80 Gallon Reef Tank - George´s Reef back in 2008

80 Gallon Reef Tank (one year old), with lots of soft corals, some LPS and fishes. George´s Reef . Animals list: Yellow tang, Blue tang, ocellaris clownfish, fire fish goby, diamond goby, Engineer Goby, mandarim goby, midas blenny, bicolor blenny, Melanuros Wrasse, Sixline Wrasse, Equetus Lanceolatus, Royal Gramma, Longnose Hawkfish, Bubble Tip Anemone. Lots of updated fotos of my reef in instagram.com/george.reef Video Recorded in OCT 2008 by George Costa. Reef enthusiast since 2007. Many Thanks for all viewers and followers.

80 Gallon Reef Tank - George´s Reef back in 2008 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Reef tank 16 years ago 244,536 views

80 Gallon Reef Tank (one year old), with lots of soft corals, some LPS and fishes. George´s Reef . Animals list: Yellow tang, Blue tang, ocellaris clownfish, fire fish goby, diamond goby, Engineer Goby, mandarim goby, midas blenny, bicolor blenny, Melanuros Wrasse, Sixline Wrasse, Equetus Lanceolatus, Royal Gramma, Longnose Hawkfish, Bubble Tip Anemone. Lots of updated fotos of my reef in instagram.com/george.reef Video Recorded in OCT 2008 by George Costa. Reef enthusiast since 2007. Many Thanks for all viewers and followers.

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Most popular comments
for 80 Gallon Reef Tank - George´s Reef back in 2008

Mariposa Farfan
Mariposa Farfan - 7 years ago
the jacknife fish didn t bother your corals??
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
Hey Everybody !!! Updated video from the Reef -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB62f-XjVWA
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
Getting Ready to Upload a new video of my reef, that is older (8 Years and counting) and much improved !!!...
Preparando para fazer o upload de um novo video do meu aquario que esta bem diferente , com 8 anos !!!...
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
Updated video from the Reef -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB62f-XjVWA
Ben Fuller
Ben Fuller - 9 years ago
I see. I'm glad there in a bigger home. So many vids on here have big fish in small homes and never get moved to bigger tank.
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
Well yes i had too many fish, when they grew big i had to move them to a bigger home, some of them i sold to other reef enthusiasts with bigger aquariums. Most of the success i had on the beginning is due to the placement of the rock work that provides plenty of hiding spaces so that fish can establish their territory.
Ben Fuller
Ben Fuller - 9 years ago
Personally I think he has far to many big fish that are to big for that tank.

I'm starting my first reef tank soon and on forums I got flamed coz I wanted to put a regal tang or yellow tang in a 65 us gallon tank
Calilasseia - 10 years ago
That High Hat is going to grow BIG. It'll need a lot more than 80 gallons just to itself once it starts piling on body mass.
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
+Calilasseia I sold him one year after the video was recorded. He was very big for my aquarium and unfortunately i had to move him out.
gabriel batistote
gabriel batistote - 10 years ago
esse aquario  tem 80 litros?
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
+gabriel batistote
Ele tem 300 litros de display, equivalente a 80 galões.
Pierre Maranhão
Pierre Maranhão - 9 years ago
Não. 80 gallons equivale a 300 Litros.
courtney patterson
courtney patterson - 10 years ago
Wow that's so amazing.

10. comment for 80 Gallon Reef Tank - George´s Reef back in 2008

Raphael Brás Ferreira
Raphael Brás Ferreira - 10 years ago
Amazing reef dude. one year and all that, very amazing
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
+Raphael Brás Ferreira Thanks !!!
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
+Raphael Brás Ferreira Thanks ! I am getting ready to upload a new video of the reef , 8 years old now, much different. The rockwork is still the same but now i have loads of anemones and other corals , and less fish .
dvdfrnzwbr - 11 years ago
B E A U T I F U L ! ! ! ! ! ! !
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
+dvdfrnzwbr Thanks!!!
George Costa
George Costa - 9 years ago
+dvdfrnzwbr Thanks !!! Check my updates!
magicstix0r - 11 years ago
Must be really annoying to have your clowns hosting everything EXCEPT your BTA...
Vish Ramamurthy
Vish Ramamurthy - 11 years ago
daniel the man
daniel the man - 11 years ago
its not an eel its a convict blenny-they are well cool
Irosh Bandara
Irosh Bandara - 12 years ago
awesome tank mate.... How do you keep live rock together? How do you build arches?
Melissa Legere
Melissa Legere - 12 years ago
please view my tang video need help, its my first tang :-)
tangtank17 - 12 years ago
That is an engineer goby
Biggie Big
Biggie Big - 12 years ago
Mate please tell me the type of eel you have at 1.10. I really love your tank and with the music makes me want to upgreade my 24G /90L Tank. That eel looks awesome
Rory Carolan
Rory Carolan - 12 years ago
classsssssssssssssssssssssss tank i just got a new marine tank for xmas do u have a moray eel

