A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank

You asked for an inside tour of my 90G reef tank and here it is! In this episode of Mr. Saltwater Tank TV, I show you the ins and outs of the equipment side of my 90 gallon reef tank. It takes a lot of equipment running in unison to have a great reef tank and I show you what equipment I'm running and why I chose what I did. And, I ask for a special request from my viewers so watch the show and help me out!

A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Reef tank 14 years ago 173,558 views

You asked for an inside tour of my 90G reef tank and here it is! In this episode of Mr. Saltwater Tank TV, I show you the ins and outs of the equipment side of my 90 gallon reef tank. It takes a lot of equipment running in unison to have a great reef tank and I show you what equipment I'm running and why I chose what I did. And, I ask for a special request from my viewers so watch the show and help me out!

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Most popular comments
for A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank

Stephen Bailey
Stephen Bailey - 7 years ago
Bigger is better, especially downstairs

That's definitely what she said ;)
Moto Dez
Moto Dez - 7 years ago
What Is your best suggestion to growning coralline algae?
Brock Kirschenmann
Brock Kirschenmann - 7 years ago
I know this video is old but you said in your flashback. You made the mistake on your first/second tanks of adding "real" love reef rock. Why is thst a mistake? Don't you want all the critters from the ocean in your tank, bristle worms and such To move around your sand bed
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 7 years ago
You'll want some critters, but not others. And when you use rock from the ocean, you don't get to choose. I use dry rock now and select which critters I want in the tank and add only those
Andrew M
Andrew M - 8 years ago
I'm just guessing but you aren't married with kids are you ? Hahah wow impressive
RMLLLLL - 9 years ago
Can you dose bicarb instead of running a reactor?
muffemod - 7 years ago
TheNy615 - 9 years ago
On one of your other videos probably one of you're later videos that you're here in Tennessee I am actually in Nashville I am setting up a sump tank/Refugium I would love if you can give me some advice on setting it up
Nick Solis
Nick Solis - 9 years ago
Where do you get all these funny shirts from?.
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer - 7 years ago
Nick Solis .
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 9 years ago
+Nick Solis Glennz.com
Rakhu Rakhu
Rakhu Rakhu - 10 years ago
Do you really need a shutoff valve on your drain pipe?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 10 years ago
No...I had it there just in case I needed to completely isolate the tank.
Etmanning - 10 years ago
your idea of a big sump is 15g? i have a 65g sump on my 90...
baseballhunter42 - 9 years ago
+J S But there are upsides to a larger sump. I agree 15 is too small, but also think 65 on a 90 is excessive. A 20 or preferably a 30 would be a better choice. Comfortable room for all equipment, room to add a refugium, and as a general rule; more water volume = more stable parameters. So it's always helpful to go as big as possible.
J S - 10 years ago
It's not a "must" to go bigger.... You may as well have a sump that is bigger than the whole tank... It just goes around in circles
J S - 10 years ago
As are there no downsides to have the "recommended" sizes
Michael Banich
Michael Banich - 10 years ago
+J S I have never heard any successful aquarist say that. I've always heard bigger = better. There are no down sides to having a big refugium and sump.  
J S - 10 years ago
Totally unnecessary and overdoing it... Can't hurt but a waste of money and efforts....

