7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

3 Corals To Avoid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxukMzwHDUI 3 Fish To Avoid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFIa_bTo81Q In this CoralFish video I'm going to be mythbusting 7 of the most commonly believed myths in the reef aquarium hobby. There is so much information out there for you on reef aquariums, that sometimes when you google something you just don’t know what to believe! Here are 7 myths, misconceptions or commonly confused ideas that are often thrown around the hobby. CoralFish12g.com: http://www.coralfish12g.com CoralFish12g Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/coralfish12g/ CoralFish12g Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coralfish12g/

7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 45

Reef tank 8 years ago 83,931 views

3 Corals To Avoid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxukMzwHDUI 3 Fish To Avoid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFIa_bTo81Q In this CoralFish video I'm going to be mythbusting 7 of the most commonly believed myths in the reef aquarium hobby. There is so much information out there for you on reef aquariums, that sometimes when you google something you just don’t know what to believe! Here are 7 myths, misconceptions or commonly confused ideas that are often thrown around the hobby. CoralFish12g.com: http://www.coralfish12g.com CoralFish12g Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/coralfish12g/ CoralFish12g Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coralfish12g/

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Most popular comments
for 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

javier The panda
javier The panda - 7 years ago
Will bristle worms harms any corals fish or invertebrates? I just spotted some in my tank and I’m freaking out
Connie Waters
Connie Waters - 7 years ago
Hello George. When starting my reef tank is it advised to start with DISTILLED water, then ad Instant Ocean? Or do you recommend something else?
chris bunn
chris bunn - 7 years ago
What kind of equipment do you prefer? There are so many options on the market and no two people seem to have the same opinion making choosing the proper setup a rather daunting task.
Seth Essington
Seth Essington - 7 years ago
I just found out my 5 gallon has a massive bristle worm in it.
CreepyMonkey HeadGame
CreepyMonkey HeadGame - 7 years ago
The pricing sort of his true and sort of a knot I find it's just you need to find where to put the money I look at my tank in the long run so let's just price of the basics if I'm going for a heater I'm going to go with heater that I trust is a little pricey but more importantly I trust I always use Eheim Jager heaters now my dollar store sells heaters surprisingly I would not put those within 10 ft of my tanks but what I'm trying to say is it's not the price it's more of the brands you get the best results with everybody tells me how great the radio and lights are from Ecotech Marine I had them I'd sold them because they didn't give me results Life Academy results tend to be kessil LEDs and I love them to death everybody has their own approach to the Hobby and that's better in my opinion than copying someone else do what works for you and you alone sure you can experiment with new things that's just part of the hobby but don't I think just because this person's getting great results with this product that it's going to do the exact same for you
Mike Wilson
Mike Wilson - 7 years ago
Garlic works for me and they like it.
Sam Jenkins
Sam Jenkins - 7 years ago
I just started a 10 gallon nano reef a month ago and it is my first saltwater reef and it's doing just fine
Orlando Angulo
Orlando Angulo - 7 years ago
Does anyone know is the evo 13.5 would be good for a starter reef? I have had many freshwater tanks in the past and don’t have room for a big saltwater tank nor do I have the money.
Video Game Pancake
Video Game Pancake - 7 years ago
Bro do you ever blink?

