54 Gallon Corner Reef Tank 1 year old

Look it on HD!!! This is my 54 gallon corner tank... Love the space saver of it and how nice it looks on the corner wall... I have about 100pounds of live rock and a shallow live sand... For fishes I have a Blue Hippo Tag, Yellow Tang, Kole Tang, Mandarine, Alge Blenny,nemo and a cleaner wrass... For inverts I have a cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, some snails, and crabs... For corals I have frogspawn, zoanthis, mushrooms, montipora, some sps, torch corals, etc... I use for light the Marineland light fixture, it has 4- t5 24watts and 1- metal halide 150watts (it is a great fixture!!!)... For filtration I have a 10g sump (no bioballs) with a reef octopus protein skimmer XP1000sss... Hope like the video!!!

54 Gallon Corner Reef Tank 1 year old sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Reef tank 14 years ago 73,870 views

Look it on HD!!! This is my 54 gallon corner tank... Love the space saver of it and how nice it looks on the corner wall... I have about 100pounds of live rock and a shallow live sand... For fishes I have a Blue Hippo Tag, Yellow Tang, Kole Tang, Mandarine, Alge Blenny,nemo and a cleaner wrass... For inverts I have a cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, some snails, and crabs... For corals I have frogspawn, zoanthis, mushrooms, montipora, some sps, torch corals, etc... I use for light the Marineland light fixture, it has 4- t5 24watts and 1- metal halide 150watts (it is a great fixture!!!)... For filtration I have a 10g sump (no bioballs) with a reef octopus protein skimmer XP1000sss... Hope like the video!!!

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Most popular comments
for 54 Gallon Corner Reef Tank 1 year old

Rafal Les
Rafal Les - 8 years ago
This tank is too small for tangs..thats why dislike
Seaside Geckos
Seaside Geckos - 7 years ago
Rafal Les ok first off fuck off and leave the guy alone ok wise ass
AdmiralSnackbar - 9 years ago
I am a newb to saltwater aquariums, I have owned one Chiclid tank. I like live reefs, but have never owned anything but goldfish and chiclids. My plan is a 50-65 gallon live reef tank. If any one has any tips for me. My current plan Is Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang, 4 Ocelaris clownfish, 3 Bicolor Chromis and a Peppermint Shrimp. I have visited many websites like LiveAquaria and Blue Zoo Aquatics. I have chosen easy coral and have spent hours researching what even PH is(my dad did that stuff now it's just me that is gonna work on it) Can I have any tips or anything I should buy to make it easier for me. What gallon size should I get for my current plans, ect.
AdmiralSnackbar - 9 years ago
I also forgot, I plan on a Flame Angel, Pajama Cardinal and Longnose Butterfly
Mxsnow145 - 9 years ago
How long did the yellow tank and the blue tang stay/live in that tank? or are they still there?
TheSavingGraceforDrumandBass - 9 years ago
Hey. First off love your tank! I have the same 54 gallon corner tank that i am starting up as a saltwater reef tank. Just wondering how the 10 gallon sump was working out for you as i know that there is limited room in the cabinet for any bigger sump. Do you use any other filtration like a uv sterilizer or a carbon reactor? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Great vid!
Chris Brown
Chris Brown - 10 years ago
music is awful cant watch
Christian Noyes
Christian Noyes - 10 years ago
thats a healthy yellow tang!
malawilake40 - 10 years ago
Linkin park huh bro..hahaha like the tank and the lighting system. I just started out my 55gl got ways to go...
▓▒UTOOBASAURUS▒▓ - 10 years ago
stegmaniac3 - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank! I hate how everyone hates on tangs being in too small of tanks... look at what they are in at the pet store, and they seem happy to me in ur tank so quit hating everyone... neways u harvest ur own pods for the mandarin or r u one of the lucky ones that can get them to eat frozen food?

10. comment for 54 Gallon Corner Reef Tank 1 year old

Jamesweaver5 - 11 years ago
youtube.com/watch?v=efcHTcknhR4 (55 gallon reef tank)
Ashton Scannell
Ashton Scannell - 11 years ago
you should get a tomini tang.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
Amazing tank, glad you realized that tangs like lots of room.
tikilounge55 - 11 years ago
That's a cool tank,can you put a puffer fish. Let me know
garylcyhk - 11 years ago
Butcher1611 - 11 years ago
George K.
George K. - 11 years ago
how big is your tank
Scott Blackburn
Scott Blackburn - 11 years ago
liked and subbed, check mine out.
Aleman T
Aleman T - 12 years ago
Is the bottom of your aquarium supported entirely by the stand or just just all around the edge? Mine is not supported in the middle and I'm afraid it's going to collapse if I put to much rocks.
Dan Warman
Dan Warman - 12 years ago
Great looking setup.