10. comment for A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank

adnan osmani
adnan osmani - 10 years ago
How come your have a prior tang on a 90g
mohr cowbell
mohr cowbell - 10 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 10 years ago
Wow remember these days Mark...
Ivan Aguilar
Ivan Aguilar - 10 years ago
I have a 5 gallon. Moving to a 90 gallon in 2 weeks! I've been in the hobby for 3 months now, and I've got to say it's not so complicated at all! My tank has been doing perfect. Just little mistakes in the beginning!!!
Ryan Len
Ryan Len - 10 years ago
Are dosing pump necessary
Brodie Ward
Brodie Ward - 10 years ago
Ruben Gomez
Ruben Gomez - 10 years ago
Man, your tank is brutal! good job, I just have a 5 gallon reef, had it for over a year, not I am getting ready for something bigger, I am thinking about 75 Gallon, please check my last video and let me know what do you think I could improve.
madice40 - 10 years ago
What live sand would you recommend for a 75 gallon. And what salt brand do you use for your tank.
Nes aquatics
Nes aquatics - 10 years ago
What r the measurements of your 90 gallon tank height width and length
Kieran Phelps
Kieran Phelps - 10 years ago
yellow tang in a 55?
Kieran Phelps
Kieran Phelps - 10 years ago
Just asked a simple question and you blow it out of proportions
Kieran Phelps
Kieran Phelps - 10 years ago
Don't get all butt hurt on YouTube man
J S - 10 years ago
Then why bother making a comment about someone else having a yellow tang in a 55? Strange man
Kieran Phelps
Kieran Phelps - 10 years ago
I did I have one in my 55 reef
J S - 10 years ago
Yellow tangs are one of only a few tangs that can thrive in less than 6 feet of tank length. They're not as demanding as alot of others with swim space like the hippo... DO YOUR RESEARCH!
jake walker
jake walker - 10 years ago
fuck phil

20. comment for A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank

Mv Path
Mv Path - 11 years ago
great tank. i am currently building my 120g and this inspired me a lot. thanks Mark :)
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
Thank Mv!
Tom Webb
Tom Webb - 11 years ago
Watching this has completely put me off wanting a saltwater tank, its put everything in perspective... way too much involved! :(
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 9 years ago
+Tom Webb I thought the same thing when I started saltwater. It is a lot to learn and I'm still learning.  Once you get the routine down it's easy.  I thought I would never get it since there is so much to it.
J S - 10 years ago
You can always go the fish only live rock route, u can use a simple canister for just fish without corals and inverts. Just keep up on water changes and over filter the heck out of it with more than half the amount of gallons in pounds of live rock.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
Tom…everything seems complicated when you first look at them. The more your learn, the more it makes sense.
CBlitzEntertainment - 11 years ago
Very Informative. You mentioned "Tank personalities "and that you were a "Tank Dabbler". Would you mind commenting further on "Tank Personalities"?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
CBlitzEntertainment…all of the tank personalities are explained in my "tank personality report" that you can get on my website.
ROBERT WARD - 11 years ago
hey there my salty freind.Have a bit of a cyano(red slime) problem.ive added a phosphate reactor and my skimmer is running well,plus i have active carbon aswell.my tank is 265 ltrs cube really love this tank,but dont love my new slimy freind any tips?thanks for you're time ..
Peenut Onfire
Peenut Onfire - 11 years ago
I mean like whats the avr
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
depends on which model you go with and what brand.
Peenut Onfire
Peenut Onfire - 11 years ago
so how much does it usually cost
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
that's fine. There are several hang on back filters for small tanks. There are even some nano media reactors that sit in the back of the tank submerged
Peenut Onfire
Peenut Onfire - 11 years ago
but I think mine is only a 15 gallon
bpalme - 11 years ago
Try running a carbon reactor.

