In todays Episode, I shut down the office reef tank for good, and take the remaining rock and sand to my friend Leo, to donate to his reef room, complete with a 500 gallon reeftank, low profile sand reef and under construction frag setup. I sit down with him and talk about his business, his upcoming office tank setup, his new lighting and have coffee while we watch his amazing tank. We also feed his hungry eels. Contact COVE at www.onecove.com and email leo at lkool@onecove.com Leo’s controlled light is called a X Marine Keloray (Www.kelolight.com) Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Music: For Kicks by David Cutter Music https://soundcloud.com/dcuttermusic Too Much by Jordyn Edmonds https://jordynedmonds.bandcamp.com/track/too-much-feat-kasey-andre Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx HOME TANK – 60 gallon glass LIGHTS Not Sure POWERHEAD Maxspect Gyre XF150 - http://www.marinedepot.com/Maxspect_Gyre_XF150_Generator_Flow_Pump_Adjustable_Flow_Aquarium_Powerheads-Maxspect-0M30040-FIPHAD-vi.html WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Tunzi ATO - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007R52IYW/ref=pd_sbs_199_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=K44XEKQ40YKHEEVN50P0 SKIMMER COVE Brand OFFFICE TANK – 200 gallon glass (CLOSED! ☹) LIGHTS: Zetlight 6600 - http://www.zetlight.com/index.php/products.html?id=46 WAVEMAKERS: Jiebao WP-40 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-WP-40-Maker-Controller-Aquarium/dp/B00FSALYTS Jiebao RW-8 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-RW-8-Wavemaker-Controller/dp/B00XRDWKNC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Hydor Smart Level - http://www.marinedepot.com/Hydor_Smart_Level_Control_ATO_System_Electric_Powered_Dosing_Pumps_Top_Off_Plug_In_Units-Hydor_USA-HD01043-FIDPETPU-vi.html SKIMMER Cove Brand kindof an inappropriate inflight movie follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

500 GALLON REEFTANK, AQUARIUM LIGHTING, FRAG TANKS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Reef tank 7 years ago 37,285 views

In todays Episode, I shut down the office reef tank for good, and take the remaining rock and sand to my friend Leo, to donate to his reef room, complete with a 500 gallon reeftank, low profile sand reef and under construction frag setup. I sit down with him and talk about his business, his upcoming office tank setup, his new lighting and have coffee while we watch his amazing tank. We also feed his hungry eels. Contact COVE at www.onecove.com and email leo at lkool@onecove.com Leo’s controlled light is called a X Marine Keloray (Www.kelolight.com) Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Music: For Kicks by David Cutter Music https://soundcloud.com/dcuttermusic Too Much by Jordyn Edmonds https://jordynedmonds.bandcamp.com/track/too-much-feat-kasey-andre Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx HOME TANK – 60 gallon glass LIGHTS Not Sure POWERHEAD Maxspect Gyre XF150 - http://www.marinedepot.com/Maxspect_Gyre_XF150_Generator_Flow_Pump_Adjustable_Flow_Aquarium_Powerheads-Maxspect-0M30040-FIPHAD-vi.html WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Tunzi ATO - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007R52IYW/ref=pd_sbs_199_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=K44XEKQ40YKHEEVN50P0 SKIMMER COVE Brand OFFFICE TANK – 200 gallon glass (CLOSED! ☹) LIGHTS: Zetlight 6600 - http://www.zetlight.com/index.php/products.html?id=46 WAVEMAKERS: Jiebao WP-40 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-WP-40-Maker-Controller-Aquarium/dp/B00FSALYTS Jiebao RW-8 - https://www.amazon.com/Jebao-RW-8-Wavemaker-Controller/dp/B00XRDWKNC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Hydor Smart Level - http://www.marinedepot.com/Hydor_Smart_Level_Control_ATO_System_Electric_Powered_Dosing_Pumps_Top_Off_Plug_In_Units-Hydor_USA-HD01043-FIDPETPU-vi.html SKIMMER Cove Brand kindof an inappropriate inflight movie follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

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Most popular comments

Eugene Chornenky
Eugene Chornenky - 7 years ago
Nice tank!!! Check out my reef tank and plz hit like if you like it ...!!! :) https://youtu.be/iml8iOzPG_s
Ralph Pastine
Ralph Pastine - 7 years ago
I have a massive erection from watching this haha
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 7 years ago
What lights are you using on that big display please
Vince P
Vince P - 7 years ago
Where is leo from? Is this in the east coast or west?
Norton Clemente
Norton Clemente - 7 years ago
Amazing Reef
A ewe
A ewe - 7 years ago
golbs - 7 years ago
how do i get into contact with leo?
he makes awesome acrylic products.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 7 years ago
I want Cove here on the East coast,USA. What is up???!
Mike Wright
Mike Wright - 7 years ago
Those tanks are unreal!


Narcosis corals
Narcosis corals - 7 years ago
whats the tank parameters and tank temp
Will C
Will C - 7 years ago
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 7 years ago
Where does Leo keep his nutrients at (NO/PO)? Large bio load and amazing coloration so love to know!
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
JCS Reefing
JCS Reefing - 7 years ago
Do you have a link to what light was in this vid?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
+JCS Reefing in the description
Ercan Bayram
Ercan Bayram - 7 years ago
Amazing video, thanks for everything, Can you describe (At 2;52") Leo's led lights?
Fisher Man
Fisher Man - 7 years ago
Are coral like plants need light to grow?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
+Fisher Man yes.... light is critical. And a specific spectrum too.
David Tarbuan
David Tarbuan - 7 years ago
I love to try leo skimmer, your friend leo send cove product to my friend in indonesia,
Reef nation (stanley sidik) nicee i hope i can get discount lol
Dontfckcare - 7 years ago
wait, tcove is a german brand and i didn't ever heard of them.. o__o doing research
FPS Aquatics
FPS Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great video! I am also starting to make fish videos. If anyone is interested, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed to my channel.


German Reef Channel
German Reef Channel - 7 years ago
Guanlan Su
Guanlan Su - 7 years ago
All worked great. Order process, communication with seller and this was the fastest delivery i received over aliexpress ever!!! Hope the LED's will last as long in the description said. Looks great, works great, as tested after receiving. Shopping like this is fun :-).buy here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Nicrew-ADE-Aquatic-Plant-LED-Lighting-Light-Aquarium-Aquario-Chihiros-7500K-12W-18W-24W-Ultra-thin/32794842901.html
maniatikoleal - 7 years ago
I really want to see that tank full grown, beautiful design
brian tatgenhorst
brian tatgenhorst - 7 years ago
I was looking at your salifert test sheets, why are mine from the test kits I just received different then yours?
Earl Jen
Earl Jen - 7 years ago
is the pulley system avail. online?
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
That tank is huge! nice tank too!
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
love this guy's setups does he have his own youtube channel?????
ASTIN TV - 7 years ago
NICE! A big Hello from Russia!
This is our Moskvarium! I want to share with you the beauty of this place:
Rhett Herring
Rhett Herring - 7 years ago
Amazing tank...
Joseph Chi
Joseph Chi - 7 years ago
over the lighting... haha... But I really like Leo's setup and Leo seem a cool guy. BTW, I have been use electric winch for a two years, fantastic, and I don't think it is too expensive (around NTD10000, considering the investment Leo made on other stuff. You can find my setup at RC TOTM April 2016 include a complete smart aquarium list. If you come visiting Taiwan, let me know.


Yeung ricky
Yeung ricky - 7 years ago
This is so good!!!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Awesome system your friend Leo has. Thanks for showing it again! Hopefully future videos of the system will follow
HNiCDuke - 7 years ago
FYI, eels will only eat fish that will fit in their mouth, and if their not properly fed.
PsychedelicBabe - 7 years ago
Omg Matt twice in one day I'm in reef heaven right now watching your videos .... this is some amazing set up for sure .... super jelly over here haha
Me Marry
Me Marry - 7 years ago
Where is Leo from?
jjiron706 - 7 years ago
Love the video, subtitles would help us fully understand what Leo is saying. His tanks are awesome.
TheCoralReefTalk - 7 years ago
I would love one of those skimmers for my tank. Great video!
Boog - 7 years ago
You are right, always finding 3 points to hook up to is almost impossible unless you are going to be in a forest all of the time. Great looking tents though.
Chris Hibs
Chris Hibs - 7 years ago
Any idea how I could get hold of those lights in the uk Matt?
Danger Zone
Danger Zone - 7 years ago
Leo is the man.
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 7 years ago
Fantastic video Matt, your macro shots are great! The colors in his tank are insane!
Misha Tatinets
Misha Tatinets - 7 years ago
He need to sell his products from China at his website.
hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 7 years ago
Awesome!!!! Ive been taking with Leo Trying to get the Cove Line of products over here in Canada I would love to promote and sell his product Im going to be making an order very soon !!!! Cant wait !!!! Awesome video !!!
Jay W
Jay W - 7 years ago
What were the newer LED lights on the tank and to the left of the 500G tank. The ones with the app? Sounded like K aray? Or something like that. Anymore info please..... love the channel btw. Keep up the good work!
Michael Schlicht
Michael Schlicht - 7 years ago
Keloray LED Aquarium Lighting System where can I find out what led I would need for my system as well as prices in the us?
Keloray LED Aquarium Lighting System
Keloray LED Aquarium Lighting System - 7 years ago
May be next month,Jay
Jay W
Jay W - 7 years ago
When and where could I buy these in the UK?
Keloray LED Aquarium Lighting System
Keloray LED Aquarium Lighting System - 7 years ago
Yes,you are right.
maladyg20 - 7 years ago
looks like the new cobalt light If you are in NA
Jay W
Jay W - 7 years ago
Thanks mate!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
check the description
Daniel Salt
Daniel Salt - 7 years ago

That dropoff at his office is one spectacular piece of acrylic, not to mention the sump.
AKS - 7 years ago
Are those Zebra Moray Eel ?
Yang Gao
Yang Gao - 7 years ago
That drop off tank is going to be insane!!
Windy Santoso
Windy Santoso - 7 years ago
how much these reef tank cost?
damn, looks great.. >.<
Suzanne Jager
Suzanne Jager - 7 years ago
Could watch the reef tank forever!! So beautiful, thanks!!! JaYoe!
Gerardo Wuhl
Gerardo Wuhl - 7 years ago
9 days to go... I'm getting nervous! Bro, the 3.0 is making me really excited. All my good vibes are going there! Greetings to Annie and Tinker Dinker(by the way, she is every day lovelier!). Dale gas!!!


antonio macias
antonio macias - 7 years ago
Great camera/audio quality.
Roger Music
Roger Music - 7 years ago
Went to sleep with a reef video and now I'm waking up with one. Awesome! Thanks.
Roger Music
Roger Music - 7 years ago
the JaYoe Nation Thats fine. I came for the reef, but stayed for you. Your a cool guy.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
HAHA i aim to please... but dont get used to it.... i am sad to say these will be my last ones for a while.
antonio macias
antonio macias - 7 years ago
kai chen
kai chen - 7 years ago
9StickNate - 7 years ago
I'm curious as to what type of (red) coral is at 1:50. I've never seen anything like it. His tank is really impressive! I do like those lights with the different profiles.
Jerry Pundavela
Jerry Pundavela - 7 years ago
Looks like a mushrooms
Justin Thibodeaux
Justin Thibodeaux - 7 years ago
I would love if your friend had a dedicated youtube channel to his systems!!! His current one is beautiful and the aquascape of his new one is very unique and awesome!!
Mindboggle100 - 7 years ago
Matt, I think you were too hard on yourself comparing your office tank to Leo's 500 g. I was inspired by your office reef & really thought your rebuild of the rocks, to provide more shelf on a gradual incline, looked stunning! Clever and functional: I plan to use that as a basis for my own... I have really enjoyed watching your footage of the office reef & appreciate the many tips you pass on :-) Yes Leo has an incredible reef, yet isn't there always more to aspire too? Definitely dug your own reef, as sad as it was to shut it down I know i'll go back to your videos and enjoy it again. All the best on your tour, may you always have "fuel" for the trip! Tim
Your Best Friend
Your Best Friend - 7 years ago
10:33 what is that alien thing? xD
TheWoolyninja4 - 7 years ago
Pretty sure its a sea cucumber of some sort

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