90 gal. Reef Tank Canopy Build

Hey everyone, I decided to build a canopy for my 90 gal tank. It has a detachable front for access and is 10" tall. Let me know what you think...

90 gal. Reef Tank Canopy Build sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

Reef tank 12 years ago 109,868 views

Hey everyone, I decided to build a canopy for my 90 gal tank. It has a detachable front for access and is 10" tall. Let me know what you think...

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Most popular comments
for 90 gal. Reef Tank Canopy Build

dhk227 - 7 years ago
I just built this stand and now starting the canopy.  Thanks!
JGO - 7 years ago
Very nice!
James Harden
James Harden - 7 years ago
So how do u light the tank with the canopy
CUSH KARLSON - 8 years ago
Great video
Simon Perks
Simon Perks - 8 years ago
Hello my name is Emma and I have a 3 n half foot fish tank with gold fish and just lately I've lost a few and my others are taking longer to recover they still lye at the bottom of the tank I was just wondering if you could tell me what sort of water treatments would be good to treat them and what sort of food you gave your goldfish. thank you x
CUSH KARLSON - 8 years ago
Simon Perks there's so much to it that you have to be passionate and dedicated so your aquatic habitat is confortable
CUSH KARLSON - 8 years ago
Simon Perks: goldfish requires minimum 20 gallons because they grow quick and very big. Water change is every week; mostly on weekends which is my routine. 25% but I buy polar spring water for my fish so I don't have to worry about chlorine as much.
I have a prime that I use for the water
Jim Clynes
Jim Clynes - 8 years ago
Great information. I am duplicating the build as we speak for my new 120 gallon deep blue reef. thanks.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 8 years ago
Hey, Troy, any updates?
Thanks, man.
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 8 years ago
smart design. that's how i built my stand. i have a fake front panel. instead of doors
Joe Ortega
Joe Ortega - 8 years ago
Troy, great job! Is this canopy still in use? Would you make any changes to the current design, I like that its open on back and top. I'm thinking of replicating the concept, I have glass lids native for the tank, but wanting the canopy look. please reply.

10. comment for 90 gal. Reef Tank Canopy Build

Weblife London
Weblife London - 8 years ago
Nice design!
hottaznmalexy - 8 years ago
how did you contruct the panels.. not sure how to do it
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 8 years ago
Directelements - 8 years ago
Master please do a step by step video to show us noobs how it make 1
Directelements - 8 years ago
Juan Vazquez
Juan Vazquez - 8 years ago
what kind of fish did you ended up with?
Glenn King
Glenn King - 8 years ago
how much do the canopy weight?
DaddyFatSackz - 9 years ago
Would love one of these over my 55g, would you be able to provide your measurements of the wood so I could do one similar? Thanks!
Ryan Cooper
Ryan Cooper - 9 years ago
i spary paint the insides of my canopies with several coats of white appliance epoxy. im using your basic plans only 18" tall.
Scott Watson
Scott Watson - 9 years ago
Very nice canopy...

20. comment for 90 gal. Reef Tank Canopy Build

joel D
joel D - 10 years ago
Very nice ....love the canopy how did you make the panels ?
ROBERT CAMMARATA - 10 years ago
What I think is; You did a very nice clean job. I am planning on doing something like this and your video help me to go for it. Thanks.
tommieny1 - 10 years ago
love the magnets ... awesome job
Brian Z
Brian Z - 10 years ago
This video is from 2 years ago I am assuming by now you have sold this whole set up for a huge loss as most aquarium owners do?
muffemod - 7 years ago
chip turd
chip turd - 8 years ago
Brian Z shit a fag would say ^^^^^^^
Todd Hayslett
Todd Hayslett - 8 years ago
Yep. You wouldn't believe what I just picked up from craigslist. About $500 worth of tank and accessories for $50....craigslist is the true hobbyists best friend.
Jimi182 - 10 years ago
Not everyone sells their set up. I have a 125 that I built a stand and canopy for in 1994 with a diy wet dry filter supporting life to a fire eel that is now 17 years old. I also have a 210 reef that I set up in 2002. So I would say a true hobbyist buys used aquariums from people that do not understand the natural nitrogen cycle.  
Robert LaFlure
Robert LaFlure - 10 years ago
I love the build Troy. Your idea for the canopy, inspired me to make a canopy for my own tank that turned out very similar to yours. Thank you for sharing the knowledge man! If you want to see how mine turned out please feel free to "Google" "Monster reef tank stand 6" and check it out on YouTube!
fishermanroly - 10 years ago
Gary Bates
Gary Bates - 10 years ago
Great looking front panel!!! Magnet latches in place of hinges is a great idea. 
I think I will do the same kind of canopy for my 90 gal with Rapid Led 20 x 6 inch LED
DIY fixtures and STORM controller. Thanks for posting.
CCWSig - 10 years ago
I really like the whole front panel coming off. I had never thought of that. My next one I think I will incorporate that, much easier than trying to figure out hinges and doors that never seal and bleed light out. Thanks for posting!
SXS Trails
SXS Trails - 10 years ago
The panels look great!
Adam Middleton
Adam Middleton - 11 years ago
Hey, love your tank, I have a 4foot x 2 foot x 2 foot, and love to do the same as that, you wouldn't still have the plans to that hood, naturally I can adopt slitly different dimensions, but it looks very impressive
ReefGeekTV - 11 years ago
Sorry, I haven't created any specific plans for the canopy at this point, but I do have plans on the stand if you are interested just private message me and I will send them to you.

