Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank

In this episode I talk about how I control algae in my reef tank. Why I don't do water changes on my reef tank

Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Reef tank 7 years ago 30,727 views

In this episode I talk about how I control algae in my reef tank. Why I don't do water changes on my reef tank

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Most popular comments
for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank

mattkavili - 6 years ago
Awesome video. My issue is the algae on the glass and sand bed. The greenish brown film that tends to crop up over night. The sand bed would be an easy fix if I could get a watchman Goby to stay in the tank but, the glass is impossible. The turbo snails just make tracks through it. It’s very unpleasant to go home to dirty glass everyday. I’ve done everything I can think of to reduce it. My nitrates are less then 5ppm, my light schedule is like 8 hours. The only thing I can think of is phosphate. I got a phosphate test kit coming and just ordered phosguard. Is anyone else having algae on the glass issues?
Miguel Floriano
Miguel Floriano - 6 years ago
Very nice tank. wow
Who said Aqua?
Who said Aqua? - 6 years ago
Hey man I’m setting up a 120, could I have 1 yellow, 1 kole, 1 sailfin?(I Will introduce them as juveniles at the same time.)
DR. Gonzo
DR. Gonzo - 6 years ago
That’s not an ideal mashup. They will more than likely fight, stress, then breakout with ich.
Who said Aqua?
Who said Aqua? - 6 years ago
Maybe a purple
Kyriacos Lambrianides
Kyriacos Lambrianides - 6 years ago
thanks are super.....from Cyprus.
MileHighReefers - 6 years ago
Thanks :) so cool to hear from Cyprus!
Phillip Hall
Phillip Hall - 6 years ago
Fantastic video thank you. I've been suffering with hair algae for a couple of months now but now after watching this I'm thinking is it diopsis algae. Would you say that a kole tang is the best solution? I've already started increasing my snails but doing it gradually rather than dumping loads in at once. I did have a magnificent foxface witch started to thin it out a bit then I got a nice biggish sailfin but that killed the foxface and was trying to kill my regal tang it ate my cleaner shrimp too so that had to go :( any more Ps My tank is 100 gallons. Any more advice would be greatly appreciated.
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
do you hafto wash rock with saltwater why cant you just do it with RODI
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Thats what I did there's an old video on the channel explaining how I did it.
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
i wish tangs stayed 10 cm i could have like 8 tangs in ky 90 beautiful tank is it high maintenance?
res1492 - 7 years ago
i dont even have a fish tank why am i watching this!!
Charles Silver
Charles Silver - 7 years ago
Great episode chock full of info, thank you! Any suggestions on getting rid of red algae (other than the little white tube of powder - chemiclean)? I've had my 90 gallon reef for 15 years and have a ton of live rock and an old red sea skimmer. Admittedly, I have gotten lazy with water changes, and testing...not in years.. Contemplating adding a refugium, as I have a 30 gallon sump. And I just purchased two more powerheads and a wavemaker to add flow. Anything else you'd suggest??
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I personally hit it with Chemi Clean. It works great and doesn't harm the tank.

10. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank

Johnny Carreiro
Johnny Carreiro - 7 years ago
What is that blue fish that looks like a trigger fish?
Johnny Carreiro
Johnny Carreiro - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers ok thx
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Johnny Carreiro Its a blue throat trigger.
The Salty Tropics YT
The Salty Tropics YT - 7 years ago
I have a brown sail fin tang in my anemone tank
XxDestroyerXX - 7 years ago
Are there any fish or invertebrates that eat algae or that will clean it up?
XxDestroyerXX - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers thx
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Tangs, Blennies, fox face fish all eat algae. There are ton of inverts out there.
Aerocraft 9815
Aerocraft 9815 - 7 years ago
I have a question. I use a Brita water filter and filter out my tap water so it is pure. I tested it to make sure and the readings were 0 nitrate and 0 phosphates. I don't have a tds meter so I cannot check the total dissolved solids.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Aerocraft 9815 Im not too fimalur with the process used by Brita to purify water. RODO is the gold standard for reef tanks and is what i recommend.
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 7 years ago
Scott, great video. I have a plug coming your way coming soon regarding your awesome method you spoke with me about when doing a diy stand.
Carl Eckelman
Carl Eckelman - 7 years ago
Should I worry about bubble algae in spots that I can not get too
I will add your kole tang and more emerald crabs
Thoughts on nopox or other
Carl Eckelman
Carl Eckelman - 7 years ago
Awesome news