30. comment for A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank

Peenut Onfire
Peenut Onfire - 11 years ago
how do u keep the water so clean? mine always turns yellow
wetbaggle - 11 years ago
Do more videos!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
The melanarus wrasse will easily out compete the mandarin for foods. I only recommend Mandarins if they are eating frozen/prepared foods.
Nick C
Nick C - 11 years ago
Hey do you think I could put a green mandarin goby in a 90 gallon tank with a yellow tang and a yellow kole tang? Also, do you think he would get enough to eat with a melanarus wrasse in the tank due to the fact that it also picks for food among the rocks. Thanks in advance
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
you are correct James in that if the return pump isn't flowing, then there won't be water coming down the overflow pipe
James Upton
James Upton - 11 years ago
if the return pump fails in the sump am I right in thinking that because you run a tank overflow filter that the sump wont overflow as there will be no water to trickle in to the overflow pipe going down in to your cabinet or do you use some other safety mechanism?
matthew dames
matthew dames - 11 years ago
if you haven't already, please do an in-depth review of the MP40's. im really interested in hearing what you have to say about them before I buy.
Dalton Leu
Dalton Leu - 11 years ago
would two radion gen 2 lights be suffice for a 90 gallon tank? or would you need three. And what are your thoughts on carbon reactor and BFO and a calcium reactors? do you think i would need those? Thanks! have any thoughts about the photon48 LED pretty price efficient. I have t5 currently and a saltwater reef tank! Thanks
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
sorry...I'm a saltwater guy only.
_Rc_Drift_86 - 11 years ago
Do a nano freshwater tank
joe eoj
joe eoj - 11 years ago
Wait you are ok with that purple tang in a 90 because i am getting a 90 and want a purple tang
Tommy Le
Tommy Le - 11 years ago
If j have a 10 gallon marine aquarium wit only live rock , shrimp and fish , how would i cure ich ?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
Stick with the sump, drop the canister filter.
Kalyan E
Kalyan E - 11 years ago
You really shouldn't use a canister filter on a saltwater tank, they're really more for freshwater.
Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith - 11 years ago
I have had fresh water aquariums for 5+ years, but would like to start a salt water aquarium. I would like to start a salt water aquarium and would like to know what size do you recommend? Thank you.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
I'd avoid the mushrooms as they can over everything. Torch wouldn't be a bad choice
Tommy Le
Tommy Le - 11 years ago
Can i add some mushrooms as well, and what about lhard corals like torch coral?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
try some softies like zoanthids. Easy keepers yet very pretty
Tommy Le
Tommy Le - 11 years ago
I have a nano aquarium with 2 15 watt bulbs on my 10 gallon aquarium, what corals can i place in there, any suggestions?
dj201199 - 11 years ago
I just added a Banggai Cardinal about an hour ago, and put in some mysis shrimp and he ate! Im pretty happy.. I'm so glad im in the Saltwater Tank hobby!

