Add a Sump to Your Reef Tank Using an Overflow Box In today's Marine Depot video, we are going to talk all about overflow boxes and sump systems. So get ready to toss out your old canister filter and open up your tool box because we are going to show you just how easy and beneficial installing a sump and overflow can be! READ ACCOMPANYING BLOG POST (with full video transcript): LEARN ABOUT TRIGGER SYSTEMS SUMPS IN THIS VIDEO: LEARN MORE ABOUT SUMPS IN THIS VIDEO: SHOP FOR OVERFLOW BOXES IN OUR ONLINE STORE: SHOP FOR SUMPS IN OUR ONLINE STORE: Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video, please like or share it with fellow your aquarium keepers! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on all future Marine Depot video installments. Until next time... take care and happy reef keeping!

Add a Sump to Your Reef Tank Using an Overflow Box sentiment_very_dissatisfied 43

Reef tank 9 years ago 220,810 views In today's Marine Depot video, we are going to talk all about overflow boxes and sump systems. So get ready to toss out your old canister filter and open up your tool box because we are going to show you just how easy and beneficial installing a sump and overflow can be! READ ACCOMPANYING BLOG POST (with full video transcript): LEARN ABOUT TRIGGER SYSTEMS SUMPS IN THIS VIDEO: LEARN MORE ABOUT SUMPS IN THIS VIDEO: SHOP FOR OVERFLOW BOXES IN OUR ONLINE STORE: SHOP FOR SUMPS IN OUR ONLINE STORE: Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video, please like or share it with fellow your aquarium keepers! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on all future Marine Depot video installments. Until next time... take care and happy reef keeping!

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Most popular comments
for Add a Sump to Your Reef Tank Using an Overflow Box

Ragnarok - 7 years ago
Will this hold siphon if the power goes out? I may be over thinking this but what if the power goes out then comes back on later and the return pump comes back on but for some reason, the aqua lifter pump does not?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Yes, when set up correctly an overflow box will automatically restart the siphon when power is returned.
taciomaldito - 7 years ago
what is the best order? refugium first then skimmer? or vice versa?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Most hobbyists will have the skimmer inline before the refugium. The idea of thinking here is that the skimmer should not come in contact with the water exiting the refugium as it will contain beneficial micro-organisms that the skimmer could remove.
Robert Z
Robert Z - 7 years ago
this guy is very informative but somewhat irritating and mundane.
TheSkruer - 7 years ago
How do you know, how powerfull a powerhead you need to keep the water going in and out of the sump at the same levels ?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
The single pump that returns water back to your aquarium will control the rate of flow through the system. Each overflow box has a flow range and you need to choose a pump within that range for proper operation.

Feel free to contact us directly for fast and friendly support.
Ady - 7 years ago
This might sound a silly question but can you drill an already running tank? Kind of do it during a water change. I'd love a sump but really don't like the idea of the hang on boxes
Keegan Monkey
Keegan Monkey - 7 years ago
Should I do this or drill my tank for an overflow? I heard that these boxs fall off a lot and aren't very good?
Will Scrudato
Will Scrudato - 7 years ago
You've got to watch what you try to drill.. drilling tempered glass will cause you to lose your tank, and maybe slice an arm or finger.
rick maytoffan
rick maytoffan - 7 years ago
Keegan Monkey get it done professionally its pretty cheap and they wont break your tank witch you might if you never drilled glass before
Chef Adam
Chef Adam - 7 years ago
They never fall off. They do lose suction and will ruin your home. Dumb idea. Drill.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Drilling your tank is the best option if you have the means to do it. I would only recommend an overflow box if drilling your tank was not possible.
-Robert @ MD
Cooper Bohner
Cooper Bohner - 7 years ago
Where does the aqua lifter pump pump into.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
The Aqua Lifter is actually set up to suck or pull water out of the overflow box and then pump the water back into your sump or display aquarium. This action will keep the overflow box primed with water in the event of a power outage.
ConTy - 8 years ago
can I use a overflow box with a refugium?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
Yes, an overflow box can work to drain water into a refugium with the appropriate baffles.
Mike E
Mike E - 8 years ago
Never used a sump but i`m considering one... My question is..In the event of a power outage(happens a lot here) what keeps the overflow from draining the tank? Sry if this is a dumb question, I`m new to this!
David Vick
David Vick - 7 years ago
the over flow is at the top of the water so once the power turns off only a small amount of water will drain
jr.turtle120701 - 8 years ago
also, does the top of the sump have to be below the bottom of your aquarium or the water level? because of the location of my tank, i want it behind the tank, and only slightly below. would this work?
jr.turtle120701 - 8 years ago
will having the return line above or slightly above, where half is submerged, half not, prevent this?
Mike E
Mike E - 8 years ago
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
The overflow pulls water from the surface of your aquarium and therefore once water level drops below the overflow, it can no longer pull water from your tank. The risk actually lies in your return water line which is typically below the surface of the water which will "back siphon" water from your tank into your sump. Using a check valve along with plumbing the return water line in such away to prevent the "back siphon" will avoid this problem . You also want to ensure your sump is large enough to hold the extra few gallons that will inevitably drain from your tank in the event of a power outage. Feel free to contact our customer service team directly for live support.