20. comment for 80 Gallon Reef Tank - George´s Reef back in 2008

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers - 12 years ago
My 4 year old 2 year old like this clip. Thanks for posting. :)
Biggie Big
Biggie Big - 12 years ago
At 1.10 What type of eel is that? Can you pls give me the full name as I want to see if it will go well with my fish. Thanks
AquariumsbyZero - 12 years ago
Great Looking tank
Cross-Fitness Training
Cross-Fitness Training - 12 years ago
Manal Ali Equine Art & Photography
Manal Ali Equine Art & Photography - 12 years ago
Goooooorgeous tank.. love your fish collection
Rapscallion - 12 years ago
Okay... how can i end up here... I must quit smoking weed .
jacob shapiro
jacob shapiro - 12 years ago
Lolaya - 12 years ago
I hope so as well haha
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
this music is so sick !
Lolaya - 12 years ago

30. comment for 80 Gallon Reef Tank - George´s Reef back in 2008

Andrew Hakim
Andrew Hakim - 12 years ago
That is the coolest tank i have ever seen!
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 12 years ago
love your aquascape!!!
Γιάννης Μαυροπουλος
Γιάννης Μαυροπουλος - 12 years ago
Jason Adrian
Jason Adrian - 12 years ago
How much does it cost to put a tank like this together without fish?
joe 53
joe 53 - 12 years ago
dinner looks good
mashedpatatos2000 - 12 years ago
what type of lights do you have because if you have good lights you could put some SPS in there and make it look better, GREAT TANK
SlippityDoo - 12 years ago
They're not plants, they're corals. And yes, corals are alive..
Basard100 - 12 years ago
needs more hermit crabs footage!
minajaguar photography
minajaguar photography - 12 years ago
What is the maintinance you doing ??
oscarcr80 - 12 years ago
Someday I´ll have an aquarium like that.
smilelml789 - 13 years ago
Tang police!!!
zappyitaliano - 13 years ago
what is the black and white spotted eel like fish at 1.10?
grroselli1 - 13 years ago
O-o OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zoë schneck
zoë schneck - 13 years ago
Is it me, or does it look like these are all of the fish from Finding Nemo?
WWpictures100 - 13 years ago
Inpressive aquascaping
Mr Cobs Corals
Mr Cobs Corals - 13 years ago
nice aquascape....great job
ReedN70 - 13 years ago
i have a 75 gallon reef tank, and its a pain, i have a Dragon Mandarin which is absolutly stunning. usually Dragon Madarins dont like to be out in the day, but mine loves it!. but i have to do a 25% water change every week due to the Ammonia levels and Carbonite in my water, it gets a little high at some times, but its not doing quite as much as it is floruishing
morino69 - 13 years ago
wow! nice tank!!...makes me want to go back to reefing, it looks realy good!
swiss chard
swiss chard - 13 years ago
what kind of fish is the purple... and what is the yellow
yowzee - 14 years ago
My cat's eyes were glued to the unfolding drama of fish-swim. You took us into the world of aquarium fish. If I had to live in an aquarium, I would sure want it to be like this one. PS - You should add "cat movie" to the search tags. I bet other surfing cats would like to see this!