50. comment for A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank

SkodaRacer - 11 years ago
Hi Mark, many thanks for all your excellent videos. I have a salt water FOWLR tank with an external canister filter, i'm upgrading to a sump system, should i still use the external filter as well as a sump? Many thanks again.
Sher John Paquingan
Sher John Paquingan - 11 years ago
I mean how do you keep your tank stable.. How many times do tou change water? Algae control and how do you keep your corals healthy? Do you add any supplements?? Im sorry for my questions lol... Im just amazed how you maintain your tank! :)
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
Thanks! What do you mean by "stable"?
Sher John Paquingan
Sher John Paquingan - 11 years ago
hi! big fan of your tank!! i guess hard-work really paid off.. i have to ask how long does it took your tank stable?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
Freshwater has never interested me much so after my starter goldfish bowl and 10g angelfish aquarium, I moved onto saltwater and never looked back
zoofergee - 11 years ago
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
No freshwater. Only salt.
zoofergee - 11 years ago
do u own any freshwater tanks?if so would love to see them
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
Tom Luu
Tom Luu - 11 years ago
do you keep your tunze wavebox on all the time?
재 재
재 재 - 11 years ago
So handsome :-)
william churchman
william churchman - 11 years ago
no they say start with atleast a 55g because you can mess things up with small amounts of water.
umiofjapan - 11 years ago
Hi,how can I install ph probe into apex jr.cant find the plug for it.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
Yes if you educate yourself and care for it responsibly vs taking the "let's try this and see what happens!" approach!
dj201199 - 11 years ago
Would a 29 gallon be big enough for 1 green chromis, 1 lawnmower blenny, 2 clowns, 1 pajama cardinal, and a catilina goby? And a sump, what would be an apropriate size like 10g. Or just hang the skimmer on the back? Thanks.
Devon Schneidt
Devon Schneidt - 11 years ago
Mark, Im in the process of building a stand and I like the kind that was on your 90 gallon. Did you have a false black front with the handles? and I guess you just took it off easy enough when you hand to get under your tank? I like the idea.
Archie Gaxiola
Archie Gaxiola - 11 years ago
Do you have a video on aquascaping? I have 56 gallon column and just can't seem to get it right.
dj201199 - 11 years ago
I want a 55 gallon but my parents say it's to big.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
not a bad size. I prefer something bigger. Just make sure you don't put a tang in that tank.
dj201199 - 11 years ago
Would a 29 gallon be a good size for a first saltwater?
Jessie Nicoletti
Jessie Nicoletti - 11 years ago
you say you bulit your canopy ? do you have a video for it or plans i have a 90 gal and got 2 new led lights to replace my power compact and hanging it is proveing a bit of a challenge due to a trop cealing
coolguywithagirl - 11 years ago
why not have both?
Nano Reef
Nano Reef - 11 years ago
that is true, I have seen some very nice planted freshy tanks, but you have to admit the colors that you can get for corals are much more than freshwater plants. But freshwater planted tanks can deffinatly compete with saltwater tanks.
Ben Larsen
Ben Larsen - 11 years ago
What is the exact lighting you had on this i really like the color in the video? I know you say what it is in the vid but what are the color temps and are the VHOs even on in the video?.... any detail would be awesome
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
glennz tees is the place
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 11 years ago
elfteemo - 11 years ago
HOLD ON, who says saltwater tanks are better, im pretty sure a nicely aquascaped fresh water tank is just as beautiful as a reef tank.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
2 tanks old now!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
Thanks Aden! I get my T-shirts from glennz I can't post links in comment replies
Aden seeley
Aden seeley - 12 years ago
Where do you get your awesome T-shirts? Ps I love ur channel one of the best on youtube.
dj201199 - 12 years ago
I plan on getting a 40 gallon breeder, would a 20gallon long be a good tank to convert?
Anthony B
Anthony B - 12 years ago
I need help!!! I got a 29 gallon oceanic biocube, with a ton of green hair algae. I recently switched to RO/DI water about 3 months ago. I scrub the rocks with a tooth brush I get it off and then make a water change, and also change the filter pads etc. But after about a week its back.
john briones
john briones - 12 years ago
oh alright that makes a lot of sense,, ive seen your build with the 90g system for one of your clients ,impressed , was wondering if i can go through you to get that system and if you can sign the false stand cover lol
Mark2124 - 12 years ago
What is your opinion on an Eco pico
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
a lot of the cooling capacity of cooling fans depends on the air temp and the airflow in the room. My 90g tank was in the same room as the return air for the AC so I had a lot of air flow through the room, which helped take away the hot moist air.
john briones
john briones - 12 years ago
im shocked mark that you have 2 250w MH running in the system with a closed canopy on it and you have no chiller yet your system stays below 80degrees that seems almost impossible ,lol i have a 48 inch fixture and 2 150w mh with 4 t5s on it and my system is rimless and i can not keep the temp under 79 without a chiller
Jonn Mendez
Jonn Mendez - 12 years ago
hey i have a question i just build my canopi top i i was just wondering if the smell of wood staing will harm any of my fish i lef it outside for 2 days for it to dry but it still smell a bit thanks
15290calvo - 12 years ago
Hey I just boght 2 engender gobies and 2 fierfish and they always hide what do I do check out my tank
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
55g for the win!
twiztedmusky - 12 years ago
I have a 55 chiclid tank and a 45 community tank, well im going to be starting saltwater, should i go with 30 gal, since i have extras, or go with a 55 to start to make it more stable?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
Thanks! I miss my 90g at times.
AquaStudent - 12 years ago
I loved this tank. I'm even more excited that you upgraded this tank! The new setup looks great!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
I wouldn't worry about the dog hair and jumping fish can be contained either by canopy, or a mesh top.
Vincent Agresto
Vincent Agresto - 12 years ago
Mark - do you use any type of cover over the water? I have a dog and am worried about dog hair - plus I hear that some fish are jumpers. Thank you! - Vince
Dylan W
Dylan W - 12 years ago
0:59 the maroon is chasing the chromis i believe haha.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
Mightymightysnacker - 12 years ago
Love the shirt!
Clu - 12 years ago
Nice Mark!
MrAquariummaster - 12 years ago
I started like that to first 29gal and now a 55g check my 55g out
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago

100. comment for A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G Mixed Reef Tank

s6nk11 - 12 years ago
u mentioned you are running two 250 halide. do u think in all electric equipment that u have how much in term of dollars will be added to your monthly bill?
Ross Norwood
Ross Norwood - 12 years ago
Ok a few questions, first off how much does a tank that size cost, I've wanted a 90gal tank for a while but never can find one and can't find the price, second how much does a filtration system like that cost, and would that be near the best filtration or somewhere in between bare minimum and maximum, lastly and sorry for all the questions, but how did you build your hood and lighting system
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
good water quality is about the best you can do. There is no sure-fire way to get coraline to grow.
Keinan Joss
Keinan Joss - 12 years ago
if someone could please tell me how do you get coral to grow on the back of the tank like that thanks
Matt Dolan
Matt Dolan - 12 years ago
what model is that light fixure?
tag7696 - 12 years ago
Currently in the work of setting a 90 up
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
Via Aqua Titanium I believe. I broke this tank down earlier this year and can't remember.
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 12 years ago
What kind of heater do you use?
Busyme Gaming
Busyme Gaming - 12 years ago
Hi, I want to raise saltwater ghost shrimp, where can I start, have no idea, never have had a saltwater tank, hope you can help, thank you
Oscar solis
Oscar solis - 12 years ago
where you but your stand
Gaurav398 - 12 years ago
Hey mark, i'm really confused about sumps. Firstly, on what part of the sump do you dose the magnesium/calc./alkalinity in? Also, what does does alkalinity do? Lastly, what in your tank gets rid of ammonia? all you have is a skimmer and refugium. Don't you have a canister filter or a place for bioballs/biological media? Or is that much stuff in your sump enough? please reply asap! i want to get my first ever 60 gallon tank set up.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
Not needed.
FOWLR4NOW - 12 years ago
Why don't you recommend them?
Danny Trevino
Danny Trevino - 12 years ago
Wait I thought you dosed your tank with kalkwasser from the ato, do you add additional calcium?
KOOLITUS - 12 years ago
Any recomendations on how to get rid of mejano anemone's? Ive tried to use aptasia x it works but they still keep comming back. Thanks
Brayden Schmitz
Brayden Schmitz - 12 years ago
Were did u get that shirt
Indoreefable - 12 years ago
Thank you.. I hope you keep on making new videos so i could learn more
Insanonaga - 12 years ago
So.... Ive been doing my homework. Ive kept freshwater fisb off and on for a number of years. I wanna do a simple softie, mushroom, and zoa tank. Maybe possibly an anemone or a pulsing xenia, but no sps or lps. plenty of live rock and a nice protein skimmer with t-5 lighting. My water is like, the cleanest in the nation. Could I get away with skimping on rodi and just use conditioner, or can
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
I was experimenting with some of their products but do not use or recommend them
Indoreefable - 12 years ago
Are you using brighwell products? Because I'm curious about the black bottle at 5:26. Sorry about my english... I'm from Indonesia
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
the whole tank was carbon dosed and you can see the results
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
Pete V.
Pete V. - 12 years ago
You have one fine looking tank...kudos!!!
charlie hagan
charlie hagan - 12 years ago
what you got against freshwater aquariums lol
shikha19100 - 12 years ago
la la la la ala
AirsoftandFish - 12 years ago
Hey quick question, im new to saltwater but im now upgrading from a 37 gallon to a 65 gallon.. Should i put the water from my 37 into the 65 and fill the rest up with newly mixed saltwater? Thanks in advance
FishAntsPlantsAndDave - 12 years ago
h-al-ide. not hay-lide
Jcutt08 - 12 years ago
Any links on how to build a fake canopy? Looking to build one asap love the idea...
Shonika Selva
Shonika Selva - 13 years ago
How much does this cost you in total and how much you spend about every month?
giorgiog01 - 13 years ago
when you et the new one do a step by step how to set up :D
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@jerseya6 2x250W 20K Reefluxes and the VHO's were super actinic and 454 nm
Steve Hayenhjelm.
Steve Hayenhjelm. - 13 years ago
