935 lt reef tank

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Most popular comments
for 935 lt reef tank

ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank!
Kenny Johnson
Kenny Johnson - 8 years ago
It's Beautiful.... I hope my first try at reef keeping is a success as I begin tomorrow on starting a 29 gal bio cube and also a 75 + 55 asap as well.... been into the saltwater fish for years with very little gear...... but have spent several hundred dollars in gear preparing for the upcoming reef tanks.... even have a 40 breeder tank I plan to start up as a frag only tank...... very addicting hobby as corals are the most beautiful living things on Earth beside our sweet female companions...... What size and type of lighting is required on a 55 + 75 gal to be able to grown corals as you have achieved? I have a couple 165w full spec led lamps avail. was going to use both on a 55 or could work same on a 75 .... Dunno what lamp the 40 breeder needs for excellent frag growth?
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 9 years ago
Hi , name of the song please !
Adam Golden
Adam Golden - 9 years ago
+Freddy Delgado It's in the description.
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 10 years ago
I love ur pink birdnest!
Zoran Milo
Zoran Milo - 11 years ago
It only eats my euphylia glabrescent at all ! Tomentosus makes more damages than imperator ;)
fabio nesci
fabio nesci - 11 years ago
pomacanthus imperator eat a lot of corals SPS and LPS!!!!
Zoran Milo
Zoran Milo - 11 years ago
Pavona cactus
ben lahood
ben lahood - 11 years ago
what's that at 2:25?
Reef Haven
Reef Haven - 11 years ago
those two birdsnest coral in the back are amazing. the color on them stands out so much. love your tank

10. comment for 935 lt reef tank

Zoran Milo
Zoran Milo - 12 years ago
Thx :D
odnaloR zeaS
odnaloR zeaS - 12 years ago
Awesome tank!
Zoran Milo
Zoran Milo - 12 years ago
Not at all but sure that it cost me an arm ;D
HUEY GALATAS - 12 years ago
you must have won the lottery, that's exspensive coral...you must know what ur doing...great job...i love the leather...
Zoran Milo
Zoran Milo - 12 years ago
Thx, just see the second vid with the link at the end ;)
Chuckster007 - 12 years ago
Great Looking Tank
mein riff
mein riff - 12 years ago
Eric Baer
Eric Baer - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank!!! Love those Acros!!! And the music is awesome!!! Best tank video on youtube
aquaticGrace - 12 years ago
Ps what is kalium and AA vitimans?
aquaticGrace - 12 years ago
Hey guy Thanks for the tips I have roughly 340G in which i do a 50 gallon per week water change i dose strotium molybdenum along side my calc reactor my no2 and 3 are both @ 0 along with phosphates also @ 0 my Ph fluctuates 8.2/8.4 my temps are set @ 5' north lattitude and i have some great growth from acropora validas and digitatis my montiporas are also doing well I run three vortech propeller pumps 2 40s And 1 60 the lights are aqua illumination solblues for some reason i have hair algae g

20. comment for 935 lt reef tank

aquaticGrace - 12 years ago
hello your set up is quite impressive calc reactor ? what trace elements do you add to the system i am really impressed with the growth of your sps those montiporas in your 2nd video are off the hook !!! great job please share with me the dosing and which trace elements you use Sincerely, robert Drew
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 12 years ago
does that angel not nip your corals ?
diagnosismurderer1 - 12 years ago
God my ears
CHIPPYPILLOWS - 12 years ago
youtube anthem
chisaoboy - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank. The music is wrong, wrong, wrong. But.. beautiful video! ;-)
ersoy sen
ersoy sen - 12 years ago
do u have msn?
ersoy sen
ersoy sen - 12 years ago
1ml/100lt for strontium at 10%. what do u mean with %10?
ersoy sen
ersoy sen - 12 years ago
what additives r u using? and also how can u check your potassium, iron, iodine and stronium?
lagarto de la plata
lagarto de la plata - 13 years ago
ThomasVisionVlogs - 13 years ago

