90g Reef Tank Closeup Tour - Best Furniture In The House Guaranteed!

90g reef aquarium (48" X 18" X 25") closeup tour. The absolute best piece of furniture In my home. By newyorksteelo. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Newyorksteelo-Saltwater-Reef-Aquariums/310232612338098

90g Reef Tank Closeup Tour - Best Furniture In The House Guaranteed! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Reef tank 13 years ago 28,957 views

90g reef aquarium (48" X 18" X 25") closeup tour. The absolute best piece of furniture In my home. By newyorksteelo. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Newyorksteelo-Saltwater-Reef-Aquariums/310232612338098

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Most popular comments
for 90g Reef Tank Closeup Tour - Best Furniture In The House Guaranteed!

bobbonecrusher - 11 years ago
is the staghorn coral part of the millepora group
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Both are considered a subspecies of Acropora Coral.
Jack .Stravinsky
Jack .Stravinsky - 11 years ago
Do you have a video where you go over your equipment in detail?
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
I cover all equipment and also individually review them on several of my videos. If you start out with my 90g built process videos from day 1 and work your way up, everything is covered there.
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Its a matter of preference. Some will say Brackish water or freshwater is best, but the beauty and challenge of marine aquarium keeping is what makes it the absolute best in my personal opinion :)
unyeah - 11 years ago
ive watched all your videos... twice. i want to get into the hobby, its just money thats the issue :(
Reef N Stuff
Reef N Stuff - 11 years ago
what is the big green tree like coral way to the right?
theogdil - 12 years ago
Some guy is selling cheap coral colonies. His temperature reached 98 ad many does but he Says he thinks gsp and clove with leather made it. Can't afford to loose money so what do u think? Is there a high percentage these corals can survive after these conditions....
theogdil - 12 years ago
I found a guy trying to sell coral and who do I turn to for advice? An expert! This guy is breaking down his huge tanks because his temperature reached 98 and most coral died like sps. He says some like clove polyps and green star polyps have made it and is offering 12 inch colonies at 35 dollars. Also claims to have a leather and acans he thinks are fine and the blastos are dead. I can't afford to loose money, so what do you think? Can some of these harder corals not have been affected?
13east13raly - 12 years ago
So enthusiastic with what you do, so many great tips for a beginner like me and so courteous to all of us newbies, you're awesome keep up the great work!!!
13east13raly - 12 years ago
Your videos are great so many tips for a beginner like me and you're so enthusiastic about what you do! Keep on being great

10. comment for 90g Reef Tank Closeup Tour - Best Furniture In The House Guaranteed!

gmosull - 12 years ago
get more fish
Danny Trevino
Danny Trevino - 13 years ago
What is that coral at the bottom center of your aquarium?
Danny Trevino
Danny Trevino - 13 years ago
What is that coral at the bottom center of the tank on the sandbed? It looks flouresent green with brownish "tentacles"
Mark D
Mark D - 13 years ago
I have been building and maintaining aquariums for many years now and I have still learned several things by watching your videos. I urge anyone who is thinking of setting up an aquarium to watch this mans videos. He is one of the very few that has really done his homework. Keep up the great work steelo and thank you !
Yanaphat Damri
Yanaphat Damri - 13 years ago
very good
dm002a8686 - 13 years ago
Hello buddy how high do you have your mp40 . Just I have added hammer head touch coral and I have read they they don't like high flow mines about two feet away from mp40 and about six inches lower . ??? Got it set on 50% now to long pulse mode.
SuperMandy73 - 13 years ago
good, very nice
SuperMandy73 - 13 years ago
where are the fishies ...
DS Loop
DS Loop - 13 years ago
Ok thanks, And btw ive already watched like 3/4 of your vids and youve taught me alot :D Thanks!!!
DS Loop
DS Loop - 13 years ago
How do you keep the surface of your sandbed so clean. Most ppl say you need a large clean up crew to maintain one. Is it cause you only have 2 small fish that you dont have to feed much and they dont poop much?

20. comment for 90g Reef Tank Closeup Tour - Best Furniture In The House Guaranteed!