20. comment for 54 Gallon Corner Reef Tank 1 year old

Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
This tank is not overstocked at all! But seriously get rid of the tangs and cleaner wrasse
David Howard
David Howard - 12 years ago
Hehe, I always enjoy watching a clownfish hiding in its host anenome. Pretty neat tank. I'm jealous.
Cade Rocco
Cade Rocco - 12 years ago
how did you fit all of those tangs in there!?1?!?1?!!?!?!?!?!?!?1? i got a 55 and i had 2 tangs (sailfin and vlamingi and then a yellow and the vlamingi but they created so mutch nirtaites and i got a fluval125 filter and a protien skimmer for 210 gallons but all of my fish died
myAgame - 12 years ago
awsome song and tank
AirsoftandFish - 12 years ago
Great job man, your tank is insanely beautiful.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 12 years ago
Simply beautiful growth.
Julio Lemus
Julio Lemus - 12 years ago
can u make a video on the 10 gallon sump plzz
Bakerfish17 - 12 years ago
amazing. what kind of tank is this
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 12 years ago
Since it's overstocked, it's kind of a "finding nemo tank"
Julio Lemus
Julio Lemus - 12 years ago
how do u keep ur copepode levels high enough for the mandarin fish, im very interested in knowing.

30. comment for 54 Gallon Corner Reef Tank 1 year old

waspmeat - 12 years ago
Cheers for the post! I just got this tank and I'm diving into all the details right now. About to pull the trigger on lighting/sump/skimmer. Would you do anything different if you were to start over? I'm looking at maybe the 15 or 18gl TALL tank to set up a refugium. as we both know only the 20x10 foot print will work below the tank. I'm thinking space in going to be an issue in the refugium if I don't keep my skimmer small or maybe external unit with a "line in" ... thoughts?? thanks!
cin ek
cin ek - 12 years ago
is that a standard 10 gallon tank that you have as a sump.im asking because i have the same tank and just wondering if i can fit a 10 gallon down there thanks
Aquapparel - 12 years ago
Really nice tank!
cutietwo22 - 12 years ago
IF their ever able to support life again...
JPOTT GAMING - 12 years ago
very nice tank, hit the like button, also very nice production and music choice....i have a 28 gallon nano....year and a half old...finally the ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phospates, etc are becoming balanced and tank is starting to look great, i made a couple vids, check em out
1chirindongo1 - 12 years ago
i put food in the tank, so I can record the clownfish, but the anemone was trying to catch the food...
1chirindongo1 - 12 years ago
Thanks for the comment :)) and I understand it anyway lol!!!
clevelandfishkeeping - 12 years ago
why is your anemone tips like that just wondering
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@beeguiles Thanks for the post... About the tangs, I knew about it, but I did try anyway. I had them for about a year and half and after that they grew a lot. Sadly I sold the blue and yellow tang. I'm keeping the purple tang because still small in my tank, but as soon it overgrow I will sell him. Thats the bad thing about small tanks...
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@jpbk1922 Thanks a lot, and for you, the best way to keep a nice tank is just patience... Anyone can do it ;)) Good luck !!!
Brittany&Cody Guiles
Brittany&Cody Guiles - 13 years ago
Your tank looks great but it is kinda small for any tangs. They need a lot of swimming space and the blue hippo can get very large. Just a little heads up. Other than that your tank looks great
efhunter4419 - 13 years ago
Very nice video. I miss my tanks, Hopefully as soon as I get back from Afghanistan I will start one again!
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@TheRoygomez Thanks for the post :)) About the canopy, I thought about it, but in my case I want to have my family room neutral (nothing ordinary). Remember is a corner tank and having a light fixture and canopy at the same time wont work unless the canopy is big. BTW, the lights doesnt bother when u r on the couch ;)
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@rarityd I really appreciate your comment ;)) Thanks a lot!!!
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@Anthony83511 I had two big colonies at that time. Each of them were growing in a small LR. I had them for a year and few month and I decide to sell one of them. What I like of them is that give movement to the tank eventhough doesnt have bright colors.
Roy Gomez
Roy Gomez - 13 years ago
Beautiful. But I would def put a canopy on top!
rarity - 13 years ago
you got a "like" for a great vid and a "subscribed" for having LP song playing as your background music. It's proven that you have a very unique taste =) thank you
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@my89tube To keep the water clean I use a carbon reactor... (in my opinion, the best media is the Rox 0.8 from BRS)
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@FMNikoyo I'm happy that the video help u, thats why i post it. That way people know how nice is having a salt water tank. Also, I made another video specifically of the lights bulb and light fixture. Hope will help u too and good luck with ur tank.
FMNikoyo - 13 years ago
So I just watched this whole thing and dammit I'm glad I did. I keep telling myself that I'll start a reef tank once I get the money, and this video captures exactly what I love about them.