10. comment for 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

Aaron McRae
Aaron McRae - 7 years ago
Blink d00d!
cnw/union pacific trains
cnw/union pacific trains - 7 years ago
How many fish can I have in a 48 gallon tank?
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
cnw/up trains depends on what fish. If small fish below 3 inches you can most prob have 8 or 9. Like clownfish and fire fish and gobies.
Nadi Mian
Nadi Mian - 7 years ago
#coralfish12g which light is this you using in this tank
Michael Holmgaard
Michael Holmgaard - 7 years ago
Oh man, bristle worms almost made me quit on starting up a reef back in the day. But I started up, and made a simple rule: Always have some Olive Snails and a Boxer Shrimp in the tank! Notorious bristle worm hunter pack ;)
SomeDumbGamer - 7 years ago
Michael Holmgaard ohhhhh olive snails are gorgeous! Especially if I you can find a rare fulgator or golden olive!
AlphaBrolofsky - 7 years ago
Bristle worms creep me the fuck out. If I ever come across one of those in my aquarium I'm purging it with extreme prejudice.
AlphaBrolofsky - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice. Good to know there's a death squad combo to get rid of those spooky things.
Michael Holmgaard
Michael Holmgaard - 7 years ago
Add some Olive Snails and a Boxer Shrimp - Bristle worm hunter pack ;)
IronFist Games
IronFist Games - 7 years ago
looking for cheapest nano tank kits. tank, lights, filtration, skimmer would be nice, etc
Tuneless Steak
Tuneless Steak - 7 years ago
MarsAqua 165w LED is super cheap light and can grow any corals under it
Reef 13G
Reef 13G - 7 years ago
4:35 I was just starting at the fish
Timothy Wilkin
Timothy Wilkin - 7 years ago
Myth #5 Busted! You got an EcoTech Radion and EcoTech MP40 pump!
XternalRage - 7 years ago
I couldn't focus on anything you were saying because I felt like we were in the middle of a staring contest....
JamesCameron1 - 7 years ago
Its actually not a very expensive hobby at all thanks to Amazon

20. comment for 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

ericr530 - 7 years ago
Number 8 myth. " Nitrate and phosphates are nutrients ' Um no.... they are pollutants. Amino acids are nutrients that corals can uptake for growth.
Crisan Anadio
Crisan Anadio - 7 years ago
Hi George I love your videos. You have taught me alot . I have a very clear tank and great perimeters. I set it up last July. No issues with fish loss. I have an outbreak of a stringy polyp green plant. Is it a Caulerpa? Is there something going on or was it a scavenger in the rock? How to get rid of it? What are your views in food grade hydrogen peroxide. If so what would be the dosage for a red sea 170 reefer E series max tank? 47 gal
Evil Nick
Evil Nick - 7 years ago
no one says garlic "cures" anything. Garlic is a natural immune system booster. It contains allicin which is pretty much penicillin. It simply helps the fish's immune system so they can fight the ich better and live through treatment. I have never personally gotten a fish to eat garlic tho. I have never seen one become enticed with it and actually have seen fish spit out or turn up their nose at it all together, even when using live worms soaked in it. .
Nice vids tho either or, thumbs up
BALOCKE - 7 years ago
Hey man,  great channel! Im majoring in zoology and is finally starting my first saltwater aquarium and wanted some of your tips for starting up a 55 g. If you have any info please tell me. I want to do all this right. Thank you and have a good one
lbdeuce - 7 years ago
Number 8 - Some people say that cucumbers taste better pickled.
Precious Faith Alone
Precious Faith Alone - 7 years ago
Are your eye balls dry lol
Patrick Tucci
Patrick Tucci - 7 years ago
@4:07: "Like I said, nothing fancy. I don't have no [sic] expensive setup. Everything is cheap. I just try to keep everything stable."

In the background:

- A dedicated 5'-6' tall plastic water storage container, possibly just for RO/DI or for mixing saltwater
- Into the bottom of said is plumbed a high flow AC pump, plumbed both to the top and to the bottom of the tank
- The aforementioned plumbing has a tee of tho the right. Perhaps some sort of automated way of redirecting fresh saltwater into the reef tank?
- In the background of shot: more PVC plumbing coming from an entirely unseen system, a nest of power cords hanging from the wall and ceiling, several controllers mounted on the wall, etc.

This setup is incredibly sophisticated. I wouldn't say there's any "simple" or "bare minimum" about this setup. Most beginner to intermediate reefers filter RO/DI into 5g buckets when they need it. Most beginner to intermediate reefers mix saltwater in Home Depot buckets or Brute trashcans. Most beginner to intermediate reefers use an MJ1200 or comparable utility pump and flex tubing to pump the mixed water into the aquarium.

