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How To prevent and control algae SUBSCRIBE to my channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/Daveguitarfish Like us on...
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http://brs.li/BRS160_Week49 It's Week 49 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and this week we are talking about one of the most...
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Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you need for safer sailing...
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Do you want to know the simplest way to prevent seasickness? Watch this video to see a very simple trick that...
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Here is a short how to video on how to prevent your reef tank from over flowing through the use of a properly...
729 likes 60,699 views 8 years ago
http://brs.li/BRS160_Week49 It's Week 49 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and this week we are talking about one of the most...
126 likes 28,701 views 9 years ago
Here is a short how to video on how to prevent your reef tank from over flowing through the use of a properly...
The "Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank
I will add your kole tang and more emerald crabs
Thoughts on nopox or other
Half the bubble algae is gone in one day after adding 4 crabs and one kole tang
Great advice thanks again I will look you up when I drive through CO next
Your Albuquerque neighbors appreciates the advice
Ok I put in a kole tang and 4 emerald crabs . 112 gallon so I was not sure on amount of crabs
Thank you for responding
how olds your sailfin ? there a beautiful tang.
great info to the point and well presented.. so thats the type of algae popping up in my tank .. bryopsis >:( was wondering how it was getting a foothold lol turns out its a uln algae .. go figure !? :S
20. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank
Tons of info, great presentation, Editing, small clips showing everything your are talking about.
Very underrated video my friend. I can see a lot of work for this video. And I watched it twice lol.
I think there are only particular corals they get a taste for.
Good vid on algae
30. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank
50. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank