500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape

In todays Episode, I revisit Leo’s 500 gallon mixed reef tank. He is having an Aptasia problem that is so severe, he decided to replace all his live rock, clean out the tank, and aquascape the whole setup again. So I came by to see him go thru the process, check out his frag tank and office a bit, and reintroduce you to his COVE brand. This is Part 1. Part 2 will show the aftermath and be more of a beautiful showcase episode. Contact COVE at www.onecove.com and email leo at lkool@onecove.com Leo’s controlled light is called a X Marine Keloray (Www.kelolight.com) Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Much by Jordyn Edmonds https://jordynedmonds.bandcamp.com Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Reef tank 7 years ago 24,309 views

In todays Episode, I revisit Leo’s 500 gallon mixed reef tank. He is having an Aptasia problem that is so severe, he decided to replace all his live rock, clean out the tank, and aquascape the whole setup again. So I came by to see him go thru the process, check out his frag tank and office a bit, and reintroduce you to his COVE brand. This is Part 1. Part 2 will show the aftermath and be more of a beautiful showcase episode. Contact COVE at www.onecove.com and email leo at lkool@onecove.com Leo’s controlled light is called a X Marine Keloray (Www.kelolight.com) Matt’s Reef Tank is a series about me and my reef tanks. I learn, teach a little, make some mistakes but basically enjoy sharing the hobby with all of you. I have been reef keeping since I was like 5 years old or something. If you want to know how I got into reefkeeping, check out an interview given to me by TheCoralReefTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IMYxmE4oc Much by Jordyn Edmonds https://jordynedmonds.bandcamp.com Download my custom API and SALIFERT test sheets here: SALIFERT TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/SALIFERT_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,KH,Mg,PO4,Iodine,Cu) API TESTS: http://jayoe.com/tank/API_tests.pdf (PH,NH,NO2,NO3,Ca,Cu) I also made a spreadsheet for my results... you can use if you want: http://jayoe.com/tank/AQUARIUM_LEVEL_CHART.xlsx follow my… Website at http://www.jayoe.com Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jayoelife/ Twitter at https://twitter.com/jayoelife Personal Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mcgalat JaYoe Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaYoeLife/ MATT's REEF TANK #reeftank #mattsreeftank #saltwater #aquarium #coral #sps #lps #cove #coveaqua #covesalt #covemagnets #500gallon #500gallonreef

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Most popular comments
for 500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape

Alex Marinho
Alex Marinho - 7 years ago
Amigo sou do Brasil.
Qual a medida desse aquário em em centímetros? Por exemplo. 200x70x60 ?
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
Has this guy got his own YouTube channel?
Cut It Up Freshh
Cut It Up Freshh - 7 years ago
I can't wait for part 2, I'm sure they did an excellent job. Hello from Vegas.
Dr. med. Christian Schmidt
Dr. med. Christian Schmidt - 7 years ago
Nice to hear something new from you about reef keeping! Best videos i ever saw about it! Matt can you also make a video about leo's tank about his strategy to avoid and handle problems like ick, velvet, bryopsis, red tubellaria etc? Would be very nice to hear it!
jorge garrido
jorge garrido - 7 years ago
Aptasia eating nubibranch is great …they eat all the aptasia in my tank
DreamReefer UK
DreamReefer UK - 7 years ago
Nice episode. Miss your reef tank vids. How long to see the finished rescape?
Charlie Heinz
Charlie Heinz - 7 years ago
Such a cool group of guys
Ricardo Carey
Ricardo Carey - 7 years ago
Great video Matt! I absolutely need to see part 2! lol
Miguel O.
Miguel O. - 7 years ago
Thank God!!!!! I’ve been waiting for you to get back into reefing.

10. comment for 500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape

John Hyland
John Hyland - 7 years ago
about time back to the reefs
magnetospin - 7 years ago
Matt, everything ok? Hasn't been a new video for more than a week. I know you are off the tour now, not sure what I should expect in terms of new videos.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Check my latest update video
Ming Yang
Ming Yang - 7 years ago
how will u deal with that?
Ming Yang
Ming Yang - 7 years ago
it is rumored that chinese authorities will block VPN completely before March this year,you know that, Matt?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
I don’t know. We will find out. If it is blocked 100%..... I don’t know
DARK ENERGY - 7 years ago
The meaning of Laowhy is not identical to "foreigner" in English.  It rather means non-Chinese. Even the phrase 外国人 in Chinese is not a derogatory term. It also means non-Chinese. Winston has been constantly pushing Chinese in China to do things in his way(non local way) and atrociously bashing China and Chinese in China, but there are very few Chinese get triggered....   But now he got so triggered just for a word game. You know what? His true purpose is to cast a bone between Chinese immigrants and local Americans, to manually generate misunderstanding and turmoils for sparkling arguments on this channel. In that way, he can earn more viewing rate. Prozzie is even funnier... lolll made 5 videos in row inside Tajwan to tell Taiwanese how trashy China is , while the Taiwanese mainstream media is making a lot of videos to show about how advanced China has become .. lolll
DARK ENERGY - 7 years ago
the JaYoe Nation ... just try to get some symthpathy from local Americans for Chinese Americans... well ... this comment can be deleted at anytime.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
What does this have to do with reef tanks????
方人胥 - 7 years ago
El Guegorreta
El Guegorreta - 7 years ago
I waited so long for this, I suscribe again
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Haha. Hang out for a little bit. The part 2 will be out in a couple weeks.
Steve - 7 years ago
More reef vids please :)
Minik Dam
Minik Dam - 7 years ago
Where in China is it I used to live in Shijiazhuang and I had tanks and got to be friends with fish tank people and we had a very good friendship.
K-reef Aquarium hobby
K-reef Aquarium hobby - 7 years ago

20. comment for 500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape

Ahmad Razi
Ahmad Razi - 7 years ago
Your world tour is becoming a JOKE. So many years have passed and SO FAR you've travelled ONLY to South Korea and Japan. Get back on the road now or you will get old OR die before completing your so-called world tour. You are being TOO SLOW!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
In the immortal words of “the dude” from the big Lebowski, “Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.”
Donimo Villace
Donimo Villace - 7 years ago
Hey matt i was wondering if you every thought of going to a set of airless tires?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
the fairing was part of my canopy.. it was just too much for me to ride with... heavy... and bulky... so i left it in storage.. mabye ill use it agian... someday
Donimo Villace
Donimo Villace - 7 years ago
and i have a question what ever happened to the fairing you had?
Derek Chung
Derek Chung - 7 years ago
Toothbrush can't get rid of the aiptasia. It will come back.
Ronald Wang
Ronald Wang - 7 years ago
Matt, get some peppermint shrimps. I think they will help.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
haha.... i thought it would too... but we will see...
刘琦宇 - 7 years ago
Hey Matt, what do you think of the Logan Paul video? If you found a body when you were visiting that forest, what would you do? I know you are nothing like that guy. Don't get pissed. I'm just curious.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Honestly not sure I’m how I would react. I would probably find a way to describe what I was seeing. I would probably talk about something reflective of life and death. Not sure. But I was aware I might see someone there
goodall1bay - 7 years ago
Got a nano on my desk and the wood surface is fucked after a year ..
Krishna Karkera
Krishna Karkera - 7 years ago
Great to see you back
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
5:34 LMAO... so much truth to that statement! Love when u do reef videos... Nice change of pace. keep doing what u do!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
HAHA yea... good to hear from ya CJ. You should like part 2... ill head back over there and do a comprehensive check on his aquascape and stuff... should be fun.
JIAN C - 7 years ago
hei matt, does Leo in the business that helps set up the whole tank? or only products with his brand? I am living in Ningbo and the new house need a tank
JIAN C - 7 years ago
the JaYoe Nation em..the one near the Tianyi?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Hey. No he doesn’t do tanks but you can get a setup at the pet market near the Howard Johnson.
Upside town Downtown
Upside town Downtown - 7 years ago
Excellent video. exciting, entertaining and informative. Gha mhun,hahaha that meens thank you , but also a similar to expensive fish.
kendo boston
kendo boston - 7 years ago
yesssss reef tank vid!!

30. comment for 500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape

Tony Vu
Tony Vu - 7 years ago
Toothbrush to remove aiptaisia? There's no way that can remove all of it. Mostly likely just make them spread. Surprised the file fish didn't keep them in check.
Bilibili Reefer
Bilibili Reefer - 7 years ago
aha, finally saw update about the reef!!
Tonymac Perez
Tonymac Perez - 7 years ago
Great video. Such a daunting project but respect to you guys.
Raul Medina
Raul Medina - 7 years ago
Been waiting for anything reef related from you for awhile. EXCITED
Scott SPS
Scott SPS - 7 years ago
I am guessing the large file fish was not keeping the aptasia problem under control?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
nope.... and he lent out his butterfly and it never came back.... hard to get them around here.
Zakeel Gordon
Zakeel Gordon - 7 years ago
Didn't he have a zebra eel? The entire time I was paranoid of him getting bit.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
HAHA yea... it was in the container when i started filming... he had separated it before i got there
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 7 years ago
Awesome video Matt! love seeing all the cool Cove stuff, seems like Leo has it down to an art
outdoor living !
outdoor living ! - 7 years ago
Get back on the bike and put the peddle to the meddle ;-) Roll on march !
Jairo Arguijo
Jairo Arguijo - 7 years ago
On 14:14 is that a magnifying glass on the top left corner of tank? Cool and where can i get one?
Nick M
Nick M - 7 years ago
Great video and people! Love the realness, can't wait for some more reef videoss
StudioReef - 7 years ago
What a great episode Matt! looking forward to part 2! :)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Matt T
Matt T - 7 years ago
Yeah, I've been waiting for this video. So cool to see Leos reef tank again. Too bad I'm getting ready to go on vacation and won't see part 2 for a few weeks. Jayoe is the best youtube channel out there! I'll be snorkeling in the coral reef off Cozumel, so I'll just have to enjoy that. :)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Matt.... you will love it. Cozumel was one of the best diving experiences in my life... hope it has not changed. Punta Sur was amazing... you should try to get a dive there.
Genos the Cyborg
Genos the Cyborg - 7 years ago
I Love your Reef tank videos Matt, would Love to see you go in the ocean and find something to add to your tank at home
Kruggie - 7 years ago
I missed the reef videos!!
MeiXIng Michael
MeiXIng Michael - 7 years ago
just came back from Heavy taste North Korean docu, daily vlog is much better
Scuba Guy
Scuba Guy - 7 years ago
funny, what a small world. that t-shirt he has on is in my neck of the woods. Florida.
Scuba Guy
Scuba Guy - 7 years ago
the shiny new hairless Matt. when you get back to the tour, the beard goes back as usual per our agreement. lol
ffffffffffffffffffffffff - 7 years ago
I think the whole 'clean shaven makes you look younger' thing works opposite for you Matt. Grow that beard/hair back pronto! :)
Michael Reef Tenerife
Michael Reef Tenerife - 7 years ago
Can,t wait for new aquascaping :-)
nipper4369 - 7 years ago
Whats funny is just yesterday it recommend me a older video of you taking down the 300gallon one at your old office. Like it knew you were going to post this.

