675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

1,200 gallon total water volume. SPS dominate reef tank. 5 - Ecotech MP60's , 2 MP40's, 3 - Gyre 280. 15 Radion Pros. 7 month old reef.

675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Reef tank 6 years ago 201,640 views

1,200 gallon total water volume. SPS dominate reef tank. 5 - Ecotech MP60's , 2 MP40's, 3 - Gyre 280. 15 Radion Pros. 7 month old reef.

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Most popular comments
for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

kc skinner
kc skinner - 6 years ago
Spectacular setup love the custom cabinets. I am going to totally steal the protein skimmer idea on your setup. Canister filter with a top off switch, what great idea.
inside outside upside downside
inside outside upside downside - 6 years ago
You should read about the subject and you could answer those questions yourself. He will not! This is a nice set-up, but it is not outstanding, although quite large. The usual fish are present.
Gus2309 - 6 years ago
George Abraham can you explain me how to set up and maintain a saltwater aquarium.i mean what kinf of salt do you use amd how much salt per gallon and how often do you need to add salt and do water changes
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy, appreciate the kind words!
Lucas Souza
Lucas Souza - 6 years ago
This is so beautifull... <3
Ash - 6 years ago
Wow i subbed this is one insane system. Very beautiful love it how you went all out without cutting any corners...keep up i subbed....
Chest Rockwell
Chest Rockwell - 6 years ago
Looks like a water leak @ 3:22. Your house is beautiful by the way.
Johansson - 6 years ago
Whats that dripping from the overflow box onto the towel ?
Aqua Man
Aqua Man - 6 years ago
Omg super dope
Tahir - 6 years ago
Unreal setup love it , how much does it cost u & how many liter of this tank is
paddio sf
paddio sf - 6 years ago
Your tank is mind blowing and I’m just as impressed with your backside or setup is incredible.
xxThatguyxx Gamer
xxThatguyxx Gamer - 6 years ago
What floor is that siting on

10. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

Mike Vincent Chan
Mike Vincent Chan - 6 years ago
How do you maintain the saltiness of your water?
surfbra27 - 6 years ago
Wow!! That is insane especially the filtration room.. how much all that cost???
Gurvinder Parmar
Gurvinder Parmar - 6 years ago
As beautiful as this is, it's overkill for a private home..hell, it's overkill for a store, lol.
Evyatar cohen
Evyatar cohen - 6 years ago
Wow!!! Amazing!!
Raul Medina
Raul Medina - 6 years ago
Michael L
Michael L - 6 years ago
Absolutely incredible! The attention to detail and the setup very advanced. You did an awesome job. Super impressed!
TMK Aquarist
TMK Aquarist - 6 years ago
WOW, I'm blown away by the filtration room, well, the entire setup actually!
Anthea  Thai
Anthea Thai - 6 years ago
I love to know how much does it cost for this set up?
John Hall
John Hall - 6 years ago
Michael Karageorge
Michael Karageorge - 6 years ago
Great set up

20. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

Alyosha 1981
Alyosha 1981 - 6 years ago
Holy sheet!
Kafasız Adam
Kafasız Adam - 6 years ago
Wow, this is insane, i got nuts
Jon S
Jon S - 6 years ago
Gorgeous to say the least!
Lbolting005 - 6 years ago
This is Jeff, the owner of this house, including the fish tank you see. I told you to clean my damn fish tank before I got home from work. Not to film it and make a damn YouTube video about it! That’s gonna be the last time you get to clean my fish tank, ever!!
Cory Schulz
Cory Schulz - 6 years ago
150k into this, easy. Super incredible, nice job buddy.
Cory Schulz
Cory Schulz - 6 years ago
This is a fulltime job just maintaining this tank.
Cory Schulz
Cory Schulz - 6 years ago
I would alternate diffusers on your radions.
Cory Schulz
Cory Schulz - 6 years ago
God damn, boner alert.
Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
AT 3:30 I saw a drip of water!..its starting. Great tank besides my warning!
Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
You got guts. Risking salt creep,spray,spills or water changes..in the kitchen?!

30. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

Jake Robinson
Jake Robinson - 6 years ago
Only thing I would Change is the Glass to a Nice Thick Acrylic just for bulging Reasons. i Don't Trust Glass
jaexyn - 6 years ago
Beautiful tank, but good lord, hope you never plan on moving! haha!
Siu Ngaap
Siu Ngaap - 6 years ago
Best tank I have seen. You must be super blessed.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Siu Ngaap I am a very blessed man thank God!
Zach Hughen
Zach Hughen - 6 years ago
im major jelly
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Zach Hughen I’m just very blessed that God gave me the opportunity to work hard for my hobbies
Max Maxiz
Max Maxiz - 6 years ago
Wow man.. Amazing!
UK REEF - 6 years ago
Awesome. Absolutely love it. dream house. dream tank. All the best
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
UK REEF wow thank you soo much I’m a very lucky and blessed man
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Eddy Ortiz thank you Eddy I’m so glad you enjoyed seeing my tank...I’m very blessed to enjoy it daily
Vasa Arsenov
Vasa Arsenov - 6 years ago
Just WOW...
Louis Coniglio
Louis Coniglio - 6 years ago
Can I come over
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Louis Coniglio sure thing I love company
1 Percent
1 Percent - 6 years ago
Dafoq, too much. Although very nice
Jo Ud
Jo Ud - 6 years ago
So nice!!
I'm trying to make one of my social institution's dreams come true, namely its own saltwater aquarium.
Julian lives in a facility for people with disabilities with a focus on epilepsy. Links with the homepage dont work in yt..
Donations welcome in BTC: 17q9EDbcyGdyyhjaJawwHqzZieVym229Wu
Thank you :*
Moises Sanchez
Moises Sanchez - 6 years ago
George Abraham I am really into sps, maybe in the future you can do a video on the sps on your tank.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Moises Sanchez thank you soo much
Claudius Reefer Taylor
Claudius Reefer Taylor - 6 years ago
Your tank is amazing man thats like a dream for me ... Really nice tank and setup same goes for your house to real nice
Totes Malotes
Totes Malotes - 6 years ago
Lmao so you you basically can’t move
Totes Malotes
Totes Malotes - 6 years ago
George Abraham nice place tho!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yup, If I moved it would take soo much work to set it all up again...not worth it!
Matt Leonard
Matt Leonard - 6 years ago
Nice setup!
What's your power bill like? :-D
Matt Leonard
Matt Leonard - 6 years ago
George Abraham
Hey, that's actually not to bad!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Approximately $300 in LA area
bif24701 - 6 years ago
Great job friend. Have you had any major problems with this system after construction or any changes you had to make, seems very well thought out.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
There are always hurdles with any Reef tank...so far its been a overflow that got backed up once! I woke up to my apex alarm going off!
Filip HOBL
Filip HOBL - 6 years ago
Michael Spruell
Michael Spruell - 6 years ago
Around 30k????
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Juan José Hernández
Juan José Hernández - 6 years ago
so you built the house based on your tank needs... Nice!! you must be single! hahaha ... Congrats!! great setup! best!
Richard Guevarra
Richard Guevarra - 6 years ago
HAHAHA That's funny George!

Nice setup btw
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Juan, I did build the tank and house around each other...I'm not single but if I keep up this hobby I'm sure to be single soon! LoL

50. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

Exilled S.
Exilled S. - 6 years ago
that's a dream
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks soo much, I love my tank!
Andricity - 6 years ago
Holy shit
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yuvraj Rathore
Yuvraj Rathore - 6 years ago
Holy crap
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
LoL, Holy crap is right!
gary newman
gary newman - 6 years ago
Those guessing at the cost. I am going to guess 75K MINIMUM. Could be closer to 100K. The plumbing, trenching, livestock etc...all the equipment tanks. custom cabinetry. One of the best systems I have seen. Fantastic Job. Hats off.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Those guessing at the cost...It's better not to or you'll never achieve ur dreams...that said I'm broke now that I chased mine!
II Knucklez II
II Knucklez II - 6 years ago
Wow amazing set up! Did u build the house around the tank? Also what does something like this coat? Thinking about doing something like this in the future
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I built the house and tank around each other...cost of this is terrifying!
vikram sudera
vikram sudera - 6 years ago
Bro that looks awesome
jaiizwaii89 - 6 years ago
Benquik Chang Torres
Benquik Chang Torres - 6 years ago
That is a crazy set my man.
Spaceman 13
Spaceman 13 - 6 years ago
Thats what puts me off a salt water tank so much plumbing and setting up, would love to have one though. Beautiful setup btw.
bbbvvhk - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you...
Leon H
Leon H - 6 years ago
This got to be one of best setups on YouTube. Great man.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Wow, what high praise! Thank you...
S Wats
S Wats - 6 years ago
Awesome tank with a mind blowing set up
S Wats
S Wats - 6 years ago
George Abraham I can tell. A lot of work and dedication.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you, took a lot of work.
Blednami - 6 years ago
you have too many fish in this tank, it must be unlivable for them.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
They've got 9' x 4' tank, they look happy.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you Syed, I don't deserve such kind words.
Hayley Wallace
Hayley Wallace - 6 years ago
He has that in front off the pool that room is super peaceful beautiful:)
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you Hayley, I'm blessed to have a pool too.
E. K
E. K - 6 years ago
15 Radion holy shit
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Lots of light...but that makes the LED lighting more even for the corals.
HoppyfishPerse001 - 6 years ago
How do you make sure the parrot fish would do minimum damage to your coral? I am amazed you have the guts to do that.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
That is a special type of parrot fish that does not eat corals. They only eat algae...I've had him for 8 months now with no problems.
hobbel dehoy
hobbel dehoy - 6 years ago
Wow, so whats that at least 3 or 4 hundred bucks of stuff huh?
Freestyle39 - 6 years ago
Yeah, yeah yeah. You have the most beautiful fairest fish tank in the land. Bravo ! You get the grand prize. LOL ! :D You know what would be really more interesting is, . . . . . "HOW MUCH YOU SPENT ON INVESTING IN SUCH A SUPER EXPENSIVE MARINE AQUARIUM ? NOT TO MENTION YOUR ULTRA SUPER EXPENSIVE UTILITY BILL. "TELL US." INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW. Hahahahahhahahaha ! :D
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
This tank costs more than i'm comfortable disclosing...and the maintenance bill makes me die a little every month! I have been into fish tanks since I was in the 3rd grade and its a life long hobby for me so I'm happy even thou all my expendable income goes to this one thing.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 6 years ago
Holy, Jesus!
silverstreek1234 - 6 years ago
I feel like I'm too poor to even be watching this
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Where there is a will there is a way (and a broke guy).
Demonoid Drifter
Demonoid Drifter - 6 years ago
The things I could do with my system if I had your "fun coupons" :) I made all my own stands, canopies and even my own LED lights and spent 15K on system. This is spectacular, but bet you have 30K easy in it (not including the critters;) NICE JOB!! Glad to see someone else who takes pride in their hobby/work;) Keep up the good work!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks a bunch...I built most things myself with this tank. I'm lucky that I have a construction company.
Lance Guinn
Lance Guinn - 6 years ago
Exquisite setup.... years of knowledge! Hope you eat your Cheerios each morning in front of your accomplishment...
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I spend hours everyday looking at it...I don't even watch TV anymore!
Hymer Aquatics
Hymer Aquatics - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
matt daley
matt daley - 6 years ago
Holy shit having a reef tank of that size looks like it requires tens of thousands in hidden equipment.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
There's a lot of truth to your statement...
Milter Whore
Milter Whore - 6 years ago
Your door was seemingly opened by the ghost at 0:12 Check it out!
Ian Mc Mahon
Ian Mc Mahon - 6 years ago
Your electricity bill most be insane lol
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Couple hundred a month extra!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
LoL that''s hillarious
ROMDF Khan 011
ROMDF Khan 011 - 6 years ago
I love you set up even in want to get a salt water tank what should I do and how much I reffer to
swissreefer - 6 years ago
Dream setup __
Brantov - 6 years ago
Exellens aquarium. Very nice video.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you Brantov :)
Julian Chan
Julian Chan - 6 years ago
Lovely tank! I used to have a smaller tank, but finally gave up due to the cost to maintain it.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes, It is a beast to maintain
Pusheen Productions
Pusheen Productions - 6 years ago
That’s one amazing setup. You must live in Florida or California to have tanks setup outdoor.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I live in sunny Los Angeles California.
FenderSchonJPX - 6 years ago
Wow. Amazing tank. That musta set you back a couple grand!
FenderSchonJPX - 6 years ago
George Abraham Lol. Yeah I'm guessing there's more money in that thing than my import sports car.

But that is the dream setup. You did it right top to bottom

I'm working on saving up for a Ref Sea Reef 750XXL. Last year wasn't so good business wise so it got put on hold.

But you've got a nice chunk of ocean right there.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yea it's definitely an expensive hobby.
Fun Day
Fun Day - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Ace Don
Ace Don - 6 years ago
Ok, I quit! Because if I don't after watching this,, the desire to want more and more seems to be a road that'll never end... Great tank though! However, if my wants become that demanding, I'll just take a trip to 'SeaWorld' every day for what that system is going to cost/month in electricity alone. Wow!?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
That's exactly what happened to me...I started watching videos of guys who had large reefs.
Alfred Tomas
Alfred Tomas - 6 years ago
Omg... this is like a million dollar hobby... lol
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'm definitely sure my kids are not going to college anymore!
Beastmode Fishing
Beastmode Fishing - 6 years ago
Very nice tank bro !
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Cmharper 50
Cmharper 50 - 6 years ago
This is my dream reef tank lol great work!
Toys 4 Kids
Toys 4 Kids - 6 years ago
Muji Reefs
Muji Reefs - 6 years ago
Dude what do you do for work. I will quit my job right now and work for you.
Muji Reefs
Muji Reefs - 6 years ago
George Abraham I will fly down for an interview...no joke. Lol
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'm actually hiring lol...I own a construction company in the Los Angeles area.
Lui yeung
Lui yeung - 6 years ago
in us? in aus?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
In the USA
Forrest Joyal
Forrest Joyal - 6 years ago
What is the stock list? If you don't mind me asking
Forrest Joyal
Forrest Joyal - 6 years ago
Very impressive list. Thanks for the reply. And if I could inquire a little further, with hindsight, what changes would you make to that list?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Tangs: 17
Achilles Tang
Clown Tang
Blonde Male Naso Tang LG
Orange Shouler Tang
Thompson Tang
Chevron Tang
Desjardini Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tangs medium x 5
Blue Tangs small x 4

Clowns and Damsels: 6
Clown fish True Perculas x 1
Clown fish specialty pair x 1
Clown fish black ocellaris x 2
Green Chromis x 2

Gobies and Blennys: 9
Fire fish x 3
Purple fire fish x 3
Chinese Zebra Bar Gobies x 2
Bella Goby

Wrasses: 19
Tono wrasse
Pintail wrasse
Purple head wrasse
Blue Star Leopard wrasse females x 3
Solar head fairy wrasse x 2
Tri color fairy wrasse x 2
Radiant Wrasse
Vrolicks Wrasse
Ornate Leopard Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse x 2
Flasher Wrasse (yellow and red)
Adorned Wrasse
Lighting Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse

Misc: 6
Banggai cardinal x 1
Parrot fish Scarus quoyi $275
Candy Cane Hog
Aptasia Eating File Fish
Royal Gramma x 2

Angels: 3
Belus Angel Male
Belus Angel Females x2
Flame Back Angelfish

Anthias: 16
Female Bimaculatus Anthias x 3
Female Orange Anthias x 10
Male Orange Anthias x 3

Triggers: 2
Blue Jaw Trigger x2

Display Tank Total Number of Fish in Main Display = 78
bbaasje - 6 years ago
It's amazing!!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks :)
MAC DRONE84 - 6 years ago
que bonito :)
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
K-reef Aquarium hobby
K-reef Aquarium hobby - 6 years ago
Awsome tank! Awsome system! I subbed!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
EcoTech Marine
EcoTech Marine - 6 years ago
Hey George,
Here at ETM we believe our most amazing customers are the driving force behind our success, and it’s time we give back. To show our appreciation for the great things you do, we are thrilled to invite you to an exciting program specially built for you and other distinguished reef keepers.
If you are interested please email me at kelsey.lund@ecotechmarine.com
Hope to hear from you soon,
Kelsey Lund
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Absolutely love ETM and they way customer service is always willing to help.
ReefingwithO - 6 years ago
Hey George, Awesome tank, one of the best I've ever seen. I have a livestream every Thursday night at 8pm Eastern. I would love for you to come on and show your tank, give a walkthrough of the equipment you use and your filtration. My email is oseymour@gmail.com
Richard Smoczynski
Richard Smoczynski - 6 years ago
You gotta have a sweet mil wrapped up in this system,it amazes me in this good ol country of America that people have so much money to spend on things,but yet our vets our homeless and starving,just saying,sorry had to say it
Richard Smoczynski
Richard Smoczynski - 6 years ago
You have 1inch for your drains,you should’ve made em1:5 especially that size
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
You are correct, I really wish i did it with 1.5" drains