I think more experienced reefers tend to downplay the complexity of a reef aquarium system because we understand how these complicated systems behave. The unfortunate reality is that reef aquariums are not simple by any stretch of the imagination. They're more a long-running chemistry or science experiment than they are simple pet or fish keeping. There many topics in which you must become proficient before you can be a successful reef keeper. That's not to say it's impossible or that people shouldn't try. I just think it's a bit disingenuous to say that setups can be simple or bare-bones and be effective.
Vtec Banger
Vtec Banger - 7 years ago
I agree with all. I started with an ap24 back in the day. It was easy. I upgraded to a 55g. the 55g was my goal and many years later I have not outgrown it.
Random dude
Random dude - 7 years ago
How do you keep your nitrates in check? I'm a beginner and I just started my cycle.
Noah S
Noah S - 7 years ago
i want to talk about myth 4: "small reef tanks are harder than larger reef tanks

30. comment for 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

Republic Reptiles
Republic Reptiles - 7 years ago
I found an 8 inch bristle worm in my 20 gallon aquarium not too long ago. It was scary. I tried to remove it several times, but it kept getting away. I finally got it out, and it was even bigger than I thought it was. I still have no idea if there are any more big ones, but I do see tiny babies in there every once in a while. I ended up just putting it back in the tank because it hadn't been doing any harm. I will probably just use it as fish bait when I go fishing, though.
Michael Holmgaard
Michael Holmgaard - 7 years ago
Holy shit that's my fucking nightmare!!!! You can add some Olive Snails and a Boxer Shrimp to keep the population down -I've done that with success :)
Kendall - 7 years ago
You're the best!!
Kreger's Aquariums
Kreger's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Good vid. Good advice. Subbed. Please check out my channel.
jduque5826 - 7 years ago
hey I got this thin elongated worms in my 55 glln tank I didn't put them there, they just grew I guess. should I b worry?
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
jduque5826 Yes. Fucking nuke it.
wombraider091 - 7 years ago
I love watching your videos George..
I hope University is going well and I'll look forward to more as they come
lols - 7 years ago
is that the Busted band logo in the thumbnail lol
A. B.
A. B. - 7 years ago
I didn't c him blink once lol, good info tho!
L.J. - 7 years ago
A. B. Wow, he really didnt! Lol
Kevin Ike
Kevin Ike - 7 years ago
I would like to give my 2 cents on garlic. I believe it works. But only if you catch the ich early. If the ich is bad, it won't help. I believe it helps boost the immune system and as you said, helps entice eating, which also boosts the immune system. Which in turn the fish then can fight the ich naturally. Opinions?
David Simms
David Simms - 7 years ago
Kevin Ike "ick" is a parasite which only lives on the fish for a few days. then it leaves the fish to find a hard surface to attach to where it multiplies over weeks then looks for fish to host again a repeat life cycle. feed w garlic. few days later it looks better. yay (its because parasite left to go multiply) weeks later everyone has "ick" people don't understand what happened because "fish got better" and that something else is to blame. tank transfer method is the cure.
C B - 7 years ago
My bristle worms are larger than most penis', they scare me!
dalkhal - 7 years ago
C B you haven’t seen my cock yet then
Christian Klehm
Christian Klehm - 7 years ago
Carrie Brown •_•
Reefahholic - 7 years ago
Advanced Reefer here. Gotta say....This video is pretty spot on. Good info.
DigtBrain2 - 8 years ago
small tanks are harder to keep for other reasons - take SPS - in a large tank you can not only better stabilize the water chemistry you can only introduce counter-measures (aka fish) against pests like AEFW - in a small tank you are fucked - sure you can try iodine dips but you'll never get all of them out without the help of fish eating them ... and all those fish get much to big for small reefs ....