30. comment for 935 lt reef tank

What is VSV?
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 13 years ago
I know someone might have mentioned it already but I was wondering if you are running GFO or pellets. Also what salt do you use and how often do you do water changes?
Austin Castle
Austin Castle - 13 years ago
You are correct with the problems with them getting clogged but that only happens when you use the least rated pump that they recommend..I made the same mistake and used a maxi jet 1200 and it was constantly getting clogged so I went with the mag drive and now the problem is solved..I will say that when mine was getting clogged and not tumbling I had cyano like crazy but since I corrected my flow it has gone away,Thanks again and I look forward to your videos,also they dropped my Phoshates.to 0
Austin Castle
Austin Castle - 13 years ago
Would Biopellets do the same job as VSV ? I have been reading alot on VSV and my thoughts were since your basically providing a food source for the bacteria by VSV dosing that a Biopellet reactor should also work in the same manner...am I correct ? I have upgraded to 2 250 watt 14000K CoralVue Halides..added the Biopellet Reactor and also still running my Refugium and I recently purchashed a couple SPS corals since I have had mostly softies and LPS for the past year ..also I am using B-Ionics
Austin Castle
Austin Castle - 13 years ago
Dude let them bash song...tank...anything....the fact is your tank is SICK!!! one of the besy looking sps setups I have ever seen....would love to discuss your equipment you are using on your set up as well as your additives...I have had mine set up for 1 year now and about to add nano wavebox and reefkeeper controller in the next month....AWESOME!!
PeppysPizza - 13 years ago
SICK TANK! not so sick song..
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger - 13 years ago
Hi Friends, how do u maintain ur water quality? Can tell us about ur maintenance and husbandry? What is ur reading on Nitrate and Phosphate ?
Howard Lu
Howard Lu - 13 years ago
NHLer81 - 13 years ago
worst possible song for this video. Footage is amazing, the song not so much.
The Last Spycrab
The Last Spycrab - 13 years ago
Not the youtube theme song!!! arrgh!
Gajolvejr82 - 13 years ago
I wish I was a fish in this tank, beautiful and well kept
fredeau le recif du belon
fredeau le recif du belon - 13 years ago
super beau
brett35540 - 13 years ago
@overzorg i dont have actinic supplementation do you think i could just run radium or xm 14k?
brett35540 - 13 years ago
@overzorg ok, how much whiter in color is 15k than 20k
brett35540 - 13 years ago
@overzorg ok because i buy most of my coral from live aquaria and i have 2 250 20k radium bulbs over a 75 gallon tank and they all go pale and all my parameters are good so i dont know if its the light or just how they are acclimated.
brett35540 - 13 years ago
do you light acclimate your corals? and do you run MH what kelvin
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 13 years ago
Your Birdsnest in the Background is one of the biggest I have ever seen and one of the brightest colored for sure
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger - 13 years ago
Awesome Tank Man!
hollyEmme - 13 years ago
what kind of anemone do you have @10 seconds? its light pink ? im not sure if its a coral or anemone but ive been trying to find out the name of that kind for a while thanks! :)
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger - 13 years ago
Metal Halide or LED? OR T5?

50. comment for 935 lt reef tank

Jf L
Jf L - 13 years ago
belle tank man! tu peut me donner quelque truc etant donner que tu parle francais ? jaimmerais bien en discuter si loccasion se presente. lache pas ta tank est super!
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger
UltimateKeylogger Keylogger - 13 years ago
so nice
BDYU - 13 years ago
@overzorg Never heard of osram before - wonderful tank though. I am considering upgrading to the Aqua Illumination "Phoenix" modules next year perhaps... have you used LED? I wish my coral would grow like yours :(
Cathedral Terra
Cathedral Terra - 13 years ago
Gorgeous tank man, I understand the time and stuff that goes into achieving something like this. Kudo, to you fellow reefer
BDYU - 13 years ago
What is your lighting?
waqas42 - 13 years ago
@overzorg haha his account got deleted.......the tank is amazing btw
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 13 years ago
@BlackTipReefSharks No but apparently you are for not getting sarcastic humor. Carry on dumbass!
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 13 years ago
@BlackTipReefSharks No but apparently you are for not getting sarcastic humor. Carry on dumbass!
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 13 years ago
@BlackTipReefSharks I know you're too stupid to get satire humor, it was A JOKE! I think the tank is absolutely gorgeous, I'm sorry you have no sense of humor. Your life must be dull and monotonous.
Alex Nicholas
Alex Nicholas - 13 years ago
beautiful, must have cost you a few bob for all that! congrats!
Ivan Pollastrini
Ivan Pollastrini - 13 years ago
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 13 years ago
Your tank is absolutely disgusting and horrible looking. I think you should give it to me to save your the shame of having it in your house! hahaha :P
fil0u59 - 14 years ago
Trés jolie vidée, superbe bac. Bravo !!!
bulldog111111 - 14 years ago
WOW...are you using a refugium?
neznauGde - 14 years ago
You got soft CORALS too?
neznauGde - 14 years ago
Does your Koran Angel eat CORALS?
Murat Kandemir
Murat Kandemir - 14 years ago
what is the tank size?
Lampelys - 14 years ago
Love your tank! how long has it been running? =). what light setup do you have? and do you dose trace elements?

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