100. comment for 675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

Richard Smoczynski
Richard Smoczynski - 6 years ago
Radions and mp,pumps overrated and way too expensive
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
You're right but I like their customer service...they're always willing to help out
Richard Smoczynski
Richard Smoczynski - 6 years ago
What kind of job do u do ,lol amazing tank
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I own a large construction company in Los Angeles...thanks
Richard Smoczynski
Richard Smoczynski - 6 years ago
You def have money,ain’t that nice to enjoy the nice things in life
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I've worked very hard and I'm very lucky and blessed.
Arborpress - 6 years ago
Dude, half the video I was admiring the interior of the house. What does this man do for a living, holy crap.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks for the compliments
Ameya Joshi
Ameya Joshi - 6 years ago
Harry DK
Harry DK - 6 years ago
i'm speechless. And I though my discus fishroom is complicate enough lol
Slumdawg89 - 6 years ago
The outdoor tank is insane, those clams are ridiculous!! One of the nicest setups I've seen.
Toxikk Phantom
Toxikk Phantom - 6 years ago
what an OCD mess!
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Hi George did you ever connect with my buddy?
Claudio de maio
Claudio de maio - 6 years ago
Acquario stupendo e anche la casa. Dove abiti ? Mi piacerebbe vedere l'acquario dal vivo. Ciao
Mario Guillen
Mario Guillen - 6 years ago
hello impressive tank set up I’m curious Which overflow box are you using and how much gallons per hour are you getting through the overflow box ?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
shadow overflow boxes.
TechMantra - 6 years ago
Amazing tank!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
ujwal khopkar
ujwal khopkar - 6 years ago
My dream tank setup!!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks for the compliment
Lucas Marchand
Lucas Marchand - 6 years ago
Not a bad way to spend $50,000 lol
salohciN D
salohciN D - 6 years ago
Thats a nice nice spot in the house
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, I wanted it to be viewable from all sides of the main living area
Jester's Aquatics
Jester's Aquatics - 6 years ago
That is simply Amazing. I don't have anything anywhere near that, but I do hope to have a smaller scale version of that in my 90 gallon.
Ryan S
Ryan S - 6 years ago
That’s nice man.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Ryan
Andrew - 6 years ago
very loud
Andrew - 6 years ago
George Abraham my bad I didn’t even notice it was u that replied lol. No disrespect but for real why not get some quieter stuff?
Andrew - 6 years ago
George Abraham you would think I guy living in a house like that with an aquarium like that would be able to afford quieter equipment. I wouldn’t be able to stand that constant noise throughout the house
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
MP 60's can get a little loud
Mark Porcu
Mark Porcu - 6 years ago
I was wondering why you used schedule 80 PVC pipe and fittings. It has a smaller diameter than the standard schedule 40 (white) PVC which is rated up to 140 psi. On my build I used schedule 10 thin wall PVC pipe which has the largest internal area of flow of the three.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I used schedule 80 just for longevity and durability
Mark Porcu
Mark Porcu - 6 years ago
By the way, I love every part of this system and the giant clams too.
duffy9076 - 6 years ago
Are you somewhere warm? I'm from Philly. If I were to do a system like this (I'm too poor lol) I would be shitting myself thinking about freeze protection. None of the outdoor pipes have heat tape or insulation. If pipes freeze, which where I live it would, you'd be dumping thousands down the drain to save your tanks
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Luckily I live in Los Angeles and we never hit freezing temps ....otherwise I would have taken that into consideration.
long live freedom
long live freedom - 6 years ago
Beautiful setup I'm a bit jealous !!!! I think it would be to much over kill for me and to much to take care of unless you have a service come to take care of it but definitely dream tank !!!!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
it's definitely a tough tank to care for by yourself if you already have a full time job and kids (like me)
Johneil Reeder
Johneil Reeder - 6 years ago
Wow you takes all that I have a tank full of fish I don't want any face now that it's too much obviously this guy got money I would love to see his electric bill
Warren Frost
Warren Frost - 6 years ago
That looks very confusing and very expensive , but what a tank indoors amazing
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Warren...definitely crazy
gusto80 - 6 years ago
Not sure if I can even wrap my head around all of that. Amazing
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks lol
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
It's definitely a complex system...thanks for the compliments.
Philthy Tanks
Philthy Tanks - 6 years ago
Omg this is insane!!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Phil R
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Carlos :)
John Wycoco Photography
John Wycoco Photography - 6 years ago
Eli Carter
Eli Carter - 6 years ago
I want to do the extra volume/water change tank, do you recommend it? What would you do different with it? Also, your tank moved? I didn't see a video saying why.
Eli Carter
Eli Carter - 6 years ago
What I like most with your setup is we can do it too. Some planning and saving it can be done. I don't know about the success like you have with corals but the setup.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I just wanted to move to a new home so I needed to take down the old tank and set up a new one! I love the tank that adds extra volume / water change...love it
Nick William
Nick William - 6 years ago
Hi what’s your lighting schedule
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'm running my lights from 1pm - 1am with ramp up and down (8 hrs at max) I test with a par meter to make sure I don't zap the corals with too much light. Be careful with LEDs because they can be too localized and "lazer like". I'm running my lights at 55% overall intensity.
Freedoms Battle Pirates
Freedoms Battle Pirates - 6 years ago
Fk all that shit. Im stick to my 11g lol
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
John Gabriel Decena
John Gabriel Decena - 6 years ago
going to build something this big next year hehe
John Gabriel Decena
John Gabriel Decena - 6 years ago
How much did it cost you sir?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Go for it!!! Dream big!
Joe C.
Joe C. - 6 years ago
Your electric bill must be insane.!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
My electric bill is a doozie!
DangerDog - 6 years ago
how did you make enough money for all of this?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I own a small construction company and I salvaged a lot of equipment from my previous tank.
gti189 - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
not any more!
Siggy in CR
Siggy in CR - 6 years ago
Wow, that's one hell of a system you have there. The ledge around the main tank is a nice feature. The only thing that worries me is that you said that those pipes run beneath the concrete. The plumbing will eventually need to be scrubbed to keep from getting clogged with growth. Is there any way to clean them?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I already would like to upgrade the pipes to a larger size, I will eventually have to cut the concrete and do all this extra work!
sugershakify - 6 years ago
Baller !
Omar Lynn
Omar Lynn - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Omar
Roger Kennedy
Roger Kennedy - 6 years ago
Awsome job!!! Absolutely beautiful
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Roger!
WoLfGlam - 6 years ago
Now that’s a lot of sold kidneys
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I only had to sell 2 kidneys!
Scott C
Scott C - 6 years ago
George, you are an inspiration, it's good to have deep pockets $ and your own construction company at hand to facilitate such an undertaking, without a doubt you are the man. Enjoy! You have earned it!
Scott C
Scott C - 6 years ago
Say it isn't so!...... Well we know what they are going to be when they grow up, "wait for it!" ............ obviously........ Marine Biologist!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
It definitely helps to work in construction and spending all my money isn't as nice as you make it sound (my kids aren't going to college anymore)!
Deva chapman
Deva chapman - 6 years ago
perfect set up good sir! do you have a build thread anywhere??
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
yes i've got a build thread on both reef2reef and reefcentral under the handle kinggeorge818
espn0o - 6 years ago
Beautiful setup! How much does it cost to maintain including electricity?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
More than i'm will to say (mostly because of embarrassment)
Flat Emotions
Flat Emotions - 6 years ago
I hate rich people
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
good thing i'm not rich anymore lol
AzzaBro59 - 6 years ago
I was gonna say nup until I finally saw the clown fish lol
mybeachshack - 6 years ago
OUTSTANDING..... but a 1" return ? How is that done, please. Your plumbing is remarkable as are the wall-brackets & overall use of the equipment room. Any chiller unit ? You do have the right to boast ! :-)
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I've got two 2" drains under the ground and two 1" returns...I wish I had mad it 3-4" drains. The returns aren't as important in my opinion. I just purchased a 2hp trade-winds chiller that looks larger than my home AC unit!
Julien Galard
Julien Galard - 6 years ago
Magnifique, bravo.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you good sir
Stevmstng 516
Stevmstng 516 - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you
Bri’s Reef
Bri’s Reef - 6 years ago
George Abraham yeh the sump etc is immense.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
4ft tank is a nice size...my tank is a killer when it come to maintenance
muffemod - 6 years ago
sea apple was cool
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
The sea apple in my tank catches everyone's attention....especially non-reefers
muffemod - 6 years ago
noooooooooooooo radeons suck dude
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
love my light set up but I do think t-5s are even better but I didn't wanna change out soo many bulbs all the time.
Toshi - 6 years ago
My deam...
I FixIt
I FixIt - 6 years ago
Absolutely stunning George...great tank...any concerns on sea apple? I have seen them wipe out aquariums when dying??
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I keep my eyes on the sea apple and cross my fingers....I've got 1,200 gallons total volume and hope that would help me in case of a disaster. He has been with me for 3 months now and seems happy.
Clayton Boyd
Clayton Boyd - 6 years ago
I don't want to imagine your ELECTRIC Bill. This is why I don't do Reef Tanks. FOWLR only for me. Two Canister Filters only.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
That's true, SPS heavy reef tanks are the worst btw! The only problem is I'm addicted to fuzzy sticks lol!
It's Me
It's Me - 6 years ago
Just WOW!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks :)
Tulley DA_Teach
Tulley DA_Teach - 6 years ago
This is a SICK SETUP!!!!! Nicely done sir!!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks bud!
LeeseMedia - 6 years ago
Pffff.. Looks like my hospital tank. Get a real aquarium!
funkenstein420 - 6 years ago
bruh, he's challenging you. do you even fish?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
LoL...don't tempt me
Jay McDonald
Jay McDonald - 6 years ago
3.22 overflow box leaking?
Jay McDonald
Jay McDonald - 6 years ago
is it all fixed now? your tank is truly awesome!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
yes I had an issue earlier that day with it...
luridhue - 6 years ago
Absolutely beautiful! For me that's too many fish, I would still have quite a few just not so many.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
They look like a lot because anytime i come near the tank they all come chase me lol ! I do like my tank well stocked.
Erik Diaz
Erik Diaz - 6 years ago
What glue did you use for the rock work
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I used ecotech glue plus acrylic rods to create the shapes.
Fish Fool
Fish Fool - 6 years ago
God bless you , you are just rich as hell aren't you my friend
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I am blessed and this hobby is definitely not cheap my friend...I would be rich if I decided not to get into this hobby lol!
Ivan Letov
Ivan Letov - 6 years ago
JESSE ARMSTRONG - 6 years ago