50. comment for 80 Gallon Reef Tank - George´s Reef back in 2008

Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 14 years ago
@edward1234u engineer goby not an eel!
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 14 years ago
@GCosta8 do you think a radiant wrasse,2 helfrichi firefish,3 pj cardinalfish,1 hifin red banded goby,and 1 dusky jawfish can go in a 75 gallon reef tank?
soulskyela - 14 years ago
and i just noticed you have those claw shrimp things. I had one of those and it tried to grab my blue tang and sailfin. It also did damage to their fins=( which was really bad. I was wondering are those shrimps with claws supposed to do that? or did i just got a agressive one.
joelcube - 14 years ago
amazing aquascaping :)
dellovad - 14 years ago
@soccerrox94 not true, species classified as endangered are not legal for sale in the US, not even sure they are listed on the 'threatened' list btw, nice tank Costa
kmyymk2 - 14 years ago
Finding nemo part 2
tojsiab11 - 14 years ago
you have a very beautiful salt water fish tank. I very like it.
Huzaidi Rubin
Huzaidi Rubin - 14 years ago
This is a very nice marine aquarium. I already starting with my 20 gallon tank. At the first time is hard to keep it maintain and still learning about marine fish but from time to time it become easy and relaxing to watch.
Singularity28 - 14 years ago
Props on the epic tank. I'll be upgrading from a 20g to a 75g-100g in a couple months. So an 80g is good enough for Tangs? I hear its recomended that they have 100+ gallons.. So have you had any problems??? And also has your Hawkfish killed or attacked any of your inverts?? Cuz thats a fish Id really love to have!
cmanclan101 - 14 years ago
did you buy the corals and anenomies large? because mine arent that big and i've had them growing for about a year
Ryan Jackson
Ryan Jackson - 14 years ago
@ceichas1 pulsing zenia
strayrex - 15 years ago
nice tank you got there lots going off 5 stars from me
MTU - 15 years ago
Omg, i´ve seen those fish, but its the first time i see all in same tank! They look awesome! Congratulations on ur tank! its very beautiful!
SKExotics - 15 years ago
i like the engineer gobies. A pair is cool.
George Costa
George Costa - 15 years ago
Yep is a Hi-hat ! "Equetus Lanceolatus"
George Costa
George Costa - 15 years ago
Well i try to do 30% water changes once after two months. I clean my pumps skimmer once a month. And scrape algae from the aquarium glass at least once a weak , but that is easy with my MAG-FLOAT. I feed my fish twice a day. I have an aqua-c remora pro skimmer and i run my system sump less. I am planning an upgrade adding a sump with an overflow and a reef octopus recirculating skimmer. Than i will make new videos !!
George Costa
George Costa - 15 years ago
I know that... But if you look and think in another way , I am giving my fish the best life possible and, i'm preserving the species mimicing his natural habitat and with aboundance of food.
George Costa
George Costa - 15 years ago
Sure :) I Have mostly softys and lps Softys-> Green star polyps Yellow Polyps Kenya Tree Mushrooms ( Giant , spotted, green hairy, purple hairy) Ricordea Florida (Purple, Green) Zoanthus (Red , Green) Pulsing Xenia Pink Pulsing Xenia Giant (golden) Yellow polyps Lps-> Sun Coral Hammer super green coral 3 hybrid Frog and hammer corals green tips Green Trumpet coral
swaybar_ - 15 years ago
Djuma Soundsystem- Les Djinns (Trentemoller Remix)
Abdulla Al Mehairi
Abdulla Al Mehairi - 15 years ago
lovely tank and also nice music can you tell me from which album is this music
George Costa
George Costa - 15 years ago
Well its a lottery . Some of them eat and some dont . But if i were you give him lots of food , like nori (japanese sushi dried algae) , spinach , lettuce , and spirulina flakes. If you give him lots of food he will bug off your corals !
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
Its an Engineer Goby
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
They are all tank raised , and i bought them very small and they were always together. Until now no bad fights.
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
Yep i know that and i plan to sell some fishes later to buy some more corals.
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
They are all tank raised , and i bought them very small and they were always together. Until now no bad fights.
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
Thank you very much
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
Its an Engineer Goby
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
Tanks !
q7w7e7r7t7y7u7i7o7p - 16 years ago
love the baby eels!
FARM BOY REEF - 16 years ago
looks great..5/5
climid - 16 years ago
hard to tell, thier my dads but im pretty sure his ocelars clownfish is tank bred but then again the damsel was aggresive by nature. not sure about the clarks clownfish
climid - 16 years ago
lovely tank, usually it would seem this tank would be a bit overstocked for territory but if they all get along. ive had trouble getting clownfish not to be territorial, yours seem very friendly. very nice tank, 9/10
George Costa
George Costa - 16 years ago
Thanks! I bought the rocks litle by litle. And i tried to buy the right rocks that would fit and attach the way i wanted. I rearanged the rocks many times. With with lots and lots of patience and frustration sometimes (when the rocks fell of, heheh). And sometimes working for 6 hours straigt through the night to arrange the perfect fit. Now every thing is in order with the rocks placed regarding their weight, with the right pressure points, and then all is attached together with no glue !!!

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