10. comment for Add a Sump to Your Reef Tank Using an Overflow Box

Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
great video!
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!

-Robert @ MD
Jeanne - 8 years ago
Do you have a video that show exactly how to plumb a sump (overflow and return) using an HOB overflow and hoses?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
We have a great support team that is happy to answer your questions! Plumbing your overflow can vary depending on the situation and I provided a link to a few other videos that should shed some light on the subject.
Billy Jeffs
Billy Jeffs - 8 years ago
So what happens when the overflow fails but your return pump is still dumping water into your display tank....? Very wet floor methinks.
Clownfish4005 - 7 years ago
Billy Jeffs lol
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
That is correct but is a very rare occurrence based on the design of the boxes; almost impossible.
Maximiliano Garcia
Maximiliano Garcia - 8 years ago
How many hobs over flow can I add to one sump?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
This depends on the sump. Feel free to contact us with more details and friendly support.
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
bom vídeo. belo aquário, sou iniciante, me deu boas dicas. visita o meu primeiro aquário, vou acompanhar seu canal. brevemente vou ter novo layout se quiser acompanhar
Ralph Garcia
Ralph Garcia - 8 years ago
If i buy a over flow box cpr model 800g a hour on my 75g saltwater tank What pump number do i buy.I Like mags please help
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
It is best to slightly oversize the pump and be sure to account for your plumbing/head-pressure. I have a great video all about choosing a return pump that I linked below. The Danner Supreme Aqua-Mag 9.5 or 12 model is most likely going to be your best option.
Cee Cee
Cee Cee - 8 years ago
the CPR CS series unit:
WARNING: do not buy this overflow box the toms aqualifter pump failed
after a couple months but the biggest problem is THERE IS NO WAY TO
CLEAN INSIDE THIS BOX there is a large area in which there is absolutely
no way to get to, I give CPR credit for trying but there is a design
flaw........ just google you will see nothing but complaints from people
that have been running these for any amount of time
abduljalil alfaheem
abduljalil alfaheem - 8 years ago
what is that thing called that you used to plug up the hole you created so you can use a pipe or hose to connect it to the sump.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
That is called a bulkhead; you can check them out on our site below and just let us know if you have more questions.
Kenneth Badders
Kenneth Badders - 8 years ago
Thank you for your help but if you had to use the MD overflow box would you trust it not to break the syphon or would you modify it please be honest with me thank you very much.
Kenneth Badders
Kenneth Badders - 8 years ago
Can you tell me the steps to connect a venturi pump to the Marine Depot HOB overflow box? There are people who have done it however when I asked them I have yet to receive a reply. I know I can connect my Aqualifter to it but I just think the venturi pump will be more quality and last longer. Thank you to all who may reply.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
Based on the design of the MD overflow box a venturi line is not required to restore the siphon when power is lost/restored and does not have a 1/4" connection for this reason. You would need to modify the U-tube by adding a 1/4" nipple if you wish to connect a venturi line.

20. comment for Add a Sump to Your Reef Tank Using an Overflow Box

Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 8 years ago
every word has a hand movement. hahhaha
Joe Isola
Joe Isola - 8 years ago
+Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies Keep it up. I can't stand watching someone motionless
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching and commenting. This is something I work on in every video, sometimes I just get carried away talking about fish stuff, the last thing on my mind is my hands. :)

-Robert @ MD
Kenneth Badders
Kenneth Badders - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your info and your time I will try it your way sounds like the best way to do it.
Kenneth Badders
Kenneth Badders - 8 years ago
Maybe someone can answer this it may be a stupid question because I'm new to the hobby but I'd like to know why not just use a pump to syphon the water out into the sump and a stronger pump to move the return water back into the tank that way you just have to adjust the return flow and of course put a check valve on the return on both lives in case something happens in a power failure or is this an impossibility. Again sorry if you find this a stupid question.
Baka Mop
Baka Mop - 8 years ago
I guess it would be near impossible to match both pumps' flow exactly, and even a little difference between flows will eventually either flood your sump or your display tank. An overflow box is best because most don't need any power to run and they will always match the flow rate of the return pump unless you have a pump with a higher gallons per hour than the overflow box. Because of how the overflows are built, it will suck up water as fast as the pump is putting in water and keep the water level stable. I have an eshopps nano overflow box and a 240gph return pump, the box uses no power and it restarts by itself if the return pump turns off and on again.

