Adding Blue Linckia Starfish | Reef Tank

In this video i will be adding a blue Linckia Starfish to the 125 gallon reef tank. This starfish is very sensitive to any changes in water chemistry so acclimation has to be slow. I first let the bag float for 30 minutes to get the tempature in the bag the same as the tank. After I add the Starfish to a dripping container and drip acclimate for another 30-40 minutes before adding him quickly to the reef tank. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Aquatic Log Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Beginner Guide Playlist: 60 Gallon Freshwater Planted Tank Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Follow me on Aquatic Log: Facebook: Twitter: Intro: End Thumbnail: Music: Epic - Music: A New Beginning -

Adding Blue Linckia Starfish | Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reef tank 8 years ago 6,073 views

In this video i will be adding a blue Linckia Starfish to the 125 gallon reef tank. This starfish is very sensitive to any changes in water chemistry so acclimation has to be slow. I first let the bag float for 30 minutes to get the tempature in the bag the same as the tank. After I add the Starfish to a dripping container and drip acclimate for another 30-40 minutes before adding him quickly to the reef tank. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Aquatic Log Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Beginner Guide Playlist: 60 Gallon Freshwater Planted Tank Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Follow me on Aquatic Log: Facebook: Twitter: Intro: End Thumbnail: Music: Epic - Music: A New Beginning -

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Most popular comments
for Adding Blue Linckia Starfish | Reef Tank

RoBitusin - 7 years ago
you buy those?
MplusFish - 8 years ago
what do you feed the starfish ?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter - 8 years ago
what kind of camera do you use?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
nikon aw130
AcuaTV - 8 years ago
How is the star doing so far? I'm thinking about getting one too.
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Hes great getting bigger
Christian Butler
Christian Butler - 8 years ago
turns out blue linkias can eat asterina stars too! I dont think it is their main source of nutrition but they will eat them, I just got a linkia too:)
Christian Butler
Christian Butler - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex My LFS gave me a free bristle worm to keep because it was big and tjey didnt want it so I took it off their hands, later that night my giany decorator crab came and snatched it and took a chunk out of it but I think worm is in there somewhere alive, those suckers are tough
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Mine did the same thing and mine also has a bristle worm living in its feet. Kinda weird but doesnt look like its bothering him.
Christian Butler
Christian Butler - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex my linkia was acting weird furing acclimation, kept trying to come out the bowl like stick 2 of its arms out and every so often Id push him back in gently to the center of the bowl, he is still alive and not injured, he has 1 male parasitic snail (I believe) fused into the center of it but no other snails on the star
Christian Butler
Christian Butler - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex Nice:)they are such cool starfish
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Hes still kicking with no problems
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
These starfish are a nightmare to keep alive
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
I target feed him and have has no problems so far.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Beautiful starfish.....
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thank You
mitian - 8 years ago
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thank You
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
It looks cool.

10. comment for Adding Blue Linckia Starfish | Reef Tank

AcuaTV - 8 years ago
How often do you feed the Starfish?
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Ill probably just feed him once a week. I do feed the tank a good amount of food so it will have a chance to eat that way as well.
Koaleigh Aquaria
Koaleigh Aquaria - 8 years ago
Wishing you the best of luck with your new star fish, looks awesome, we had one a while back and found it quite difficult to feed unlike the chocolate chip we also had, will be interested to see how you get on with it
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Unfortunately i can only keep chocolate chip in the sump hes not reef safe and i also dont have a sand bed for him. Hes doing good so far, only time will tell.
that_reef_tank_kid125g - 8 years ago
relly nice star fish man i had have red ones in the past they seem to only live till there is no more sponges then they seem to starve hope that ant the case for you man good luck
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thanks it was a toss up between the red and blue. I have plenty of sponges atm. Im going to attempt to target feed today.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Those Blue Linckia are awesome looking starfish
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
man he is awesome i dont dare add one to my tank....
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
+Cali Fishliving sound mate thank you for your response :) 
Cali Fishliving
Cali Fishliving - 8 years ago
I have 2 blue star fish and 3 red ones, pretty easy to take care of, they look for food on there own, I never target feed. That's not how they eat in there on environment , just don't touch then with your hand, it may just be a myth but it has work for me
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
+FishOfHex hard to look after
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Why Not?
Vu Nguyen
Vu Nguyen - 8 years ago
tank looks good
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Thank You

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