30. comment for 90 gal. Reef Tank Canopy Build

MrJimmy640 - 11 years ago
I like it
brian singleton
brian singleton - 11 years ago
great job looks great 
Jon71586 - 11 years ago
do you have any drawings for the stand and canopy
Jon71586 - 11 years ago
really cool i think im going to build the same exact one.  I am thinking of doing mine about 14-18 inches because currently my leds are haning about 18 inches and I had issues when they were sitting at 10-12 inches.  Plus this will be great because my wife doesnt like the entire room having a purplish blue hue to it haha
Blackbookproduct10ns - 11 years ago
have you had any issues witth condensation with the closed top?
ttnguyen98 - 8 years ago
ReefGeekTV f
ReefGeekTV - 11 years ago
Actually, I left the top open and built in some rails to mount my light fixtures to.  here is a link to the video that covers the light fixture installation if you are interested: http://youtu.be/OzxgmZAbGJg
paul gallimore
paul gallimore - 11 years ago
nice mate ive had one made with 3 doors on front
ReefGeekTV - 11 years ago
Yep, just to ensure the wood didn't split.
Mega tron
Mega tron - 11 years ago
did you predrill the screw holes? nice job!
rich andy
rich andy - 11 years ago
Very nice. Thank you for the video.
ReefGeekTV - 12 years ago
Thanks!, I used "BEHR Self-Priming Interior Satin Enamel - Black" paint and rolled it on with a foam roller the type that has a rounded end, you should be able to find them at a local hardware store. If you search Home Depot's site for Foam roller you will see an example of what I used.
ReefGeekTV - 12 years ago
I routed a groove on one end of both the vertical and horizontal pieces of the frame and the 1/4" plywood slides into that groove. I think that I will do a quick vid on the construction to show what I mean.
ReefGeekTV - 12 years ago
The 90 gal. build is slowly progressing, but I still have the Radions as my top choice in lighting at that price-point. Unfortunately those fixtures will be the last thing to purchase and aren't cheap...:(
ReefGeekTV - 12 years ago
Sorry for falling off the face of the Earth... The panels are all Pine, since it is cheaper and I was planning on painting them.
ReefGeekTV - 12 years ago
If you view my vid on the stand frame construction is shows the means of connecting the horizontal and vertical pieces of the stand, which is the same process that I used when creating the panels for this canopy. I have had a couple requests to create a vid on the stand's doors, which are constructed the same. I should have the vid ready in a couple days.
chensler68 - 12 years ago
i'm building a stand and canopy for a 55gal tank and your canopy is nice, been surfin youtube for ideas and yours is the cleanest and most convenient. Very nice, preciate you sharing.
Wong Woo
Wong Woo - 12 years ago
how did you connect your horizontal and vertical trims to your maple panel? Great Canopy
aquaticnut86 - 12 years ago
Awesome stand and canopy they are going to help me a lot when I build mine this weekend
tia smalls
tia smalls - 12 years ago
did u die?
Chad Schneider
Chad Schneider - 12 years ago
How exactly is the center plywood asphyxiated to pine trim? Is it just glued on?
chris155hp - 12 years ago

50. comment for 90 gal. Reef Tank Canopy Build

Dean B
Dean B - 12 years ago
Thumbs up...following! .....looking foward to updates
izshocker1 - 12 years ago
Any update on the build? In the process of doing a 90 gallon build. I really like the stand and definitely using your ideas for my stand,
bikeboss11 - 12 years ago
Great build man..... I am actually in the process of build one for my 120 gallon thank.... It is nice to actually c how mines would look wen i am done..... Green thumbs
ReefGeekTV - 12 years ago
Thanks, the frame for the panels is pine 1x3 (vertical pieces) and 1x4 (horizontal pieces) and the center piece is maple 1/4" plywood that I had left over from the stand. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Jcutt08 - 12 years ago
What kind of wood are you using for the front and sides panels? Looks great
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
very nice , i like it. Good job

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