What Halide bulbs where in use here? (make and kelvin) and what spectrum are those VHO's? I have been after that exact lighting look for a few years now. Thank you in advance.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@thesunsetreptiles the video is a year old. I'm 100% LEDs now. Checkout my other videos
kel - 13 years ago
why not leds
SuperShori - 13 years ago
is that youre own tank ?
JUNIOR IBANEZ - 13 years ago
very nice set up, you need to get bigger LOL.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@SilviaCoupe89 it is beneath the tank not downstairs as I have no basement
Tony Nickolas
Tony Nickolas - 13 years ago
is your sump literally downstairs? how does your return have that kind of height?
DJ JEONG - 13 years ago
Love ur tank~ !
virgil smith
virgil smith - 13 years ago
Yeah that's where I bought my mj-1200's. That was last month. They have sinced added a picture of the cobalts with their brs reactor and recommending them instead. Wish I would have know.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@basicinstinct911 I'm not as I have lower flow pump that works well, but if I needed more flow (which most people do), I'd go with the Cobalt. Bulk Reef Supply sells them
virgil smith
virgil smith - 13 years ago
You're using the cobalts on yours?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@basicinstinct911 Checkout the new cobalt MJ 1200. Word is it is quiet where the MarineLand MaxiJet 1200's aren't.
virgil smith
virgil smith - 13 years ago
what kind of pump is on your brs reactor? My 1200 pumps are noisy
Tuton25 - 13 years ago
RO/DI water is necessary for a fowlr tank but standard fluorescent lights are fine
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@MrAquabella metal halides.
Paul Lam
Paul Lam - 13 years ago
is that Coralife Lunar Aqualight HO T5?
mario G
mario G - 13 years ago
is it harder to take care of a saltwater fish then frshwater fish or are they the same? i have freshwater fishes but i realy want saltwater fish so thats why im asking if its harder to take care of then because i heard its harder so if you can help me it will mean alot
BloodyItalian327 - 13 years ago
@VitalApparatuz I Think he got it from bulkreef supply under two part solution accessories thats where I got mine.
jonathan peyton
jonathan peyton - 13 years ago
Thanks for the personal look at Mr SaltwaterTank :) Where'd you get the tube holder? You said you were carboon dosing. Where is that reactor? Or are you just manually dosing vodka?
jonathan peyton
jonathan peyton - 13 years ago
Thanks for the personal look at Mr SaltwaterTank :) Where'd you get the tube holder?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@skidrow52 Not HQI. They are singled ended 20K reefluxes.
skidrow52 - 13 years ago
Hi Mark, what kind of HQI bulbs you have and how many Kelvins?
MrReefTank - 13 years ago
@mrsaltwatertank Thought it may have been Mark, but wasn't too sure, us UK'ers still work in Imperial measurements! :) Stunning tank btw, love the canopy.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@MrReefTank standard 90G: 48"x18.5"x24"
MrReefTank - 13 years ago
Hi Mark, what are your tank Dimensions?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@stumpovrtyme I'll send it to you via message. YT won't let me post links in comments.
brad scott
brad scott - 13 years ago
Could I run bio balls, DIY skimmer, and deep sandbed refugium.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 13 years ago
@70gallonfishtank the front of the canopy has a door that opens so I can feed the fish, etc.
dougnight44 - 13 years ago
id like to see an update of the tank.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@moneymarkj yeppers. The fixture on top of the canopy helps a lot with heat dispersal as well
moneymarkj - 14 years ago
@mrsaltwatertank And this is using just the fans?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@moneymarkj 77.3-77.8
moneymarkj - 14 years ago
What temp does your tank range @?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@geraldgustav What RO/DI water thing are you referring to?
gerald gustav
gerald gustav - 14 years ago
where can i get the rodi water thing from.? please let me know
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@MrHomeSkilet saltwater is way easier than freshwater that's for sure!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@SoSpiky Nope, no strontium. Coraline growth is a function of good water parameters - Alk/Ca/Mg. Adding strontium won't have an effect on coraline growth.
MrHomeSkilet - 14 years ago
