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The "BiOrb marine reef tank - Meerwasseraquarium" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
I've got a biorb 60...I know this biorb is not recommended for salt water/reef but i want try it !
Please give me list of equipment to make the same
Time to start your birob with salt water
Type of heating
Type of pump...
Thank a lot for your help ! (and sorry for my english ;)...)
Are you able to list what products you used here so I can make one? I want to buy a 60Litre and convert like yours.
Kind regards
But just look around what is the best for your smaller one. I will upload a new video in the next days. There you will see my protein skimmer.
Best regards from Germany.
I live in Essex, England and there are private sellers around so I will ask about the bulb amemone.
What protein skimmer do you have? Could I use it in my biorb life 60?
Many thanks
1. Maybe it looks much better with fine sand but it won´t filter the dirt in the water. I recommend you to change that or include an extra filter in it. Don´t forget to check the water for nitrates etc. Very important in the first months, also do write it down to see how everything is changing.
2. I haven´t included a protein skimmer in this one. But in my new one there is one and I would recommend you to buy one. Your fish and corals will feel much better. ;) The third wire is the wire of the light.
3. The plant pot was for the shrimp. But now (you will see it in my newest videos) I putted one on the top for the clowns. They will need it for their kids :P So sometimes I see the flirting and how the male clown is cleaning the flat. haha.
4. Yes, corals and anemones are really expensive. But it is worth to buy some and watch them in the tank. If you have good water, perfect light for them etc. you will have fun and maybe you are able to sell some. I recommend you to buy corals or anemones from private persons. I don´t know where you live but here we have some persons in the city with a saltwater tank. For the clownfish I recommend you a bulb anemone. (Or some other)
3 Months ago I asked you questions about the biorb. Since then I purchased a 60l and converted it into Marine so I could get it as close to your design as possible!
A few questions for you if you don't mind,
1.I cut the tube off like you have in your video and have a marine service kit inside the filter. However I did not put any ceramic rock around the filter and it is covered with fine sand around it, will this cause me issues?
2.Did you buy a protein skimmer? Is that the third wire that is leading down behind the rocks at the back? How did the tank remain clean?
3.I now have 2 clowns like yours, what is the purpose of the plant pot? Is it just a little house for them? At the moment, mine seem to be swimming in one corner all the time.. My shrimp however is happy and climing up the rocks.
4.Coral looks lovely but it is expensive, would you recommend this for the clownfish?
5.Does the light have to stay on all the time? I currently purchasing a aquabeam 1000 :)
Thank you so much!
I'll buy the biorb marine kit and heater, can you tell me the exact pump you bought? Did you cut the tube off too?
Thank you very much!