the same goes for other problems like algae, ...
DigtBrain2 - 8 years ago
not the corals need N and P sources - the symbiotic algae need them to support their host with nutrients in turn
DigniTy - 8 years ago
My guideline for the amount of rock in a tank:
Use as much as you need for the aquascape. If needed, add siporax to the sump.
Jesus Echevarria
Jesus Echevarria - 8 years ago
Nothing new.......anyone who has had a reef tank or any tank for that matter longer than a few years knows these things already. Good info for a newbie though.
DigniTy - 8 years ago
It's funny. In the us they recommend 1 lb of rock per gallon while here in Europe they recommend 1kg of rock per liter. That's like 8 pounds per gallon, lol.
I'll just stick to the US guideline. I'll use about half a pound of pukani rock per gallon in my next tank
DigniTy - 8 years ago
and that is about a pound per gallon.
DigniTy - 8 years ago
Christian Diehl I meant 1 kg per 10 liters indeed, lol. I don't know what I was talking about tbh xD
Christian Diehl
Christian Diehl - 8 years ago
CygniTo In Germany the rule of thumb is one to two kilos per 10 liters. 1 kg per liter would mean 50/50 water and rock roughly
Alex Pruent
Alex Pruent - 8 years ago
Eventually bristleworms do become large. So saying that they're good when they're small, is like saying a small patch of rust on a car is good. Eventually that rust is gonna take over. Just saying at at no point is it good to have them regardless of how much they scavenge
hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 8 years ago
#4 Larger tanks dont necessarily mean larger water changes barely have to do them if your doing it right !
Kathy Lynn Maracle
Kathy Lynn Maracle - 8 years ago
Terrific vid and I agree with the myths. I did fall for the 1 lb rock per gallon one early on ^_^
CheapGuy FishTank
CheapGuy FishTank - 8 years ago
like the reference nice video
badboymarshall - 8 years ago
tap water yes or no
David Simms
David Simms - 7 years ago
badboymarshall NO. GET AN RODI

50. comment for 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

Alexzandria Stormwielder
Alexzandria Stormwielder - 8 years ago
Thank goodness your posting again!Welcome back buddy!
muffemod - 8 years ago
My favorite:
Person 1 - I have algae, help!
Person 2 - Check your phosphate levels using a test.
Person 1 - Zero phosphate detected after testing.
Person 2 - Testing is pointless because the algae is using the phosphate.
Buffy Bait
Buffy Bait - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank. I can see your nipples through your shirt.
mylyingeyes - 8 years ago
I agree with you that the most expensive equipment is not needed. Mostly this hobby is a scam in the retail market. I realize your channel has helped you get free/cheap equipment, I am happy for you. Keep up the good work G.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
I'm planning on setting up a 170 litre marine tank are they hard work or not? am only used to fresh water
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
I run my reef with aN HOB. NO SUMP NO SKIMMER.
Ima Paloma
Ima Paloma - 7 years ago
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 7 years ago
It's fine. All the same
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
MASS Aquariums How is the result? How hard is it against fresh water? Im a fan of fresh water. Afraid saltwater. Well you know, bristle worm thingy. So scary man. Atleast fresh water dont have aliens lurking under substrate.
Kathy Lynn Maracle
Kathy Lynn Maracle - 8 years ago
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
Also, turning off the lights will temporarily stop algae from growing - but not bacteria or fungus. I've had people tell me "oh, you've got too much white slime, turn off your lights!" - white non-photosynthetic organisms don't care about the lights!!!!
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
Another myth is that raising the temperature will cure all disease - this comes from the fact some types of ich will not be able to reproduce above 92*F - but higher temperature will make fungus & bacteria grow faster!
Briana Cripps
Briana Cripps - 7 years ago
if you dont have corals in your tank you can always drop the salinity down to about 10.15. This will kill the disease, but i only recommend doing this in a isolation tank. No need to stress out your unstressed fish BUT those of you saying its cruel to treat this way think about how cruel it is to A. leave a fish with a parasite and B. treat your entire tank and medicate fish/corals that dont need it!! That can cause really harmful effects on your babies.
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
wcdeich4 doesn't kill the disease it just makes the life cycle if ich go quicker so you only need to medicate for 1/2 as long
Justice J. Srisuk
Justice J. Srisuk - 7 years ago
wcdeich4 Do people actually believe that raising your tank's temperature to 92* will stop diseases? That sounds incredibly cruel, like basically slow-simmering your tank's inhabitants to death.
Reefahholic - 7 years ago
Run a reef at 92 F and your coral will die.
Majestic AquariumsTV
Majestic AquariumsTV - 8 years ago
Garlic is said to also improve immune system.
TheDrakenZ - 7 years ago
It doesnt work for me, i eat copious amounts of garlic on the regular and my immune system is shit.
LRanee - 7 years ago
never ever feed it to your dog
Java02 - 7 years ago
Majestic AquariumsTV theories suck. I've gave finely chopped garlic to blue tangs and it helped kick the ick. In two separate occasions
Briana Cripps
Briana Cripps - 7 years ago
fish are not humans, our immune systems/autonomy works entirely different. as far as improving immune system/appetite there are no controlled studies to prove this theory, garlic is unnatural to fish as its not naturally occurring in the ocean. Best way to keep your fish's health in check is to mimic their natural lifestyle as closely as possible.
Tuneless Steak
Tuneless Steak - 8 years ago
It does. I eat it almost everyday and havent been sick for 4 years. If it works for us then it should work for fishes
Majestic AquariumsTV
Majestic AquariumsTV - 8 years ago
Studies suggest it is primarily pheromone and phenol concentration that causes fish to stunt.