Stunning !
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Jesse
Darren Huynh
Darren Huynh - 6 years ago
Awesome fish tank & set up. Very nice. Thanks for sharing!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Darren, I appreciate the compliment.
battyjoe - 6 years ago
Very nice indeed.....well done
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
thanks :)
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you!
D Gomez
D Gomez - 6 years ago
Awesome setup.. when are you accepting tours lol
D Gomez
D Gomez - 6 years ago
Haha, I live Azusa.. don't tempt me.. I'm not that far away..i think
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Anyone is welcome to come see lol
jwahh - 6 years ago
Seething with jealousy .. Awesome job.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy...
Helena - 6 years ago
Very beautiful, I love it!:)
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you Helena!
Bryan's Bayshore Channel
Bryan's Bayshore Channel - 6 years ago
Your setup is awesome. That said, in the "fish room," you may want to clean up and/or bundle as much of the wiring and plumbing as possible. There are so many tubes and wires going everywhere, it's not remotely as clean looking as your admittedly more important showpiece aquarium.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you so much, my next undertaking is the wire management of this beast!
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Hey Gm George, one of my buddy's does a weekly youtube show called Tech Talk Thursday which highlights all the reef tank related equipment. He invites guests to come on and show their tanks and equipment and share information.
His channel is ReefingwithO. This Thurs at 9pm eastern, let me know if your interesting. Thanks
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Sounds interesting, have him reach out to me...
Noah Wejgaard
Noah Wejgaard - 6 years ago
I gotta say I really like this tank and his position as well. It’s well placed and uses its area perfect. It’s so elegant and looks natural too. Really impressive work. The fish look super healthy as well.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, I tried to make it central in the living space so I can enjoy it all the time.
ABz Reef
ABz Reef - 6 years ago
Wow, who build everything? I am beyond amazed!! This is like beyond goals
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I did all the construction, and Aquarium City did all of the plumbing
gordie french
gordie french - 6 years ago
breath taking
gordie french
gordie french - 6 years ago
thank you george
i have been reefing small scale for 15 years and can never get as good a look.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
wow, thank you!
CECP CECP - 6 years ago
That’s very high tech I wouldn’t know where to start.
Jarret Grimes Aquatic-Life
Jarret Grimes Aquatic-Life - 6 years ago
Definitely a lot of time, money, and planning went into this system which shows in the details of it. Great work and Amazing Display
Jarret Grimes Aquatic-Life
Jarret Grimes Aquatic-Life - 6 years ago
George Abraham it shows man...makes me wanna get a reef tank going ny the beginning of 2019, but who knows for now
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks so much Jarret, it was a lot of work but well worth it!
Bart Vandenhaute
Bart Vandenhaute - 6 years ago
Is quarantine a 100% security for not bringing deseases to your tank? And if so how long would you recommend the quarantine period?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Nothing is really 100% security but it's about as close as you can get. The longer you can keep them in quarantine the better because you should dip every four days (3-4 times) to break any bug cycle.
ReefGod - 6 years ago
This is freaking awesome..
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks God! lol
Ret2Play - 6 years ago
Nice job! Just wondering, to plumb underneath your house, was the install done before or as House was being built?
Paul Suzio
Paul Suzio - 6 years ago
Wow. Perfect tank all around from inside the house to everything outside. Lots of time, money, and hard work into this complete system
David J
David J - 6 years ago
Neat set-up, do you sell fish also
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
not yet lol
MrT - 6 years ago
There is a large amount of money spent on this tank ... no doubt there. However for the money spent vs results there are many examples of nicer tanks. The fish room is a prime example of poor planning and a fire hazard just waiting to happen, wires everywhere etc.
Medic 58
Medic 58 - 6 years ago
Nothing but money 15 radions 6 ecotech pumps not to mention all the fish nothing but money. Truly amazing. Great work. George is killing the game right now.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
thanks boss, i'm trying my best to make it look nice
Patrick - 6 years ago
Looks amazing now, but when you inevitably run into issues and your tank ends up crashing, how do you manage with a tank that large? doesn't it become an eye sore if it's right in the center of your house like that?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Having a reef tank is a blessing and a curse...love/hate relationship lol!
Patrick - 6 years ago
George Abraham I suppose. Dont they all inevitably crash eventually? That's why I got discouraged and got rid of mine
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I couldn't not build my dream tank just because of fear...it is a possibility thou. Murphy's Law
Shahed Hossain
Shahed Hossain - 6 years ago
Simply WoW
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
TheNewYorkMimes - 6 years ago
your light bill must be next level like that tank.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes my light bill is crazy...but love is blind lol
TheNewYorkMimes - 6 years ago
beautiful tank. serene.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, it's my oasis
MrKrich03 - 6 years ago
Do you qt your fishes. like prophylactic medicate them with copper?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I try to qt fishes...with copper and prazi-pro
samoryTure - 6 years ago
And I cannot even afford a reefer 350.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thats too bad :(
Talaska - 6 years ago
This is absolutely insane. Incredible. Beautiful tank. Pricey too. You're dedicated though. Kudos to you building all this. I could never do it myself.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
thank you soo much, it was a costly beast!
CECP CECP - 6 years ago
I’m lost , wow that’s looks like sea world ,very nice system.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
LOL...thanks. My electricity bill feels like i'm running a public aquaria!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Scott!
Tim midwestmangler79
Tim midwestmangler79 - 6 years ago
Must be nice to be a rich jew fuck ayye?!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks so much...it was on my bucket list too! You can do it!
Alex McCann
Alex McCann - 6 years ago
Crazy how many Vortechs you need so close together, seems like there would be a more efficient way to set that up? Beautiful tank though.
Smokkedandslammed - 6 years ago
Very nice set up! Looks amazing, please keep doing updates!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks and will do
VK - 6 years ago
Omg how expensive??
Ed Carrizo
Ed Carrizo - 6 years ago
So Beautiful
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Greg Wiley
Greg Wiley - 6 years ago
Very beautiful!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Greg
ONEFUNFONE - 6 years ago
Such a cool tank wasted by salt. Imagine the potential it could have if it was a scaped planted environment!
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 6 years ago
Really really jealous.
Rasit Kaplan
Rasit Kaplan - 6 years ago
Great job and nice tank.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Rasit
Clif Wells
Clif Wells - 6 years ago
redtreepython - 6 years ago
Wow that powder blue
redtreepython - 6 years ago
i can never ever keep one I bought maybe 7-8 of them in my life, have a better chance with Achilles
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, it's a chunky Tang
Mike D
Mike D - 6 years ago
how much does a system like this cost? I would love to have that display tank but the behind the scene areas are making me scared lol
joe0813 - 6 years ago
amazing tank. how loud is it near the couch and tv? thats a lot of MP60s which make a decent amount of noise.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I make sure to pre-program them to work at less intensity when i'm home
Brady Hubbard
Brady Hubbard - 6 years ago
John Vincent
John Vincent - 6 years ago
Q Katz
Q Katz - 6 years ago
Very nice n organized setup. Awesome tank!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Miguel Maya
Miguel Maya - 6 years ago
Wow...amazing system!
Lorenzo Cammon
Lorenzo Cammon - 6 years ago
My bad it's me again but put it like this I wouldn't even need TV I can just sit and look at that for hours
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I really don't watch TV at night...just look at my tank for an hour or two!
Lorenzo Cammon
Lorenzo Cammon - 6 years ago
BROOOOOOOOO.... that is so dope
Mike Reid
Mike Reid - 6 years ago
What is the operating cost for everything!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
LoL...if I try to figure it out I would most likely quit (just kidding)
Michael Menges
Michael Menges - 6 years ago
Wow, simply amazing sir. Well done indeed.
Michael Menges
Michael Menges - 6 years ago
Most displays at this level have it tucked away in a corner of their house. The thing I love the most is that you have incorporated it into a very core part of the living space in your house. This is not easily done, especially at the seamless level you have achieved here. Very few can actually appreciate the degree of sophistication and forward thinking you have accomplished here. Bravo sir.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you so much Michael, I'm just trying to do my best.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, will do...I'm gonna try to do an more in depth update on each section.
ThePowerfulMach5 - 6 years ago
all i can say is...... hole. Lee. Shit
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Haha, thanks man
Lovebetta - 6 years ago
Wow. Very beautiful.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, love to watch it for hours each night
Adam Wride
Adam Wride - 6 years ago
What diameter (and type) of pipes did you use?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'm using 1.5" diameter pipes underground but I wish I did much more
Silvani Reis Lexus Kennel
Silvani Reis Lexus Kennel - 6 years ago
Very very beautiful, congratulations
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks for the compliment Silvani
mytube92369 - 6 years ago
Awesome! I really love the size but I would do it a bit taller. White color is so much better than black and that doesn’t apply to people :).This would keep you busy. Expensive!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, I went with a 30" tank because I wanted something practical to reach to the bottom.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yeah, the Radions costed a very pretty penny but I love em so far!
vigilhammer - 6 years ago
Holy crap beautiful!
Dude how much did u spend on all this?
and you think you can get a snowflake eel too?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Costed more than I'd like to admit...I've been wondering about adding a eel!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
dtip4life 8472
dtip4life 8472 - 6 years ago
Great tank. Nice tangs. I have to settle with a 20 gallon fresh water tank.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Chicken Hues
Chicken Hues - 6 years ago
Completely amazing!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Chris Haynes
Chris Haynes - 6 years ago
Congrats Bro, Nice Job !!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Chris
chip turd
chip turd - 6 years ago
the things you get to have when money is no object
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I've been spending all my expendable cash on fish/corals/etc. since I was in the 3rd grade lol
Adamini - 6 years ago
How do you do water changes?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I will have to explain the tank inner workings more thoroughly but I use my large 225 gallon water container to mix and do water changes.
lou9294 - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you
Dylan Eagles
Dylan Eagles - 6 years ago
you're mad!!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Dylan Eagles certifiably crazy!! I keep judging my own sanity from time to time!!
angelus057 - 6 years ago
Tres belle installation un reve d avoir tout sa chez moi bravo.
Nick B.
Nick B. - 6 years ago
wow your poor neighbors with that noise
puirYorick - 6 years ago
I love your tank but I find the details of everything you have going on frankly intimidating to wrap my head around otherwise I'd say it was a dream system. Just, WOW.

