Reef tank 8 years ago 141,854 views
In todays Episode, I visit my friend Leo, the owner of the COVE brand of aquarium and reef products, at his factory in China. He not only has some awesome products, like Reef Salt, Fish Suppliments, Food, Protein Skimmers, Reactors, Sump systems, and more … but he has an awesome 500 gallon reef setup with SPS, LPS, and a ton of fish. Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me, Matt, and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Music: Saturday Night Moves by A June and J Beat... https://chillhop.bandcamp.com/track/saturday-night-movies Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx HOME TANK – 60 gallon glass LIGHTS Not Sure POWERHEAD Maxspect Gyre XF150 - http://www.marinedepot.com/Maxspect_Gyre_XF150_Generator_Flow_Pump_Adjustable_Flow_Aquarium_Powerheads-Maxspect-0M30040-FIPHAD-vi.html WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Tunzi ATO - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007R52IYW/ref=pd_sbs_199_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=K44XEKQ40YKHEEVN50P0 SKIMMER COVE Brand OFFFICE TANK – 200 gallon glass LIGHTS: Zetlight 6600 - http://www.zetlight.com/index.php/products.html?id=46 WAVEMAKERS: Jiebao WP-40 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-WP-40-Maker-Controller-Aquarium/dp/B00FSALYTS Jiebao RW-8 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-RW-8-Wavemaker-Controller/dp/B00XRDWKNC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Hydor Smart Level - http://www.marinedepot.com/Hydor_Smart_Level_Control_ATO_System_Electric_Powered_Dosing_Pumps_Top_Off_Plug_In_Units-Hydor_USA-HD01043-FIDPETPU-vi.html SKIMMER Cove Brand kindof an inappropriate inflight movie follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef
Our Aquarium Business was in a sleepy town called Point Clare on the Central Coast of New South Wales, & was during the time, of being one of the only Marine Aquariums in N.S.W. Australia and during the time we Ran it, became the Go-To Place for many Reef Tank Owners, both Locally and from the main population Cities of Sydney & Newcastle. We had Developed our market, by Supplying, Only Hand Collected Marine Fish & Corals, Hand Collected from our Great Barrier Reef in Queensland Australia via a Personally Selected, Number of Reputable Collectors with Weekly Collections. We had Personally Inspected each of our Collectors Aquarium Storage Warehouses, by Visiting them Un-Announced, on a Special Trip to Cairns in Qld. during the early months of 1990, before we opened our Aquarium Store.
Now to the point of this Message, having Established our Own Reef Tank display in the Centre of Our shop, Firstly a Walk around 3 Foot Cube Aquarium With a trickle Filter & a German Made Power Protein Skimmer powered by a 2200 litre an hour, submersible Eheim Pump & using a 250 watt 6,500 K Metal Halide, for Day Lighting and later, a 4 Foot Rectangular Reef Tank x 2 foot Wide x 24 inch Deep using also a Metal Halide, but now a at that time a new 150 watt 10,000 K Metal Halide Overhead Light With 2 X 4 foot 40 Watt, Blue Actinic Fluorescent Tubes, to simulate Night Time Lighting made by Dupla of Germany & to Enhance the Fluorescent Colours of our Corals.
(LED Lighting) wasn’t yet available here. This Reef Tank also had a Trickle Filter & Protein Skimmer but was mainly Filtered by our own Cured, Living Rock Interior, which also contained Micro Fauna. This became a very desirable Reef Tank. Both of our Reef Tanks used a German made Chiller, set at 22º C. This Reef Tank I still Miss, even now in December 2017.
I must Congratulate you on Both of your Tanks, they are truly unique especially because of your Location a long way, away from ours & your Marine Coastlines which would have made it harder to Buy your Live-Stock Needs, Freshly Collected. I cannot agree with your choice of a Copper Banded Butterfly Fish in your Reef Tank, they will damage too many of your Corals & Micro Life, sorry. Good Luck, Regards Wayne
His sumps are also really well made and setup . Wish I could get that here in BC, Canada.
Thanks for taking us on this tour, one of the most natural looking reefs I've seen. Originally I'm from the Caribbean.
what is the website link?
10. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK
20. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK
Need lots of tech = do not want to spend time on proper ecosystem
(just look at lack of the Live rock vs all the fish)
30. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK
***and there may be some video quality loss when trying to do everything as one take....yet your vids are still really well lit, you get great close ups, and they have a good flow with you your editing...so...no complaints here.
led light 20$
wawemaker 20$
protein skimmer 20$
hydrometer 5$
water tester 10$
salt 15$
heater 10$
-witch heater should i buy ebay 50W 100W 200W 300W www.ebay.com/itm/25-50-100-200-300-Aquarium-Mini-Submersible-Fish-Tank-Adjustable-Water-Heater-/111759773459?var=&hash=item1a0566cf13:m:mLbOKGV7AzPnHHa2BtHzobQ -protein skimmer im thinking of a cheap chines skimmer 15$ plus a pump 10$
-led lights i dont know witch to buy www.ebay.com/itm/Adjustable-Aquarium-Fish-Tank-Over-Head-Lamp-36-72-SMD-LED-Light-White-Blue-PCUK-/371423654065?var=&hash=item567a9330b1:m:mtmI5fEmqVmEIXZkPDmdi2Q want 2 of these
-wawemaker www.ebay.com/itm/220-240V-Aquarium-Fish-Tank-Wave-Maker-Pump-Powerhead-Circulation-Suction-/371808846817?var=&hash=item569188c3e1:m:m2EEVJW8GjIimUJ8Ibya82g cheap 20$
-salt from a local store
-i a gonna use tap water and try to get rid of clorine
-im on a low budget so i dont have 400$ for live rock so i am going to go to a really remote island with a boat in the summer and go pick some rocks from the sea DO YOU THINK THIS WILL WORK
50. comment for 500 GALLON COVE REEF TANK | MATT’s REEF TANK
No issue with it but give credit where credit is due.
Wondering in China with the heat, does he have a cooler/cooling system to ensure that the temperature doesn't get too high in the tank?
Also I see Leo has it's own magnet scraper brand, as I mailed you before about that, wondering how much would these scraper be?
Recently I restarted my tank. Now inside are only a few large and easy to manage plants, gravel, stones and two little silver arowanas. :-)
I always want to setup reef tank, but the whole system is too loud....
im not sure if that was on your prerequisites to be friends with someone...but if it was, you succeeded.