More water changes, Polyfilter, bigger tanks are likely to reduce concentrations.
Ralph Pastine
Ralph Pastine - 8 years ago
not being a troll or anything but I think it's hilarious you said that you don't need to spend a ton on equipment...yet you have a radion
on that little was nano cube.....not trolling just busting your balls lol
Random dude
Random dude - 7 years ago
He didn't say you don't need to spend a lot, he said you don't need to get the most expensive equipment to achieve good results. Spending a ton vs spending a gazillion tons is different, isn't it?
Noah S
Noah S - 7 years ago
Mo44 - 8 years ago
readallen - 8 years ago
nope you are wrong.
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 8 years ago
is that an elegance if so how long have you had it
Jermaine Drummonds
Jermaine Drummonds - 8 years ago
Would anything happen if I put aquarium salt (for freshwater fish) in my saltwater aquarium?
Lenny Wiersma
Lenny Wiersma - 8 years ago
Bristle Worms are a gift from whatever aqua devil may exist. I pulled a 15 inch bristle worm out of my tiny 21 gallon tank that devoured everything in sight. It was the most evil thing I've ever seen. Just take them out before they take over the world.
Lenny Wiersma
Lenny Wiersma - 8 years ago
I think you're right. It was a bobbit worm. Thanks!
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 8 years ago
Lenny Wiersma, likely not a bristle worm, fire worm or maybe even a bobbit.
Joe - 8 years ago
like the video but I disagree with the smaller tank is hard to take care of versus a bigger one I've had a 90 125 a 220 gallon saltwater aquariums I just sold my BioCube I don't think I have had to be on top of anything as much as I was that BioCube so I totally disagree I think a smaller body of water the more fluctuations the chemistry's I couldn't even get my magnesium to stay stable and then the other half of the time when I finally got it up there I was trying to stabilize it and I was battling with phosphates I watched another one of your videos on that bacter clean m yeah that stuff was useless absolutely did nothing for me
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
I agree 100% with you here bud.
Greg Baugher
Greg Baugher - 8 years ago
Great video as usual.
Nighthunn - 8 years ago
Hi friend, first of all great channel thnx for all the advice. mi Q is, can I use the Aqueon OptiBright Plus LED light as a beginner for coral tank?
TheCoralReefTalk - 8 years ago
Great video man! Stability is definitely the key to success not necessarily the most expensive equipment. Keep it simple.
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
I've started out in a nano tank and I've found it really easy to care for so now I've listened to what you have said I'm going to find a bigger tank a lot more easier
Jordan Sluzki
Jordan Sluzki - 8 years ago
Please make a video of how to clean your whole tank like skimmer/ rock/ sand/ filter etc.....
DrOfWelshMagic - 8 years ago
I can personally vouch for nearly all of these as being spot on except the last one maybe, but that's only because I haven't had a reef tank long enough to grow a fish out and the tank I do have is just about big enough for a pair of clowns, a 6 line wrasse and a chromis hahaha
Carl S.
Carl S. - 8 years ago
I DM you on instagram
Carl S.
Carl S. - 8 years ago
I got here from taylor nicole dean's chanel
Nick Furloni
Nick Furloni - 8 years ago
Great video George! How about doing a video on your care schedule with a nano tank and maybe other specific recommendations for nano tanks.
ThatGuyWhoTriez 12
ThatGuyWhoTriez 12 - 8 years ago
I used ginger and it worked within 12 hours!
Jan Ryan
Jan Ryan - 8 years ago
Hi George how difficult is it to have just a invertebrate tank? Just want to have some cool colorful shrimps and easy corals.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 8 years ago
Jack Ryan, easy, a simple nano with some softies and cool shrimp are actually great species tanks.
vikinglord13 - 8 years ago
Thank you for keeping up with the videos while still in college.
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 8 years ago
Fight fight oh I see no fighting.
gord oland
gord oland - 8 years ago
I wouldn't fault people for getting rid of bristle worms entirely. Even if you wait till they get large they may have done damage by then. Also, if a bristle worm is only scavenging it can still walk on coral causing damage or crawl along caves where fish sleep and accidentally prick them.
