-RW-8-Wavemaker-Controller/dp/B00XRDWKNC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Hydor Smart Level - http://www.marinedepot.com/Hydor_Smart_Level_Control_ATO_System_Electric_Powered_Dosing_Pumps_Top_Off_Plug_In_Units-Hydor_USA-HD01043-FIDPETPU-vi.html SKIMMER Cove Brand kindof an inappropriate inflight movie follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

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Most popular comments

Wayne Mellis
Wayne Mellis - 7 years ago
Hi Matt, as a long term subscriber to your Jayoe Trikes World Tour Channel , I recently revisited your Matts Reef Tank Channel. I haven’t mentioned this before, but Between July 1990 & September 2003 I had a Freshwater & Marine Tank Aquarium Business here in Australia Called "Aquarium Treasures” . This was in the Time that Reef Tanks were an unknown, & then First became a Reality as a Marine Aquarium Environment during 1989. Then after selling our Aquarium Store in 2003, we ( my Wife, Teresa & I, having Sold our Business needed to take a well earned Break & take a Trip around Australia, Driving our Toyota 100 Series 4 Wheel Drive Towing a 15 Foot Pop-Top, Off Road Caravan, for a 100,000 Km Trip Around Australia along the Tarmac sometimes, but mostly driving on Dusty Outback Roads & Camping at Our National Parks Campgrounds in mainly Un-Popular Outback Locations. These were often in truly unique Environments e.g. Outback Gorges in a Range of Mountains in the  Western Australia’s Kimberly Mountain Range.
 Our Aquarium Business was in a sleepy town called Point Clare on the Central Coast of New South Wales, & was during the time, of being  one of the only Marine Aquariums in N.S.W. Australia and during the time we Ran it, became the Go-To Place for many Reef Tank Owners, both Locally and from the main population Cities of Sydney & Newcastle.  We had Developed our market, by Supplying, Only Hand Collected Marine Fish & Corals, Hand Collected from our Great Barrier Reef in Queensland Australia via a Personally Selected, Number of Reputable Collectors with Weekly Collections. We had Personally Inspected each of our Collectors Aquarium Storage Warehouses, by Visiting them Un-Announced, on a Special Trip to Cairns in Qld. during the early months of 1990, before we opened our Aquarium Store.
 Now to the point of this Message, having Established  our Own Reef Tank display in the Centre of Our shop, Firstly a Walk around 3 Foot Cube Aquarium With a trickle Filter & a German Made Power Protein Skimmer powered by a 2200 litre an hour, submersible Eheim Pump & using a 250 watt 6,500 K Metal Halide, for Day Lighting and later, a 4 Foot Rectangular Reef Tank x 2 foot Wide x 24 inch Deep using also a Metal Halide, but now a at that time a new 150 watt 10,000 K Metal Halide Overhead Light With 2 X 4 foot 40 Watt, Blue Actinic Fluorescent Tubes, to simulate Night Time Lighting made by Dupla of Germany & to Enhance the Fluorescent Colours of our Corals.
 (LED Lighting) wasn’t yet available here. This Reef Tank also had a Trickle Filter & Protein Skimmer but was mainly Filtered by our own Cured, Living Rock Interior, which also contained Micro Fauna. This became a very desirable Reef Tank. Both of our Reef Tanks used a German made Chiller, set at 22º C. This Reef Tank I still Miss, even now in December 2017.
 I must Congratulate you on Both of your Tanks, they are truly unique especially because of your Location a long way, away from ours & your Marine Coastlines which would have made it harder to Buy your Live-Stock Needs, Freshly Collected. I cannot agree with your choice of a Copper Banded Butterfly Fish in your Reef Tank, they will damage too many of your Corals & Micro Life, sorry. Good Luck, Regards Wayne
Matt Nielsen
Matt Nielsen - 7 years ago
WHERE CAN I GET THAT SUMP. Looks awesome! Cant find it online...
Matt Nielsen
Matt Nielsen - 7 years ago
does he custom build by order? I want something better than I have for a 21 x 21" space.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
+Matt Nielsen it was custom built.
365 - 7 years ago
Wow, just wow! Really nice inspirational people as well
muffemod - 7 years ago
bokeh lao
Dartist64 Rocks
Dartist64 Rocks - 7 years ago
Really love Leo's tank. Beautiful scaping and fish and amazing healthy reaf corals.
His sumps are also really well made and setup . Wish I could get that here in BC, Canada.
Thanks for taking us on this tour, one of the most natural looking reefs I've seen. Originally I'm from the Caribbean.
Andrew Bowen
Andrew Bowen - 7 years ago
Nice to see a vid with good music,hate those awful modern tunes everywhere at the mo
A ewe
A ewe - 7 years ago
Chris Groves
Chris Groves - 7 years ago
It's in like a ghetto room? You are a jealous loser. Fabulous tank and lovely person
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 7 years ago
We have a heavy player here boys and girls. I like!
what is the website link?

10. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK

Nicholas St.Pierre
Nicholas St.Pierre - 7 years ago
Does Leo/Cove sell a line of sumps?
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
I love the slanted front!
日野咲楽 - 7 years ago
Magnea Ólafsdóttir
Magnea Ólafsdóttir - 7 years ago
abot five hundrad garron
andre - 7 years ago
Andy Mead
Andy Mead - 7 years ago
Loved the Jazz/coral closeup part, just what I need after a hard days work, super chilled!
Richard Lopez
Richard Lopez - 7 years ago
He's lucky I don't have any stores around here that sell Corals. If I did I would give him a run for his money. Lol
Richard Lopez
Richard Lopez - 7 years ago
I was jk. I had to say something negative. Only because it makes my reef look like crap.
Richard Lopez
Richard Lopez - 7 years ago
I don't like it. It has aiptasia. Just when I think I have an awesome reef tank I stumble upon this video. It's like a swift kick in the face.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
+Richard Lopez hahaah
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
+Richard Lopez his favorite copper banded butterfly eats it. He moves him from tank to tank and keeps some aptasia growing and then moves him as they start to get big. Then he relocated it and allows the aptasia to grow a little on the previous tank. Seems to work
Meekah Watz
Meekah Watz - 7 years ago
Amazing!!! Does anyone have advice on how to get into the industry? I want a career as an aquarist so badly!

20. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK

hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 7 years ago
Leo seems like a really great guy Im going to be skyping him soon to see if I can carry his line of products in my store here in Ontario,Canada !!!
Bird and Reef Guy
Bird and Reef Guy - 7 years ago
So cool! Puts mine to shame lol
E Davison
E Davison - 8 years ago
cove looks cool . seems like the lids and some other parts should be made of thicker acrylic . 1/8 acrylic likes to warp
Shrimp Zoo
Shrimp Zoo - 8 years ago
Really good quality video :)
Me Marry
Me Marry - 8 years ago
Interesting, last time I was in Hainan island, they told me that reef transaction was banned there, don't know where u guys got so many reefs
SKITTLENUGGET99 - 8 years ago
When this guys sump is bigger than my whole tank
E Salman
E Salman - 8 years ago
Not my type of tank.

Need lots of tech = do not want to spend time on proper ecosystem
(just look at lack of the Live rock vs all the fish)
KING HENRY - 8 years ago
the camera is meant for documentation, not for sword fighting...ease down on the moves!....cool tank and great system though!
KingJacob-Moto - 8 years ago
Check out my new videos!!!!!
RitzTV - 8 years ago
the reef tank is amazing

30. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK

G San
G San - 8 years ago
dude your filming is horrible
kapuraftw - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation lmao, excellent response.
***and there may be some video quality loss when trying to do everything as one take....yet your vids are still really well lit, you get great close ups, and they have a good flow with you your editing...so...no complaints here.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
thanks so much. your filming is fantastic! I like how you make a new video every day.... just like me. Really great work!
Yean-Yambe - 8 years ago
are those lights Maxspect knockoffs ??!
Matko Iveta
Matko Iveta - 8 years ago
so i will buy a 50g tank 40$
led light 20$
wawemaker 20$
protein skimmer 20$
hydrometer 5$
water tester 10$
salt 15$
heater 10$