It should be noted that I drilled a small hole on the outlet of the return pump where the water comes out, just above the water line but still inside the tank, so air can get through when the pump turns off and not start a siphon. That way, I can turn off the pump to feed my fish and not have to worry about the return hose siphoning water back into the sump and flooding it, which happened to me the first time I set it up.
Andrew Fierro
Andrew Fierro - 8 years ago
So your saying to have the Air Nibble to be connected to a pump 24/7 ?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
+Andrew Fierro Yes, the air nipple should be connected to a suction pump or directly to your return line which will create suction and ensure the overflow can return back to normal operation in the event of power failure.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 9 years ago
Hi I have a 90 gallon what size sump would you recommend
Julius Esarda
Julius Esarda - 7 years ago
Lee and Mandy Battersby
30 to 40g sump
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Lee and Mandy Battersby When it comes to sumps, the bigger the better!
Open_Branch - 9 years ago
i dont get how a sump filters.thares only one small litle section to put media, and i not getting something ?please help
Open_Branch - 9 years ago
+Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies ok thanks for the help
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Open_Branch A sump provides an area to add various filtration equipment. Most sumps will have a mechanical filter sock, a protein skimmer and a media reactor which provide the filtration; many hobbyists will also add additional equipment depending on the type of aquarium and bio-load in the aquarium.
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 9 years ago
I am going to be adding a sump to my already established reef tank but I have a question. Will adding a sump change the salinity in the main display? Or will it stay the same if the sump and display match salinity? I don't want my fish and corals to go into shock over parameter swings.
Joshua Hardwick
Joshua Hardwick - 9 years ago
I recently installed a CPR 50 and an Eshopps Nano Cube in my 29-gallon reef tank. The CPR+Aqualifter is definitely the way to go if you're worried about overflow. Also, plug the Aqualifter and your return pump into a well-rated battery backup and you'll virtually solve the problem. A sump is great if you can find a way to squeeze one into your system.
Lovebetta - 9 years ago
Can you add sump to your Coralife Biocube 29. I love to put sump but it don't know how.. Thank you.
Lovebetta - 9 years ago
+Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies thank you... Will do that... Jackie
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+jackiekearney You certainly can but it would require modification to your tank. I have seen it done before and you could accomplish it a few different ways. Check out some of the online forums to interact with other hobbyists who have some experience. has some excellent threads on this topic.
Ryan - 9 years ago
I have several one of these overflow boxes and they really very good, probable the best

30. comment for Add a Sump to Your Reef Tank Using an Overflow Box

Erwin Eady
Erwin Eady - 9 years ago
I have a 90 Gallon Pacu and Oscar tank, what size Sump would be best?
Erwin Eady
Erwin Eady - 9 years ago
Thanks again.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Erwin Eady The larger the better! Especially for large fish like Oscars and Pacus, the increased water volume will help improve water quality and make for easier filter maintenance.
簡大鈞 - 9 years ago
Where can I buy?
I am live in Taiwain
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+簡大鈞 You can purchase on our website and we will ship the items directly to you. We do have some restrictions for international shipments and you can view all of the details via the link below. To obtain a shipping quote, simply add the item to your online shopping cart, select the destination country and enter the postal code.

Thanks for watching!
Nick Torres
Nick Torres - 9 years ago
I have been considering a sump system for my 75g mixed reef but I am very hesitant because of the horrors I have heard regarding over flows. Since I live in a condo unit and have neighbors below me I can not risk this happening not even once. What assurances do you have regarding over flow protection?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Nick Torres The CPR overflow is very reliable when used with an Aqua Lifter pump; even in the event power is lost the overflow will start on its own. The main concern here is ensuring your sump is large enough to hold the amount of water that would back-siphon down your return pipe when power is lost. When plumbed properly, this should be minimal and you will not run the risk of overflowing the sump.
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 9 years ago
so in todays evergrowing popularity with youtube and "diy" what are the pros and cons of building your own sump over buying a manufactured sump
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 9 years ago
So are there any upsides to paying for a sump
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Scott Harrison Building a sump allows you to customize and size the sump to your liking which is huge benefit when installing on an existing tank. Depending on the materials used, you will also most likely save some money. The downside is that it definitely takes time, careful planning, and a bit of patience to get the job done well.
Andre Muscat
Andre Muscat - 9 years ago
is there a way to clean an external overflow box without dismantling it ?? Are there any flexible brushes that be used to clean the inner parts ...
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Andre Muscat With the CPR, the unit is sealed and would need to be soaked in vinegar to help remove calcium deposits. Many of the other brands can be dismantled to an extent but would still need to be soaked in vinegar to help get them clean. We have the Tunze Deluxe Cleaning set which comes with a variety of different bottle brushes that will help get the job done.
dee dennaoui
dee dennaoui - 9 years ago
I run an reef octopus 7000 over flow box it does got but iv put a power head in the tank to keep removing air so the syphon does not stop. Never had a problem
Gene Alameda
Gene Alameda - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info MD

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