Nick Bradley
Nick Bradley - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo would you take a look at my vid first one so bare with me I can't seem to get my heat down don't know what I'm doing wrong !! Help
garnelenheike - 13 years ago
beautifull tank and fishes !!!
319PurpleHaze - 13 years ago
/watch?v=sllZqyhlXQM please let me know vat is this , these bugs come out only in the night . is this good or bad for my reef tank ????
Benny J
Benny J - 13 years ago
gidday mate, i had an ice fire echinata at my work the other day that was the size of my hand sold for about 69 bucks
fishdude3213 - 13 years ago
Is there going to be a update soon?
V12Di3seL - 13 years ago
Man newyorksteelo you have such a busy schedule, you must be stressed as hell. You need to take a chill pill at some point lol. Oh and nice article on the chiller, love reading ur stuff. Anyways i hope you manage to solve your pc issue and bring out the video soon. Good luck and God bless:)
Steve Burt
Steve Burt - 13 years ago
Hey Steezy I ain't hollered at you in a minute cause you was busy but God is good and I still been peeping the moves. Congratulations I respect your conglomerate and look at you now getting paper. I know but it's coming soon big ups son Ps No homo:) lol! Oh yea blessing to all.
killadaza - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo yeah thats what im worried about ive been slowly building a 60 gal tank but it not ready for me to transfer corals over and yeah its that bad but hte little buggers started on the glass behind a rock so i didnt see them untill they had spread onto the rock.i might try the peppermint shrimp first and see how they go just worried that my coral bannded shrimp will eat them.if you want ill try and upload a couple of pics. as always man thanx for everything.
killadaza - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo thanx man ill give it a whrill,what about the ones that are on my glass?
killadaza - 13 years ago
hay buddy website looks great,mate ive hit a bit off a wall with glass anemones there poping up everywhere now im looking into geting some pepermint shrimp just wondering what your thoughts are.the only thing im concerened about them is that if they eat glass anemones what else do they eat if you can help would be great. many thanx daz...

30. comment for 90g Reef Tank Closeup Tour - Best Furniture In The House Guaranteed!

BigNastyreborn - 13 years ago
hey steelo can u do an update on your 29 gallon
Javier Solorzano
Javier Solorzano - 13 years ago
Hey bro I bought a toadstool coral as my first coral and I don't think it's doing so good. Can u take a look at my last video and let me know how I can help the coral survive.
Anthony Phelps
Anthony Phelps - 13 years ago
Awesome vids man absolutely love them. Jonesing for the next vid already.
V12Di3seL - 13 years ago
Congratulations on the website newyorksteelo :) its looking great and your first article was a great read. I have no doubt that you will keep up the great work and expand your website. My hat is off to you and I look forward to any updates.
CrazyFishFreak - 13 years ago
Hey brotha what type of corals are best to get for a beginner
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
Hey NYS...I just uploaded a new clip of the finished product in day light, so u can actually see it...
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
Joshua Jurgens
Joshua Jurgens - 13 years ago
Just wondering one of my buddies say you have to use a 10 k bulb in a reef tank I was wondering what does a 10 k bulb do in a reef tank
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo I'd never remove my 2 center braces (if that's what u were thinking I was doing). I had these 3 Black Lexan pieces cut to sit where my glass tops currently sit... all I have to do now is cut a rectangular piece out of the center of each sheet -less light blockage -open top tank -keep down salt-creep/splashing -etc.
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
Hi NYS...I upload a video of my DIY Euro-Bracing Black Lexan pieces...they fit like a glove! I just have to decide how much to cut out of the center...can u please give me ur opinion?
THROWER67 - 13 years ago
I know you have a life nysteelo but im like a crack fiend waiting on your next video!! My tank looks 100x healthier since i started watching your videos!!
DreamReefer UK
DreamReefer UK - 13 years ago
Hi steelo I'm thinking of using miracle mud instead of a DSB in my new sump, what's your view on the mud over a DSB??
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 13 years ago
Hello, now that I have also ventured into SPS corals, I am wondering how to keep the polyps open and extended all the time. When I first placed them the polyps were out, after a day or so, they come out every now and then. Is there something that I should be doing? Feeding? Adding? Are they still considered healthy if they don't extend?
fadifanous - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo No I was wondering if you know of a calculator that will help me reduce the salinity in my tank safely and tell me how much new water to put at a lower salinity. I am at 1.027 right now, which I think is a little high.
DreamReefer UK
DreamReefer UK - 13 years ago
I've just moved my tank (what a job that was) ready for my new 140 gal with sump. Watching your new upgrade vids made me make the plunge :)!!!
siloex - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo I agree with that video request. I think it would definitely further enhance understanding between T5 PAR measurements and HQI. You could maybe measure both the 30 and 90...
siloex - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo awesome idea with the website man.
siloex - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo lol he son'd u...
CrazyFishFreak - 13 years ago
thanks bro really appreciate it
CrazyFishFreak - 13 years ago
Bro quick Q if my tank water evaporated do I refill it with fresh water or salt water thanx

50. comment for 90g Reef Tank Closeup Tour - Best Furniture In The House Guaranteed!