Maybe next update you can talk a bit more about the fish you're keeping in detail.
Chris - 6 years ago
All that nice equipment.... but still that five dollar thermometer hahahah great tank!
Eduardo Fernandez
Eduardo Fernandez - 6 years ago
TK C - 6 years ago
That is beautiful
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
TK C thanks
CUBAN REEFER - 6 years ago
My fellow reefer this tank looks more than three years old , very good man , very nice set up you got there, keep it up and more videos
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
CUBAN REEFER thanks for the compliment, the tank has only been up for 8 months believe it or not!
Cali Reef Life
Cali Reef Life - 6 years ago
Mud Weasl
Mud Weasl - 6 years ago
Awesome i love the sea apple
Rakhu Rakhu
Rakhu Rakhu - 6 years ago
Nice Bro.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks bud
TLee - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Timothy Michael
Timothy Michael - 6 years ago
This is really amazing! Congrats!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Tim!
Nixon Dixon
Nixon Dixon - 6 years ago
Well...u’ve done it you’re pro
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Noah, I don't feel like a pro just yet...still sorting things out and trying to grow the corals into colonies.
holographic world
holographic world - 6 years ago
You need some Kessel lighting instead. Cheers!
holographic world
holographic world - 6 years ago
George Abraham - Hey George, Currently I do not have anything setup due to a house fire, but I have two friends who are pet shop owners and use them on their reef, and frag tanks, and have nothing but good to say about them. I personally think that no other lighting on the market today compares to them. The only negative I see is that in a home aquarium, the light makes the corals out grow their space a little too quickly! Unless you have a large beautiful tank such as yourself. Best regards.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
how do you like your kessel's??
mitian - 6 years ago
Wonderful tank, the set-up is amazing and the sump amazing also, Nice video thanks for sharing keep the videos coming my friend!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks for the compliments, i'll try to keep up with the videos updating the progress or showing more details.
Sharkman - 6 years ago
Sweet set up ,should be proud. Curious what part of the country do you live in that you can have outside tanks?also what pump are you using to pump all the back to fish room?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks bud...I'm very proud of this difficult build but I still have the harder chore of making sure things grow properly and no crazy mishaps! I live in the Los Angeles area. I'm using 2- Fluval SP6's for the returns.
Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar - 6 years ago
This is an amazing setup.. i can only imagine the kind of work and dedication that would have went in to complete a project like this.. well done and enjoy the tank
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks for the compliments Kumar, I'm loving watching this tank grow in...took a-lot of work to get to this point and still working!
Joseph D.
Joseph D. - 6 years ago
I would love to see more of the outdoor tank/clams
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Will post a video soon on the outdoor system...
rudy mitchell
rudy mitchell - 6 years ago
OMG. I soooo wish I had that in my House. Niiiiiiice. Best tank ever.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Wow thanks Rudy, I'm very blessed!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, I'm very lucky!
Fung Chang
Fung Chang - 6 years ago
All of that looks like an electrical fire waiting to happen good luck Richie Rich!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Murphy's Law .... something always goes wrong!
Joao Leao
Joao Leao - 6 years ago
You work so hard my friend are you job looks good
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Hard work will pay off hopefully!
CincinnatiReefer - 6 years ago
Did I hear you right, the outdoor tank is running inline with the rest of this setup? That is incredibly trusting of your neighborhood kids lol. Your whole setup is really nice. Great job!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes my outdoor tank is part of the main set-up and there are lids on top but I am a bit trusting!
Victoria Redman
Victoria Redman - 6 years ago
Very few people could pull something this incredible off, great work and congrats :)
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Victoria, took a lot of thought and advice.
Hardeep Singh
Hardeep Singh - 6 years ago
This just makes me think how amazing nature is...like an artificial system like this for 670 gallons takes so much effort Vs the great barrier reef with just nature's work
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes God is great....mother nature is an amazing thing that takes a world of effort and money to recreate on just a small level. Thanks for your input!
Vanesa Rufin
Vanesa Rufin - 6 years ago
Damn .awesome man
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
John Gorman
John Gorman - 6 years ago
Best set up ive seen ... WOW
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Wow what an amazing compliment.
Mary Adams
Mary Adams - 6 years ago
Beautiful tank !
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Mary!
stan - 6 years ago
Hey dude whats that lighting? Buy a good metal halide so your corals will look better.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Metal Halides are amazing, I went with LED for power and heat issues. Cheers.
ARed0cean - 6 years ago
Excuse my nooby assumption but the substrate looks like it’s not enough for this tank. Wouldn’t it need about another inch of substrate?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I don't like too much sand...keep it light!
Nic Chauvin
Nic Chauvin - 6 years ago
This is on a public aquarium kind of level!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
My wallet feels like it is!
PaNdeM0niuM - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Marc Daniel
Marc Daniel - 6 years ago
Amazing setup
Marc Gordon
Marc Gordon - 6 years ago
Shame all the nasty mp’s and gyres showing. Could have had a much neater looking tank with more thought but some good ideas I’ll be incorporating into my big tank when I build
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I was trying to stay away from drilling into the tank or having alot of pipes showing...just the decision I made.
Greg Chapman
Greg Chapman - 6 years ago
I want to do a marine tank, or even a similar sized tropical, but I am not home all the time and go away for a few weeks each year. Is it possible to leave a tank like that untended for say three weeks.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
you would need an APEX computer system and a service tech for weekly check ins while your away...
Zakeel Gordon
Zakeel Gordon - 6 years ago
Holy cow! Crazy tank.