i love your videos. i have been fishing my whole life in MI and just got a fresh water tank for the shit of it. and i am obsessed. i work on it all the time lol but i can do better with cooler fish. goin into the the Marine corps soon so in four years ima drop like 5k into a tank. still not getting the filtration and some of your vocabulary.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@Adam141516 Depends on how much you have to spend and how size tank you are going to start with. That's where you need to start. Keep in mind bigger is better.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@ifUdidwoodU It's the same footprint as a 90G tank, 4' across, 18" deep
ifUdidwoodU - 14 years ago
what are the dimensions of the canopy
ifUdidwoodU - 14 years ago
ifUdidwoodU - 14 years ago
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@gmoney1961 The canopy sits on top of the tank and the fixture then sits on top of the canopy.
gmoney1961 - 14 years ago
Love your canopy design....any video of how it's put together? Doe it sit on legs or directly on top of the canopy?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@geraldgustav you are welcome! When are you planning on setting up the tank?
gerald gustav
gerald gustav - 14 years ago
thanks for the videos. they showed me a lot of info for my future salt water tank. nice vids.
NitroMedic - 14 years ago
Thank you SO much for these great informative videos. This is such a refreshing approach to this hobby. I look forward to many more of your vids. 5 out of 5
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@tyte90 thanks for the nod and you are welcome for the info!
nick newman
nick newman - 14 years ago
Great vid! Thanks for all the info!
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@lukeheyman I got them through my wholesaller. Let me know if you want one.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@reefstudy Thanks!
Luke Heyman
Luke Heyman - 14 years ago
Love the video, very informative. I do have a question, where did you get the dosing tube holder from? I cant' seem to find them.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@KimLegend93 I prefer a wet skimmate as when I run a dry skimmate, I've found too much solid particles get stuck in the neck of the skimmer. When this happens, the skimmer loses efficiency so it isn't taking out as much junk as it should. A wetter skimmate leaves more of the solids in the collection cup.
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 14 years ago
@mrsaltwatertank that will be cool you
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@zacguitarshreder12 I will once we move. The tank is actually the perfect size for the room its in. Any bigger and it'd over power the room. Part of our next home search will be that there has to be a wall that backs up to the garage so that I can put the sump and all equipment out there, leaving only the display tank in the house.
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 14 years ago
nice tank but do you ever plan on getting a bigger tank just wondering im always wanting a bigger tank?
BALDWINAQUAMAN - 14 years ago
I see all those bottles under your tank next to your sump, what are they, and what all do you dose in your tank, also what test kit do you use, and what do you test for?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@uceid Thanks! I'll stay after it!
Philippe Brisson
Philippe Brisson - 14 years ago
@vdre3 yup, very good!
Philippe Brisson
Philippe Brisson - 14 years ago
@mrsaltwatertank Hey mark, do you still see a nice grow with the 20ks. I need too change my bulbs next month; tired of my 10ks..lol
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@njoyrid he's right, the new K's are better for not knocking with wavemakers like the old ones.
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 14 years ago
@haivang1 Reeflux 20K.
Philippe Brisson
Philippe Brisson - 14 years ago
@vdre3 If you are using Koralias; make sure its the Evolution because, the older ones, you cant put them with wavemakers of any kind. If you are a reef junkie, go get the mp60w or mp40w from vortech, they are awesome
Andre Valdez
Andre Valdez - 14 years ago
people like you inspire me to continue to stay in this hobby, keep up the great work and vids...i have a question right now im ready to get the proper power heads i plan to buy 2 Koralia Evolution 750 for a reef tank. what do you think i should get? thanks for your time.
10GalReef - 14 years ago
You are awesome!! I must ask, were did you get that shirt? Can't wait to see your next video.
hai vang
hai vang - 14 years ago
What kind of MH bulbs you're using and kelvin rating? You tank look nice..
Ryan Jackson
Ryan Jackson - 14 years ago
@dm002a8686 gfo gets rid of phosphates

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