dylan kleinman
dylan kleinman - 13 years ago
But what do u think about the coral
gmoney1961 - 13 years ago
Sweet.......I know it's so nice to come home to something that's so damn relaxing....beautiful system.....
ray671984 - 13 years ago
awsome tank :)
dylan kleinman
dylan kleinman - 13 years ago
Hey im gunna post a video just for u. I need some help with my corals. Be great if u watched.
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 13 years ago
Love the aqascape on tank. Keep it coming bro!
Colby Venancio
Colby Venancio - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo found it! thanx
edwin joseph Quejada
edwin joseph Quejada - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo GREAT !!!!! THANKS !!!
bksdiesel76 - 13 years ago
Good Morning! BE-UTE-E-FULL tank NYS. Looks like your tank is coming along. Looking forward to hearing more of your Kanowledge. My sytem is coming along, but you know how slow the process is and how expensive it is. All my success goes to you Steelo, thanks for putting up such an awesome channel.
Colby Venancio
Colby Venancio - 13 years ago
awesome tank bud! What do you use for Ca & Alk?! thanks and look forward to your next video!
DreamReefer UK
DreamReefer UK - 13 years ago
Looking awesome!!! Coming along nice.
trackwalker - 13 years ago
Absolute best piece of furniture I agree. Awesome system !
fadifanous - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo hey steelo, I have a small purple lobster in my tank. He is still quite small and not aggressive. Do you recommend me keeping it? And if so for how long?
nick newman
nick newman - 13 years ago
Looking good! Gonna put up my 90 soon and make some videos.
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 13 years ago
Bomb man!
V12Di3seL - 13 years ago
Lovin ur system, ur tanks beautiful. Nikey must be so happy :)
Jeffery Garcia
Jeffery Garcia - 13 years ago
I would have to say that this is one of the best aquariums i seen so far it looks really nice keep it up steelo.
canvoodoo - 13 years ago
hello to all yutubers
canvoodoo - 13 years ago
bang tidy
Tashina Aubel
Tashina Aubel - 13 years ago
Tank looks good steelo. I recently jus got another acan and Is looking good . Corals very addicting I am now finding out otherwise ur tank is amazing kid. Keep it up
djdoggiedog - 13 years ago
The Tank looks great steelo, Wow you have lots of corals. It really looks good.
Frank Vadala
Frank Vadala - 13 years ago
Tank looks BANGIN!!!
dougnight44 - 13 years ago
thumbs up steelo
ReefCollege - 13 years ago
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 13 years ago
that toadstool is growing
killadaza - 13 years ago
hay buddy got a quick question for you,what do you do for calcium?if you can give me what you do products ect.. without having the cal reactor. many thanx dazz..
moneymarkj - 13 years ago
I remember you saying something about adding fish in a past video, but are you gunna add more in the future?
johnnykat21 - 13 years ago
Looks amazing as usual..what halides do you run again,I know HQI but what k..I was thinking of changing to phoenix 14k or iwasaki 20k..both 175 watt..watcha think..or talk the wife in to full LED`s..lol..
darryl darden
darryl darden - 13 years ago
Any plans on adding more fish or do you want your tank to be dominated by corals?
cf1822003 - 13 years ago
envy is a sin, but i just can't help it but to be envious of you. forgive me. great video as always.
killadaza - 13 years ago
looking great man a website would be pretty awesome look forward to it......
Kevin Avilés
Kevin Avilés - 13 years ago
Looks great my friend and is a good idea that in the future you make a website hahah! Do you feed your corals or you are letting the Miracle Mud do his job? Take Care !!!
Mopar32985 - 13 years ago
Once again man tank looks great would love to find me some of that blue sponge
fadifanous - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo I like that you are proactive with your subscribers. I dont think that I have ever asked you a question without getting a response. Please keep up the responses even when you get a larger subscriber base!
fadifanous - 13 years ago
WOW! Good job steelo that is a nice reef!
Joseph DeFinis
Joseph DeFinis - 13 years ago
amazing tank, its incredible how far you have come from watching "DIY Refugium Part 1" to now, absolutely breathtaking:)
precise262 - 13 years ago
good job son ! tank is looking amazing , i am still working on mines ;)
UstadZed - 13 years ago
what can i say....looks awesome.. and LOL to the camera lens that makes the only sound in the video along with your pumps...are you breathing?
Moody’s BBQ
Moody’s BBQ - 13 years ago
Got a question what's a good vendor to buy a 90 gallon aquarium also what light fixture do u use
Moody’s BBQ
Moody’s BBQ - 13 years ago
Looks great man
Jeff Hirsch
Jeff Hirsch - 13 years ago
first view and comment ...love the videos

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