FrancoTash - 8 years ago
yup.. i agree with all these... i make sure a have a some nitrates in my tank to make sure that i have a littlr green hair algae growing.. because my tailspot blenny doesnt like algae sheets.
Kyley's Reefing
Kyley's Reefing - 8 years ago
Awesome video! Good points!
TheWoodPieces - 8 years ago
blink bro
reenii h
reenii h - 7 years ago
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
TheWoodPieces new conspiracy theory, he's a robot
cthomas1026 - 8 years ago
dalkhal - 8 years ago
TheWoodPieces lololol
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Good video George! Hopefully some of the newer hobbyists get to see it! Nice work!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Good one George....
FREDI DIAZ - 8 years ago
Awesome video!!!
But I'm still here for the fight lol
Phil Cusimano
Phil Cusimano - 8 years ago
George, great myth busters! especially on the equipment issue. you can run a successful reef aquarium with less expensive equipment. Just because it a high end, high price piece of equipment doesn't necessary mean it the best.
Inappropriate Reefer
Inappropriate Reefer - 8 years ago
Nice vid George. I definitely fell for the 1# of rock per gallon myth recently, lol.
Zachary Holmes
Zachary Holmes - 8 years ago
Inappropriate Reefer I fell for it too
MrSnowford - 8 years ago
Love your channel George. Totally agree with #1. I have come to the conclusion that I can't keep Zoas because my tank is too clean.......tried so many times and they just melt away.
patrick couch
patrick couch - 8 years ago
you're right on starving out your corals I'm guilty of doing it boy do I have Bristol worms I've had so many bristle worms it look like a Bristol warm fast Bristol worms are good until you stick your hand in there and grab one I wish I was a video aficionado like you I could show you the effects of keeping aquarium to clean it is not good some SPS love it but most Coral don't a high alkalinity in too much light is not good either you could bleach those suckers keep your alkalinity around 7 and you could pour the light on keep it up around 12 too much light you will bleach the top half of your aquarium it's call learning from your mistakes believe you me everybody will make them
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 8 years ago
great video George.
multisturge - 8 years ago
My dad keeps saying its ok to buy fish that grow larger than a tank because it only grows as big as the tank. Well I've seen a full grown Oscar cichlid in a cylinder bio-orb with no décor or substrate. The matter isn't just the size its the fact that it will get to a size in the tank that becomes cruel and unhealthy for the fish (imagine full grown blue regal in a nano), bigger fish means more strain on filtration system too so more maintenance is needed more often. I think what people confuse the myth with britle worms is fire worms because they're similar but more invasive if I remember correctly from forums. My dad has a few britle worms in his nano and they're fine.
Reefers Guide
Reefers Guide - 8 years ago
Well how do make your Nitrates a little higher because mine are always at zero.
caleb bivens
caleb bivens - 8 years ago
Reefers Guide most of the time your test wont pick them up if they are so low read the box it should say
Gb J
Gb J - 8 years ago
Just coming to learn about zero nitrates. Silly question but what would recommend if nitrates are at zero. Stop gfo/carbon, use a skimmer every other day? my tank is fed twice a day and has a number of fish and nitrates and phospates are always zero. my coral growth is very low.
Reefers Guide
Reefers Guide - 8 years ago
mary arroyo
mary arroyo - 8 years ago
Peace George, Nice video. I have to agreed with you about the equipment part mentioned, as I use the very minimal in terms of brand names and equipment, and have success and longevity, still going stronger than ever . Maritza The Vase Reef. Blessings All.
MichaelTalks - 8 years ago
Great job, George!
Mar Snare
Mar Snare - 8 years ago
Great Info Here George, Do you recommend the Hanna Checker for phosphate testing? Have you used this device before? Thanks in advance.
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
question! do clams grow in actinics lightning?