Do a video on the outside tank? How does that work lol.

Also put those awesome sized clams in the main display!! Great centerpiece for your reef. Cheers!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Will do a review of the outdoor tank soon...clams are way to big now!
Hector Rodriguez
Hector Rodriguez - 6 years ago
hi, I'm not hating at all, it's a question I have. I love the tank I wish I had one as amaxing as this one, but the tank seems to be overstocked maybe just a little bit. I'm asking due to other tanks and people commenting about it. I just want to know what's overstocked so I won't have that issue. thanks
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I love having a lot of livestock...you just need sufficient filtration
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Jonathan
vit nation
vit nation - 6 years ago
bro how much money do you have damn
Gabriel Martinez
Gabriel Martinez - 6 years ago
Makes me wish i can afford all that! Awesome!!!!!!
jamills - 6 years ago
Okay serious question how many hours a week do you spend maintaining everything
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 6 years ago
Jesse Anak Kuri
Jesse Anak Kuri - 6 years ago
15 Radeons? Jeebus. Thats more than what I make in a year.
Freeyourmind - 6 years ago
This is really neat. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, the anxiety I would have knowing that I was responsible if that system crashed. The cost of it would be the least of my worries.
That's why I love this hobby so much. It's not really about the money.
Even though it is so very expensive.
Sterba Norris
Sterba Norris - 6 years ago
WOOAH that’s a very nice system you’ve got there and it’s also very clean and organized as well.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you so much Sterba, I try very hard to keep it as clean as possible...keeping it organized takes a bit more work.
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 6 years ago
holy shiiiiiiitttttttt
beck4587 - 6 years ago
That's exactly how i reacted to this too. Lol
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
LoL...thanks bud
Giantsfan1013 ghg
Giantsfan1013 ghg - 6 years ago
This is beautiful, great work. Now unfortunately we just have to wait for the fake eco warriors who don,t know anything about the hobby let alone participate in it,to tell you everything you have done wrong.
Giantsfan1013 ghg
Giantsfan1013 ghg - 6 years ago
that's all you have to do. I just hope some day that a time will come when keyboard warriors leave us alone. like how captive bred tank raised fish would be "better off" in the ocean for example. they just don't understand that fish would have no idea what to do and die because of human cruelty lol. seriously though I love the tank, its good inspiration for a 180 build I am planning.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
LoL...you can't please everyone. I just do my best.
Derrick Zupf
Derrick Zupf - 6 years ago
beautiful... but overstocked
Hobby Life
Hobby Life - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks lol
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Hey maybe you could stop by Ricos Reeftank daily livestream, everyone would to see you tank and hear your story!!
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Yeah Rico has a heavily stocked hard coral 300 gal, been reefing for over 15 yrs
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
That sounds interesting, I've never heard about that ...i'll look into it.
Larry - 6 years ago
Beautiful tank, a lot of work has been put into it. I noticed at 3:23 it looked like I seen a drip from something. Can you confirm?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
There was a drip from the overflow box that was resolved...thanks bud :)
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
So you sold the old house with the old tank included I assume?
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Or go to the chat and ask for a link and one of the mods will show the link
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
If you go to Rico's Reeftank on youtube theres a link in the chat
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
OG`s Fishroom do you have a link?
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Hey George Ricos Reeftank livestream is going on right now if your interested.
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Man for free, I would've gotten it outta there too LOL
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yeah I couldn't believe at the time that it could be brought out in one piece! So I told people...whoever could get it out in one piece can have it!
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Wow you gave away the tank, SWEET.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I sold my old house, but had to remove the fish tank. So I kept all the reusable parts and sold all the fish and coral. I gave away the old glass tank!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Ahmed...
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
For sure, I'll be making more videos...
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 6 years ago
New Subscriber here.
My goodness, this Reef Aquarium is absolutely stupendous, it is stunning.
I well and truly love it.
It reminds me of the one I had, only your Aquarium is a lot bigger of which I really really love. :)

The Aquascape is stunningly beautiful. I love the whole scape, the lay out is spectacular.
Congratulations. I am really really, really really happy for you.
It is with no doubt the most beautiful aquarium of ALL TIME!

I gave the video a like.
I am going to watch it again when I am back from work tonight. :)
nanoaquamania - 6 years ago
U got a leakage??
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I had something drip from the overflow box that day, it's resolved.
Reef Tank Microscopy
Reef Tank Microscopy - 6 years ago
Man this build is incredible... I would really like to know how the outdoor tank works! :D could you do a video on that?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you for the compliment, I would love to do another video that is in more detail...I will cover the outdoor tank.
Jeremy Meyler
Jeremy Meyler - 6 years ago
You have cyano.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
no cyano...
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
FenderSchonJPX - 6 years ago
prolificbreed Yeah. Pretty much made me throw in the towel.