Half the bubble algae is gone in one day after adding 4 crabs and one kole tang

Great advice thanks again I will look you up when I drive through CO next

Your Albuquerque neighbors appreciates the advice
Carl Eckelman
Carl Eckelman - 7 years ago
Ok I put in a kole tang and 4 emerald crabs . 112 gallon so I was not sure on amount of crabs
Thank you for responding
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I've never personally used nopox, but it has a great reputation. Algae is differently a concern I think in your situation upping the clean up crew is your best bet.
Allen D
Allen D - 7 years ago
Hello mr. Scott Anderson this is a guy that has been watching you for years I've actually talk to you over the phone at one point in time but I would just like to ask you a question I have a MP40 quietdrive pump I tried to contact Ecotech Marine but they have not contact me as of yet I have a green and flashing light on the pump and it won't stop I bought a new website for it and everytime I try to connect the website to make it go it's stops but once nothing is on the other side it works perfectly what's going on I was just hoping maybe you knew some remedies on fixing the pump
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I hate to say it but I've never used an Ecotech pump. Hopefully they'll get in touch with you soon.
chase odom
chase odom - 7 years ago
Your tank is amazing. When I’m an adult, I want a tank 300+ gallons. Can I keep a Kole tang in my 45 gallon?
Israel REEFER!!!
Israel REEFER!!! - 7 years ago
45 would be to small for any tang bud
chase odom
chase odom - 7 years ago
I have 2 clownfish and cleanup crew that’s it
Peter Rosson.
Peter Rosson. - 7 years ago
I got a 10 foot long by 3 foot by 3 foot that I had running but shut it down but I want to start it back . What you think I should set it as , reef or fish
AusReef Guy
AusReef Guy - 7 years ago
nice little triggerfish !! he new ?,
how olds your sailfin ? there a beautiful tang.
great info to the point and well presented.. so thats the type of algae popping up in my tank .. bryopsis >:( was wondering how it was getting a foothold lol turns out its a uln algae .. go figure !? :S

20. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank

Jake Leatherman
Jake Leatherman - 7 years ago
Dude.. black doughnut approves.

Tons of info, great presentation, Editing, small clips showing everything your are talking about.

Very underrated video my friend. I can see a lot of work for this video. And I watched it twice lol.
Diane M
Diane M - 6 years ago
I have a150 g. salt water reef tank and detritus or diatoms. I have increased water changes both amount of water and frequency.I vacuum the sandy substrate during the changes. All of my perimeters are fine. What can I do to get rid of the diatoms or detritus?
fish whistler
fish whistler - 7 years ago
tap water is perfectly ok ...HELLO
michoel goldin
michoel goldin - 7 years ago
So much information packed in unbelievable
muffemod - 7 years ago
dry rock leach phosphates until it cures
Gene Harm
Gene Harm - 7 years ago
Excellent discussion, totally agree
Robert P
Robert P - 7 years ago
If you are not doing water changes what do you dose for trace elements? Calcium reactor?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
CA reactor does it for me :) at least it seems to I would need an ICP test to verify it.
D Sonye
D Sonye - 7 years ago
Great info
John DiCaterino
John DiCaterino - 7 years ago
I'm using CaribSea LifeRock.have you used it before?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Its great stuff!
jedi ways
jedi ways - 7 years ago
I had issues with Emerald crabs and had to remove them
I think there are only particular corals they get a taste for.
Good vid on algae
Rob Youl
Rob Youl - 7 years ago
Great video. I seem to recall you mentioning in previous videos that you run a turf algae scrubber but unless I zoned out I don't think you covered that at all in this video?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I did mention it briefly. It works great!

30. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank

laminar flow
laminar flow - 7 years ago
Nice detailed coverage of a very important topic!
Gaz Jones
Gaz Jones - 7 years ago
Great video Scott!
ReeferGil - 7 years ago
Most excellent info Scott.
googIereallysucks - 7 years ago
What test do you use for phosphate?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I use salifert I really want to try a Hana checker.
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 7 years ago
The full monty! (I mean the full system) :)
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
LOL Love it
Malgorzata Kowalczyk
Malgorzata Kowalczyk - 7 years ago
Hi Scott - great stuff. One point. I will only run skimmer (no GFO no Carbon or pellets.) If tank runs OK, all these elements are redundant. That I did after 3 years of running tank - best decision I made ;). Cheers - keep going.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
There are many ways to run a tank and if it ant broke don't fix it.
Mo's Soft Coral Reef Tank
Mo's Soft Coral Reef Tank - 7 years ago
as always smashing video Scott good job man .
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 7 years ago
Great vid im having a hair algae outbreak in my 65 litre tank going to have to get more clean up crew
Jose Guzman
Jose Guzman - 7 years ago
I took care of the hair algae with vodka. Dosing vodka killed all my algae and dropped my phosphate really quick. I dose 3ml every day to a 150g with 40g sump.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Cleaning crews can make a huge difference.
Heather Proud
Heather Proud - 7 years ago
Very helpful,thanks!
Brian - 7 years ago
Excellent video, great info as usual. Thank You Scott
TheFishkickass - 7 years ago
Get an Achilles Tang
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
That would be epic
Terrance Gilmore
Terrance Gilmore - 7 years ago
I too am a fan of a huge fuge. I have no PO4 or NO3, 40 gallon fuge full of macro algae
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
Awesome tank brother and very good video
benjy468 - 7 years ago
Only way Ive had a tank with zero algae and virtually no cleanup crew was using zeovit. Its just too expensive and time consuming imo.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I haven't personally tried Zeovit, but its intriguing.
Eric Kemp
Eric Kemp - 7 years ago
I adddd a pin cushion sea urchin and a flame angelfish. Havent seen algae in over six months.
smith john
smith john - 7 years ago
Please do a deep review of urchins. I'm finding it hard to find info on them. Even on forums. I want my short spine pencil urchin to thrive.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
That's a great idea!
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer - 7 years ago
Hey scott i was wondering i want 3 zebrazoma tangs in my 125 gallon tank i want a desjardini tang yellow tang and scoaps tang i know quarantineing tangs is important will i have to qt them all at the same time? Or will they all fight to the death thanks for the advice!
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer
Ash Greninja MLG pro gamer - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers ok will a 40 gallon breeder be big enough?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Ideally you will QT all 3 in separate tanks. If your QT is big enough you could try some dividers to separate them. If you put them all in the same QT you might be OK but have a back up plan.
Mauricio Cañon
Mauricio Cañon - 7 years ago
your aquarium looks stunning
Channel Chupathingee
Channel Chupathingee - 7 years ago
Nice vid man can't wait for the next one
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
Great talk. Thanks for sharing!

50. comment for Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in your reef tank

Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 7 years ago
so much great information Scott and by the results in your tank there is no doubt they work. Awesone video buddy.
Daniel Yepez
Daniel Yepez - 7 years ago
Awesome vid Scott! Watched this before heading to the hospital to do my volunteer rounds. Def a great start to the morning :D
Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith - 7 years ago
good job, thanks
gord oland
gord oland - 7 years ago
Great video!
reef curtains
reef curtains - 7 years ago
very informative per usual. thanks for all the knowledge you share
Chris Groves
Chris Groves - 7 years ago
Great video Scott, very informative! Thanks
Ghia Power
Ghia Power - 7 years ago
great video as always, the soft sweeping long corals on your left and right side mid part of reef is it singularia?
Ghia Power
Ghia Power - 7 years ago
yours looks awesome keep up the great work
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
They are singularia love this coral
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Thanks Rad! I love the yellow eye kole tangs.
vision robs Aquatics
vision robs Aquatics - 7 years ago
great video enjoyed watching thank goodness I have no algae issues at all

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