100. comment for 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

Alex Zafi
Alex Zafi - 8 years ago
George... this video made me happy. Keep up the excellent video Manga! (Greek for champ)
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Awesome video bro
Rafael Soriano
Rafael Soriano - 8 years ago
Well said I always thought it was funny when I saw vid of ppl saying garlic cures their fish lol
Java02 - 8 years ago
Rafael Soriano

its not in in the books but chopped raw garlic saved my blue tang. Heck, Thera -A and many other marine goods have garlic.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I agree with what you said on 7. people dog me all the time saying my fish are gonna get huge in a 26 gallon, well they are only gonna grow normal. It's a goldfish tank
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
1:36 I was always told that

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for 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

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Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that...

100,718 likes 65,739,967 views 10 years ago

Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhneeCCBub4 5...

Shark videos

Does Megalodon still exist? Shark Week debunked

59,829 likes 5,084,137 views 10 years ago

Shark Week used to be educational. Now it's filled with fake documentaries about "Megalodon" and "Submarine." Note:...

Raww fishing

Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This...

31,601 likes 1,538,619 views 6 years ago

You can learn more at https://curiositystream.com/smart Stay curious and SUBSCRIBE! ►► http://bit.ly/iotbs_sub ↓↓↓...

Shark videos

Megalodon Monster Killer Shark Still Alive(full...

2,499 likes 860,252 views 10 years ago

Megalodon was a monster prehistoric shark that grew over 60 feet in length and fed on whales. Thank goodness it's...


Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch...

369 likes 82,279 views 6 years ago

Kelly shows why he is the GOAT. Here he is at 46 still ripping in his first run in the Founders Cup at Surf Ranch....


Still aquascaping? Gorillas and tigers in a 2 m...

70 likes 16,093 views 11 years ago

A planted 2 m aquarium is decorated with tigers and gorillas. More residents are scalars and jewel tetra...

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About 7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!

The "7 Reef Tank MYTHS - That You Still Believe!" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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