Can't compete with THAT. Lol.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, a lot of work went into it.
justonemorecast - 6 years ago
Truly amazing! I'm stunned. Just planning and designing must have took months if not years. So impressive.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Becareful because it's a slippery slope.
justonemorecast - 6 years ago
There was no pre-planning that went into my tank. I wanted to get mine up and running before my wife changed her mind. It was for my grandson, his first word was fish.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I loved the planning process but took me about a year thinking of all the in and outs of this...
Sailing Free At Last
Sailing Free At Last - 6 years ago
Wow, beautiful and amazing
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks bro!
American Reefing
American Reefing - 6 years ago
That tank is amazing man
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks for the compliment!
Samuel Carr
Samuel Carr - 6 years ago
Good job with setting up the rocks
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, it took me a month or two to work just on creating the rock structures!
newtoncalls - 6 years ago
Hi I'm Blaise from India, aquarium is amazing and the filtration room looks like a lab.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank Blaise, the filtration room is really complex...sometimes I don't even know what's going on!
Alex Zafi
Alex Zafi - 6 years ago
Adopt me as your son I need to be living in this house with this GORGEOUS TANK! Great video!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
You're welcome to come visit anytime, but i've already got two boys driving me crazy lol!
masterbender1 - 6 years ago
Bro what do you do for work?
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 6 years ago
well aren't you the debbie downer.
xGTRAIN311x - 6 years ago
No u don’t running businesses doesn’t afford u the the 3-5hrs min of maintaining this tank requires a day. A lot of automation but still needs regular maintenance. Dad paid for all this don’t be silly. Those radions alone blow this out. Gyre would be suffice for this tank but u have just no idea about cost management for a build. There is tanks your size with better light and flow for less cost. U can tell by the lack of established colonies of sps
William Gogo
William Gogo - 6 years ago
And that’s how he is able to afford the system he has set up lol.
masterbender1 - 6 years ago
George Abraham very cool, tank and set up is awesome man keep up the good work
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I own a construction company in the Los Angeles area.
Sam Holzberg
Sam Holzberg - 6 years ago
I bet that carpet is eating tankmates
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I have the same feeling...i've been miss some fish lately! But I have a soft spot for carpet anemones...love them too much to stay away!
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 6 years ago
Fantastic system! I finished an external fish room last year that took a lot of planning, but this is a whole other level and looks like you executed everything very well. Thanks for sharing!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for the compliments and yes I took a lot of time thinking/drawing/planing/and seeking advice before I broke ground...and still I wish I could have done a few small things differently lol!
lgull1 - 6 years ago
careful with the sea apple, they die, they kill your whole tank. pretty though.
lgull1 - 6 years ago
very nice tank by the way. i do not want to know the cost of that set up though.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'm always keeping an eye on that thing...but i'm hoping the large volume of water will dilute the poisons (hoping)!
Duppy - 6 years ago
Little kids starving all over the globe but this is 100K well spent! Fucking privileged moron.
Justin - 6 years ago
So many wires. That's the only reason I'm scared to do a saltwater tank. Your son is larger than life current freshwater aquarium. 90 gallons
Cichlids23 - 6 years ago
I'd guess around $60k for this amazing setup?? Can I ask What your monthly electricity bill is?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
about $300 per month on just electricity!
dcurri - 6 years ago
This is totally amazing, but thank you for making me acknowledge that I'm poor
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
After setting up this tank, I'm more poor lol! Broke and happy!
Crystal Reef Aquatics
Crystal Reef Aquatics - 6 years ago
Incredible system!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Bryan Bonilla
Bryan Bonilla - 6 years ago
This is true dedication...in love with the setup.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'm crazy about my hobby! Whatever I do, I do to the fullest!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Wow, thanks for the kind and affirming words! I think of my tank as a living piece of art in my home...blessd!
Justin - 6 years ago
The tank is beautiful!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you...
Andrew - 6 years ago
Looks great! I really like the aquascaping in the display.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks, I wanted a wide tank so I could do something different with the rocks.
Boombox kat
Boombox kat - 6 years ago
this is truly remarkable, your system manifest is well considered and inspiring
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for the compliment...took a lot of pre-planning.
Jermaine Butler
Jermaine Butler - 6 years ago
Nice tank . Very pricey and I know the electric bill is high .
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Electricity bill is high...approx $300 per month
jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 6 years ago
Beautiful tank and set up
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Jayme
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks Ruben, I didn't know people would want more info on the clams...will do that in the future.
Dream Reef Beltran
Dream Reef Beltran - 6 years ago
That's one hell of a setup must be nice. Peace
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Nado - 6 years ago
those clams <3 !!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
These crazy clams are sucking down all my calcium!
revenge69ful - 6 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS do this? Lol better win the lottery
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks CJ, I appreciate the kind words.
CD 1
CD 1 - 6 years ago
Imagine that in one year
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
its a super reef octopus 8000 ext and it's a great skimmer...not too pricey for the size
Reef Gang Aquarium's
Reef Gang Aquarium's - 6 years ago
Dude I should not have watched this! I love your tank man. What a monster of a reef. Amazing tank!
Reef Gang Aquarium's
Reef Gang Aquarium's - 6 years ago
George Abraham awesome man. Check out my tank in one of my videos and tell me what you think
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I know what you mean, when I watched other peoples cool "large tanks" a few years ago it started this insanity!
DiscusHeckel - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Steve  Desrochers
Steve Desrochers - 6 years ago
Jordan Graff
Jordan Graff - 6 years ago
Absolutely beautiful! I'd like this in a freshie setup personally
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you so much.
ReefingInCollege - 6 years ago
this is super badass
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
thanks bud
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Nice size bill of approx $300 per month for my aquarium's electricity!
John Hunsberger
John Hunsberger - 6 years ago
George, Hi. Beautiful tank. Did you know that one gallon of water weighs 8.84 lbs. so your tank potentially weighs 5629.5 lbs. or roughly 3 tons. I hope your counter and floor space is rated for that much load.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes but the idea is that it's a whole lot of weight to support....also i've got the tank metal stand (500 lbs, wood work, etc.) but your right it's trivial because it becomes tons of weight regardless!
ChuckD59 - 6 years ago
Minor point, but don't forget the rocks and sand and critters displace water so it's not actually water capacity + rocks + sand + other. But it's trivial.
Great looking setup!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Hey John, My Tank weighs a lot 675 gallons x 8.84 lbs = 5,967 + the glass weighs approx 1,500 lbs + rocks/sand ....therefore i'm close to 7,500 lbs but the tank does not sit on the counter top (the counter is placed outside the tank footprint) and the floor is a concrete slab.
Dan - 6 years ago
Holy sh*t
Dan - 6 years ago
George Abraham that is an awesome set up you have there, i wish i could win the lottery and have something like that lol, tanks going to look amazing when it grows out.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
DJ Eric Dutra
DJ Eric Dutra - 6 years ago
Qual a medida do aquário ?
Stephen Chin-Sang
Stephen Chin-Sang - 6 years ago
Really nice choice of fish. Love the peppermint hog and Bella gobys
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'll have to do another video for the livestock
WOLYO 12 - 6 years ago
WOW! 2 questions.
1. Is that a custom aquarium
2. What is your estimate on how much this all costs? I’m think long at a range of 15k - 30k
Keith Broadbent
Keith Broadbent - 6 years ago
Reef aquariums are not inexpensive to say the least... the bigger they are the more expensive the equipment is as well as on-going maint. I'm just surprised that with close to $17,000 spent on just Lights and power heads, not to mention the Aquarium Engineering products (which are not cheap) he cheaped out with an Octopus Skimmer... not saying that Octopus makes a bad skimmer... just would have thought to see either an MRC or Royal Exclusive skimmer, which are more high end.
Noah S
Noah S - 6 years ago
guys think abut the grand scheme of things our tanks at home are probably sitting on a value of a couple of thousand, but i ask you how much did it take to get that point. especially if you've been in the hobby for a while theres likely easy triple what your setup is sitting at now that you now don' have
Totes Malotes
Totes Malotes - 6 years ago
Dude that’s atleast 120k
gary newman
gary newman - 6 years ago
Those guessing at the cost. I am going to guess 75K MINIMUM. Could be closer to 100K. The plumbing, trenching, livestock etc...all the equipment tanks. custom cabinetry. One of the best systems I have seen. Fantastic Job. Hats off.
Akbar Muhtar
Akbar Muhtar - 6 years ago
Lol, 2 stupid questions not even worth to answer
duffy9076 - 6 years ago
He probably spent 15k to run the plumbing from the tank around is house to the back room
Justin - 6 years ago
Don't forget the monthly testing equipment used and the filters for several different systems that need changing periodically. Not to mention the number of elements and minerals, and chemicals etc, you go through in a month.
Chris Xenchino
Chris Xenchino - 6 years ago
Guys, this system is easily pushing 100k
Tulley DA_Teach
Tulley DA_Teach - 6 years ago
15-30 k HA! Try 2-3x that.
Shah Lindsey
Shah Lindsey - 6 years ago
think about the construction alone, pvc piping, lights, this is about 100k if not more. he has tanks upon tanks upon tanks, filtration system alone is a car.
Vasile Sandu
Vasile Sandu - 6 years ago
Miguel Maya
Miguel Maya - 6 years ago
Double that max!
chip turd
chip turd - 6 years ago
try 65k plus min
keith nygaard