50. comment for 54 Gallon Corner Reef Tank 1 year old

1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@ onaplake Thanks God No... He start messing with my Mandarin, but otherwise he is great ;))
Loren Larkin
Loren Larkin - 13 years ago
Ever have your blennie eat your corals?
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@snowboarderrx About the back glass, i do water change every two weeks and it helps a lot...
MarkoDphoto - 13 years ago
how is your back glass so clean?
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@reeffan Hi, thanks for the post... About my LR, only the main rock that is one piece weigth 25pounds lol... So, the other one like 18pounds (only in two rocks 43pnds)... Thats without counting some rocks that i have in each corner of the tank and the front rocks ... Well, i thonk u get the point ;))
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@lastlane At the beginning was hard for me because i had the koralias in the tank... I change to vortech mp10 and put it on one side of the tank and now i dont have dead spot... I keep the mp10 in the left side of my tank and a koralia 720gph in the right side... Hope this can help you ;))
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@klxrdjmx2010 Mines start like that... Always hiding until get conftable... Now like to be out all the time... Just give him time
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@skullchruser The dimension are: 38*27*22 And thanks for the post
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@CandyFishRave Thank you
lastlane - 13 years ago
Would you say corner reefs are more difficult to create flow without dead spots?
Slick - 13 years ago
wow i love your tank!.. =]
1chirindongo1 - 13 years ago
@wr009... I use my Iphone4 to do everything... I download the IMovie and made the vid
Shaun Ski
Shaun Ski - 13 years ago
Nice setup shame you'll have to get rid of the yellow and regal tang soon
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
@ alecM4321 Thanks, hope u like it!!!
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
@ Bso616 My tank is already pre-drilled with half inch tubing... My sump is a 10g tank with custom bubble trap... The first part has like 10" of space to put the skimmer and sock and the rest of the other side is for my return pump that is a rio 600 (i think is that one)... Hope the info help u
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
@ thxspanky Thank you!!
Alec McRae
Alec McRae - 14 years ago
great vid nice tank
Bso616 - 14 years ago
What overflow and return pump do u use? About to build a 10g sump/fuge and could use the info
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
@Jabman549 Thanks for the post... I will put another video of my new bulbs... So, be alert for what is coming up ;)
jabman549 - 14 years ago
nice looking tank. I have the same one less the metal halides.
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
@PillBoy305 Thanks for the post... About the mushroom, I cut the frag rock very small and use it like the base, so you can't see the rock... And about the fixture is amazing!!! I really love it and tomorrow will received some bulb that I ordered... I will make a video with the new lights...
fsgttf wbs
fsgttf wbs - 14 years ago
btw i have the same light set up. lol.
fsgttf wbs
fsgttf wbs - 14 years ago
I as well have a 55 g corner reef, marine betta, mystery wrasse, 4 line, mated onyx clowns, mated picasos, small purple tang, and ghost eel. anyways. how do you get the mushrooms directly onto the rock instead of on these horrible frag plates they come on? gorgeous tank and thanks
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
About the fixture, I have it 8" hight of the tank and the dont have any problem with the temp... But, I have my tank in my family room and a leave the cealing fan on all the time (I think that helps too)... About the powerheads, I have a Koralia 750gph in the back right side of the tank and a Koralia 425gph in the front left side of the tank... Hope this help you...
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
Hi Holiday6566, I have the Marineland pro light 24" (I try to put the link, but don't let me post it)... I bought it on marine and reef. com... Also they sell the hanging kit...
Will - 14 years ago
mind putting up a link to the exact lights you have. Do they run really hot? They look soo awesome. I also have a 55g corner. Also which model of hydor koralia do you use?
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
My yellow tang is like 6month old... Its true about having the tang in such a small tank, but because I bought it really small I will keep it until gets a little bit bigger (maybe like 1 more year)...
runimuk22 - 14 years ago
how long have you had the yellow tang? i'm thinking about getting one for my 54 corner but everyone i talked to said it's still to small for that type of tang. Are you going to keep it in your tank when it's full grown?
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
I buy most of my corals in World Wide Corals in Orlando Florida
penciltopper - 14 years ago
Love it! Where did you get the corals?
1chirindongo1 - 14 years ago
Is call yellow tang
funkmaster100 - 14 years ago
very nice

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