-witch heater should i buy ebay 50W 100W 200W 300W www.ebay.com/itm/25-50-100-200-300-Aquarium-Mini-Submersible-Fish-Tank-Adjustable-Water-Heater-/111759773459?var=&hash=item1a0566cf13:m:mLbOKGV7AzPnHHa2BtHzobQ -protein skimmer im thinking of a cheap chines skimmer 15$ plus a pump 10$
-led lights i dont know witch to buy www.ebay.com/itm/Adjustable-Aquarium-Fish-Tank-Over-Head-Lamp-36-72-SMD-LED-Light-White-Blue-PCUK-/371423654065?var=&hash=item567a9330b1:m:mtmI5fEmqVmEIXZkPDmdi2Q want 2 of these
-wawemaker www.ebay.com/itm/220-240V-Aquarium-Fish-Tank-Wave-Maker-Pump-Powerhead-Circulation-Suction-/371808846817?var=&hash=item569188c3e1:m:m2EEVJW8GjIimUJ8Ibya82g cheap 20$
-salt from a local store
-i a gonna use tap water and try to get rid of clorine
-im on a low budget so i dont have 400$ for live rock so i am going to go to a really remote island with a boat in the summer and go pick some rocks from the sea DO YOU THINK THIS WILL WORK
Sven C
Matko Iveta
Matko Iveta - 8 years ago
Sven C i didnt buy no shit jet
Sven C
Sven C - 8 years ago
you already fucked up, no tap water allowed in this Hobby, Tap Water is rich on silicate you get so much Algae, this is not a cheap hobby
Jorman Flores 1
Jorman Flores 1 - 8 years ago
seria pefecto agregar traducción al español
Cindy D.
Cindy D. - 8 years ago
Interesting the way the tank glass leans.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea it works well!
leekay - 8 years ago
Hi I own a uk based aquatic company, do you supply to the uk as I am interested in becoming a uk distrobuter for your cove products. Please message me if so and I can give you all my buisness details. Cheers and fantastic set up.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
contact him thru his facebook.. that is the best way. tell him you saw the video. :) https://www.facebook.com/chen.leo.142035?fref=ts
Sam Wood
Sam Wood - 8 years ago
500 garron? wonder how big that is
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
HAHA... is that racist sarcasm i am detecting... ;)
Courtney Tonkin
Courtney Tonkin - 8 years ago
we need sumps like this in New Zealand!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
they are very cool for sure.
Ash - 8 years ago
What a beautiful system and luvvvv the music...great job JaYoe...
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Joshua Mercado
Joshua Mercado - 8 years ago
Absolute genius!
custardcocktail - 8 years ago
Does he sell those sumps? (not the custom one but looks like he has some standard model ones
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
he is the factory.. i think he has distributors in Thailand... https://www.facebook.com/chen.leo.142035?fref=ts you can contact him thru his facebook.
Tanner Funai
Tanner Funai - 8 years ago
Where can the cove products be purchased?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
https://www.facebook.com/chen.leo.142035?fref=ts you can ask him. this is Leo's facebook.
Misol Upegui
Misol Upegui - 8 years ago
leo has nice lips
Jefferson Matizonkas
Jefferson Matizonkas - 8 years ago
amazing reef tank, barebottom is awesome! tks man
Newton P
Newton P - 8 years ago
Where do I buy Cove products?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
not a lot of places.. there are some places selling in Thailand.. just keep an eye out.
James Guzman
James Guzman - 8 years ago
bad ass tank
Michael Pattan
Michael Pattan - 8 years ago
this is awesome
Dragons' Nest
Dragons' Nest - 8 years ago
is it possible to get leo's contact info? i would like to test his brand and see if my buddy that owns a lfs to distribute. i'm in the states.
Dragons' Nest
Dragons' Nest - 8 years ago
thanks. I will contact through facebook
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
he asked to talk thru his facebook.... Wechat: 15557008000. FB: Chen Leo
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
So awesome !!! Can't wait until I can get a tank that big
xx357xx - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
he is the factory... he does not sell direct...
xx357xx - 8 years ago
found the problem, you have to put www. in front or it shows no domain. How come no pricing on his site?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
JaYoe One Cove!

50. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK

kai chen
kai chen - 8 years ago
No Hope In The Pope
No Hope In The Pope - 8 years ago
leave it to a Chinese man to copy the german dreambox design to a "T"
No issue with it but give credit where credit is due.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
oooh.. i thought you were talking about his tank... you are talking about his SUMP... yea... i didnt know it was out there before.. it was the first time i saw it. you are correct...
No Hope In The Pope
No Hope In The Pope - 8 years ago
Yeah royal exclusiv was the first to start making sumps like this. I dont care when hobbyist copy the design and build themselves (I do it all the time) but to turn it into a business and make $$ off someone's design is another thing. Which is why i said leave it to the Chinese :) That is their MO
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
I don't know the Dreambox design... and i didn't ask him about it so he didnt mention it. He does not advertise his personal tank, i just went there and asked if i could record it.
Cycnoches2012 - 8 years ago
Matt thanks for that share!! please be sure to cover the new drop off tank !!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
ill tell him you said that.
Aaron Carrillo
Aaron Carrillo - 8 years ago
it makes my goldfish tank like a big joke :P
Aaron Carrillo
Aaron Carrillo - 8 years ago
+KING HENRY no hate dude, just saying, i keep goldfish, african cichlids, tropical fish and discus and they all fun to me
KING HENRY - 8 years ago
+Aaron Carrillo Carrillo huh? Why the Hate? I probably know more than you do...
Aaron Carrillo
Aaron Carrillo - 8 years ago
+KING HENRY you don't know anything about fish
KING HENRY - 8 years ago
no, it makes it a feeder tank ;)
Aaron Carrillo
Aaron Carrillo - 8 years ago
+Mike Penske true :)
Mike Penske
Mike Penske - 8 years ago
Goldfish are awesome too.
Jena' Bowe
Jena' Bowe - 8 years ago
does leo ship frags?
Dans Reef
Dans Reef - 8 years ago
Wow, nuts tank! - Well done. Come check us out too :)
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 8 years ago
Awesome channel! I subscribed.
laredo300c - 8 years ago
Awesome video.....please do an update video whenever that drop-off reef gets complete
Carlos Pina
Carlos Pina - 8 years ago
*sigh wished I had reefer friends like Leo,that way I wouldn't even need to have my own tank
Christopher Portelli
Christopher Portelli - 8 years ago
Any link where i can buy cove products pls thanks
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
geez.. i dont know.. I think there is a retailer in Thailand now... he is trying to get into europe and USA
willi gudat
willi gudat - 8 years ago
Wow Amazing  tank I wish mine would look like that !
Ginny Ward
Ginny Ward - 8 years ago
Incredible reef tank and wonderful footage and info. Thanks for this and happily subbed as well
Ginny Ward
Ginny Ward - 8 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation =)Thanks!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
great! welcome!
Connor Farrell
Connor Farrell - 8 years ago
What's the music in this video? I didn't see it in the description...
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Saturday Night Moves by A June and J Beat... https://chillhop.bandcamp.com/track/saturday-night-movies Thanks for letting me know i added it in the description.
Mr - 8 years ago
Please make more videos of cove products, may be video about his factory.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
ill try to do that.
Gustavo Tokoro Riether
Gustavo Tokoro Riether - 8 years ago
Fantastic tank and products! My wife was amazed with the acrylic sump! Nice video
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea its great.
Jay M
Jay M - 8 years ago
I'm interested in those Coke products how can I be able to purchase them the skimmer sump and the reactors looking nice design the whole outlook of a beautiful design and the color too
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea... where are you? they are not distributed in the USA yet.
kendo boston
kendo boston - 8 years ago
love your reeftank vids
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
thanks boss
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Wow. i want another tank now. . Have you found another butterfly fish?
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation Funny cause i bought the lazy and the fish looked at me like i was crazy. . Aiptasia still lingers but the kalkwasser concentration i squirted it with through the syringe slowed it down a bit. Aftee my cooperband ate it all he soon starved and wouldn't take frozen food
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
no second butterfly... im going to try the laser again this friday... better results.
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
Matt what are those lights yr friend has on his reef tank .please
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
Those lights mean
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