keith nygaard - 6 years ago
It must b over $100/gal. I think simple tanks run $35/gallon
WaterGrunt - 6 years ago
Absolutely beautiful setup. Very nice design plan. I love the remote sump room. What are the annual operating costs?
Cichlids23 - 6 years ago
This is $50k, Easy!!
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Wow, I was guessing 15k - 30k too.
Dennis Jr
Dennis Jr - 6 years ago
he got 12 grand in lights alone
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes it is a very custom aquarium and most aspects of it are not readily available....cost me many times more than you have in mind!
ReefGuy8 - 6 years ago
looks like you got a leak in your overflow box bulkhead
darrell taggart
darrell taggart - 6 years ago
Man that's nice
darrell taggart
darrell taggart - 6 years ago
George Abraham so nice I sure wish I could get my 125 to look that good thanksfor the nice vid
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks bud
Bluehunter X
Bluehunter X - 6 years ago
Wow that's crazy plumbing going under the house that my good sir is bold
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes it took a ton of pre-planning.
donald boozer
donald boozer - 6 years ago
Nice system but man those rat nest of wires just kills it for me. Beautiful tank though good luck with it.
donald boozer
donald boozer - 6 years ago
It is a nice setup though man. Hope my 300 im setting up turns out half as nice.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
You're right the wires are all over the place, that's my next project to do some wire management.
chrischenusa 63
chrischenusa 63 - 6 years ago
Unlimited passion and money are here compatible, cool installation anyway!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
djtyler76 - 6 years ago
Dude, your tank an system is amazing. NEXT LEVEL!!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thanks bro..
Pandas Gaming
Pandas Gaming - 6 years ago
build me one
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Yorba LInda?
Pandas Gaming
Pandas Gaming - 6 years ago
George Abraham i was thinking a donation haha
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Haha, if you live in the LA area then I could...I own a construction company and I did a lot of the work myself.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Yeah, I took a cabinet class. I'm going to have to make a poor mans version of this with my 125G. Poor man, you know equipment under the tank and skip the quartz top. Should still be able to make a good looking cabinet though.
Mark Munden
Mark Munden - 6 years ago
I saw a drip.
Mark Munden
Mark Munden - 6 years ago
Tank is a beaut. Why isnt the Achilles in MT?
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Yes I was adjusting something before the video that caused some leak...thanks
Ruben - 6 years ago
You have a beutiful reef setup man. I see everything was well thought out. Everything is very neat.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I drew it out and got advice from friends over and over again before starting the work. Julian at Aquarium city and Dave Botwin from Unique Corals both gave me a lot of useful advice, wisdom, and consultation.
SC Reefer
SC Reefer - 6 years ago
George, i just came across your channel, that is a sick tank. looks AMAZING
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you so much SC Reefer.
DANIEL VENDITTI - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Now time to fill it with grown out corals.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I'm a reefaholic...I need help! I work to realize my hobbies more than work to live lol!
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
This reefer madness.
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 6 years ago
WOW this is my dream tank I love everything about it. Great job
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Wow thanks for the compliment!
hash glass
hash glass - 6 years ago
money well spent right there
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
More money than I'd like to admit, but I've loved this hobby since the 3rd grade...life goals lol
lexustheimpaler - 6 years ago
FARK ME!!!!!!!!
JFalk - 6 years ago
genghis - 6 years ago
Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes - 6 years ago
Wow! That is really beautiful!!
huletdedoxout burger
huletdedoxout burger - 6 years ago
And I thought my 40 gal is expensive to run.
shawnriv9 - 6 years ago
Very impressive setup! Can you imagine the electric bill? Whew! Lol.
Greggz111 - 6 years ago
That is simply spectacular! Beautifully presented in every aspect. Well done sir!!
Ricardo18 - 6 years ago
Just a suggestion:..I have the same size system.I had all your equipment to combat Nitrate and Phosphate.Then I decided to use a 100 gallon aquarium plumbed into the system.all it has in it is Chaeto Algae .It works so well I have my skimmer shut off! (Nitrate at 0 for 3 months now and I am concerned about that!)..no other reactors used.Looks like you have the space for it...just say'n! I would be happy to send you pics if you are interested because it looks like you have put in as much effort with your system as I have.
RuHmVu - 6 years ago
I follow your post in r2r a while...really nice coming out...like the way your gyre in the end tank too:))
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you soo much
RuHmVu - 6 years ago
By some how, my tank just similar...just dont have to much $$$$$$ to dump in:))))) check out my tank as well:)
RuHmVu - 6 years ago
I like your idea and everything from your construction job...it inspires me a lot
sammy 20
sammy 20 - 6 years ago
That setup cost more then my car
Marcel Simon
Marcel Simon - 6 years ago
Michael Piccirillo some one said 15-30 and he said many times more im guessing 65 to 70k with all the plumbing and fishes i couldnt see it being cheap
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 6 years ago
Jeff K is your car a 2018 Ferrari by chance? Lol
What's the ball park you have invested this system to date: $10-15-55k?
Nice setup
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Current value or new, I'm guessing my car cost more new but the current value is probably less. Ok I was wrong, it cost more than my car.
lexustheimpaler - 6 years ago
hooked 82
hooked 82 - 6 years ago
TheReefCorner - 6 years ago
Very impressive and gave me some great ideas. I am looking to place a tank viewable from 3 sides which will be placed between my dining room and living room. I also have some gorgeous Tangs that would love to call that tank home sweet home, lol. Give me a call if interested 201.926.0536 Ed at the Reef Corner. Again GORGEOUS reef!!!
m271061 - 6 years ago
Libi Magaña
Libi Magaña - 6 years ago
Wow!!!!! I’m a peach less
Coral Euphoria
Coral Euphoria - 6 years ago
Sheem khaa
Sheem khaa - 6 years ago
Ha! Nice peninsula I'm doing one as you speak maybe I could grab some ideals from you. Now I'm subscribed to your channel
CD 1
CD 1 - 6 years ago
Sheem khaa *ideas
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 6 years ago
Very rich man! Looks nice
Duane Dibbley
Duane Dibbley - 6 years ago
anyone know how he earns his money?
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 6 years ago
TroubledMp wow that’s a very blessed man
TroubledMp - 6 years ago
Deon 0026 it’s definitely nice but I’d say close to 1/2 million for work tank and equipment. Depending on where he lives might be even more price of labor
Pacific Northwest Sentinel
Pacific Northwest Sentinel - 6 years ago
Jeff K to be honest it looks like left over from his kitchen
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
That's not really marble in your fishroom is it? Even if you're rich that's pretty overkill. Great idea though getting rid of the problem of splashing on sheet rock. I do love the display tank and cabinet, awesome.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 6 years ago
Wow that outdoor sump is huge you have been blessed
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 6 years ago
The Aquarium scape is nice and you have many MP circulation pumps you go boy
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 6 years ago
This is a beast of a system no doubt you went all out.. very nice.
LeeROBD - 6 years ago
all i can say is wow...
Tony Black
Tony Black - 6 years ago
Very beautiful system. For most of us that set up can only be achieved in our dreams lol. But honestly im lost for words when it comes to one thing. You have over 60k system and you test with API? That's something i just don't get.
Blue Carbon Reefing
Blue Carbon Reefing - 6 years ago
Amazing setup George. I was following your build thread on r2r and I'm glad i found you on YouTube. Very well thought out system.
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 6 years ago
holy cow... what a reef..... and all those radions !! $$$
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I've bought 15 lights for the main tank and 2 lights for the coral quarantine. Now i'm looking into purchasing more lights for the outdoor tank to fill in any missing light needs during the winter!
Ghia Power
Ghia Power - 6 years ago
looks fantastic great setup
hammys reef
hammys reef - 6 years ago
damn this is goals... one day...
Arrick L
Arrick L - 6 years ago
Very nice. Been waiting to see this tank with water in it. Looks way bigger than the previous tank. Can't wait to see it when it grows in a bit more. Keep up the good work and keep the updates coming.
Mark Taber
Mark Taber - 6 years ago
Amazing. How much is your electricity bill!
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
My electricity bill is really high right now...i'm at approximately $300 per month
Reef Deep In Love
Reef Deep In Love - 6 years ago
Amazing all around, love the acrylic light box/ canopy, great to see something new, the opaque acrylic looks fantastic floating above the tank.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Thank you soo much, the acrylic light box was Julian from Aquarium City's idea
Aroe48 - 6 years ago
Any humidity issues? If so, how do you keep it under control?
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
You did everything right. I don't like the open top concept at all. You can always oxygenate in your sump or fishroom.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
Aroe48 the main display has a glass lid over the whole thing. In the equipment room I have a fan that sucks out the humidity.
Average Reef
Average Reef - 6 years ago
WOW! This is one of the most impressive systems I've ever seen.. Achilles tang outside! 3:23 is that a leak? - I noticed right away then watched that part a couple of times. I did notice you had a towel under the overflow so you are likely aware. With so much plumbing I guess you are bound to have minor issues. Your qt setup is also impressive.
Steve Diaz
Steve Diaz - 6 years ago
I’m at a loss for words all I have to say is wow
Reef Automation
Reef Automation - 6 years ago
yea thats awesome!
Jorge Aguilar
Jorge Aguilar - 6 years ago
What happened to the old tank?
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
the other tank was 10ft x 3ft vs the new one is 9ft x 4ft...new one is approx 110 gallons more. Also i've got the outdoor tank 125 gallons/ sump 225 gallons / additional tank 225 gallons. All together the new system is over 1,200 gallons total volume.
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 6 years ago
Wasn't the other tank a 1000 gals, it looked bigger.
George Abraham
George Abraham - 6 years ago
I moved from my old house and got a new (even bigger glass tank)

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