50. comment for 500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape

LOG_ ALL - 7 years ago
more rewarding than ducklings
Codym808 - 7 years ago
Are all the tanks on separate systems?
SweetLily :D
SweetLily :D - 7 years ago
Ahh, so much work! Can't wait to see the result!
hall2jc - 7 years ago
Qaudruple thumbs up!! Matt's reef tank brought me to your channel years ago!!
Daniel Salt
Daniel Salt - 7 years ago
Woohoo! A Matts reeftank video! :D
HK From Above
HK From Above - 7 years ago
Loved it mate, you are starting to convert me to reefing
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
haha... its a lot of work... but so interesting..
UltraReef's Channel
UltraReef's Channel - 7 years ago
Been waiting on this video for a while, very cool! What brand of lights does Leo use? They look like maxspect lights.
John Neal
John Neal - 7 years ago
Looked like maxspect razors
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
ill ask him when i go film part 2...
snarkyguy - 7 years ago
Hey...I just found Nemo!
Commie Meme
Commie Meme - 7 years ago
My symthpathy to the mass Americans for the inconvenience after the government shutting
down ... Nanmade phenomenon is also more fun lollll
Commie Meme
Commie Meme - 7 years ago
@snarkyguy Winston is the first white supremacist who keeps bullying local Chinese inside China and Chinese immigrants outside China. He is definitly a much more innivative person than Marco Polo.
Ryan's Reef
Ryan's Reef - 7 years ago
Throw a copperband butterfly in there and be done with it!
Ken Yup
Ken Yup - 7 years ago
Leo look like a hongkonger,btw the reef tank is beautiful
b nelson
b nelson - 7 years ago
Great to see the reef tank again!
Tilman Baumann
Tilman Baumann - 7 years ago
I bashed the like button of this one before the video even started playing
Tilman Baumann
Tilman Baumann - 7 years ago
It's back!
Nilguiri - 7 years ago
I hope you don't make the poor fish listen to Joakim Karud. They will be jumping out of the tank trying to commit suicide! ;)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
haha to be honest... if i could find some other great sounds that were allowed on youtube... i would love to get some more artists.. i have 10 now...
Nilguiri - 7 years ago
hahaha! I knew it!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Of course not. The fish only listen to David cutter. ;)
BV G - 7 years ago
Love matts reef tank, what are the lights over the frag tanks? And what size are the frag tanks.? Love the frag tanks
BV G - 7 years ago
Daily Reefing cheers mate I'm going to have to email him and find out how much to Australia! Your helping me everywhere :) I still haven't got those anthias yet soon hopefully
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 7 years ago
BV G Those are KeloRay's. You can search Kelolight dot com, and see the different lights they sell. I own 3 of the Kelo AO100's and love them..similar shimmer and color to a kessil but much cheaper. I messaged him on Facebook and got 3 shipped to me in the US for pretty cheap.
BV G - 7 years ago
the JaYoe Nation awesome thanks mate looking forward to it
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
BV G the next video will go over all the details.
Stephan Krueger
Stephan Krueger - 7 years ago
It is Matt's pet-week on YouTube. :-)
Nemanja Mijatovic
Nemanja Mijatovic - 7 years ago
At last some reef stuff ;o). i have easier job to move my 30G reef to 110G tank.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Good to hear from ya bud!
brisbanerugby - 7 years ago
Boom, Matt's reef tank is back. Plenty of coral reefs in Queensland, Australia.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 7 years ago
Haha. Just a couple episodes.

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