Do you have a link for rose nemolights please
Soe M Paing
Soe M Paing - 8 years ago
+Brandon Meade If you're still interested in light, I just take a look at these lights and the display tank seem have a mixture of maxspect razors and nemolight ( chinese brand which looks like maxspect razor), the sump has all nemolights. The small tank on the side has maxpspect ethereal and ecotech radion XR30.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
not this time. haha...
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
Ha ha ok cheers ... thought u might have been on the beer or something no bother
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Brandon Meade you know what. I'm sorry. I actually was thinking you were talking about something else. On the original video I was editing I was focused on his office tank in his main office and showed some strip lighting used under the sump area. I edited that scene out but forgot. I thought you were talking about that. Ughhh. Confusing either way. For his main tank I think he was using a variety of ZETLIGHT. But I am not 100% sure.
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation they don't look like car strip lights to me
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
it was to you.... the lights are blinking strip christmas lights under his tank. answered your question. I said they looked like the lights under some cars in the usa.. https://carkeys.blob.core.windows.net/media/Default/Content/Feature%20Images/custom2.jpg
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 8 years ago
The jo yoe nation .don't know if that was directed at me .but I don't get it. Just wanted to know what lights these were 
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
like blinking christmas strip lights... haha... it was sort of funny. Reminded me of a low rider with undercarriage lights in the states.
gethrob20 - 8 years ago
beautiful tank and those Cove products look really modern and clean! I would be very interested in seeing more videos like this :)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea.. very clean. I would love to see one working.
Ramon - 8 years ago
Just subscribed because of this interview lol
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Haha.. awesome.
dkdh - 8 years ago
Wow that is amazing tank!
Wondering in China with the heat, does he have a cooler/cooling system to ensure that the temperature doesn't get too high in the tank?
Also I see Leo has it's own magnet scraper brand, as I mailed you before about that, wondering how much would these scraper be?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea.. the cooler is inside the sump. they use the spiral from a industrial air conditioner into the sump itself on a controller. to be honest he gives me the scraper cause i am his friend... not sure the retail price.
Desiree Williams
Desiree Williams - 8 years ago
Great video and I love how the music was perfect with the movement of the fish and the timelapse. Leo has a beautiful reef tank for sure!
chris kon
chris kon - 8 years ago
Awesome Matt thanks for sharing his Cove product looks really nice I love the sump's he makes. I might have to start selling it here in New Zealand for him he he. reefing is pretty small here though I wish him well. and I cant wait to see a new video of the new corals you got from him in your tank
chris kon
chris kon - 8 years ago
yeah man and his stuff looks great to. I wish him well.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
cool. hope he can grow his brand.. he has passion for it.
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 8 years ago
Beautiful Video.
Matt Wilde
Matt Wilde - 8 years ago
Is the dark/black bare bottom tanks a new trend?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
black is popular here for sure.. and bare bottom. I like dark backgrounds because it pops the color of the rock.
Shane Puthuparambil
Shane Puthuparambil - 8 years ago
Fantastic aquarium! You were right, this is a fantastic episode!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
:) glad you liked it! Share share share haha
Shane Puthuparambil
Shane Puthuparambil - 8 years ago
Fantastic X2
Damian Chen
Damian Chen - 8 years ago
Hi. I am Polish dude from Shenzhen. I had DIY planted aquarium form 1 year. Compared with European prices, all was very very cheap. Problems: water condition and good quality soil for plants.
Recently I restarted my tank. Now inside are only a few large and easy to manage plants, gravel, stones and two little silver arowanas. :-)
I always want to setup reef tank, but the whole system is too loud....
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
i have seen some beautiful planted tanks in HK... (if you get some good quality pumps and are strategic about the way the water drops it can get real quiet)
nhall00195 - 8 years ago
Does he need an Australian distributor?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Micah Whalen
Micah Whalen - 8 years ago
Yes, it is THAT tank! Awesome to see tanks from around the world. Is it bare bottom? Dude has a crap ton of fish!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea... haha... bare bottom. he likes it that way.
Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons - 8 years ago
is it more difficult to run a reef tank in China due to the poor tap water quality. RO filters last long?
Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation. It's worth checking out the product line. The China market has many purification machines and RO systems for home and office drinking water.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
have not heard of AO.
Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation. Good to know. Are you familiar with AO Smith Corp? I work in the R&D department. Water heating/purification.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
actually last longer than when i lived in vegas... not so many solids... but yea... change every 6 months.
Miguel Ayuyu
Miguel Ayuyu - 8 years ago
Remember when I mentioned going bare bottom :)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
remember when i said i like my sand. ;)
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
That's a nice reef Matt ,I've heard of Cove I have to look into that product and see what there pricing is ,great video
9StickNate - 8 years ago
That's the nicest sump I've ever seen!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
right? totally cool
Rigel Martinez
Rigel Martinez - 8 years ago
That is beautiful and perfect compartmentalization.
Moises Sanchez
Moises Sanchez - 8 years ago
are the products available in the USA?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
not yet.... he is looking for distributors
Brian Costa
Brian Costa - 8 years ago
What led lights is he using?
MOD-IT - 8 years ago
He is using the same lights as you? Would love to know more about his lighting setup/schedule and intensity if possible.
Brian Costa
Brian Costa - 8 years ago
Thanks. That would have been the obvious thing to do. Sorry about that.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
ZETLIGHT 6600.. check the description
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Your use of the camera truly inspirational thank you but that tank want one....
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
When you get a moment sop on by my channel to see my tanks.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
wow thanks!
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
What a set up awesome
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
We all know so brother its fooking ace!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
i think so
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Great video and wow on the tank it's amazing
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 8 years ago
His system is unbelievable. I will dream about this tank and sump....lol
BassKing2740 - 7 years ago
Jake Alex stop hating lol
TheLittleGemstone - 7 years ago
Rosco's Reef with Scott omg LMAO
Jake Alex
Jake Alex - 7 years ago
Too bad its like in a freaking ghetto room.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
wet dream ;)
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
Holy crap this guy is a genius .... his tanks and products and designs are just out of this world ... you are so lucky to get an inside view of all this I bet you got loads of cool info out of him .... excellent video
kapuraftw - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation plus hes hot. tell him some random chick said he has nice lips.
im not sure if that was on your prerequisites to be friends with someone...but if it was, you succeeded.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea.. .its fun to have a friend like Leo
Jeff Brown
Jeff Brown - 8 years ago
Does Leo have a website? Where can we see his products?
Jeff Brown
Jeff Brown - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Andrew Siver
Andrew Siver - 8 years ago
What is that coral at 255
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
what joe said.
Chigga Realms
Chigga Realms - 8 years ago
Andrew Siver 2:55 is not a coral, it's a blue tux sea urchin or if you're talking about 2:57 it's a Green star polyp
Harry creasian
Harry creasian - 8 years ago
This guy.. wow.. I don't know how to describe it. (my poor poor english vocabulary)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
its ok... is "this guy" good or bad?
german dagostino
german dagostino - 8 years ago
Terriblemente hermoso
german dagostino
german dagostino - 8 years ago
I sorry, I from Argentina and We use this frase "terriblemente hermoso" is like to said very beautiful, I like very much this 500 G tank and all yours videos of course.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
terrible person? why?
Nemanja Mijatovic
Nemanja Mijatovic - 8 years ago
Very nice!!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago

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