Bi Weekly Water Change (Step by Step) | Reef Tank
Reef tank 9 years ago 25,163 views
1:01 Equipment 3:40 Cleaning Back Glass With Razor Blade 12:02 Cleaning Silicone With Razor Blade 13:51 Cleaning Front Glass With Razor Blade 14:12 Removing Pulsating Xenia 15:45 Turkey Basting Rocks 21:54 Mixing Tank With Powerhead 23:10 Removing Water 28:08 Filling The Reef Back Up With RO/DI Water 30:39 Starting Tank 30:58 Leveling The Sump Water Level In this video i will be showing you step by step how i conduct my 125 gallon reef tanks bi weekly water change. Some of the tools i will be using are a turkey baster, brush, razor blades and powerheads. I will be doing a 20 gallon water change using Reef Crystals aquarium salt. Some of the things i will be showing you include scraping algae and coralline off the back of the tank, using a smaller razor blade to get up close to the silicone to ensure it doesn't get damaged. I will also be showing you how i go about turkey basting the rocks and corals along with siphoning detritus out into 5 gallon bucks. Finally I will show you how i fill the reef back up with water and get everything back in running order. Please Subscribe to be notified of future videos. I enjoy making these videos and hope they will provide helpful information to better guide hobbyist. Everything you see on this channel will be my personal way of doing it. Please Enjoy and any feedback is welcomed. 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Follow me on Aquatic Log: Facebook: Twitter: Intro: End Thumbnail: Music: Epic -
10. comment for Bi Weekly Water Change (Step by Step) | Reef Tank
My clown took ten years to die. I'm was so happy to see him go.
looks great
20. comment for Bi Weekly Water Change (Step by Step) | Reef Tank