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1,000 gallon Reef Tank aquarium with alot of sps coral, live rock, lots of of tangs, fairy wrasse species, pair of...
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1,000 gallon Reef Tank aquarium with alot of sps coral, live rock, lots of of tangs, fairy wrasse species, pair of...
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1,000 gallon Reef Tank / Fish Tank aquarium with sps coral, live rock, lots of of tangs, fairy wrasse species, pair...
The "675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour
20. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour
30. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour
I'm trying to make one of my social institution's dreams come true, namely its own saltwater aquarium.
Julian lives in a facility for people with disabilities with a focus on epilepsy. Links with the homepage dont work in yt..
Donations welcome in BTC: 17q9EDbcyGdyyhjaJawwHqzZieVym229Wu
Thank you :*
What's your power bill like? :-D
Hey, that's actually not to bad!
Nice setup btw
50. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour
But that is the dream setup. You did it right top to bottom
I'm working on saving up for a Ref Sea Reef 750XXL. Last year wasn't so good business wise so it got put on hold.
But you've got a nice chunk of ocean right there.
Achilles Tang
Clown Tang
Blonde Male Naso Tang LG
Orange Shouler Tang
Thompson Tang
Chevron Tang
Desjardini Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tangs medium x 5
Blue Tangs small x 4
Clowns and Damsels: 6
Clown fish True Perculas x 1
Clown fish specialty pair x 1
Clown fish black ocellaris x 2
Green Chromis x 2
Gobies and Blennys: 9
Fire fish x 3
Purple fire fish x 3
Chinese Zebra Bar Gobies x 2
Bella Goby
Wrasses: 19
Tono wrasse
Pintail wrasse
Purple head wrasse
Blue Star Leopard wrasse females x 3
Solar head fairy wrasse x 2
Tri color fairy wrasse x 2
Radiant Wrasse
Vrolicks Wrasse
Ornate Leopard Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse x 2
Flasher Wrasse (yellow and red)
Adorned Wrasse
Lighting Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Misc: 6
Banggai cardinal x 1
Parrot fish Scarus quoyi $275
Candy Cane Hog
Aptasia Eating File Fish
Royal Gramma x 2
Angels: 3
Belus Angel Male
Belus Angel Females x2
Flame Back Angelfish
Anthias: 16
Female Bimaculatus Anthias x 3
Female Orange Anthias x 10
Male Orange Anthias x 3
Triggers: 2
Blue Jaw Trigger x2
Display Tank Total Number of Fish in Main Display = 78
Here at ETM we believe our most amazing customers are the driving force behind our success, and it’s time we give back. To show our appreciation for the great things you do, we are thrilled to invite you to an exciting program specially built for you and other distinguished reef keepers.
If you are interested please email me at kelsey.lund@ecotechmarine.com
Hope to hear from you soon,
Kelsey Lund
100. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour
His channel is ReefingwithO. This Thurs at 9pm eastern, let me know if your interesting. Thanks
i have been reefing small scale for 15 years and can never get as good a look.
Dude how much did u spend on all this?
and you think you can get a snowflake eel too?
Maybe next update you can talk a bit more about the fish you're keeping in detail.
Do a video on the outside tank? How does that work lol.
Also put those awesome sized clams in the main display!! Great centerpiece for your reef. Cheers!
Oh, the anxiety I would have knowing that I was responsible if that system crashed. The cost of it would be the least of my worries.
That's why I love this hobby so much. It's not really about the money.
Even though it is so very expensive.
My goodness, this Reef Aquarium is absolutely stupendous, it is stunning.
I well and truly love it.
It reminds me of the one I had, only your Aquarium is a lot bigger of which I really really love. :)
The Aquascape is stunningly beautiful. I love the whole scape, the lay out is spectacular.
Congratulations. I am really really, really really happy for you.
It is with no doubt the most beautiful aquarium of ALL TIME!
I gave the video a like.
I am going to watch it again when I am back from work tonight. :)
Can't compete with THAT. Lol.
Great looking setup!
1. Is that a custom aquarium
2. What is your estimate on how much this all costs? I’m think long at a range of 15k - 30k
What's the ball park you have invested this system to date: $10-15-55k?
Nice setup